The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 10, 1913, Image 3

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    C.TIt I-. T I'lHU'oMTION TO OTi:j
srt:i I i. i j
T.i'- ll-l-l'M'S l't t .'. Ol'll.tV uf (.;!.
-L.a.-U.i. ,lll I..K.' Hi. lilt' t !.iit at u
l-fiMl fli-rt i"H t I 'i''1'1 "'' lU' ,sUl I
,uv i. .Mini. A. 1. ll'ii. lil U;- n nu..n
v.itlnu' plai.-s in all tl: ;u .inns anil;
wards Ilium:-;!. "lit s-at.t n.iy, l!u ti.i- :
lnwitii; iin-sli"ii an. I ,.i i..(isi: will m- .
.Mihrmili-.l n a volo til Hit' t"-"l''': .
Shall tilt l'.o.iril if Coiiir.x i 'ennuis-
si. .nera of I'ass f-.'inty, Nil.ra.-ka. or
other person or e . ons i-haruid 1 ;
law with the approiuliitio i .t mmie .
.in, I l.-vvliiK f taxes l'r snitl ouiiity .
1 ..r the time heliiK. uppi Mnat." tue Mini
.f lL'.')mi ami, i" u,i.litnii t.) the
regular itnniial MM-., cmise to he levie.t
on all taxahle jnopcity el .sai'l county.
special tu miIIh h iii i hum nwi j
.........,, (-,,, ti mn ot I'UllitlllK it ,
("ouiuv Jail mi the Court House routeis
in the" I'll e f l'lat tsiiiontli, l.'a.'f t'otm
tv N. hiaska, taking such atlion as the
reuuireinentH of tlie law ami the in- .
terests of I lie pulille inuy tU'inaml: pro- I
videil that suM spi't ial tax levietl
at the tiPie tf mukinx Hie n-Kiilar levy i
if the ueueral taxes for tin year ttu:'.. ,
ami he tliteie.l upon the lax list for
that v(v itiitl eolleeteil in the Mime
manner as oilier ium-s, aim m
eeetliim'H snail he eotnineneeil for ttie
vreetion of saiil jail as noon as the
authority is ohtainetl from the electors
.is Is poitsihle tni.ler the law, unit he
continued without unnecessary delay
until the same shall have been coin
pletotl anil provitleil ttiat salJ speeial
tax he levied and collected one year
and one year only. .
That the said question and proposition
above set forth shall he submitted to
the lc;;al voters of said county in the
following form itnd manner; thut is to
sav the form of the ballot to be used at
saiil eleetion In favor of said nuestion
and proposition shall be as follows:
l vote ior ino aiiiiiini.iii
000 and for the levy and collection of
a special tax sutlicient to raise said
amount for the purpose of building a
County Jail." ,
nd the form of the ballot to be
used itt said election against said ques
tion and proposition shall be as fol
lows: , ,
"1 vote airainst the appropriation of
the sum of H'.'.OOO and auainst the levy
and collection of a special tax for the
purpose of liulldinu a county Jan.
Hated this 1st day of March, A.
Cliuirman Hoard of County Commis
sioners. C. R HICKHXICn,
Attest: , , ,
! C. MOKCAN, County Clerk.
IM. T'Vnship twelve (U'l, North, in
lll-i;.. Knurl. ell (141. Kast Of the 6th
I' M , tm iiie iiiniiiiiu NoitU oi,e huti
.iii.l thirtv-tive tlJ.",i leet. thence
j-'nsl tifiy-two mi. I nne-hitlf l;i-la)
feet: 1'1,'iiie sxiath one hunlieil
Uiirt v-tiw li:'.."ii thence west
tiitv-two and one-half o - fo'-t l"
the' place of l.eniiiiilnii, shown and
desiunatcri on li e .lal books of ir
. r.'KU'ar tracts in the oltice of the
reaistcr of deeds of said County, as
lot Xo. ii in the Southwest quarter
of tin- south west quarter of said'
Sect ion.
