The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 13, 1913, Image 3

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I'l.r fit t-lors of ilie County of Cuss,!
lir:-K;. til ISM' til :- ileal at u
i- n.Mi:. i (leilli'll to 1'V lit lit oil tin Mil,
Jjv of Aj'iil, A. 1. 1 i ! :i . at the regular i
itin. I'i.n i-s in u 11 the pii i lucls and
variLs I lining limit iiil iwiiily, tlx- I'o!-,
l.miiiK nusu(iii uml pioposit inn will l.c
s jlinnt ti ll to h vote of tlii- I'diplc: ,
Shall Hie Muuirt of Cmnry I'd minis- ,
s-i'iners of Cass County. .t Iii.nU.1, or,
other person or persons charited ly
law with tin appropriation of money I
and levvitiK of taxes tor said county
for tlic time lielns, uppiopriuto the miih '
oi JIJ.ODO and, in addition - to tlic
requlur untiuul taxes, lausc to he levied,
on all taxable property of Mild county,
a special tax suilleient lo raise said;
amount for the purpose C building a ,
Countv Jail on the Court House mounds I
in the" City of l'lattsmouth, Cuss Coun-i
tv, Nel.iaska, taking tuicli action as the'
requirements of the law and the in
terests of the public may demand; pro-i
vlded that said special tux be levied
at the time of makinii the regular levy j
of the general taxes for the year l!i:l, :
and be entered upon the tax list for
that vrr anil collected in tlie same i
manner us other laxes, ami inai pro
ceedings sh-ill be comnienced for the
erection of said jail as soon as the
authorilv Is obtained from the electors
as is possible under the law, and be
continued without unnecessary delay
until the same shall have been com
pleted and provided that said special
lax be levied and collected one year
and one year only.
That the said question and proposition
above set forth Khali be submitted to
the leiral voters of said county In the
following form and manner; that Is to
fay the form of the ballot to be used at
said election in favor of said question
and proposition shall be as follows;
"I vote for the appropriation of $11',
dilO and for the levy and collection of
a special tax sudieient to
amount for the purpose of
raise said
building; a
County Jail.
And the form of the ballot to be
used at said election against said ques
tion and proposition shall be as fol
lows: , ,
"I vote against the appropriation of
the sum of $12,000 and against the levy
and collection of a special tax for the
purpose of building a County Jail.
lated this 1st day of March, A. 1).,
l!U:i. C. K. JUKDAN.
Chairman Board of County Commis
sioners. C. K. HEEBNKR,
Attest: ,
1. C. MORGAN', County Clerk.
In the District Court of tans County.
Jr, the Matter of the Estate- of
Nicholas Halmes, deceased.
This cause came on for hearing up
on the petition of Nicholas C. Halmes,
executor of the will and estate of
Nicholas Halmes, deceased, for con
struction of paragraph nine of the
will of said deceased and for order and
license to sell the real estate, as re
quired by law, and the will of said
deceased, which real estate Is more
piiiticularly described as follows.
N 'A, SIO '4, Sec. 28, Twp. 12, Kango
,' SVi of SW Vi and NW 4 of SV
U of Sec. 8-12-1J, S h of SE 4 and S
u of SW Vi und NW of SW
,I of Seo. 7-12-13, NE U of NW
v, of See. 5-12-13, all in Cass County,
Nebraska, Lots 10, 11 and 12, In Block
2, of the City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska. It Is therefore ordered that oil per
sons interested In said estate appear
before me on the 15th day of March,
1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause,
If any they have, why said will should
not be internreted and construed by
the Court and show cause why order
of Court, directing and guiding the
executor in making a sale of the said
real estate belonging to the estate of
said deceased, and why a license
should not be granted to said executor
to sell the above described real estate
nf said deceased.
It Is further ordered that a copy of
this order to show cause be published
for otir successive weeks prior to said
time of hearing. In the Plattsmouth
Journal, a newspaper published twice
a week at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and
of general circulation throughout said
. Countv.
