The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1913, Image 3

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    TICi: OK IMinPOSITION to oti:
M'Kt'l.tL TAX.
The I'leitdis of tlu- County i I'uss,
Nebraska, will tul:e nti.f lliat at a
ipfclHl ilfction id i'P lieUl oil Hi" Mil
niv Al'til. A. I. i:H". t tl.i' ri'ur.lav
viMiiift i.lav.s iu nil tin- i.ri(t!v tH utul
wants ttiii'tiKiKiut said -outil, lli- tl
lnwiiiir inn-Mum ami nronosit tori will In-
.t'llimitCfil to a Mile "1" UK' pftMilr:
Stiall the llnard lit Con m t'uniims
suniers of t'ass I'minty. Nt limska, r
nth.rr person r iii.,.noiis ihaitretl by
l.iw with tin appropriation of money
and Irvvin or tuxes for said county
K.r the time ! i ntf. appropriate Hie sum
of $l:',itnt ami. in uilililion lo the
rt milar annual taxes, cause to he levied
on all taxable property of said county,
a special tax nullicient to raise said
amount for tlie purpose of building u
t'ountv .1 a i 1 on the Court House grounds
in tbe'C'ilv of riattsniouth, t'uss Coun
ty. Nebraska, taking such action as tlie
requirements of the law and tlie in
terests of the public may demand; pro
vided that said special tax tie levied
at the time of making the regular levy
of the general taxes for the year l'.Hii,
and be entered upon the tax list for
that veer and collected in the same
manner as other taxes, and that pro-i-i.edmK's
shall be commenced fur the
election of said Jail as soon as the
authority is obtained from the electors
as is possible under the law. and be
continued without unnecessary delay
until the same shall have been com
pleted and provided that said special
lax be levied and collected one year
and one year only.
That the said nuestinn and proposition
a hove set forth shall he submitted to
the. legal voters of said county In the
lollowing form and manner; that is to
say tlie form of the ballot to be used at
s;iirl election in favor of said intention
and proposition shall be as follows:
"I vote for the appropriation of $1-,-000
ami for tho levy and collection of
a special tax sufticient to raise said
amount for the purpose of building a
County Jail."
And the form of the ballot to be
used at said election against said ques
tion and proposition sht.'.I be as fol
lows: "1 vote against the appropriation of
the sum of $12,000 and against the levy
and collection of a special tax for the
purpose of building a County Jail."
Dated this 1st day of March, A. D.,
1513. C. U. JOltUAN.
Chairman Hoard of County Commis
sioners. C. K. HHEBNICR.
Tom Cradov ilk, wlio is employ
fil in the lUirlinglon shops, was
unfortunate enough this morning
to have llif big 1f of I'i" right
ft ml mashed b getting it caught
under tin- wheel of a rubble ear,
which In1 was loading with holts
for delivery to diu'erent parts of
tho shops. The track was iiuile
slippers "'"I while Tom was plac
ing oiiie holts on (hi! car his foot,
slipped and the ear was run onto
his root, hul il is very fortunate
for him thai il did not pass en
tirely over the toe, as il was
heavily loaded and would certain
ly have taken Ihe toe off. He will
cniov it few dav..' rest as a result
of the accident.
You can say goodbye to con
si iiiation with u clear conscience
if you use Chamberlain's Tablets.
Many have been permanently
cnreJ bv their use. For sale by
I'. C. Kricke & Co.
f. C. MOUiS
AN, County Clerk.
In the nixtrlct Court In
In the Matter ol
nud for CnsH
the Guardianship of
Effective Plans to Make Apple
Raising a Science in
Morgan K.
f flip Itlxtrlct Court In and for Ciihm
County, .ehriiNkn.
