The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 10, 1913, Image 3

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The Lvinirston.Loun and Dulldinp As
sociation, l'luintitfs.
. vs.
Adelaide Hates and John T. Uuto.s her
husband, l)t fendants.
To Adelaide Hiite and John T. Hates,
her husband, non-refident defendants
In tho above entitled action:
You and each of von are hereby
i.otitled that the pluintiff has com
menced an action against you in the
ni.strict Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, for the purpose of foreclosing
a mortgage Kiveri by you to the Living
ston Loan and lfulIdinK Association on
the ICtli day of January, l!tt)S, covering
the following described real estate in
Caws County, Nebraska, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point in the center of
Hryant street, said point being 156
Jeet west ami 15 feet north of a stone
at the southeast coiner of the NKVi of
Section 24, Township 12 north. Uange
13, east of the 6th p. in., thence, north
V17 8 feet to a stake, th-nee west liuO
feel, thence south 217. S f?el to a slike,
whence east 200 feet t) Iho place of
"e 3;.', inning, containing one acre, ho the
tiriiiie mo.e or less and liioivn aw tub
lot 1 oi' lot 46, in the .S K of the NK',i
of .'Section 21, Township 12 north. Range
13 of the 6th p. in., in Cass County,
Nebraska, which mortgage appears of
record in Hook ar of Keal Kstate
Mortgages at page 275, in the otlico of
the Register of Deeds of Cass County,
Nebraska, and to recover $10.70 for in
surance which plaintiff has been corn
jelled to pav, and to recover taxes for
the years 1M08-1911 inclusive in the sum
of J14.4S, witli Interest thereon from the
12th dav of November, 1912, and for
equitable relief.
You anl each of you are required to
answer said petition on or uetore me
17th il.iv of February. A. D. 1913. and
In falling so to do your default will be
daly entered therein and judgment
taken as prayeu tor m piainim s pen
The Livingston Loan and Building As
tiociatlon. Plaintiff.
Ey A. L. TIDD, It's Attorney.
Th-! Lvingston Loan and Building As
sociation, Plaintiffs,
DsWItt Stanley and Anna Stanley, his
wife, liut'endants.
To DeWItt Stanley nnd Anna Stanley,
hise wife, non-resident defendants In
the ubove entitled action: ,
You anil each of you are hereby
notified that the plaintiff has com-
irienced an action against you in uie
'District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, for the purpose of foreclosing
a mortgage given ly you to uie iiving
.ston Loan and Building Association on
the 10th day of September, 1906, cover
ing the following described real estate
in'all- T.nla 3 nnd 4. In Block 10. in
Thompson's Addition to the City of
Plattsmoutli, Cass County Nebraska,
which mortgage appears ot recora in
Book 32 of Keal Kstate Mortgages, at
pag'j 236, In the office of the Register
of Deeds of Cass County, Nebraska; and
to recover the sum of $8.50 insurance,
which plaintiff has been compelled to
pay, and the sum of $77.15 taxes, in
terest and costs for the years 1907-1911
inclusive, with interest thereon from
the 12th day of November, 1912, and for
equitable relief. ,
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
17th day of February, A. D. 1913, and
In failing bo to do your default will be
duly entered therein and Judgment
taken as prayed for In plaintiff's petl-
The Livingston Loan and Building As
sociation, Plaintiff.
By A. L. TIDD, It's Attorney.
In the Dlntrlct Court In aad for Cnae
County Nebraska.
Louisa Bay and Albert M. Bay,
Nanoy J. Dysart, Elizabeth Wolfe,
Henry Wolfe, Ellen Krelger, Adolph
Kreiger, Ida Cllne, Brunson Cllne,
James A. Dysart, Frank P. Sheldon,
Emma Sheldon, Thomas P. Dysart,
Louise Dysart, Jessie K. Dysart, Clara
Dysart, Charles H. Dysart and
Ogaretta Dysart, Defendants.
To the Defendants, Ellen Kreiger,
Adolph Kreiger, Thomas P. Dysart
and Louise Dysart: .... ..
You are hereby notified that on the
54th day of December, 1912. plaintiffs
filed their petition against the above
aatned defendants In the District Court
of the County of Cass, Nebraska, pray
ing partition of the following described
real estate situated In the County of
Ca'M Nebraska: . .u
The Southeast Quarter (SLU) the
Houtheast Quarter (SE of Section
twenty-seven (27), the Northeast,,
Quarter (NKU) of the Northeast Quar
ter NK4) of Section thirty-four (34).
the North half of the Northwest Quar
ter (NV) of the Northeast Quarter
(NKVi) of Section thirty-four (34), all
in Township ten (10), Range 13 East
of the 6th p. m. and setting forth the
interest of plaintiffs and defendants
therein. .