Dated this 30th day of January, 1913.
Judge of the District Court.
1). O. HWYER,
Attorney for Executor.
In the District Court In and for Ciisa
Count). Nebraska.
Simon ( ruber, Plaintiff,
Hattle Ilarnum Wills, et al.,
To the defendants, Hattle liarnum
Vi'iils, Harry Wills, Harry U. liarnum,
James W. Barnuin, Sylvester Ilarnum
Jr.. Adelhert Harnutn. Mary Harnum
Homer Hannah, Mrs. Homer Hannah,
tirst real name unknown; Mrs. Lewis
Barnum, tlrst real name unknown;
Lewis Itanium, Jr., Charles Barnuin, L,
R Sinclair, first real name unknown;
Herbert Sinclair, Inez M. Dickerson,
I Mckerson, first real name
unknown; (ieorge Harnum Bowers, the
unknown heirs and devisees of Lucy
Bowers, deceased; the unknown heirs
nnd devisees of Bestv Boyd, deceased
.Inmcs Chase. Belinda Chase. Lucy J
Chase. B. F. Murdock, Jr., tlrst real
name unknown: Mrs. B. Murdock,
jr., first real name unknown; Alphonso
Chase, Thomas .1. Watson, Mrs. Thomas
.1. Watson. Hist real name unknown
and the unknown heirs and devisees ot
Thomas J. Watson, deceased.
You are hereby notilled that on Feb
ruarv 5th. A 1 1. 1913. plaintiff tiled his
suit In the District Court of Cass Colin
Iv. Nebraska, to nuiet title to the fol
lowing described land In the County of
Cass, Nebraska, to-wlt:
The Northeast quarter (NEU) "ml
the North half (N',4 of the South
oast quarter (SE', of Section twen-ly-onu
(21), Township ten (10),
liange thirteen (13), East of the P. M.
because of his adverse possession by
himself, and grantors for more than ten
years prior to the commencement of
suid suit, nnd to enjoin each and all of
vou from having or claiming any right,
title, lien or interest, either legal or
equitable? In and to said lands or any
part thereof, and to require yuu to set
forth your right, title or interest there
in, if any, either legal or equitable, and
to have the same adjudged Inferior to
the title of plaintiff to snld lands, and
lor general equitable relief.
This notice Is made pursuant to the
order of the court.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before Monday, the 24th day
of March, A. D. 1913. or your default
will be dulv entered therein.
SIMON C.KUBKH, Plaintiff.
m:.u. XOTICK.
the llnlrlct Court of Ciimm County,
Mnritmi K.
