HOW, WHEN, WHY A SECOND ADUEnTi ly inform us that the Ieugth of Ills reign will bo a thousand years. It wll) constitute the great Seventh Day ot 1 'earth's history six thousand years un dor the Curse. Hint the seventh thou sand In recovery from the Curse. St Paul adds that after Jesus shall have accomplished the work assigned ti Iliiu in connection with rebellion uian. He will deliver i:p the Kingdom to Cod, and Himself he subject to tin' Fat!iei--I Corinthians xv, UJ-'-'S. To sone it may appear that a tlam , ' sand years is too short a time to fully ! uplift humanity those living at tin MovVorld-Burniro oatsn to Ea Bound i time of t he So mul I iiii nur and all th.v Sin, Sickness and Death to Co On- ' are in their graves. Some thin!; that ii will he even too Beaver Divines m Bp Tra-k,' Says Paster quered Man to Ba Delivered Tha Power Vested In Messiah His King dom Near How It Will Appear. , v. IPASIOR RUSSELL) 1 leaver, Dec. 1. This city is stirred'. Seventeen pastors of all denominations have been discuss ing The Second Ad vent for a month. Xow comes Pastor Uussell telling us all that "The earth abidelh forever" -that it will nevei be destroyed by lit eral tire. According to hliu the trreat event of Christ's Coming will bring blessing such as we all desire, lie seems to have the Bible and logic ou his side too! Pus-tor Russell declared that false concepts of the Second Coming of Chrhrt have done great injury. Theview set forth in all orthodox creeds is that Christ will come agulu iu the flesh. The resurrection w ill take place within twenty-four hours. The saintly will rlso in the air to meet the Lord. Then Are will come down from heaven and con sume the whole earth. A few rremil-lenulalists-claim that Christ will reign In fleshly glory for a thousand years to bless the living of mankind. The ma Jority of Christians disown all this as ridiculous nonsense becnuse they be lieve little or nothing, either of the creeds or of the Bible. A minority dls own it because they perceive its incon sistency with the Bible." "Count me in with this minority!" said Tastor Russell. More than three hundred Bible texts refer to Messiah's glorious Second Ad vent. Our inquiry shall be first. Why does the Master come again? Did lie not properly establish His Church? lias this Gospel Age been a failure? Will He come to rectify matters and to start His Church afresh in the work of world-conversion and blessing? Not at all. His work has carried out exactly as intended. Not a suggestion of Scripture implies that the Church is to convert the world during this Age. On the contrary, her mission has been to act as God's mouthpiece in calling out a class to be joint-heirs with the Redeemer. Troperly enough Jesus said. "I pray not for the world, but for those whom Thou hast given Me." He loved the world. He died for the world. In due time, by Ills Messianic Kingdom, ne will bless "all the fami lies f the earth." But the time for blessing the world Is not yet. First, a special class is invited to become separate from the world, to become sanctified or set apart to God and His service, following In the footsteps of Jcsos. These, like their Master, must demonstrate their love for God, their loyalty to Him and to the brethren, even unto death. Their reward Is to be sharers with their Master In His Heav enly Throne of Glory, which for a thousand years will rule, bless and up lift humanity. The followers of Jesus have another work. In addition to witnessing to the world and wiling out faithful saints to walk the narrow way. That other work is to "build one another up In the most holy faith." F.ach Individual of the sanctified Utile Flock Is not only to "do good unto all men, and especially to the household of faith." but particularly to make his own "call ing and election sure" by personal lore, zeul mv.l loyalty. Tbo Kingdom Now In Embryo. Our Lord's many parables refer to His Church as a Kingdom class, a Royal Priesthood. This does not signi fy 'that He Intended them to occupy places of honor and distinction now. The Master Himself was neither a King nor a Priest on earth. Ills is the Mclchlsedec priesthood of the Mes sianic Age. Then He will also be the Great King over all the earth, as well as the Great Prophet or Teacher and the Great Judge or Ruler. Well did He declare to lllate, "My Kingdom is not of this. Age." (John xvlll. JUS). As Ills saintly followers are to share in Ills Kingdom, they also must wait for Its establishment. While waiting they are to pray. "Thy Kingdom eome: Thy will be done ou earth, as It Is done In Heaven." Of this Royal Priesthood tfio Apostle declares, "The world knowoth us not." We are priests and kings only front the Divine standpoint, which nor.e are able to recognize except the ''brethren." Only In embryo are God's saints spok en of as the Kingdom class. They are on probation. Jesus says that th" overcomers will he granted to sit with Him In His Throne as actual members of the Royal Priesthood, to reign with Him a thousand years. Revelation 111. 