This notice is given pursuant to an
order of the court and each of you are
required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 10th day of teb
rvrnry, A. D. 1913, or your default will
be duly entered of record, and partition
(if said lands made In accordance with
the findings and orders of the court
lIouisA BAY and ALBERT M. BAY.
In (he IMMrlct Court of Ca County,
Ch-irlcs P. Pfeifer. Plaintiff, .
Fruiaes J. Solomon, et al
To the Defendants: Frances J. Solo
mon, D, H. Solomon, first name un
known, Elizabeth H. Solomon. Joslah
Moores, Mary J. Moores, Mary J. Lath
rop, K. M. Henderson, first name un
known, Hertha O. Dalton, Mary
Arminda Huffman. Caroline Huffman,
Edward J. Moores, Alfred M. Moores,
Enoch (5. C. Moores, Eliza Moores,
Maliala Orav, A. J. Moores. first name
unknown, Nancy K. Epperson, Henry
Moores, Edward or Ed Jocklm, Ida E.
.lookim, Andrew V. or A. W. Mc
laughlin, Alcna R. McLaughlin. John
W. or J. W. Seymore, S. J. Seymore, first
name unknown, Zetham or Zetham P.
McCulloch, Ithmar P. or I. P. Pills
t.urrv, Nellie B. Smith, Chester H.
simith, Fred Black, also the unknown
heirs and devisees of the following
named, Frances J. Solomon, deceased,
l. 11. Solomon, deceased, first name un
known, Joslah Moores, deceased, E. M.
Henderson, first name unknown, dot-eased,
Rertha O. Dalton, deceased,
Mary Arminda Huffman, deceased,
Caroline Huffman, deceased, Edward J.
Moores, deceased, Alfred M. Moores, de
ceased, Enoch (J. C. Moores, deceased,
Ma hula Gray, deceased; A. J. Moores,
find name unknown, deceased, Nancy
K. Epperson, deceased, Henry Moores,
reeeased, Edward or Ed Jocklm, de
ceased; Andrew W. or A. V. Mclaugh
lin, decensed, John W. or .1. W. Sevmore,
eased, Zetham or Zethum P. McCul
loch, deceased, Ithmar 1'. or I. I". I'llls
hurry, deceased, you are hereby notified
that on January 18th, A. I). 1913. plain
tiff filed his suit In the district court
of Cass county, Nebraska, to quiet title
to the following described lands In
1'lattnmonth, to-wit: Lots numbered
eleven and twelve. In Block number
forty-three, In the City of Plattsmouth,
Oiss county, Nebraska, because
of bis adverse possession by
himself and Ills grantors and their
vcrniitors for more than ten rears, prior
to the commencement of this suit and
fo enjoin each and nil of you from
having or claiming to have any right,
title, interest or claim, either icgal or
unliable In or two snld lands or any
part thereof, nnd to require vou and
each of you to set forth your right,
title. Hon or interest therein, If any,
either legal or equitable, and to have
the sumo adjudged Inferior to Hie title
of plaintiff and for general relief
Tills notice Is made pursuant to the
order of the court. Vou nro required to
.-inswer snld petition on or before
Monday, March .".rd. A. D. 1913, or your
default will be dulv entered therein.
CHARLES P. l'l''EIKEK, Plaintiff.
.1. E. DOUGLASS, Attorney.
If you have anything to sell an
ad in the Journal will soli it.
la Ike lliNtrtft Court In and for Cau
County, Nrbranka.
NVttie J. Holmes, Plaintiff,
W. S. Shorn. Joseph 11. Keenan, Augusta
Keenan. Helen M. Alwine, formerly
Helen M. Keenan, George II. Alwine,
Herbert J. Keenan. Annette Keenan,
John Kitmiolph Keenan. James Keen
an and James W. Holmes.
Notice is hereby given that under and
by virtue of a decree entered in this
ease on the 2."th day of January, A.
D. 1913, the undersigned sole referee,
will on the 3d day of March, A. 1).
IS 13, at eleven o'clock a. m., at the
south door of the Court House in the
City of Plattsmouth. Cass County, Ne
braska, sell at public auction the fol
lowing described real estate, situated
in the County of Cass, Nebraska, to
wit: Commencing at a point on quarter
section line running East and West
through Section nine (9), Township
eleven lilt. Range fourteen (14), In
Cass County, Nebraska; 1074 6-10 feet
East of the quarter section corner on
West side of Section nine (9), Town
ship eleven (111, Range fourteen (14);
running thence south 2773 feet; thence
East 400 feet: thence North 266 feet;
thence East 921 feet; thence North 532
feet; thence East to the banks of the
Missouri river; thence along the banks of
the Missouri river in a northerly direc
tion to a point where said banks of the
Missouri river intersects the quarter
section line running East and West
through Section nine (9), Township
eleven ( 11), Range fourteen (14) ; thence
West along said quarter section line to
the place of beginning, together with
lands formed upon and against said
described lands by accretion, alluvion,
reliction and evulsion.
