The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 18, 1912, Image 5

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    The Honor
Up in the "Big Snows," near
the dome of the earth, lies the j
scene of this story of real men
and real women, who have all of
the virtues of their hardening en
vironment and few of the failings
of their more civilized relatives.
This is a tale for reading when
one is tired of the artificialities
of civilization or at any other
time when a good story is appre
ciated. You will find in it ro
mance and adventure and mystery
mixedin such skillful manner and
in such proportion that no ingre
dient interferes with another. Yet
all go to make fine reading for
women who like to hear of brave
deeds and sacrifice for love's
sake and for men with even a
drop of the spirit of adventure
in their veins. And one thing
more the author has livedamong
the people whose lives he de
scribes, and he knows how to tell
a story.
Th Rod Torror.
CUMMINS' word of the school
at Churchill had put a new
and thrilling thought Into
Jan's head, and always with
that thought be coupled visions of the
growing Melissa This year the school
would be at Churchill and the next at
York factory, and after that it might
be gone forever, so that when Melisse
grew up there would be none nearer
than what Jan looked upon as the oth
er end of the world. Why could not he
go to school for Melisse and store up
treasures which in time he might turn
over to ber?
The scheme was a colossal one, by ail
odd3 the largest that had ever entered
into his dreams of what life held for
him. It was not until the first cold
ckills of approaching winter crept down
from the north and east that he told
Cummins of his intention.
Once his mind was settled Jan lost
no time In putting his plans Into ac
tion. Mukee knew the trail to Church-
Ill and agreed to leave with him on the
third day, which gave Williams' wife
time to make him a new coat of carl
bou skin.
On the second evening he played for
the last time In the little cabin, and
after Melisse bad fallen asleep be took
her up gently lu his arms and held her
there for a long time, while Cummins
looked on Id silence. When he replaced
her In the little bed against the wall
Cummins put one of his long arras
about the boy's shoulders and led him
to the door, where they stood looking
out upon tne grim desolation of the
forest that rose black and silent against,
the starlit background of the sky.
"Boy, won't you tell me who you are
and why you came that night?"
"I will tell you now that I come from
ee Great Bear," whispered Jan. "I
am only Jan Thoreau, an' ze great God
made me come that night jeeause"
Ws heart throbbed with sudCen in
spiration as ho looked up Into his com
panion's face "because ze leetle Me
lisse was here," he finished.
For a time Cumnilus made no move
or sound; then ho drew the boy back
into the cabin, and from the little ging
ham covered box iu the corner he took
a buckskin bag.
"You are going to Churchill for Me
lisse and for her," he said In a voice
pitched low that it might not awaken
the baby. "Take this."
Jan drew a step back.
"No, I flu' work with ze compan-ee
at Churchill. That Is ze gold for Me
lisse when she grow up. Jan Thoreau
. is no what you call heem?"
Ills teeth glen mod In a smile, but It
lasted only for an instant Cummins'
face darkened, and ho caught him
firmly, almost roughly, by the arm.
"Then Jan Thoreau will never come
back to Melisse," he exclaimed with
finality. "You are going to Churchill
to be at school and not to work with
your hands. They are sending you.
Do you understand, boy? They!"
There was a fierce tremor in his voice.
"Which will It be? Will you take the
bag or will you never again come back
to Lac Bain?"
Dumbly Jan reached out and took
the buckskin pouch. A dull flush
burned in his chocks. Cummins look
ed In wonder upon the strange look
that came Into his eyes.
"I pay back this gold to you and Me
lisse a hundred tlmesl" he cried tense
ly. "I swear It, an' I swear that Jan
Thoreau mak' uo lie!"
Unconsciously, with the buckskin bag
Hutched in one hand, he had stretched
ut his other arm to the violin hang
ing against the wall. Cummins turned
to look. When he faced him again tho
boy's arm had fallen to his sldo and
his cheeks were white. The next day
Jan left
It was a long winter for Cummins
and Melisse. It was a longer one for
Jan. He had taken with him a letter
from tho factor at Lac Bain to tho fac
tor at Churchill, and ho found quarters
with tho chief clerk's assistant at tho
Gpst a young, red faecal man named
0 K5
Copuriahl 1911, bu the Bobbs
Merrill Co.
t n
MacDon&ld, who bad come over on the
ship from England. Be was a cheer
ful, good natured young fellow, and
when he learned that his new associate
had tramped all the way from the Bar
ren Lands to attend the new public
school, he at once Invested himself
with the responsibilities of a private
The school opened in November, and
Jan found himself one of twenty or
so gathered there from 40.000 square
miles of wilderness. Two white
youths and a half breed bad come
from the Ktawney, the factor at Nel-
'I pay back thi gold to you and Ma
list a hundrad time!"
son Ilouse sent up his sou, and from
the upper waters of the Little Church
.11 there came three others.