Brant wr,
Jirih McCn-tiry, Canx
County, h Municipal
Corporation of tho. Stattj
of Ncbi-HskH, the l'n
known JloIrN and le
vineeN of Zochei'luli
Krrr, I pccam-l, t ho
ClUzfiiH llntik of 1'lattH
moiith, NeliniHkti, a Cor
poration. Now Oefunet,
K. r. Dovcy Ac Hon.
a. CopHitni'iKhlp, and
('liailrN H. iYai'Null,
To Joseph McOreary and the
Hi'Iih and DevlHPea of
Kerr, 1 leoeased, 1 lofendantx
Vou nnd each of you will hereby take
notice that on the 10th (lav of I-Vlirmirv
1!112, I, Moi-Kiin 10. Hiantner, 1'luintlfT
In the foreKoliiY entitled ciiiiho, Mod
my petition In the IMbtrict Court of
C;is County, Nebraska, amilnKt you
nml others', the object, pin-pone and
prayer of which Ih to obtain u decree
from unld Court removing llena and
clouds from and (iiletlnK the record
title of . the following decerlhed real
estate, nltuule In Cuxs County, Ne
bracku, to-wlt:
CoinmenclTiK at a point flftv-two
and one-half (52 Vi) feet Kust of the
Southwest corner of original Lot
twenty-six (26), in Section eighteen
cth i:
(1SI, Township twelve (12), North. In
i!anm Fourteen til), Kast of the lit ti
1'. M., thence runnlni; North one r-.un-.'re.l
tblrty-Hve (l;t.i fet, thence
Ka.-t liity-iwo and one-hall (i.;1)
ltt: Ninth one hun'lred
tliii t v-tiv il:lji .'.-et; thence west
lifty-r.vo and one-half (2l feet to
the place of ben in in n i, shown and
designated on the pl.u looks of ir
fOKtilar tracts in I he oihi u of the
resi-ier of deeds of said County, as
lot No. mi in the Southwest quarter
of the southwest quarter of said
Also commencing ut the Southeast
corner of said Lot twenty-six (2i),
in said Section eighteen (18). Town
ship twelve (12), North. Kange tour
teen tit) Kast, and running thence
north one hundred thirty tl.10) feet;
theme West sixty 1(10) feet; thence
South one hundred thirtv (l:'.0) feet;
thence l'.ast sixty (0 .'eet to the
place of beginning, and shown and
designated on the said plat books of
ineifular tracts as Lot No, 01, in said
Southwest quarter of the Southwest
quarter of said Section, excepting,
however, a strip off of the South ends
of said Lots heretofore conveyed to
the City of l'lattsniouth for street
in rialntilT, as against you and other
defendants and to exclude and enjoin
you and each of you from ever assert
ing or claiming any right, title, estate.
Interest or lien therein adverse to
rialntilT, and for such other and further
relief as may he just and equitable.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 24th day of
March. 1913. or the allegations con
tained in said petition will he taken as
true and a decree rendered as prayed
for therein.
Pated; February 10th 1S1S.
l!y JOHN M. LEYDA, His Attorney.
In the- District Court In nml for Cn
fount v. .Nrlirnnka.
In the Matter of the Guardianship of
Anna C. Chilcott, Insane.
Tills cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of Wesley Chilcott,
guardian of the estale of Anna C.
iiilcott, Insane, pruylng for a license
to sell the Interest of his said ward,
Anna C. Chilcott, in and to the follow
ing described real estate, to-wlt:
The northwest quarter (NW'4) of
the northeast quarter (NE'4) of Sec
tion twenty-four (24), Township ten
(10), liange thirteen (13), in Cass
County, Nebraska.
Said petitioner also alleging that tne
wife of petitioner, Anna C. Chilcott,
was adjudged insane, on the lath day
of April, 1V02, und has ever since re
mained insane, and is now confined In
the insane asylum of the State of Ne
braska. That petitioner Is the owner
in fee simple title of the above de
scribed real estate, and the court Is
asked to ascertain the present value of
the Interest of net 1 1 loner's said wife,
and to authorize petitioner to sell the
same at public or private sale.
all persons Interested in (he estate and
Interest of said Anna C, Chilcott, In
sane, in and to the above described real
estate, appear before me at the ottice
of the Clerk of the District Court, at
l'ln tsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
on the 14th day ot April, a. u., lvu, at
ten o'clock a. in., to show cause why
the court should not determine the
present value of the Interest of Bald
Anna C. Chilcott, in and to the real
estate hereinbefore described, and why
license should not he granted to wesiey
Chilcott, guardian of Anna C. Chilcott,
insane, to sell the interest of his said
wurd in and to the above described real
Tliis order shall be served by pub
lishing the same in the Plattsmouth
Journal Tor at least three successive
weeks prior to the 2Sth day of March,
A. D. 1913.
Dated this 1st day of March, A. I).,
Judge District Court.
In the County Court of Cuss County,
In the Matter of the Estate of Chris
tian Stoehr, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
witll the executor of said estate before
me, the County Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, at my ollice in the City of
Plattsmouth. In said Cass County, on
the 2th (lav of April, l'.U.'l, and on the
4th day of October, 1913, at ten o clock
a. m., each of said days, for the pur
pose of presenting their claims and
having the sumo examined, adjusted,
allowed or refused. Six monihs are
allowed the credilois of said deceased
to present, their claims, and which
period expires on October the 4th, 11)13,
at ten o'clock a. m.
