The Plattsmouth Journal f ublis&td Semi-Weekly R. A. BATES, Entered at the Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-clas matter. fl.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE We're thankful that we live in peace; Are not liki' Turkey or Old (ireecc. Religious freedom lias full sway; We're thankful for Thanksgiving Day. Ncbruka leads as an apple slate. :o: Thanksgiving Thursday. 1 1 member tin' date. :o:- A calm sui'vey of the returns from all over the eounlry makes it very clear that the biggest win ner on November 5 was constitu tional government. :o: President Tafl. says he does not need, and doesn't want a pension from anybody. lie is going to practice law, and it may ho proper to add that be is a far better law yer than politician. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no paper will be issued from this ollieo on Thanksgiving. The Semi-Weekly Journal will also be issued on Wednesday night one day earlier. :o: Woman suffrage may be all right, but we don't think so, and we do not believe that half the women in Nebraska would lake advantage of I he opportunity to vole if lliey bad a chance. :o; Congress will be asked In ap propriate :(!, uni, (Hill fur river provemeiils. This is an old gag improvements. This is an old gag Dial comes lo I he front at ovciv session nf I hat body. The peoj je w ill ihiI be surprised. Samuel lumpers, who was elected In Ibe presidency of the A. !'. of I., in llochester, X. Y Saturday, has served constantly in that capacity .since 18')."). This would demonstrate that (loinpers is a prelly good man for No place. . ;o; Itcalrire has tpiiie a number ul applicants fur the poslotliee in llial city, and their friends are talking of settling the mailer by a popular vole of the palnms of the (illlce. Nut a bad idea, and not, a new one. fl was done four years m;;h in a number of places and has been done in many places for the past twenty. live or thirty years. ;o ; All this talk of the legislature electing a democrat to the I nited Stales senate from Nebraska is bosh. We do not like Norris a lit tle bit, but as the people at the polls decided in his favor Ibe legislature is in duly hound to elect him, and there should not be the least hesitancy in perform ance, of this obligation when I he proper lime arrives. The demo crats could not afford to do other wise, all hough there are many re publicans who would like to see Deceptive (icorgc laid upon the shelf. That man Manuel, now super intendent of the Kearney In dustrial school, has the "cheek" to ask fiovernor-elect Morehead lo retain him under bis adminis tration. Governor Morehead is iml. going to reward his enemies don't you think it for a moment. In the language of the Lincoln Star, "it may appear lo the new governor-elect thai, inasmuch as Mr. Manuel was Ibe head of the populist movement two years ago and only the tail of it this year, and an amputated tail at, that, the distance Hag had fallen before he hove into sight." it Plattsssstb, Ksbraska dZ3 Publisher. We believe I'lall.Miioulh is as good a trading point as any town of its sie in Nebraska, and that the stocks curried by our mer chants will compare just as favorably. :o: Lincoln Star: From day to day it is becoming apparent that President-elect Wilson can easily Ilnd in Lincoln enough material for his entire cabinet and have some left over for heads of de partments and foreign posts of honor and profit. :o: Omaha capitalists are ma neuvering for a, million-dollar hotel. Well, they .should have it, as there is plenty of money in the old town to di the business. Arthur Hrandeis and John L. Kennedy propose to give the site, valued at lr0,000. :o: Col. Hates of the Plattsmouth Journal is an applicant far the post office of that city. Good, hope he'll gel it. The newspaper boys do more for the public with out pay than an other class of citizens and when there is a juicy plum to pluck they should have the first pull at it. Lincoln Herald. :o: Hundreds of squares miles hi northwestern Nebraska and south. ern South Dakota lie in barren waste as a consequence of one of Ibe most disastrous tires thai, ever swept I he western plains. From what reports can be had Ibe lire raged for several days and nights, and many farm houses, barns, etc., were destroy ed and hundreds of women and children made homeless. It is a very sad predicament to be placed in jus I. as cold weather is coming on. At last reports the lire was said lo be under control.. :o: Defeated democratic candidates for Ibe legislature in Douglas county have concluded to contest I he election on the plea of fraud, and if the defeated candidates are successiui in securing a re count in the various wards of Omaha they will find plenty of fraud. There never was an elec tion in Omaha in recent years where fraud was not committed lo a certain extent in