From the first Jan's music found
him a premier place in the interest of
the tutor sent over bv tho romnnnv
He studied by night as well as bv
day, and by the end of the second
month his only competitor was the
youth from Nelson Ilouse. Ills great
est source of knowledge was not the
teacher, but MacDonald. There was
.n him no Inherent desire for the learn
ing of the people to the south; that be
was storing away, like a faithful ma
chine, for the use of Melisse. But
MacDonald gave him that for which
his soul longed-a pl.ture of life as it
existed in the wonderful world hi.
yond the wilderness, to which som
strange spirit within him, growing
Btronger as the weeks and months
passed, seemed projecting his hopes
nd his ambitions.
Between his thoughts of Melisse and
Lac Balu be dreamed of that other
world, and several times during the
winter he took the little roll from the
box of his violin and rend again and
HKHin uie wnnen p:i -es mat It con
tained "Some time 1 will go." he assured
himself always-"some time when
Melisse Is n llttlo older and can go
To yonn," MacDonald the boy from
Lac Bain was a "find." Tho Scottisi
youth was filled with nn Immense
longing for home, and us his home
sickness grew he poured more and
more into Jan's attentive ears his
knowledge of tho world from which he
had come.
In the spring Jan went back to Lac
Bain with the company's supplies. The
next autumn ho followed the hool to
lorK ractory, and the third year he
Joined it at Notion Ilouse. Then the
company's teacher died, and no one
came to fill his place.
In midwinter of this third year Jan
rf "rA1'.11.. . hWl . n.a lis. n nd I hugging
Bio Snows
Alitor IT 66Tk
the delighted Melisse close lb his arms,
he told her that never again would he
go away without her. Melisse, tight
cuing her arms around his nerk. made
his promise sucred by offering ber lit
tle rosebud of a mouth for him to kiss.
Latei the restless (spirit slumbering
within tils breast urged him to speak
to tv.niiuins
"When Melisse Is a little older should
we not go with her Into the south?" he
said "She must not live forever in a
place like t!:is."
t'tnnmlnx looked nt him for an in
stant as If tie did not understand,
wt-eii .lan's meaning struck home bis
ey;s hardened, ntul there was the vi
brant rliiK of steel In his quiet voice.
"Her mother will be out there under
the old spnn-e until the end of time,"
he s.-iid slowly, "and wo will never
leiive her unless, sonip day, Melisse
goes alone "
From hour Jan no longer looked
Into the box of his violin. He strug
gled against the desire that had grown
with his years uutll he believed that he
had crushed It and stamped it out of
his existence, in his life there came to
be but one rising and one setting of the
sun. Melisse was his universe. She
crowded his heart until beyond ber be
began to lose visions of any other
Each day tded to his Joy. He call
ed her "my little sister." and with
sweet gravity Melisse called him
"brother Jan" and returned In full
measure bis boundless love. lie mark
ed the slow turning of her flaxen hair
Into sunny gold and month by month
watched Joyfully the deepening of that
gold Into warm shades of brown. She
was to be like her mother! Jan's soul
rejoiced, and in bis silent way Cum
mins offered up wordless prayers of
So matters stood at Post Lac Bain
in the beglun'ng of Melisse's ninth
year, when up from the south there
came a rumor.
Humor grew Into rumor. From the
east, the south and the west they mul
tiplied, until on all sides the Paul Re
veres of the wilderness carried news
that the Red Terror was at their heels,
and the chill of a great fear swept like
a shivering wind from the edge of civ
ilization to the bay.
Nineteen years before these same ru
mots bad come up from the south, and
the Red Terror had followed. The hor
ror of It still remained with the forest
people, for a thousand unmarked
craves, shunned like a pestilence and
scattered from t he lower waters of
.Innies hay to the lake country of the
Athabasca, gave evldeuce of the toll It
From DuRrochet. on Reindeer lake,
authentic word first came 'o Lac
Hani .'arly 'n the winter Henderson
was factor there, nnd he passed up the
wurninu ihi't had come to him from
Nelson House nnd the country to the
There's smallpox on the Nelson." bis
messenger Informed Williams, "and It
has struck the Crees on Wollaston take.
God only knows what it Is doing to tho
bay Indlnns. but we hear that It Is wlp.
Ing out the Chlpnewayans between the
Albany and the Churchill." He left
the same day with his winded dogs.
"I'm off for the Frenchmen to the west,
with the compliments of our company."
be explained.
