The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 02, 1912, Image 4

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    -The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Semi-Weekly at
Entered at the Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as uecond-clas
m t' I a ii-in 1 1
ha vi
Of which tin.' poet sings
The candidate's laid mi the
Willi ol InT useless thins:
Tin- gasman dreams nf bigger
The butcher's prices soar
The foot, hall (lend is on the held
In (iiest of linmaii gore.
Thanksgiving Day was general-'
ly observed in I'lat t smoul li.
What's your guess mi Christ
mas cidor this year preen or
Did that turkey remind you of
"the high cost of living" at L'3
cents a pound?
It's funny what a lot of ap
parently intelligent people, can't
see things the same way you do.
Christmas is now longingly
looked for nnd tin- early advertiser
is going to reap the benefits of
the holiday trade.
It is rumored that l'lattsinnuth
will have two more saloons next
spring. There are plenty here now
for all necessary purpose.
Won't woman suffrage make it,
pretty hard for a bachelor to be
elected to anything? Hut il may
not; husbands don't stand so
blamed well with the women folks
as they may imagine.
It is reported I hat a slate-wide
crusade has begun against deal
ers in and sellers of rigarcl les. It
is stated that prosecutions are to
he commenced on dealers general
ly who sell cigarettes ami loliacco
in anv form to boys under IS years
of ape.
The incoming legislature will
becalled upon to appropriate
million and a half more money for
the maintenance of thirty-eight
state depart incuts of the govern
menl than was levied lor I lie saint
purpose in l'.Hl. This looks hard
ly possible, but it is a fact, and i
the appropriations are increase"
this lime to Ibis extent, whal w
he the extent of the increase lt
years lie nee",
Ianicl II. Wheeler, who passei
away at his home in Omah;
Tuesday niahl, was a pioiiee
resident of I'lal I sinout h and re
sidetl here for many years. II
was very prominent in public af
fairs of the city, s.rviim one i
two terms as mayor, and al differ
ent times members of Ihe city
council. He was a good man. an
excellent citizen and possessed
many friends.
;n :
The business men of I'lalts
iTioulh seem lo be very well sat is
Tied with the manner in which the
Journal transacts business. We
have always endeavored to do!
business on business principles
and give our patrons all the same
kind of treatment. We have estab
lished that kind of'a reputation
and expect to continue in that
line. We do not expect to charge
any more for work now Ihan be
fore we purchased the News
Herald out fit. The business men
of I'laltsinouth have found us
fair and square in Ihe pasl ten
years and they will find us the
same as long as we continue in
business. Ami furthermore, we
expect lo continue the tight for
the best interests of the old town
at all limes and under all cir
cumstances and hugh to the line
of "Home First the World Af
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Tin' Onl look now takes a very
discouraging view of the counlry's
future. Jiul happily the Outlook's
outlook, like the Out look's potili
cal preferences, is not shared by
the great body of the people.
Those who had lo rat pork and
beans yesterday instead of high
priced turkey can take comfort in
the relied ion that t he condit ion
of their stomachs will be just as
good today and their pockclbooks
Fifed ive January 1, railroads
will ship dogs as baggage only
when securely muzzled and they
won't let I hem travel except as
baggage, which two regulations
are expected lo effectively muzzle
the situation and the dogs.
Slate Auditor ltartnn now
:o :
wants a stale insurance commis
sion, now that, hi! is about to step
down and out of the auditor's
olllce. Why did he not favor such
a proposition four years ago
wheii lie went into the ollice? He I
wanted the pull all to himself,
that was the why.
The lovely fall weather we have
een enjoying for the past I wo or
hrec weeks is still willi us, great
ly lo he sal isfael ion of I hose who
hae outdoor work. A greal deal
of such work can be done in Ihe
nevl two weeks if Hie line, sun
shiny weather will continue lhat
The friends of C. M, irucnl her
ire pushing thai gentleman for
collector of internal revenue, to
succeed Moss Hammond of Fre-
nionl. Chris is a good man for
the place and has done about as
lunch for the success of the
democratic parly in Nebraska as
any one man in the stale1.
-:o: .
