The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 18, 1912, Image 6

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Stimson Shows That Panama
Defenses Are a Necessity.
American and British Statesmen Who
Negotiated It Recognized Our Inten
tions, Says Secretary of War In a
Magazine Article.
In nn article in the Scientific Amer
ican Secretary of War Stimson takes
strong ground not only on the absolute
right of tho United States to fortify
tlie Panama canal, tint on the need for
such defenses us n mutter of great na expediency.
Secretary Stimson denies that tho
fortification of the canal would be n
violation of this country's obligation to
Great I!rltaln under the Ilay-Pnunce-fote
treaty, lie thus summarizes the
legal Hltuatiou:
"In the Clayton-Bulwcr treaty of
lWO tho United States and Great Brlt
tnln expressly agreed not to fortify or
assume any dominion over any part of
Central America where the canal
might be made. The first draft of the
Hay-Pauncefote treaty of Feb. 5, 1900,
contained a similar prohibition to the
effect that 'no fortification shall be
erected commanding the camd or the
waters adjacent.' This proposed treaty
in this form was rejected by the senate
for the very reason that It did not give
the United States sulllclent liberty of
action In regard to the canal. Tho
present Ilny-Pnuncefote treaty wag
then negotiated, which In Its tlrst ar
ticle entirely abrogated theold Clayton
Itulwer treaty and also omitted the
restrictions against fortification which
had been contained In tho first pro
posed Hay-Pauncefote treaty.
"The memorandum which Mr. Hay
sent to the senate with the second
Hay-Panncefote treaty, containing the
correspondence between himself and
Lords Pauncefote and Lnrisdowne,
shows that these changes were made
for tho express purpose of permitting
the United States to fortify and de
fend the canal and that Lord Lans
downe fully understood and recogniz
ed Oils right on our part
Lansdowne's Statement.
"As to this Lord Lansdowno express
ly said:
"It la most Important that no doubt
should -xlHt as to tha Intention of the
contracting partlns. As to this, I under
stand that by tho oin!xn1on of nil refer
ence to the matter of K fcnse tlm Hulled
State government rie.ifr to reserve tho
power of taking iiiphac v In protnet tho
snnl at any time when l'ir Cnite.l Slates
may l at war from il nr., -lion or il. uti
lise nt tho limi'li of tin enemy or ene
mies. "The congress of the United States
then proceeded the I'nlliuvliii; year 1:1
the Fpomicr net (sect I n to million.'
the president to ei;ier I lo tile t o--tracts
for the consir ictimi or the i .i
mil and Its 'defenses' A 'id In the fol-lo-vlii;:
year, P. Ml.",. Mr II,. v. tho sa-ne
siiitesiimn who hail iiuoihitd the
Miiy Pnimceroic treaty, negotiated a
treaty with Hie republic ( r Pan.inii: by
which PaiiMina grain. . I lo the CniL-il
States for Hie imrpoH! i f the ciiiial the
us:'. occii)ialliii ami v o-ul or Hie ,r--in
Panama nuial .on. v, nl
'! to tlm T'nlted Mate. ,r the prion
tiou tlf such i-nilill the r'.-l't to use its
hind and naval forces nii.l to establish
fortifications. (Bnnau Varilla Iremv
article 2.",.i
"The lla.vl'.-iiiiieel'ote treaty and the
Itminii Varilla treaties are the only ex
isting treaties entered Into by the Unit
ed States which alle. t It. rights over
the Panama canal It Is perfectly
clear, therefore, from the foregoing
facts that none or the state-men. ei
ther of Great Britain or Panama or
the United States, who were concern
ed at the time In the negotiation of
these treaties or the onnctnicnt of leg
islation io make them effective had
any doubt as to the right or purpose of
the United States to defend and forti
fy the canal."
Necessity For Fortifioation.
