SAVE CORN XPOSED E TOJTHE WEATHER Neglect to Properly Protect Har vested Ear Corn From Weather Will Result In Heavy Loss. Uncle Peter Feeling Poorly. I'ncle l'eler Madsen was dow 1 . . 11 low ii unlay. itaiiir neen e pro- c( to lay olf from his duties on ac count of a severe allack of rheu matism. I'ncle l'eler has been sullerinK more or less with this complaint for years and is just re covering from a very seven attack. JJHE MEETING Al THE The following timely sugges tions from one of experience, if properly heeded, will no doubt save the farmers of Cass county many dollars, and as the Journal is interested in the prosperity of our farmers, we give these sug gestions, in the hope that they will bo greatly benefited: , The north and west sides of wire cribs should especially be protected. The snow blows into thom, it softens up at the middle of the day and freezes at night. Hay or canvass makes a good covering for the top and corn fod der set up against the north and west sides of the wire cribs will protect against driving snow. The agricultural colleges, ex tension departments ami crop im ettYCinerit organizations have bwn for several years vigorously keosling for increased yields and improved quality of corn by im proving and testing I ho seed, but practically nothing has been said or done to promote the idea of properly caring for the corn af ter it is harvested. Tho farmers this year have grown the largest crop of corn on record, that has matured fairly well, so that inherent moisture content is about normal, but many farmers are piling I he ear corn that, is of good quality on the ground and storing it in open wire cribs exposed to the weather with out any protection whatever from the snow and rain. The corn thus exposed is most certain to deteriorate in quality and become damaged to such nn extent that it will be unsound and consequently have In be marketed as no-grade, when the same corn, if stored in we'll ventilated cribs, would have cured out, reducing tho moisture content and pre serving the quality otherwise in such a manner that it would be marketed ns No. 3 or bet ter grade. The discount on no-grade corn will probably be as much as 10 cents per bushel, especially if the market becomes congested, and in this connection would suggest also the probability that such damaged corn will sometime in the future be considered under the pure food nnd drugs act as until for animal food, and its sale pro hibited, as is now done in the slate of South Carolina, where the corn is subjected to the acidity lest, and if not w ithin the requirements is confiscated under I he law of the stale. Wot until very recently have I he farmers been responsible under tho pure food law for selling stale eggs, but we notice recently thai the law is being enforced and that the farmers fvre being held re sponsible for the selling of stale eggs, and there is no doubt but what the same will be applied to animal foods. WHAT THE MINISTERIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH ASSOCIATION HAS TO SAY Several Preachers Will Endeavor to Modify Morals of Platts mouth In Their Own Right. FRANK GOBELIN AND AS SISTANTS GO TO MEMPHIS ''rank (iobelmau, the artistic painter of Ibis city, and his as sistant, Ceorge I, utter, departed this afternoon for Memphis, Ne braska, where they will be engag ed in painting a line new house that has just been erected on the farm of C. C. I'armcle near (hat oily. The house was erected by Messrs. A. II. Smith, Orville Kinlz and John l.inderman, and thftvork of the l'lultsmouth car penters was so satisfactory that the painting job was let to Mr. tlobclman, whose reputation for satisfactory work is well known throughout Ibis section. The job of painting will lake the gentle men some lime to complete, as the house is quite a large one and will require a great deal of paint to cover it. t . W. R. C. Officers. i lie new ouicers which were elected by I he Woman's Relief Corps at. their last meeting were as follows: President, Mrs. I,. 11. Kgenberger; vice piesident, Mrs. Jennie Johnson ; junior vice presi dent, Mrs, Frances l'urdy; chap lain, Mrs. M. Archer; treasurer, Mrs. Yal lluikle; conductor, Mrs. I.oretta Ault; guard, Mrs. Anbury Jacks; installing olllcer, Mrs, I. aura J'lirnsher; delegate to stale encampment at Fremont, Mrs. Val Hurkle; alternate. Mrs. Heese. Time began on the Sabbath. Home and t he Sabbath are (iod's first gifts to man; the Jachin and Hoaz pillars of national strength ami morality. The authority for the Sabbatb day is divine. It came from flod al creation, from Jeho vah at Sinai, and from Jesus the Son of Clod and tha saviour of men at Calilce. The Sabbath was made for man and was to be used as a day of worship. Any use of the Sabbath for wordly amusements or secular ends is sin. The Sabbath is essential to the existence of Christianity, and any loosening of public conviction on this subject ,ofVns the way to an utter disregard, if not contempt, for divine law, and because of this more than one-fifth of the labor ing people of Ibis country are compelled to work seven days in the week, (bus being denied the blessings of religious culture of this day of worship. We cannot reach and save the, masses until the masses have the time to bear the gospel of Jesus, and if through Sunday labor, sporl and amusements al, base ball park, beer garden, moving picture shows and theaters the attention of the people be diverted from the real purpose of the Sab