The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 02, 1912, Image 2

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Party Friends of the Bride and
Groom to Be Present to Enjoy
the Happy Event.
A must delightful miscellaneous
and sock .shower was given Friday
evening at (Ik; home of Mr. and
Mrs. I'. J. Ilennings, parents of
the bride-to-be, in honor of the
approaching nuptials of their
daughter, Miss Louisa Ilennings,
and Mr. Will Meisinger. There
was a large number of relatives
and friends of the contracting
parties present and a most pleas
ant evening was enjoyed by the
guests with vocal and instrumen
tal music and dancing. The music
for the dance was furnished by
Miss Marie, Fitzgerald and W. R.
Holly, and the merry company had
a most delightful evening in en
joying the dance. The young
couple were showered with a large
number of very handsome and
rich presents and the groom-to-be
received some 51 pairs of
socks of all assortments and
varieties, which will remain a
lasting souvenier of this pleasant
occasion. At 10:30 the company
was invited to partake of a fine
supper, and there was everything
that anyone could possibly desire
in the line of delicacies and the
supper was greatly enjoyed by the
HO persons who were served.
The guests on Ibis delightful
occasion were: Messers. and
Mesdames F. J. Ilennings, Adam
Meisinger and . family, (leorge
Meisinger and family, Jake Mei
singer and family, Louis Horn and
family, Anion Meisinger and fam
ily, Claus I'loelin and daughter,
Miss Anna, of" Scribncr, Neb.;
Messrs. and Misses Lena, Waller,
Carl, Louie, F.ddic, Kmil and Wil
lie Meisinger, John, Louie, (leorge,
Myrtle, Philip, Ferdinand, Albert
and Merman Ilennings, Frcida and
Otto Wohlfarlh, Olio, Hose and
Philip Schafer, Lula and August
KafTenbcrger, Henry and Mattie
Uriah, Lena and Frcil, Engelke
incier, Minnie and (leorge Huber,
Willie and Nellie Kelly, Harry and
Helen Horn, Henry and Christina
Soennichsen, Carrie, Fred and
Jessie Terryberry, Philip, Fred,
Walter, Randolph, Mamie and
Adelia Heil, Simon Johnson, Laura
Puis, John, Fred and Helen
Nucehler, Mr. Fit.pal rick, Adam,
Lula and Kalie Heil, Amelia and
Willie Fredrich, Mary and Harry
Volk, John Kraeger, Viola, Floyd
and Karl Hecker, Christina Han
sen, Lawrence, Lloyd and Ed
Group, Mable Ward, Dorothy
(roup, Clarence Musche, Will and
Allie Meisinger, Louise and Helen
The crowd dispersed at a late
hour, wishing the young friends a
very happy married life, free from
care and worry. The young couple
desire to thank their many friends
for the beautiful presents, which
will serve as a reminder of the
esteem in which they are held.
Boy Wanted I
our son, viciue, ueii i;i years,
departed from bis home in Plaits-
month on Tuesday morning, Ni
vcmher :!, without any provoca
lion, and we would like lo hear of
bis whereabouts. When he left
he had on blue overalls and light
coal. Archie is rather slim, blue
eyes, dark hair and light, com
plexion, and was last seen at the
Hurlington station, where he
jumped a freight train going
south. Information that will lead
to his whereabouls will be thank
fully received by his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wampler.
(Fxchanges please copy and aid
the distressed parents in finding
their boy.)
Pays Visit Here.
Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. I
Schinfelt of Manpiell, Nebraska.
brought, their little 7-nionths-ol(
1. 1 J . V
nany id iiinaiia. wnere it was
operated upon Saturday morning
Saturday evening Mr. Schinfelt
came down lo visit his brother,
in-law, J. L. Thompson and wife
over Sunday. Miss Lillian and
Hoy Thompson visited Mrs
Scliinefelt and the baby at the
hospil al yesterday.
Dance a Big Success.
The dance given Saturday even
ing by Cass Camp No. Ilil'i at the
new Woodman hall was a great
success in r very particular am
was al tended by a very large
crowd and everyone had a splen
did time dancing away the hours
to the delightful music furnishi
by the M. W. A. orchest ra.
