Onip OTsiaiii ail id m43 mm You don't often find three Stars in one show, but that is what we are putting up to you in our Corset Department the Rcdfern, Goss3rd and the G.-D. Justrite. IKE POOR BOY AND HIS ASPIRATIONS TO CUB ' lf w. "TTk. Jio.. A IP W.I i I -The Rcdfern- This is the Whale Boned Corset Price S4.00 to $6,03 -The Gossard- They Lace in Front! To know them is to love them. Price $3.50 to $6.50 -G.-D. Jiisfriie The Old Stand-By Price $1,00 to $3,50 it Is Customary and Considered Entirely Proper to Laud Such Young Men. For Sale. $1,000.00 llrst mortgage note for three years on 100 acres. Will net 5 per rent interest annually. Address It, care Journal. ll-lfi-2ld-ilwkly or SaBe! LAUDABLE ACT OF THE l-'Oll SALK About .r)0,0(i() acres in Louisiana lands, on main lino of K. (!, Southern railroad, almost level, just milling enough for drainage. Adapted to dairying and all kinds of crops, including fruits. The price of this land will average only .$12.00 per acre, ac cording to location and distance from town. Terms: One-third cash, balance one to live years. Nine men out of ten who go to see these, lands purchase. Special car from Omaha every Tuesday after noon at i::i, via llurlinglon. Call or write for particulars. From AVednosiliiy'8 Dally. The counly commissioners al their session yesterday afternoon did a very laudable act in passing a resolution calling for bids fur the grading of a road from this city to Weeping Water ami Ne- hawka, connecting with the O street, mad leading into the city of Lincoln. The road will also be graded north from Weeping Wa ter to Louisville, giving the peo ple living in thai section a good road over which they can travel to Omaha, Lincoln or l'laltsmoiilh. The grading will start a I. the U. It. church, south of this city and run west into Mynard, going south from there through Murray and thence to Noliawka ami Weeping Water. This will give Hie people of this county a splendid thoroughfare over which to travel. Want Good Roads. Krom Tuesday's Duny. There was nil i to a delegation of Weeping Water citizens in the county seal today interviewing the county commissioners in regard to gelling the roads in that por tion of the county put, in better shape. Among those in the party were J. M. Teegarden, II. I). Me Nurlin, E. I). Taylor, Troy Davis and Her I. l'hilpol. WINDHAM Investment and Loan Co. Plattsmouth, Nebraska Most disllguring skin eruptions, scrotuia, pimples, rustics, etc., are due to impure blood. Murdoek Itloud Milters as a cleaning blood tonic, is well recommended, if 1. 00 at all slores. ENTERTAINED AT THE F. H. STEIfflER KOI Kioin Wednemlay's Dally. Mrs. I. I'earlinan and daugh lor, Mrs. Ida Kendis, of Omaha, were in I he city yesterday and were entertained most pleasantly at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Stoimker at their pleasant homo on South Seventh street. Mrs I'earlinan and her daughter have not boon here for some time am were surprised at the changes that had occurred in the old town since their removal several years ago In Omaha. The visit of Hie. ladies was a most unexpected and de lightful surprise fur Mr. and Mrs Sleimker, they being obi friends of the I'earlinan family. 'nS 5 t i! St "qiT"u!rc 'cttjT u? tS 5 X V SS S5i"wic? 5"T trTvft I -THANKSGIVINGS!-1 II w II I I 1 From Wednesday's Dally. Not infrequently one sees in the papers today stories of how some poor boy is working ten or twelve hours each day at hard manual labor and then walking a long di stance at night, perhaps, to attend a night school and acquire an! education. Or perhaps he is sup porting his widowed mother and baby brothers and sisters and sit ting up all night studying to be a lawyer or doctor or some other professional man. It is customary and considered entirely proper to laud the actions of those young men as highly commendable. In them wo try to recognize the spirit of Lincoln or other of our national heroes who have forced their way up through adversity through untiring effort to success. We point to the boy who is willing to make this sacrifice for self betterment as a shining example nT nobility, to be looked upon as a pattern by Young America in general. Far be it from us to discourage or underrate a boy who is mak ing a noble fight against adversity and using every effort toward these boys is a mistaken one. We believe this for two reasons. In the first place, it, is the excep tion, rather than I ho rule, that, a young man can iln an honest lay s ton and ho physically or ineiilallv able to carry on heavy work in addition without doing himself serious and permanent injury. If this is the case it is not right, for him to make this acrillce. Heller to do Iho thing that must be done and trust to a heller time or more favorable conditions lor the oilier Hung ban to utterly destroy health by making the sacrifice not a few of these honorable, ambitious young men are doing. Then, looking al, it from the standpoint of Iho world, are we not right when we say that a con dition of this sort is not some thing to bo