some of the voluiir precincts, and the repub licans feel somewhat leary over the action of the democrats in the matter of the present contest. :o : The Journal regrets to learn that the great interest manifest ed in the Commercial club of Ibis city the lirsl year of its or ganization has lagged lo a con siderable extent within the past car. This should not be, and what causes it we are unable to faiilliom. Kvery business man in Plallsinouth should be interested in the success of the Commercial club. It has done wonders in the direction of improving Ibe town. No one can deny this fact. When this enterprise was lirsl or ganized Plattsmouth was at a complete s am s i so far as im provemeiils were concerned, and no one can successfully deny that since its organization there has not been more thrift and prosper ity in the town the ten years previous. The Journal is unable lo perceive why business men men who are interested in the prosperity of Plattsmouth and who own considerable property here, will cease conferring with their associates in business for I he best interests of all. We hope all will take a wise view of the matter and renew their faith in the Commercial club. WOODMAN RATES.. Old members of the order of Modern Woo-linen are given an-, other respite by the decree of tht ininois eouri enjoining km: in III! . . stallation of the proposed new system of rales, which was to take eflVcl January 1.. It was Iho old members who had chief cause lo repudiate the new rates, for the schedu'c did not lake into ac count their long attachment to the urdnc When a recruit is taken into the Modern Woodman fraternity his rate is lixed according to his age, but when the new schedule was adopted old men who had be longed in the fraternity for more than twenty years were rated as if they were, recruits at an ad- an 1 age, so that their rates were almost prohibitive. This gave the new schedule the aspect of a movement to crowd. the old men out... lint even the old men. will look upon the injunction, with, some misgiving.. Presumably the court that isued it, after hearing, the evidence, was convinced That. the proposed rates were, excessive or unjust, else it. would. not have is sued its order to prevent. the. im position of them.. The great body of Woodmen probably have given no careful, thought to a study of scientific insurance rates. They went, into the order because it offered them cheap insurance. The old members passively ac cepted a readjustment of rates some twelve years ago that, in creased the expense of, their in surance more than til) per cent, No wonder I bey rebel now against, another increase of their already increased rale by more than. 250 per eenL. The radical: increase of rates was made by the officials. upon the claim that if was necessary for I he preservation of the, order... The court seems to have found is i, of, or rather thai. such. in crease as must be made may as weJ be made, gradually.. Some of Ibe Woodmen who have been active in opposing the increase have given the subject, of. adequate rales a great, deal of study and are practical insurance men.. It cannot be said of l.liein that they sought, the wrecking of the order, for l.bey have interests at stake. If this injunet i.oii should nol. be overturned by a higher courl, and the Modern Woodmen should con. liiuie its business unimpaired,, il will, then be time to form con clusions as to Ibe origin of the troubles through which il, has been passing. If, on the oilier hand, Iho Modern Woodmen should reach a point, where it should fail lo meet its obliga tions, as it has been represented thai it surely will if Iho new rales bo md accepted ami installed, it will be poor satisfaction then to know I hat the proposed rates were, necessary and thai the court and I hi' insurgents were in error. Lincoln Star. Turkey seems to be quite a scarce article in Ibis community. Perhaps the price has something lo do with the soarcilv. :o : Certainly one presidential term of six years is heller for the in cumbent than two terms of four years each, when ho doesn't get the second one. :o: No man who wears a chronic grouch is ever truly thankful far anything, not oven I hat he is alive and in the enjoyment of good health. :o: There is only four more weeks till Christmas. The man who has to pay Iho bills for Christmas presents should feel thankful that Christ mas comes but once a year. :o: Congress will convene next Monday and then Iho fun will bo gin in earnest. The time of most of the senators and congressmen will bo principally engaged in re ceiving and answering appeals for positions under the new administration. I Los Angeles- seeing to.heon.J titled to rank as the- Amagedden and .dynamite stronghold, oft the Pacific coast . :o: The interstate comiii'Mro ooin mission has decided that chickens are not cattle. Surely the