The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 10, 1913, Image 6

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    The Largest Number of People
" " - that can be reached in -- ---
The Greatest Number of Places
determines the true value of telephone service,
looked at from a business or social standpoint.
The facilities afforded by the Lincoln Tele
phone and Telegraph Company's system are unap
proachable in their comprehensiveness and the
several million stations reached via our lines attest
its remarkable development and usefulness.
Have you a Telephone?
Apply to our local manager for informationu
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager
Here From Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Cleper of Dids
burg, Alherla, Canada, arrived in
Ihis city vest onlay fur a short
visit at Ihi! homo of Mr. ami Mrs.
George Thomas. Mr. Cleper .and
wife have been visiting at leaver
: i I y wilh relatives and rami! hero
l.o sec Mr. Thomas, who owns Ihe
farm on which they reside.
Local Mows
Plenty of Them in Plattsmouth
and Good Reason for It.
Wouldn't any woman he happy,
After years of backache sull'cr-
Davs of misery, nights ol 1111-
Tho distress of urinary
When she finds freedom?
Many readers will profit by the
Mrs. F. S. Brinkman, Eleventh
and Pearl streets, Plallsmouth,
Neb., says: "For several years I
was bothered by my kidneys. My
back would often pain me in
tensely and I was inclined to
think my trouble was in the form
of diabetes. Headaches and dizzy
spells bothered me and my sight
liecamn so badly affected that 1
could not read. I also had trouble
-ith my kidneys. Doan's Kidney
Pills were so highly recommend
ed that I decided to try them and
I got a box at Rynolt's Drug
Store. In a short lime Ihey help
ed me in every way. I imi never
without a supply of this remedy
on hand."
For sale by all dealers. Price
r0 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo. New York, sole agents
for the United Stales.
Remember tho name Doan's
and take no other.
From .Saturday's Dally.
Ynollier real estate ileal was
closed yesterday afternoon whwre-
hy Itev. I. L. Dunklebcrger- be
came the owner of tint David Mil-1
er property on llock street- Hev.
Dunklebergcr has had the house-
wired lor electric ngnis ana city
water installed in the place ami
expects to fix it up in the- most
modern manner, as well a paper
and paint the structure, Uith in
side and out, and when completed
will have a most comfortable
home. Itev. Dunklcberger says he
has lived in a (.Meat many places
but ncyer found a town that im
pressed him as favorably as
Plattsmouth, and as he has spent
twenty-three years in the inin
islry and living in different
localities, this speaks pretty well
for the town, when a man nf his
experience thinks enough of it to
purchase property.
Seed Corn.
The "White Cross" blue ribbon
winner. , A square deal; sold on
30 days' approval, and if not
satisfactory return at my expense
and your money will be refunded.'
I have made a specialty of raising
seed corn, and have 300 bushels
dried out in my seed house, that
is for sale, and when this is gone
I am done. Get in now if you
want guaranteed seed. $3.00 per
bushel, crated.
n. II. Mr-Clint nek,
Essex, Iowa.
Reference: Commercial Na
tional Hank, Essex, Iowa.
Private Assemblies Friday Night
The eighth number of the
private assemblies will be given
at M. W. A. hall on Friday even-
in ir. February IV The assembly
on this occasion will be in Hit
nature of a St. Valentine's dance,
and all those holding cards, an
inviteil Id lie lll'esent. 2-10-U
Are You a Cold Sufferer?
Do you know Ihat more real
danger lurks in a common cold
than in any other of the minor
ailments? The safe way is t.i
lake Chamberlain's Cough Rem
cd, u thoroughly reliable prei -ariiUon,
and r'd yourself of the
tola us quickly as possible. This
icmedy is for sale by F. G. Fricke
&. Co. '
Thomson, Dentist, Wescott Blk.
Go Ahead of the Railroad
Public announcement has been mado of the early completion of the Bur
lington's new main line through the BIG HORN BASIN that will give a direct
outlet for the Bplendid farm products growing in that new farming country.