bath day, bow much chance will the church have to cultivate and maintain a moral standard that will guarantee to the parents of children who reside in this city, and others who desire to locale here, moral safely for their fam ily? We must make our city morally and physically safe for I hem, for thoughtful people will pass by a city so given up to im moral it y and Sabbath desecra tion as to offer no protection for the moral development of their children, no difference what other advantages it may olTer them. One of the most potent assist ants or assailants of the church and the Sabbath is the daily news paper; and when it, consciously I - 1 1 M . or unconsciously uses us migniy influence to create public senti ment toward the tearing down of the bulwarks of our moral safely as a city or nation, it would be an inexcusable mistake for the min isterial association of that city to allow it to pass without protest. We therefore shall use every endeavor possible, as I lie rep resenlatives of the religious in terests of this city lo slop the present drift in the direction of SahhaJh desecration, and we call upon every member of I be churches of the city to assist in any way possible lo discourage Ibis unholy attempt lo change the Sabbath of Cod into a day of sport, revelry, drunkenness and theater-going. Signed: W. I.. Austin, President. Allan (i. Wilson, Secrelary. Last evening al the Christian church the ltev. I iiinkelberger de livered one of his impressive ser mons, the theme being, "Forgive ness." fu this he brought the story of the returning of I lie prodigal son as an illustration of the forgiveness of the father, and showed how the heavenly Father was as desirous of expressing His love and forgiveness as is the earthly parent. The meetings are attracting much Interest ami are growing from night to night. No announcement will be made today of Ihe subject for tonight, but it will be one of great interest and ably presented. The public are invited lo attend these meetings, flood singing and good music, with the word preached in . the most able manner. The services commence at 7:30 and end by 9 o'clock, which allows all to get home at an early hour. "V Fill "his stocking" with these SILK GARTERS IN CHRISTMAS BOXES 25C DEATH OF M. L FREDRICK'S FATHER IN GERMANY Commissioner Martin L. Friedrich has just received word from (jermany of the death of his aged father at Hrens llach, lles-sen-Darmsfadt, Cermany, of old age, on November 18. The elder Mr. Friedrich would have been 83 years old Christmas; be has been blind for Ihe past three years and has been gradually grow ing more feeble. The informal ion of bis death was conveyed to Mr. Fried rich in a letter from Cermany and he was greatly shocked lo learn of the death of bis aged parent. A number of years ago the elder Mr. Friedrich visited this country and was here for a short lime and be come acquainted with a number of our citizens, who will learn with great regret of his death. WHAT ABOUT THE AN NUAL FIDDLERS' CONTEST? John Nemelz has just received a letter from John Hampton of uburn, Neb., inquiring about tho dale for the annual fiddlers' con test which has been held here for the past two .seasons. Mr. llamp ton was one of the contestants at the last contest, with his little son, and was one of the star features of Ihe evening. These contests have always draw big crowds and proven to be most en joyable events for all those at tending, and it. is to be hoped thai the local lodge of the Hed Men will take (he mailer up and put Ihe affair through in their usua business-like manner. An elegent silk tie in a telescope box. You could not please him better. All bran new goods and the very latest 50c to $1.50 Blanket Bath Robes and House coats from $3.50 to $7.50 nothing better. Those guaranteed sox 6 pair for 60c in neat boxes are winners. fat -tester You will need to come soon if you get any of those choice Christmas ties in Christmas boxes at 29' This is an item you will not find elsewhere and just an other evidence of how we make your Christmas " shopping easy. Packed in Suspender Sets from 75c up to $1.50 a very presentable gift. neai iinsunus uoxes. Handkerchiefs 00111 forget these Silk or linen initial at ISC, 25C AND 50C We are selling a great many Sweaters because we have the right kind. SILK LINED GLOVES IN xma seoxes $1.25 C. E. Wescott's Sons Always the Home of Satisfaction OUR STORE OPEN EVENINGS DURING DECEMBER GET HIM A FUR CAP John Still Improving. John Ncmetz came down town ain this morning for a little iirmg and to visit lor a tune with his friends. John is looking bel ter than before he was taken sick ind at the present rale he is gain ing will get, into (tie heavyweight class in a short time. II seems mighty good to see him around on the streets again after his lomr ick spell. A NEW THING IN THE MOV ING PICTURE BUSINESS DEPART FOR TREIR NEW HOME IN NEBRASKA CITY This morning Jesse IMunt and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ilenner left for Nebraska City, where Mr. Hlunt has purchased the Diamond cafe, which ho will enlarge and improve and make one of the nicest restaurants in thai city. The fixtures that were . formerly used in Ihe Ituby restaurant were moved yesterday afternoon to Ne braska City and the work of lixing up Ihe new restaurant there will be started at once. For all kinds of furniture re pairing, see 0. 1 Monroe, the fur niture doctor. 