The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 18, 1912, Image 3

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Complete Answer to tie Qasry,
"Who Ordained dim?"
Clergy and Laity Unscriptural Terms
Pastors, Reverend Fathers, Etc.
Ordinations Various By Catholics,
Baptists, Presbyterians, et al. The
Divine Ordination the Only Genuine
Article Without It No One Is Au
thorized to Preach or to Teach the
Holy Scriptures Many Ministers In
All Denominations Lack This Real,
Divine Authorization or Ordination.
Albany, N. '.,
Nov. 17. As al
ways, Pastor Rus
sell got the crowds
today. We report
his discourse on
ministerial ordlua
tion and titles.
Very evidently It
was a reply to an
attack recently
made upon him by
a Mr. W. T. Ellis,
field editor of
"The Continent,"
and alias the "Religious Rambler."
Ellis charged Pastor Russell with be
ing unordalned and claimed that his
ordination as pastor Is fraudulent The
address showed that Pastor Russell
fully understands the situation. lie
fully justified his position before bis
vast audience and showed up the
"rambler" editor In the unenviable
light either of being Ignorant of the
subjects dlocussed or of attempting to
deceive the public. Ills text was,
"Not of men, neither by man, but by
Jesus Christ, and God the father, who
raised nim from the dead." (Galatlans
i, 1). He said:-
Evldcntly the time has come for tell
ing the common people what the Bible
teaches respecting clergy and laity,
titles of ministers, and ordination to
teach and preach. We have previously
pointed out that the doctrine of
Apostolic Succession started In the
second century, A. D. The bishops
claimed that they had the same au
thority that Jesus had originally given
exclusively to the Twelve Apostles. On
the strength of this claim they appoint
ed and ordained the inferior clergy.
This custom still prevails in what
are known as Catholic Churches Ro
man. Anglican and Greek. The prin
ciple Is wholly wrong, unscrlptural.
According to the Bible, the Church of
Christ is not composed of two parts,
clergy and laity. Jesus declared, "One
is your Master, Christ; and all ye are
brethren." Therefore, "Call no man
Master or Father." St. Paul's writ
ings clearly show that In the early
Church the ministers were the serv
ants of the Flock, and not of a differ
ent, lordly caste. They were of the
people; and when choseu by the Eccle
sia by the stretching forth of the hand
(Greek, chcirotoneo), they were recog
nized us of Divine appointment to the
ministry through the Church.
The customs of centuries were so dif
ficult to throw off that many of the re
formers coveted the titles accorded the
Catholic clergy. Nor did they care to
tell the congregation that Its word was
supreme In the matter and that Its
ministers were merely by the grace of
God Its servants. Others of the reform
ers, realizing that Jesus and His disci
ples were not styled Reverend, Doctor,
etc., declined to us these titles, prefer
ring to be called pastors. This custom
stlil prevails very generally in Protes
tant Germany and Scandinavia. My
Christian friends and Bible Student
associates well know my objection to
the title "Reverend," and hence ad
dress me as "Pastor"-shepherd. Fur
thermore, I am the elected pastor of
the Brooklyn Tabernacle congregation,
and also of the London Tabernacle
congregation. I fall to see any ground
for criticism of my course in this re
spect; nor do I make any attack uKn
Christian brethren who accept other
mid unscrlptural titles.
Must Pastors Be Ordained?
There Is no question that ordination
1 necessary to the proper holding of
the olilce of pastor. The whole ques
tion Is: What constitutes nn ordination
to preach, teach and be a pastor
amongst tiic people of God?
This question has received a wide va
riety of answers. The Roman, Angli
can and Greek Churches, claiming
AjHvstolic Succession, declare that the
authorization to preach must come
through their apostle-bishops. For this
reason Protestant ministers have not
been albwed to enter the pulpits of
these denominations until the Episco
palians a year ago granted this cowes
Men. Their .'Large has been that Prot
estant ministers are unordalned. Of
course, If their proposition be correct. I
am just as much unordalned as all other
Protestant ministers- and no more so.
Only sine! the organization of the
Evangelical Alliance (lSKi) have the
different sects of Christendom ac
knowledged each other and each oth
er's ordinations. Some of them recog
nize the word ordination In Its true
liphr, as meaning simply authorization;
and others of less spiritual discern
nitMit see merely an outward ceremony.