21; xx. C. "He Must Raign Until" . St. Paul, after telling about the resurrection of the dead, explains that the resurrection of the Church to glory, honor and Immortality will tie first on the program. Subsequently nil will bo resurrected, "every man In his own order," and Christ will reign until He shall have put down all In subordination. Other Scriptures clear- hort to bring Hk i t a whifb' earth to the promised Edeuh perfection. We are to remember, how ever, that while Messiah will probably use human instrumentality In connec tion with His work, nevertheless the iu volitions and developments of the past century give us a glimpse of the wonderful intelligence which may be granted to humanity in proportion as the Curse is rolled away and Divine blessing Jills the earth. The majority oi our race have never mm any years of life experiences, good or bad. But t ho promise is that cadi shall have twice that length of time to learn the Truth. under the blazing light of that New Dispensation a hundred years, In which to fully decide his eternity, either' for life everlasting or deatli everlasting.-lsaiah, Ixv, ".0. From the Bible viewpoint the Day ol Christ is ample for the great work to which it has been consecrated by the All-Wise Creator from before the foun dation of the world. Nor should we for get that all power In Heaven nnd in earth Is vested In the One who then shall take the Throne. Neither should we forget that the Church has for eight een'centurles been under special prep aration and instruction in the School of Christ, preparing them for their work as a Royal Priesthood. They will be able to sympathize with the groan ing creation and be merciful, even in the administration of stripes necessary to many for their assistance along the Highway of Holiness, then opened up. Messiah's Kingdom Invisible. Some of the noblest minds have been repelled from faith in the Second Ad vent by the thought that an earthly Kingdom with Christ and the saints in regal state is unreasonable. They were quite right iu thinking that earthly court and state would be beneath the dignity of Messiah and His Bride. The Scriptures declare that Jesus left His glory, humbled Himself to become a man, in order that Ho might be the great Sin-Offering for our race. P.ut the Redeemer prayed to be glorified with the glory that He had with the Father before the world was. Yes; and He promised His Church. His Bride, a share in His Heavenly glory. Did He lead us to expect a Heavenly glory. Heavenly inheritance and glorious change from earthly to Heavenly con dition, and will He then, instead, give us earthly glury nnd merely perfection in the flesh? Oh. no, no! We have all sadly over looked certain features of God's Word. Jesus did not remain poor, did not re main flesh, did not remain human. Iu His resurrection not only was He re ceived by the Father up where He was before; but lie was glorified "far above angels, principalities and powers," made a "partaker of the Divine ua ture." The promise to His Church is to share His glory. The Apostle dis tinctly tells that In the resurrection the faithful will be "changed" (I Corinthi ans xv, 51, 52) and made like the glo rified Redeemer, and also of the Divine, nature. (II Peter i, 4.) The Apostle explains the necessity for this change. saying. "Flesh and blood cannot Inherit the Kingdom of God."-I Cor. xv. Mi. How slow we have been to see that God never purposed that either Jesus or His faithful Elect should remain iu the flesh! A few Bible- statements mis understood got us into dilliculty. We read, "Every eye shall see II I in," and forgot that there are eyes of under standing, as well as natural eyes. We forgot that Jesus declares that very few now see or hear only the saintly, whose eyes of understanding have been opened by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We forgot that Jesus said also. "Vet a little while and the world soi'th Me no more." When once we disoern that lie has been glorified that Ho has been given a spirit nature ng lin, that He no longer has the human na ture, which He surrendered as a Sin Sacritlce, then we can see why the world will see Illm no more, nnd why the Church must be changed by resur rection power before she can set Illm. We misunderstood our Lord's mani festations after resurrection. Unless He could establish the faith of His disciples In Ills resurrection, they could not receive the Pentecostal blessing. Therefore He spent