The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 28, 1912, Image 1

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NO. 93.
Considerable Business Transact
' ed, and the Census of the City
Ordered Taken.
From Tueaduy'B Daily.
Every member of the city cuun
cil was present last evening when
the .regular session of the city
fathers was called to order by
Mayor John I. Saltier, and they
: proceeded to' do business in record-breaking
. time, the council
having .adjourned by 9 o'clock.
, James R. Hunter presented a
petition '.asking that a concrete
walk he placed in front of his
property and the same taxed
against- .said . properly. He also
pointed out the danger of an open
culvert ' I hat is situated on his
property, if the fence is moved.
The matter was referred to the
city attorney. to look up.
The committee, of the
eily council, after careful exam
ination, reported the following
bills . against the city and they
were, ordered paid: James Rob
ertson,, clerk of district court, til
ing answer in case of Perry vs.
City, $2.75; James llebal, street
work, $33;"Mike"MrCool, special
police, $2; W. H. Miller, 26
hours' work at eily ball, 150.50; Ed
Snodgrass, street work, $28. in; I..
Rotter, street work, 4; H. C. Mc
Maken & Son, putting' inllenner
walk, -$112.86; II. C. McMaken it
Son, -grading for walks and cross
ings, .$10.50; II. 'C. McMaken &
Son, crossings, $10.32; H. 0.
McMaken & Son, sectional cross
ings, . $80.92; A. L. Tidd, blank
book and court expense, $3.75.
The finance committee also re
ported I bat. they had checked over
the books of the city treasurer and
found them in excellent shape.
Councilman Lushinsky slated
that he understood thai 'the fam
ily of I,ee Cottier were suffering
from diphtheria, and that while
the family were in quarantine
Officer 'front, who was boarding
(here, was slill attending to his
duties on the police force, ami
that it was a menace to the health
of the public and asked thai I he
hoard of health notify Mr. Trout
to either stay in quarantine or
move his boarding place.
The jud'ciary committee re
ported that Engineer Svagren had
been M'curud to make the survey
of the land cast of the depot for
the city and had promised to 'he
pin the work at once.
The claims committee reported
Iho following .claims to lie cor
rect and recommended their pay
ment by the city: -If. C. McMaken
A Son, 'crossings, $i8.81; Platts
niouth Water Co., water at eily
hall, $1.50; Waterman Lumber
Co., doors, etc,, at city hall,
$8.00; public, library,
Richey Bros., lumber
pipe, $11.10.
The fire and water
reported that there
lamp, 35c;
and sewer
had been
considerable complaint that I he
watering trough on Third street
had been ont of '.oiiim,ission for
two weeks and the committee was
ordered to notify Ihe water com
pany lo look after the matter.
Councilman Hallslroin slated
that he had had considerable
compalint about the light service
in the city, particularly from the
residence section, on account of
the irregularity of the electric
lights and that something ought
a be done about Ibis matter.
Councilman Buttery staled that
the lights on Washington avenue
were in poor condition and that
it would require a match to find
them that they were generally
giving poor service, and if the
city paid out their money for
lights they ought to receive prop
er service or hold out the hills
for Ihe defective lights.
Councilman Lushinsky moved
that the light committee wail on
the management of the Unlit com
pany and endeavor to secure bet
ler service, and if that was not
possible to cut out the bills for
the lights thai were not giving
proper service.
Councilman Hfchey reported
that Ihe special com mil lee that
had been appointed to look up
the matter of laking a new census
of the city had held a meeting at
the otlice of the -it y attorney and
had decided upon the appointment
of forty prominent citizens tn
take the census in the different
parts of the city. The name-s
suggested by the committee were:
First Ward John Lindennau,
C. C. Parmele, R. F. Patterson, F.
E. Schlater, 11. K. !ovey, FriU
Kricke, J. P. Falter.
Second Ward J. P. Saltier,
Wililam Weber, J. W. Crabill, TL
A. Schneider, C. "W. Baylor, V. M.
Mullis, James Renal.
