The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 05, 1912, Image 6

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Murray Beparimen
I ll 'i i,' "'ik i'iif':i' ' '' Journal A-ni.' o a .ya'.it f
Vc" '( t U'7 iUiiixiif iii'(.'t.v'. hstit'i'f J"'n' iv'-
nt nc tin Uxnt of inUtcd n thin vicinity and will mud same to thi oflke it mil aar undi.r III liuuVuej
Memo Sank- Owned by Home People fj
Capital S!0,000 Surplus $5,000
U CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
F.L NUTZMAN. Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
We have every arrangement possible for the conven
ience of our patrons.
We write drafts and can save you money when de
siring to remit away.
Consult us freely on any financial business. Our ex
perience may be of some benefit to you.
Depositors in this bank are protected under the State
Guarantee Law.
E. H. Queen was a lMattsinouth
visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. John Krvin is report oil on
the sick li.-t this week.
Miss l'earl Dupay spent
Thanksgiving witli homo folks.
Wayne Lewis was looking af-j
ter business in Union Tuesday. j
Lee Nickels was looking after j
luisincss III Piaiisiuouiu raiur-
A. .M. Union's ale T
i t 1 1 i i al Kenosha.
.''!i. Ylvin Long lias
i' ! s f"W davs.
.Mr-. S. O. Pitman is
anksL'iv lir.
ft V
Murray was well represented in
Old Kenosha on Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ISanen and
family spent Thanksgiving with
Mrs. (iapens neither, Mrs. r. l,
Ymiug. sr.
('.. M. Uoliiiisnii, the Hankers'
Life Insurance Co., man of Lin-
i i :
rnlii, was uoiim some gunn ijiisi-iie-s
iii Ibis locality this week.
lay. I
Mrs. Will Oliver ami daughter, j
Elizabeth, were Omaha visitors!
it i be 1 1 (lood was I ransaii ing 1
business ju Plat I sinoul h Saturday!
afLernoon. I
('.. A. Haw Is and wife were
guests al, I he Thanksgiving din
ner al, Lincoln.
Lloyd Lewis and sister, Miss
Mae, attended the play al IMatls
iiioulh Monday.
A. F. Nickels and family were
calling on Die Plallsmouth mer
chants Saturday.
Henry Sands and family spent
Thanksgiving with the lalter's
parents at Union.
John filch and wife were at
tending the Thanksgiving dinner
al. Lincoln Thursday.
John Hendricks and family were
looking after husiness mailers in
Plallsmoiilh Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. ('.. A. Haw Is, Mr.
and Mrs. James Holmes and sou,
italph. Mrs. W. S. Smith and Mr.
Miss Elizabeth Oliver spent
Thanksgiving vacation with her
ami Mrs. William
hen by Mis. Eaton in Hie
. hall in Plallsmoiilh
Moore of Cedar
Thanksgiving with
W. I'. Moore and
parents, Mr.
Miss Mary
Creek spent
her parents.
W. P. Ilulclu'son and wile left
(or Jainesporl , Mo., Friday for an
extended with friends and
Mrs. William Mario, who has
been visiting her '.sister, Mrs.
Oeorge Shrader, left for her homo
al Jamesport., Mo.
A large number of workers for
the bazaar met at Mrs. Smith's
and sewed all day Tuesday. Mrs.
D. C. Ilhoden served dinner at her
Mrs. F.dilh Minis and children
peril. Thanksgiving with Mrs.
Niiim' sister, Mrs. Tutt and family.
Mn-s Helen spent the remainder
id the week with her aunt and
Albert Wheeler is suffering with
a severe attack of "beateneit is,"
which came on Saturday evening
while, reading. His many friends
trust that he will escape the hos
pital sharks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Haingo and
babe, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ilamge, jr., und children, spent
Thanksgiving day in Plattsmouth,
Iho guests of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Haingo, sr.
Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Contrynian
and daughter, Grace, of Weeping
Wnter, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlc9
Contryman and children wore
PimkIs of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Contryman Thanksgiving day
Cli, dies III. ill of Plallsmouth,
has t -1 -1 1 in Murray for a few days
this week a--isinii in the finish-
i. i n . ii .mi i x-!
HlU 1IM1I Ill'S ' ' I I IP' 11MM1 VV
Toll store room,
.Miss Pauline Oldham and Al
bert V ig attended the select
1 1 I life
Thank'.: i inu
.1. T. Poller has jusl received
hi- i.avnienl in fash on a policy
lieiil in the Lincoln Accident Asso
ciation, for an injury be received
a lew weeks ago. He received
s 1:5.00, the full amount of the
claim, and John says I bey were
prompt about remitting loo.
Thanksgiving day John T. Pur
ler ami familv entertained at din
ner al their hospitable home for
a number of friends and everyone
eujoveil themselves, as Mr. and
Mrs. Porter are royal entertain
er. - and it is a rare I real to be in-
v iteil lo llieir lioiue. I Hose pres
ent were: .lake Smith and fam
ily, liny lregg and John York of
Sprinuliehl. Neb.
John T. Poller and two sons,
Howard ami Forest, drove over to
Sidney, Iowa. Munlay to visit Mr.
Purler's niii'b'. John T. Harris
and family. When they arrived
al Sidney liny learned that a few
davs previous the residence ami
all the houscluilil goods of Mr,
Harris had been de-t roved by lire.
This is a very heavy loss for that
i-'eui lemaii and he will have the
sympathy of everyone in his mis
I'oi 1 nne.
W e are in receipt nf a letter
from one of our valued Murray
readers telling of a recent pitch
game they had imt a thousand
miles from Murray, ami how hud
Hie other fellow was skinned. Tho
case is a big man meets a little
man. of course the big man beats
the little man. and the. little man
got mad. The big man said noth
ing and the little fellow intended
to but failed because he did not
win the game. We will not pub
lish the letter, for fear of hurling
I lie lilt le fellow's feeling.
One of our good farmer friends
from near Murray tells us that
William Slilichtemeier, over in
Mount Pleasant, has been making
some very valuable experiments
in the deep soil turning line. Mr.
Schlicbteiiieier claims that deep
pb vving will prevent the land from
washing, and from what our
friend tells us he is about right.
His crops in all linos are provinp
1 oiler, and his land remains in a
much richer condition than in tho
days when ho was not turning
the soil so deep. Mr. Schliehle
moior's farm shows that he un
derstands his business when it
eomos to securing results from
his farm work
w Mill In sick t Ills week.
Mrs 11. A. Davis and Dick Pit
man vi'ic iMallsiooiiiii visitors
I'lii'sday .
Dirk Pitman and John Jenkins
were 111 rial l sinoul 11 last imirs
d:iy cv "'ling.
Charles and (Hon Hoedeker and
families all look Thanksgiving
dinner at Kenosha.
Mrs. llauinoister, of Plalls
mouth, is spending a few days
with Mrs. F. M. Young.
A social meeting of the Library
association will be held Friday
evening', December Zi.
?Irs. Charles Spanglor and
ilaughlor, Margaret, were Omaha
v isjiors last Saturday.
Sheriff Quintou was looking af
ter some husiness matters in Mur
ray Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Kiltie Smith of Plalls
inoulh, was visiting a few days
Ibis week willi Miss l'earl Kniss.
Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Roeck mid
Miss F.niina Eikonbary, of lMalts
moi'lh, were guests at Iho Lyman
Young wedding last Thursday.
The Missionary society will
meet with Mrs. II. L. Oldham Fri
day afternoon at L' o'clock. All
members are requested to be pres
ent. 1'Oli SALK Hand-painted
china for Xmas presents, at Pit
man & Davis store. Agnes Ken
Miss fda Hoedeker departed
V eiiiii'sday morning for Coleridge,
Neb., lor a few weeks' visit with
her !-! 1. Mrs, J. L. Young and
L.i, lily.
Henry Creamer and Lee Nickels
were in Plat I sinoiil Ii Wednesday.
