Garden Seeds of All Kinds carried in connection with our most complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. All Brands of High-Grade Flour. Large line of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes, with a specialty of Men's Work Shoes. Also a staple line of Queensware and a few complete Dinner Sets at a sacrifice. HAY FEED OF ALL KINDS! .J. LOUISVILLE. j Courier. Miss Florence Ilainiuoiul or Hastings is here visiting at t lie homo of her brother, A. Ham mond and family. J. It. Watson moved his family this week from the Kraft farm south of town to Atlanta, Neb., where he has rented a farm. Mrs. J. W.Tracy of University Plaee visited here Thursday with her daughter, Miss Mabel, one of the teachers in the Louisville schools. Mr. and Mrs. tl. X. Taylor and two children, Floyd and May, were passengers to Omaha Friday, where I hey spent the day shop ping and viewing the sights of the city. Hans Loberg has moved his family from the farm near town, where he has resided' several years, into I he F. H. Nichols rental property 'in the east pari of town. 11. K. I'ankonin received a tele gram Thursday announcing the death of his brother-in-law, John Engle, at Kalamazoo, Mich. Mr! Pankonin left Friday to attend '(he funeral, which will be held on Sunday. Mrs. II. K. Thiele and daughter, Sophia, were at Omaha Monday purchasing Miss Sophia's con tinuation costume. She will be a member of large class to be con firmed Faster Sunday at the new (icrnian Lutheran church ai Merlin, Neb. Keekler it Schafer, the elevator men. whose elevator was burned last week, are demonstrating that I hey are made of the kind of ma terial that can rise above misfor tune. Scarcely had the ashes of their former building cooled when work was begun preparing for the erection of another to take its place. J. EAQLE. 4 Beacon. $ Will Fatroin purchased Ihe J. C. Hrown property one day last week. T. It. Wac liter and family moved out on their farm, four and S(B(Bd Alfalfa, I ONION SETS Red Clover, White, White Clover, Red, Alsitc Clover, Yellow Globe. Timothy, PEAS Bluc Grass American Wonder, Kentucky Blue, Blis Elcrbcring, English Blue, Tom Thumb, Bromus Inermis, White Marofat. Red Top. BEANS All Kinds. IFWc carry a complete line of all kinds of Seeds and Flower Seeds. r QJ urn h r EARLY RED RIVER U A 565c per Bushels (hree-ipiarler miles southwest of town, Saturday. Miss Warbler, who has been on the sick list, for the past three weeks, is reported as being much improved. Mrs. Sheila Hose and son of Nebraska City visited several days the past week at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. W. Itoot. Word has been received from Mrs. Vinson, who is in the hos pital in Syracuse taking treat ment, that her condition is much improved. , Clayton Hosencrans of IMatts mouth spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kiel, re turning home the same evening on the 1 1 o'clock train. William Doran and family moved from the L. 1,. Thomas farm, southeast of town, to the Jim Heed farm, r miles west of low ii, the fore part of the week. John Doty and Miss Sena Jacobmeier were married at Lin coln, Wednesday, February HMh. Until young people are well and favorably known here ami have a host of friends, who wish them success and happiness. Hev. and Mrs. J. W. Davis were in town a couple of days the fore part of the week, llev. Davis hav ing been called here to preach the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. T'urbaugh's baby. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have many friends in Cass county, wbci are always glad to see them. I- ELMWOGD. A Leader-Fcho. 4 Mrs. F. ;. Iluhh and daughter returned last evening from a visit with relatives at Union. Mrs. II. A. Williams is able to be about again, after having been on the sick list for several days. M. It. Williams of Fairbury came Tuesday lo at lend the fun eral of Dan Fells. He was accom panied by Mrs, S. K. Orenslate of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. James Turk and son, Aulden; Mrs. Willcockson and Miss Ida Mepall attended the funeral service of Dan Fells at Lincoln Tuesday. Flmer Preston returned Mon day from a two weeks' visit at the bedside of his mother, who lies critically ill al her home in UH.WHIIHJW that IK-T a C?1i ft, vr; 3 (Successor to John Bauer) OHIO 0 Oconto, (luster county, Nebraska. Mrs. Phil Henderson and chil dren, who have been guests at the home of her sister, Mrs. James Durbin, left the fore part, of the week for their new home near Hruusvvick, Neb. Mrs. (1. I.. Rerger returned Ihe tlrst of the week from Farnam, Neb., where she had been on an extended visit at the home of her son, Fdilor Will Rerger of the Farnam Fcho. L. V. Langhorst has just dis posed f a car of oil lo Ihe farm ers of this community. As an an. lidole of Ihe depredations of the traveling oil grafters, who have been lleecing many, Ibis has serv ed its pin-pose ami Mr. I.anghorst made enough out of Ihe small margin of profit ho received to pay him for his trouble. The farmers bought Ibis oil at an ac tual saving over peddlers' trices. Jv4 UNION. J- Ledger. 