As to the necessity for the fortifica
tion of the canal for tho protection of
the United States In time of war Sec
retary Stimson Is fully convinced. He
"It has been earnestly argued that
the safety of the canal can lie better
and more cheaply assured by an agree
ment between the leadlug nations,
making it u neutral waterway and for
bidding It from ever being blockaded
or seined In time of war. It Is argued
that such a course will relieve us from
tho expense and burden, of defending
tho canal and that It will at the same
time accomplish every result which we
could accomplish by defending It our
selves. "This ia an entire misconception. It
loses sight of the vital difference be
tween nn American canal and an Inter
national canal. It loses sight of the
fact that It is of vital Importance to
this country not only that the canal
shall be open to our fleet In case of
war, but that It shall bo closed to the
fleet of our enemy. An International
canal, kept open and defended by
agreement between the powers, from
its very nature would have to be open
to our opponent as well as to our
selves." Secretary Stimson finally gives an
outline of the character of fortifica
tions ho deems necessary for the prop
er defense of tho canal.
Negotiations tor Armistice Fall
and Artillery Ooel Starts.
Ottoman Commander Claims to Have
Destroyed Three Batteries Does
Not indicate Coilapse Altogether of
Negotiations, but to Hasten Turkey.
Ixmdon, .Nov. 18. The negotiations
lor an annistic have failed and the
i'.olgiirians o.( ni d attack against the
Vurks uii .i!on the Tcliutajjl lines.
"i"lit heavy -i-tillery duel continued
throughout Hi" day.
It appeared u he a Bulgarian prep-ai-niiuu
for an infantry attack. The
Turkish fleet participated vigorously
in the delrh;:e ;lt the Marmora end
lilies and pr. simialily Turkish war
ships assisted at the Illack sea end
Nazini Pasha, the Turkish command
er in chief, In a di.patch, claims to
have repulse.! the Bulgarian attack
and destroyed the three Bulgarian hat
No news of the battle has been re
ceived as yet from the battlefield and
Information us to the strength of the
forces engaged on either side.
The resumption of hostilities Is not
regarded as Indicating the collapse of
the peace negotiations, but rather as
a means of hastening Turkey's accept
ance of the allies' terms by proving
her complete helplessness, or, as one
correspondent phrased it, "to establish
an accomplished fact before making
further communications."
Ready for Alliance.
The Bulgarian government organ,
Mir, reverts to the subject of peace
and plnlnly Intimates that tho allies
are prepared to consider the question
of an alliance with Turkey, provided
tho latter promptly accepts their
terms, which would give Turkey the
opportunity of welding her territories
into a modern state and making
frleiv's of her conquerors'.
The Balkan states clearly have In
mind the' formation of such an alli
ance ns would he able to defy Euro
penn Interference In the disposition of
the spoils of war.
Every day nrlngs fresh dispatches
regarding the terrible spread of chol
era. Tt Is now stated that there are a
thourand cases daily, with a mortality
of 50 per cent, while the Turkish au
thorities are impotent to take any
measui 's to prevent its further spread.
This being th" case, It Is rtlll doubted
whether the Bulgarians will risk thfl
danger of marching into Constantino
pie. M is therefore believed that hos
tllltles have been resumed in order tc
hurry the neceptnnce of whatever
terms the allies dictate.
Goes on Stand to Corroborate Their
Story of Rosenthal Murder.
Now York, Nov. iO. "Dago Frank'
Clrollcl, exonerated by his three gun
men pals of having even been near the
scene of the murder, took the witness
stand In his own behalf to corroborate
their stories that Herman Rosenthal
was shot down by Harry Vallon and
"Brhlgey" Webber. Informers for the
state, and no by the gunmen under
orders from Charles Becker.
Uirollcl swore that he was on his
way up town to see his girl when the
shooting occurred, while the others
just happened to bo unfortunately
near the l!ot"l Metropolo nt the Invl
tatlnn or Jack Hose, the state's chlel
witness. He declared that Rose had
never Importuned him or tho others
"to croak" the gambler, but had sought
them out to convince them of his Inno
cence in "framing up" "Big Jack"
Zellg, his chief.