John McDonald shipped a car
nT bogs to South Omaha Monday
of Ibis week.
Miss Mary Moore came down
from Cedar Creek Thursday lo at
tend the Lyman-Young wedding
ami lo spend die remainder ol llie
week v. it h her parents.
the F.slella Cray Concert Co.,
the : hi rd number nf Iho Lyceum
course, will be here Friday night,
Di ''ember '.Ml. Make arrange men) a
now lo I'ltend.
The Study club will meet al tho
Library rooms Tuesday a ft onion
December 10, at .' o'clock. Tho
M b'.ei'l is "Nebraska" and it
promises to be very interesting.
Visitors will find a welcome. Me
on iiioe.
Mr. a ml Mrs. . A. Young gave
a dinner on Thanksgiving, Covers
weie laid for Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Young, Lena, Clare, Albert and
l!e Viuing. Mrs. Ona Law ton, of
l.i up City, Miss Pauline Oldham
and F.dvvard Ly man, of Yale, South
Arnold Fitpal rick departed
'I'lie.-'. I iv mnrning for Omaha,
where he will enter the Itoyles
C".le::e for a business course.
Arnold graduated from business
course some lime ago, but as ho
is thinking of entering (he gov
ernment serv ice he wishes to gain
a little higher knowledge before
entering upon the new duties.
County Surveyor Fred Pallor
sou came down from Plallsmouth
Wednesday morning, and was mot
lu re by It. A. Young, who look him
nut to ins rami to settle a con
troversy over Iho lino fence ho
I ween Mr. Young- and Mr. Hoodo
k"i'. The eighty nf Mr. Young and
Mr. Hoedeker are side by side, and
for son.e lime Mr. Young has con
leaded that Iho division fence was
not in I be right place hy a few
feel, and they have settled tho
mall T as good farmers should
compromise, leaving Iho
to the decision of tin.
'Uncle Eph" Tells What a Time
He Enjoyed and What a Big
Crowd Was Present.
say, Mam, you missed haf of
yer life by not goiu' with mo to
that dinner they had at Kenosha
church on Thanksgiving Y'ou
never saw anything like it. I
swan, I was astonished. I didn't
know there was so many things
could be scratched together as
what they did have cooked and
fixed up. If table legs ever did
groan, I think them ought to a
groaned, but I guess they wan't
made out ' that kind o' stun",
'cause I didn't hoar 'cm groan.
They hel' up heaps an piles o'
si nil", but they wus a standin' up
jist as straight when I left as they
wus when I went.
I loll you, they wus a lot o'
people there. I was iniddlin' airly
and I hey w as quite a bunch thar
when I got thar. An' they kop' a
porin' in I ill I began to wonder
where I hey wore a goin' lo poke
'em all, hut they all squoze in an'
got sot down somehow, an' I tell
you. we listened lo a line sermon
from that Taylor feller what
preaches fur 'em he preached
while the lalers was a cnokin'.
I seen they had a lot o' stull'
a harigin' arouii' on the wall. They
lid' me it was fancy work. 1 never
said nolhin', although I didn't
know what that nienl. f jist
thought that it wus somel bin' lhat
1 didn't know 11 tit h in about. I
reckon il wus fancy or they
wouldn't a said so. F.nny how, a
couple o' chaps got up iii'lei' sup
per an' sold il n!f to the hiuhesi
From Europe to America.
The . sons and daughters of all
F.urupean nations coming to these
hospitable shores will sooner or
later be absorbed by the groat
American nation. This idea was
reproduced by Joseph Triner,
manufacturer of the famous
Ti mer's American F.lixir of Hitter
Wine, mi his beautiful Calendar
for HU.'i. It shows ships arriving
al the New Y"ik harbor with new
Around the picture
ii - of dnVerenl nationali
. u 1 he 1 r 1 11 ids! t be 1 1 1 1 i
American girl.