Simon Cituber, i'lalntiil,
H.ittio rtarnum Wills, et nl.(
To the defendants, Ilattie liarnum
vVills, llarrv Wills, Harry 11. liarnum,
.(ami's W. liarnum, Sylvester liarnum,
.ir., Adelhert Uarnum, Mary Jtsirnum,
Homer Hannah, Mrs. Homer Hannah,
lirst real name unknown; Mrs. Lowis
liarnum, first real name unknown;
U wis liarnum, Jr., Charles Uarnum, H.
li. Sinclair, lirst real name unknown;
Herbert Sinclair, Inez M. Dlckerson,
Dickewon, first real name
unknown; (leorge liarnum Bowers, the
unknown heirs and devisees of Lucy
l'.owers, deceased; the unknown heirs
and devisees of liesty Hoyd, deceased;
.lames Chase, Hcllnda Chase, Lucy J.
Chase. IS. V. Murdock, jr., first real
name unknown; Mrs. H. V. Murdock,
ir., first real name unknown; Alphonso
iliase, Thomns J. Watson, Mrs. Thomas
j. Watson, first real name unknown;
and tho unknown heira and devisees of
Thomus J. Watson, deceased.
You are hereby notified that on Feb
ruary, A. I). 191S, plaintiff tiled his
suit In the Uistrlct Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska, to quiet title to the fol
lowing described land In the County of
Cass, Nebraska, to-wlt:
The Northeast quarter (NK14) and
the North half (N V4.) of the South
east quarter (SKVi) of Section twenty-one
(21), Township ten (10),
Kantre thirteen (1-), Kast of the
6th 1. M. ,
because of his adverse possession by
himself, and grantors for more than ten
years prior to the commencement of
said suit, and to enjoin each and all of
vri from havliiK or claiming any right,
title, lien or interest, either leal or
equitable, in and to said lands or any
part thereof, and to require you to set
forth your rlKlit, title or Interest there
in, if any, either leal or equitable, and
t" have the same adjudged inferior to
the title of plaintiff to hhI1 lands, and
?,,r ceneral euuitahlc relief.
This notice Is made pursuant to the
or.ler of the court.
Vim nre reimiied to answer said peti
(i.m on or before Monday, the 24th day
of March, A. 1. 1913. or your default
.vill be ilulv entered therein.
SIMON HIU'HKU, Plaintiff.
In the Dislrlel Court of Cnmi Count),
rialntiff. I
vs. I
Joseph McCreary, Cass I
County, a Municipal I
Corporation of tlie State I
of Nebraska, the Un-
known Heirs and le- t
visees of JCecherlah ("
Kerr, Heceased, the
Citizens Hank of l'latts- I
mouth, Nebraska, a Cor- I
porutlou. Now Hefunct,
1-5. tl. Dovey fc Son,
a Copartnership, and I
Cnarles K. 1'earsall,
Defetidants. J
To Joseph McCreary and the Unknown
Heirs and Hevlsees of Zecheriah
Kerr, Heceased, Defendants:
You and each of you will hereby take
notice that on the 10th day of February
1!12, 1, Mornan K. Hrnntner, rialntiff
In the forcKolnir entitled cause, filed
my petition in the District Court of
ass County, Nebraska, against you
and others, the object, purpose and
nrayer of which Is to obtain a decree
from said Court removing liens and
i louds from and quieting the record
title of the following described real
slate, sltuale In Cuss County, No
brska, to-wlt:
Commencing nt a point (lftv-two
.ind one-half (52 ,) feet Hast of the
Southwest corner of original Lot
twenty-six (2ti), in Section eighteen
(18), Township twelve (12), North, In
Range Fourteen (14), Kust of the 6th
l. M., thence running North one hun
dred thirty-live (135) feet, thence
Kast llfty-lwo and one-hulf (52V4)
t'eet; thence South one hundred
thirty-five (135) iet; thence west
rtfty-two and one-half (024) feet to
the place of beginning, shown and
designated on the plat books of ir
regular tracts In the olllce of the
register of deeds of Bald County, as
lot No. 60 In the Southwest quarter
of (he southwest quarter of Maid
Also commencing at the Southeast
corner of said Hot twenty-six (26)
tn said Section eighteen 18). Town
ship twelve (12), North, Itango tour
ueen (14) Fast, and running thence
north one hundred thirty (i;i0) feet
rhence West sixty (60) feet; thence
South one hundred thirty (130) feet
thence Kast sixty (60) feet to the
place of beginning, and shown and
designated on tho said plat books of
Irregular tracts na Lot No. 61, In nald
Southwest quarter of the Southwest
qunrter of said section, exerntlnc.