Cross-examination failed to shako
the witness He gave prompt and em
phntlc answers; admitted calmly that
he had served a jail sentence for car
rylng a gun and had been a silent part
ner In in opium den.
Mrs. Eddy's Son Says Christian
Science Is a Business,
Concord, N. 11., Nov. 16. Amend
ments alleging that Christian Scienco
Is not a religion, but a privately owned
business, conducted for money profit,
were died in iho superior court in tliu
case of Ueorgo W. Glover of lnd, S.
D., who seeks to have set asldo tha
residuary bequest made by his mother,
Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the
denomination, to the First Church oi
Christ, Scientist, of Boston.
The plulntifT In his petition, which,
if allowed, would cause the bequest,
estimated at $3,000,000, to revert to
the natural heirs, says In part: "The
owning, vending and practicing of the
so called 'religion of Christian Scienco
as taught by Mrs. Eddy, by said lega
tee and Its nn nihers, has on the whole
been grievously harmful to the health
of tho people of this state and in the
future will continue to bo harmful and
particularly so If promoted and ex
tended by means of Mrs. Eddy's resU
uary gift."
Switchman KMfed at Seneca.
Alliance, Neh., Nov. 16. Dan Het
rick a switchman for the Darlington
nt Seneca, was run down and almost
nstitutly killed at that point.
Miss Khnie La Valley,
Young Ohio Girl Who
Accuses Prominent Men.
l'l", i l,v .n:i'rtc-:in I'rey Association.
Base Ball Association Reverses
Nebraska League Directors,
Hastings, Neb., Nov. 18. Reports
were received from Milwaukee saying
that the board of arbitration of the
minors' association had reversed the
decision of the Nebraska State league
directors and reinstated a game which
Hastings won against Fremont and
which the directors threw out on the
ground that Hastings was carrying
more men than, the league rule al
lowed. This gives Hastings the league
championship In apite of the directors'
decision. Hastings and Fremont were
left tied for the championship.
Annual Convention Is to Be Held at
Lincoln This Week.
Lincoln, Nov. 18. The annual con:
vent Ion of tho Nebraska State Automo
bile assocla;lon will be held at the
Lincoln hotel, Nov. 19 ana 20. Dele
gates will be present from, more than,
fifty county associations throughout
the state.
One of the principal matters to re
ceive attention is that of new road
h'.ws for Nebraska. The legislative
committee of this association has
drarted a state highway commission
bill, which will be submitted to the
delegates, and when properly amended
will be ready lor Introduction at the
coming session of tho legislature. It
Is likely that the state association will
urge the adoption of such a law as Is
suggested by the national body nnd It
will eventually be uniform with the
laws of other states.
Annual Visit to State Agricultural
School Is a Pleasant One.
South Omaha, Nov. 18. Proclaiming
It to bt the best and most enjoyable
exclusion taken In many a day, some
200 men of the live stock business in
South Omaha returned after spending
the day at the state agricultural col
lege. Tho visit to the farm school
with Its many sights of Interest to
those engaged In tho stock business,
nn excellent dinner at the household
economics department of the farm and
then the big football game In tho aft
ernoon left nothing more to he desired
by the visitors. Professor Bliss, h'a
corps of teachers and the entire stu
dent body were thanked for their hos
pitality before the train left Lincoln
for South Omaha.
Single Tax Idea Favored.
Bloomlngton, Neh., Nov. 18. A num
ber of men In this county are advocat
ing a change in our present system of
taxation. They claim that landowners
who Improve their land are practically
lined for putting on Improvements nnd a readjustment of the system
so that It will put a heavier burden
on unimproved lnnd and encourago the
farmers to make improvements. It Is
believed the coming legislature will
consider this change.
Funeral of W. N. Babcock.
Omaha, Nov. 18. Funeral services
for W. N. Habcock, who died In Chi
cngo of pneumonia a few days ago and
who was formerly general manager of
the Union Stock yards of South Oma
ha. were held from tho residence of F.
