The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 23, 1913, Image 1

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Efforts Will Be IKaJc to Give Pen
sions to State Militia Who As
sisted in Putting Down Indians
From Tuesday's Daily.
The bill that has been in
troduced in congress by Congress
man Hussell of Missouri to pen
sion the members of state militia
lias created considerable interest
in this locality, and an effort has
been made to get the bill amended
so as to include territorial militia
in the provisions of the measure.
A company of militia was or
ganized in this city on October
Hi, 1804, and mustered into serv
ice under the command of Captain
Isaac Wiles, and they remained in
tho service in the field against the
. Indians until February 13, 1805,
when they were mustered out of
the service in this city. The com
pany inarched from this city to
Fort Kearney and return and were
quite active in putting down the
Indians, who were very trouble
some at, that lime. There lias
been a great deal of trouble in
some of these veteran.-, securing
pensions and the bill before con
gress is to give just recognition to
these old soldiers, who are rapid
ly, passing away. Some time a no
County Clerk Morgan addressed a
letter to Congressman Maguire,
of this district, presenting the
case of the old soldiers, and ask
ing in their behalf that, (lie con
gressman use his efforts to se
cure the placing of the territorial
veterans in the provisions of the
bill. Mr. Morgan yesterday re
ceived the following reply from
Mr. Maguire in relation to the
' "Washington. Jan. '1 3, I '. I .'i.'v'
"My Dear Mr. Moigu: :
"I am in receipt of your letter
of the lath in.-it., calling my at
tention to the Russell bill, which
proposes "to give a pensionable
status to the organized state
militia and other troops which
served in the civil war. I have
seen Mr. Russell on this matter
and he assured rue that he saw no
iibjection to extending the terms
of the bill to territorial troops,
such as those of Nebraska, and
when the bill comes up on the
floor of the house for considera
tion I will give it my personal at
tention. Very truly yours,
"John A. Maguire, M. C."
This measure should receive
the support of the Nebraska
delegation in congress, as the men
who served so loyally to protect
the citizens and their property in
this state during those trouble
some days of the civil and Indian
wars are deserving of receiving
pensions that will furnish them
with means for living during the
few remaining years of their
Company B of the First Ne
braska was recruited in this city
by Captain Wiles and mustered
into service under the orders of
Governor ' Saunders " and were
actively engaged in the Indian
troubles of that time and were
under the orders of (ieneral Rob
ert R. Livingston, who had com
mand of (he eastern Nebraska
district. After being mustered
ut of the service many of the
ien enlisted and went south to
gilt in the civil war. The muster
roll, which has been preserved by
Captain Wiles, was as follows:
Captain, Isaac Wiles; first
lieutenant, Henry J. Slreighl; sec
ond lieutenant. Leslie C. Johnson;
first seargent, Marshall McEvvain;
seargenls, Eugene IL Sage, F. A.
Kirkpalrick. William R. Mayfiebl;
rorporals. Lewis 11. Young, Wil
lliam R. Allison. Mitchell Murray,
Eli F. Ballard; privates, John W.
Adams, Oscar I'. Austin, John
Bachelor, Robert A. Beaver. Archi
bald Bolar. Fli M. Burger, John C.
Darker. William T. P.ryan. Edward
A. Carall. Andy Coles. John W.
Colvin, Josiah Craig. William A.
Carson, George W. Crawdson,
Frank A. Davis, James M. Elling
ton, Widows Frazier, James Hud
pins, James Hendricks, William
Hudson, Lewis Hathaway, Balhuel
Hathaway, Irilus C. Johnson, John
M. Letters, John L. Keeves, John
J. Mayfiebl, George W. Mutz, Wil-
liaru M. Records, William A.
Shoop, John C. Smilh, Augustus
Series, Charles Ii. Slocking, John
Snyder, William Taylor, Ami II.
Todd, Benjamin Ward, William
F. West, Irvin S. White, Francis
M. You nj;, Roliert T. Garrett.
A proat many of these old
soldiers have, passed to the Great
Beyond and the granting of pen
sions to the survivors will only be
a just recognition of their
"l,ffl AND JEFF"
Will Be at Parmele Theater Sat
urday Night, January 25, to
Make Everybody Laugh.
"Laugh and the world laughs
with you. Weep and you'll gather
no moss." The above expression
was inspired by the actions of a
happy tramp who had emerged
from the gallery entrance of the
Manhattan opera house in Now
York one night, during the en
gagement of "Mult and Jell'" at
that I healer. "Weary Willie" was
singing at the top of his voice
some air he had heard in the show
and at. the corner of 3ith street
and Eighth avenue he attempted
to do a "jig," in which, however,
he was no adept. Quite a crowd
collected and a vigilant "cop"
strolled up and inquired, "What's
wrong, Willie, why so happy?"