'.inwever. a strip off of the South ends
if said Lots heretofore conveyed to
the City of l'lattstnouth for street
in Plaintiff, ns against you and other
defendants and to exclude and enjoin
vim and each of you trom ever assert
tug or claiming any right, title, estate,
'Merest or lien therein adverse to
I'lalntiff, and for such other and further
relief ns may be Just and equitable.
You are required to answer said potl
tlnn on or before the 24th day of
v.irch, P.U3, or the allegations con
tained In said petition will be taken as
trtiH anil a decree rendered as prayed
l'r therein.
Tinted: February lot h 1313.
By JOHN M. LEYDA, His Attorney.
Anna C. Chlleott. Insane.
This cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of Wesley Chlleott,
guardian of tlie estae of Anna C.
Chlleott, Insane, praying for a license
to sell the Interest of his said ward,
Anna C. Chlleott, in and to the follow
ing described real estate, to-wlt:
The northwest quarer (NWli) of
the northeast quarter (NH 14 ) of Sec
tion twentv-four (24), Township ten
1 1 0 . Ilange thirteen (13), in Cass
County, Nebraska.
Said" petitioner also alleging that the
wife of petitioner, Anna C. Chlleott,
was 'adjudged insane on the Lth day
of April, 11102, arid has ever since re
mained insane, and Is now confined In
the insane asylum of the State of Ne
braska. That petitioner Is the owner
In fee simple title of the above de
scribed real estate, and the court Is
asked tn ascertain the present value of
the interest of petitioner's said wife,
ami to authorize petitioner to sell the
same at public or private sale.
all persons Interested In (he estate and
Interest of said Anna C. Chlleott, in
sane, in and to me auovo uencrmeu i em
state, appear before me at tne omce
of the Clerk of the District court, at
ph, t turnout b. Cass County, rxenrasna.
on tlie 14th day of April, A. !)., 1913, at
ten o clock a. m.. to snow cauee way
the court should not determin". the
present vulue or tho interest oi sain
Anna c. cnnooii, in aim iu me ieui
un, tn here nhefore described, anil wny
license should not be granted to Wesley
Chilcott, guardian of Anna C. Chilcott,
Insane, to sell the Interest or nis saiu
ward In and to the above described real
estate. . .
Phis order sha II De served oy pun-
lishing the same In the piat)smoutii
lourna for at lenst tnree auccessive
weeks prior to the 2Sth day of March,
A II 1913.
Dated this 1st day or Miircn, a.
1913. t
CiKUItlifi I'. I-Uiltuiiiin,
Judge District Court.
In tlie County Court if ttiwi tounlj,
r iraNkH.
In the Matter of the Instate ol t'ltris-
t iu n Sloehr, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
with the executor of said estate before
me. the County Judge of Cass County.
Nebraska, at my olllce in tin- it y o'
t'lattsniouth. In sa d Cuss County, on
tlie i;ih dav of Aur . Is :i. unit on tl
Jth ilav of October. lUlii. at ten o i iock
ti ni enrii or said iias. iiir ine un
tiuwe of nresent titr their claims it in i
biivlnir tin; same examined, adjusted
ullowed or refused. Six months r
ullnweil I be creditors or said tieceusei:
In nresent their claims, and which
period expires on October the 4lh, 191
nt ten o'clock ft. ni.
Witness my hand anil tne seat oi shim
County Court, at l'lnllmoiitli. .Ne
braska, this Mb dav ol .March, CM..
(Seal) AI.U'i.N .1. nr.r.r..