Sen the Hialt & Tutt ad in this
n rmiDi r.
Wove Into Leonard Building.'
The tailoring firm of Vejvoda &
Kaleek today removed from their
location in Hie Kiley hotel block
to the new Leonard building, op
posite the Journal olliee. which
has been tilled up for them and
where they will be found in tin?
future, liiriiinir out their usual
brand of llrsl-class tailoring. This
room makes a splendid place for
this line of work, being well
lighted ami in a very prominent
local ion.
The Citizens of Falls City. Ir
respective of Party, Take
Part in the Event.
iovrrnor-elect John II. More-
head was given a reception, non
partisan, by the good people of
Falls City and Richardson county
at the National hotel at Falls City
last evening. It was a most cla-
mrate affair. The house was
tastefully ' decorated and those
having charge of the .affair cer
tainly knew how to handle such a
function and pulled olT one of the
biggest social affairs ever known
to the people of that city or
Mr. Morehead and family held
an informal reception in one of
the parlors, where they met hun
dreds of their friends and the
good people of that portion of the
state. They then repaired to the
arge dining hall, where Mayor
Leyda presided, and a number of
prominent speakers, all local men,
eulogized the newly elected gov
ernor and the family. The speak
ers paid some high compliments
to Mr. Morehead and family.
Sheriff Hilly Fen ton. one of the
most popular men of that section
of the slate.1 was aid to Mavor
Leyda, and I hey handled things to
The love feast lasted until after
the midnight hour and all left
feeling it was one of the most en
joyable "neighborly" affairs they
ever ul tended. The neoole down
in that part of the state, without
regard to their political or re
ligious beliefs, seem to be per
sonal friends and admirers of Mr.
Morehead and family. Nebraska
City News.
Here to Look Over Situation.
James Rivet!, supervisor of
buildings of 'the: Hurlington, and
A. F. lledengren, master carpenter
of the Omaha division, was in the
city today looking after company
msiness. The Hurlington. has
some plans for fixing up the depoL
in this city ami it is lo be hoped
I hey w ill see (heir way clear lo
give this city a depot adequate to
handle the amount of business
I hat I he company does here.
Having Good Success.
The Nazarenes are having good
success here in Platlsniouth and
Isst night I he church was tilled
Willi people to listen to Hie
preaching. The revival will con-
mie for a few more evenings.
These meetings are conducted by
James L. Helk,' the converted
showman, of Kentucky. The pub
lic is cordially invited lo attend
these services.
Confined to His Home.
William Harclay, the restaurant
man, is confined to. his home by
sickness, if being found necessary
to suniumn a physician yesterday
and he was compelled to remain
in his room. II is to be hoped that
this illness will not develop into
anything serious ami that Mr.
Harclay will soon be able lo be up
and around.
Do Not Delay
In placing your Xmas orders for
Photographs. About the last week
before Christmas we hear wails
from lost, souls "procrastinating
parties" who failed to take time
by the marrel wave. Order now
and save your tears, fears, doubts,
gooseflesh and heartburn. Old
pictures copied and enlarged. '
L. II. Young of Nehawka was a
passenger for Omaha this morn
ins.', where he will take treatment
al the hospital for his injured
Head the Hig Removal Sale ad
of Hialt & Tut I in another column
of this issue. They are offering
you some genuine bargains in
order to keep from moving the
Money to loan on city real
estate on good terms and at
moderate raies. Buy or build a
home on the easy payment plan.
See T. M. Patterson, Secretary
Plattsmouth Loan and Building
Local News
Stoves of
prices. Si e
all kinds at
Fa si wood.
reduced !
Watch for our Xmas ad. You
will stay at home and buy at Fast
wood's. All kinds of aprons will be sold
at the Christian church bazaar
December j ijh.
llenrv llirz, from the precinct,
was in the city Saturday afternoon
looking after the week-end shop
ping. Miss Muriel Harlhold returned
this morning to (llenwood, after
visiting here over Sunday with her
parent s.
