The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 18, 1912, Image 7

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    r it J. SOKOLS WILL
I Thomson, Dentist, Wescott Blk.
Journal for fancy Stationery.
Uomen'e Shoes!
Nice and warm at the tlem J
Steam heat.
Furniture and Undertaking
Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum
South Sixth Street
Plattsmouth, - Nebraska
Phones ! &d7c. 247
Only a Fire Hero,
but the crowd cheered, as, 'with
burned hands, he hold up a small
round box. "Fellows!" he shouted,
"this Bucklen's Arnica .Salve I
hold, ha everything beat for
burns." Right! Also for boils,
ulcers, sores, pimples, eczema,
cuts, sprains, bruises. Surest pile
cure. It subdues inflammation,
kills pain. Only 25 cents at F. G.
Fricke & Co.
la the DlnlrU-t Court lu and for nun
,. trinity, nieltranka.
Edltha C. Woods, l'laintilt,
Thomas K. Clark, et al., Dfen limits.
To the Defendants, GeoiKC T. McCollum,
Ruth McCollum, Joan McCollum
Wright McCollum, Carl C. Wright
and Mrs. Carl C. Wright:
You are hereby notirind that on May
8, 1912, plaintiff filed her suit in the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, to (iiiiet the title to the follow
ing described land in Cass County, Ne
braska, to-wit:
The West Half (WH) of the
Northeast Quarter (M04), the
Southeast Quarter (KKVi) of the
Northeast Quarter (N'K'4) and the
Northwest Quarter (NV '4), all of
Section twelve (12), and lot thirty
four (34), In the Southeast Quarter
(SK'4) of the Southeast Quarter
'mu74, mi iiuiiy-uve .iuit in me
Southwest Quarter (SW"4) of the
Southeast Quarter (SI5!4) nd lot
thirty-six (36), In the Northwest
Quarter (NWU) of the Southeast
Quarter (Sli), of Section one (1),
all of said lands In Township ten
(10) North, Kango eleven (11),
Hast of the 6th J'.'M.
And that on November 7, 1912, said
plaintiff tiled her supplemental petition
showing the death of William 11.
Wright, and alleging that you, among
others, are the heirs at law of the said
William H. Wright, and praying for
relief as prayed for In her original
petition, because of her adverse pos
session by herself and grantors of said
lands for more than ten years prior to
the commencement of said suit, and to
enjoin each and all of vou from having
or claiming any right title, lien or In
terest, either legal or equitable, in or
to said lands, or any part thereof, and
t f ruiniii. vr.ii a twl anli rt ...... .
' - j n iuim tain i u iu cri
forth your right, title, lien or Interest
therein, If any, either legal or
equitable, and to have the same ad
judged Inferior to the title of plaintiff,
and for general eipiitable relief, this
notice is made pursuant to the order
of the court.
You are required to answer this
petition on or before the 23rd ilnv of
liercinber. A. 1. l'J12 or your default
will he duly entered therein.
KDITHA C. Woods, 1'lalntllT.
I. !".; A I. MtTK I"..
In the District Court of ( ii.m
Frank Clans, l'laintilt,
William Smith, et al., !efeiidants.
To William Smith, Mrs. William Smith,
his wife (first name unknown)
Thomas (. Palmer, M. Jane Palmer',
and the I'nknown lielrs and De
visees of William Smith, deceased:
Vou and each of you will hereby take
notice that on the 2nd dav of November,
1912. Frank Claus, plaintiff in the fore
going entitled cause, tiled his petition
in the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, against you, the object, pur
pose and prayer of which Is to obtain
a decree from said Court removing
clouds from and quieting the title of
record to lot five (5) and three (3) feet
off of and along the west side of lot
four (4), in block eighteen (IK), in the
city ot l'latismoutn, casH county Ne
braska, In Plaintiff, as against voii and
to exclude and enjoin you and each of
you from ever asserting or claiming
any right, title or Interest therein ad
verse to plaintiff and for such other
and further relief as may be Just and
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 16th day of
jjecemuer, or me allegations con
tained In said petition will be taken as
true and a decree rendered as prayed
for therein.
Dated: November 4th, 1912.
FRANK CLAPS. Plaintiff.
By JOHN M. LKVDA, His Attorney.
Hiese are made isovemher 10th
ern Tourist rntes are in effect every day; the increasing Winter patronage
has developed a large number of moderate priced stopping places besides
the palatial hotels. The Panama Canal Had you thought of seeing this
great woik before the water is turned in? Complete steamer tours from
New Orleans.