County Judge
D. O. DVVYKK, Attorney.
I'resi.lent K. M. I'ollaid of the
recently organi.eil Fruit CS row
ers' association, has issued the
following slaleitieut concerning
the work of the organization:
"Tlii fruit growers of the .state
have uniletl in Ihe formation of
the Kiislern Ncliraska Fruit (! row
ers' association, lty co-operation
among ourselves, it is our purpose
to induce fruit growers to cull i-
vii i'. prune ami spray their or-
cv hards and to introduce better
methods of grading and packing
Iheir fruit.
"Ilavinp provided a means of
niacins: unon the market fruit of
superior duality, the central as
sociation will, through its direc
torate, sell the fruit grown by its
members. This fruit will be sold
under Ihe association brand,
which we propose shall be an
absolute guarantee as to quality
and grade. We wish to adopt a
I rude-mark Hint will signify su
perior tiuaiity.
"At national apple shows
at expositions held durini
pasi iniriy years apples grown
istern Nebraska, when placed
compel il ion vvilli apples exhibited
from (litl'erenl parts of Ihe I'niled
Stales, have proved thai Iroin Ihe
indpoint of quality nieaMiretl
in avur or ongeviiy. nicy are
equal if not superior lo apples:
rovvn anywhere in the world.
"We desire a I rade-mark thai.
will ol ilsell sigmly Iruil ol tne
highel tiualily. The board of di
rectors of the F.aslerii Nebraska
Fruit (Irovvers' associal ion oll'er
us a prize s'10 to the person that
will suliinil lo the secretary of Ihe
associai ion, Mr. Val Keyser of
Fairbury, tlie best symbol or em
blem thai will come the nearest
representing quality of the high
est iirilcr when applied to fruit .
The board of directors reserve the
right to withhold the award of the
prize if, in their .judincnt, of
the sugut'sl ions for a I rade-mark
are siillicii'iil y suggestive to war
rant their adoption. All sugges
tions must, be tiled wilh the, sec
retary on or before April ". IlMX
"Knie.-I M. I'ollnrd."
Plant Yourself Firmly and Take a Stand!
-That's What We Are Doing- j
IRISH FO TA TOES for instance!
But Why Irish? We all know that Pt tatoes are in indigenous to Amer
ica -that they were first discovered here by Sir Walter Ra.eigh and imported
by him into England and Ireland,
sell the real article-
Then why Irish? We
Red River Early Ohio
If you just want "spuds" you can get them anywhere. We
sell potatoes.
You can't grow something from nothing you must have
The Right Kind of Seed!
Our potatoes are selected. They have eyes they see what
they are doing they are careful how they grow.
And now's the time to plant 'em. Get busy!
A carload to arrive the first of the week direct from the Red River Val
ley in Minnesota the potato nursery of the world.
cue pemiG easter
n :
W. P. Sitiman III.
V. 1'. Sit.inan, one of our
'mainstays" in the print shop, has
been conlined to his bed since last
Wednesday wilh a trouble result
in from a sprain received some
lime ago. Fx-edilor and pub
lisher Olive did the ncighorly act,
by having his duties in the post
ollice next door ami giving us a
"lifi" in gelling the paper out
Thur.-day. Weeping Water Ite-pnblican.
Some Real Irish Shamrock.
Thi- morning Pelcr Clans was
ilipla nig a bunch of real Irish
shamrock that was received by
bi wife from her relatives iu Ire-
1 1
In County Coiirl.
Pmm.m finintv. hh.
In tin- Mutter of Hip Kxtatc of William
r n'lirlcn. llprniised.
N.',itlco Ih lipri'hv iriven to tlio croilit-
ors nt Kithl (idceiiMi'd itiui iu'iiiiuk mi
! Iiinl ntioii clu him lileil HKiunsi Mini
pHtnto. bpfore me. :uiiitty .iiine or
i'mss cniintv. Niflii'UHku. at the County
Cotnt room In l'liittHinotitli, In fiiid
Contitv, on tlie lltli tlay or April, ou.i
n iid on the llltli day of Octolipr. 191:1.
nt 10 o'clock R. m pucIi day, for cx
timinntion, adjustment ami allowuncp.
All clnlniH must lie mod in sum conn
on or liptoro kiiki last nour oi iipuiiuk.