Witness inv hand and the seal of said
Countv Court, at Plattsiuoutli, .
hrasUa. this Sth (lav of March, DM:1,
County Judge.
I. o. DWYER, Attorney.
Ill dimity Court.
Cass Countv. ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of William
.1. O'Brien, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
lie hnd noon claims tiled against said
estate, before me, County Judge of
Cass County, Nebroska, ul the County
Court room In Plattsmouth, In said
Countv, on the 11th day of April, 1913,
and on the 13th day of October, 1913,
at 10 o'clock a. in., each day, for ex
amination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be tiled In said court
on or before said last hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal- of said
Countv Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 10th day of March. 1913.
County Judge.
Invalids Need Pensions.
l.riiio subscriptions to the
I, ailics' Home .Journal $ I. !), (lie
Saturday KveniiiK l'ost 1.50. the
Country fienl iVinan l.!iO, will
earn for the Invalids' Pension As
sociation, which will insure my
self and IT) other sufferers $100
a month each. Your renewal
worth Hue. Also any publication.
address (iOHDOX, THK MAOA
ZIN'F MAN, Omaha, Neb.
Thomsen, Dentist, Wescott Elk.
L.J. HAbl
Wilkinson & Hall
The holding of successful sales is
our line. Our interests are with the
seller when it comes to getting every
dollar your property is worth. For
open dates address or call either of
us at our expense by phone. Dates
can be made at he Journal office.
Alvo Mew
I'.d liiiM') went to Lincoln Tue
.kiy. K. K. Patterson reluined hour
Lincoln Monday.
A. M. Iiifiwerson left Monday
for his home in Illinois.
Mrs. Kliner IU'iinell Aa fdiop
iti in Lincoln Saturday.
.1. II. Slroeiner was in Lincoln
on business Wednesday.
Orville Ouellhoist was in Lin
coln Monday on business.
W. (). Hoyles of Lincoln was in
town on business Monday.
The Misses (irayce and Hulh
Hailey were in Lincoln Saturday.
C.eorpe Kamin was having den
tal work done in Lincoln Monday.
Sam Cashner was in Omaha
Monday and Tuesday on business.
Mrs, E. M. Stone was in Lin
coln Tuesday havintr dental work
J. II. Stroenier and son, Alfred,
were transacting business in
Omaha Tuesday.
Have you tried a can of that
hreakfast Delight Coffee Pat
terson sells it.
Mrs. J. P. House and daughter,
Mrs. M. J. Nickel, were Lincoln
visitors Tuesday.
Orion Baldwin went to Lincoln
W'edtiescday evening, returning
Thursday on No. 18.
Frank Ingwerson returned to
his home al Seotts Hluff, Nb.. af
ter visiting relatives here for ten
Mrs. Strain and little daughter
f lietliany visited Saturday and
Sunday with her ainil. Mrs. 1). A.
Mrs. Mary Skinner tell incsuay
evening lor llinois, where she
was called by the serious illness
of her mother.
Are you in need of a nifty pa i i
of shoes or oxfords? See Patter-
soli he has a new, un-lo.dale
line of footwear.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilaney Rasp and
sister, Miss Lsiiier, leu saiurciay
morning for Oclavia lo attend the
wedding of a cousin.
Why go elsewhere for bargains
when you can get as good or bel
ter from your home merchants?
Stand up for Alvo. Patterson.
Mrs. K. M. Stone and son, La
Verne, went to Lincoln Friday on
No. 17, returning Saturday. La
Verne is having dental work done.
Ladies, if you are looking for
something nice in waist goods
you will fi iil it in a Tokay or
violet Madras at Patterson's.
Mrs. Mobei-I liretz of Kl Iteno.