This country draws each year an
The Burlington's through sleeper service is via Denver, Scenic Colorado
and Salt Lake, with choice of route beyond, whether to San Francisco or
Los Angeles.
To Lot Angeles via Santo Fa
Omaha every Tuesday night and
direct line-uranrt Canyon Koute,
ter route.
This show, which interests thousands of Western growers and others, will
be held November 30th to December 7th.
wiV-Get in touch with your nearest ticket agent, or with the undersigned. Let
us help you plan any kind of a Winter tour you have in mind. Free literature
"California Excursions. ' "Pacific Coast Tours. "Southern Tours; and all kinds
, 01 , wustraieu descriptive publications of Southern and
-v.- f California Lines.
Again has Cupid, that winsome
god of love, shot forth his dart
and secured two more subjects,
assisted by County Judge Beeson,
who was summoned from his
homo Saturday to unite in mar
riage Charles W. Hixon and
Martha Joyce. The wedding cere
mony was performed in the
judge's usual impressive manner
and the newly wedded pair re
turned to their home to receive
the congratulations of their
friends. Both of the contracting
parlies are residents of this city
and are well known and very pop
ular among a large circle of
friends. The newly married couple
will make their home here.
The concrete work on the Pearl
street paving was finished yester
day afternoon and this morning
the workmen employed on the job
began the laying of the brick pav
ing blocks, which will take them
about a week, and unless some
thing unforseen happens the pav
ing contract will be all completed
by the specified time, December 1,
and the property owners along
that thoroughfare may enjoy the
benefits of a good paved street to
take the place of the mud holes
that formerly made this street
impassable at certain scaons of
Hie year.
Thai advertising in the news
paper pays was demonstrated
Saturday when Mrs. M. A. Dickson
closed a deal for the purchase of
her home on Wintcrsleen Hill by
David Barneft of Olenwood. Mrs.
Dickson advertised her residence
for sale in the Journal ami the
advertisement attracted the atten
tion of C. C. Ilaynie of Olenwood,
who informed Mr. Harnett and the
sale of the property was at once
completed. This is a very esira
ble piece of property and makes a
splendid residence, as it is situat
ed where one can command a
grand view of the city, as well as
the river for miles. 1
Marshall. Dentist, Coates block.
and l'.lth, December 3rd and 17th. South
increasing number of Winter tourists,
Route through tourist sleepers leave
Denver Wednesdays, going via Santa Fe
to Los Angeles. Thisjia an ideal Win
R. W. CLEMENT, Agent.
General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
The dramatic club of the T. J.
Sokol society are to give the
famous comedy, "Charley's Aunt,"
in the Bohemian language, at hall on Thanksgiving eve,
November 27. This is one of the
greatest successes that has been
staged and in the hands of the
capable actors of the club will un
doubtedly prove very pleasing to
those attending. An eight-piece
orchestra has been arranged for
the occasion and will furnish
some very line music. Following
the play a social dance will be
An Old Resident of Rock Bluffs.
M. J. Laeey, chief engineer of
the city of Omaha, and Mr. Taylor,
superintendent of the lighting
system of Omaha, who have been
down south of this city on a
hunting trip, returned to their
homes this morning. Mr. Lacey
was a resident of Hock Bluffs
from 1803 to 1880, and this is the
first time he has been able to pay
a visit to his old home and he was
greatly surprised at the changes
that had taken place in the thirty
two years.
Have Twin Babies.
V. J. Vejvoda and wife are re
joicing over the arrival Saturday
afternoon at their home of twin
babies, a boy and a girl. The par
ents of the twins an; greatly de
lighted with the little strangers,
and if any of the customers of the
tailor shop notice anything
strange in the actions of the
proprietor Ihey ran overlook it, as
it is an event that does not bap
pen very often.
Porto Rico's New Wonder.
From far away l'orto Itico come
reports of a wonderful new dis
covery that is believed will vastly
benefit the people. Ramon T
Marchan, of Barceloneta, writes:
"Dr. King's New Discovery is do
ing splendid work here. It cured
me about live times of terrible
coughs and colds, also my brother
of a severe cold in his chest and
more than 20 others, who used it
on my advice. We hope this great
medicine will yet be sold in every
drug store in Porto Rico." For
throat and lung troubles it has no
equal. A trial will convince you
of its merit. r0c and $1.00. Trial
bottle free. Oua ran teed by F. (i
Fricke & Co.