The story of the "Seven Little
(Inventors" who told floosevelt,
the people were clamoring for
him, is a sad one. Slubbs, of
Kansas, was defeated in his sen
atorial ambitions; (Hassock of
West Virginia. Osborn of Michi
gan and Mass of New Hampshire
were mil even renominated, and
lladley of Missouri has been elim
inated. I'.Vell Wall street opposes the
Carnegie plan of pensioning ex
presiilenls. Why don't Mr. Car
negie tiive his money lo those' who
need charily Ihe poor people?
lie always wants lo give his ill-
golleii gains to lliose who are al
ways abundantly able to lake care
of I hemselves, and w here Ihey w ill
gel him more nolorily among Ihe
big bugs.
i :o:
An exchange has suggested
that the .met hod of marking the
ballot be taught in Ihe High
schools of the stale. It is a good
suggestion. We have courses in
civil government and the mark
ing of the ballot is one of Ihe
paramount duties of the citizen
II would be along the line of in
struction uf a very practical
nal ure.
The Washington press tli?
patches inform us that' there is
lo be greal activity in the matter
of trust prosecutions between this
and i he end of the present presi
dential lerm. A hurry up call has
been sent to the department of
justice, directing that all the trust
prosecutions which the govern
ment has in hand, under the Sher
man act, seventy-ono in all, arc
to be so handled that they will be
entirely disposed of before the
fourth of March next.
Ain't it funny? Kansas has a
democratic governor for sure.
The scarcer hogs and cattle, be
come the higher will be the price,
regardless of presidents or
Some men are such chronic
knockers I hemselves that they
nev er hear I he knock of oppor
tunity at I heir door.
:o :
I'lat I Miionl h is a good place to
buy your holiday goods, and our
merchants are prepared to serve.
I be public in great variel ies.
II is for scientists or political
economists lo explain why before
the advent of cold storage eggs
were both fresher and cheaper.
Hear in mind thai, it is a duty
you owe to yourself, your family
and Ihe best interests of your
county lo trade at your home
One serious objection to a
general European war is that il
would have to get its commis
saries from the United States, and
provisions are already at war
prices hero now.
Mr. Taft says that he will do
all he can to build up the repub
lican party, but, with no purpose
of being its candidate again for
president. But how is it with
Colonel Roosevelt ? He has not
'"'f'11 "card fl'01i " '' matter,
Thai Mr. Mryan will be Presi
dent Wilson's secretary of slate
seems to he all settled, except, that
Mr. Wilson has not intimated that
he will make the appointment, and
Mr. Mryan has not, intimated that
he would accept it if tendered him.
Today is hc last of November
and we have had no serious
weather so far, II is indeed very
orlniiale Ilia! we haven't, as there
is danger of a shortage in the coal
supply, by a shortage in sufficient
cars lo haul what is necessary to
supply the demand.
The citizens of Falls Oily ten
dered (iovernor-elcct Morehead
a big meeting and banquet on his
relurn from Kxcelsior Springs,
where he had been sojourning for
about two weeks. The people of
Kails City, irrespective of party,
are proud of (lovernor Morehead.
Senator J. K. Cordeal of Red
Willow county proposes to in
Iroilurc a bill in Ihe coining legis-
a I lire permit ling traveling men,
railroad men and others whose
uiploy menl necessarily takes
I liein away from home, lo vote al
elections, even I hough absent
from their home town. There
should be nothing wrong about a
bill like that,
1 lit- executive am
aw coni-
millee of the insurgent organi.a
ion of Woodmen of Nebraska held
a meet ing in Lincoln Wednesday
night .mil decided to bring an in-
.Itineliou suit against the head
olllcers of the order to prevent.
I hem from putt ing the proposed
increase of rales into elTect Jan
uary I. The suit will be brought
in Hastings next Monday, provid
ing the ruling of the Illinois court
be finally overturned by the ap
pallale court.
'I'll o town of Fighly-Four,
Washington county, Pa., with a
population of 700, never has had
a republican voter. Once, many
years ago, a republican went to
the town lo go into business, but
did not remain until election time.
highty-Kour look ils present
name when Cleveland was elected
president in 188J. Previous to
thai time it was known as Fifty
Six in honor of the election of
President James Iluchanan. Now,
after twenty years, tho residents
propose to petition the post mas
ter general to change the name of
Ihe postofllce lo "Nineteen
Twelve," in honor of Wood row
Wilson's election.
Keep it before the people: "Do
your Christmas shopping early."