Also lots one (1), two (2), three (.3),
four (4), live (5). six (6). seven (7),
eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven
til) and twelve (12), in block three
(3) West and block one (1) North, and
one (1) East of the public square in
the Village of Rock Bluffs, Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, together with the portion
of the vacated streets surrounding the
same belonging thereto. Said property
will be sold for cash to the highest re
sponsible bidder.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this
25th day of January, A I) .1913.
C. E. TEFFT. Referee.
J, J. ThomuH, Attorney,
In the District Court of Seward County,
Nebraska, in the Matter of the Estate
of Thomas A. Healey, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that In pursu
ance of an order of the Honorable
George F. Corcoran, one of the Judges
of the District Court in and for Seward
County, Nebraska, made on the 2nd day
of July, 1912, at Chambers, at the Court
House In the City of York, York
County, Nebraska, for the sale of the
real estate hereinafter described, I will
sell at the front door of the Court House
In the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County,
Nebraska, on the 1st day of February,
1913, at one o'clock p. m for cash, the
following described real estate, to-wlt:
Lots seven (7) and eight (8), in block
ten (10), of Carter's Addition to Weep
ing Water, Cass County, Nebraska.
Snld sale will remain open one hour.
HENRY J. MATZKE, Administrator,
with the will annexed of the
estate of Thomas A. Healey, de
ceased. NOTICE.
Slate of Nebraska,
Cass County, ss.
To James V. . Kaspar, Non-
Residcnt, Defendant.
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff, Louis Rotter, has com
menced an action against you and
Maud V. Kaspar, jointly, in Justico
Court, before M. Archer, Justice
cf the Peace in and for said Coun
ty, the object and prayer of which
is to recover judgment against
you on a promisary note for $100,
with interest at the rate of 8 per
cent, from the 7th day of Feb
ruary, 1912, and costs of act ion.
You are hereby notified to
answer said action on or before
the 21st day of February, 1913,
at 9 o'clock a. m., and in failing
so to do your default will be duly
entered therein and judgment
taken as prayed for by plaintiff.
LOUIS ROTTER. Plaintiff.
In the Dlntrlct Court of Can County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Nicholas Halmes, Deceased.
This cause came on for hearing up
on the petition of Nicholas C. Halmes,
executor of the will and estate of
Nicholas Halmes, decensed, for con
struction of paragraph nine of the
will of said deceased and for order and
license to sell the real estate, as re
quired by law, and the will of said
deceased, which real estate Is more
particularly described as follows.
N SE V,, Sec. as. Twp. 12, Range
9. S of SW and NW Vt of SW
'4 of Sec. 8-12-13, S y, of SE 4 and S
of SW V and NW of SW
Vi of Sec. 7-12-13, NE of NW
U of Sec. 6-12-13, all in Cass Countv,
Nebraska, Lots 10, 11 and 12, In Block
2. of the City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska. .
It Is therefore ordered that all per
sons Interested In said estate appear
before me on the 15th day of March,
1913, at 10 o'clock a. m to show cause,
If any they have, why said will should
not be Interpreted and construed by
the Court and show cause why order
of Court, directing and guiding the
executor In making a sale of the said
real estate belonging to the estate of
said deceased, and why a license
should not be granted to said executor
to sell the above described real estate
of said deceased.
It is further ordered that a copv of
this order to show cause be published
for .our successive weeks prior to said
time of hearing, In the Plattsmouth
Journal, a newspaper published twice
a week at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, and
of general circulation throughout said
Dated this 30th dav of January, 1913.
Judge of the District Court.
Attorney for Executor.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
Chopic (lasoline Engine Company
(Limited), of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, has issued fully paid up
capital slock to the amount of
Fifty-four Thousand Nine Hun
dred Thirty Dollars (54,930.00) ,
nnd that said Corporation has an
indebtedness for current expenses
only amounting lo -the sum of
'Jfi 5.70.
Hated I his Olh day of January,
Jnn. A. Chopieska,
Edw. Rynolf.
Adolph fliese,
If. M SoonnichsiTi,
II. Ffloos,
Seed Potatoes for Sale.
King of iho Earnest seed pota
toes for sale. F. L. Rhoden. Mur
ray, Nob. 'Phone 8-J.
! thr ItUlrtrt Court In sad for t ana
County, .Nebraska.
Simon Oruber. Plaintiff,
1 Utile Harnum Wills, et al..
T' the defendants liai'ie Harnum
Will.-, Harry Wills, Harry G. Km num.