Each denomination dues its own or
dnluiug, and makes such ceremonies a?
it deems proper. If, therefore, the con
Fi"gartnn of Christian believers In
A- f '5
Biooklyu and the other congregation
In London choose to ordain or appoint
me their Pastor, it Is wholly a matter
jf their own what ceremonies, if any,
shall accompany that ordination or ap
pointment. Who inn dispute this? No
Protestant denomination, surely; for
their owu ordinations are on this basis.
"Not of Men, Nor by Man."
The entire subject of ordination of
ministers of the Gospel seems to have
fallen into confusion during the shuf
flings of the Dark Ages; and few seem
to have gotten fully back to the Bible
teachings on this subject as on other
subjects. St. Paul is particular in em
phasizing the fact that he did not re
ceive Ills commission as preacher and
Apostle of Christ from his brother
Apostles. lie distinctly declares him
elf an Apostle by Divine authoriza
tion. This is the general Scriptural
principle underlying Divine Ordination
to the ministry of Christ.
Before we proceed with an cx;xsi
lion of the Bible teaching on Divine
Ordination, it will not be improper for
us to note the practical operation of the
different human organizations of men
and by men merely.
Have all bishops of the Catholic
Church, the Anglican Church, and the
Greek Church been models of propri
ety, patterns to the dock? Have all
given evidence of Divine authorization
to teach and to preach the True Gos
pel? Their staunchest votaries must
admit that many of them have been
unworthy; and that from these very
one$ have proceeded doctrines and
practises contrary to the Word of God.
Of what value, then, are their ordina
tions by men and of man? None what
ever! On the contrary, the claim that
they were Divinely authorized, and
guided and Inspired to be teachers of
the Church, helped forward the errors
which they promulgated. By reason
of their claimed authority to teach,
the people believed them too Implicitly
and did not sufficiently criticise their
utterances and practises In the light of
the Holy Scriptures.
How is It today In the various Prot
estant denominations of Christendom?
Are all those who receive sectarian or
dination, of men and by man, benefited
thereby? Has such ordination kept
them free from weaknesses of the flesh
to which others were exposed? Has It
not, on the other hand, exposed them
to greater temptations, because they
were pedestaled by the people and
thereby injured with pride, haughti
ness, etc.? Has such ordination in
any denomination preserved its min
isters from doctrinal errors more than
the people, who did not have a similar
ordination of men and by man?
The answer Is found in the num
bers who have left various de
nominations and ordinations to go
into other denominations and ordi
nations. It is answered also In the
fact that today the great majority of
ordained ministers in all denomina
tions entirely repudiate' the Bible as a
Divine Revelation. Their ordination
did not protect them from our modern
infidelity, called Higher Criticism. Un
der Its Influence they have ceased to
be teachers of Bible Christianity, and
have become merely essayists, leaders
In political and social reform and In
humanitarian work. Manifestly their
ordination of men and by man did not
hold them to the "faith once delivered
to the saints." (.Tude 3.) It did not as
sist them to appreciate the Bible as
being sufficient that the man of God
might be thoroughly furnished unto
every good word and work.
Let us consider the matter again,
from another standpoint. Did any of
these human ordinations of men and
by man impart the Holy Spirit or give
a mental illumination by which any of
these humanly ordained ministers were
qualified for preaching and teaching
the Lord's people? The answer Is, No!
As deep spirituality and as deep in
sight into the teachings of the Scrip
tures are to he found outside of the
pulpit as inside. The ordination, evi
dently, brought no enlightenment, no
gift of the Holy Spirit-the thing
above all needed by those who would
teacli others and expound the Gospel.
Has Served a Bad Purpose.
