- The Plattsmouth Journal i i Published Semi-Weekly R. A. DATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-claa matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Nearly everyone lias sonirthinK' to fed thankful fur. :o : Art1 you ready lo do your Christmas shopping early? :o: ienerally sprakiiiK, an eleelion contest is a very pour investment. :o: Tlie nearer I he approaeh of Christmas the matrimonial mar ket, like the holiday trade, lupins n loom up. (iovernor-elect .MoreheaiJ is rojourniiiK at Kxrelsior Springs, Missouri, lo recupi'rale and get relief from the, annovance of office-seekers, (ircat move. The coniiuission form of gov ernment was defealeil in Norfolk Hi a special eleelion Tuesday. It should be defeated in every other .small city where the, people do not want rinK rule,. :o: The report of the slate agri cultural deparlinenl, just issued for Kill, shows I ho alue of poul try products in the slate last year was i:j,000,0(IO. The value of such production in the entire foounlry last year was &7.r0,000, 000. -:o:- No use lo get excited over I ho fhanges Dial are designed to lake place in J he federal ollicers in Ne braska. Three months till the change in adininisl nil ion, and af ter the change it will lake six months lo gel down to the smaller posil ions. So don't begin lo worry :o: The republicans of Nebraska are already liguriug on candidates for office two years hence.' K. Andrews, who has been bidding flown a soft position in the federal treasury al Washington for the pa. sixteen years, and who will be requested to "step down and mil ' on the advent of the ,tew ad ministration, is spoken of as a probable candidate for governor, :o: The various stale institutions are preparing lo ask for enormous appproprial ions from Hie incom ing legislature. The sum total is enormous, and il isn't any won der why the taxpayers grumble and wanl lo know where nil this money gues. The legislature is the place where these appropria tions are made, and I he members thereof are expected lo look out for the extravagance of these in stitutions. :o:- f. M. lirace, a former resident of Cass county, was elected lo I he stale senate from Harlan counly, which district includes Iwn oilier comities. The Lincoln Herald, in speaking of Senator (Irace, says: "lie defeated former secretary of slate Jiinkin in the senatorial race and won by :7i. W hen one. comes lo know "Jack" (irace, it is easy to understand his popularity and his success at the polls. The senator may not cut any spread eagle didos during the session, nop make the public think he is a fell of a heller, but he will do plenty of good, hard, earnest work and his district will fool it, has been well represented when it is over. Senator ("irace believes the legislalive needs of the slate can be looked after in ) days of busi ness session and be is going to plug vigorously to that end. Mr. (Irace is from Mascot, and he is the happy possessor of thirteen children. II is not known whether the town or the lucky 13 is his mascot, bill his const iluont s feel that, the senatorial, district is saved bv Cirace." at Piattsmoutti, Nebraska ( This is line fall weather and I il... ., 1 1 , i, ; .. .. i in- i i ii ii - ii i iri-i t'i .-, mi' miming goml li-e of it. Iioii'l iie afraid of cril ii-isin. It is a sign that you are making folks lake nolice (if what you are doing. :o: II, ii predicted that beef will be higher lii''nie grass comes again than ever before in Hie history of this country. :o : Now is the time lo prepare for the cold, chilly winds of Decem ber. I)on't wait, until they are right upon you. :o: Next Thursday will usher in the turkey trot, but they will trot ho high and fast that only the rich will be able to trot with the tur key. :o: Ducks and geese are the favor ile Thanksgiving fowls upon the market now. They are .still with in reach of I he poor man's pocket book. -:o:- Teddy thinks the democratic and republican parties want to oppose the bull moosers. Perhaps I bey might, I hough I here is no necessity for it. :o: The most discouraging thing about I he California contest is Dial no mailer which way the slate went I he rip-roaring Hiram Johnson will still he its governor, :o: Careful estimates place the world's loss by strikes for the year up lo September 1 at fully !l,itiiii,()im.li(Mi. A fourth of this is charged lo the Itrilish coal slrike. :o: (iovernor-elecl J. . Morehead was initialed into the Kasloru Star lodge Tuesday ntghl. After the ceremonies a social hour was en joyed, al which lime delicious re freshments were served. Kails City Journal. -:o:- lf you don't think I'lallsmouth is improing about as fast as any oilier Invvn of its size in Hie west, try to hire a llrsl-class carpenter r contractor and you will llnd out this furl. And already there are indications that a great deal more improving' will be done early in the spring. -:o: Congress meets the first of )e Bember and continues in session until the '.Hi f March, at which lime I ln new congress conies in. Many oT II Id, familiar fares will he conspicuous by their absence, the most noted among Ibe number will be the Hon. Jos eph (i. Cannon of Illinois. :o: Congressman Dan Stevens of I he Third district is another man who coincides with Senator llilch cock on Ibe manner in which the federal patronage in Nebraska shall be disposed of. Of course Ibe senator and congressmen are going to have a great deal to do in the