Alsn coinmenciiiv at the Southeast
colter of said Lot twenty-six C-'b),
in said Section eighteen I ISO, Town
ship twelve (11, North. Kanue four
teen till Wast, and runninit theucp
north one hundred thirty (liOl feet;
thence West sixtv i') feet; thenco
South on- hundreil thirty (l:!0i feet;
thence Kast sixty t!0 feet to the
place of beginning, and shown nnd
desiKiinted on the said plat hooks of
irrouular tracts ns l.ot No. 61, in said
Southwest quarter of the Southwest
quarter of said Section, excepting,
however, a strip off of tin South ends
of said Lots heretofore eonveed to
the City of ritittsuiouth tor street
in I'laintilV, us you and other
defendants and to exclude und enjoin
von and each of you from ever assort
ing or o aiming any right, tine, estate
Interest or lien therein adverse to
Plaintiff, and for such other and further
relief as may be Just and equitaiue.
Vim are reoulred to answer said Petl
tion on or before the 24th flay of
March, 1!U". or the alienations con
tained in said petition will be taken as
true and a decree rendered as prayed
for therein.
Ptited: February lot h mi".
By JOHN M. LKYDA. Ills Attorney,
OUDKIl TO snow cvisr..
In the Dint rlrt Court of Cnim County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Nicholas llalmes. Deceased.
Tills cause came on for hearing up-
,.ii tin. neiltlon of Nic ho as C. llalmes
-vecntor of the will and estate of
Vichnlas llalmes. deceased, for con
struct ion of paragraph nine of the
w ill of said deceased and for order and
licenne in sell tho real estate, as re
quired by law, and the will of said
deceased, which real estate is more
iinrthMilarlv described as follows.
N V, ' "4. !(;. -s Twp. 12, llance
1 Kti of SW and NV ,i ot
4 of See. 8-12-13, fcS of SK M and S
J of SW Vt and NW 4 of fciSr
C of Sec. 7-12-13. NK Vx of NW
i. of Sec. 5-12-1 S. all in Cass County,
Nebraska, Lots 10, 11 and 12, In Hlock
1. of the Cltv of I'lattsmouth, Ne
It Is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me on the 15th day of March,
1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause,
if anv they have, why said will should
not be Interpreted and construed by
the Court and uhow cause why order
of Court, directing and guiding the
executor in making a sale of the said
real estate belonging to the estate of
ald deceased, and why a license
should not be granted to said executor
to sell the above described real estate
if Mfihl decensed.
It is further ordered that a copy of
this order to show cause be published
for iour successive weeks prior to nald
lime of hearing, in the Plattsmoutb
Journal, r newspaper published twice
a week at i'lattsmouth, wenrasKa, ami
nf general circulation throughout said
Dated this SOth day of January, 1913.
Judge of the District Court.
Attorney for Executor.
IHLIUie to snow c.visi:.
the KNlrlct Court In nnil for Cn.iH
fount.. ihniNkn.
In the Matter ot the tiuariliunshlp ot
Anna C. Chllcott. Insane.
This cause came on for hearing upon
Hie net t on of Wesley Chllcott
guardian of the estate of Anna C.
Chlleotl. insane, pruving for a llcenst:
to sell the interest of his sulil warn,
Anna C. Chileolt, in and to the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit:
file northwest quarter I in Vi 'j oi
the northeast quarter t N K U ) of Sec
tion twenty-four (24), Township ten
(10). Ktinge thirteen ti;i), in cuss
County, Nebraska.
Saitl petitioner also alleging that me
wife of petitioner, Anna C. Chllcott,
was ad.Hulgeit insane on me nun uuy
of April, P.MI2, nnd has ever since re
mained insane, and is now conlmeii in
the insane asylum of the State of Ne
braska. That petitioner is tin owner
in fee simple title of the above de
scribed real estate, and the court is
asked to ascertain the present value of
the interest of petitioners sain wire,
and lo authorize petitioner to sell the
same at public or private sale,
all persons Interested In (he estate and
interest of said Anna C. Chilcott, In
sane, in and to the above described real
estate, appear before me at the olllce
of the Clerk of the District Court, at
i'lattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
..ii ih,. 14th (lav nf Anril. A. D.. 1913. at
ten o'clock a. m., to show cause why
tlit court should not determine the
present value of the interest of said
Anna C. Chilcott, in ami to ine real
..mute hereinbefore described, and why
license should not be granted to Wesley
Chilcott. guardian of Anna C. Chilcott,
sell the interest of his said
ward in and to the above described real
estate. , ,
ti,Im nnW shall be served by pub
lisbing the same in the I'lattsmouth
Journal for at least three successive
weeks prior to the 28th day of March,
A. D. 1913.
Datctl this 1st day of March, A. D.,
Judge District Court
In the District Court In nnil for Chmn
. Coil il tv, NeliriixkH.