Government Irrigated Homesteads
Here you can file upon an 80 acre Government irrigated homeBtead atactual
cost for the water right, no profit to anyone, no taxes the first three years, and
hv twelve voara without interest in which to repay the Government for the
actual coBt of the water right. The fact that the Government nas maoe ine
payments very light the first five years, giving an opportunity to improve your
farm and get it under cultivation before having to meet further payments, is
important to the man desiring to establish himself upon a farm.
Location Near Railroad Towns
You can locate now within from three to four miles ef Fowell, nearby 400 1
farmers who are already making a success.
If you do not get a home there it is your fault.
Write quickly for maps and full particulars.
1004 Fainmn St., Omaha, Nob. I.nmitfratlon Agent
I I I 1 1 1 1
trr i.
I ., A
Week of February 9 and 23
From SaJrday'B Dally.
Mrs. Illioda Coiner returned
this afternoon from Omaha, wlirre
she had been visiting friend'r-
Henry Klinger came down this
morning to visit his parents and
friends for a short lime.
Mrs. Albert Bowman of Quiiiry,
Illinois, is visiting at the H.
Stcinhauer home for a time.
J. J. Toman was a passenger
this afternoon for Omaha lo look
after some mailers of business.
Fred Weaver of South Bend
was in the city today looking af
ter business mailers at I hi court
G. G, Meisinger, from west of
the city, was in town today at
tending to some trading with the
S. L- Furlong, from near Hock
Bluffs, was in the city today look
ing1 after bu.iues matters with
the merchants-.
Muss Anna Heisef was a pas
senger thin afternoon for Omaha,
where shw will attend to some
matters of business.
Miss Margaret Hallafoan relum
ed last evening from Omali;,.
where she had been visiting wit hi
friends for a time.
P. E. Meisinger,. frorn west of
the city, wan in town today at
tending lo some week-eml trading
with the merchants..
William Warga and wife were
passengers Ihis afternoon for
Omaha, where Ihey wilt spend
Sunday wit h friends.
S. Ray Smith and wife' tl!-varted
Ihis afternoon fin- Omahar where
Ihey will visit relative" and
friends over Sunday.
Mrs. J. W. Jolxnsou armed last,
evening on Ao. - irom uncom,
where she had been for a IVw days
visiting with iid'itive.
Miss Teresa ITempIe.' c-ame in
this afternoon from Omaha to
spend Sunday here winh her
mother, Mrs.B.. Uemple..
Henry HeroM came in this-
morning from bis-duties of travel
ing and will' visit over Sunday
with bis family in Ibis city.
H. P.. Smithi was iu the- city to
day from Weeping Wale-r, being
called hero l lt-ok after business.
matters at, the etui i t Incase.
James Burns,, manager of tl
water company, was a jxisseugi'-r
this morning for Omaha, when?
he was called' on. business matter.
Mrs. Eliutli Tntscu was. a
passenger-Lhb- morning tin No. 15
for Omaha., where she will look
after business- matters for the
W. C. Tippens took advantage
of the haLI holiday iu the .shops
today to make a Hying trip, to the
metropolis. be-ing a passenger on
No 23..
William Fahlson was a pas
senger this morning on No. 15 for
Davev. Neb., where he will visit
for a few davs with friends ant
Mrs. Emily Morrison departs
Ihis evening on the 7:45 Missouri
Pacific for St. Paul, Minn., where
she will visit her son, George, for
a few days.'
Mark White, the genial farmer
from near Rock Bluffs, was in the
city yesterday attending to some
matters of business with Ine
Fred Heitzhausen came down
from his studies at the university
in Lincoln last evening and will
visit here over Sunday with rein.
lives and friends.
County Commissioner C. 11. Jor
dan departed this morning for his
home at Alvo, having spent the
week here attending the commis
sioners' meeting.
William Budif and wife depart
ed this afternoon for Havelock,
where they will visit their sons,
Paul and George, and attend to
business matters.