Third Ward E. H. Weseolt,
William Holly, E. 1. Cummins,
Emmons Vtak, H. O. Wurl, Ed
Donat, E. J. Richey, John Hall
slroin, Oliver Hudson. T. H. Pol
lock, Jacob Mason.
Fourth Ward .John Halt, jr.,
Ceorge L. Farley, W. A. Robert
son, Oeorge Dodge, C. A. Johnson,
John Schulhof, E. J. Weyrirh,
Oeorge Tushinsky.
Fifth Ward William Shea,
Oeorge Hall, August Bach, John
I.ulz, John Yondran, Oeorge Perry,
Oeorge Y inscot I .
Chairman Richey of the census
committee suggested that as
Messrs. Rebal, Linderinan, Mullis
and Perry had a very large and
scattering territory on the out
skirls of the city they should be
paid 3 cents a head for all per
sons secured. . while Ihe other
census-lakers would be asked to
do their work as a measure of
benefit to the eily welfare.
Councilman Buttery asked why
the proposition of (lie commis
sion form of government was
brought up and what benefit it
would be. Mayor Saltier stated
that, the main object of taking the
census was to put I his city in the
5,000 class, where they could
make their own charter, and if
Ihe commission form was adopted
it must be through a vote of the
people on the proposition.
Councilman Hallslroin thought
that the census-lakers who re
reived pay for I heir work should
receive the same pay as those
laking I lie government census,
and also inquired if it, was neces
sarv for those so engaged to be
put under oath. City Attorm
Tidd stati-d that he I bought it
was not necessary, as it was
largelv a matter of honor with
Ihose Inking the census and that
the plan proposed would save the
cilv considerable expense. The
motion of Mr. Richey was adopted
Councilman Richey brought up
Ihe subject of the new Burlington
depot, slating that he understooi
the railroad company was con.
t.emplaliiig Ihe repairing and en
larging of their station in this
city, and thought it was t lie proper
time to take up the subject of a
new depot with the railroad
oiiieials, and moved mat a com
munication be sent to Genera
Manager Holdridge requesting
thai the company postpone action
on the repairing of the depot un
til the i0ity officials could confer
with them on the matter. The
motion was adopted.
After !the discusion of severa
matters of street work the coun
cil adjourned, to meet as a board
of equalization to order severa
sidewalks ptil 'in.
From Tuesday' Daily.
Mark White retunMl from
Omaha this afternoon, where ho
has been at the bedside of Mrs
v rule, who was operated upon
yesterday at the Iinmanuel has
pjtal and came out of the opera
lion in good shape and was feeling
a little improved when Mr. White
departed, although slill weak from
the effects of the operation. Mr
White also visited the other
Plattsmouth people at that hos
pital and reports them all getting
along nicely. Fred Denson
now able to be up and around am
is feeling line. Thai Mrs. White
stood Ihe operation in such splen
did shape will be good news to In
friends here, who have been very
anxious over the outcome of the
operat ion.
Forest Rose Flour guaranteed
to be as good as any flour on th
market. Sold by all lending deal
er. Try it,
m ran
no Doubt There Are Still Many
Who Regret'Their'Pass-
ing Away.
From Tuesday Dally.
How many of us, not so many
ears ago, used to iook lorwaru
with pleasant .anticipation to one
feature of country life we could
depend urn in the winter season
tiie weekly literary -society? On
e :rough platform of .the little
district school bouse, we threshed
out all sorts of deep .political,
inonil and economic, question, and
amused ourselves and others with
a ive-ver ending variety of amateur
Now and then through the
country we still find these jolly
neighborhood literary gatherings.
Hut in most places it seems that
the general opinion is thai tin
lilcrary society as we used lo
know and enjoy it is crude and
out of date.
I'hose who used lo enjoy these
more or less mtonnai winter
gatherings regret to see Ihe ap
parent passing of the institution.