P. Klrkendall. Some two hundred peo
ple, friends, fellow railroad men and
acquaintances, gathered at the rest
denco to pay their respects to one ol
the most populnr railroad men In the
Lewis Jury Unable to Agree.
St. Louis, Nov. 1 8. Weary and hag
gard from more than seventy-two
hours' strain, the jury that heard the
evidence In the enso of E. G. Lewis,
publisher and proprietor, charged
with using the malls to defraud, has
not been able to nrrlve at a verdict.
Helped to Hank John Brown.
Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 18 Colonel
Joseph filhson. who was in charge ol
tho tro.iiii that hanged John Drown
for treason at Harper's Ferry, is dead
at Ms home at Vcdhena, Ala.
i -7
llllllll MllUWIbV
Business Governor Hal Long
No Executive of Iowa Has Held for So
Long the Affection of a Majority of
the People Many Attend Funeral at
Des Moines, Nov. 18. William luir
rabee, death occurred Saturday,
had been referred to as a "war govern
or," but he was not governor during
the war. Rather he was Iowa's "busi
ness governor," for ho was the most
thorough business man that was ever
in the governor's chair, and he de
voted his administration to business
matters. At the very outset of his ad
ministration he came into conflict with
the political ring which had previously
directed affairs in the state, and gained
the undying hostility of influential
interests by his refusal to permit them
to dictate his appointments or. direct
the policies of his administration. He
insisted upon competency in the pub
lic service and economy of administra
tion. This did not suit the politicians
who had had access to the state treas
ury for various petty grafts, and the
result was that the administration of
Larrabee was decidedly stormy. But
he aided in establishing, largely
through his chairmanship of: the
state executive council, a great
many of the reforms that have since
been perfected, and he was Instru
mental In giving the first big boost to,
the assessments of the railroads for
taxation purposes.
No governor of Iowa has so held to
the end the warm affection of the ma
jority of the people. He was greatly
honored a few years ago by an Invita
tion to appear before a Joint assembly
of the legislature on the occasion of
his birthday. No other lowan ever
had a memorial service In his honor
with him present In the flesh.
His funeral nt the little village of
Clermont this afternoon was largely
attended by the prominent men of the
Teamsters' Strike and Labor Leaders.
The fact that at the last city elec
tion the ticket, for members of the city
council supported by the labor unioim
won out U having its ef1u in relation
to the strike of the teamsters in tula,
city. The nujoiily oi the members oi
the city council know that they own
their election entirely to the union la
borers of the city. Their slightly wav
ering or inaction is taken to m;m thai
they arc subservient, to. the un'on la,
borurs. They do not desire to no fur
ther in fi the battles of the
transfer couii-anles than other, officials.
The result is that the strikers aro en
couraged to go on with their plans for
forcible prevention of carrying on busi
ness of the city. The labor leaders
know that they have little to fea? from.
the- present city administration and
there is disagreement between the city
and county authorities as to the plans
for suppression of violence. The
strike continues, with little prospect
of change. Just at present there Is lit
tle violence, but a delicate situation
has developed which, may cause injury
to persons or property at any time;
Discuss the Prison Question.
Attorney General Cosson, Warden
Sanders and others will discuss at
Cedar Rapids this week the prison labor-question
before the state confer
ence of charities nnd correction. Fol
lowing a bitter newspaper attack on
Sanders last winter, the attorney gen
eral formed a commission of inquiry
nnd out of this has grown a move
ment for prison reform In this state.
This will be the chief topic at the
conference to be held this week.
Study New Legislation.
Governor B. F. Carroll is off on an
other Junket. He left for New York.
He will study first hand the employ
ers' liability laws The governor will
bo gone several dnys and he proposes
to mnko an Investigation that will give
him sufficient Information to make the
proper sort of a recommendation to
the legislature this winter when It
Auguatana Synod Elects President.
The Rev. Dr Frank Nelson, presi
dent of Minneapolis college of Minne
apolis, Minn , was re-elected president
of the AugiiPtana synod, Luther league,
at its business session held at the
Swedish Lutheran church, Des Moines
Discuss Home Missions.