courts will not allow this-preposterous decision to stand. . :o: There ' seems to . b trouble brewing among the heirs-- of tin lale Captain Knyarl . of. ffe.hraska. City. There should not be, as the latest, will should,,, and. mi doubt will,: hold good... -:o: Mr. Capper, . late republican candidate for governor of. Kan sas, . proposes to die in the last ditch,, that is lo say,, in. Iho-supreme court. KvidentJy bo pre-fers-one. of .thosp slow., lingering ileal hs. . :o; Just, before- leaving Urn state for a little recreation, before as suming the work .of his new .office, Governor ,-oleo.U Morihead gave it ut, that, to flood, his ollieo with letters, and petition in. behalf of. place-seekers may only react on the., iju thereby, injiendcdi (o benefiti. It. would seem, to. he a word., to Ihe-wiso,. :o: CoIimuvI. Bate of, the IMattfc.' mouth Journal, and, Ihighi Goopo.n- iif.the. Tn'cuiiisvh.JournaJrTr.ibuiir al.are two newspaper,- chaps win are willing to, bear. IJie grief, and burden, of, wading l.he piihlaJi cards, signing pay vouchers and otherwise idcasant-ly cavorting around the pnstollie.vs of. I.hwir respective towns for the nexh tynir years.. IJu'Ji. of these applicants hare been, in. the democratic iiar for so many years'l the "mind of. man runneth, nol, ,, the conl racy" and. a. gwd shai:; .f the time have been polling. (.!. n.hole load., luach.oiii! v. i IJ, probub'N have several', rivals, o.t the near 'ieino. eralie kind;, si.'.mitom; who dales his. atl.ivit.y el,y:ji; back. t,o, lilie 51 h of August vvh.uu, IImwyuII cut loos- and. il; Ji.-ga.u I.m. democrat ir, cinch... t"A like a ( .oiiper are-,l,i'nl, jo.'s, and anyone within their owe Prly v!im would oppose llioiu ought to lie socially nslracize i., have a Iv.iul. and shoe slore slai.t ed just, south of tlieir front elevation and ALL of their cbvw iug tobacco taken from lluoiu. Hales, and r.ooper are both t,he sail of the earth, (lod's noblemen, and the only thing thai al u!J de tract from their perfect ion if, that they are- democrats. Nebraska News. :o:- Our boasted of sysloM of guv I'liinieut is ever on Hit verge of breaking down, it seems. IVfore Iho election column. of news, paper space were used up in llguring on Iho possibility mf the selection of a president being left to congress, and a great deal of unsatisfactory tigering was done to explain what might hap pen in such an event., under cer lain contingencies. Things hav ing turned out in a way to silence hose who were looking for trouble in Ihat direction, a new set of dire speculations has been brought to Iho front. Now it is Ibe pns, sihility of deadlock in the solv ate over the election of a presi dent pro loin for the winter ses sion that is worrying Ibe fore castors of ominous situations, death having removed the vice president who, by virtue of his office, is the president of that body. The secretary of the sen ate, or in his absence, his chief clerk, can wield the gavel until a presiding officer is -chosen, but I hoy cannot vote in case of a tie, which may often enough occur under the line-up that seems im minent for the short, session. However, many a situation more porlentious than this one has be fore projected itself across our line of vision without bringing on any thing worse than n series of flls for a few professional watch lower guardians. A. fw. days ru tint nouiil.rv va. startled by a. series of rear- nd rak'road collis-ions which cost many people their, lives.. Broken jlown e-niipineiit and negligence on the part of trainmen, was- in found. . he at. the bot tom of the wrecks,, and now the roads on whose lines the accidents oc.curnid are called, upon to pay damages, the aggregate of. which will, fax exceed the cost wf having properly guardodagains'i. such, in currences. The short-sightedness of Uie. avenge railroad. man ager ;n hard lo fathom.. -jo:- A. g.ood deal.of comment is-?je-ing made over '.lie suspension -uul going;, out. of husiuois- of the PlatUiiioulh. Herald, it. daily newspaper established many year ago as., a. republican) paper, but whose editorial policy ha? been, shifting, somewhat,, and. has recently been. radica'Jy proies siw., supporting, the third party movement in. the receat.cainpaigu. Pnriiaps, . aftur. all,. Pi was merely a.cvase of. too-much newspaper, for Plattsmouth. that city having, two dailies HC.iiir.oly l;uly,,towai.-r-ir,'iid Isw liuid Independent,. -:o:- The exe-ireise of. moderation in the reduction of the schedules of jibe tJr'-wib.vioiulV tho Qmgrain oi trio democrats,. provr.U, they? gel control, of the senate.. 'ilifWj' the program, adv.'iKod, by Mr... Wil son, and we are Mire there will be no revolutionary, measures in the adininiralion U- disturb busi ness. grudt fil: reduction . with each recurring; eongnrss- will in sure itirosperiy and l (lie s.nne lime is-duco J., -high; nr.ire of; liv ing. When, by Ibe jraduul- nro cess ie ncws-silic of li,f, are fiiiaTj brout Jil. down lo bir free list fhings iii, in, a-s. thy. vught !) I .. -:o;. The .iDii.sual fovl.s t.ha.i.rv.?'ij,! that ll';s paper, visits more h.vmvs than any paper; ever yublish oj, i.;i Ca.