Simon (Jruber, Plaintiff,
Hattle Barnuni Wills, et al.,
To the defendants. 1 Initio llarnum
Wills, Harry Wills, Harry U. P.arnum,
.lames W". Harnum, Sylvester ltarnuin,
jr., Adelhert Harnum, Mary Uarnum,
Homer Hannah, Mrs. Homer Hannah,
lirst real name unknown; Mrs. L,swls
Harnum, lirst real name unknown;
Lewis llarnum, jr., Charles ISarnntn, I,.
H. Sinclair, first real namo unknown;
Herbert Sinclair, Inez M. Dickerson,
Dicker.mii, first real mime
unknown; George Harnum Itowers, the
unknown heirs ami devisees of Lucy
Powers, deceased: the unknown heirs
anil devisees of Posty Hoyd, deceased;
.lames Chase, P.ellnda Chase, Lucy J.
:- chase. P. K. Murdock, Jr., lirst real
name unknown; Mrs. H. K. Murdock,
ir., first real name unknown; Alplionso
Chase, Thomas .1. Watson, Mrs. Thomas
.1. Watson, lirst. real name unknown;
and the unknown heirs and devisees of
Thomas J. Watson, deceased.
You are hereby notified that on Feb
. ruarv Mb, A D. 113, plainlifl liled bis
suit "in the District Court or Cass Coun
tv, Nebraska, lo quiet til It to the fol
lowing described land in Hie County of
Cass, Nebraska, to-wit:
Tlie Northeast quarter ( NK 1 1 ) and
the North half (N'!2,l of the South
east quarter ISK1,,) of Section twen-tv-one
CM), Township ten 110),
liange thirteen (13). Hast of tlie
(.til P. M.
because of his adverse possession by
himself, and grantors for morn than ten
v.'ars prior lo the commencement of
said suit, and lo enjoin each and nil of
you from having or claiming any right,
title, Hen or interest, either legal or
equitable, In and to said lands or any
part thereof, anil to require you to set
forth vour right, title or interest there
in, if anv. either legal or eiiultable, and
lo have the same adjudged Inferior to
the title of plaintiff to said lands, und
1or general equitable relief.
This notice is made, pursuant to the
order of tlie court.
You ure required to answer said peti
tion on or before Monday, the 21th day
of March, A. D. 1913. or your default
will be ilulv entered therein.
SIMON C, Kt'KKU, Plaintiff.
From Saturday's Dailv.
Tin' ini'iiilh'rs of Cliai'lrr !' nf
tin- P. V.. O. Micioh dl' llii city
will hi' Ri'ciilly plca-i-il In loam
that I wo nf llieir funnel' im'iiilii'i
have Im'imi limim-i'il hy tin Onialia
socicly al 1 1 1 i i annua) fieri inn
of ollici'i's Mrs. (Ii'iirc 15. ,chn
InifV liciiiK circled vice prcsnli'iil.
wliilc Mrs. !'. W. I.clinlinll' va se
lect nil a chaplain nf Hie nrilcr.
These ladies were ery aclive
niciiihiTs of I lie socicly w hile resi
dents here and have taken a lead
ing pari in the life of Ihe Omaha
sncicty since their i'iuh'miI lo
lhal cily.
IVIrs. J. V. Weckbach Died at Her
Home This Morning After an
Illness of Two Years.
From Sutuiuay s Dally.