Here for Short Visit.
Jiiiin Mieau, wue and nine son
arrived Saturday evening from
their home at Sioux Cilv for i
hort visit, with relatives am
friends. The Snead family were!
very popular when residents of
this city and their friends wen
delighted to meet them again.
A Great Building Falls
when its foundation is under
mined, and if the foundation of
health good digestion is at
tacked, quick collapse follows. On
the first signs of indigestion, Dr.
King's New Life Pills should be
taken to tone the stomach and
regulate liver, kidneys and bowels.
Pleasant, easy, safe and only 25
cents at F. ft. Fricke & Co.
Local News
From Friday's Dally.
J. B. Seybolt of Murray was in
the city today looking after some
business matters.
W. II. Mark of I'nioti came up
this morning and looked after
business matters in the city for a
few hours.
Attorney C. L. Craves of I'nion
came up this morning on the early
Missouri Pacific train and attend
ed lo some business mailers.
Attorney William DelesDer
nier, Ihe F.lmwood attorney, came
in last evening and looked after
some legal business in this city,
(lien Boedeker, cashier of the
Murray Stale bank, came up this
morning from his home and was
a passenger on No. 15 for the me
tropolis. William Oilmour and son, Sam,
drove up Ibis morning from the
farm, south of this city, and look
ed after business matters for a
B. V. Wiles, from south of Ihe
city, drove in Ibis morning and
wa,s a passenger on No. 15 for
Omaha, where he was called on
some business mailers.
Dr. J. F. Brendel and wife of
Zionsville, Indiana, are visiting at
the home of their brother, Dr. B.
F. Brendel and family. They ar
rived in Murray last Wednesday
and will remain for a few days
Simon Clark returned Ibis
morning from Cedar Creek, where
he visile his daughter over Sun
day. S. Hay Smith ami wife spent
Sunday in Murray, the guests of
friends, returning home last even
T. W. Vallery of the precinct
was in the city Saturday attend
ing In some matters of business
with the merchants.
Judge II. 1). Travis and Court
Reporter F.arl Travis departed this
morning for l'apillion, where they
will hold court this week.
Everybody's doln' It
Doln' what?
Smoking ACORNS, 5o cigar.
Made by Ptak & Bajek.
Miss Catherine Lepoldt of La
Platte was in the city today for a
short visit with friends and to at
tend to some business matters.
Henry H. Oering of Omaha
visited in this city yesterday with
bis family, returning to the me
tropolis on No. 23 yesterday aft
J. S. Jordan ami wife, residing
west ol I lie city, were passengers
this morning for Omaha, where
they attended to some business
Peter Campbell of near Murray
was in town Saturday looking af
ter some business matters and
visiting with friends.
Philip Becker of Fight Mile
drove was in the city Saturday,
having driven in from the farm
to look after business mailers for
the day.
Dr. B. F. Bremlel of Murray
was in llie rity tins morning en
route to Omaha to be present at
the operation upon T. B. Smith
of Murray.
Andrew Malous and daughter,
Miss (ieorgia, departed Saturday
afternoon tor navelock, where
I hey 'spent Sunday with relalivi
and friends.
"The house of a Thousam
Candles." You will derive pleas
ure from seeing Ibis play al lb
Parmele theater. One night onlv
"The House of ii Thousand Can
dies," by Oeorge Middlctnn, from
Meredith Nicholson's great, novel
al the Parmele theater Wednes
day, November 20.
Frank Cook, who is employed at
Havelock, came down Saturday
evxening ami visited over Sunday
wilh his parents, 0. V). Cook am
wife, south of this city.
Fresh Lobsters and Crabs at Ihe
O. K. Restaurant. Short orders wil
be our specialty, but we are up-to.
date on regular meals. Sinnott &
Egenberger, proprietors.
residence on High School Bill.
real bargain. N. . Uirisingcr
'Phone No. 508-Red.
We have a few boxes of excel
lent stationery which we are sell
ing at 22 cents a box. and Ihe fol
lowing letters in the initial paper:
2 I, 1 P, 2 K, 1 fi, i O, 2 J, 2 O,
which we are selling at 30c each.
II. A. Unburn and wife of Long
Beach, California, came up last
evening from Nehawka, where
I bey were visiting, and were
guests over night with C. S. John
sou and wife. They were passeng
ers this morning for Omaha.
