The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1913, Image 6

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t itanyof threaders of the Journal know of a mial event or an item of inUrext n
ir-i nt ait items of itor Join ml."
Home Bank Owned
Murray State
Capita! $10,000
U CIIAS. C. PARMELE, President
F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
We have every arrangement possible for the conven
ience of our patrons.
We write drafts and can save you money when de
siring to remit away.
Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex
perience may be of some benefit to you.
Depositors in this bank are protected under the State
Guarantee Law.
Owing to an accident in
the print simp this week, a
large amount of our news
mailer will he forced out.
Our Monday issue will con
tain a iMiirray paw, the
same as Thursday, in order
to accommodate the news of
the locality. We trust thai
our readers and assistants
in gathering the news will
hear up with us this week.
It does not occur very often,
hut it cannot he remedied
this time.
Brood sows for sale. J.
Thomas. 'Phone t (i-Murray.
Charles Sans was spending
few hours with comity seat friends
last. Saturday.
Henry I. reamer shipped a car
load of hogs to Soiilli (Imalia
Tuesday evening.
Charles llerren was looking af
ter some business mallei's in the
counly seal last Saturday.
The lilt le child of .Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Freest! has heeu on the
sick list for the past few days.
Miss Clee Applegalo of Plaits
month isited last Saturday and
Sunday with Miss Margie Walker.
Miss I'.dilh I. aline, who has boon
sick for the past few days, is
again at. her old familiar place at
the telephone switch hoard.
James Holmes is making some
repairs on his store limlding on
Main street. The interior is be
ing treated to a new dress of
paint and paper.
Pitman & lais are removing
the partitions from Hie rear of
I heir store room, giving them sev
eral feel more lloor space in the
main store room, with a work
shop in the rear. W. W. Hamilton
is doing the work.
One of the largest, attended
sales ever held in this locality was
the one held by W. K. Shepherdson
at his home Monday. People from
all over the county vvre in attend
ance, ami everything sold for p
good price, the total amount of
which was near I he $1,000 mark.
Vivian, the Utile daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fliner Boedockor,
who was ho seriously burned a
few weeks ago, is still in a very
serious condition, and the physi
cian will he compelled to graft new
skin over Hie burned plnces before
the little one gains relief.
Dr. Thomson, Dentist, of
Plattsmoulh, will be in Mur- 4
ra or. Thursday's, Ne-
hawka on Friday's, and !
F n ion on Saturday's of each J
week, where ho will ho
J pleased to meet all parties
4. ilesirinsr dental work done.
n II
Murray Department
by Home People
Surplus $5,000
K. S. Tult was a IMattsmouth
visitor last Sal unlay.
William Puis was visiting with
county seat friends last Saturday.
llobert Ferguson of Wyoming,
Neb., visited here Monday with his
sister, Mrs. J. W. Edmunds.
The Aid society met with Mrs.
Carroll and Mrs. SloutVer Wed
nesday afternoon.
M. L. Furlong was looking after
some county seat business in
Plattsmoulh last Saturday.
A bunch of keys were found at
the II. G. Long sale last week that
the owner may have by calling on
Mr. Long.
Mrs. l'-. s. lutt spent severa
days last week at the home of her
brother, County Commissioner
Julius Pit and sister, south of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tennant of
Spirit Lake, Iowa, are visiting
with Murray friends Ibis week,
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Carroll.
Frank Nailery, who has been
living in the western pari of the
state for the past few years, has
shipped his household goods hack
to Cass county, arriving in Mur
ray o.M inlay, and he expects to
make grand old Cass his future
In i no.- We are informed I hat he
may locale in Plal Isuinulh.
Soed Corn for Sale.
F.xtra good, hand-picked yellow
seed corn for sale. F. I.. Hhodeil,
Murray, Nob. 'Phone 8-J.
From IMoar Weeping Water.
Mrs. Charles Kngelkemeior and
son and daughter, from near
Weeping Water, drove up to
Plaltsiiioulli yesterday evening in
I heir car and w ill remain for the
balance of the week visiting at,
Ihe homo of Mrs. Fiiglokomoior's
no d her. They were accompanied
by F. F,. Doty.
May Have a Match Soon.
1''. K. Boty, the boss wrestler
from near Weeping Water, was
in Ihe city a few hours yesterday,
and lliis morning returned to his
home on the M. P. While hero Mr.
Doty paid the Journal office a
brief call ami ordered the paper
sent to L. 11. Nickles of Avoca for
one year. In conversation with
him ho ttdls us that ho has a
number of wroslling matches in
sight for the near future.
Afternoon Coffee.