Aflcr two years of stilVeriiit;
and illness. Mrs. J. V. W'cckhach
nassed awav this inoniiiiu; at her
home in I,incoln, where she had
made her home- since her removal
from city some twenty years
Mrs. W't'ckhach was 70 years
old the i;id day of January, and
was a native of (ierinany, comiiiK
to this country ahout lHtii, and
was tinilcd in marriage in this
cily to .1. V. Weckliach in 1 805,
and their married life was a very
happy one, heins Icrniinaled only
hy Hie death of her hiishainl horc
in 181)0. To Mr. and Mrs. Weck-
liach twelve children were horn,
ten of whom are left lo mourn Hie
death of their ninlher, as follows:
Charles Weckliach, Crete, Nek;
Iward, Louie and Kucne, )en-
vcr; Jusepn v.. t,ieveianu, tmio,
Misses Mary, Allies and l.ydia
Weckhach. who lived vvilh I heir
mother in l.innclii; Mrs. Martin
r.oslello, Ames, Iowa: Sister Mar
I. eon of the Sisters nf Mercy. Two
children preceded their ninlher to
Hit' r.eller Land, namely, Miss
Clara Weckliach and Mrs. Fred
ltolli nf ('.rami Island, vvhn died
I wo months no, and Ihe news of
whose dealh could not he hmken
In Hie ninlher. One sister, Mrs.
H. Ileinple, and one lirolher, F. U.
(iulhinann, of this cily, are also
left to mourn her loss.
I.Hii'iiiK the . lime thai Mrs.
Weckhach was a resident of this
city her charily work in her
church endeared her to everyone
and no one asked in vain ot her
for assistance, and thai, vvilh her
devotion to Ihe Catholic church,
of which she was a lifelong mem
ber, stamped her uprijilil Chris
tian character and belief and her
faith remained llrm to her church
until the last. The funeral will
he held at Ihe cathedral in Lincoln
Mnndav moriiinu at t:.IO, and tin
iiilcrincnt made, al Lincoln.
There are many old residents
here win will learn vvilh urea! re
'jri l or the death of Mrs. Weck
hach and Ihe svinpnlhy of Ihe en
I ire cniiimunily will pn mil In the
snirnwrim relatives in llieir hour
nf rief. hul fliry can lake con
solation in the blesM'd memory of
I he h'suil il'ul and ChrNl ian life of
I he mot her.
Pittsburgh Perfecf Feiace
Dig Deep into the Details learn of What
and How the Fence you Buy is Made
A great many fence users don't really
know what quality of material manufac
turers put into their fences, nor how
they make them.
Your money goes for the fence you
buy. Why don't you find out what you
are getting for your money?
You don't buy cows or farm machinery
without full investigation. You test
your seeds.
Test the fence before you buy and know
what your money goes for. Our new cata
logue, sent free, tells how to test fence.
We don't care how many different makes
offence you test, you'll find "Pittsburgh
Perfect," as made today, is best of all.
Mad in Different Style for FIELD, FARM. RANCH, LAWN. V t 1 p f QOJ
Ask your dealer for "Ptltsburt,'h Perfect" anil insist on his furnisliinij it. Do not ullow liim to
you that some other fence is just us food. If he doesu't tell it, write ut direct.
"PitburKh Perfect" Branib of Barbed Wire:
P.riwltt. Annealed & Galvanised Wire; Twitted
Cabls Wires Hard Sprint C',il Wirei Fence
ftuplcs; Poultry Netting Stnplen Rrg.ilar Wire
Nnil ; GalVKnied Wire iSnilt; Large Head
Roofmt Nailt; Single Loop Rale Ties) "Pitta
bnriiK Perfect" Fencing. All mad of Opea
Hearth material.
It ou are intreed in Wire Funcinii, write
for FREE copr of our ALMANAC, 1913-
Pittsburgh Steel Co.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Popular Librarian, Miss Olive
Jones, Submits Her Report for
January and February.
Tin' ri'iiii'l of Ilie ruiiilil ion of
(In1 lilirnry fur the iniinllis of
January ami frhruary lias just
liciMi siiliinillfil liy Ihe I'Mirinil
librarian, Miss Olive Join's, itnd
shows lhal I In1 conilil ion in rc-
iiinl In I lie securing' of new hooks
tinl ol her small improvements,
which have added Kroal ly lo I lie
fonveiiienci' of Ihe librarian, us
well sis the palrons wlio lake out
in inks.