W. A. Fight, the slock raiser,
from near Mynard, was in town
Saturday looking after business
mat lei's.
Frank (Irauf, accompanied by
his wife and daughter, were in the
city Saturday doing their week
end shopping.
W. F. Gillespie, the genial My
nard grain man, was in the city
Saturday shaking hands with his
many friends.
Matthew Gering was a passeng
er this morning for Omaha, where
he attended , to some legal busi
ness for the day.
George Horn came in from his
farm Saturday and spent a few
hours in this city looking after
business matters.
S. L. Furlong, the pioneer resi
dent of Rock Hluffs, was in the
city Saturday doing some trailing
wilh the merchants.
V. F. Wchrbcin drove in from
his farm Saturday afternoon and
transacted .some business mallei's
wilh I he merchants.
Cel. your Chri.-tn'.ds presents al
the Holiday Shop Thursday, De
cember ,r, and Saturday, December
7, in the Riley block.
Henry Slarkjohn and wife, from
west of the city, were in town
Saturday visiting wilh relatives
and doing some trailing.
'W. R. Holly was a passenger
yesterday morning for Omaha,
where he visited for the day with
his friend, Richard Clark.
Major Arries, who has been
spending his Thanksgiving vaca
tion at home in Ibis city, return,
cd yesterday afternoon to Lincoln.
P. H. Meisinger and son, Carl,
drove in Saturday afternoon from
their farm in Fight Mile drove
precinct lo attend lo some Irad
iuir. Albert and Joe I er drove
up from the farm, south of this
Saturday , and transacted
some business
matters for the
K. M. Godwin and sou, Albert,
came up from the farm near Mur
ray Saturday to transact some
business mailers with the mer
chants. Miss Caroline Schuldice came
down from Omaha Saturday on
No. 'J and visited with her father,
Albert Schuldice and faniijy, over
Henry R. (lering came down
from Omaha Saturday evening
and spent Sunday with his family
here, returning to the metropolis
on the afternoon train yesterday.
Miss Lorene llemple returned
lo her school at Milford yesterday
afternoon, after visiting here with
her grandmother, Mrs. H. Heinpie,
and her aunt, Miss Teresa llemple,
over Thanksgiving.
Michael Meisinger, one of Cass
county's most reliable farmers,
was in the city Saturday visiting
with his many friends and at
tending to business mailers.
Miss Honora Seyberl, who has
been visiting her parents near
Cullom during her Thanksgiving
vacation, returned Saturday after
noon to resume her studies in the
Platlsniouth schools.
(leorge Dovey departed this
morning for Kearney, where he is
attending the Kearney Military
academy, after spending his
Thanksgiving vacation here with
his parents. (1. E. Dovey and wife.
We have a few boxes of excel
lent stationery which wo are sell
ing at. 22 cents a box, and the fol
lowing letters in Iho initial paper:
2 I, 1 P, 2 E, 1 G. 4 0, 2 J, 2 C,
which we are selling at 30c each.
"pping early.
Karl H. I'dish was a passenger
for Omaha this morning, where
be spent, the day.
The Eastern Star will hold its
regular meeting Tuesday, Oeceni
ber :i, at 7::in o'clock.
Light luncheon served by St.
Mary's (iuild December 5 and 7,
in the Riley hotel block.
(leorge Snyder was among those
going to Omaha this morning to
attend to some business matters.
Miss Svea Johnson returned to
Omaha this morning, after spend
ing Sunday here with her parents.
Come lo I he Holiday Shop, Riley
block, December 5th and 7th, for
all kinds of embroidery and fancy
J. P. Falter was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where he
looked after business matters for
the day.
Attorney C. A. Raw Is departed
this morning for Omaha, where
he was called on some business
Ed Rummell and wife of near
Mynard were in the city Saturday
attending to some matters of
Joe Peters, the contractor, re
turned to (ilenwood this morning,
after spending Sunday here with
his family.
Lloyd (lapen of Murray was a
business visitor in the metropolis
today, being a passenger on the
early Hurlington train.