Miss Florence Wnugh of Lin
coln will be in Murray on Thurs
day, February 20, and will speak
at the library room, in the after
noon, tier subject will he, "Pub
lic Library and Juvenile Litera
ture." During the afternoon
cofTee and lunch will bo served,
for which a fee of 10 cents w ill bo
charged. Miss Wuugh will also
make an address at the public
schools in the forenoon. Every
body invited to attend tho after
noon coffee, nnd should they wish
to see and talk with Mis9 Waugh
they will find her at tho library
this vicinity and will mad same to this
Newton Gaines.
The fourth number of the
lyceurn Course will be held Satur
lay evening, February 22, at I he
Presbyterian church, given by
Newton Gaines. Subject: "Wine
in New Hollies."
Murray Sure Growing.
I lie many new houses going up
in Murray are sure a cretin t a
town many times the size. Sev
eral new ones were erected last
year, ami the good work looks fair
to continue through li13. Our
excellent friend, II. C Long, has
purchased two acres of ground
olf the Spangler farm on the
south, paying $750 therefor
When announcement is made that
Henry Long will build a perman
ent home in Murray it sure means
it. will lie another line resilience
added to the list of Murray's
beautiful homes. We are inform,
ed that the good work will soon
begin. Another building that wil
soon be erected in Murray shouh
not he passed Willi a mere mil ice
and that is the one contemplalei
by S. O. Pilnian. We are inform
ed that Mr. Pitman intends to re
move the old shed that adjoins
their store on the east, and upon
Ibis lot he will build a Iwo-storw
concrete structure, 50x100 foot,
which will he used for I he manu
facture of actylene gas light
plants. Mr. Pit man has invented
one of the best gas lighting plants
on Hie inarkcl, ami I he citi.eiis of
Murray should certainly encour
age a proposition of this kind to
the fullest extent. It will employ
several men, besides placing Mur
ray on Ihe map as a manufactur
ing town. F.vervbody says, "Let
I he good work go on."
For Sal. .
House and eight lots, all front
ing on Main street, in Murray.
Call or address Nettie Connally,
Box t.'iS, Murray.
Death of Thomas Mann.
The dealh of Thomas Mann ot
curred at his home at Moorehead,
Iowa, las Sat unlay morning.
While Ihe deceased had been ail
ing for some lime, dealh came
upon him from no apparent cause
oilier than old aue. lie was 81
y ears old.
Thomas Mann was well known
to all the early sol Hers of Hock
Bluffs, where he lived for many
years, up to iweniy-nve years
ago, when he removed to Moore
head, Iowa, where he resided up
to the time of bis dealh. lie
leaves to mourn his death an aged
wife and five tloughlers Mrs. J.
Q. Connally of Oregon, Mrs. Ida
Woliver of western Nebraska, Mrs.
Garrett Woliver of Moorehead,
Iowa, and Mrs. Ellington of Plain-
view, Aeh., anil Mrs. u. .. ioung
of Murray; also three sons, Dela
ware Man of Lincoln, Neb.; Perry
and Grant Mann of Moorhead, la.
The funeral was held Monday
afternoon front Ihe home and the
remains laid to rest at tho Moore
head cemetery. Mrs. D. A. Young
deparled from Murray Sunday
evening to attend tho funeral.
Seed Potatoes for Sale.
King of iho Eariicst seed pota
toes for sale. F. L. Rhoden, Mur
ray, Neb. 'Phono 8-J.
j Auctioneer, Murray, Neb.
Public Sales a specialty,
and care token to get tho
4 high dollar for your goods
I and stock. Your business
A . "w. A
solicited. Telephone 5-N.
I I l " 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
offiu it will appear under this head in
Box Social.
The pupils of Kenosha
rhool will ivc a program ami
xtx social at Hit1 Kenosha church
mi rrniay evening, reliruary zz.
verybody united to come.
For Sale or Trade.
25 head of horses, just shipped
m. iioou, mg nroKe stun, at rigiit
figures and time. See
Frank Vallery, Murray, Neb.
2-1 3-31 -wkly
Seeds That Grow.
Host recleaned native clover, 1)9
per cent pure, 98 per cent growth,
$12.50 bushel. Home grown tint
olhy, $2.75. Hlue garss, Ken
lucky, $2.25. Hod top, $2.25. Ne
raska at tat la, H'J per cent pure,
18 per cent growth, '10.15. Kan
sas alfalfa, $9.90, Alsyke, $1 4.90
Johnson county white corn, $2.50
in ear. Our corn took eweep-
akes at Lincoln Corn show. Buy
now. Seed will he higher. Ask
for wholesale catalog, Held am:
garden seeds. Samples mailoi
Johnson Bros. Seed Co.,
Nebraska City, Neb.
Seed Corn.
I no hue i-ross nine rmhon
winner. A square deal; sold on
30 days' approval, and if not
satistaciory return at my expense
and your money will be refunded.
I have made a specially of raising
seed corn, and have 300 bushels
dried out in my seed house, that
is for sale, and when this is gone
I am done. Got in now if you
want guaranteed seed. $3.00 per
bushel, crated.
It. II. McClintock,
Fssex, Iowa,
ltefereiico : Commercial Na
tional Bank, Fssex, Iowa.
Maple Grove Notes
P. A. llild made a business I rip
In Omaha Saturday.
Tbt! Shcphcrdsnn public sale
w as largely at tended.
Mr. ami Mrs. 11. C. Bailey
motored In Omaha Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred llild spent
Tuesday with homo folks at
Charles Fngolkomeir spout last
week visiting relatives at Platts
moulh. Mrs.
for her
Belief Banniek deparled
homo at Coleridge, Neb.,
Mr. and Mr:
spent Sunday
with home
near Klmwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Olio Puis were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
llerren Sunday.
Charles llerren and W. II. Puis
made a business trip to Platts
moulh s-aturtiay.
Mr. and Mrs,. William Puis
spent Sunday at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. P. A. llild.
A surprise party was given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
(iansomor in honor of Mr. Gan
semer's bil l Inlay anniversary.
Messrs. and Mosdames Herman
(iauscmer, Alfred Gaitseiner ami
Fritz Lutz spent Sunday at. Ihe
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
George llild, Galen and Glenn
llhodon spent Tuesday in Omaha.
The trip was made with George's
new Maxwell car.
Misses Lena and Rosa Engelke.
moir spent Sat unlay and Sunday
in Lincoln, w here I hey visited
w'th Miss Laura Puis.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. llild. Mr.
and Mrs. Louie Puis and W. 11.
Puis motored to Omaha -Tuesday
with Philip's now Overland.
For Sale.
A 3-year-old registered Perchon
stallion. For particulars call on
or address Chas. Countryman,
Nebawka, Neb., or telephone 7-D,
How's This?
We titter One Hundred Italian Hcwiird for nr
rt of Catarrh tbat canuot be cured J Hall i i
Catarrb euro.
J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the nndcralgnpil, kme known F. J.
Chi-nor for the laat 10 year, and bnlll-Te Mm
pcrftH'tly honorable In all buntneea trannartlona
and financially able to carry out any obligation!
ma do by bis firm.
Toledo, Oblo.
Ilall'i Catarrh Cure l taken Internally, etltif
directly nnoa the blood and mucoua aurfns of
the ayatem. Teatlmonlala aent free. Trice TS
centa per bottle. Sold by all Iru(tglta.
Ttk Uail i Family I'tlli fx comtlntUon.
Public Sale!
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction, at bis home, four
mid one-half miles west and one
mile south of Murray, four miles
north and one-half mile west of
Nebawka, one mile south and one.
half mile west of the old Fulton
blacksmith shop, on
Sale will commence at 1 o'clock
sharp. The following described
4 Head of Horses 4.
One black gelding, 6 years old.
One sorrel gelding, 3 years old.
One bay gelding, 7 years old.
One bay mare, smooth mouth.
First-class milk cow t' years
Farm Implements.
One Sattley riding lister.
One riding stirring plow.
One 2-iow Badger cultivator.
One tongue cultivator.
One tongueless cultivator.
One broadcast Hornet seeder.
Two sets good harness.
One 3-row stalk cutter.
One farm wagon.
One single buggy.
One set of bob-sleds.
One base burner.
One Sure Hatch incubator
200 egg.
Some lumber and woven wire.
Household goods and numerous
ether articles.
Terms of Sale:
All sums of $10.00 and under,
cash; all over $10.00 a credit of
eight months will be given, pur
chaser giving good bankable
paper, bearing 8 per cent from
tlate. All properly must be set
tled for before being removed.
O. V. BAILEY, Owner.
Wilkinson & Hall, Auctioneers.
W. G. Boedeker. Clerk.
Public Sale
"undersigned will sell at
Auction, at his farm, 9
south of IMattsmouth, G
miles east and 2 miles south of
Murray, 2 miles sout hof Rock
Bluffs, 8 miels north and 1 cast
of Union, on
the following described property:
Sale to Start at 10 a. m.
Free Lunch at Noon.
Horses and Mules 10 Head of
Horses and Mules.
One roan stallion, 0 years old,
weight 1,550.
One brown horse, 7 years old,
weight 1,100.
Two mules, one mare and one
horse, 7 and 8 years old, weight
Bay mare, -i years old, with
foal, weight 1,200.
One horse, A years old, weight
One triulo, 3 years old, weight
One span mules, 3 years old,
weight 2,200.
Two mares, heavy with foal, 5
ami f years old, weight 1,500 and
Other Stock.
One cow, 3 years old, fresh in
One Durham bull, 2 years old.
Three heifer yearling calves.
One yearling steer.
Five brood sows, with pig.
Forty head of slock hogs.
Farm Implements and Household
Oim Keystone 0-bole corn
sholler, in good shape.
One 8-foot Deering binder,
good as new.
One Lightning hay bailer.
One Emerson gang plow, 14
ineh. good as new.
One John Deere corn planter,
One John Deere corn planter.
80 rods wire. ,
One Iloosier seeder, with seed
a I taehnient
One tongueless cultivator.
One Moline riding cultivator.
One riding sulky plow, 1 6-inch.
One Avery stump cultivator.
Two 1 8-inch walking plows.
One 1 0-inch walking plow.
One 14-inch Peru lister.
One riding disc cultivator.
One St. Joe two-row machine.
One disc.
One McCormick mower.
One Slmller wagon, 3 V4 , good
a new.
One hay rake.
One fanning mill.
Three low wagons.
One carriage.
One set new i "74 -inch harness
One set of 2-inch harness.
One set of P. -4 -inch harness.
One pair of leather fly nets.
Four work collars.
One butcher's scalding tub and
One bob-sled.
Two block and tackles, with
One DeLaval cream separator.
Two bedsteads with springs.
One writing desk.
Numerous other articles.
All sums of $10.00 and under
cash in hand; all over 10.00 a
credit of twelve months will be
given if desired, purchaser giv
ing good bankable paper, bearing
8 per cent interest from date. All
property must bo settled for be
fore being removed from the
WM. SCHWAB, Owner.
Wilkinson k Hall, Auctioneers.
C. G. Fricke, Clerk.
Stock Sale!
To be hold at the stock yards in
Murray, Neb., on
Here you will find an excep
tionally good lot of slock drafted
from the herds of the best farm
ers of this locality, and placed in
this sale ring simply because
they have an over-supply for their
needs during the coming season,
and should you bo in need of any
thing listed below it, will surely
be to your interest to attend this
sale. It is all good stuff and will
positively be sold to the highest
Sale to Commence at 10 A. M.
25 Head of Horses and MulesI
One sorrel mule, 2 years old.
One black mule, 1 year old.
One span of good mules,
3 years old.
One span of good mules,
i years old.
Fight good draft .mares, all
with foal, weighing from 1,400 to
i,tuo, ami coming 5 and years
old. These eight animals are all
good, sound in every way, and
have been selected from the best
herds in this locality, and will
prove valuable to the purchasers
of them.
One span of bay geldings. 5
years old, weight 1,850.
One gray gelding, 5 years old,
weight 1,500.
One sorrel gelding, 4 years old,
weight 1,500.
One bay gelding, 4 years old,
weight 1,100.
One brown gelding, 4 years old,
weight 1,000.
One bay mare, 4 years old,
weight 1,100.
One saddle pony, 7 years old,
weight 800.
One saddle pony, y years old,
weight 900.
One span geldings, G years old,
weight 2,500.
cattle and nogs.
Five yearling calves.
Three heifers.
Two steers.
Fifteen head of shunts, weigh
ing about 80 pounds.
One thoroughbred Poland
China sow ami pigs.
Farm Implements.
One Badger cultivator.
One J. D. cull ialor.
One ritling cultivator.
One riding lister.
One new potato digger.
One three-section harrow.
One lop buggy.
One 3-ineh Newton wagon,
nearlv now.
Two m'I lVL'-inch work har
ness, one noiirly new.
Lunch will be served at Noon
by M. G. Churchill.
Terms of Sale.
All sums of . 10.00 and under
cash; all over . 10.00 a credit of
from li to 8 months will be given,
purchaser giving good bankable
paper, bearing 8 per cent interest
from dale. All property must bo
settled for before being removed.
Win. R. Young, Auctioneer.
W. G. Boedeker, Clerk.
" For Sale or Trade.
One vacant lot, between D and
F. on 21th street, in South Cmaha.
Address Nellie Connally, Box 138,
Murray, Neb.
General Blacksmilhing
and Vagon Work
Horseshoeing is Our Specialty
All Work Guaranteed
Hurray, Nebraska