Mrs. Frank Janda, jr., and lit
tle son returned this afternoon
from Hay Springs, Neb., where
they have been visiting George
Koehnke and family.
Mrs. John Wynn and two
daughters departed this morning
on the early Burlington train for
Omaha, where they will visit rela
tives for tho day.
Misses Christine and Henrietta
Hanson were passengers this
morning for Omaha, where they
will spend the day looking after
business matters.
Mrs. Yal Burkle and Mrs. Jos
eph Drocge were passengers this
afternoon for Omaha, where they
will visit the national office o
the Woodman Circle.
Holier! Hayes departed this aft
ernoon for Sac City, Iowa, where
he will visit his wife and little
daughter, who are visiting at Ihe
home of Mrs. Hayes' parents.
R'.. R. Nickels of near Murray
was 7i the city today attending to
busine. matters witlr the mer
chants. John MiNurlin was a is-seng-vr
this mornvng for Omaha, where
he looked af'er business matter.'?
for the day.
C. Clarence Fa! came up last
evening from 1'eru to visit for a
few days with hi parents, M. M.
Deal and wife.
lion. W. II. PuIof Murray was
in the city today, driving up from
hi home to look afSr some mat
ters of business.
Guy Reese was a passenger this
afternoon on No. 23 for Omaha,
where he- will purr test some
electrical supplies.
Miss Crete Briggs departed this
morning on Ihe early FAvrlington
train for Omaha, where .n vbit-
friends for Ihe day.
Mrs. I., fi. While and tvw chil
dren were passengers this morn
ing for Omaha, where they will
viil friend for Ihe day.
Philip Beeker was a pas-..?nger-thi
morning for Omaha, whve he
was called to look after wme
matters of business form few
Frank Sh!don, one of the
prominent citizens of Neha'wka,.
was in the city last evening look
ing after som' mailers of bintf
ness. Charles Warner motored iu
vestefU:iy aftenuwirr from his farm
near llvis city and al tended to
some business mailers with tie'
.miss iuaiiciuv Koncrfsori cariiv
(town fi"nni OmaiVa fas! evening on
No. 'J and' will spend Suiulay her?
Willi hVr parent'. Jatnes Robert -son
antV wife.
E. G Snodgni'ss of Thiirinan.
fowa, wni has neen visiting his-
soa, Ed' Snodgr:iss, for a short
time, departed llii ntorning on
7W. (V f (. his homv..
Mrs. Jennie Khl'er tf Omaha
arrived this monniiiff oir No. 0 and
will vis-it' here with li-r parenls-).
5fr. ami Mrs. WiilTiam Tuey, in the
mit h i nvl, of I cifv.
Mrs.. Jacob SVnner and son,
Mitre paswngers this morn.
ing on No. 15 fiit- Omaha, when"
rlhey will look at'tr matters of
business for a few hours.
Matthew Hrfciivhl and Conrad!
Sehlaier came- down last evening
on N.. 2 front Liwotn, where t hy
are aMendingr the- state universi!yv
ainJi will vis-ifl lirv over Sunday
Pl'jtlip A. HiM of near Mynarnl
came up this iiMrnrr)g irom his and was ai passenger on Nvx
Public Sale!
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction, at his home, four
and one-half miles weft and one
mile south of Murray,. four' miles
north and one-half mile? west of
Nehawka, one mile south and one
half mile west of the old' Fulton
blacksmith shop, oir
Sale will commence at 1 o'clock
liarp. The following described
property ;:
4 Head of Horses 4f-
One black gelding, l -years fjhl.
On sorret geldivgi 3 years old.
One bay gelding. 7 years old1.
One bay mare, smooth mouth.
Fif.t-class milk row (1 years
Farm Implements.'
Sattley riding lister,
riding slirrins plow.
One 2-row Badger cultivator, .
One tongue cultivator.
One tongueless cultivator.
One broadcast Hornei seeder. .
Two seta good harness.
One 3-row stalk
One farm wagon.
One single buggy.
One set of bob-sled.
One haw hnrm-r.
One Sur Hatch iiM'ulntK'r
Some luniber and wovcm wire.
KousehoM gooih and 'nan'iv'rods
odilrt-r arliclirs).
Teflms of Sale:
'Alii siirrirf of .$10.00 ami under,
cantoi; all oer $10.00 a credit of
ei'ghS uioiiIIm- wilf be give&,. pur
chaser giviug. gioil bankable
laptrf bearing H pvr cenii- from
k. All property muMt ti spi
lled for before beinpr removed.
O. V.. BAirJEY, Owner.
W'ilk?iison &, Hall,. Auctioneers. ,
W.. . Boede5ir, Clwk,
Public Sale!
15 for Omaha, where he will ltot
aflr huskies matters for th'
Mrs. J'imes. Ioig departed this
morning for her home at Facir
hiiry, Neh., after a short visit hre
with her mother and sister;. Mrs.
Peter Mumm and Miss Pwwl
Mrs. Wesley Itookineyer- and
little son were passenger. this
morning for Omaha, where- they
looked after business matte for
the day, as well as visito-J with
Ralph Daily and wife of Lincoln
were m the city today attending
to business matters in tlv district
court. Mrs. Daily was. formerly
Miss Lloyd, a daughter f Joseph
Lloyd of this city.
J. W. Embree of Lincoln, dis
trict superintendent of the
Methodist church, came in last
evening and held t ho second nuar
terly conference al the church.
He departed this morning for the
south over the M". P.
Donald D. Duncan of Hastings
arrived last evening on No. 2 and
will spend Sunday in this' city
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Duncan. lur. Duncan is em
ployed by the Wells Fargo Ex
press company at that place.
k Auctioneer, Murray, Neb.
I Public Sales a specialty,
J and care taken to get the
high dollar for your goods
J and stock. Your business
J solicited. Telephone 5-N.
Tbv undess-igne'l will sell
Publiv Auction,, uu the StreigUt
farm, known as lh yld Patterson
vjlace, one stod o'ni-n,uaxtei' miles
northwest ot Plat.tmouth.r on
Saht to cwniiinmifi! at 1 p. in.
luuch, svBved.. on thie
Th( following. kseriied.'p'P-
Seven Head oi Hones.
One gray Perchwron coming- 5
weight 190. .
Owie dun liorse, 9 years old,
weight M50.
One iMH'rel mare, ft years- old,
weight 1,100.
One brown mare,. 9 years- old,
weight 900..
One lay driving, 3,yoar
old, wvjght,80.
Two bay sacking, colts.
One Ti..G..Mandt lumber wapwn,.
almost new.
One McCormick mower.
One John Deor.o- walkiiig
One John Deere IG-inch walk
ing plow.
One harrow.
About 35 bushels- of good seed
potatoes .
Two sets- of work harness, one
one and one-hau inch, nearly
new; one one and one-quarter
inch, in good cooditiou.
About 75 bushels of corn.
Four tons of sheaf oats.
A number of barrels of apples
and turnips.
Many other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Terms of Sate:
All sums of $10.00 and under,
cash; all over $10.00 a credit of
eight months will be given, pur
chaser giving good bankable
paper, bearing 8 per cent from
date. All property must be set
tled for before being removed.
Wilkinson & Hall, Auctioneers.
J. P. Falter. Clerk.
One brown horse, 7 years old,
weight 1,400.
Two mute, onf mare and one
h?'rse, 7 and 8 yeur old, weight
F-jy m r'. 1 years old, with
foaL weight f.L'OO. .
Oivi" b-'rfe, i years- old, weight
One- unite. years old, weight
One span innles, 3 years old.
weight OO.
Two itt.'ifes, ht-avy wir'fc foal. 5
and (5 ye-4rs old. weieht f noil nnH
Other Slock.
One cow. :t year old, frvh in
One Durii'iim bull, -j years old.