-s enmity , ami tha'j il, is i rtJili.shed iu, !ie of. Hie best, tow ns iji the uni- 'rse Uial i.(. caj i:tvs. a lurpr. Mali's and .'iepresenlatioii of, li, of ad. I.i,i !.!ieso lwo,(.v.iirtisiug. of. o.ny paper in the slale id, any il.y of oo(t popula. I ion. ami ll.iat il, U daily making rriei-ris. We feel, tluinkrul that many of the political reforios for his stood are about to. lw realized,, and fkat while v ate prwfiting by tin.- beiielicial changes thai are to cutne to the country. wpubLWans, IhuU inoosers. social ists and all oUiers will share alike with Hie democrats in the bene fits. We hepe every man, woman ami child will find enjoyment, jn this annual Thanksgiving Day. to the extent that all will find some thing for which lo bo thankful. :o;- The improvements thai. ,',uo been done in plattsmouth. m. the past three years are due lo.agreut extent to the energetic el).rts of the Commercial club. Then we cannot understand why :tny mer chant, business man, or other citizens should "throw cold water' mm this worthy and oner, gefii; organization by remaining ,vu from the meetings and. thus refusing In hay anything to do with it, in a manner. Kvery busi ness man is interested in seeing ouif little city improve, or should bo. In conversing with a t ravelin, man,, who makes Plallsinouth but twice a year, he told the writer the other day that iu all his travels over four states he had not seen a city of our popuallion that had improved like PlaltsiiHiulh. And traveling men md only view the many im provements that have been done the present season, but roriner residents who have been away from hero for ten or twelve years, remark ahoul "the old town being on the boom." The boom can be kept up next season if our mer chants and business men pull to gether fir the best intores of Plaltsnioulh. An. I there is no way lo solidify the business in terests of the city than through a well organized Commercial club. 5 tomorrow. :o: Let's- all return thanks and eat turkey wr trow. :o: T6f mail) who ba nothing to b thankful fur i a very poor citiiiwn.. :o: lis null ivaSing- a proper frame of mind for Thanksgiving it would be'.H ti. di'-fni as far as pqsv sibU all. IhwiiUU of the cost of living:.. :o ;- ISw ubo'aS ffiiat holiday ad-. voriiismg?. (vcii'y four more we.oksi. till (lid Sa,iU will be hero in all--hi? glory.. Do your Christm, ad vtiit isuig --.Hy. :o :- Tin' Chicago News suggests; a.. dofliwl'meiit of fashions, with a.' rofires-onU-Sivo- in (he cabinet.:. T'leiie are numberless bureaus dHf... voted to- fashions already,! . Isn't, thatl sudMn-nt :o : Anollmcr thing for whiolrU tlW people .hould' feel thankful and ; Mat that Horn John: IIJMoWu-. lieail M lie povernor-i of Ne-'-braskai instead ..of1' ChiiHUr rll:'. lAldrielu ffurMhn next two- yoar6.s. :o: - Tine vvoatlintr is still iJ'avorable;.' for all! outdioc work;!., notwith-,. xtaudilig it' i.fujte chillyJearly in i llae nomihip.. :. The i farmers- are . lif' hituevsuch 'days io get in ihoir ('H-ti;xM1j4,i?,,(.ai(p(lntorH audi Hioklar.s, are aiTj - :o: 'I'll., .1....I h. , r.f Si.... I, of. Maryla'Jd .romovf ,oe,of the . bri.lit,esl, mind.s,: jrihe, . country fj:'m the t'tiiled senate and,; oi:ve of th''.,aldesl .la,wycrsjn the . hwnl.. Thy goveriKM' of Maryland,,, bxiiig a i;)ubl.i,caii(;wil, of, course, , point; a republican to fill the,. 'acanr; until . the . legislature. wet.s ei.u Jaiuiaty, l'-'U.;. :o: . Switor. .-Works , of ; Cali form; will, (introduce , a, resolution when. coiifress convenes for I he, amend nieiiit; of t he. constitution, .providr inr for the, election of , president and' vice, president by direct vote: ' the , people.. The. senator will wgtvin support ; o,t, lhe- measure) that, ii addition to., its., directness,. fit would have an , advantage- ovor th: present me.tho,d, in., that it would avoid the . possibility of a preniileirtial election by, the house or...v vi-fe presidential' election by Ihr,' senate. l'lvsli Lobsters and Crabs at the 0; K Restaurant. Short orders will be our specialty, but we are up-to-dare on regular meals. Sinnolt & Kgenberger, proprietors. Bought and Solri C!( COMMISSION! Insurance Placed in Brr, Companies! Farm Loans and Rental Agency Virgil Mollis ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- The holding of successful sales is our line. Our interests are with the seller when it comes to getting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates address or call either of us at our expense by phone. Dates can be made at Mie Journal office. WILKINSON & HALL- T--wrnnnymra Real state