with them forty dajs, watching over them, appearing in various forms, as a gardener, as a traveler, etc., all to convince Uicui. first, that He was no longer dead, but risen; and second, that He was no longer a man. but a Spirit Being. He demonstrated this by doing exactly what the angels did. As they appeared In the llesh, ate. talked and vanished, so did He. Then lie ascended up on high; not as a human being, "a little lower than the angels," but as n Divine Spirit fa? above angels, He received the homage of ull the Heavenly host. "I Will Come Again." One of Jesus' parables truthfully rep resents Heaven as a far country, to which Jesus as the young Nobleman went to lie Invested with Kingly au thority over the world. It tells how on His return the faithful ones will be rewarded with a share In His King dom. Some of them will be given to rule over two cities, some over five cities, etc., nnd will enter Into the Joys of their Lord. But we are not to un derstand this necessarily to mean that Heaven itself is so distant as to b beyond communication. Rather the parable shows that the time lietweea the going and the returning would be long. The parable also shows no com muni-ation as iKtweeu the Nobleman and his .servants in the interim. As a matter of fact, only ten days elapsed between our I."i l's ascension and His shel ling forth of the Holy Spirit al Pentecost. Jc.Mts left the world and Ills disci ples ia the world, not so much iu the va-. .;i:i-.r si far awav tiait II" cud, I i" sci them and communicate ill thi tn. Put more particularly in tea! He iwul'l ii'it see them cLuar.n'cate w ith them, lie would cf.r-el them to -walk by faith and not !;.- siuh;." to 'Search the Scriptures," av.l to live their spiritual Messing t !mv v 1 1 (lie .V'.liiwship of the Spirit of the Tr,;. h. I'y His Holy Spirit He v.-nr.ld be with them, and not by pcr mc ! cMact or further manifestations. 1:! Sc : 1 Coming would be at the i :,( i:s:..:i of this Age, to awaken His sYe. !:sg Mints and change them to the hc ivctdy sla'e. Thus He would come .yriin and rccive them unto Himself it.Nt the sleeping ones, and subseqtient- tho-;c alive and remaining, who CHiRLES G. BEKRETT. Secretary of Senate, Who May B2 Elected President Pro Tern. GREEK DELEGATE CAUSES DELAY !v would experience the resurrection change i:i the moment of death. Ad ditionally, in the Harvest with which this Age ends, lie promised to take special supervision of the gathering of His Elect. This stage of the Redeemer's coming Is, in the Greek. His I'nrousiu His prewmv. The world is not to know of the time of His I'ltmuxiii. On the contrary, It is described as secret, hid den from the world "as a thief in the night." Jesus deserllied His I'arouxia, saying that at that time the world would be eating, drinking, planting, building, and know not of His coming iu the Harvest of the Age, even as the world was eating, drinking, planting, building and marrying in the days of Noah, "and knew not." The intima tion is, however, that some of God's people would be made aware of His ParniiKia the Wise Virgins, while others of God's people, the "foolish virgins," would be "overcharged with the cares of this life," and know not. Revealed In Flaming Fire. If, then, only the Church may know of the VarmiMn of Jesus in its time until thev shall be changed to the heavenly, Divine nature, how will the world ever know of Jesus and His Kingdom? If He really meant it when lie said, "A little while and the world seetli Me no more," how can humanity know about the new. invisible King dom V The Bible answers most distinctly. It tells us of the shining forth or liijilKiiihi of the Lord's Kingdom. It tolls of llis oj'okiiliiii.siH manifestation or revealment. "lie shall be revealed hi (laming lire." This flaming lire sig nifies severe judgments, as elsewhere. These are to be so severe that the elements of earth's society will melt with the fervency of the heat in a terrible time of trouble. Additionally "the heavens." (he ecclestlastical sys tems, will be Involved, and pass away with a great noise or commotion. It is from this revealing In (laming fire, Divine censure upon the world, that the great, the high, the mighty, the I r. - 1 ?',:, v . f ' : : : .; ; " . ) 4 i A s- Lacks Authority to Sip Proto col (or Armistice. MAY EXTEflD FG3 FORTH RYAN WILL BE FIRSTWITNESS Will Take Stand After Govern ment GlDSSS. AERONAUT KILLED IN FALL 02,000 FEET Richard Frayne Thrown From Seat tn Parachute. Jacksonville, ,Fla., Dec. 2. Richard Fravne. an aeronaut, fell 2,000 feet here and was Instantly killed. Three thousand persons witnessed the acci dent. The aeronaut was thrown from his seat in the parachute immediately after he cut loose from the balloon His body landed in