There is no truth in the report
that an order had been issued sus
pending the new rate of the M.
W. A.
China is reported to be about
to gii In war with Russia. The
almanacs can safely announce
that there will be some fighting
in i!i:t.
Thanksgiv ing day we heard one
of our citizens say: "Let's all
I urn over a new leaf on the first
tif January ami resolve that, we
will not knock on the town for
one year, and see if we do not feel
heller and live happily for one
year." Now, if we could gel. all
our citizens to agree, lo a resolu
tion of (hat kind, and live up to it,
we know it will be the best thing
that ever happened to Platts
mouth, and that there would be a
great deal better feeling among
all classes than ever before.
The 1912 corn crop of Nebraska
has shown a gain of six bushels
per acre over the yield of 1911,
which is credited by Frank G.
Odell, secretary of the Rural Life
congress, to1 the seed corn cam
paign inaugurated by the publicity
bureau of the Omaha Commercial
club. From ,07(,057 acres this
year there was a yield of 1 64, 37(1,
78C) bushels. From (5, 1 18,035 acres
in 1911 the yield was 133,100,305
bushels, a gain of 31,000,000
bushels on 1 42,000 fewer acres.
This gain, at 50 cents a bushel,
which is a very low appraisement,
amounts to $18,223,000. This
amount, Odell figures, was the
value of the seed com.
A quarter of a century ago
there were few men in Nebraska
more generally' known to the
cilizens of Ihe stale Hum Itauiel
II. Wheeler, who died Wednesday
al his home in Omaha, in those J
days Mr. Wheeler was secretary j
of about every stale-wide nr.
anization that was vorl li ser ing, j
including the board of agri
cnllnre. lie was a notably com
panionable and lovable man, and
his home, which was in thai day
in Plal Isniouth, was one of Ihe
most hospitable and congenial in
the state. For more than twenty
years he had made his home in
Omaha, where he prospered in the
insurance business. Lincoln
:o :
There is no such urgent neces
sity for currency legislation as
the Wall street crowd pretend
there is. The currency of Ihe
Foiled Slates is the best in Ihe
world and brings a premium over
gold in every civilized country on
earlh. A greenback, n national
bank note, a gold or silver certifi
cate is taken at par by merchants
in any country, and is usually at
a premium even Willi tlicin,
specially where there is any trade
wilh Ibis country. If is not the
curency, but. it is (he handling of
credit, upon which 95 per cent of
Ihe business of the world is done,
that these bankers are interested
in. The democratic, party will take
ample tiine to draft such legisla
tion as is necessary, and when it
is presented to congress, it will
contain no scheme whereby credit
can be monopolized by a lot of big
banks in New York City.
Drives Off a Terror.
The chief executioner of death
in Ihe winter and spring months
is pneumonia. Its advance agents
are colds and grip. In any attack
by one of these maladies no lime
should be lost in taking the best,
medicine obtainable to drive it
olT. Countless thousands have
found this o be Mr. King's New
Discovery. "My husband believes
it. has kept him from having pneu
monia inree or lour nines,
writes Mrs. Ceorge W. Place,
Rawsonville, VI., "and for coughs,
colds anil croup we have never
found its equal." Guaranteed for
all bronchial affections. Price
50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle
free at F. d. Fricke & Co.
Tne Journal office carries all
kinds of typewriter supplies.
Contrary to a very general im
pression, the proposal to limit
the presidential tenure to a single
term is not new. At the very be
ginning' of the republic, when the
great statesmen of that period
were struggling wilh the mighty
problems before them, the matter
of t be president ial term wa
much discussed and vexing
theme. All sort? of suggestion
were offered, ranging from life
tenure to a single term of four
year. When it was finally decid
ed to make the presidential term
four years with eligibility for re
eleclioii, a single vote in the con
vention was the determining
President Tafl and the repub
lican leaders have expressed their
approval of a six-year tenure with
ineligibility fur re-election either
to a succeeding or a non-consecutive
term, and the demo
cratic platform upon which (lov
ernor Wilson has been elected
contains the same declaration.