I Ibis Calendar will be
!'i i-.' v. bo will send 10c
in. r. !.i;t;;-:;'. s. Ashland
a-". i-j-:-dw:ii
1 in 11:1 ran
In .1
Alice Bonita Huges, in "Thelma
at the Parmele Saturday Night.
Lyman-Young Wedding
Tho weding of Miss Lena
Young, daughter nf Mr. and Mrs
D. A. Young, and Edward O. Ly
man look place Thursday after
noon at '1 o'clock at I he Christian
church in Murray. Rev. Ross Wil
liams reading the marriage line?
The bride wore a gown of light
brown broadololh with hat, gloves
and shoes to match, and carried
yellow chrysanthemums.
Miss Isabelle Young played tho
Lohrengren's wedding march.
Only relatives and a few friends
were invited to witness the cere
inony .
Mr. ami Mrs. Lyman left on Iho
i:ifl train for Omaha and will go
via St. Louis In Florida, where
I hey w ill spend the winter. On
their return I hey expect to wit
ness the inauguration of Presi-
deul-F.leet Wilson at' Washing
Mr.. Lyman is a government
I -mi vi-y or, and they w ill spend the
coming summer in the mountains,
! and afler November la, lDKi, they
will be at home to I heir friends
i al '.'ale. South Dakota.
M 1 -1 o'lt
North Eighth
No city taxes.
cash, call on
for particulars.
For Sale.
'-one acres of land,
ide of the city limits on
and Ninth streets.
Will sell cheap for
Mrs. .1. E. Loslev
icy must a
a lilt le wad,
lea sed.
little pen built up
no, by
mat ler
c nntv
The Big Bazaar,
Saturday, December 7, at Iho
Presbyterian church. Dinner at
IL'. The selling of articles wil
begin at 2 o'clock. Nothing sob:
until that hour. Those wishing
Xmas presents will find some
handsome ones I here at very
reasonable (trices, such as doilies
kensington bags, jobots, handkor
ctneis, tun cushions, fancy and
plain aprons, hand-painted china
quilts, comforts, dressing saques
and rag rugs. Supper begins nt
5:30 o'clock. A good timo a
day and evening.
iiu;.'!:l 'cm quit
case I hey all look
They had a
111 I lie coi ncr wiien 1 uey nan
candy an' popcorn on sale, an' I
tell you, mam. Ihey sold it, loo.
II wasn't thai old runny kind n'
candy like what you used to bile
fur our little uns. No. sir-ee! I
tell you il war hi-fa-lu-l in. I
guess they made il some new
fangled way thai ole jays like you
1 ii 1 1 . . 1 ..1
an me mm 1 know nui 11111 aiioui,
an' f thought Ihem lillle gals what
sold jl out wus kind o' hi-fa-lulin.
loo now don't git mad, Mam. fur
I didn't mean nulhin'. I guess the
gals turned in quite a sum with
llieir candy. Hut, honest. Mam,
Ihey wus purl v.
My, the way Ihem wiininen did
ig into the work when we begin
drap down lo the table, fur
ov had il lived so s iweniy-iive
or nr v con 1 eat at ine same
ne. An' Ihey had so many (lif
erent things that agin' Ihey got
irnun Willi sinne 01 oacn, i umi
1 i 1
on 11 Kop em a gut in up an a
git I in'. Hut Ihey slaved wit h it
II arteriioon an' night till I left,
. . , 1 . .I .1:11..
in the lasi 1 see iney war sun a
git tin' up an' a git I in'
riiey must a realized soinethin
ike eighty dollars, for before I
fl I beam 'em say it war git tin
beyonl seventy, an Ihey war slil
a tilin into the table. I tell you
hues has changed somewhat
I 1.'.,
sence 1 was a ynuiiKsier. rui-
them limes they never even bad
sich dinners as thai at weddin s
n if lliev had a bumped us fur a
quarter, we would a got paralysis
of the pocketbook right lo once
in' our appetites would a been so
. . . . 1 .1 : 1 ,1
upsol lliai WO COUIilll 1, a ingesieu
corn flakelols. Hut then wo had
lots to be thankful fur, same as
we have now. An' good times I
Well, I guess we had 'em. Hut
I thank the Lord
Fur the Thanksgivin' day
neiit al Kenosha with
K. N. K.
An' I tell vou, Mam,
As sure as sin.