the driveway of the Evergreen cemetery, near hero. Physicians say every hone in his body v;as broken. With Jack Crosby, his companion 1'iayne ascended at the Trl-County fair here. Both men had individual parachutes attached to the balloon. Crosby severed his parachute from the balloon first. A moment later he paw Frayne's body dash past him itti'., ol' the tragedy say that Frayne's parachute opened successful ly and it is believed his fall was due to his failure to place his hands In the safety vristlet, the momentary halting ol' descent upon the opening of the pnrachnte hurling him from his seat. SAVES LIFE OF BURNING MAN Bulgaria Shows Spirit of Conciliation and Turkey Has Nothing to Gain by Continuing Struggle Situation Mere Peaceful. London. Dec. 2. The signing of the protocol of the armistice between ae Balkan allies and Turkey has been postponed until tomorrow, as the luck delegate has not received the iKccssiiy authority from his government. It is rumor. d that in addition to tho llulgaiian troops just lauded at l.etle.igiiatch, another large force of (reel; troops Iroin Salonikt is at sea, and it ii suggested that (1 recce may delay signing the armistice in order to allow these troops to arrive at their j destination, which is supposed to he the Oulf of Saros, in Oalilpoll. It Is understood the armistice will extend for about a fortnight. If neces sary, ami cover the whole field of op erations. The dilliculty with respect to the beleaguered garrisons of Adrl unople and Scutari la being surmount ed by permitting them to receive dally rations during the armistice. The plenipotentiaries appear to have been concerned po far solely In arranging the armistice, but a peaco conference Id expected to commence Immediately, probably at Sofia, and as Bulgaria has already shown greater forbearance than has been looked for in waiving her demand for the surrender of Adrl anople, while at the same time Turkey cannot hope, to obtain better condl lions bv continuing tho struggle, a strong feeling Is entertained that the last shot In the war will have been fired when the nrmistlce is signed. Thera Is little doubt, however, that the peace negotiations will be difficult and proiTactcd. The question of holding an Euro pean ambassadorial conference is still umlecld.'d, but tho international situ t.tion is much moro peaceful. The Servian government denies the re ported preparations for a conflict with Austria, while the Austrian press la much less bellicose. BLACK CAT'S EAR NO GOOD Woman Dashes Contents of Flour Bin Over Human Torch. Stoux Falhi, S. I)., Dec 2. The poor, ull shall seek to "hide themselves j quick wit of a woman and the use by In the dens and caves of the earth -in the social Orders and in alliliation with strong governments, etc. Cradually mankind will come to understand. Gradually their eyes will open and 4hey will see that It is "the wrath of the Lamb" that causes the "time of trouble such as never -was since there was a nation." The plow share of trouble will go so deep that tho world will effectually learn the In tended lesson. 'I heir eyes opening to the truth of the situation, they will learn war no more. They will "beat their spears into pruning hooks, and their swords into plowshares." As their eyes of understanding open still more widely, they will discern the beauties and blessings of Messiah's Kingdom, "the desire of all nations." ruder Messiah's Kingdom, Israel will return from the cast-off condition In which she lias been during the selec tion of "the very Klect." The lliicleus of Israel will be tho resurrected An cient Worthies, mentioned by St. Paul In Hebrews xl, SS-40. They will be perfected in the llesh, as the Church will be perfected In the Divine nature. Hut the Christ, Head and ltody. Bridegroom and Bride, must first enter into the glory of the Kingdom. Then will be established the earthly King dom In the hands of the Ancient Wor thies. The world will see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the prophets; but they will not see the King In Ills glory, nor the Bride, nor "the virgins, her companions." on the spirit plane. They will all he as Invisible to humanity as the Prince of Darkness and his demon hosts at the present time. The first work of Messiah's Kingdom will be the binding of Satan, the spoiling of whose power Indicates the dell vet mice of humanity from the bondage of sin. Ignorance, superstition and death. One of our great obstacles In the past has been that we failed to discern that (Jod has been prosecuting two dis tinct salvations: first, that of the t'hiirch, to the spiritual, heavenly. Di vine nature; and later, through the Klect Church, salvation must be ex tended to humanity, the non-elect. Then will come the