Three days later word came from
Churchill that all of the company's
servants aud her majesty's subjects
west of the bay should prepare them
selves for the coming of the Red Terror.
illianis' thick face went as white as
the paper he held as he read the words
of the Churchill factor.
"It means dig graves," ho said
innis tne oniy preparation we can
He read the paper aloud to the men
at Lac Bain, and every available man
was detailed to spread tho warning
throughout the post's territory. There
was a quick harnessing of dogs, and on
each sledge that went out was a roll of
red cotton cloth.
Jan went over tho Churchill trail
snd then swung southward along the
uasuoain, wnere tne country was
crisscrossed with trap lines of the
halfbreeds and tho French, First he
struck tho cnbln of Crolssct and his
wife and left part of his cloth. Then
ne turned westward, while Crolsset
harnessed his dogs and hurried with a
quarter of the roll to the south. Be
tween tho Hasabaln and Klokol lake
Jan found threo other cabins, nnd nt
each he left a bit of tho red cotton.
Forty miles to the south, somewhere
on tho Porcupine, he found the cabin
of nenry Langlols. the post's greatest
fox hunter.
Over it, hanging limply to a sapling
oole, was the red signal of horror.
With a terrified cry to tho dogs. Jan
ran back, and the team turned about
and followed him In a tangled mass.
Then ho stopped. There was no
smoke rising from tho clay chimney
on the little cabin. Its one window
was white with frost Again and
again he shouted, but no sign of life
responded to his cries. lie fired his
rifle twlco nnd waited with his mlt-
cenoa nand over his mouth and nos
trils. There was no reply. Then.
Rhandonlng hope, be turned back into
the north aud gave his dogs no rest
Until he had reached Lac Bain.
His team came In half dead. Both
3ummlns and Williams rushed out to
neet him as be drove up before the
wmpany's store.
"The red flag Is over Langlols
cabin."' he cried.
"I fired my rifle and shouted. There
j no life! Langlols is dead!"
"Great God!" groaned Williams.
Ills red face changed to a sickly
pallor, and be stood with bis thick
hands clinched while Cummins took
charge of the dogs and Jan went Into
the store for something to eat
Mukee and Per-ee returned to the
post the next day. Young Williams
followed close after them, filled with
terror. He had found the plague
among the Crees of the Waterfound.
Each day added to the gloom at Lac
Bain. Death leaped from cabin to
rabiu In the wilderness to the west
By the middle of the- month Lac
I tn in was hemmed In by the plague
u all sides but the north.
The post's trap lines had been short
tued; now they were abandoned en
tirely, aud the great fight began. Wil
liams assembled his men and told them
how that same battle had beeu fought
nearly two decades before. For sixty
miles about the post every cabin and
wigwam that floated a red flag must be
visited and burned if the occupants
were dead. In learning whether life
or death existed in these places lay the
peril for those who undertook the task.
It was a dangerous mission. It meant
facing a death from which those who
listened to the old factor shrank with
dread, yet when the call came they re
sponded to a man.
Cummins and Jan ate their last sup
per together, with Melisse sitting be
tween them and wondering at their si
lence. When it was over the two went
"Mukee wasn't at the store," said
Cummins in a thick, strained voice,
halting Jan In the gloom behind the
cabin. "Williams thought he was off
to the south with his dogs. But he
Isn't. I saw him drag himself into his
shack like a sick dog an hour before
dusk. There'll be a red flag over Lac
Bain In the morning."
Jan stifled the sharp cry on his lips.
"Ah, there's a light!" cried Cum
mins. "It's a pitch torch burning In
front of bis door!"
He gripped Jan's arm In a sudden
spasm of horror. "The flag Is up
now!" be whispered huskily. '.'Go
back to Melisse. There Is food in the
house for a month aud yon can bring
the wood lu tonight. Bar the door.
Open only the back window for air.
Stay inside- with her until It Is all
over. Go!"
"To the red flags, that Is where I
will go!" cried Jan fiercely, wrenching
his arm free "It Is your place to
stay with Melisse!"
"My place is with the men."
"And mine?" Jan drew himself up
"One of us must shut himself up
with her." pleaded Cummins. "It must
be yon." Ills face gleamed white In
the darkness. "You came that night
because Melisse was here. Some
ining sent you someuung-uon t you
understand V And since then she bas
never been near to death until now
You must stay with Melisse with
your violin!"
- aieiisse nerseir shall choose, re
plied Jan. "We will go into the cabin
and the one lo whom she comes first
goes among the red flags. The other
shuts himself In the cabin until tho
plague is gone."
He turned swiftly back to the door.