If I'm here next year,
I'm a goin' agin.
I ncle Eph
An Important Thing.
fn one of his lectures, a
braled physician said that
more important to empty
iiiwels I ban lo till the slo
it i
We advised often our readers
never lo allow reiiinanis 01 101x1
H . . 1 1 . . . . 1 .
0 remain in ine iniesiines, vvneru
thev ferment, decay 'and poison
body. The best way lo keep
I he digestive organs perfectly
lean, healthy and strong is lo
so Triner's American F.lixir of
Hitler Wine, fn diseases of the
stomach and the bowels, in tor
pidity of the liver, where it is of
the utmost importance lo prevent
constipation, this remedy gives
excellent results .as also in
nervousness, headache, rheumatic
and neuralgic al lacks and in fe
male troubles caused by conslipa-
ioii or weakness of the blood. Al
ilriii: stores. Jos Triner, i
S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago. Tin
luickesl relief in painful joints
and muscles give Triner s
In the ItlHirh-t C'onrt in and for Cnnn
Count', braHka.
ICditlia C. Wood, riaintift.
Thomas K. Clark, et al.. Defendants.
To the Defendants, George T. McCollum,
kuui aiouollum, Jean McCollum
Wright McCollum, Carl C. Wright
nrid Mrs. Carl C. Wright:
You are herehv notified that on Mav
S, llll'J. plaintiff nied her suit In the
District Court of Cass County, N,s-
liraska, to quiet the title to the follow
ing described land in Cass County, Ne
braska, tu-wit:
The West Half (w) of the
Northeast Quarter (MS VI). the
Southeast Quarter (SK4) of the
Northeast Quarter (NK'O and the
Northwest Quarter (NVV',4 ). all of
Section twelve (12), and lot thirty
four (34), in the Southeast Quarter
(SKVi) of the Southeast Quarter
(Si;',) lot thirty-five (35), in the
Southwest Quarter (SW) of the
Southeast Quarter (SEVi) and lot
thirty-Mix (38), in the Northwest
Quarter (NW'Vi) of the Southeast
Quarter (SKVi). of Section one (1),
all of said lands in Township ten
(10) North, Kane eleven (11),
East of the 6th l. M.
And that on November 7, 1912, said
plaintiff tiled her supplemental petition
showing the death of William H.
Wright, and alleging that you, among
others, are the heirs at law of the said
William H. Wright, and praying for
relief as prayed for in her original
petition, because of her adverse pos
session by herself and grantors of said
Hinds for more than ten years prior to
the commencement of said suit, and to
enjoin each and all of you from having
or claiming any right, title, lien or in
terest, either legal or equitable, in or
to said lands, or any part thereof, and
to require you and each of you to set
fort Ii your right, title, lien or interest
therein. if any, either legal or
equitable, and to have the same ad
judged inferior to the title of plaintiff,
and for general nquituble relief, this
notice is made pursuant to the order
of the court.
Vou are required to answer this
lii tiii'iii on or before the i!3rd day of
December, A. D. 1!UL' or your default
will he ilulv entered therein.
KDITII.V WUOHS, Plaintiff.
A 1. 1 ir n: s.
l.iaiAI. MTI K.
In (lie District (null of Oiks oil lit, v
frank Chins, l'laintlil,
William Smith, et al.. Dtfuiiditnts.