In the mr.riih of February the
largest daily issue of hooks was
i(.l, Ihi' smallest .')., ami Ihe aver
age for Ihe month was V.I. In
Fehi iiary I lie number of books
issued showed a slight increase,
the lawst daily issue hemp 1 00,
I lie smallest L'H, and the average
for Ihe month was 5K.
Tin; new cbarpinn' syslcm has
been installed, which necessitated
the iitcki'linn- of ."1(1,000 books and
Ihe writing of 3i5,ooo book cards.
This work has been really
facililaletl liy Ihe nssislance f-iven
by friends ami palrons. Anullier
feature thai has assisted very
much in the liainllin'-r of the work
al I he library i the calaloiu!.'- of
Ihe books of Ihe library, which
has been done, ami Ihe cards are.
now lieiii l iewril.len in the ollice
nf Ihe lale library commission al
The public library has received
several very tine donation in tho
last, both of money and
books, which has come at a mosl
opporltine lime, as the library was
Kreally in need of funds lo pur
chase books and Ihe cily council
has appropriated $(.5 to be used
in renewing the subscription lo
Ihe different periodicals thai, are
taken by I be library, and Hie sur
plus oul of Ibis fund will be used
to purchase additional books.
Anion.' Ihe money donations re
ceived are the follow iim: Miss
Valley, proceeds from operetta,
H0; I'lallsmouth Players' club.
.")(: Village Improvement so
ciety, $i;i.r0. The library has also
received six Mazda eleclrie lights,
Ihe cifl of (he Rev. Allan i. Wil
son, which fill a lon-felt want,
ami Ihe appearance of the library
al nielli is vastly different than
before I hey were installed.
A feature thai, is proving ipiile
popular is the story hour for chil
dren of the first, second, third ami
fourth grades, which is held each
Saturday morniiiK at 11 o'clock,
and the meeliims have been fron
erally well attended liy I ho little
Krom Saturiluv'8 Dully.
The slork Thursday paid a liv
ing visit lo Die home of Mr. ami
Mrs. James Andrews in this city
and left with them a line new sou
and heir, and if Ihe testimony of
Ihe relatives counts for anything
this is about the llnesl hoy that
ever happened. Tho mother and
lil lie son. are ellin alonK in fine,
shape and "Jiminie" is now down
lo almost a normal condition, al
Ihoucrli slill in very hinh spirits
over Hie new arrival, which is the
first chihl in Ihe family.
Delegates to State Convention.
Tho state convention of tho
Woodmen Hircle is hold at
Ileal rice today and tomorrow and
I'lallsmouth (iolden-Hod Grove
sent Iwo very capable delegates,
namely, Miss Teresa llcmpel and
Mrs. M. Manspeaker. Our slate
deputy, Mrs. I,. Droepe, and Dr.
I''.. I. Cummins, our examining
phvsician. will also attend the
convent ion.
If you waul, an Abstract of Title
lo sour land or lols, see John M.
I.eyda, Guild ltuihliug. l'latt.s
inoulh. Neb. 2-rt-tmo-d
From Saturday's Dally. J
Joseph lladraba and wife de
parted yesterday for Wyoming in
response to a message announc
ing that John llurke, a brother of
Mrs. lladralia. was lying at the
point of death, and they at once
departed over the Missouri Pacific
for Omaha, where connections
were made for Wyoming, nil hough
I hey will not reach there until to
morrow morning. The many
friends of Mrs. lladraba in this
city will he greatly grieved to
learn of the comlil ion of her
brother and trust she may reach
his bedside in time lo see him
While Holland turkeys for sale.
Mrs. W. V. Moore, Murray, Neb.
'Phone :i-P. L'-27-lwks-wkly
Wilkinson & Hail
The holding of successful sales is
our line. Our interests are with the
seller when it comes to getting every
dollar your property is worth. For
open dates address or call either of
us at our expense by phone. Dates
can be made at Mie Journal office.
l.u;i. Miiitt:.