As he opened it he stepped aside to
let Cummins enter first, and behind
the other's broad back lie leaped quick
ly to one side, his ryes glowing, his
white teeth gleaming in a smile. Un
seen by Cummin, lie stretched out his
arms to Meiisse. who was playing with
the strings of his violin on the table.
He had done this a thousand times,
and Melisse knew what It meant a kiss
and a joyous toss halfway to the ceil
ing. Mic jumped from her stool nnd
ran to him.
I am goiiii' down among the sick
Crees In Cummins' place," said Jan to
Williams half an hour later. "Now
that the plague has come to Lac Bain,
oe must stay with Melisse."
(To He Continued.)
We have 3 used motorcycles, in
good running order, for sale cheap
If sold at once.
H. Steinhauer & Son,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
roresl Rose Flour guaranteed
to bn as good as any flour on the
market. Sold by all leading deal.
ers. Try it.
We are now handling a complete
ino of coal. Call and let us quote you
prices for your fall and winter coal.
We handle wheat, oats, corn and
chop of all kinds'.
Ind. Telephone 297
Nelson Jean & Go,
Small Crowd Present, but the Boys
Went Through the Motions, to
the Delight of All.
From Saturday's Dally.
i ... i . ceiung mere was some
athletic exhxibition given at the
M. Y. A. hall in Mynard, which
was attended by quite a number
from this city. The hall was in
poof .shape for the exhibition and
it was with difficulty that the
wrestling and boxing stunts were
put on by the boys.
mm, . ii .. . i i . ,
me imm eeni oi t no evenini
.. .. . ii 1 1 - . .
wa.s i ue wrestling maicii between
A. V. Vallery and A. Ellis, the
unknown champion. Vallerv was
considerably heavier than Kllis
and did not have much difficulty in
securing the first two falls. The
first fall was won on a head scis.
sor Hold in six minutes and the
second fall was secured on a half-
eison ami crotch hold in two
minutes. Kllis issued a challenge
to Hen Speck of Mynard, a 135.
pound boy, for a match at the next
exhibition given in Louisville.
The main event of the evening
was the boxing match between
"Terrible Dutch," the whirlwind
fighter of this city, and "Kid"
Myers, the deaf and dumb tighter,
lhe boys started out slow and
cautious, but in the second round
1 l'lll . , ,
got a little ginger in their work,
iu uiu mum- 9.
Tl, ,.! ii...i n , .1
x..r i. MieL .usLeu rounusanu
me terror was unable to deal
any effective blows on Myers and
. e ,.Bt uS uec.areu a Uraw i.y participate in tho further profits,
IllOlima .Toll ihn rnfiirno Tnnbl.i...., . . '
" "
tei;omi ior 1 lie
wniie nooert Ames
w 1 - . . . I
I'lTuimuMi u MimiKir service ior
.. iii .
OUOWIIlg me DOXing exlllllllion
1 II ,1 ,-.111.. .
allery threw Sherlock, the chain-
,,u ,,,ms """'i. " iw
.a,r,.i ,,, im- ium, 01 wiiu-ii
mm.k .inn' iiunuies, wane me sec-
ond fall required seven minutes,
...... . ... -.m ...... .M en in proper
training lie would probably have
given Vallery a hot contest, as he
is some wrestler.
Kidney Troubles Attack Ptatts
mouth Men and Women, Old
and Young.
Kidney ills seize young and old,
(men come wii.ii utile warning.
Children suffer in their early
Can't control the kidney secre
I ions.
(.iris are languid, nervous, suf-
fer pain.
omen worry, can't do daily
Men have lame and aching
rr .. .. .. m ....
ii jnu naeu ny mrm oi Kidney
oii must reach the cause the
1 1 i i i.-n
woaii s nmney mis are lor
weak kidneys
The following testimony proves
their worth:
Wililam (iilniour, afrmer, four
miles south of Plattsmouth, Neb.,
says: "Doan's Kidney Pills have
been used with the best of results
in my family. The patient had
been suffering intensely from
lameness in the back and could
get no lasting relief until she be.
gan using 1 loan's Kidney Pills.
'IM. 1 1 1 ,
lnrj inn more to cnecK mese
troubles than nnylhinar else that
liad previously been taken."
I-or sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Muffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United Slates.
Remember the name Doan's-
aiiil lake no other.
Farm for Sale.
135-acro farm, four miles from
town, between 50 and CO acres
under plow, 7 acres hay land, bal-
anco pasture. Running water.
Seven-room house and other im
provements. -impure ai me oince or llawls
I - 1 i I n.i
& Robertson. 10-10-f f-wklv
Dance November 23.