matter, along with Chair man Thompson and National Committeeman Hall. Mark that! . :o: Republicans holding positions in the various stale institutions under (inventor Aldrich have (he effrontery to ask Ciovernor-elect Morehead lo retain them. The at titude of Mr. Morehead has al ready been slated in regard to his appointments, lie will take his own time in selecting his assist, mils, and you can bet your bottom dollar there will be precious few republicans retained, if any, and that every democrat appointed will be worthy and cjtialillcd. PANIC AND SOUP HOUSES. Mart a common lie well orj it s way, and it does seem impossible to check it. So we hear occasion ally now, since the overwhelming election of Wilson, the dread of "panics and soup houses." Every one who utters this cry either is ignorant or he is attempting a malicious perversion of the truth, if il is his inference that panics and soup houses are the neces sary concomitant of the success of I he democrat ic party. The fact is, and this can be verified by any student who is siilliciently honest lo investigate, I hat there never has been a panic or soup bouse regime, except un der the full swing of republican party policies. Even the panic of IH'.K!, which started a few months alter Cleveland was inaugurated, occurred under the full swing of the McKinley tariff law and it continued until that law was re pealed, when conditions gradually returned to the normal. There was evidence, however, that the panic (if 18!):t was the de liberate invention and plan of the linancial sharks of that day who determined to fasten upon the country the gold standard. At I hat time the government was purchasing silver in the market to the extent of four and a half mil lion ounces each month, and coin ing this silver into money. It was I he scheme of John Sherman, en acted by a republican congress, and was about as unsound and absurd a linancial measure as could have been devised. It was not fundamental in arty sense, and I he only possible good it could ac complish was to creale a market for that much silver merely to stimulate the silver mining in Icrosts. Hut even I hat did not precipitate the panic of 18)3. U merely furnished lo the linancial I irales Ibe excuse I hey desired.- II was shown at thai time, ami still can be verilled, that in the attempt to force the gold standard upon the country (which il was Ihen thought would reslrirl Ibe olume of money, giving lo Ibe money sharks a larger opportun ity for their piratical conduct; having a secretary of the treas ury (John (i. Carlisle) who was willing' to do their bidding, Ihese sharks deliberately planned and executed the panic of 181)3. This Ihey accomplished, llrst by estab lishing the custom of holding in Ibe treasury 1 (Ml, Odd, (till) or gold, and second by pledging lo "back every dollar of the' circulating Medium by a gold dollar." The rest was simple. Having established the custom of holding that sum of gold in the treasury, all they had to do was In lake other forms of money lo Ibe treasury and demand gold for Iheni. No amount of "gold re serve" could withstanding such a drain. This furnished to the Mor gan interests their long sought oppnrtunitx to replenish their stock of government, bonds. Then occurred I In ".scheme of (he mid night assassins of a country's peace and prosperity, " when they secured from Cleveland the issu ance of I he desired bonds and the complete establishment of the "gold reserve" and "gold stand ard." This was the cause of the panic of 18D3, and it had no Cleveland adininisl ral ion. Thai the establishment of the "gold standard" did not work the good to the linancial interests that Ihey had planned is due lo the fact that improved processes in refin ing gold and additional mines were discovered. This prevented lite restricted volume of currency for which they had planned, and obliged them to turn their atten tion to other schemes, in the form of bank" note circulation, Aldrich currency plans and such. These are the fads of the panic or 18D3, and those who de sire to be fair will invest igale I hem. However, it is through per petual ing that sort of falsehood lhal tariff and financial exploiters have so well succeeded in their nefarious game of holding the people by the throat. In President elect Wilson the country has a man who has shown some disposi tion to look behind their smiling mask of craft and the courage to withstand their onslaughts. Con sequently the opportunity of their succeeding again in precipitating a panic are nill. Omaha Chan cellor. :o : An optnmist is one who expects too much, but is good at con cealing his disappointments. Abuse him as much as you like, but the man who has to scrimp for the occasion isn't very apt to do his Christmas hoppiug very earl v. -:.:- A Cincinnati woman claims to have married a man without a fault. She may et get up bare fooled sonie night and discover thai he throws bis wooden laun dry studs on the floor. :o: Colonel Hoosevelt is now only a private "in the rear ranks," but he will continue lo issue im perative orders just the same. Which shows how the common people are advancing. :o: No, sir, President Wilson has not yet selected his cabined, but is resting, preparatory to enter ing upon his arduous duties as president. He does not need any advisers for a few months vet. :o: According to a government hospital report, unmarried men are more likely to become insane than married men. And when they do, an old bachelor friend in this city suggests they get mar ried. :o: The Hell Telephone company has announced lhal the company has set aside a fund of S 10,000,. 