W. H. Rogers, president of tho Unit
ed Mine Workers of Iowa, will be one
of the speakers of the home mission
week services of all churches, which
will be held at Colfax the week of Nov.
Kills Wife and Himself.
Creston, la., Nov. 18. Alva Bart
lett, a blacksmith's helper here, killed
Ms wife nnd himself. His suicide com
pletes the death of three brothers,
each by his own hand. Mrs. Bartlett
had just returned from Kansas City,
where she had taken treatment. A
daughter, Kdna, watched tho shooting
and was tho cause of the quarrel pro
ceding the deaths.
Ellsworth Editor Geti Small Fine.
Fort Dodge, la., Nov. 18. F. O. Sat
ter, nn Illlswovth newspaper man, was
fined $25 for sending objectionable
mutter through malls In his newspa-
Program to Be Rendered by Two
of the Most Proficient Musicians
in the State.
Fallowing i the program to be
rendered tomorrow evi'iiing: at the
Presbyterian church by Messrs.
Carl Fredreic Steckfiberg, head of
the violin and orchestral depart
ment of the University School of
Music of Lincoln, Neli., and Mr. J.
Frank Frysinger, head of fthe
Organ Department of the Unive
rsity School of Music, organist
and choirmaster First Presby
terian church, Lincoln Neb
Chromatic Fantasia in A minor
"My the Sea" -Schubert
Mr. Fr singer.
Airs Wieniawski
Mr. Sleekellterg.
Caprice .Kinder
Hvening Song .Johnson
And far away through the arches
dim :
A sad, sweet melody,
Like the wind as il wails its (-veiling
Over the rustling' sea,
Hisenow like a bird 'on thw wing,j
.o sini-cs lo an amorou-
Ml'. Frys-iiiii'e.p..
Homance, op. 10 Beethoven
Faust Fanlesie Afard
Mr. Stcekerb.M-K-
Supplicalion Frys-inger
My hands are emply, Lord,
No sheaves, no fruit? have I;
Yet now at; cveningfalT, r come
To Thee who lovest, mv
My hands arwlllted. Lord,
No doubles, no fears- havn I;
For Thou hast given Thine only
O, Thou who lovest nuv
lidln Fllery Tutfte, F). D.
Mr. Frysirrg-er.
Men uef in (i Ifeetlioven
Men net Mozart
Cradle. Song Ifauser
Sou ven i i- l),-dla
llumores.iue Dvorak
igeunei'Wei.eit Saraselo
Mr. Strrkcfberg-.
Attention, P. E. O.
Mrs. Sarah T; Andrews, state
organizer, wilt visil Chapter F,
I'lallsinoulh I'. K. O., upon the
afternoon of Thursday, Novem
ber L'lst. The chapter will en
tertain at the home of Mrs. .1. M.
Roberts at 2:30. Every member
urged f. lie present.
By Order of President..
Make 1'lattsnjQutU and Gas
county a better place to livo in.
How? By interesting yourself in
the Chopie Gasoline Engine Com
pany (Limited). Get in and.
boost for yourself by buying some
stock in this plant. The man who
really boosts is the one financially
interested. By so doing you are
helping to bring thousauds of
other dollars to remain here.
Dollars invested in foreign lands
and stocks go out of the county
never to return. Let's reverse
this. The Chopie Gasoline Engine
has proved itself in this county as
a wonderful gasoline engine, so
help us to send this engine all
over the world. Let's make our
land not $100, but 1500 per acre
land. This plant is the founda
tion that will get other industrial
plants here.
We are incorporated for $200,
000. Most or this stock will be
sold out of Cass county, but'wo
want you all to take a small
quantity of our stock. It is issued
in common and preferred. We
think it ns safejin investment as
a government bond. Come in and
share the profits with us. Our
preferred stock guarantees you
seven per cent. Common stock
shares in the further profits of tho
company. All stock is non-assessable
and limited in liabilitv to
the money you invest. All stock is
issued in share at $10.00 each,
nnd if you cannot take but onr
share, take il now-; we want your
boost. We know we can makn
Ibis community n big manufactur
ing center if you help us. We
know we have the best engine in
the United States.