4 MH"J H-M-i "H-M-H W Mark While of Rock RlutTs pre cinct passed through here on Ihe Wednesday morning I rain en mule lo Kansas City. John Ohappell a'iid wife moved Monday to their new home on the Mrs. Wiley farm, about six miles in wl boast of here. J. D. Cross went to Plat I smoiil h Monday evening, and from there lo Central iCIy to look after some mat tors of buiiiess. William Mueller left on Monday evening for Central City, where business mailers required bis al ien! ion for a few days. (J. W. Cheney departed yester day morning for Ulysses in re sponse lo a message informing him of the serious illness of his sister. Mrs. William Ost went down to Kansas City last Friday to visit a few days with her husband, who lias been in a hospital in that city the past few weeks. J. M. Patterson was called lo Rellevue on Tuesday to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Henry Myers, which was held at 3 o'clock that afternoon. Peter Clarence came down from Dixon county Monday to visit his parents and other relatives and friends. He has decided to move from Dixon and will locate in the SUP Growl Garden Seeds, Field a vicinity of Coleridge. Agent Harry Thomas went to Howe last Saturday to visit his brother, Herman, who was report ed u being .erioul ill, but there! was ome improvement in his! condition when llcurv arrived (here. j Rruce Wolfe lias been "tied up"' in the house the past week with ai badly prained left ankle. Last, Saturday and and Hay Rrani blet engaged in a friendly scuflle, when Mruce slipped and gave his ankle a twist that resulted in the very painful injury. or. H. Thomson, dentist, of Plattsmouth, will make Union one day of each week for the purposo of looking aftor the dental work of this community. He will be in Union on Satur day of each week, beginning January 4, 1913, until fur ther notice. J. W. Woodward who has lived a few miles southeast of here for a number of years, has purchased the Peter Clarence property, con sisting of a tG-acre tract adjoin ing the village of Union on the norlh, and will probably make some valuable inipYovenienl s t hereon. jjfjjj ! WEEPINQ WATER. I- Republican. 'I!!!! J!!!!! 2II 1 Horn To Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wolcott, Friday, February 28, a l-pound boy. Mrs. Henry Hubbard, who has been sick for some time at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. I. Corley, is reported as improving slvvoly. Mrs. Jessie Complon of Lyons, Neb., came down Tuesday even ing for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rai l Hopkins, south west of town. Miss Helen Tuma of Omaha arrived in our town Saturday evening for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. W. P. Sitzman and family. The Misses Lucy and Durl Halderbauni of Somerset, Pa., ar rived Monday for a visit with their cousins, J. 1. Corley, 0. K. Cromwell, Mrs. Dr. Fate and Mrs. Delibaugh. Died, at his homo al, Shannon City, Iowa, February -7, lDI.'l, af ter, a three mouths' sickness and KUll'ering, Fi'od It. Wolfe, husband of -Maggie Mickle Wolfe. L. II. Mickle of Avoca, stepson of the deceased, attended the funeral, which was held Sunday al 2 p. 111. Mrs. Harry Fvans, who was veiling her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis, and other rela tives and friends here, was called to her home at Vale, S. D., Monday morning by a message stating that her husband hail been injured by being thrown from the back of a young mule which he was trying to break. Miss Florise Wollen and Mr. John Noell were united in mar riage at Omaha Wednesday, March fi. The bride is one of the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wollen and the groom the son of our ofllcer, C. T. Noell. They are both well known in this community and need no introduc tion. We understand they will start housekeping in the Louis Lorenson house on the south side. Oood wishes for many happy years. t , I' I- NEHAWKA. I News. ! H-K-m-H-H-:-m-K The farmers are all ready for Ihe spring campaign as soon as the weather settles. Charley Stone came in Wednes day morning from Campa, Colo rado, for a visit to home folks. Mr. Stone is running a bank there. Owen Willis was kicked on the chin by a mule Wednesday, knocking him out temporarily and requiring several stitches to make him whole. It was a close call. Mrs. J. M. Palmer went to Avoca Monday evening because of Ihe sickness of little Quinton, who was taken over there a few days before lo make his home while Mrs. Palmer was at Oskaloosa. Charles Slockhain of Tukor ville. Neb., who came in Saturday with bis mother, Mrs. William Slockhain, was a caller al this olllce Tuesday. They are here be cause of the serious illness of Mrs. Slockhain's mother, Mrs. IllgWel'sen. The quarries have work enough