The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 17, 1913, Image 6

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    Murray Bep&rtmen
IfaHiioftlUTmdersofthLJunnlk-nowofaiWinlereiUoranitem of interest n thin vicinih, and will mad .same to 'u.s -e it mil appear under IliU head in
icant all items of interest. IClit'ir Jnu .- I.
Miifc ii i it Mil fTfn
Home Bank Owned by Home People
Murray St
ate Bank
Capital $10,000 Surplus S5.000
CI IAS. C. PARMELE, President
T. L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
We have every arrangement possible for the conven
ience of our patrons.
We write drafts and can save you money when de
siring to remit away.'
Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex
perience may be of some benefit to you.
Depositors in this bank are protected under the State
Guarantee Law. I
C- "... -M I
It. 11. Nickels was a business
visitor- in I'latlsnioulh Saturday.
John llobscliieal, sr., and wife
were IMal I smoul li visitors Sunday.
It. II. Nickels was ;i business
visitor in Plallsuioulh last Sat
urday. There was a large number of
Murray people in I'latlsnioulh last
James llalchell ami family
spent Sunday with i. S. Hay and
Robert (iooil and wife were
transacting business in Plalls
moiitli Saturday
Mrs. F. L. llhoden spent, Moti
day with her sister, Mrs. Alex
llhoden, west of Murray.
The Ladies of the K. N. K. will
meet with Mrs. George Shrader
Thursday for an all day's quilt in?.
J. I) Lewis ami sons were calling
on Union nieiThanls Saturday aft
ernoon. .Mrs. A. F. Nickles and Mrs.
William Oliver were looking after
business in I'lal (.smooth Satur
day. Mrs. Leisl of Plattsnioiil li ex
pects to start a dressmaking
school in Murray in the near
Miss Etta M. Nickels entertain
ed at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
V.. It. 0'ieeu and Pearl ami Frank
Louis Davis moved John Fpping
out from Plaflsninulh this week,
who will work on the Davis farm
this summer.
D. A. Young has been numbered
with the sick for I lie past 'few
weeks, being confined to his home
)'"' that length of time.
The tile roof men are at work
on t tio new residence ol Jlarry
Todd and expect to complete their
part, of the work within tin' next
few days.
Mrs. Joseph dough and Miss
Winnie Nye of Winaloon, Neb.,
have boon the guests of D. A.
' Young and family for the past
v cok.
Mrs. William Wiley is spending
a few days in Plaltsinouth visiting
the new grandson who arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Parks last week.
Tom Henegar of Weeping Wa
ter, Miss Winnie Nye of Winaloon,
Neb., Hex and Clara Young motor
ed to Fort Crook Sunday, and also
to the rille range.
A. F. Nickels left for Omaha
Monday, where he will enter a
sanitarium for treatment for
rheumatism. His father, It. H.
Nickels, accompanied him lo the
if f
i1 . ;
-1 " ' V .;.
Newton Gaines.
The fourth number of I lie
Lyceum Course will be held Satur
day evening. February 22, at the
Presbyterian church, given by
Newton Gaines. Subject: "Wine
in New Unities."
Dr. Thomson, Dentist, of
Plattsmouth, will be in Mur-
ray on Thursday's, No- 1
hawka on Friday's, and
1- Union on Saturday's of each
?. week, where he will bo
j pleased to meet all parlies
desiring dental work done. !
Mr. ami Mrs. Jell' Brendel were
Omaha visitors last Thursday.
II. C. Creamer shipped a car of
bugs In South Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. George Stones has been
quite sick for the past few days.
Fd Lewis ami wife were guests
of Robert Fit and wife Sunday.
miss m. .Mckies made a
business trip lo Plattsninulli Men
Lloyd Lewis and Frank Dugay
were visiting friends near Union
Albert Wilson was transacting
business in Nebraska City Wed
Mrs Ida Hoedeker and Mrs
Glen Hoedeker will entertain the
Missionary society.
Mrs. William Sporer and Mrs.
John Porter spent Monday with
Mrs. A. L. Maker.