Hut the younger generation
chooses txi seek entertainment in
the citv, tin much more easily
cached by rail or auto now than
only a few years ago and if any
entertainment is given in the
neighborhood it is probably a
fourth-rate lyceum course or
some temperance lecturer at the
village church.
It is not that we would condemn
the entertainmcnls -offered to the
public today, however, that we so
much deplore the passing of the
old district literary societies. Nor
is it for any great loss of wit or
wisdom to the world at large that
we mourn. It is for Ihe loss of
a certain rough but valuable
training lo Ihe individuals who
took part in these programs that
we find our chief reason for re
In the colleges and universities
today the athletic directors are
adopting the idea of less spe
cialization in athletics. Instead
of a few highly I rained athletes
upon whom all the I ime of coaches
and trainers is centered, every
student is now being encouraged
to take an active part in the
athletic life of the school. The
result is shown to he heller bal
anced teams and a far better de
veloped student body.
This same rule will hold goo
in regard to the sort of training
even the crudest literary society
can give, the hoy or girl wno is
given an early opportunity to ap
pear before the public and thus
gain some training in the rudi
ments of public speaking is gain
ing a training which no amount
of attendance or other form of
entertainment can give. The
country would be far better for
the real orators and history will
show that many of Ihe nation's
ablest speakers have found them
selves in just this way. The
ability to "sland on his feet and
think" is something which has to
be acquired by almost every man,
but once acquired it becomes
most valuable asset lo him.
The little old country literary
society we think we have out
grown provided an opportunity
for this sort of training for many
men who would have gained it in
no other way. For that reason
wo regret lo see the lime honored
institution discarded, and would
like instead lo hear of a country
literary society this winter in
every neighborhood in the whole
Ships Fine Bull.
From Tuenday'i Dally.
Luke Wiles, the celebrated Red
Polled cattle breeder, this morn
ing shipped one of his finest young
bulls to Lander, Wyoming. This
animal is one of the finest that
has been shipped out of this city
and speaks well for Ihe splendid
herd of cattle that Mr. Wiles has
on bis farm, southwest of this
city, and whose reputation is
known throughout the stale.
Tne Journal office carrres
kinds of typewriter supplies.
Stork Visits Dr. and Mrs. Ransom.
From Tuesday's Dally.
C. 0. Despain this morning re
ceived a card announcing the ar
rival at Ihe home of Dr. and Mrs.
F. N. Ransom at Boelus, Ivcb., of
a tine new six-pound daughter.
This will be pleasing news to the
many friends, of Mr. and Mrs. Ran
som in this city, where they were
former residents, and it is to be
hoped lhat the little lady will
grow up to be as handsome as her
mother and as pleasant as her
father. Mrs. Ransom is a daugh
ter of Mrs. A. B. Swarthout of
this city and a niece of Mr. Des
pain. L
The Accumulations of Books Has
Made the Librarian's Work
Physically Impossible.
From Tuesday's Dully.
The library is getting away
from all reasonble control. It is
not the fault of the librarian, nor
of the board, nor of the patrons,
nor of the public generally. The
library has simply outgrown Ihe
accommodations lhat have been
provided for it. The accumulation
of books has made it physically
impossible for the librarian to
keep them arranged as they ought
to be. This matter of congestion
was called to the al lent ion of Ihe
library board at the two most re
cent meetings and they im
mediately began to devise ways
and means lo bring the library
hack lo the standard of efficiency
that, all desire.
The members of the library
boar4-nre: Mrs. C. C. Parmele,
Miss Verna Leonard, Miss Harbara
Oering. Messrs. D. O. Dwyer, A.
L. Tidd, Dan Smith. E. II. Wes
eolt and N. C. Abbott. After care
ful consideration by Ibis board it
was the unanimous opinion an
opinion in which the niirarian,
Miss Olive Jones, most heartily
concurred that something must
he done at once.
To secure room for Ihe splen
did rolled ion presented by Mr.
Hyron Clark, as well as for Ihe
other books that are accumulat
ing, it was determined to have
shelving placed along the whole
of the east wall. This will cost
about ?30.