000 which will be used lo pension employes after Ihey reach I lie age of (10 years. The Hell company now has approximately 180.000 employes in the t'nited Slates. :o : Tor a lew hours one day last week the South Omaha stock vards pnid'a higher price for hogs than was paid in Chicago, thus leading I he markets of the world for a short period. What resident is not proud of Nebraska and her trreat slock yards? There should be none. :o: II. would seem from lite official reports that the democrats will have a good working majority in Ibe new congress coming in after March i. The political complexion of the new house membership is about as follows: Democrats, republicans, 13 i; democrats, 8; progressives, '2 ; Washington.!, ; lolal, 435. -:o:- I'eildy Hoosevelt, lale candidate tor president on the 'mil moose i: M, said in ;i -neeji the ol!i.r night in New York I hat he would never favor any fusion of the third parly and Ibe republican party. It may be that the republican parly will not want any fusion. Teddy, il seems, is going in to creale more disturbance than the republican parly is counting on. :o: President-elect Wilson is to have a $,r,000 cow when he gels ino the While house, a present from William Calloway of Water loo, Iowa. Mr. Calloway says: "I ant not a democrat, but President Wilson is as much my president as he is the president of any democrat." Thai's the sensible way uf looking at it. The cow is a prize-winner of I he Ayleshire breed. :o: Husiness has nothing to fear from a revision that merely takes "inutility" and "grart" out of a tariff and does not slash for the sake of slashing, or in obedience to a dogma. In the rule of reason there is safety for tariff-makers as well as for trust prosecutors. Chicago Hecord-Ilerald. And Ibis from one of the leading republican papers in the west. Don't be a knocker. Every body looks upon a knocker with contempt. :o: Do your turkey buying early if you expect to get one. This is not intended as a joke. :o: A little learning is not as dangerous as the big amount of conceit that generally goes with it. A man may not know who his friends are, but he usually has his enemies spotted. -:or- Hy the way, the democrats can call il a victory of 1(1 lo 1. Six teen years to one victorv. -:o:- As the Panama canal will be completed in 11(13, why not get a great deal busier in. river im provement by 1914? :o: To call a man a dead duck is held not to be libelous. The near ness of Thanksgiving may have influenced this decision. Eel all merchants unite in put ting on a "Holiday Opening," say- December 19, 20 and 21 the week before Christmas. A great scheme and not much trouble either. :o: Maybe those Kansas ladies who burned their old. hats to celebrate the suffrage victory, had a differ ent object in view. Maybe they wanted an excuse of buying new millinery. It's just like a woman. :o: ft is noteworthy and unusual that the candidate for the presi dency who received the smallest vote is doing most of the talking for piiblical ion. And (here is not a pessimistic note in any of his til ferances. :o : II seldom occurs lhal the Ne braska farmers secure a good yield of wheal, oals and corn the same year, hence those who are not husking fifty bushels of corn to Hie acre are' not making any great noise about it. t'p at Fremont the merchants will have what Ihey call a "Holi day Opening," and have designat ed December r, 0 and 7 as the dales for the opening. All the merchants co-operale in this movement because it will give purchasers an opportunity lo see just what the merchants have in stock for the holiday trade. Why not make a move in this direction and start the ball to rolling. Only a little over four weeks till Christ inns. What the "STERLING" mark Is to Sliver THIS TRADEMARK Is the .m.r ASK YUR NEfi"B0R- A. W. White, Plattsmouth A. G. Bach & Co., riattsmoutli W. T. Richardson & Co., My,lar,i Neb Hiatt&Tutt, Murray, Neb. Mrs. Ruth Thomson, CV.ar Creek, Neb, At any rate; prosperity weather continues pretty well. :o: Students of the price of hard coal who have not studied the higher mathematics have been un able to follow it to the bitter end. :o: The crop of democrats and Ben Davis apples is unusually large this year. You may take this as a prosperity or calamity item, just as you see fit. :o: The price jif gasoline has in creased 00 per cent in the past year, greatly to the satisfaction of llockefeller and partners if not the public. :o: The average republican federal office-holder is regretting the dawn of the ith of March, soon after which they will have to "vamoose the ranch" and get down to hard work. :o: Civil service is very popular wilh the Tafl administration just now, as it nears its close. In other words, the president wants to take care of all the pap-suckers he can by prolonging their terms of office. Bought and Sold ON COMMISSION! Insurance Placed in Best Companies! Farm Loans and Rental Agency ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- our line. Our interests are with the seller when it comes to getting every Hollar vrair nrnrwrtv 5o umrtli irv. j .vpi,.t n nuuu. im open dates address or call either of us at our expense by phone. Dates tan ue maue ai '.ne journal omce. -WILKINSON & HALL Flour I Real Estate 1 virgil r.lullis