The little child of Mr. ami Mrs.
Fred Hanigc, who has Ven quite
sick, is some better.
C. Hergmau. sr., who has been
quite sick for the past few weeks,
remains about the same.
Mrs. Dave I'lal on, from near
Union, has been numbered with
I he sick I his week.
Mrs. Tina Guils of Mellview,
Kansas, is here visiting her friend,
Mrs. Dooley, this week.
Mrs. (i. M. Min bird and Mrs.
V. I'.. Perry spent Hie day with
Mrs. Charles Mulz last Monday.
Mrs. L. D. Ilia!l. went to IMatts
nioul h Wednesday evening for the
week-end visit with her parents.
Charlotte, the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. .1. T. Porter, has been
numbered with I he sick for the
past few days.
Mr. ami Mrs; Charles Mulz
were visiting Willi .Mr. ami Mrs.
Torrence Fleming, near Weeping
Water, lasl Wednesday.
Frank llhoden and wife, Mrs.
George Shrader and Mrs. John
Yardley spenl Thursday with
Charles Wolf and wife at Union.
Fred Pallersou, county survey
or, was in Murray Wednesday of
Ibis week, locating the line for the
two acres of land Mr. Long: pur
chased from Mr. Spangler.
Uncle Ivan While, who has been
sick most of the winter, is still
Von lined lo his home, hul is .abb
lo be up and around the house.
Mr. and Mrs. (i. M. M in ford
entertained Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
I taker and daughter, Opha, last.
Wednesday evening. Ice cream
and cake was served.
Mrs. William Sporer entertain
ed Mr. and Mrs. Andy Morrow of
Gracie, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs
Chriswisser of Plattsmouth at
dinner last Sunday.
W. H. Virgin was looking aflor
some business mailers in the
county seal. Wednesday, and while
Ihere called at the Journal otlleo
lo renew his subscription.
Harry Tennant and wife of Oka
boji, Tovva, are guests of Charles
Creamer and wife the past few
days. Mrs. Tennant was former
ly Miss Rena Allen, who grew to
womanhood near Murray. She
has a host of old friends in this
community who were glad lo re
new the old acquaintances.
Local Hews
From Saturday's Daily.
W. F. Gillespie of Mynard was
in (be city this afternoon for a
few hour.
mat let s.
attending to business
Herman Heck, from near Mur
ray, was in the city today for a
few hours attending to some mat
ters of business.
Misses F.dna and Mayola Propst
came down from Omaha this aft
ernoon to spend Sunday wilh their
parents at Mynard.
Vivian, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Klmcr Hoedeker, re
siding one miles south and a mile
west of Murray died yesterday
morning about 5 o'clock as the,
result of a severe scalding re
ceived a few weeks ago. The lit
tle one, who was playing around
the room, backed into a pan of
scalding water that was setting on
the floor and received burns that
yesterday caused her death. It
was Imped at first that it would
be possible to save the life of the
child by skin drafting, but it was
a useless struggle, as the little
one tailed lo recover from (ho ef
fects of the burns. The sympathy
of everyone will go out lo Mr. and
Mrs. Hoedeker ill their loss of the
little babe.
llobcrl Shrader stole a march
on his friends la.-l week by .-lip
ping quietly away lo S. Louis and
returning with a bride. Mr. and
Mrs. Shrader will reside with I he
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
( ieorge Shrader.
The literary at the Irwin school
house was well attended from this
(Lewiston) vicinity, Friday even
ing. All motored down by wagon.
Our local talent that appeared on
the program was as follows:
Heading". Miss Mae Lewis; in
strumental mii-ie and solo, I' rank
Dugav, W. I.eiws and l.lovd
The ladies of the K. N. K. v.rie
enlerlained al the pleasant home
of Mrs. Flora Sans Saturday aft
ernoon and an interesting and
pleasant business session was
held, being completed by a de
light fill I uo-coiirse luncheon. The
next meet ing w ill be held wit li
Mrs. John llemlrick, Saturday,
March 8. The visitors present
were: Mrs. William Wheeler,
Mrs. (i. II. Hoedecker,. Lillian
Wheeler, Mrs. Mark While, Mrs.