Therefore it. seems reasonably
certain that this question will oc
cupy' the attention of congress al
the coining session. And as the
suggestion is approved by leading
men of both great parties, there
probably will be no opposition
except from the bull moose con
tingent. It can hardly be expect
ed that Colonel Roosevelt will
favor the proposal. Had there
been such a law last spring no
bull moose party would have been
formed; and if the amendment is
adopted wilhin the next four
years, in all likelihood there will
be no such thing as a bull moose
candidate in 191(1. The whole
I bird term movement was based
on Roosevelt's ambition lo get
back into the presidency'. Unless
he can be a candidate four years
hence In- probably will have little
further interest in Ihe bull moose
The great advantage lo ihe
country in limiting the presi
dential tenure to a single term of
six years wiliild be, as pointed out
by Mr. Tafl, the enabling of the
president to devote all his time to
his official duties. Kvery presi
dent would know that he had but
one term in which to perfect his
policies and carry them out, and
he would, not be distracted from
his purpose by the necessity of
laying plans for re-election, al
most from the day of his in
auguration. Each president
would have the courage to do
what he believed was right, unem
barrassed by the threats of his
enemies that they would "beat
him for re-election." A president
would be in large measure exempt
from the attacks of his enemies
within the party, and at the ex
piration of his term he would re
lire In private life with indiffer
ence as lo whether or not he had
played the political game to tin;
salisfaclion of the politicians.
Could Shout for Joy.
"I want lo (hank you from the
bottom of my heart," wrote C. li.
mer, oi i.ewisiuirg, . v.a., "for
nie wonderlul double benefit I got
from Fleet ric Hitters, in curing
me of both a severe case of stom
ach trouble and of rheumatism,
from which I had been an almost
helpless sufferer for ten years. It
suited my case as though made
just for me." For dyspepsia, in
digestion, jaundice, and to rid the
system of kidney poisons that
cause rheumatism, Flectric Bit
ters have no equal. Try I hem.
F.very bottle is guaranteed to
satisfy. Only 50 cents al F. (J.
Fricke & Co.
We have 3 used motorcycles, in
good running order, for sate cheap
If sold at once.
H. Stelnhauer & Son,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
You will find that druggists
everywhere speak well of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. They
know from long experience in the
sale of it that in cases of coughs
and colds it can alway s be depend
ed upon, and that it is pleasant
and safe to take. For sale bv F.
0. Fricke & Co.
The Journal for Calling Cards.
The Opportunity Is Here, Backed
by Plattsmouth Testimony.
Don't lake our word for it.
Don't depend on a stranger's
Read Plal I moul b endorsement. Ihe statements of Plaits
mouth fit i.ens.
And decide for yourself.
Here i one case of il :
Herman Tiekoctler, contractor,
Ninth and May si reels. Plaits.
mulh. Neb., says: "I gave a
public statement in praise of
Moan's Kidney Pills in 1!NM1, after
they had given me greal relief
from backache and lameness.
am glad to confirm all I then said.
My trouble has never returned.
My kidneys caused me much
trouble and I here was a dull, tired
feeling across my loins. If I
slonpeil or slraighleneil. my back
hurt me and in the morning I was
all tired out. I beard so much
about J loan's Kidney Pills that,
finally got a box. They promptly
relieved every symptom of my
For sale by all dealers. Price
r.u cents. Fosler-Milburn Co.,
Muli'alo, New York, sole agehts for
Ihe Foiled Stales.
Remember the name Moan's
and take no other.
Wood Wanted.
Those of our subscribers who
desire to pay their subscriptions
in wood are requested to bring it
in before the roads get bad, as
we desire to place it in the dry.
Corne in with it, boys, right away.
Fresh Lobsters and Crabs at the
0. K. Restaurant. Short orders will
be our specialty, but we are up-to-date
on regular meals. Sinnolt &
Egenberger, proprietors.
When you have a bilious attack
give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial.
They are excelelnl. For sale by
F. O. Fricke & Co.
Cabbage, apples and cider for
sale by S. O. Cole.
We are now handling a complete
line of coal. Call and let us quote you
prices for your fall and winter coal.
We handle wheat, oats, corn and
chop of all kinds.
Ind. Telephone 297
Nelson Jean & Go.
eal Estate
Bought snd Sold
Insurance Placed in Best
Farm Loans and Rental Agency
im.ii'tf Mr-ma
Wilkinson & Hall
The holding of successful sales is
our line. Our interests are with the
seller when it comes to getting every
dollar your property is worth. For
open dates address or call either of
us at our expense by phone. Dates
can be made at the Journal ollice.