Willie answered, "I'm drunk,
broke and I haven't a friend in the
world, but crying don't get you
anything." Many a wiser man can
prollt by W illie's advice. Do as
be did see "Mutt and JelV" and
laugh oil' that "grouch," if you
don't it may grow in and "do you."
The entire outfit of fun-makers
will be at the Parmele theater next
Saturday night, January 2r.
Opening of Work of Grand Lodge
Catholic Workmen Signalized
by Celebrating High Mass.
From Tue.xduy's Daily.
This morning the grand lodge
of the Catholic Workmen opened
ir. this city for a three days' ses
sion at the K. S. hall in the west
part of the city. The opening of
the lodge was signalized by the
celebration of high mass at 9
o'clock at Holy Rosary church by
Rev. Father Ylcek, national chap
lain of the order. The church was
vey beautiful and was furnished
by the choir of the church under
the direction of Cyril Janda, and
the splendid music added greatly
to the beauty and solemnity of the After the celebration of the
mass the local lodge and the dele
gales marched to the hall, where
I he sessions of the lodge are heiiiiu-
hi Id, and the mayor of the city,
ohn P. Saltier, formality extended
the freedom of the city to the
visitors and bid them welcome to
the garden city of the west. The
address of welcome was respond
ed to by Joseph Jelinek of this
city in behalf of the lodge. This
Meeting is attended by delegates
from all sections of the coui.try
ai. (I they are a line appearing
('( legation of gentlemen, and dur
i."g their slay in our city should
be treated in a royal manner by
the citizens. The afternoon ses
sion of the grand lodge was dc
voled to Ihe transaction of the
business mailers of the lodge.
Tomorrow evening a fine dra
malic production will be given a1.
the ball by Ihe dramatic club, un
der the direction of Mr. Racek, an.
it will be one of the finest Bo
hemian dramas ever shown in this
city. The title of the play is "The
Lost Sister, or Two Sorrows." Fol
lowing the play a dance will be
given and the general public h
cordially inviled to attend both
the play and (he dance, as they
will be well worth seeing and er.-
There Is a Great Demand for
Modern, Up-to-Date Cottages
for Renting Purposes.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The demand for modern, up-to-
date cottages for renting pur
poses in this city is constantly
growing and anyone owning places
suitable for renting purposes finds
no trouble in disposing of them.
There are a number of very de
sirable sites in this city where a
number of six-room cottages
could bo put up at small expense
and they could be rented right
avay at a good figure to parties
desiring modern houses. Most of
the houses that are offered for
rent have been allowed to run
down and become very undesirable
for rent ing purposes.
Some of the real estate men
here should put a number of these
collages up, and they would be
well repaid for their invesl meat,
as every day there are impiiries
made for residences of this char
acter. The lots west of the
Methodist, church and the ones
across the street south from the
Modern Woodman building would
make ideal sites for such resi
dences. Let us hope that some of
the live wires in the city take the
matter in hand and have several
of these modern cottages erectid
in Hie spring sp that the growing
population of the city can be ac
From Tuesday's uuily.
To the Editor of the Evening.
Journal :
Our friends often ask us of the
whereabouts of our son, Russel .
so will publish the last letter,
which we received a few days ago,
telling us of the times he is hav
ing in the frozen rvgions of
.lasi.a, as follows:
"Diar Folks at Home: I re
ceived your most welcome Idler
and also the Xmas presents you
ssiii and thanks ever so much. I
also received a letter telling of
grandmother's death, which was
sad news to me. I had Xmas
presents almost ready to send, but
will send grandpa's to him. Well,
it must have been a blue Xmas for
all of you, as it also was to mc.
I got quite a lot of nice presents
and cannot kick at all. Wo had
a big snow Xmas and about 3
o'clock it started to rain. Talk
about it being sloppy. I guess
yes. The next day it started to
snow and has been snowing a lit
tle every day since. It is two and
one-half feet deep on the level.
Fine sleighing. I have four dogs
and I am driving when I go out.
I broke a couple of pups and one
of them is a peach. The other one
has rheumatism in his hips, but i
work him quite a bit. I had a
picture of them taken Vin Xmas
day. Will send you one of them
when they are finished. Well, I
don't know much more to write
about, so hoping you all had a
merry Xmas and Happy New Year,
will close, with love to all.
"Russell York,
"Douglas, Alaska."
From Tuesday's Dully.
One of tho finest masquerades
of the season is to be given next
Saturday evening at (he Woodman
hall under the auspices of Cass
Camp No. 332, M. W. A., and every
effort will be made to make it one
of the best events of its character
given in this city. Four cash prizes
will be given to the best costumes
on the floor and all lovers of dan
cing should make it a point to at
tend. Tho music for the occasion
will be furnished by Holly's or
chestra and will consist of all the
late music. Remamber tho date
and be sure and attend.
Burlington Inspector in Town.
From Tut'N'liiv' Daily.
E. J. Wheeler, general car in
spector of the Burlington, and
wife, came in yesterday morning
from their home at Lincoln and
visited for Ihe day with their
friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mates,
n turning home on No. 23 yester
day. Mr. Wheeler has been one
of the most efficient men on this
section of the Burlington anddiis
rise has been rapid in the railroad
work, as he has been with the
I.urlinglon road only three years.
Mr. Wheeler looked after business
for the railroad company while in
Ihe city.
Very Interesting Sketch of Lewis
Cass Will Be Printed in
the Journal.
From Tuesday's Pally.
Within a short time, possibly
lish a sketch of the lie and public
services of a most interesting,
eminent and prominent American
statesman and parliot, who was
born more than 130 years ago. It
is the life sketch of that great and
eminent statesman, after whom
and in whose honor Cass county,
Nebraska, was so named Lewis
Cass Ihe beautiful oil painting
of whom adorns the wall just back
of the, judge's rostrum in the dis
trict ' court room in the court
house. Many have looked upon
and admired this picture, but how
few of the residents of Cass
county, either old or young, know
that this picture is that of the
man after whom the county was
named and how and why it hangs
in our court bouse?
Judge Ramsey has been for
some lime preparing the lift;
sketch of this ureal man and has
it a'.. -! completed and it will oc
cupy a large space jn the, Journal
when published. A picture of
Lewis Cass and also of the late- J.
Sterling Morton will appear with
llns life sketch. The Journal er-
peels to print several hundred
extra copies containing this
sketch, as its educational ad
vantages lo every citizen of Cass
county will, as we believe, create
a great demand for the papers,
especially on Ihe part of teachers
and scholars in the schools.
Orders may be left, for the papers
at any time at the Journal office.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mrs. R. O. Rawls, who has been
in Omaha for some weeks recover
ing from an operation for ap
pendicitis, was compelled lo un
dergo a second operation today,
as the attending physician. were
not satisfied with her condition,
and while she was feeling much
better it was thought best lo per
form the operation while she was
in condition for it. That she may
recover from this operation and
be speedily restoued to her former
good health is the heartfelt wish
of her friends in this city and
they I rust that she may soon be
restored to her home and friends.
From Tuesduy's Dally.
Cupid has invaded, the ranks of
the Cass county newspaper men
and has chosen Lee J. Maylleld of
the Louisville Courier as Ihe mark
tor his darts, as the record , of
marriage licenses appearing in
the Omaha Bee this morning
shows that a license was issu!d in
that city yesterday to Mr. May
field and Mrs. Edith Rochford.
Both the bride and groom are
among the most prominent and
popular residents of Louisville,
where they have resided for years,
and their friends are without limit
throughout tho county. The
Journal extends to Mr. Maylleld
and his charming wife its best
wiehes for their future happiness
nnd success as they take the
journey of life together down life's
rugged road.
Of Course He Is to Blame and It Is
Surprising Someone Hasn't
Taken Poke at Him Before.
The farmer is being blamed for
the high cost of living. Of course
he is to blame and it is surprising
that somo irate consumer hasn't
taken a poke at him or got out an
injunction against him. In the
first place ho is a farmer, wears
mussy old overalls and a battered
up hat. In I ho next place bo only
works from 5 o'clock a. m. to 5) p.
m., his wife setting the pace by
going two hours a day better.
Then, too, be pays a lot of taxes,
works the roads, supports the
country schools and incidentally
fallens a few hogs and steers for
market; besides Ibis, he has
fences lo build, post holes to dig,
hay to put up ami the corn lo
Once in awhile the cholera kills
his hogs, the blackleg gels his
cattle and his horses succumb to
various ailments and epidemics.
Some years Ihe frost nips his
corn and id her years the hail de
stroys his grain, lie lights gopher
and weevil, caterpillar and bug,
while the hawk, the vveazel, the
skunk and the pip prey upon his
chickens. There are several other
things that (rouble, annoy and
beset him, to which might be ad
ded the garden, Ihe orchard and
the butter making. But despite
this life of ease and luxury he
meekly takes what the market of
fers him for his products and
wonders what became of the lost
money between a 30-cent bushel of
corn and a six-ounce package of
braeakfast food at IT cents, or his
7-cent sleer and his 30-cent beef
steak. Oh, it. is great, . to be u
farmer and feed Ihe world, while
Ihe waiters gel the lips and, the
produeers gei the cussin'.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The presentation of Oeorge
Barr McOulchcon's romantic
drama, "Beverly of Orauslark,"
at Ihe Parmele theater last even
ing drew a large house, which was
well pleased with Ihe manner in
which it was given by Ihe excellent
company- appearing here. The
play contains some beautiful act
ing and the love scene between
Baldos and Beverly in the third
act was especially si rung and the
play as a whole was one very
pleasing to the general run of
thealer-Roers. Miss Lillian Allen,
who appeared as "Aunt Fanny,"
kept the audience in a laugh most
of the lime, and she was certainly
all that anyone could ask in such
a part. The leading roles of
Beverly ami Baldos were acted in
a splendid manner by Miss Dor
othy Howard and Robert Lawrence
and both of Idem are first-class
dramatic artists, as their rendi
tion of the story of Ihe play was
line ami they won much applause
from the audience by their clever
From Tuesday's Dully.
Con can't net ahead of (Jrover
Will in donating to the mail car
rier or sending by parcel post
The other day he brought out to
his mail box a three-bushel sack
of oats ami a lot of fresh meat and
said he wanted lo send it by par
eel post. It was over-weight and
Orover forgot to put the necessary
stamps thereon, so tho carriei
concluded lo lake it anyhow. Mr.
John Beckman also gave the car
rier a two-bushel sack of oats the
same day and wanted it sent by
parcel post. He, too, did not al
tach any stamps, but it went.
Other small donations have been
made since our last report, all for
which we are thankful.
J. M. Young,
Route 1, Mynard.
Mrs. Reynolds Very Low.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Mrs. B. J. Reynolds, who has
been very low for several days at
her home in this city, is reported
as being no better today and her
condition is most serious indeed.
She has been an invalid for sev
eral months, and although the
utmost care and ?Utention has
been given she has not improved
in the lest, but has grown
steadily worse.
From Tuesday's Dany.
Parcels may be insured against
loss in any amount equivalent to
its value, but not to exceed $30,
on tho payment of a fee of 10
cents in parcel post stamps, samo
to bo affixed to parcel and
receipted for by post master or
Parcels not properly tacked or
or marked w ill be refused by post
master. Don't try to use ordinary
stamps; tho distinctive parcels
stamps must be used.
Don't seal your packages; wrap
and tie securely.
Don't forget that the name of
(lie sender must be on Ihe outside
of the package.
Don't forget lo mark your
package "Perishable," when the
contents are perishable.
Don't forget to mark your pack
age "Fragile," when it contains
breakable articles.
Don't try to send a package
weighing over eleven pounds or
measuring more than 72 inches in
combined length and girlh.
Don't lake or send vonr pack
age lo Ihe train, as mail agents
w ill not receive I hem.
From Tuesday's Dally
The Missouri Tribe of Red Men
of this cilv are making big1
preparal ions for the product ion
here on February 3 of the thrill
ing romance of the Okla
homa oil fields entitled "Struck
Oil," and it promises to be one of
the best that has ever appeared in
this city. The play is given by
I lie members of the Olenwood
Tribe of Red Men, who have play
ed it a number of times and have
always made a great hit wherever
it has been shown. This play will
he followed on Tuesday, February
'i, by the Fiddlers' contest, and
great interest is already being
manifested throughout this sec
tion of the country by Ihe fiddlers,
who will be here in force to take
part in the contest. The com
mittee in charge of these events
are planning to make these at
tractions something that will bo
long remembered by everyone in'
the city as Ihe biggest events they
ever enjoyed.
From Tuesday's Dully.
Several citizens of Shenandoah
have "been stung recently in Ihe
way of a book graft. II. is a clever
scheme and seemed lo "get" most
everyone. Two nimble (ongued
young men are giving sets of
books away, the only money re
quired is in payment for the bind
ing of the volumes. Five dollars
down is the first payment on the
binding bill, and of course you do
not want Ihe books unless they
are bound. Well, it is the same
old slory, those paying the five
are still waiting for the books.
Many prominent Shenandoah peo
ple contributed. (llenwod Trib
une. These fellows may have al
ready visited l'lattsmouth, but if
they havo the Journal has failed
lo hear from any of their victims.
If you have not yet been "stung"
it is just as well to be on the
lookout for them. Their manner
of doing business shows fraud
from the very start.