Charles Spangler, from near
Murray, was in Hie city Saturday
visiting his friends and attend
ing to business matters.
William (lilinore, the celebrated
Slu t land pony breeder, and his
son. Sam, were in the city Satur
day attending to some trading.
Frank Dunbar was a passenger
for the metropolis this morning
on No. 15, where he was called to
look after some business mailers.
Hon. W. 11. Puis of Murray
drove up Saturday afternoon from
bis farm and visited for a few
hours with his friends in this cilv.
J. M. Meisinger was a passenger
Ibis morning for Omaha, where
he will visit his daughter, Mrs. L.
W. Lnrenz, al Hie hospital for the
At the Holiday Shop, Saturday,
December 7, there will be a mar
ket. The ladies of St. Marv's (iuild
conducl this shop in Hie Rjev
hotel block.
Mrs. J. Y. Egenberger and Mrs.
John Hirz were passengers this
morning for Omaha, where I hey
visited Miss Anna Eg-enberger at
the hospital.
John llarkins of Omaha, who
spent Sunday here with relatives,
returned to his home in Omaha
Ibis morning on the early Hur
lington train.
Adam Schafer, one of the sub
stantia! farmers from the vicinity
of Murray, was in town Saturday
attending to some business with
Hie merchants.
Don't fail lo visit the Holiday
Shop, conducted by St. Mary's
(Iuild of St. Luke's Episcopal
church, Thursday, December 5th,
ami Saturday, December 7th.
Fred Ileitzhousen, who is at
tending the state university at
Lincoln, came down Saturday aft
ernoon to visit over Sunday with
his relatives in (his city, relum
ing home on Hie afternoon train
C F. Weber, who has been visit,
ing here with his wife and child,
departed this morning to look af
ter his business interests. Mr.
Weber is now engaged in travel
ing and his route is in the east
ern slates.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Presbvlerian church will meet
with Mrs. Frank Dunbar tomor
row (Tuesday) afternoon at 2:30.
All the ladies of the church and
congregation are cordially invited.
(luy French, wife and little
daughter, Octa. departed this
morning for their home in Oma
ha, after a visit over Sunday with
T. R Bates and wife. Mrs. French
and Octa have been spending
several days here, while Mr.
French came down Saturday evening.
Oct our Xniii
See F.aslwood.
hu (Irimes arrived from Blue
Neb.. Saturday evening for
a visit over Sunday with friends.
John Halt, jr., was a visitor in
the metropolis today, being a pas
senger on No. 15 this morning.
J. M. Roberts, the banker, was
in the metropolis today, returning
home on No. 24 this afternoon.
Mrs. Kate Remington of Omaha
came down this afternoon lo look
after business matters for the day.
W. H. and Louie Puis, of west of
Murray, were county seat visitors
last Saturday, driving up in
Louie's car.
Julius Pepperberg came down
from Lincoln Saturday afternoon
to attend the funeral of his old
friend, Major D. II. Wheeelr.
Mrs. Albert Schafer and Miss
Anna Wagner were passengers
this morning for Omaha, where
they looked after business matters
for the dav.
Lafe Nelson, one of the good,
stalwart farmers from south of
the city, came up Saturday after
noon and attended to some busi
ness matters.
P. A. Hild and children and his
father, Adam Hild, of Ml. Pleasant
precinct, were in the city Satur
day afternoon attending to some
business matters.
M. Hausladen was a visitor in
this city Saturday, and while here
called at this olliee for the purpose
of renewing his subscription lo
this paper.
TO EXCHANGE Dill) acres of
western Nebraska land for prop
erly in or near Plal Ismoulh. Ap
ply to C. H. Fuller, owner, Box
ii. 12-2-2twkly
William Puis, sr., and Rev. J.
Huebner, of Mt. Pleasant precinct,
were Platlsniouth visitors last
Saturday, driving in for a few
hours' visit with county seat
Robert Newell and bride return
ed Saturday evening from their
wedding trip to St. Joseph, Mis
souri, and will reside for the pres
ent at I he Newell home on Gospel
C. F. Morton, of the vicinity of
Union, drove to this city Saturday
to attend to some business mat
ters, and while here took time to
call at this office and have his sub
scription to this paper extended
for another vear.