.lames W. Harnum. Sylvester Carniim,
jr., Adelberl Harnum, Mary r.arnum.
Homer Hannah, Mrs. Homer Hamuli,
first real name unknown; Mrs. Lewis
Harnum. first real name unknown;
Lewis Harnum, Jr., Charles Itanium, U
!'.. Sinclair, tiist real name ur.'nown;
Herbert Sinclair, Inez M. Diekersen,
1 McKerson, first real name
unknown; tleoige Harnum Rowers, the
unknown heirs and devisees of l.uev
ltowers, deceased; the unknown heirs
and devisees of Hesty Royd, deceased;
James Chase, Helinda Chase, Lucy .1.
Chase. B. K. M unlock, jr., first rel
name unknown; Mrs. li. K M unlock,
jr., hist real name unknown; Alphonso
Chase, Thomas J. Watson, Mrs. Thomas
J. Watson, first real name unknown;
and the unknown heirs and devisees of
Thomas J. Watson, deceased.
You are herebv notified that on Feb
ruary Mil, A. D. 1913. plaintiff tiled his
suit in the District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, to quiet title to t lie fol
lowing descriliod land in the County of
Cass. Nebraska, to-wlt:
Tile Northeast quarter (NE'i) and
the North hall (NVa.t of the South
east quarter (SE'4) of Section twenty-one
(Jl) Township ten (10),
Range thirteen (13), East of the
tith P. M.
because of his adverse possession by
himself, and grantors for more than ten
years prior to the commencement of
said suit, ami to enjoin each and all of
you from having or claiming any right,
title, lien or interest, either legal or
equitable, In and to said lands or any
part thereof, and to require you to set
forth your right, title or interest there
in, If any, either legal or equitable, and
to have the same adjudged inferior to
the title of plaintiff to said lands, and
for general equitable relief.
This notice is made- pursuant to the
order of the court.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before Monday, the Ith dav
of March. A. D. 1913. or your default
will be dulv entered therein.
SIMON ORl'HER, Plaintiff.
i corvrv coiht.
Stale of Nebraska,
Countv of Cass, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of William
O'Rrlen, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested:
You ore hereby notilied that there
has been liled in this court petition for
the appointment of an administrator of
above estate.
, That a hearing will be had on said
petition before this court at t ho Court
House in Plattsmouth, in said County,
on the 1st day of March, 1913, at 9
o'clock a. m. Objection, If any, must
bo filed on or before sahl day and hour
of hearing.
Dated February Mil, 1913.
County Judge.
J. W. Davis will take notice that on
the 2nd day of Junuary, 1D13, M. Archer,
a justice of the peace of Cass County,
Nebraska, issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of $5.00 In action
pending before him, wherein A. O. Hacli
& Co. is plaintiff and J. W. Davis de
fendant, that property of said defend
ant, consisting of money, has been at
tached under said order, said cause
was continued to the 20tH day of Feb
ruary, 1D13, at 9 o'clock a. m.
A. G. BACH & CO., Plaintiff.
In the District Court of Can Comity,
Morgan E. Rrantner,
Joseph McCreary, Cuss
County, a Municipal
Corporation of the State
of Nebraska, the Un
known Heirs and De
visees of Zecherlali f
iverr, Deceased, the
Citizens Hank of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, a Cor
poration, Now Defunct,
E. (). Dovey & Son,
a Copartnership, ami
Charles E. JVarsall,
To Joseph McCreary and
Helm finl 1 1..,.
the Unknown
of Zecherlah
Kerr. I iiinvnil ii,fun,i.,H...
v, ..rtrintUlll.l.
You and each of you will herebv take
To0,1., .'''i1.1 on tl1'" 101,1 f February
I, Morgan E. Rrantner, Plaintiff
in the foregoing entitled cause, tiled
my petition in the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, against vou
and others, the object, purpose and
prayer of which Is to obtain a decree
from said Court removing liens and
clouds from and quieting the record
title of the following descriliod real
estate, situate in Cass County. Ne
braska, to-wit:
Commencing at a point flftv-two
and one-half (52 ty) feet Eust of the
Southwest corner of original Lot
Uvuevnt"Hlx v6)- ln ruction eighteen
(18), Township twelve (12), North, In
Range fourteen (11), East of the 6th
I . M., thence running North one hun
i''el ii'irty-tlve U35) feet, thence
Lost fifty-two and one-half (62)
feet; thence South one hundred
thirty-five (135) feet; thence west
fifty-two and one-half (52M,) feet to
the place of beginning, shown and
designated on the plat books of Ir
regular tracts In the otlice of the
register of deeds of said County, as
lot No. 60 in the Southwest quarter
of the southwest quarter of said
Also commencing at the Southeast
corner of said Lot twentv-slx (2fi),
In said Section eighteen (18), Town
ship twelve (12), North. Range four
teen (14) Enst, and running thence
north one hundred thirty (130) feet;
thence West sixty (0) foot; thence
South one hundred thirty (130) feet;
thence East sixty (60) feet to the
place of beginning, nnd shown and
designated on the said plat books of
Irregular tracts as Lot No. 61, In said
Southwest quarter of the Southwest
quarter of said Section, excepting,
however, a strip off of the South ends
of snld Lots heretofore convoyed to
the City of Plattsmouth for street
In Plaintiff, as against you and other
defendants and to exclude and enjoin
you nnd each of you from ever assort
ing or claiming any right, title, estate,
Interest or lion therein adverse to
Plaintiff, nnd for such other and further
relief as may be just and equitable..