'Phone 305. Arrangements have been made by Manager Shlaes of the fiem and Majestic theaters to have a representative of one of the lead ing moving picture houses of Chi cago come to this city in the near future and Like views of the prin cipal business houses, public buildings and the prominent citizens of the city, as they ap pear on the street. The views will include Ihe school buildings and the pupils, churches in Ihe city and the Burlington shops and will be one of the biggest advertise ments that has been made for the town. On the day selected the citizens and all those in the city will be notified in order that they may get in the picture. Mr. Shlaes will sell advertising space on the film to the different business houses of the city as they may desire. After the 111m has been shown by Mr. Shlaes it will be turned over lo the Commercial club, which can use il to advertise Ihe town and its industries, as well as its beauty as a residence town. Not Aware. Enjoying perfect health we are not aware that digestion is going on in our body, because it does not cause us the least discomfort. As soon as unpleasant sensations are felt, we have dyspepsia, one of the most common diseases of this country. The usual symptoms are the following: Poor or no appetite, eructations, constipa tion, nausea, vomiting, different pains, headache, nervousness, weakness. The greatest remedy for such complaints is Triner's American Elixir of Hitter Wine. It will quickly and decidedly clean out the whole digestive canal, strengthening it at the same time; it will relieve acute and chronic constipation. The dose can be gradually decreased. To ladies it gives quick relief in their pains. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333 39 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. For rheumatism of muscles and joints try Triner's Liniment. D. E. Seivers of Marquette, Ne braska, who has been here for a short visit w ith his daughter, Mrs. Joe Thompson, and his business partner, lion. W. II. Newell, with i, v :.! UUIII lIC IIU.T II' I II rt 1 II. 1U I.CU 1UI Ihirly years, departed for his home this afternoon. MORE IMPROVEMENTS AT THE TELEPHONE OFFICE The Journal gives space lo the above, but we want it distinctly understood that we do not sanc tion its intent and purposes to create a discord among the busi ness men of Plattsnioulh in order that I hey may carry out those purposes. The Journal will re fuse to print any more such articles, as we do not believe such agilalion does any good, any more than keeping the town ami com munity in a furore. Our patrons are composed of all classes of people, for and against anything of this kind, and we propose to "keep bauds olf" in ueh a light. We have all we can do lo attend to our own business, and have made friends by so doing. The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company has just com pleted t he placing of the new fur nil ure in I heir rest room in the telephone building on Sixth street. The floor of Ihe room has been varnished ami an elegant new rug gives Ihe finishing touches to Ihe arlislic beauty of the room. The furniture is of dark mission style and I hey have also bought a line leather couch, which will give the employes u most delightful place lo rest. The walls and ceiling of the room are finished in two shades of blue trimmed with gold and the room and its beautiful furniture makes a room which for appearance, as well as comfort, would be hard to beat. HOMER READ OVER TO SEE THE DOCTOR YESTERDAY 7rn M -SUGGESTIONS! Eastwood kinds. for perculalors all Hero for Christmas. Lynn Cook, who is conducting a shooting gallery at. Leaven worth, Kansas, came in Tuesday evening and will visil over Christ mas with his parents, William Cook and wife. Lynn reports thai he has had a very successful sea son, but wants to gel, back home around the parental board for Christ mas. Miss Teresa llemple departed this morning for Omaha, where she will visit friends for Ihe day. John Head and son, Homer, o Parille Junction, came over yes- lerday afternoon to have Ihe doctor examine the arm of Homer, which was taken oil' Sunday even ing. The arm is healing up nice ly and if nothing unforseen hap pens the boy will In in good shane. exceot that his s'liooling in the future will have lo be dom with one band. 'I his is a very hard blow lo anyone, but Ihe lit tle lad lakes it like a man and there is never a complaint from him. Iludnut' Palmer the two best and oldest PERFUME manufacturers in theU. S. Our new stock has just ar rived. Better take a look now and get your first choice 10c to $5.00 Manicure Sets Traveling Cases for ladies and gentlemen of Ebony, Rosewood and genuine PARISIAN IVORY all made very compact and of the latest design $1.00 to $9.50 STATIONERY I 10c to $5 per box 1 Uur this year s stock or gut stationery has never been excelled in the city. We give you the best for less money. Hudnet's Perfumes Liggett' Chololates Dennison's Xmas Supples I I vSfcau F i FRICKE'S El a CIGARS! E3 All Kinds! All Sizes! All Prices! for men who KNOW! '"Special attention given to lady purchasers. Palmer's Perfumes I5S3C3T; Candies! SOc-Liggett's Chocolates-80c You could not find any better if you looked over the United States. Our Holiday Boxes are excellent 60c -Fenway's Chocolates -60c a XMAS c Nice and Steam heal. warm at the (lent Seals, Ribbons, ami in fact everything to make your gifts more attraction, sell only Dennison's because they are the best. 0! Yes! Red Cross Stamps too-each. We -lc