Charles Creamer, Mrs. Albert
Wheeler, Mrs. Will Carey, Mrs.
Harry Tennant, Mrs. Ted Kurrovvs
and Mrs Net I ie Sans.
J. W. Crabill, the PlallMiiuulh
jeweler, has just llnished mount
ing I wo elk leelh for S. O. Pitman
thai are about (he lines! thing- in
the way of an elk tooth watch fob
thai one ever sees. The charm
eouiplole is valued by Mr. Pitman
al $1(10. The teeth are excep
tionally line ones and came from
an elk that Flmer Hoedeker shot
while out wesl.
U. W. Hialt, of Rising: City, Neb.,
was in Murray a few days this
week, visiling wilh his father and
mother. M. Hialt ami wife, and
brother, L. D. Hialt and wife. The
two brothers took a drive over in
the vicinity of old Hock HluIVs
Tuesday, where they lived many
years ago.
We are informed thai our ex
cellenl old friend, Uncle George
Shrader, intends to attend the in
augural ion of President Wilson
if his health will permit. The
trii) would certainly be one of
great pleasure to Uncle (ieorge
and we certainly 'hope that his
health will be, if possible, I he best
of his. life. He says that he has
been voting for presidents all his
life, but ibis is the rust time he
has voted for a winner, and he
wants to attend the inauguration
of whom we think will make one of
I lie best presidents this great na
t ion ev or had.
Box Social.
The pupils of Hie Kenosha
school will give a program and
box social al the Kenosha church
on Saturday evening. February 22.
Fverybody invited lo come.
For Sale or Trade.
25 head of horses, jusl shipped
in. Good, big broke si n IT, at right
Inures and lime. See
Frank Yallery. Murray, Neb.
Leslie Fverelt of near Union
came up litis morning from his
home to all end lo matter.- of
business for a lime.
W. G. Meisinger of near Cedar
Creek was in the city I his after
noon looking after some trading
with the merchants.
Lig Brown, the genial mayor of
Kenosha, was in the city today for
a few hours, driving up to look
after business mailers.
A. I'. Seybert came in this
morning from his home at Culbun
and Iransacled mailers of busi
ness with the merchants.
iirs. i l). man ot Murrav is
in the city making a week's visit
with her parents, Fred Heinrich
and wife, in the south part of tin
city. ,
Herman Smith and wife, from
near AeiiawKa. were passengers
this morning on No. in for Oma
ha, where they attended lo busi
ness mailers for the dav.
For a sprain you will find
Chamberlain's Liniment excellent..
It allays the pain, removes the
soreness, and soon restores the
parts to a healthy condition. 25
and 50-eents bottle for sale by F
G. Fricke & Co.
Pleasant Evening at Rover's.
On la.-l Saturday evening Mr.
and Mrs. I. T. Hover gave a social
gathering at their home in honor
of their nephew. Leo Hover, who
just recently arrived in Cass
oiimy io make ins luiurc Home.
Leo sa.vs be is well pleased wilh
Cass couniv. ami I lie rv eniim was
most pleasant mn
so nianv new Iriend:
County Commissioner C. I
lleelmer and daughter, Miss Imo,
came up this morning from their
home at Nehawka lo attend to
i business mailers, and Miss lino
anenueii i ue learners cxnmma-
t ion at I he court house.
W. Hialt of Rising City.
Neb., is in Murray this week visit
ing with his parents, M. Hialt and
wife, and his brother, L. D. Iliatt
and wife. He was hen' one day
or him wilh this week, Ihe guest of his
Tbo.-e pres. ; brother, Charles and w ife.
Stock Sale!
To lio held at t he slock aid-
M . . t
uiirav, .V'i on
Hec sou will limi an excen-
tloliall.V good lot of slock ili:.flnrt
from Ihe herd- of tl li tii'Ct f :i iin
rs of this locality, and nlaccd in
this sale ring -imply because
they have an ovvr-supply for their
needs during the coininu' season.
and should you l. m m.t., ,,r anv
tlum- listed below it will surely
lo to uur intere-l to n,.ii ih:L
sale. H is all good stuff and will
positively be sold to tin- hi-.-hest
to Commence
at 10 A. M.
25 Head of Horses and Mules!
i' years old.
1 year old.
good mules,
good mules.
One sorrel mule
One black mule.
One span of
.' years old.
One span of
i years old.
Eight good draft mares-, all
with foal, weighing from 1. 400 to
l.tmo, and coming f and fi years
old. These eight animals are all
good, sound in every way, and
have been selected from the best
herds in this locality, and will
prove valuable to the purchasers"
of Ihein.
One span of hay geldings, 5
years old, weight, 1,850.
One gray gelding, 5 years old,
weight, 1.500.
One sorrel gelding, i years old,
weight 1,500.
One bay gelding, i years old,
weight 1.100.
One brown gelding. I years old,
weight. 1,000.
bay mare, i vears old,
; pony. 7 years old,
pony, 9 years old,
years old,
nl were: F.arl Lancaster and
fainib, L T. Rover ami I'ainilv, J.
. Porter and daughter, Addie and
Ihel Dill. Myrtle Rice, F.dith
Grassinan, Bailey, Fern Mc
Yey, Kllie Smilli. Ilaltie and Knima
Rover, Fern, Esther and Agnes
Lloyd, Mamie and Nellie Rover,
Charley Yallery, Garland Tilson,
Roy Gregg, Will Rice, Morris
Llojd, Frank Mailer, Frank Dill,
lames Frhart, I'.nos Hover, Oris
Cook, Morris Bailey, Green Pigget,
riderson Lloyd, Orval Royer.
There is no neiter medicine
made for colds than Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. It acts on
Nature's plan, relieves the lungs,
oj.cns the secretions, aids ex.
pectoration, and restores the sys
tem to a healthy condition. For
lie by F. G. Fricke Sc Co.
The Ladies' Aid.
Mrs. Charles Carroll enlerlain
ed I lie Ladies' Aid society al her
homo last Wednesday afternoon.
The usual program was Ihe order
of the day, and Ihe afternoon was
spent in a social way. At the
usual hour a delicious two-course
luncheon Was sarved. Mesdames
A. L.. Baker and Mae llhoden as
sisted in the serving. Those pres
ent were: Mesdames J. . llioma-
sen, B. F. Uremic!, J. V. Edmunds
I. S. White, J. W. Berger, A. L.
Baker, J. 11. Fan-is, II. C. Tennant,
Mark White, Charles Creamer,
James .Ilalchelt. Jake Brendel
Ross Williams, William Sporer,
Jeff Brendel, Lon Adams, Fred
Ratnge, Earl Jenkins, Mira Mc
Donald and Mae llhoden.
Mr. and Mrs. W. (J. Meisinger
and son. Barley, were visitors in
this city Saturday, altending to
some shopping anil other business
matters. While here Mr. Meising
r called al Ibis ofllec for the pur
pose of renewing his subscription
o this paper.
Seeds That Grow.
Best, recleaned native clover, 99
per cent pure, 98 per cent growth,
12.50 bushel. Home grown tim
othy, s?2.75. Blue garss, Ken
lucky, $2.25. Red top, $2.25. Ne
braska alfalfa, 99 per cent pure,
98 per cent growth, '10.i5. Kan
sas alfalfa, 9.90. Alsyke. ?1 i.90.
Johnson county white corn, $2.50,
in ear.. Our corn took eweep
slakes at Lincoln Corn show. Buy
now. Seed will be higher. Ask
for wholesale catalog, Held and
garden seeds. Samples mailed
Johnson Bros. Seed Co.,
Nebraska City, Neb.
For Sal.
House and eight lots, all front
ing on Main street, - in Murray
Call or address Nettie Connally,
Box 138, Murray.
No Need to Stop Work.
When the doctor orders you to
stop work it staggers you.
can't, you say. You know you are
weak, run down and failing in
health day by day, but you must
work as long as you can stand
What you need is Electric Bitters
to give tone, strength and vigor
to vour svstem, lo prevent break
down and build you up. Don't be
weak, sickly or ailing when Elec
trie Bitters will benefit you from
the first dose. Thousands bless
them for their glorious health and
strength. Try them. Every bot
tle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only
50c at F. 0. Fricke & Co.'s.
Auctioneer, Murray, Neb. J
rublic Sales a specialty,
and care taken to pet the
high dollar for your poods !
! and stock. Y'our business !
! solicited. Telephone 5-N.
weight 900.
One. span geldings
weight 2.5011.
Cattle and Hogs.
Five vearling calve?.
Three heifers.
Two sleers.
Fifteen head of shoats, weigh
ing about 80 pounds.
One thoroughbred Poland
China sow and pigs.
Farm Implements.
One Badger cultivator.
One J. D. cultivator.
One riding cultivator.
One riding- lister.
One. new potato digger.
One three-section harrow.
One top buggy.
One 3-inch Newton wagon,
nearly new.
Two sets lVa-inch work har
ness, one nearly new.
Lunch will be served at Noon
by M. O. Churchill.
Terms of Sate.
All sums of $10.00 and under
cash; all over $10.00 a credit of
from 0 to 8 months will be given,
purchaser giving good bankable
paper, bearing 8 per cent interest
from date. All property must be
settled for before being removed.
Wm. R. Young, Auctioneer.
W. G. Boedeker, Clerk.
Such Proof as This Should Con
vince Any Plattsmouth
The public endorsement of a
local citizen is the best proof that
can be produced. None belter,
none stronger can be had. When
a man comes lorward and tesuties
to his fellow-citizens, addresses
his friends and neighbors, you
may be sure he is thoroughly
convinced or lie would not do so
Telling one's experience when it
is for the public good is an act of
kindness that should be an
preciated. The following stale
men! given by a resident of
Plaltsmoulh adds one more to tlio
many cases of Home Endorsement
which are being published about
Doan's Kidney Pills. Read it.
W. M. Barclay, properietor of
restaurant, Main street, Platts
mouth, Neb., says: "I have not
had a single symptom of kidney
complaint since Doan's Kidnoy
Pills cured me several years ago.
I am glad to verify the statement
given in 1908 endorsing them. I
had an extreme lameness across
my loins, when I began using
Doan's Kidney Pills. This rem
edy soon corr"ded the trouble."
For sale by all dealers. Prieo
50 cents. FosterlMilburn Co.,
BulTalo, New York, sole agents for
Ihe United States.
Remember Ihe name Doan's
and take no other.
Are You a Cold Sufferer?
Take Dr. King's New Discovery.
The Best Cough, Cold, Throat and
Lung medicine made. Money re
funded if it fails to cure you. Do
not heitale take it at our risk.
First does helps. .1. R. Wells,
Floydada, Texas, writes: "Dr.
King's New Discovery cured my
terrible cough and cold. I gained
15 pounds." Buy it at F. G.
Fricke & Co.
The Journal
for typewriter
Death of S. A. Hitt. '
A message was received in this
city last, evening announcing the
death at Table Rock, Neb., of S.
W. Hitt, the father or Charles
Hilt and Mrs. Tom Isner of this
city. The death of the old gentle
man had been expected for some
days, as he was suffering from
cancer for some months, and his
son left for his bedside Saturday
in response to a message an
nouncing his approaching death.
Mr. II it t. was well known here,
where he was engaged in the con
tracting business for a number of
years and possesses many friends
who will hear of his death with
much regret, as he was a man who
made friends wilh everyone with
whom he came in contact.
Here is a message of hope and
good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin,
Boone Mill, Ya., who is the mother
of eighteen children. Mrs. Mar
tin was cured of stomach trouble;
and constipation by Chambrlam's
Tablets after five years of suffer
ing, and now recommends these
tablets to the public. Sold bv F
G. Fricke & Co.