Canadian county, Oklahoma.
Moi'a foe her home. She
w il
viit a few davs en route al
colli and I'.xeter, Neli.
Mrs. Nervia Knoll ami
Irwin, left Wednesday eveiiiu
Win erh to hclii care for her
v for
lei. Mrs, Henry H-iinetl, who
been (iiile sick.
Our line of rubber good will
soon arrive. If oti want duality
come in and lei us show ou what
we have. Pallerson.
O. P. Loreman, sr., shiued a
car of
hogs to South Omaha
and I wo cars of call le
lie accompanied (he
Bina Kilel was
happy on her (utd birthday by all
of her children spending I he day
with her; also her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Ceoi'Re Schwartz, o.f I'.lui-
wooil was present .
Dale Hoyles and lUnl drove
vvenl to Lincoln Wednesday and
brouuhl home the latler's new
automobile, which will be of Ki'eal.
service in his livery business.
It. A. Stone went to Omaha
Tueslay to attend the annual
ineetiiiR of the Federation of Ne
braska Uelailers, which is beinp
held there from March II to li.
Comfort Your Stomach
We pay for thia treatment if it
faila to promptly relieve Indigei-
tion and Dyipepaia.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
Stomach trouble because they eon
tain the proper proportion of Fepsin
and Bismuth and the necessary car
minatives that help nature to supply
the elements the absence of which
in the Rao t rio juices causes indiges
tion and dyspepsia. They aid the
stomach to digest food and to quickly
convert it into rich red blood and
material necessary for overcoming
natural body waste.
Carry a package of Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets in your vest pocket;
or keep them in your room. Take
one after each heavy meal and prove
our assertion that they will keep iudi
Bcstion from bothering you.
We know what Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets are and what they will do.
We guarantee them to relieve indi
gestion and dyspepsia, or to refund
your money, if they fall to do so.
Doesn't it stand to reason that we
wouldn't assume this money risk were
we not certain Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets will satisfy you? Three sixes;
25 ceuts, 60 cents, and $1.00.
You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia TabloU
Id this community only at our store:
mouth G. FRICKE &
i Stor$
Tiers Is a Hcxall Store in nearly every town
and city lo tUe United tttnfm, Cn. and
Groat Uriuin. There la a dilTerenl Rexall
Remedy lor nearly every ordinary human ill
each eipeoially deaigneii for tu partioular Ul
for which it is recommended.
The Reaall Stor.i are America' Createet
Drug Stores
We all are broadening out we must be
progressive bence the necessity for our
New and Large Store!
Therefore don't be slow in looking over the stock of STAPLE GROCERIES
that we MUST CLOSE OUT before we move. By selling NOW we save the
handling. In BUYING NOW you get the discount.
BARGAIN PRICES. You need them
Miss Violet Ough was the hap
pily surprised recipient .of a
lieauliful bouquet ol rarnations
and ferns, presented by the
Ladies' Aid society of the M. K.
C. II. Jordan, John- Murley and
H. W. Stewart returned Tuesday
evening on No. 17 from their trip
to Washington, I). C, where they
attended the inauguration of
President Wilson.
Mrs. (leorgc MeFarland and
son returned to their home at
Clarinda, Iowa, Saturday, and
Mrs. Fred Felrnw and son left
Monday for
Cordon. Nel
visit with
Marry Parse
their new home at
., after Mineral days'
their sister, Mrs.
I ami family.
caucus ii in-lit in
e pur
llc to
Ir. T,.
hall Monday eM'iiing for
pose nf nominal ing carnl
lilt acancii
s on
lie low n
Muir. C. C.
Kiil-.pul ritk
elect ion w i!
I'.iicknell. Charl
and I'. .1. Liiieh.
I be held on Tim
cs II.