Local News
From Friday's Daily.
Will Yallery and wife of Have
lock spent Thanksgiving here with
relal ives and friends.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Waler was here today in regard
to some business matters at the
court house.
(1. W. Snyder and son of My
nard were passengers this morn
ing for Omaha to look after busi
ness matters.
Nicholas Halines, wife and son,
(leorge, of Weeping Water,
motored up from their home to
day to look afler some mallei's of
W. It. Bryan of South Bend was
in the city today visiting friends
and looking for a residence, as lie
desires to move to this city when
his term as county assessor be
gins. I). M. Johnson, one of the lead
ing business men of Weeping Wa
ter, was in the city today, having
driven up in his car to attend to
some matters of business in the
county court.
C. A. Raw Is and wife spent
Thanksgiving at. Murray, driving
from there wilh relatives to
Kenosha, where they enjoyed the
dinner that had been prepared by
the ladies of the church there.
Miss Josephine Murphy return
ed to Lincoln this morning, after
spending Thanksgiving in this
city with her mother and sisler.
Mrs. T. L. Murphy and daughter
Lillian, accompanied Miss Jose
phine as far as Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Xorris came
up from Nehawka this morning (o
attend to some business matters
and were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roberts. Mr.
Norn's called al this olliee and
had his name enrolled on our
Semi-Weekly list.
J. H. Bales, of Walla Walla,
Washington, who has been visit
ing his brother, I. F. Hales and
family, for about a month depart
ed for his home this morning.
Mrs. I. F. Bates accompanied him
as far as Omaha on his trip, go.
ing from there to Stanton to visit
her daughter.
la the Dint Met Court In nnil for Cnsn
fount)', .Nrurnih.ll.
Edilhu C. Woods, Plaintiff,
Thomas K. Clark, et al.. Defendant..
To tlie Defendants, George T. Met Ve lum
Ruth McCnllum, Jean McCoilum'
Wright V.cCollum. Carl C. Wright
and .Mrs. Carl C. Wright:
You are hereby notltied that on Mtv
S. 1912, plaintiff filed her suit in tho
District Court of Cass Countv, Ne
braska, to quiet the title to the 'follow
ing described land l:i Cass County, Ne-
I The West Half cVi) of th
I Northeast (Juarter (NKi), th
Southeast Quarter iSK',, of tha
Northeast Quarter INK', ) and the
I Northwest Quarter (NW'Ui, all of
I Section twelve (12), and lot thirty
I four CSt), in the Southeast Quarter
(Si:'4 of the Southeast Quarter
j SKV,) lot thirty-tive c;."), in the
.Southwest Quarter SV'4) of th
I Southeast Quarter (.SK'4) and lot.
I thirty-six (.:, in the North west
Quarter (NW4) of the Southeast
Quarter SK'i, of Section one (1)
all of said lands in Township ten
(10) North, Hange eleven (ill
Kast of the 6th P. M.
And that on November 7, 1912, said
plaintiff tiled her supplemental petition
showing the death of William H
Wright, ami alleging that you, anionic
others, are the heirs at law of the said
William 11. Wright, and praying for
relief as prayed for in her original
petition, because of her adverse pos
session by herself and grantors of suid
lands for more than ten years prior to
the commencement of said suit, and to
enjoin eaeli and all of you from having
or claiming any right title, lien or in
terest, either legal or equitable, In or
to said lands, or any part thereof, and
to require you and each of vou to set
forth your right, title, lien or interest
therein, if any, either legal or
equitable,' and to have the same ad
judged inferior to the title of plaintiff
and for general equitable relief, this
notice is made pursuant to the order
of the court.
You are required to answer this
petition on or before the 23rd day of
December, A. D. 1912 or your default
will be duly entered therein.
KUITHA C. WOODS, Plaintiff.
In the OUtrlet Court of Cam Couaty
Frank Claus, Plaintiff,
William Smith, et al Defendants.