ahead of Iheiu to keep them run ning full-handed for several months. The Omaha Street Ilail wav Co. has an order for several A ; 0 : t My. , 'I . MISS MYES hundred cars of crushed stone, besides Ihe company has numer ous other big orders. A. F. Sturm has purchased a new Locomobile, a sis-cylinder car, that will be quite the niftiest thing shown in Nehawka this spring. They utarled home with Ihe car from Omaha last Satur day, but were compelled lo leave it at Plallsinuolh until the roads get better. .1. M. Stone went lo Lincoln Tueslay morning on the early train and brought his brother, William, home that afternoon. Mr. Stone, it will be remembered, was operated on for a growth on one of his limbs some time ago. lie is much improved and is able lo walk without assistance. Mrs. Charles Hansen has re ceived word from Wausa, Neb., that her mother, Mrs. J. R, Reck ner, who was seriously ill for some lime with pneumonia, is improving. This will be welcome news to her many friends around InM'o. The family lived near Ne hawka for a number of years be fore moving lo Wausa. Juhu Wumlcrlich and llliinrliiii l Kelllehul went to Walton Satur day, where they all ended the funeral Sunday of Ihe late Her man Kiplin, who died last week after a short illness. Mr, Kiplin was sect inn foreman on the west section for over ten years and is well known to many people here, Ho left Nehawka about Ion years ago. lie was .r:( years old and leaves besides bis wife, four chil dren. The lull or are all grow n and married except one boy. Buys Despain Property. From Saturday's Dally. The residence property of fj. C. Despain, in South Park, has just boon sold to Oeorge K. Nelson, of near Pacific Junction, who will at once move his family hero and become a resident of our city. The home of Mr. Despain is one of the choicest pieces of properly in the city and has some live acres of land in addition to Ihe largo and commodious residence, and will make Mr. Nelson and family an ideal home. IE Roofing, Tin Workad MY SHOP REMOVED I wish to inform my patrons of my removal from Sixth Street, to Main Street, and will be lo cated in the building formerly occupied by the Ne braska Lighting Company. Here I will be in bet ter position to handle the wants of the people in my line, such as roofing, spouting, tin work- of all kinds. Special attention given to repairing. Esti mates cheerlully given on all kinds of work. r. vtf la j An Elegant Line of Stylish Shapes! Please Call and Sec Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March 12, 13 and 14 From Near Weeping Water. From Saturday's Dally. Henry Kohne, from near Weep ing Water, was in the city today visiting with county seat friends and looking alter some business matters. Henry Kohne is one of the linesf old gentlemen in Cass county and is sure always a mighty welcome visitor around the Journal olllce. He spent Sunday at Ihe homo of his broth er, Fred, near I his city, Departs for New Home. James Jones, who has been employed by the Nebraska Light ing company here for almost a year, departed this morning for Shenandoah, Iowa, where In; will make a short visit with his par ents, going from there to Prince Iluperl, 1 ti-j I is Ii 'Columbia, where be expects to make his home. During the lime that Mr. Jones has been hero he has made many warm friends, who see him leave with regret, as lie was a young man of more than usual genial and pleasant manner and lo meet him was lo be bis friend. Thai be will be happy and prosperous is the wish of all here. Best for Skin Diseases. Nearly every skin disease yields quickly and permanently lo Ruek len's Arnica Salve, and nothing is belter for burns or bruises. Soothes and heals. John Reye, of Oladwin, Mich., says, after suffer ing twelve years wilh skin ail ment and spending !iHlil in doc tors' bills, Hueklen's Arnica Salve cured him. It will help you. Only '.Tie. Hecoinmended by F. (i. l'ricko i- Co. $100 Reward, $100 Till' ri'illli'l-4 ill tttfrt l;iH Will 1)1 plf'IlHiil to It'iu 11 thui thTt' i "t I tin (tfi-ui)t ilisva-e tnnf rtiiiNUT tin Imcii iihlt- to curt in nil lu liiif mid Mint l t .nuti ti. Hi.H'm i'nt:inli Chit N tli Iv iiilllvi nii' invr knmui t-t tin in.. I ft. mi 1 fiitfi idIi . CuiHirh I it-1 111; 11 is.iiMliMilontii ill -'. rcjnlii'i. a nniMllnl(Mi;il I leu I iin'iit. Pill- Cut. nli I'ti I tnki-n ini. 1111. Uy, mMltm tlbr.-lh iiij llh' lift 1 m ruiil tllUi'nitH iirfui-t4 ir !n 1111 . 1 1n 'iv by 1-li'HVlif tin fiimiililllnlt 'r (!n ilixi ii', mid iflvlnti t 14- pntlt'iit Alri'iiCth lV ttllllilllltf tip Hi.' ronxtlMlttnii tltlll icotl-tliix iui lur.' itt iMfK It- w.nk. Tim i'unlctorH luvt hi 11111 - Ii fnl'h Im II m I'linillvt. ixiwitk ihHt thiy I'fT-T Ont Ihnxlriil I lull tits f-u- mtv i-hm- thai il f IN In .lllf. ml for list nf ctH;il4. A.Mn-w p. j. t mi:m:y l ri ; Tuii..i.i. o. SH hy : I! Iii'imvl-IN. V Tju ii.iii s rnu.iiy nil- r-r iHtiuitifu. IE Spouting, AH Repairing! rar n ri - "Tr - 11.