Co-incident with the need for
room was the need for catalogue
ing Ihe library. This Ihe board
saw no means of providing for,
because the expense of an expert
cataloguer amounts to at least
$200, in addition to Ihe expense
of cards, etc., which would come
to $120. At this point we were
favored. The State Library Com
mission heard of our needs and
offered to give, absolutely free,
Ihe services of Miss Florence 1".
Waugh, If we would use her im
mediately after the Christmas
holidays. Such an opportunity
might not occur again in the next
five years. It came now only be
cause the work of Ihe commission
happened lo be lighter than usual
and because Miss Waugh was
eager lo do some service for her
old home town.
The library board could not lei
Ibis opportunity pass and have
engaged to raise the money to do
this work. One hundred and fifly
dollars must be secured. Since
Ihe library belongs lo the whole
community, no better way was
conceived of than to make direct
solicitation of the amount. When
someone asks you for your share
of money for this cause, please
remember of what benefit it will
be lo all and govern yourself ac
cordingly. Harvest Hands Scarce.
Earl lies, who has been work
ing in the harvest fields near
Rcdlleld. S. I)., since July 15,
came in Ibis noon on No. 21. Ear
reports Ihe crops in lhat part of
Ihe country as being very heavy
and stales thai harvest bands re
ceive s.i iter dav lor their work in
(be field, which is some wages for
this kind of work.
When ordering Hour ask your
grocer In send you a sack of
Forest Rose Flour the best flour
From Tui'sday's Dally.
The Plattsmoulh (Neb.) News
Herald, one time the IMattsmouth
News and Ihe Plattsmoulh Herald,
both of which were founded in
the early days of Plaltsmouth, and
enjoyed rather checkered careers
both before and since their con
solidation, has at last been per
manently laid upon the shelf, the
last, owner being compelled to give
up the ghost and Ihe skeleton of a
once profitable institution being
sold last week lo Hob Hates of the
Plattsmoulh Journal. The News
Herald, jointly and severally, has
had some illustrious publishers
and editors, including Chas. Cart
wright, Chas. Sherman, J. A. Mc
Murpby, Sig. Polk, Oeorge Farley
and the Pribble boys lo say
nothing of a dozen or more whom
the writer knew but has forgotten.
A whole lot of the boys who are
now high or low in Ihe world have
at some lime in (heir past been
connected in one way or another
with the Plallsmoulli News or
Herald or News-Herald, and all
will regret the passing of the old
paper. The Journal is now the
only newspaper in Ihe old town,
and Hid) Hales is Irving his best,
wilh the aid of his father, Ihe
"Colonel," to make it fill Ihe bill
The Journal is a live number and
the man lhat starts anything in
Ihe newspaper line in Plaltsmouth
will have to be possessed of a lot
of nerve and some oilier things
to "tide him over." And Cass
county used lo be a strong repub
lican county, loo. Red Oak
(Iowa) Express.
i mil
'The Man on the Box," a Truly
Delightful Play That Plcaae3
the Old and Young.
Itoyd H. Trousdale,
the title role in "The
on me iiox, is a truly dciigmiui
comedian, lie is so bubbling oci
with genuine friendly humor; he
is so manly to look al; he seems
lo enjoy so thoroughly the points
of his play and your enjoyment of
them; even his restlessness seems
a sort of safely valve for a pies
sure of fun lhat is loo high to be
worked off verbally; he is such n
finished artist in laugh-making,
thai he in feels his audience wilh
Ihe spirit of fun. To see Ibis
play with Mr. Trousdale is a treat
Miss Hernice Trousdale, who
plays the part of Miss Helly An
nesley, is delightful in the ex
treme. She is a handsome wom
an, far above the average, and the
beautiful gowns lhat. she wears
makes her a striking picture. The
balance of the cast is said lo hi
adequate. "The Man on Ihe Hox"
will be seen at the Parmele Mon
day, December 2.
From TucHday's Dally.