To William Smith. Mrs. William Smith,
his wife (first name unknown)
Thomas (i. Palmer, M. Jane Palmer,
anil the t'nknown Heirs and De
visees of William Smith, deceased:
You and each of you will hereby take
notice that on the 2nd day of November,
191'J. frank Clans, plaintiff in tho fore
going entitled cause, tiled his petition
in the District court or cass county,
Nebraska, against you, the object, pur
pose and prayer of which Is to obtain
a decree from said Court removing
clouds from and ipjietlng the title of
ri'i-'ui 11 10 iul live i hi nun iiuce vol leei
off of and along the west sldo of lot
four (4). in block eighteen (18), in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass County. Ne
braska, In plalntitr, as against you and
to exclude and enjoin you and each of
you from ever asserting or claiming
any right, title or interest therein ad
verse to plaintiff and for such other
nnd further relief as may be Just and
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 16th day of
December, lftll'. or the allegations con
tained in said petition will be taken as
true and a decree rendered as prayed
fur therein.
Dated: November 4th, 1912.
KI1ANK CLAPS, Plaintiff.
P,v JOHN M. LKYDA, His Attorney.
For Sale or Rent.
Store room, formerly occupiei
by lliall Tull, in Murray, IllxliO
The original and besl locating in
Murray. .las. W. Holmes.
The Csomopolitan club will give
a social dance Saturday evening,
December 7th, at Coates' hall. The
music will be furnished by the Wl.
W. A. orchestra.
.Mini i: to ( iti iu i ous.
In the County Court of the County of
C'iinx, Ni'lirmikii.
In Tie Kstiitt' of orilla Fleming,
I icceused.
Notice Is hereby given that hearings
will be had uiion all claims against the
above estate at the ollice of the
County Judge', Court House, Platts
n i mi t li. Nebraska, on December 2.'!rd,
1H1J, and on June ir : ! r 1 1 , 111 13, at nine
o'clock a. m. of each (lay; all claims
must be (iileil before said last mimed
hour and all claims not filed will be
forever buried.
P.v the Court.
(Seal) Al.I.KN .1. H..KSON.
Countv Judge.
p.vvvi.s ,v i:iiiii:i:tso.',
Hox social at the Rock Crook
srhonl, District No. C. Friday
evening, Peromlior 0. 1012.
Everybody welcome. Albert n
Don't miss "Thelma.
romance of t lie Northland.
General Blacksmithing
and Wagon Work
Horseshoeing is Our Specialty
All Work Guaranteed
Murray, Nebraska
on mat to show cm si:.
In the District ( iinrt In iinil for t'nnn
County, NrliriiHkn.
In the Matter of the (iuardlanshlp of
Anna C. Chllcott, insane.
This cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of Wesley Chllcott,
Kiiardian of the estate of Anna C. Chil-
cott, Insane, prayinK for license to sell
the Interest of his snld ward, Anna C.
Chllcott, In and to the followlnR de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
The Northwest quarter (NW!i) of
the Northeast quarter (NRVi) ot Sec
tion twenty-four il!4. Township eleven
til), KatiKO thirteen (U), in Cass
County, Nebraska.
Said petitioner also alleniriK that the
wife, of petitioner. Anna C. Chllcott,
was adjudueil insane on t lie lfith day
of April, lliilj, nnd has ever since re
mained insane, and Is now ronlincd In
the insane asylum of the Statu of Ne
braska. That petitioner is the owner
in fee simple title of the above de
scribed real estate, and the Court is
asked to ascertain the present value of
I lie Interest of petitioner's said wife,
and to authorize petitioner to sell the
same at public or private sale.
all persons Interested In the estate and
interest of said Anna C. Chllcott, In
sane, in and to the above described real
estate appear before me at the ollice
of the Clerk of the District Court, at
Plattsmouth, Cass Countv, Nebraska, on
the loth day of January, A. 1). 191:1, at
ten o'clock a. m. to show cause why
the Court should not determine the
present value of the interest of said
Anna C. Chllcott, In and to the real
estate hereinbefore described, and why
license should not be granted to Weslev
Chllcott, guardian of Anna C. Chllcotl.
Insane, to sell the Interest of his said
ward In and to the above described real
Tills order shall be served by pub
lishing same in the Plattsmouth Jour
nal for at least three successive weeks
prior to December 28, 1912.
Dated tills 'j'.ith day of November,
J ud tie District Court.