privilege and op portunity of earthly Restitution to human perfection in the Image and likeness of !od. as was Adam, In a world-wide Paradise, Clod's glorious footstool. The First Advent of the Savior was necessary for the redemp tion of our rm e. His Second Advent Is equally necessary; that He may by His glorious Kingdom bind Satan, over throw Sin and release sinners. her of the contents of a seventy-five-pound flour bin as a fire extinqtilsher, saved the life of Joseph Vellow, a resi dent of McCiffik county, when his clothing was set on flic by an explo sion resulting when he poured kero sene on a lire in the kitchen stove to make It burn more quickly. With his clothing ablaze, Vellow rushed into tae yard of his home, calling for an slstanre. Mrs. William Armstrong, living nearby, saw the human torch. Bragging and carrying the flour bin from her home ;md to the spot where Vellow was rolling on the ground in an unsuccessful effort to put out tho fire, sh dashed the contents of the flour bin over Vellow's burning cloth ing, extinguishing the flames. Gives Roommate Present of $50,000. WlUlaton. N. D., Dec. 2. To bo pre sented with S.10,000 by a roommate 's something that rarely befalls tho average man, but W. C. Smead, who makes this territory for a Sioux City concern, wm the recipient of a present of that size. For years ho has roomed with a man named Morgan. Recently Morgan fell heir to a large amount and handed Smead $50,000 ns a slight testimony of his regard. CONDENSED NEWS Conjuror Arrested Because f25 Invlsl bllity Charm Doesn't Work. Chbago, Dec. 2. George A. Pupau !,ky, a Polish banker-conjuror, recently released from the house of correction, I where he was sent by Judge lentils to serve a s'x months' sentonce for selling Invisibility ointments and love charma, waa arrested again. Pupnusky sold Anton Lokortt. a fellow country man, a blnck cat's oar to make him in visible. . Ixikorltz paid $25 for the charm. Confident in his Invisibility, likor Itz then entered a saloon with the proprietor of which he was not or fttendly terms. Making sure the charm was In place, he stopped behind tho bar and began to help himself to hot tied goods. The bartender Immedi ately fell on Idioritz and hustled him irto the street. Another purchaser of a black cat's car is sought by the police to testify against the conjuror. The man bough) ; a black cat's car and was run ovei soon after by an automobile. Thr man did not make a complaint, lib friends Fald, because he was Invisible and could not. blame the chauffeur fo not seeing him. AMNESTY FOR INSURGENTS New Mexican Minister Adopts Concil iatory Polity. Mexico City. Dee. 2. Convinced that numerous bands of rebels in tho states of DurnngQ, Coahuila and southern Chihuahua are continuing their opera tlons merely becnuse they believe sur render would mean summary execu tion under the suspension of guaran tics, Rafael Hernandez, the new minis ter of the interior, announced that he would nttempt to gain for them a promise of amnesty. Cheche Cnmpof and Benjamin Arguado, officers In! The Kansas hoard of canvassers Is-iOrozco'H organization, are tho chlel Charges Against President Based on Letters Frorr Files Expenditure Not Published Prosecution Claims Move Was to Conceal Use of Money. Indianapolis, Dec. 2 As the first of the witnei-ses for the defense and himself, the most prominent defend ant. Frank M. Ryan, president of the Internaticnnl Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, proba bly will testily at the dynamite con spiracy trial today after tho close ot tho government's cuse. Tho e,overnment announced it would close Its with one moro witness. The defense is to follow with the cus tomary motions for dismissal or cer tain of the, defendants on the ground that the government has not sustained its charges against them. The defense's attorneys, headed by Senator John W. Kern and William N. Harding, will then begin examin ing its witnesses. Tho plan Is to have each defendant' precede the witnesses called in tfiat particular defendant's behalf. Altogether 130 new witnesses have been summoned. President Ryan has been at the head of the union for seven years. He waa president when John J. McNamara, tho secretary-treasurer, was arrested at the headquarters in Indianapolis, In, April. 