I he members of the Holy
Rosary church will irivc a Brand
all on Saturday evening, Novem-
er 23, at the K. S. hall. Admis.
sion do cents, r irsi-ciass music.
verybody invited to come and
lave a good lime. 1 1-13-tfd.
The boy's appetite is often tho
source of amazement. If vou
would have such an appetite take
Chamberlain's Tablets. They not
only create a healthv annetite. but
Irenglhen the stomach and en
able it to do its work nalurnllv.
Known All Men by These Pres
ents, that we. Jno. A. Chopieska,
Sam U. Smith. D. O. Dwyer, II. M.
Soennichsen and John T. Lam
bert, so associated ourselves to
gether for the purpose of form
ing and becoming a corporation
in the State of Nebraska, for the
transaction of the business here
inafter described.
1. The name of the corpora
tion shall be the Chopie Gasoline
Engine Company (Limited). The
principal place of transacting its
business shall be in the city of
Plattsmouth, County of Cass, and
State of Nebraska.
2. The nature of the business
to be transacted by said corpora
lion shall be the manufacture and
sale of gasoline engines, other
engines, and machinery and the
erection and maintenance of such
buildings and structures as may
be deemed necessary, and to pur
chase real estate for a site thorn-
fore, and to procure any and all
necessary property, both real and
personal, incidental to or re
quired in the manufacture of
gasoline engines.
3. The authorized capital
stock of said corporation shall
be Two Hundred Thousand Dnl-
ars, divided into shares of ten
dollars each, to bo subscribed and
paid for as required by tho Board
of Directors. One-half of said
slock shall bo preferred, and
which preferred stock shall draw
seven per cent, to be paid out of
U.o net earnings of tho company,
ner nnm.m Th mh... hnt
I .... v. ... , V VU1V4 HUH OlIUll
ko common slock nn ,hh ohr.ll rsnlA n Ik.
' " "3 IUO
Hoard of Directors mieht do
terminn. nniv ihA nun. i h.
common stock shall bo entitled to
eiecuon or oincers and manage-
innr, nf ho P.nmnonv All nt ,'!
stock sfmll hn nrnnoan00nhitt
I uuouuiV)
4, The
1 .t I'ui unuii oiiuu uuililllt'UUU UU
fhn Rill Hnv of Oefnhnr 09 anA
I V VVl,VUTjt f vf Ullll
continue during the period of
twenty-five years
5. Xi,e i)U8,ness of 8aid
noral.ion shall l. e,,nHnet h
Hoard of Directors not to exceed
nve in number, to bo elected hr
the stockholders of tho common
stock. Tho first election of
directors shall lake place at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the
day of October, 1012, and
thereafter sudi election lo taka
place at such time and bo con
ducted in such manner as shall
be prescribed by the by-laws of
said corporation.
(5. Tho officers of said cor
poration shall be president, vice
president, secretary, treasurer,
and a general manager, who shall
be chosen by the Hoard of Direct
ors, and shall hold their office
for the period of one year and
until their successors shall be
elected and qualified.
7. Tho highest amount of in
debtedness lo which said corpora-
lion shall at any time subject it
self shall not be more than two-
thirds of its issued and paid up
capital stork.
8. The manner of holding the
meeting' of stockholders for the
election of officers, and the
method of conducting the busi
ness of the corporation, shall be
as provided in the bv.l.iwn
adopted by the Hoard of Directors.
In Witness Whereof, we have
hereunto set our hands this 5th
day of October, 1912.
Jno. A. Chopieska.
Sam O. Smith.
H. M. Soennichsen.
D. O. Dwyer.
John T. Lambert.
In presence of
Hessie Shea.
Cass County, ss.
On this 2nd day of October,
111 1 2, before me, Hessie Shea, a
notary public, in and for said
county, personally appeared the
above named Jno. A. Chopieska,
Sam O. Smith, D. O. Dwyer, II. M.
Soennichsen and John T. Lam
bert, who are personally known to
me to be the identical nersons
w,u,sw """"'s
are affixed to the
above articles as parties thereto, '
and they severally acknowledged
their instrument to be their
voluntary act and deed.
Witness my band and notarial
seal at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this Sib day of October, 1912.
(Seal) Bessie, Shea,
Notary Public.
My commission expires June
3rd, 1913.
State of Nebraska,
Secretary's Office.
Received and filed for record
October 7, 1912, and recorded in
I,00k "- Miscellaneous Incor-
1 1? . 1
I'orauons, at, page
Addison Wait,
Secretary of Slate.
By Ceo. W. Marsh, Deputy.
or sale by F. O. Fricke & Co.
Cole. ll-14-2wks-vk!v