X i i -1 1 x.
nioriiiiiu Mi
unci I
lipped on the linoleum
as she started out ot doors ami
fell to Hie Hour, iiiiurinu herself!
piile severely, although no bones
wi re liroKen. Mie will lie conlineu
to her bed for several days, ller
laughter, Mrs. (ieorge Foreman,
ii, will slay wilh her unlil she
is alile to lie around again.
1'be lirsl number on I he sprint:
loci 1
ure course will be given at 1 he
hall Friday, March I 'i. commenc
ing' al 8 o'clock p. in. This num
ber will be a musical, given by the
Wesleyan orchestra,
of musicians are exl ra
year and a very rare
This body
good this
eiilertainnient, is promised. S -a-
...... i:..i ..i . .....i i f.r!
.-iii i ii i( i r hum 1 1 "i i n(i'. ,ii i'i
seals ma be secured at 11. A.
Stone's store. The following; num
ber will be given March 21 by the
V..1.,.,. .1., W... I. ...... .i,,ni lol I
ii hi innii t-. ic j hi i ijutuiiv,
which also represents some very
rare talent. Kverjbody should
plan to attend these splendid
entertainments. '
M. E. Ladies' Aid Market.
The Faster season's almo
The winter,
with his blizzards
Recedes, and soon there will ap
The robin with his
And other signs
note dear,
sun doth pour his warm rays
Which surely will our faces
And by their brightness cause a
Fnless we hurry into town
And buv a new sunbonnel .
The housewife
wilh her mop and
Will chase cobwebs and dirl that
In every corner of the room;
Nut no her heart is tilted with
in. uj.
The Prize Goes to the
Don't put it olf.
She has no cap and apron.
Mill Alvo M. K. Ladies' Aid
lias not been idling in the shade;
Their plan has carefuly been laid
And every effort lias been made
To help this busy housewife.
daps, aprons and .suiiboiinels gay,
Have nil been made and put away.
The shrubbery and house-plants,
Are ready, too, for that great day,
When they shall hold a market.
H ich cakes there'll be nnd buns
and pies,
And meats and loaves of every
Till our housewife in plad sur
prise, Inspects them all and buys and
Thus saving lime and money.
Now. ladies, ere it
Supply your need
be loo late,
I ho' small or
(March I wenly-second
is I he
In Jordan's room your Iradt
.lust south of lr. .Muir's
Mules for Sale.
fine span of good, well matched
mules, black, and X and 9 years
old Ibis fall, weight. '.'.'.'DO. See Fickler. :i-KI-2lw
If you have a house for rent try
a Journal Want Ad.
!! il' ) f
H" I i
We have the goods at
Fine Window Display.
The window's of the Fanger
Itepartinent store have been most
handsomely decorated for the big
millinery opening that is To oc
cur tomorrow and Saturday at
this store. In the east window is
to be found some of tho hand
somest styles in the new spring
hats that the feminine heart
could desire, and the display Is
most beautiful and faeinating to
the eye. In the west window tho
latest things in ladies' spring
coats and fabrics for the new
spring dresses are shown, and
this store carries a stock from
which anyone could pick out
something to their taste, as well
as at prices to suit all pocket
books, and those who fail to
avail themselves of this oppor
tunity t attend the big opening
will be the losers.
Seed Potatoes.
received, a car of lied
Itiver Fatly
Ohio seed potatoes.
that will be sold
as long as I hey
order now.
at 05c per bushel
last. Place your
1. Ibich & do.
March 17th,
(next Monday) F.
. will have
G. Fricke &. Cot
for sale
Leave Your Orders Now
YOU'VE never
seen such beau
tiful styles as we
have now ready for you in
the new 1913 suits, over
coats, hats, haberdashery
finest goods made.
Men's and young
men's fine suits; choicest pat
terns, newest colorings;
latest models in sacks and
Norfolks $12.50, $15, $16.50,
$18, $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50
and $30.
Boys' suits. for
confirmation and dress wear;
very smart new styles; blues
and fancy weaves: $3.50, $5,
$6, SG.50, $7.50 and $8.50.
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats