The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 17, 1913, Image 2

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    ; 1 ! Miss Bryan Will Recover. 1 CM inVIDI IT fHWPP ST 1 .. W"sicians F?m 0h- J ? C
Lnl'i LL MAU Llin L ! ,. , ,. v u iirNua icy nensou, .oime.. ... f , v j
n k mm
UlULLU lunuyuuimuL. :
Miss Bryan Will Recover
Counly Assessor W. II. Bryan
ami wife relumed this m i i V
N. ir from Kirksville. M... where
I ihey t k Iheir .l:uii:hlfi Mi'
'Lucille, f.r t f':il nl. i . I Hew
I were i ; ; I In ! I by Hi"'
I ph siriaus at I li
One of Most fcnioyasie cvenis i i,,.!;,.. ,. i mo i . Sll
OeeiiU H'Slop'.
ia r,nr.-pfpr Everv Given In
As lias 1 n Hi'' til i will' Hie
masquerades given Iiy the Fra
ternal Order of .F.agh-s. I In 'Mic
Saturday evening was a splendid
SUCCCSS, Imlll ill UlC f ll,jolelt "f
the dancers ami in the Imrc num
ber ciisliiiiics displayed nit
( by I he dancers. There
ti.Hi.i. vi' rv handsome costumes
worn liv I he maskers.
The cnmniillee in charge ol I lie
llMli.'im Barrlav. .). I'..
MrDaniel ami Bernard Win
acini as I he judges in the award
ing of the prizes ami il required
w" liiiu. roe 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 In decide on
Ihe winners among such a largt
colled ion of excellent inaskei
hul. afler viewing the grand march
for some lime Ihey picked on Miss
ii'ii'i , .11111:111 who aoncarcd as a
.1 l
spilal. v ho
lady can he
her t'l.rni'T
from .Saturday's Dully.
The following is clipped iroin
Ihe Nchavvka .News, eilited by
Dial prince of good fellows. John
I. Long'. He views I lie jail matter
in an unprejudiced manner, for
he knows Cass counly needs a
new jail and needs il, hadly. The
Journal commends Urn. Long for
his sensihle view of a mailer that
should interest, every taxpayer in
ie county:
"The commissioners have vole.
....... r..,. 11... n'.'sl tmlv's nrize. to submit a hond proposition on
:. fine Brownie camera, and Miss April S fur the purpose of huild-
- I . t . ' i ri i l
Josephine Vallcry, who was garb- "K " new emmy jau. i ney .ue
1 . r u l nun ..,,,1 tlinm.
ed as an Irish hclle. Tor Ihe sec- asuing ior oi ..-, .......
... .. i ..... . i I it .... 1 1 . ...1.1 'iliniil iniri n ci'il i n i' a
.1 ......... vi ifiiiwii wi il i ;i i in ii" u' nun i.'i'ii.i ..... m
imi in i.r. " ...
..,u ..n.hi.n.l,. costume of u new .1:111 we, ougnt, m voie 11
cavalier, was given the gents first Heretofore propositions of this
' ... It- 1 1 . 1...... ,l r.,.. I ..I I . 111.
, tr, uli.knn tin w III n K111U nave lieeii (icicaieo u uu;
deorge '(iobeluiaii, disguised as west end of Hi.) counly, Weeping
t. .,.1.. v..i,i. " ,.M.i..i,',i ,.(r fin. sec. water Jiemg always agaiusi, n,
III Ml " n
I'll,- h,iii!ii uf Mr. ami Mr
i'.-rry Marsh, at Hock ItluH's. was
li..- scene of an enjoyalde daiice
Salurday exeiiin.!.', when a large
crowd as nihle.l and had one of
those deliL'hl ful limes for which
coiiulry dances are noted. The
house was filled lv merry mak-
and everyone declared I hal as
entertainers Mr. and Mrs. Marsh
uld uol he heal arid thai I he oc
casion was one ol ihe most, pleas
ant I he had ever attended. The
. . . 1 . . 1 11. . .1 ir
jolly crowo enjoyed 1 lie o.iin in;.
until a lale hour and were loath
o leave Ihe scene of enjoyment
and I he delight 1111 music uirni'ii-
. . . . 1 1 . 1 ... 1 1 r .. I. . .
cd nv rratiK ami mis, win.
furnished soiim very tuneful
music: At an appropnaie nour a
sdeudid lunch was served Id the
crowd and they all did ample
uslice lo Ihe good things provid
ed lor inein.
ond prize, a pair of Klorsheun
There were many original and
heauliful costumes worn by the
l:inecr. and one of the most
striking was the "Pink Lady,"
caused the hearts of many to Hul
mi LTi'.-it was the heaulv of
iflie. "lady," but after the unmask
imr Ihe voun men found Ihey
bad 1 ecu fooled on the party rep
resent ing' I be character. This
was undoubtedly the llnest char
acter costume, seen at a niasipier
eilv for ii number of
vonru ami Mr. Hiuinds. Ili!
oriKinalor. desctrves much praist
for his clevereness in prepar
in? it.
I'he Kiiule lodue and the coin
mil tec in charRe of I be dance cer
l.ainlv deservu credit for Hi
splendid manner in which Ihe af
fair was conducted, as there was
nothing lo mar the pleasure m
Kood order during I lie course of
the evening. The Holly orchestra
fiirnisheil Ihe music for the hall
il umsi iiinsl ideasing lo tin
large crowd in attendance, as Hi
music was slriclly up-o-dale and
eniisisled of some of the lal
ami most popular selection
no doubt wilb the lingering hope
thai some dav Ihe count v seat
may be moved.
Musicians From Omaha
it,.v Iii-nson. former v of this
i it, but now of Omaha, came
down from that city Saturday
vcnin-r. accompanied by a num
ber of young' friends, to spend
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Itarlhold. As Itoy has
been one of the excellent young
piano players ol Iins city 11 win
be no surprise to his friends to
learn that Ihe people with him
are known in the city as Denson's
orchestra, and from those who
have heard Ihein say they an;
good. They were: Misses Rose
and Mamie Lank, violins; Mr.
Charles Ilannigan, drums; Mr.
Tom Craiir. mandolin, ami liny
1 Jensen, piano. The Harthold
home was one scene of continued
pleasure and music Saturday
evening and Sunday, the merry
parly velurning lo Omaha on the
evening M. 1'. train.
Informal ion was tiled in the
district court today by Counly At
torney Taylor against Zach Alden,
charging' iiini willi wife and child
abandonment. Mrs. Katie Alden
tiled Ihe informal ion against him
in Justice Archer's court, on le
cember :t, charging I bat he had
wilfully and without cause aban
doned her and their minor child,
lllancbe Alden, since May 1, HM:',
and that be had failed to provide
anything' toward their mainten
ance, and the parly was arresled
by Ihe sheriff at a farm house
near I'nion and brought to this
cily and he made arrangements to
give ir ;i month toward Ihe sup
port of bis wife and child. The
court continued Ihe cause during'
ihe time the defendant lived up
to his agreement. This he failed
lo do and he was brought into
court Salurday and pleaded guilty
to Ihe charge of wife and child
abandonment and was held to Hie
district court by J usl ice Archer
on a recognizance of $:W0.
The funeral of Ihe late John
Konfrsf was held yesterday after
noon from the Holy llosary
Catholic, church and the services
were conducted by Jlev. Father
John Vlcek, both at, the church
ami Ihe Brave in Ihe Catholic
cemelerv. Mr. Konfrst had been
Unite sick for about seven weeks,
suffering with dropsey and heart
trouble, and Friday evening' be
passed away at Ihe home of his
son. Frank, in Ihe west part of
the cilv. lie was about t'iS years
f iige ami came to this country
ahoiil eleven years ago from his
nalive land, llohemia, living' in
Chicago willi relatives for some
years, and also al .New Lisbon,
Wis., where he has a son living,
ami later came lo Ibis city for a
visil, and about a year and a half
ago came to make his permaneul
home with his son. His wife died
about Ihirleen years ago in
llohemia. ami he leaves the fol
lowing children to mourn his
dealh: John Konfrst of New Lis.
bon, W is.; Mrs. Mary Slach. Chi
cago; Frank Konfrst of IMalls
moulb: Louis Konfrst of Chicago:
Mrs. Kalie Slark of Huso, N. 1.
Two cousins, Frank Soucek and
Joseph Sidlo, of Hladeii. Neb.,
were here yesterday lo attend the
funeral, departing' on the mid
night train for Iheir homes. The
following' old friends of the de
ceased assisted in hearing Ilie
body lo its last resting' place:
John M. Jerousek, Ignac Woosler,
Joe Novouay, Joseph Jelinek,
Frank Houcka and Joseph ilka.
Saturday night several cars
were switched in on the elevator
track south of the depot to await
transfer to the shops, and one of
the cars did not quite clear the
tiacks that are used to switch the
cars to and from the freight
bouse, and when the switch en
g;ine ran down to take out some
cars it ran into one of the box
cars wilb the result that it was
knocked clear olT the trucks and
a small pari of the track lorn up.
required some time to get the
damage repaired and the cat
ulaced back on Ihe trucks, and it
will be taken to the shops, as it
was already in bad order befoit
I be ramming by the engine.
From Salurdav'g Dally.
The. Hlks' lodge of this city e.n
joved one of their delightful
social evenings hist night nl their
club rooms in the Coalcs' block
and there was quite a large at
tendance ol the members and
their lady friends. The special
leal ure of Ihe evening' was the
social dance, and the lovers of
Ihe light fantastic spent several
hours enjoying the excellent
music furnished by Ihe orchestra
under the leadership of Tom
Svoho.lii. and th" Flks and (heir
friends were delighted with tin
entertainment I hat. the committee
had arranged for I hem.
The Nebraska Retail Jewelers'
association and the Aenraska
Optical association, at their meet
ing- held in Omaha, unanimously
indorsed the bill providing for the
creation of the Aebraska Con
servation and Public Welfare
Commission and instructed their
secretaries to advise every rep
resentative and senator of the ac
tion. Further, Ihey requested
that favorable consideration of
the bill be given by (he legislature.
The bill, introduced by Norton
of I'olk, house roll which
was drawn by the Slate Press As
sociation and the Slate Commer
cial Clubs association, has met
willi favor wherever it has been
explained. The State Press As
sociation is commended on every
band for Ihe bill, which is de
clared to be the broadest and most
comprehensive of any similar
measure ever drafted. Its pas
sage is urged by numerous or
ganizations, which have declared
for a higher development of the
resources of the state and for the
publication of useful facts re
garding Ihe stale. The only
crilicism that has been advanced
against the bill is that the ap
propriation asked, !?-J5, ()((), is too
small and should lie four limes as
ill? TLfCO
See Our West Window
The kind others are asking you from 60
to 75c per yard
Your choice while they last
E. G.
casion were: Messrs ami mcs-
daines A. J. McKinney, James Mc-
Kinney, Thomas McKinney and
son, V. L. Newland and children,
Waller Hlaek, Edward Hlack and
baby, J. W. Keyes and children,
Mrs. Jay Herring a -id children,
Leslev McKinney.
Yesterday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. McKinney occurred
a very pleasant surprise, when
Iheir children and a number of
friends of this estimable couple
gathered there to assist them in
nronerllv celebrating their f8lh
wedding anniversary. Mr. and
Mrs. McKinney were taken to their
daughter's home, across Ihe
street, while the oilier children
and friends entered Iheir home
hid. When all were hidden Mr.
and Mrs. McKinney were allowed
to return to their home, and as
Ihey were sealed in Ihe front room
Iheir children and friends came
in and look them completely by
surprise. At the noon hour a de
licious repast was served, to
which all did ample juslice. The
centerpiece consisted of a large
cake, while willi pink trimmings,
and hearing Ihe dates of the an
niversary and wedding'. Mrs.
James McKinney bilked the cake
ami it was much enjoyed. Those
in attendance to enjoy this oc
From Saturday's Daily.
The agency for the Singer Sew
ing Machine company, which has
been in Ihe hands of William
Jonas llrovvu Tor some month?,
has been lamed over to Robert B.
Windham, jr., who will represent
the company here in the future.
The ofllce of the company will he
in the law ollice of R. B. Wind
ham, sr., where all collection can
be left until it is possible lo open
an omce lor the company on
Main street. Mr. Windham is a
capable young' man and the Sing
er people are very forlunate in
securing him lo lake charge of
Iheir business here.
Sell your property by an ad In
the Journal.
LVnin Sin t ii l-il ji v' 1 M 11 V.
The basket ball game last even
ing at Coalcs hail gave me ingii
school team a great surprise, in
asmuch sis Ihe (llenwood learn put
mi. i ,...! mi lliem winning tin
game liv a score of 28 to 27. Th
team here had great expectations
of winning, and the "dope look
ed irood for them to run away
With the Iowa boys, but their self
conlidence was too great and they
declined to practice last week for
the conflict with their foes, with . u r Foil nnA Wir, nm4n.
the ersult that they have met the regular ucaicuitc -a.c wi x uu mm
enemy and are theirs. The team
had no license to lose the game,
for as a team they are far su-
Surprise Your Friends.
For four weeks regular use Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They
stimulate the liver, improve diges
tion, remove blood impurities,
pimples and eruptions disappear
from your face and body and yon
feel better. Begin at once. Buy
nt V. Ct. Fricke & C.o.'s.