The ordination of ministers, of men
and by man, has been injurious In that
It has perpetuated the misconception
that the Church is divided into two
classes clergy and laity. The ordained
have been Injured by being puffed up to
suppose themselves of a higher caste
than their brethren. The unordalned
have been Injured in that human ordi
nation hos helped to befog their minds
In respect to the real ordination. Thus
the "laity" have been hindered from
entering upon the very service which
God Intended should be their chief aim
and object. In the curly Church, the
Elders were considered merely elder
brothers of the Church uot elders in
years necessarily, but advanced ones
In spiritual things, able to help the
brethren properly to understand the
Word of God and to attend to all the
duties and privileges Inculcated by the
Gospel for their preparation for a share
in Messiah's Kingdom. The ordination
of reverend men to be rulers, and In
some ernes dictators of a Church, has
taken avray from the Elders the very
services that the Apostle tells them
were to be theirs. Instead, it appoints
them the empty honor of passing the
collection plate and the communion
service. St. Paul, In his address to
the Elders of the congregation at
Epliesus, said, "Take heed therefore
unto yourselves, and to all the Flock,
over which the Holy Spirit hath made
you overseers (Greek, episl-opox, liter
ally, hlshopsl, to feed the Church of
God." (Acts xx. All of those
Elders were tmder-shepherds, pastors,
bishops, overseers. All of them had
the commission to feed the Flock. All
of them had opportunity for teaching,
Instructing the Church.
Divine Ordination to Preach.
All will admit that if preachws ore
representatives of God. if they speak In
His name, they niuM have Mime ordi
nation from Him. Whoever has not Di
vine authority is usurping a holy otlice
and placing himself in antagonism to
God. As St. Paul suggests. "No man
takcth this honor unto himself, but he
that is called of God. as vv Aarou."
i Hebrews v. 4.) The A;hCVs argu
ment Is that the Aurouic presthood
was typical of the higher Priesthood of
Jesus the Melchisedec Priesthood.
Aarou and his sons belonged to the
tribe specially called to the Divine
service; and they were specially called
out of that tribe to be the priests. The
antitype is Jesus, the High Priest or
Head Priest, over the under Priesthood
all the true members of the Church
of Christ. This St. Peter shows saying,
pot to the clerics, but to all the Church,
"Ye are a Royal Priesthood, a holy na
tion, a peculiar people, that ye should
show forth tlie praises of Him who
hnth called you out of darkness Into
His marvelous tight."-! Peter 11, 1).
As Aaron received an anointing, qual
ifying him for the typical priesthood, so
Jesus received an auoluting of the
Holy Spirit, qualifying Him to be the
Head or Chief Priest over nil the
Church, the uiuler-priesthood. The be
getting of the Holy Spirit came upon
Jesus at His baptism. That anointing
gave Him authority to preach and
teach In the Father's name. There Ills
ministry began, as He tells us Himself
in Ills sermon in the Nazareth syna
gogue, where He read the opening
verses of Isaiah lxl, aud declared that
their fulfilment had been reached in
Ills own person: "The Spirit of the
Lord God is upon Me; because the Lord
hath anointed Mo to preach good tid
ings unto the meek." Luke Iv, 17-iIl.
The Church Anointed to Preach.
While Jesus was with Ilia disciples,
ne sent them forth to preach in Nls
name, not In the Father's name; for
the Father had not yet acknowledged
them by giving them the anointing of
the Holy Spirit, as we read: "The
Holy Spirit was not yet given; because
Jesus was not yet glorified." (John vii,
39.) But when Jesus, having finished
nis ministry and sacrifice, was leaving
nis disciples He directed them not to
preach, but to tarry at Jerusalem "un
til ye be endued with power from on
IIigh."-Luke xxiv. 49.
The promised power from on High
came at Pentecost. Immediately tbey
began to preach and to teach; for they
had received the Divine anointing, as
Jesus had received it at the time of
Ills baptism. This Divine anointing
constituted their ordination, their au
thority from the Father as members
of the Body of Christ, the Royal Priest
hood, to lie His mouthpieces. This Di
vine anointing came not merely upon
the twelve Apostles; but It has nil
through this Gospel Age constituted
the blessed recognition of the Father
and of the Son to all who receive it.
In I he typical picture. Aaron hud the
holy anointing oil poured upon his
head, aud it ran down to the skirts of
his garment. All the members of His
Body thus came under the anointing.
So .Tcs'.:s, the Head of the Church, re
ceived the anointing at the beginning
of His ministry; and from IIIiu at
Pentecost by the Divine appointment
It has flowed down over all the mem
bers Of Ills Church. Every one re
ceivini' the anointing of the Holy Spir
it is a qualified ambassador of God to
speak in His name. As St. Peter says,
every sin h one Is a Royal Priest. St.