Three heifer yearling calves.
One yearling .steer.
Five brooif sows, with pig.
Forty bead of .stock hogs. .
Farm Implements and1 Household
One Keystone ("i-hol.e
sheller.'in good shape.
One 8-fool. Deering binder,
good as new..
One Lightning hay baiLer.
One Emerson gang plow, .lC-r'
inch, good as new..
One John Dee-re corn planter,
One John Deere corn planter.
80 rods -wire..
One lloosier seder. wit, It seed
attachment .
One tongueiess cultivator.'
One Moline riding cultivator.
One riding sulky plow,. 16-inch..
One Avery stump cultivator.
Two 18-inch walking plows.
One Id-inch walking plow.
One 1 1-inch Peru lister.
One riding disc cultivator.
' One S. Joe two-row machine.
One disc,..
One McCormick mower.
One Shul.ler wagon, 34 . good
as new.
One hay rake.
One fanning mill.
Three low wagons.
One carriage..
One set. new Hi -inch harness. .
One set of 2-inch harness.
One set of Hi -inch harness. .
One pair of leather fly acts.
Four work collars.
One butcher's- scalding tub and.!
One bob-sled.
Two block and tackles, with1:
One DeLaval cream separator, .
Two. bedsteads with springs.
One writing desk.
Numerous other articles..
Terms: .
All sums of $10.00- and undor -
cash in. hand; all over $10.00 a.
credit; of twelve months, will be.
giveiu if de-sired, purchaser, giv
ing good bankable paper, bearing.
8 per cent interest from date. .All
property must be settled for be
fore being removed from, the
WM. SCHWAB, Owner,
Wilkinson & Hall, Auctioneers.
G.. G. Fricke, Clerk.
Take Dr. King's New Discovery..
Th Best Cough, Cold, Throat.andJ
Luna medicino made. Money re
funded if it fails-to cure yau,. Do.
not heitate take it at our risk..
First does helps. J. Ri Wells,
Floydada, Texas, writes-:; "Dr..
King's New Discovery cured my
terrible cough and cold.. I gained
15 pounds." Buy it, at F. G..
Fricke & Co.
Dr. Thomscn Dentist, of
Platismouth, will be in Mur
ray on Thursday's, Ne
hawka on Friday's, and
Union on Saturday's of each
wek, where he will be
pleased to meet all parties
desirinor dental work done.
Pulbic Sale
No Need to Stop Work.
When the doctor orders you to
stop work it staggers you. I
can't, you say. You know yon are
weak, run down and failing in
health day by day, but yon must
work as long as you can stand
What you need is Electric Bitters
lo give tone, strength ami vigor
to your system, to prevent break
down and build oii up. Don't be
weak, sickly or ailing when Elec
tric Bitters will benelil you from
Ihe first dose. Thousands bless
them for their glorious health ami
strength. Try them. Evcrv bot
tle i guaranteed to satisfy. Only
r0c at F. G. Fricke & r.o.'s.
Kturdock, Neb.,
Painter and Decorator,
Paper Hanger,
Wall Paper.
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction, at his farm, 1)
miles south of Plattsmouth, (
miles east and 2 miles south of
Murray, 2 miles sout hof Rock
Bluffs, 8 miels north and 1 east
of Union, on
the following described property:
Sale to Start at .10 a. m.
Free Lunch at Noon.
Hcrscs and Mules 10 Head of
Horses and Mules.
One roan stallinn, i years old,
weight 1,550.
Wood Wanted.
Those of our
subscribers who
desire to pay their subscriptions
in wood are requested to brirtg it
in before tho roads get bad, as
we desire to place it in the dry.
Come in with it, boys, right away.
Attention, Woodmen Circle!
All members are urgently re
snesled to he present a I. our reg
ular meet intr Wednesday, Feb
ruary 12. The captain nf Mau-X
Chester team, Omaha, and assist-
ants will be wilh us lo assist us
in our work.
.uarie i,. Kauimann, Clerk.