V . t , i . . 1 1 , 1 i ifL.iiui.M juno Inirn
; i.m. i, ;.. n.., nil..,- ..n n.o pcrior to the (llenwood team, unit
1 1 1 pi . . i . " . . ' . . . m " j i" ii i i ... .
lie laciv oi practice piumon-ii
them to lose the contest. Fred
Dawson, director of the German
Turning society, olliciated as
referee in the, game. Quite a large
crowd of enthusiasts were pres
ent at the hall and were greatly
disappointed in the outcome ofthe
ibe'eart had pulled up the big hill Pa'"0, as they had looked for an
1 I .'..i ..... f,... II.,, b,oo. I AOhl
Q ATURDAY night, February
9.9.nH will spp thfl "winrl-iin" of nnr
home of Herman Tiekoltcr, on
North Ninth street, caused the
tire alarm lo be turned in by
someone, and the lire boys were
compelled to run several blocks to
Ihe scene of the, supposed fire,
when it was altogether unneces-
sarv. The recall was blown when
This week you can get the new Fall and Winter suits
and overcoats from Hart
Schaffner &. Marx, Micheals-
Stern & Co . , Alfred Decker &
Cohn and other prominent
makers at from $5.00 to $1 0.00
I'd Trilscb and little daughter,
Adelia. were passengers yesterday
morning for Omaha, where Ihey
visited for Hie day with Mrs
Tritsch at the hospital.
I'Vntn Siitiinlay's pally.
Yesterday afternoon Counly
Assessor W. It. Bryan and wife
departed for Kirksville, Missouri,
taking wilb them their daughter,
Miss Lucille, who will be placed
in the osleopalh hospital in that
cily lo undergo treatment for hip
trouble, from which she has been
a sufferer for several years. Miss
Bryan has been at Ibis hospital
twice before and Ihe physician-
there apparently bad her cure.
of the trouble, which slarted from
a dislocated hip, but she over
exerted herselt' with the result
that the trouble came back on her
and she will be forced to remain
ill the hospital again until Ihe hip
on .Mill li si reel ami me ureiucu
were compelled lo drag it back to
the hose house. It would be a
ireaf deal belter if parties would
be more careful about turning in
the alarm, as generally the tire is
put out by a few buckets of water
and the lire bovs are forced to
drag the heavy carts around over
the bills to the scene of the lire
lo llnil that il was some chimney
burning out or a brush heap that
someone had set, on (Ire and that
it had been put out before the de-
nnrlnient started for the seem
of Ihe lire.
easy victory for the home learn.
Dr. King's New Discovery
Soothes irritated throat and
lungs, stops chronic and backing
cough, relieves I ickling throat,
tastes nice. Take no other; once
used, always used. Bui it at
F. C. Fricke A C.o.'s.
apis rfoq rijq
i! tfmpuoiiu si:p pj.i.tvas ,ioj uaaq
pmj ..i ."i.uW "q.iM ' v'-inqjin,-!
moJJ 0 ' 110 l,-',,ls,v P'Mi.ini
-,u MiiupV ll!A l"1" '1M f!u"'
t ion
red to ils normal enndi-
Do you kimw
langer lurks in
that more, re;-.:
a common co!d
than in any other of the minor
ailments? The safe way is L
take Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, a thoroughly reliable prej -lira'
ion, and rhl yourself of tV?
coin as quickly as possible. This
lenieily is for sale by F. G, Fr'cke
& Co.
This is the season of the year
w iien mothers feel very much con
cerned over the frequent colJs
contracted by their children, and
have, reason for it, as
eveiv cold weakens the lungs,
lowers the vitality and paves th'1
vii for the more serious riises'M
thiit so often follow. Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy is famoiH
for ils cures, and is famous for
for its cures and is pleasant and
s;:fe to tak?. For sale by V. (.
Fricke Si Co.
Frank Cobelmnn,
paper hanginsr
painting and
The pupils of Fairview school,
in school district No. 9, held a
verv successful box social Satur-
iav evening at the school house,
under the direction of Miss Marie
Jerousliek. teacher. It. was a
most enjovable event and then
. i i : i .
were a large numner oi pupns,
Iheir parents and friends in at
tendance. A most, excellent
musical program was rendered by
Hie pupils, relied ing great credit
on Iheir work and their teacher.
The boxes were then sold at auc
tion and the crowd had a merry
lime bidding', the boxes netting
the sum of i'7r. A voting con
lest for a line cake for the most
popular young lady was won by
Miss Helen llenuings. Miss
Jerousliek desires lo take this
method of thanking those who as
sisted in making this occasion
such a successful one.
"below par:"
$15 suits and (111 OC
overcoats, now pilfaitl
$18 suits and d10 A
overcoats, now piJ J"
$20 suits, and j j r A A
overcoats, now piJvU
$22.50 suits . r
and overcoats, 1 n S
now ?10 J
$25 suits and (110 Hll
overcoats, now ylO I O
$27.50 suits
not ove"oats: $20.00
$30 suits and (J00 CO.
overcoats, now yLiLfdX)
Spring (iooiis Arriving
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats