The Plattsmouth Journal - Published Semi-Weekly it Piittsaoatli, Nebraska CUD R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the I'ostoilioe at I'iattsmouth, Nebraska, as sei-ond-olas matter. fl.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE This is a chilly asiirai of a fine winter w heal crop. 'J'hoiie vour order to a grocer and have it sent hy parcels post. :o: With all this parcels post crash, it must he remeinhcrcd how tin poor express companies are far ing". :o: Every citizen is either for his town or he is against it. If he is for it ho should not he hackward in demonstrating the fact, and if ho is against it he should move out and make room for a more public-spirited citizen. No town has any use for a drone or a grouch. :o: Ilight away after tho holidays, when every possible cent has been spent, along comes I'iattsmouth merchants with bargains that are simply irresistahle. .o : Did you ever know that the de partment of agriculture of the state university doesn't realize that there is such a thing as poultry, hasn't a feather on the dace and is practically boycotting the Nebraska hen? Well, it's a fact. :o: It illy becomes n business man l,o "blow his head off' talking about the Commercial club and its work when he is not even a mem ber, and if he is, does not attend tho meetings. (Jo and see what they arc (hung before you kick. If you are not a member go and join and be a live member and stop whining. President Wilson will call the special session of congress a month earlier than intended March 15 instead of April 15. This hardly gives a member lime enough to return home and turn around and get. back. If we were an (dd bachelor like Congressman Maguire we wouldn't come home at all for that short space of time. The weather editor of the Liu- coin Journal comes to the front with Ihe discovery that the dry December of IKH'.l was followed by a drouth year in I K.o, while the dry December of 18'.) 5 was follow ed by a splendid corn crop in lHM. lie believes theories are easily manufactured. That's about the upshot of the whole business. Theories are no good only when they are made for the purpose. :o: A poor wretch has surrendered himself at Springllcld, Illinois, and confessed to having taken from the .safe of a great. corporation some vears ago. His conscience troubled him. This increases Ihe wonder of why it is lhat conscience afllicts only poor offenders. The corporation from which this money was taken has several limes been indicted for extortion and none of its officers has ever confessed anything which was proved. :o: . Let us all remember that every time we knock on things that are transpiring in our city with the best intentions for the good of tho town, we are only casting re flections upon tho loyally aid patriotism of tho very ones who deserve your comcndalion, instead of your reflections.. Let our slogan be, "Stand up for Plaits mouth!" It would be better than standing around with a grouch on all the lime, simply becauso wo can't be the "whole cheese," and run matters to suit ourselves. We can't do it, unless tho majority stands with us. beginning to draw :o: The weather recently has been culling ice, whether anybody else has or not. :o: There are plenty of early signs that the legislature hopper will handle a bumper crop of bills. :o: Fame is an elevation on which a man is placed so he'll be a bet ter mark for the populace to throw rocks at. :o: If the millionaires, loo, arc go ing to organize a trust, what's the matter with Idling them to just lake it all and let it go at that. :o: Don't grumble and growl, but jump right into the band-wagon and assist in playing to the music of "See Plattsmouth Succeed." :o: The express companies seem to be doing their usual amount of business. Too early, however, to tell what effect the pracels post will have upon the express busi ness. :o ; U; fore another issue of the Journal Hon. John H. Morehead will have been inaugurated as governor of Nebraska. We have all the conlldence in the world in Governor Morehead, and know he will make good. Here's to you, Governor. Shake! :o: We're coming-, Father Wood row, a hundred thousand strong, they have kept us out of office sixteen years loo long; were hungry and we're thirsty, but manna you'll supply; from mes senger to cabinet the heads will surely lly; we've wailed and we've waited to hear Ihe big horn blow, and now we'll feast on plenty while others eat Ihe crow; and now, from Maine to Texas, you'll hear our battle cry we're com ing, Father Wood row, we're com ing for our pie. A Commercial club is an or ganization of business men band ed together for Ihe betterment of Plallsnioulh. II has already done wonders in its work for the build ing up of our city. No business The days are out. again. man is barred from its ranks. nor;fnoLsh cllsU,m 0I1CC wlen a fo()1 is any oilier citizen who feels an f,,jl)W ,.j(( dislocate his wrist interest in the prosperity of tho(V wri,,. hj.s hand and it put lown. lion t go around and give the Commercial club the dickens, hul throw by the wavsidc prejudices or ill-feeling and at lend the meetings of Ihe club reg ularly. livery member has a voici in the deliberations, and if tin club is not running to suit you, go and raise your voice and try and have it run to suit. A majority rules and you are certainly in favor of Ihe majority rule. :o: The navy year book shows that including ships built, building and authorized, the United Slates con tinues to rank third among tho great niaratiine nations. Great Krilain takes llrst rank, having (ill battleships and 15 armored cruisers, with a total tonnage of 1,818,850. Germany ranks sec ond. Her number of battleships is 37 and her armored cruisers 15.- The combined tonnago is 827,725. The United States has 38 battleships and 11 armored cruisers with a combined tonnago of 787,591. France, Japan, Rus sia, Italy and Austria-Hungary coino next in rank. It is general ly believed, however, that in quality, and tho courage of the men behind the guns, those of the United Stales navy arc second to none. The parrels postage stamp is also a laiK- one to lick. The wheat grower.- of county are feeling I -1 1 r since j the hi;: snow. :o: It must he conceded that the weather man has handed Cali fornia a lemon. There are lots of women who pray to get into heaven ami light to gel into society. Every man who lives in Platts mouth should he for Plattsmouth first, last and all the lime. :o: This would not be a bad year for Ihe stale legislature to decide o draw a few loan shark fangs. :o: E. A. Smith, a member of the legislature from Douglas count-, has prepared a bill which he will ask lhat body to pass and enact into law, compelling all physi cians to write their prescriptions in plain, everyday English. Ho thinks when a patient has a pre scription for a nickel's worth of salts he ought to know whether bo is being charged 50 cents for I hem. :oc Governor Morehead was duly inaugurated yesterday, and is now the chief executive of the great slate of Nebraska. The Journal has great faith in Governor More head and believes when the time arrives for him to retire he will do so as one of the mot efficient public servants Ihe state has ever had. May success attend Gov ernor Morehead and Ms- admin istration and may his term be one of pleasure to both himself and family. :o: . A newspaper is the cheapest thing you can buy, it come. to you every day or week, as- the case may be, rain or shine, calm r stormy, bringing you tin best news of the neighborhood;. No matter what happens, it. enters your door a welcome ' friend, bringing sunshine and happiness. It shortens I lie long winter day,! and enlivens the long winter nights. It is your adviser, gossip and friend. No man is just to hjs wife and children who does not give them a home paper to read. Now is the time to subscribe President Wilson says lie is go ing to abolish the hand-shake. This is Ihe most sensible idea. The plan of making a treat man stand up while people tile before him and ring his hand is Ihe most idiotic of all idiotic performances that we have inaugurated. Gen- eral Grant was undergoing this ,lu KlMUM.aI oul 0f commission for ,...,! weeks. The who .,ee NOlirtiitlrnfnfl llin mil pnfrik I It 1 1 rr 1i t if -' l l n i III', V'UH Hp UlUUIIt Hi was smart. NYhat possible good it can do anyone to seize a man's ,iand am, pas8 it a,ong t() somc hundreds of others is a mystery and we are glad to see lhat Wil son has inaugurated a needed re form by stopping Ihe foolish Ihing. :o : A bill has been prepared by tho superintendents of school from i over the state, and a committee from Ihe Slato Teachers' associa tion, which provides for state aid for Ihe teaching of agriculture and domestic economy in tho ac credited high schools, rural high schools, consolidated rural schools and county high schools. As the bill is drafted tho amount paid to tho various schools will bo graduated according to tho class of school. The largest amount provided for in tho bill was $1,250 a year. Tho matter was discussed at tho meeting and met tho ap proval of the fifty or sixty super intendents present. The matter will bo taken, up at once nnd each county superintendent will mako an effort to create sentiment in hjs community in favor of the lin Governor Morehead bear? hi honors meekly. :o : The coal man i- able r-i 1 up ami lake nourishment, -'- :u: Ft is hope deferred that girs so many people cold feet. - ; ; OlV.eially it is "parcel post" not "parcels post." Well, we are willing. ;o ; It took the government just live years to find out it was wrong about the coal trusts. :o: The Commercial club has de- cided in favor of arnd her banquet, ! but the date is not fixed. Old Koreas was a little slow in getting here, but when he arrived he had his baggage with him. :o: Governor Morehead urges practical economy in expenditures and the legislature should heed his advice. :o: Women are going to wear watches on their ankles. Gee, but there will be a lot of interest in Hi? lime of day. :o: If Ihe parcel post can make good on eyrgs the public will be satis fied as to bacon and the rest of the breakfast (able. :o: Sra.-ons may come and seasons may gr, but the man who says "things ain't like they used to be" will be with us forever. ;o : You can help make lf13 luckier than any other year if you want to. Join the Commercial club and Iwiost the town in which you live. Kansas Cityans are being asked ! reduce their consumption of natural gas. ft is hard to tell which of Ihe newspapers of that eify this is aimed nf. :o: NYUIiam Rockefeller is probably nol so much afraid of being un-' abN- lo answer leading quest ion.t sMy. as he is alarmed at the rosf of doing s. Morgan had N pay seven lawyers ,r)0,()0 to slier him safely through. :o. iiiiiiw n man is one oi ine things thai Ihe Nebraska legis lature will have to contend with through a bill that will be in troduced to that efTect. They have such a law in Kansas, and it is said lo work like a charm. :o: A young, vigorously growing stale, the one honored with the name of Washington, has plannod lo establish this year a matri monial bureau through which (he surplus of women in the east can ,,ocomfi oUov acquainted vv ith the sm'Plu 'f men in Ihe northwest- ern corner of the country, with serious intentions on both sides. It is said that substantial public sentiment there is urging the legislature to pass the necesasry law, and lhat many members are pledged to it. QREAT Clearance of every suit and over- coat in the house just now including garments from Hart Schaffner & Marx and other leading makers. Your choice of over 500 suits and overcoats at reduced prices: FJTFORM NY hut a majority of the people of Nebraska want is not more law, but just and equitable laws, and in their T' 'i-inMil have them apply to all classes alike. The "star" boarder's lean .stomach craves meat, but the high price of lhat commodity makes it necessary to substitute something cheaper a part of the time. Kidieving lhat the devil is busier in the summer time than in the winter, an Omaha minister has decided to lake his annual vaca tion during the winter mouths. A Commercial club puts life and vim in any community. That has been fully demonstrated to the satisfaction of all liberal-minded citizens right here in Plattsmouth. -:o: Some scientists say that aero plane Might. destroy tuberculosis germs.. Aviators seldom die with tuberculosis death is dealt out to them in- another kind of a pack age.. :o: Freak, shipments-by parcel post will not latd, long1- The postoflice is a practical, eommon-sensc in stitution, and stamps have too close a resemblance lo cash to be wasted. :o: NYinler is making such a cautious and strategic approach lhat he is likely to find the gar rison has evaeated into s-pring be fore he gels his investment lines established.. :o: Judge Jesse L. Root declines to register as a legislative lobbyist. No one believes- that Judge Root has gotten down to that point yot, nor is he liable to bo classed with, those rounders-.. :o: Governor Morehead believes that selling drugs-te prisoners-at the penitentiary should bo I recognized by law a. an act en- i , j,Ijnp von(,fip o a ady jfb it) ,,. himself. A little of ,'.j,a .sor, of slaknanlMp would ; ,.,., lninfrs p won,vrfHy at the ! prison. Linooltv Star. I The coming natural event. for ! 1013 may be summed up as- fol - low.-:: Spring begins March 21 at 18 minutes after midnight; summitr. begins, June 21 at 8:00 p.. in.;: fall: begin September 23 at 10:53 a. in., and winter on De cember 22 at 5:35 a. in. Thero will be live eclipses, three of tho sun and. two of the moon. Tho first, an eclipse of Ihe moon, part ly visible here, takes place at 3:10 a. m. oa March 22. The second is a partial eclipse of the sua April 0, only visible in the north western portion or ITorlli America. The third is a partial eclipse of Ihe sun on August 31, visible in Greenland. The fourth is a tidal eclipse of the moon on September 15, the beginning visible, here at i:50 a. m., and the last is another partial eclipse of Ihe sun on Sep tember 20, visible in southern Africa. All $15.00 suits and overcoats now 18.00 20.00 22.50 25.00 27.50 30.00 Special clearance on all boys' Manhattan Shirts Habbits ought to be ripe now This does not look much Cnlifi'iiiia weather. like And again an old-fashioned winter day is i-Hi-hcd by Hj.. l(,hl of men. Nothing new in the world. Even the new car is just like the old one. :o :- You wouldn't shop early, vou can be compelled by the law to shovel the snow. :o: P. C. Kelley of Grand Island is the speaker of the Nebraska houso of representatives-. A newspaper out west refused to publish the len commandments for fear its readers would think I hem too personal and stop trie paper. :o: Uncle Sam's rural carriers have5" a prospect of heavier loads, but heretofore their wagons have been running with extra light weights. They w ill enjoy the increased use fulness of their daily rounds, no doubt.. :o: The Commercial club is getting ready for a vigorous campaign for any and everything that is cal culated to benefit Plattsmouth's interests. The election of Henry Schneider as president and Hilt Weseott as- secretary means that two hustlers have hold of the strings now, and with the assist ance of every citizen who should have the interests of our city at heart, something will surely be doing when spring opens. :o : A year of bumper crops was lit 12.. The "movement to the farm" has been as great in tho majority of sections as in any year past.. Tho valuation of the Ameri can farm today is estimated at over $11,000,000,000, showing', an increase of $21,000,000,000 in twenty years. There are 6,000,-. 000 farmsv covering close to 200, 000,000 acres. There arc 5,000, 000 farms- worked by owners. From thi one can see that the farmers from the largest single 'olasfr uf- voters, in the United. Statos-.. The average value of the farm is- about $2,000. Assuming that each farmer's family avor-ages- six person, there is a farm ing community in this country of over 30,000,000 persons, or one Ihird: tho entiro population. A Hero I n a Lighthouse. For years J. S. Donahue, So. Haven, Mich., a civil war captain, as a light house keeper, averted awful wrecks, but a queer fact is, he might have been a wreck, him self, if Klectric Killers had not prevented. "They cured me of kidney trouble and chills," he writes, "after I had taken other so-called cures for vears, without benellt, and they alsn improved my sight. Now, at seventy, I am feeling tine," For dyspepsia, in digestion, all stomach, liver and kidney troubles, they're without equal. Try I bent. Only 50 renl at F. G. Fricke & Co. $1 1 .25 $13.50 . $15.00 $16.25 $18.75 $20.00 $22.50 suits and overcoats. Stetson Hats