To William Smith, Mrs. William Smith,
his wife (first name unknown)
Thomas O. Palmer, M. Jane Palmer',
and the Unknown Heirs and De
visees of William Smith, deceased:
You and each of you will hereby tako
notice that on the 2nd dav of November
1912. Frank Claus, plaintiff in the fore
going entitled cause, tiled his petition
in the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, against you, the object, pur
pose and prayer of which Is to obtain
a decree from said Court removing
clouds from and quieting the title of
record to lot live (f) and three (3) feet"
off of and along the west side of lot
four (4), in block eighteen (18), in tho
City of Plattsmouth, Cass County Ne
braska, in plaintiff, as against you and
to exclude and enjoin you and each of
you from ever asserting or claiming
any right, title or interest therein ad
verse to plaintiff and for such other
and further relief as may be Just and
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 16th day of
December, 1912, or the allegations con
tained In said petition will be taken as
true and a decree rendered as prayed
for therein.
Dated: .November 4th, 1912.
FRANK CLAUS, Plaintiff.
By JOHN M. LEYDA, His Attorney.
Ill the County Court of thp County of
Chmn, Nebraska.
In Ue ICstate of Orllla Fleming,
Notice is hereby given that hearings
will be had upon all claims against the
nbove estate at the otiice of the
County Judge. Court House, Platts-,
mouth, Nebraska, on December 23rd,
1912, and on June 2.!rd, 1913, at nine
o'clock n. in. of each dav; all claims
must be filled before said last named
hour and all claims not filed will be
forever barred.
liy the Court.
(Seal) ALLEX J. B..ESON.
County Judge.
Attorneys. to snow cai sk.
In I lie DlHlrlet Court lu and for Can
County, .NrhrnNkn.
In the Matter of the Guardianship of
Anna C. Chllcott, Insane.
This cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of Wesley Chllcott.
guardian of the estate of Anna C. Ctul
colt, insane, playing for license to sell
the Interest of his safd ward. Anna C.
Chllcott, in and to the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
The Northwest quarter (NV'i of
the Northeast quarter IXK',1 of Sec
tion twenty-four (24), Township eleven
(11), Kiinge thirteen (l:i), in Cass
County, Nebraska.
Said petitioner also alleging that the
wife of petitioner Anna C. Chilcolt.
vas adjudged insane on the 15th day
oi April, l:i02, and has ever since re
mained Insane, and is now confined in
the iiviMio asylum of the State of Ne
braska. Thut petitioner Is the owner
in fee slniplo title of the nbove de
scribed real estate, and the Court Is
asked to ascertain the present valuo of
the Interest of petitioner's said wife,
anil to authorize petitioner to sell tlm
same at public or private sale.
IT IS Til EKFoKK OltDKilED that
all persons interested in the estate and
interest of said Anna C. Chllcott. in
sane, in and to the above described real
estate appear before me at the ollico
of the Clerk of the District Court, at
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, on
the loth day of January, A. D. 1913, at
ten o'clock a. m. to show cause whv
the Court should not determine the
present value of the interest of said
Anna C. Chllcott, in and to the real
estate hereinbefore described, and why
license should not be granted to Weslev
Chllcott. guardian of Anna C. Chllcott.
Insane, to sell the Interest of his said
ward In and to the above described real
This order shall be served lv pub
lishing same In the Plattsmouth Jour
nal for at least three successive weeks
prior to December 28, 1912.
Daled this 2ilth day of November,
, Judge District Court.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Where shall we go?
To Nemetz & Co.,
Don't you know?
To get hand-rolled chocolates
The best what iss;
And peanut and popcorn and
eocoanut, (gee whiz),
And all kinds of fruit
Which they have GALORE,
1'or Nemetz & Co.'s,
E. M. T.
Many Subscribers For
The Saturday vening Post and the
Ladies' Home Journal expire
January 1st. See Paul Stadelman
and get them renewed. Make
some friend an Xmas present of
a year's subscription. Such a
present will bo appreciated 3GT
days. 11-5-tfd.
When ordering flour ask your
grocer to send you a sack of
Forest Rose Flour the best flour