applauded from the of the idelines, as it were, but some thing that, the world in general ought to bo interested in reliev ing? True, it may be a groat discipline for the young man to rise through adversitv to success if he rises. Hut if you will show us one of these voting fcl- ovvs who has risen through these conditions you think he is so noble to surmount, we will easilv how you many limes that num ber who have sunk down to hope lessness under the press of these same tempering circumstances. When the young men who are renlll "up against it" through no fault of their own need is not a great round of impersonal ap plause for their heroism, but a readjustment of conditions which will make it possible, to reach suc cess without, battling conditions under which something like nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every thousand go down. Is the worth of that one physi cal and mental giant who battle through the success enough to overbalance Iho potential worth of Iho others who fail to make good, so that it is better to leave the economic and sociological condi tions of today as they are, to prove Iho tempering fire for the one, the unsurmountanlo harrier for the many others? We serious ly doubt it. The price cards are the same here ris at other stores, but the Quality behind them is hotter. This is evidenced by the preference accorded our Quality clothes by the most discriminating buyers. We can safely say there are more of our Quality clothes worn in Plattsmouth than any other kind. "There's a reason" and that reason is found in the excep tional and unequaled quality that we furhnish. This is the place "Where Quality Counts" and where it has counted for over 33 years. The latest and best things in fabric and style are found here in satisfying abundance. It is a pleasure to us to show these garments. It will be equal pleasure to you when you see them. We guarantee to fit you perfectly; to satisfy you absolutely. Come and XT 1 1 . i . 1 see. ino oDiigauon to Duy. The New Madras Stripe Collar 15c 2 for 25c C. E. Wescott's Sons Always the Home of Satisfaction Accepts Position in Bank. From Tuesday's Dallv Klmer Hallslroni, who for se veral months has been employed at, the M. F. Smith factory in this city, has accepted a position in Iho Murray Stale bank as bookkeeper, and will assume his duties in a short time. Mr. llallslrom is one brightest young men that has graduated from the IMatts moiilh High school in recent years, and Cashier Hoodoker will find him a most valuable addition to the bank. For Sale. Twenty-one acres of good land, just outside of Hie city limit s on North Eighth and Ninth streets. No city taxes. Will sell cheap for cash. ' Call on Mrs. J. F. Lesley for particulars. Operated Upon Yesterday. From Tuesday'8 Dally. Mrs. L. W. Lorenz, who was taken to Immanuel hospital a few days ago, was operated upon yes terday morning by Dr. Davis, and rallied from the effects of the operation in fine shape, and the doctors predict it will only be a short time until she is able to re turn home. This will be cheering news indeed to her many friends throughout the city and county and they will be delighted that she will bo enabled to return home in so short a time. . Ilcliing piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't remove them. Moan's Ointment is recommended for itching, bleeding or protruding piles. 50c. al any drug store. WATCH OUR EAST WINDOW avoiry boaster and all Good Things to Carve the Turkey Little Boy Breaks Arm. From Tuesday's Dally. Little Wayne argil had the misfortune to fall from his father's meat wagon Monday morning and break his left arm above the elbow. The fracture was reduced by Dr. Italian! and the little fellow is getting along fine. Havelock Times. The little boy is a son of Mike Warga, jr., formerly of this city, and a grand son of Andrew Matous and wife, and I heir friends here will regret to learn of the accident. P. (SUCCESSOR TO JOHN DAUER) Twinges of rheumatism, back nche, stiff joints and shooting pains all show, your kidneys are not working right. Urinary ir regualrlties, loss or steep, ner vousness, weak back and sore kidneys tell the need of a good, re liable kidney medicine. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, strength ening and restorative. They build up the kidneys and regulate tluir action. They will give you quick relief and contain no habit-forming drugs. Safe and always sure. Try them. For sale by Fricke & Co. TFORM When you're down town drop in here at your leisure and say "hello " if for nothing else. We'll be glad to see you, whether you want to buy or not. Incidentally we might show you the new Fall suits or overcoats. All the new models in the newest pattern effects. Leave it to us, we'll show you the "right number" The prices on these good suits and overcoats, SI5, SI8, S20, S22.50, S25, S30, S35 ro cat- ta- r crs t3 cn rrj nr m r c t gu n t y m c ft A W Cl H M The Journal offico carrros all kinds of typewriter uppllfls. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats IBS