John A. Chopiseka, President.
Ed Hynott, Vice President.
II. M. Soennichsen, Treasurer.
Sam O. Smith, Secretary and
Sales Manager.
With the addition of A.
Geise, constitute the Board
of Directors.
I.. W. Lorenz nnd wife departed
this afternoon for Omaha, where
they were called on some mailers
In this day of the 10-cent maga
zine, with its twenty or so pages
devoted to New York theatricals,
the public throughout the country
are well posted on this particular
subject. This one fact is prob
ably the cause for the great in
crease in demands for the better
class of plays, and an attraction
that is successful on the road
must have first be,.u a success in
New York.
One of the plays that was par
ticularly successful in New York
anil that i now being presented
on the road to ery large business
is "The House- of a Thousand
Candles," the al traction at the
Parmele theater on W'ednesdav
night, November :'0. This play ran
for an entire season without hav
ing been seen outside of three
theaters, namely the Ilackett and
Daly's in New York and the der
rick in Chicago. In summing up
his criticism on the performance
the dramatic critic, on the New
York Commercial said: "All to
gether the play is an a-irreeable-surprise."
At the Methodist Church.
Those whose privilege it was to
attend the morning worship of the
Methodist church yesterday en
joyed an able discourse by the,
pastor, Rev. Austin, on the text
found in John 1, "He. went with
his disciples over the brook Kid
ron, where was a garden.'.- Tak-.
ing his scripture reading from
I.uke 8-20, his subject became,
"Quite naturally," said Rev..
Austin, "th human mind in a
reminiscent- mood reverts to
places. The places-of our child
hood pleasures the places of the
events of our lives, the places
which mark the turning points in
the important decisions of our
lives are the most vivid in our
recollections. As the Mohamme
dan I urns to the Mecca of his faith
and the Christian to the land made
holy by characters, of biblo his
tory, so do we turn to the garden
Of the Get hsfinoine in nnr
. ... i.ui
thoughts of communion, with,
Dv the in,' of Mil llnmio il,,.
congregation was moved to re
spond almost in its entirety to the
communion emblems 0f the
Tile Junior League services as
condueld' by Mrs. Gobelinan are
becoming very valuable- in the
child life-of the church. The attendance-
is reaching a banner
mark and' the interest manifested
is very worthy.
The devotional meeting of the
Epwirtl1 T.eague are are notable
for the number of youths, young
men of 20, who, stand pledged for
Christian Tiving and endeavor.
The invitation is extended to all
the young people, young in spirit
and thought, to attend these
The discussion of the subject,
"The Turks, or the Eastern
Question," by Rev. Austin at the
evening service gave food for
thought along the lines somewhat
divergent from the press dis
patches. A large number, know
ing the value of this tvne
sermons, were profitably in at
tendance. A. M. Holmes of Murray is
the city today, making a short
visit with relatives nnd friends.
W. V. Gillispie, the grain man
from Mynard, was visiting with
his county sent friends last Sat
urday. Sam Tscherrin, from south of
the city, was spending a few
hours with county seat friends
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Meisinger,
from near Mynard, were in the
city last Saturday, making a short
visit wilh county seat friends and
Peter Campbell, one of the boss
fellows from near Old Rock Bluffs,
was in the city last Saturday,
spending a few hours with his
county seat friends.
LOST A ladies' watch, fi size.
15 jewel. Elgin No. 4457591. with
a M-k. solid gold hunting case
No. 10(117. Just discovered miss
ing. A liberal reward will be paid
for its return to John Crabill's
jewelry store. 1 1 -1 8-.1td-2t wklv
Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen
and John Wunderlich, from near
Nehawka, were conn I. v seat visit
ors last Saturday, r-ominz up in
the automobile of Mr. Hansen.
They made a few hours' visit with
county seat friends nnd done some
of business.
j Irning.