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before tho SMth dav of
March, 1913, or the allegations "con
tained In said petition will be taken as
true and, n decree rendered as prayed
for thereli.
Dated: February lot h 1913
Ry JOHN M. LEYDA, His Attorney.
Plnttsniouth, Neb., Feb. 4, 1913.
Hoard mot pursuant to adlournment.
Present: C. R. Jordan, C. E. Heehner
and Julius A. Pit., Countv Commls
soners; I). C. Morgan. County Clerk.
Minutes of previous session road and
approved, when the following business
was transacted in regular form:
Moved by Julius A. Pit, nnd second
ed bv C. E. Heehner that the following
resolution he adopted. Motion carried.
Whereas, the building now used for
the Cciurily jail and situated in the City
of l'hi 1 1 stniiii t h. in the Count v of Cass
and Stale (if Nebraska, has been con
demned by the Sinio Fire Warden of
the Slate nf Nebraska, nnd Hint It will
require ii huge expenditure of money
to put snld building In a suitable and
safe condition from damage by lire;
When. us. Iho said building now so
used fur Uio County Jail Is situated In
an unsanitary place and dangerous to
he I Itli of persons confined thprdn;
Whereas tins Hoard of County Com-
missloners of Cass County, Nebraska,
find that an emergency exists in rela
tion to the County jail; therefore be it
Resolved, by the Hoard of Countv
( onimissioners of the Countv of Cass
and Slate of Nebraska. In regular ses
sion assembled this 4th dav of Feb
ruary, A. D. 11) 13. tint for the purpose
of obtaining authority by a vote of
the electors of Cass Countv, Nebraska,
to appropriate the sum of1 12,II00 for
the purpose- of building a County jail
at the City of Plattsmouth, in the said
County and State, and for the purpose
of obtaining authority by n vote of the
electors of Cass Countv, Nebraska, to
levy and collect a special tax of all
taxable property in said Countv for
the purpose of building said Countv jail
at the City or Plattsmouth. in said
t ounty and State. The question and
proposition of appropriation and the
levying ami collecting of a special tax
tor said purpose tie submitted to t ho
legal voters of Cass County, in the
Stale of Nebraska, at a special election
to he held on the Mb dav of April, A.
D. 1913; t hut said question and pro
position to bo submitted is in words
and figures following:
Shall the -Hoard of Countv Commis
sioners of Cass County, Nebraska, or
other person or persons charged by
law with the appropriation nnd low
ing of taxes for said Countv for tiie
tune being, appropriating the sum or
112,000 ami caused to be levied a special
tax sufficient to raise said amount be
levied on nil taxuble property of said
County for the purpose of building a
County Jail at the 'itv of Plattsmouth,
Cass County, Nebraska, taking such
action as the requirements of the law
and the provisions of the Statutes in
such cases made and provided, and the
interests of said County and public
may demand: and said special tax to
be levied and collected one year and
one year' only. Provided, that said
special tax he levied at the time of
making the regular lew of the general
taxes In the year 1913, and to be
entered upon the tax list for Unit year
and collected In the same manner as
other taxes, ami that proceedings shall
be commenced for tho erection of said
jail ns soon after the authority is
obtained from the said electors as is
possible, under t he law and provisions
of the Statutes In such cases made and
provided, and to be continued without
unnecessary delay until the same shall
he completed. That said question and
proposition above set forth shall be
submitted to the vote of the legal
voters of said Countv In the following
form and manner, that Is to say the
form of ballot to be used at said elec
tion in favor of said question and
proposition shall be as follows:
''I vote for the appropriation of $12,
000 and for t lie levying and collection
of a special tax sutlielent to raise said
amount for the purpose of building a
County Jail."
And the form of the ballot to be
used at said election against said ques
tion and proposition shall be as fol
lows: "1 vote against the appropriation of
the sum of $12,000 and against tho
levying and collection of a special tax
for the purpose of building u Countv
Chairman of Hoard of County
1).. C. MORGAN.