1911. He with other officials. Is charged with appropriating the nnlon's money to carry on a dynamit ing campaign against nonunion work in connection with which the McNa mara brothers are now in prison in California. The chargeB of aiding in illegal transportation of dynamite against Ryan a-e based on letters taken from McNamara's flics. Thse letters, the government asserts, show that Ryan and the executive board members stopped publishing the union's ex penditures so thnt McNamara would not have to show In detail what ho did with $1,(100 a month. John T. But ler of Buffalo, vice president; Mlchnel J. Young of Boston, Philip A. Cooley of New Orlonns, Henry W. U'gleltner of Denver nnd Kugeno A. Clancy of Fan Francisco, as present or past Hiemh ns of the executive board, aro among other defendants scheduled hoon to testify. District Attorney Miller announced hat within a few days he would insist on an enforcement of the court's rul ing that fourt"cn defendants must fur nish new bonds or remain in Jail be tween sessions of court. Herbert 8. Hockln, taken In custody eUht days ago, and F.dward Smythe and James E. Ray of rcotia, taken In custody sibottt twi weiks ago, are still impris oned !) default of new bonds. sued tho certificate of election as gov ernor to Georgo, II. Hodges (Dcm.). Announcement was mado by tho American Teace society of the desig nation ot Dec. 5 as "Peaco Sunday." Miss Annette Kellerman, the swim mer, was married to her manager, James R. Sullivan, at Banbury, Conn Rev. Dt. Robert Collyer, a widely known Unitarian divine, died at his home in New York, aged eighty nine Manuel Garza Aldano was arrested in San Antonio by deputy United States marshal on a charge of violat ing tho neutrality laws. Secretary of War Stlmson and part?, en route from Panama to Washington, were tho guests at Key West, Fla , of the army and navy ofilclalB. Mrs. Lulu Dogenberg of Iola was sentenced to ono year at hard labor In the Kansas penitentiary for violation of the state prohibitory law. Fire that threatened for a time to destroy the entire factory section of Hoboken, N. J., burned out the big piano caso factory of John Courtado and damaged several smaller build Ings, causing a loss estimated at $200,- COO. rebel leaders In those districts anil several engagements havo been fought during tho latter part of the week, tho government as usual announcing victories. Twelfth Death From Explosion. Wnukegan, III. Dec. 2. Tony We towsky, one of the victims of the dust "xploslon in the Corn Products Refin ing company's Wnukegnu plant, died In a hospital here, making the twelfth death from the blast. J. Kalowsky, another victim, Is believed to be near death. Railroad Station Robbed by Holdups. Salt Lake, Dec. 2. Two masked highwaymen, armed with revolvers, entered the Bamberger routo station here, comnelled the ticket agent to open the safo and robbed It of about $300. The robbers then hid their vic tim "good night" nnd escaped. Cabinet Crisis In Japan. Tokya, Dec. 2. A rahlnct crisis has arisen over the refusal of the minis ter of war, Lieutenant General Uye hera, to accept a cabinet decision re jecting tho scheme for Increasing the military forces In Korea. STREET BATTLE IS FATAL Fred Boyer Unable to "Shoot Up" Ex celsior Springs. Excelsior Springs, Mo., Dec. 2. In a battle on tho principal streets here be tween Fred Boyer. recently dla charged from the United State8 army, and two special policemen, Boyer waa shot and fatally Injured. The two policemen, Robert King and James Roberts, attempted to ar rest Boyer when he appeared on the street with a shotgun across .his shoulder and threatened to "shoot up" the town. Boyer, who Is large and powerful, knocked Roberts down and had disarmed the other ofllcer, when Roberts rhot Boyer through tho stom ach. Beyer had been arrested before for disturbing the pence, and a feud exist ed b' twecn him and tho officers. indiansTask for money Choctaws aim Chickasaw . After $17,' 000,000 Held In Trust. Anlmore. Okl.i., Bcc'. 2. Steps were taken here by which the Choc taw ami Chickasaw Indians hope eventually to Induce tho government to distribute among members of these trlbe-i $17,000,0(10 derived from the rale of their lands In western Okla homa am which fund tho government holds Resolutions were adopted at a meet ing of 200 lenders of both nations urg ing the distribution of the money and urging congress to enact such legisla tion as will no longer make the tribes wards of the government. Tho matter will ho presented to congress as soon as prnctlrnblo. Steamer Founders; Entire Crew Safe. Halifax, Dec. 2 The steamer River Meander, New York for Naples, has been nliandoned nt sea and probably has foundered. Us captain nnd crew of thirty men were rescued by the steamer Ikhal. which entered Halifax harbor. The River Meander left New York Nov. 20. It Is a British steamer of tons nnd was formerly named the Bardlstan. Captain McGregor com manded the vessel. Two Fatally Burned. Anaconda, Mont., Dec. 2. James Haughey and George Strakal were s badly burned that they will die when the contents of a ladle containing four tons of molten copper was accidental ly spilled upon them at the Washo smelter her