Early this morning a small
wreck occurred al Oreapolis,
where the Missouri Pacific crosses
the Burlington, on what is known
as Ihe "Y." A Burlington freight
was coming down the Lincoln
short line, bound for Omaha and
was just crossing over Ihe "Y"
when they were crashed into by
a M. P. south bound freight,
and as a result several cars were
demolished, as well as the track
being torn up. No one was
seriously injured as a result of
the collision, which was very for
tunate, but the Missouri Pacific
was compelled lo send their
morning passenger trains around
by Ihe way of Weeping Waler and
Louisville in consequence.
sale by S. O
apples and cider for
Oil AT
Funeral of William Mendenhall.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The funeral of William Men
denhall, who passed away Sunday
morning al 10:30 in Omaha, was
held yesterday afternoon at the
late home at Pacific Junction. Mr.
Mendenhall was f2 years of age
and was an old resilient of Mills
county, Iowa, where he was very
highly respected by all who knew
him. He was Ihe father of Wil
liam Mendenhall, of I his city, and
leaves, another son, four daugh
ters, one sister and four brothers
to mourn his loss. The sympathy
of his many friends will he ex
tended to Mr. Mendenhall in the
death of his beloved father.
From Tuesday' Dally.
The Epworth League society of
the Methodist church held a very
pleasant social meeting last even
ing al the parlors of the church,
to which a large crowd of the
Leaguers and their friends were
in attendance. There was a short
business session of the society,
follow ing which Ihe members pro
ceeded lo enjoy one ot Ihe most
delight ful evenings Ihey have had
for some time. This is the first
social meeting of the season and
the social committee had spared
no pains to give Ihe members and
their friends a jolly good lime, and
Ihey succeeded most admirably.
A spelling contest was the chief
amusement of Ihe evening and
was the source or much merri
ment. Other games of different
kinds were indulged in bv the
guests, which were inlerspered
wilh vocal and instrumental num
bers by the different members of
Ihe League, which furnished a
rare (real to t he jolly crowd. The
gathering was treated to some
very fine apples, which were pass
ed around for the guests to enjoy.
The meeting was a great, success
and Ihe coniinillee deserves great.
credit, lor Ihe splendid manner in
which thev handled Ihe affair.
From TueHday'B Dally.
The district court was occupied
yesterday afternoon and this
morning wilh Ihe hearing of Un
case of George Perry vs. the City
of Plallsmoulli, in which the
plaintiff seeks for a restraining
order against the eily to prevent
them from opening up certain
streets in the south part of the
city which run through the prop
erly of the plaintiff.
The court has excused the jury
panel from December 2 until De
cember 9.
The following is the trial list
or the December term. Attorneys
will take notice and be ready for
I rial at the time (heir cases are
Oily of Plallsnioiith vs. Earl C.
Wescoll, el al., Monday, Decem
ber t, at 1 :3) p. in.
Oran P. Monroe vs. C. Lawrence
Slull, Tuesday, December 10, at
0 a. in.
Edward Van Kleech vs. C. R.
I. & P. Railway Co., Tuesday, De
cember 10, 1 :30 p. in.
Louis II. Young vs. Adolph
Boedeker, Wednesday, December
II, at 9 a. m.
Frederick Wagener vs. Charles
Felzer, et al., Wednesday, Decem
ber 11, at 1 :30 p. m.
A. O. Ault vs. John II. Urwin,
Thursday, December 12, 9 a. in.
When cases are dismissed or
continued, the case following will
lake the placeo f such case and
stand for Irial on the date of the
case dismissed or continued. By
order of the Court.
Harvey I). Travis, Judge.
First Meeting In 25 Years.
From Tuesday'! Dally
R. L. Props!, wife and son of
Wayne, aulned from Plaltsmouth
last Friday and visiled with J. II.
Nearhood and family over Sunday.
Mr. Props! and Ihe Nearhoods
were neighbors in Kansas twcnly
five years ago and Ibis is Iheir
first visit since I hen. Mr. Propsl
also visiled W. O. Cunningham,
whom he had not seen for forty
year.--Blair Pilot.