County Clerk and Clerk of Said
County Hoard.
Bond of Albert C. Welch. County
Physician Cass County. Approved.
County Clerk reported that bond of
W. R. Bryan, County Assessor, had
been tiled, after having been approved
by the County Judge.
Clerk of the District Court filed state
ment of unclaimed witness fees.
The following claims were allowed
on tho General fund: '
A. E. Walker, M. D., snlury Coun
ty Physician year 1912, Second
District $ 24.75
Nelson Jean & Co., coal to
paupers 12.40
D. C. Morgan, salary and ex
pense 209.37
The ''Diversity Publishing Co.,
'Reading Circle note bouks.... 1.50
Fred Patterson, salary for Jun
uary. 1913 ss.oo
S. F. Cirardet, merchandise to
poor 5.00
Nebraska Lighting Co., gas to I
jail, court house and street '
lamp 18.57
Kontinental Kompound Co.,
sweeping compound 2.35
Dr. J. M. Noely, pauper service
Hello Rates 11.50
C. H. Taylor, salary and expense
for Junuary, 1913 120.00
The ' Plattsmouth Water Co,,
water to court house ........ 10.60
B. I. Clements, et al., Inquest of
Fred L. Freeman 37.95
Miss C. Krujer, nursing Mrs.
Ellis Davis 26.60
Hans Slevers, salary and laundry 79.25
('. E. Heehner. salary 60 00
J P. R. Jordan, salary 61.40
i Weeping Water Republican,
printing to countv 18.50
Julius A. Piti, salary 59.80
Mrs. I. D Jones, et al., reports of
births and deaths 37.00
C. D. Quinton, hoarding city
prisoners and committments.. 10.50
C. D. (Juinton, boarding county
prisoners and salary 185.90
John Bauer, merchandise nnd
labor to County 26.65
M. Archer, State vs. Fred Ohm.. 3.50
C. D. Quinton, State vs. Fred
Ohm 1.10
A. W. White, merchandise to poor 10.00
J. H. Tains, salary for January,
1913 75.00
J. II. Tarns, expense for help In
butchering and Ice harvest.... 21.50
Geo. W. Voss, coal to Mrs. Wil
liams 5.50
M. Funger, blankets to Jail.... 3.92
Remington Typewriter Co., rib
bon coupons 16.50
Win. Sehmldtmaiin, merchandise
and repairs to county farm
and jail 31.25
E. Manspeaker, salary deputy
sheriff, January. 1913 45.00
John Kopia, merchandise to farm 42.70
Oinnlia Printong Co., filing caso
for sheriff 19.25
Norman C. Havmer, disinfectant 9.25
M. M. Butler. M D County '
Phvslclan salary Third District,
1912 30.00
Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph
Co., rent and tolls 35.90
Mary E. Foster, salary and ex
pense and deputy, January,
1913 .'. i 151.53
Ed Egenberger, Admstr., coal to
court house 250.07
C. W. Baylor K- Co., coal to
paupers and farm 119.44
The Plattsmouth Journal, print
ing nnd supplies 55.01
H. M. Soenntehson, merchandise
to paupers 19.00
'A. W. Shrader, road viewer, road
No. 373 3.00
Louisville Courier, letter heads
to Countv Judge 8.50
Agent C B. & Q. U. R., tickets
to pnupcrs 12.14
The following claims were allowed on
the Road funds:
J, C. Nldnv, road work, Road
District No. 11 16.80
A. F. Sevbert, road work, Road
District No. 3 15.40
Geo. H. Melslnger, road work,
Road District No. 3 6.40
W. C. Norval, road work, Road
District No. 14 21.10
W. T. Sacks, road work, Road
District No. 16 25.00
M. .1. Carries, road work, Road
District No. 6 4.80
Joe Vlckers, road work. Road
District No. 16 14.00
Perry Cook, road work, Road
District No. 16 9.60
U Dol how, road work, Road
District No. 6 4.80
The Avoca Lumber Co., lumber,
Road District No. 13 25.82
Wm. Wulf, dragging road, Road
District No. 1(1 3.60
John 11. Busch, lumber, Road
District No. 13 51.79
Thus. E. Fulton, blacksmith
work. Road District No. 12 3.70
John Ie nl i'm, roiul work, Road
District No. 15 11.20
(',. I'. Kastwond, nails. lload
District No. 1 5.00
Miko Slatterv. road work, Road
Dislrict No. 11 8.00
Johnson & Jones, blacksmith
work. Road District No. H 10.00
H. A. Flinko Lumber Co., lum
ber. Bond District No. 3 4.70
The following claims were allowed
on the Bridge fund:
Jolm II. Hiiseh, bridge lumber..! 51.79
G. A. Murdock, bridge work ti.(M)
11. A. Fuiike Lumber Co., bridge
lumber 5.2."