In llir Dlxlrlrt t uiirt of Cn.m Oiunijr,
MiirKini I'",. UriiMttirr, j
riaintilT. I
.lo.n'pli .Mft:t I'liry. Chhs i
'minty, a Munlriiml I
'orxirntiiii nf tlir Stutc I
f iMtlll'HMKU, I no l n I
known Heirs iiml In-- I
vlsi'cx of Zt'rlivriiili f
Kerr, I irrenseii, tin- i
"Itizi'iiH r.ioik of l'lat!.-- 1
mouth, Ni'liruxkn, 11 I'or
ponitlon, Now J lit mid,
K. U. DiH-f-y Hoi.
:i l'opnrlnerlil), nml
I'li.irlcx 10. I "ciii null, ,
To Joseph Mcfrcnry nnil the I'nknown
Heirs und liovisecs of .cchcrliili
Kerr, I lei eHseil, J leleinlii nls :
You nnil each of yon will licieliv take
notice that on the lOllnlnv of Keiiruio v
mj. I, Moiuaii i:. ilraiitner, i'lalntlll'
in the rnrcKoiiiX entillecl etiiise, llled
my petition In the Mstilrt Court of
Cass ('utility, .Vein ;iMka, imalnnl von
a ml others, tin oi.ieet. iiml
prayer of which Is m ohtaln a decree
from said Court leniovhin IIi-iim and
'Imuls from ami iniielinu Ihe recurd
Mile of the followini; diMrilicd rul
Mate, situate In diss County, Ne
hinska, to-wlt:
CominenelnK at u point fifty-two
I nnd one-half 1.",'.") feet Kast of tlm
Southwest corner of original Lot
twenty-nix (-, lu .Section elirhleen
! M WBTOtXyWI-Ji ..I.M.HHW.1Hm N
Bought and Sold
Insurance Placed in Best
Farm Loans and Rental Agency
Virgil Filullis
From Saturday's linlly.
I' hit t siik m I h Loil-io No. i:i'.i, H.
C..O. I''.., held Ihoir niinuul (.'Ice
lion or olliecrs lusl cvcninn ;it
their lodn'ij rooms in the Collies'
block, whicli resullcd in ilie se
ed ion of (be following fionllt'incn
o serve for lln; ensuing enr:
Kxiiltcil Killer Kmmons J.
K.leeiiie(l l.einlinn Knight I.
K. Pollock.
K.leemei Lecturing: Knilil II.
l lfii Kawls.
Kslecined I.nyal Kni(,rhl (Juy
C. While.
Secretary Kilwnnl l. Iiovcy.
Treasurer Kac V. I'allerson.
Tyler Kmil J. Wcyrich.
Trustee J. p. Fuller.
Delegate lo (iruml Lodo at
Kocbesler, N. Y. Dr. J. S. Living
Deb'Katc.s to Slate (irand Lodc
al Lincoln in May II. A. Schnci
der, C. C. Parinole, J. P. Fuller, J.
S. Livingston, II. W. Clement.
Tin.' lodge here was visited last
evening by Frank L. Itain of Fair
bury, deputy grand exalted ruler
of the slalo, who slated that ho
had visited a large number of tlie
lodges of the stale, but nowhert
had lie found n not lor or more
lively lodge than No. 7,'lil, and
that the members ought to be
proud of Iho line, organization
they have. After the business
nieeling of tho lodge a short
social session oi ilie lodge was
Many sufferers from rhouina
I ism have boon surprised and do
lighted with the prompt relief af
forded by applying Chamberlain's
I.inimenl. .Not one case of rheu
matism in ton reipiires any in
lernal Irealnienl whatever. This
liniment is for sale by F. (. Fricko
d Co.
Wednesday, March 12th we will have four specials
for you Percales, Embroideries, Torchon Lace and
Corsets. See our windows for specials.
J. D. Corsets Linen Torchon Lace
We have a small lot of J. D. Cor- from V2 to 3 inches wide, worth from
sets, not old, but good up-to-date 8 to 12c per yard. On Pay Day
styles that we will close out at your choice
The $1.25 grade at 79c 5C per yard
The $1.50 grade at. . . ; . .98c
The $2.00 grade at. ... $1.25 ,
Yard Wide Percales
We have just received a lot of short
One Lot of Embroideries lengths in yard wide Percal, gray and
blues, worth 12c a yard, from one
7 inches wide, worth from 15c to 18c to eight yard lengths. On Pay Day
per yard, your choice on Pay Day price
10c per yard 9c per yard
E. . Bo ys. Em