WitiiPSH my hand and scat or. nam
County Court, at natrsmoutn. ise-
bntska. tlilH linn nay or niarcu. isi.t.
(Seal) ALLKN .1. HKKSON.
County JudRP.
Invalids Need Pensions.
l.nno subscriptions to the
Ladies' Home Journal $1.50, Ihe
Saturday F.vening 1'ost 1.50, tho
Country (ienlleman Sl.fiO, will
earn for Ihe Invalids' Pension As
sociation, which will insure my
self and 15 other sufferers 8tu0
a month each. Your renewal
worth 50c. Also any publication.
Z1NK MAN, Omaha. Neb.
The inn
year. On
Faster, at
rentier "The
Chris!." by
same, niimlit
'pari men! n
eV e
steal i
1 l-.a.-
8 o'cl
Seven Lal
Dullois. Tl
r given on
i c
' Hie
I Wo
Wilkinson & Hail
Tlie holding of successful sales is
our line. Our interests are with the
seller when it comes to getting every
dollar your property is worth. For
open dates address or call either of
us at our expense by phone. Dates
can be made at Oie Journal office.
iui: l'i
Words of
lis is tilt'
evening last year, and is being re
pealed partly in response to re
quests for its repetition from
I hose who heard il formerly. Mr.
Luciue I'rior of Omaha will as
sist as tenor soloist, and Mr.
crank iviunanu will accompany
with the violin. The selection
which will be used on Faster
evening will be "Life ami Death,"
by Harry Howe Shelly. This work
will lie sunnlcinenleil Iiv a varied
program consisling of solos and
duels each of which is designed
to convey the message of Fasler
litle. Forty voices will compose
Ihe chorus, and the public is
cordially invited to attend the
services. Tlie olTerings on both
evenings will be used by Ihe
musical department. Mr. Kolhaba
will play the offertory solos. Tin;
full program will be published at
a later dale.
a lion
Hi- -i'JIil
UTi'i'll i'
IhSU'l I
heal w
real shamrock bears
resemblance lo Ihe
Hint are mii Itcif, and
of Hie lit I It sprit? of
one thai causes the
the pal lit tl ic Irishman lo
li I It i thoughts of the
I Ledger. J
The Journal for Calling Card.
Best for Skin Diseases.
Nearly every skin disease yields
quickly and permanently to Duck.
len's Arnica Salve, and nothing is
better for burns or bruises
Soothes and heals. John Deye, of
Gladwin, Mich., says, after suffer
ing twelve years with skin ail
ment and spending- $100 in doc
tors' bills, Ducklen's Arnica Salvo
cured him. It will help you. Only
25c. Recommended by F. 0.
Kricke & Co.
I Genuine Red River Seed !
Pol aloes." Farly Oh ins, 75
cenls per bushel. Also J
choice Timothy at ?i.75 per
cwl. All kinds grass seeds.
Remember your stand de
pentls all on' your seed.
F. 1. SI1FLD0N,
Nehavvka, Neb.
The Good Roads Town.
$100 ilcvard, $100
T'..' I.'lli.'. ( (1,1.4 ll-r Will I"' I r Ifll 1 I I-,
'-in t'Mt I li.-l - I" :il !- t inn- tin'il ill-.'ii'
t!l:lt If.i-li:, I,. i"l nlili- 1i nitv ill nil i'
M:t;;i'H. .mmI u I'lilarili, Hull's it I ri rrli run;
i 111' null lnM,tlvi rtlir li.iw klluui) t'i tlh- llii-il f i ii(ianiit . t'ntariii lii'lnu n ri.tisl Ittit Inn il
i!l-f i ri'iiiii'i- a ciiiiHtltiiiliHcil trrarim-T.t.