Geo. W. Voss Co., bridge lumber ll.T'i
Hoard adjourned to meet Wednesday.
February 5. 1913. . .
Plattsmouth, Neb.. Feb. 5, 1913
Hoard met as per adjournment, with
all members present.
As advertised for, bids were received
lor the county printing and contracts
awarded as follows:
Weeping Water Republ lean Bar
Docket und Commissioners' proceed-
Plattsmouth Journal Treasurer's re
port. Road Notices, Notices to Con
tractors and Call for Rids.
Bids for County Physicians were as
First District Dr. J. p. Martin,
J-.iO; Dr. E. D. Cummins, 1240; con
trait awards.
Second District Dr. A. E. Walker,
!J4.75; contract awarded.
Third District in-. J. w. Rrendel.
J'.' : contract awarded. Dr. M. M. But
ler. !.".0.
Fourth District Dr. C. P. Fordyce
i 10; contract awarded.
Fifth District Dr. N. D. Talcott, !75;
contract awarded.
Sixth District Dr. O. E. Llston. $125
Dr. Carson W. Palmer. $74; contract
Tho bids for the burial of the pauper
poor were:
Michael Hlld Varnished eoflin, !5
per foot; outside box, $1; trip to ceme
tery, il; extra trips, !."; shrouds, !.i.75.
heaters, $1(1.
Sir-eight At Strelght Varnished cof
hn, $t.7i per foot: outside box, K5e; trip
to cemetery. $; extra trips. $j;
shrouds. $:i.!i0: lloaters. $10.
Contract uwarded to Stroight At
Strelght. ,
County Treasurer tills dav Instructed
to transfer tho sum of $,'.00 from the
General fund to the Soldiers' Relief
County Treasurer filed his report of
receipts and disbursements last half
of year 1912.
Hoard decided to adjourn from day
to day wlille checking the County
Ireasurer. and the only matter of busi
ness appearing before them was on the
request of County Superintendent Miss
Mary E. Foster for $25 per month for
clerk hire; the result of vote was as
follows: Jordan voted $10 per month;
Heehner voted $15 per month; Pit,
voted $20. A comprise, was finally
reached between Heehner and Pit, on
$15 per month, to be paid for clerk to
County Superintendent's ollice for the
year 1913. Jordan voting for $10.
Board adjourned to meet Tuesday,
February 18, 1913.
D. C. MORGAN, County Clerk.
Mothers Can Sarely Buy
lr. King's New Discovery and give
it lo I lie lit tle fines when ailing
ami suffering, with colds, coughs,
throat or lung troubles, tastes
nice, harmless, once used, always
used. Mrs. Uruee Crawford, Nia
gra, Mo writes: "Dr. King's New
Discovery changed our boy from
a oale, weak, sick boy to the pic
ture of health." Always helps.
Buy it at F. 0. Fricke & Co.'s.
Brood sows for sale. J. V.
Thomas. 'Phone 6-Murray.
Attention, Farmers!
Clean up your yard now and see
0. P. Monroe about buying all old
scrap iron at the highest market
price. 2-7-lmo-wkly
Returns From Extensive Trip.
A. M. Holmes came up this
morning from Murray and visited
with relatives and friends in this
city. Mr. Holmes has just re
turned from an extensive trip to
Webster and Franklin counties,
Nebraska; Woods and Kingfisher
counties, Oklahoma, and thence to
Topeka, Kansas and Livingston
county, Missouri, in which
localities he has relatives, and re
ports having a most enjoyable
Young Man Loses Muffler.
One of Plaltsniouth's young
men, who is employed as a cleark
in the Burlington shops, took ad
vantage of the half holiday Sat
urday lo journey to Omaha, and
while taking ni the sights of the
gay metropolis had the misfortune
to lose his muffler, which was a
very valuable one and highly
Drized, and although much grieved
over the loss feels that lie was
lucky to get back with even his
rubbers, as the city life is some
Move to California.
This afternoon Miss Hattie
Keaney, in company with her
brother, Jahn II. Kearney, depart
ed for Heading, California, where
Miss Kearney expects to make her
future home with her brother.
Miss Kearney has many warm
friends hero who will regret to see
her leave, but trust that she will
enjoy much happiness in her new
home on the coast.
For Sale.
My residence property in South
Park; 3 acres of land, nine-room
house. Modern except heat and
light. Plenty of fruit. Hubert II.
Patton. 2-8-lwk-d
Here is a message of hope and
good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin,
Boone Mill, Va., who is the mother
of eighteen children. Mrs. Mar
tin was cured of stomach trouble
and constipation by Chambrlain's
Tablets after live years of suffer
ing, and now recommends these
tablets to the public. Sold by F.
n. Fricke fc Co,
If You Doctored 19 Years For
And vmitually found sornothlnK that drove It out of your system would you tell
very body you could about It or would you kfep the secret to yourself? I think
one should tell, and If ygu write an old sufferer slit will tell you what drove It
from her at a cord of lens than JiOO. Pleas, bear In mind 1 l.;ve no medicine or
merchandise of any kind to sell, bo you need not be backward in nendln for In
formation. I want to holp you and will tlve you all the Inform.itlon without one
cent deposit. I can never forget how I suffered from ltheunmtism and how crip
pled I ws for a long time, and now-uo limp, pi,in r fear-nil signs of It are eone.
That la why I am not asklnc you to tend money for something you know rothlng
nhout. as I realize how many there are, who ask a lot nnd give nothing. Knclose
postage for reply.
MRS. M. 2. COLLY, Apartment 100. 117 So. Dearborn St. CHICAGO.
No. 19U
At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
February 4, 1913.
Loiins nnd discount,.
li.K'. 00
Overdrafts scoured and unsecured
i . r. iHinuH u) secure circulation
Other IkiihIs to secura l'u-util Sav
ings. I'reuiiums on IT. s. IhiihIs
Ilonds. securities, etc
Hanking house, furniture, fixtures. ..
Other real estate owned
One from national hanks (not re
serve agent)
One from animived reserve agents. .
Checks and other cash Items
Notes of other national hanks
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents
Lawful money reserve in hank, viz:
LeKal-tender notes 7,tWiA)-
liedempilon fund from IT. S. Treas
urer (i tier cent of circulation). .
Capital stock paid ln f 50,000.00
Surplus fund '5,000.00
Undivided profits, less expenses and
t axes paid XiTi Oi
National hank notes outat aniline.... 50,0o0.u(,
Individual deposits subject to check 93.714.2:1
Demand certitlcaU's of dciHMlt I).5s,r 0
Time certificate of deposit l2,5tiH.2:i
Defioslts of Costal Savings 2,505. 4t
..143,934 9K
SI ate of Nebraska, I
County of (.'ass f 8)1 I. U. N. Dovey, cashier
of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the alxive statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
II. N. Dovkt, Cashier.
Correct Attest: V. K. Son later,
K. W. Cook,
c i ,.3 , UK0- & l'vitr, Directors
Subscrllied and sworn to before me this
71 h day of I'ebruary, liu;. Bessie Shea
Notary I'ublio.
My commission expires June 3, nt.'.
F.d llughson, from near Union,
was in the city Saturday for a few
hours at lending to some trading
with the local merchants.
L. C. W. Murphy drove in Sat
urday afternoon from his farm
and spent several hours here with
friends and attending to business
Miss Anna Thlerolt of Cedar
Creek was in tho city Saturday
visiting with friends, and was a
guest of Miss Emma Bauer while
Andy Morrow ann wife of Bur
well, Neb., who have been visiting
relatives hero for a week, depart
ed this morning foe Seward, where
they will visit for a short time be
fore returning to their home.
Mrs. George E. Dovey returned
yesterday morning from Kansas
City, where she had been visiting
her daughter during her stay in
that city. Miss Dovey left Sunday
for St. Louis, where "The Pink
Lady" will appear for two weeks.
Miss Margaret Donelan return
ed to her studies at Brownell Hall
at Omaha this morning, after a
week-end visit with her mother,
Mrs. John Donelan, in this city.
Gust Hagel arid wifo of Water
loo, Wis,, who are here visiting
with John Fight and wife, accom
panied them to Omaha this morn
ing, where they will take in tho
sights of the metropolis.
W. R. Holly and Henry Brink
man were passengers Saturday
evening on No. 2 for Nebraska
City, where they visited over Sun
day with friends, returning home
on the afternoon Missouri Pacific.
Sam Waugh of Lincoln, who
visited over night with friends in
this city, returned this morning
on No. 15 lo his home. Ho ac
companied his sisler, Miss Flor
ence Waugh, to this city, where
she will resume the work of
cataloguing the books in the
Dr. It. N. Ransom arrived in
the city Saturday evening to join
his wife and visit for a short time
Willi relatives and friends. He is
now located at Cedar Rapids, Neb.,
where he has a very line practice
worked up in the dental lino.
Mrs. Roy Boyd and her guest,
Miss Lyall Chamberlain, of Lead
ville, Colo., departed Ibis after
noon for Anamosa, Iowa, after a
short visit with Mrs. Boyd's par
ents. Fred Kunsmami and wife.
Mrs. Kutisrnaiin accompanied
I hem as far as Omaha.
Sell your property through a
little ad In the Journal.