Miss Mae llealey, who has been
trimming al Ihe store of Miss
Myers the past season, departed
yesterday for Kansas City, where
she will visit for a lime before re
luming lo her home in Chicago.
Dr. O. H. Ciilmore of Murray
was a passenger this morning for
Omaha, accompanying August
Kiigelkemeier and daughter, Miss
Laura, lo that city, where Miss
Kiigelkemeier will undergo an
operation for appendicitis at one
of lln hospitals.
Elogant Hats at
Groat Reductions, as
Long as They Last.
We're showing these days everything that is
correct, and everything that's good in Women's
Shoes! It's a luxury to wear such well made, hand
some, stylish Shoes as we are now selling.,
In our Shoes a Woman feels well dressed and
is confident of her good appearance.
Madam, allow us to show you our New Red
Kid, 15-button boot, the very latest. Also, 14 and
16-button boots, in Patent, Gun Metal, Calf, Velooze,
Suede, etc. Shoes at
$2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 to $55.00
WTOur moderate priced and our choice shoes have made
a mighty host of friends for us who will gladly testify to the sat
isfaction they derive from buying Shoes here.
Miss Lillian Bookmeyer rcturn
d to Omaha this afternoon, after
visit ing iieer over Sumtav.
The O. K. Restaurant is the
place for quick service on short
orders and regular meals.
K. If.
Schulhof was a passeng
er tins morning lor Olenwood to
look after some business mailers.
James Lindsay of Omaha came
down Saturday evening ami visited
over Sunday with relatives and
Charles Oilmnre of Weeping
Water came in this morning and
looked after some business mat
ters for the day.
Mrs. J. V., Mason and Misses
(ierlrude and Fay Hilt departed
Ibis morning for Omaha, where
I hey will isit for I he dav.
Oliver Fdmunds departed this
morning for Olenwood, where he
is employed upon' I he new state
buildings being erected there.
Albert Clabaugh, manager of
I be Nebraska Lighting company,
was a passenger this morning for
Omaha, where he looked after
business matters for a short lime.
Roy Jackson ami bride return
ed to their home in Havelock yes
terday afternoon, after a short
visit here with Mrs. Jackson's
parents, Frank Janda, sr., and
Mrs. A. O. Cole of Plainview,
who has been visiting her parents,
Judge ami Mrs. II. D. Travis, for
several weeks, returned home this
afternoon. Mrs. Travis accom
panied her daughter as far as
Henry Weidman and wife it
turned to their home in Omaha
yesterday after a short visit here
at the home of Mrs. Ocorge P.
iedmau and family. Karl R.
Blish accompanied I hem lo Oma
ha. where he visited his wife at
Clarkson hospital.
saooo Ainvnt) jo bwoh shi
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UI UM0I(S J9A9 XpiIGD JO SOpTjpcd AcpOU, JO 9Ul
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Orovernor Knapp was a busi
ness visitor in Omaha today.
Herman Streitwiser was a visit
or in the metropolis yesterday,
where be was called on business
Miss Adelia While, who has
been visiting friends at Fremont
for about a week, returned home
last evening.
Fd Ruiuniel ami wife of near
Mynard were in the city Saturday
afternoon looking after the week
end shopping.
Miss Muriel Hart hold relumed
to Olenwood this morning, after
visiting over Sunday with her par
ents, II. S. Barthold and wife.
Miss Sea Johnosn returned
this morning to Omaha, after
spending Sunday here with her
parents, (Ins Johnson and wife.
Fd F.gciihcrger and sister, .Miss
Anna, were passengers this nfler-
noon for Omaha, where they will
attend to some business mailers.
A. W. Meisinger of Mynard was
a passenger this morning lor
Omaha, where he was called to
look after some business mallei's.
Mrs. J. W. Cox and two children
of Red Oak, Iowa, who have been
visiting at the John Brady home
for a few days, returned home this
The T. J. Sokol Dramatic club
will give a Bohemian home talent
play, Charleyova Teta," "Charley's
Aunt," November 27. Watch for
further announcements.
LOST Tuesday evening, a
package containing a man's win
ter cap. Finder please leave same
at this ollice and recive reward.
J. W. Rounds, who is employe
in the office of Superintendent
Baird, al Ihe Burlington shops,
relumed Ibis morning from a visit,
over Sunday with relatives in
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