Hull Cnl:inii I'tirr in lnl.i'ii lntriiiiilty. HtMtir
tl-'i'i U: iti-'n tl(. ,.,il mnl ttiiit-niM iiiifiir" nf
lli- -it.MII. llllTI-liV lli'Slril.Vllllf till' fnllllOul lull
( fit.' illi'ii-!'. niiil trl vlntr tin nntlfiit Ktrrnv.tli
1 I'llllilii if mi 1lii riMHtitiittntl mnl nsHUtiiiL' lm-
v In ! inu' Ir utirk. T!n (irnprli'tnrH luivi
ti'inli f:iih ill it rtirn! Ivi ihiwith Hint tlnV
-f ftn, I IiihiIi-imI llfillatN fur anv niKi (tint It
fa!S ( iMln. Senil fur list of ti'-.ttllinliiu)'.
A.MtvsM I'. J. nil'.M'Y & CI)., Tolnlo. d.
S .l.l ly nil DrimcNlH. 7.",r.
Takf Hall's I'lin lly IMIN fur ronrtliutloa.
A card from our friends, Will
G. Goinpton and wife, of Manning,
Iowa, brings the information that
they are the happy parents of a
line new daughter, born Tuesday
Karl L'plon and family, who re
sided in Omaha for some time, are
now residents of (his village, hav
ing moved here Wednesday, and
are occupying the Gogdill prop
erly in I he noi l h part oT tow n.
Charles Downs ami family have
moved to I'alloiisbtirg, Mo., hav
ing loaded tin; car Mondav and
departed thai night. During the
several years they resided in this
vicinily they made many friends,
w ho. regret Iheir departure.
r.i nesi i, iui ami wile, who were
visiting here for some lime, went
lo Omaha Wednesday evening to
make Iheir home in that city, ami
Mr. Lynn expect s to be employed
as inol.oriiiaii on the street car
Five loads of greasy gypsies e.ud
the usual quoin of horses and
dogs si ruck town Wednesday aft
ernoon, but as Ihe horse trailing
ami fortune telling business was
rat her dull Ihe caravan headed
eastward over the hill, after a
short slop here.
Abe L. Meeker, who was injured
by an auto wreck a few weeks
ago, has almost fully recovered,
and is able to be out attending to
business about as usual, but his
face still bears some of the marks
and his head requires some care
while tin; scalp is healing.
George Morrow, northeast of
town, is the owner of a very lame
hand, the result of haying; it
caught between a log and wagon
wheel one day last week. The
thumb was so badly mashed that
it bursled open and the physician
had to take a few stitches in
dressing (he wound.
Hem-) Sands and family depart
ed Wednesday evening for Chey
enne, Wyo., and will make their
home on a large ranch in that part
of the slate.. Mr. Sands and his
estimable family have resided in
this eounly a long time and have
many friends who wish I hem well
in their new location.
G. A. Tyson of Tobias, Neb., ar
rived Tuesday evening ami made
a short visit wilh his sister, Mrs.
il. D. SI inc. Mr. Tyson's boyhood
days were spent in this vicinity,
and although many changes have
taken place since he left here, he
linds many friends who are much
pleased to meet him.
Here to Visit Friend.
Forest llinshavv, an old Plait s
inoiilh boy, came in today to make
a short visit with his old friend,
C. F. llel.ger, of near Mynard. Mr.
llinshavv is now located at Tabor,
Iowa, ami this is Ihe first oppor
tunity he has had to visit his oh!
home, from which he. remove I
11' vears ago. f
LI AVING arranged with one of the largest retail stores in Nebraska to share their factory ship
J ments, we are able to buy our Wall Paper stock at factory prices no jobbers profit tacked on. Our
selection of patterns and designs has embraced a wide range of styles, all new many of them en
tirely different from the usual years print. We can show patterns that will please you at once, and
at prices that are interesting
We Bought Right! Our Prices are Right!
A New Store A New Stock A New Deal for You
We also sell White Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Muresco, Sani-Flat, (that wonderful flat paint
for interior decorating) Tile-Like for brightening up furniture, for floors, &.c. Also, handle varnishes
of all kinds for all purposes,
Exclusive Wall Paper and Paint Store.
North Sixth St., Plattsmouth, Neb.
Sell your property
the Journal.
by an ad In