John refers to this same anointing,
saying. "Ye have an unction anoint
Ing from the Holy One. and ye all
know It."
Who Lack Divine Ordination?
From what we have said It must be
clear that no one Is entitled to speak
for the Almighty unless he have this
Divine Ordination of the Holy Spirit.
Human titles and human ordinations
nre wholly inadequate to make a real
preacher and teacher In the Church of
Christ. But the Spirit begotten are
fully authorized to use their every op
portunity under all circumstances and
conditions. There is no division of
these Spirit-begotten ones along the
lines of clergy and laity. God never
recognized Rtich distinctions and divi
sions. Ills ambassadors bear the
marks of identification that none oth
ers have. They have a knowledge of
the real Gospel, and of the real charac
ter of God. They are guided by the
Holy Spirit, step by step into the deep
things of God.
We submit that if a knowledge of the
Truth be an indication of an enlight
ening Influence of the Holy Spirit, then
not every preacher In the world gives
evidence of a Divine Ordination to
teach and to speak as a Divine Am
bassador. We must put away the fool
ishness of the Dark Ages, and the mis
conception that a few mumbled
phrases were ever the Divine method
of inducting the Royal Priesthood into
their service as ministers of the
The Gospel to Be Preached.
Let us note the Gospel which Jesus
was anointed to preach, and which we
as His members are anointed to
preach "Fear not! behold we bring
you good tidings of great joy which
shall be unto all people." "The Spirit
of the Lord Is upon me, because He
hath anointed me to preach good tid
ings to the meek."
Poor humanity Is already under the
Curse; and the Gospel Message is "good
tidings," that God bus provided a way
by whlf li we may as a race come out
from under the Curse. The Curse Is
death; and all of our aches and pains
and sorrows and tears are directly or
Indirectly associated with that Curse.
The Message of Jesus Is good tidings,
comfort to all broken-hearted ones,
saying, "God shall wipe away all tears
from their eyes; and there shall be no
more death, neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain"
there Revelation xxl. 4.
Scenes of Train Smash
Near Indianapolis In
Which 15 Were Killed.
v; .. - w
j k $t&k 3l- --Jessjsssls.
. i : '
1 v
.a... -1
4 ' s,
Tlx v SW
1 '
Photos by American PreM Association.
Above, passenger and freight engine
locked toKother In death clutch after
head-on collision on Cincinnati, Hamilton
and Dayton railroad at Irvlngton, a sub
urb of Indianapolis; below, third coach of
paRseiiRAr train telescoped with second
car. This shows where mout were killed.
Lackawanna Police Get Another
Letter from Slayer of Boy,
Buffalo, Nov 18 The police of
Iackawanna received another letter
from the confessed murderer of little
Joseph Josephs, whose decomposed
liO'ly was taken from a cesspool buck
of a saloon on the Ridge road. IJke
some of the other letters and postcards
received by the police and George Jo
sephs, father of the murdered hoy,
I his one asserts thai the writer In
tends to surrender
The letter is dated Nov. 15 and was
mailed in Do: ton. It is unsigned and
(l;c writer asserts his intention of giv
ing himself up to the Uickawannn po
lice Wednesday. The police place no
credent o in the promise of the writer
to appear voluntarily and every effort
is being made to capture him.
Mr. Josephs also received ten days
ago -in unsigned postcard In the same
handwriting, giving revolting details
of the murder of his son.
All letters In the hands of the police
undoubtedly were written by the same
man. Although some were neatly
penned, others were scrawls, in dis
jointed sentences. In the latter the
writer invariably refers to being
Effective Competition Said to Be Re
stored in Tobacco Trade.
New York, Nov. 18. In order not to
rest under campaign misrepresenta
tions, Perclval S Hill, president of
:ne American Tobacco company, in a
statement, details the process of disin
tegration which the company has un
dergone in compliance with the final
decree of the United States supreme
court, Issued Nov. 1G, 1911, and the
competitive conditions resulting there
from. To show the drastic nature of
the dissolution of the so called tobacco
trust, Mr. T 1 1 1 1 cites the distribution
among the shareholders of securities
valued at $100,(100,000, and earning $!).
000,000 a year.
Since the disintegration of the to
bacco trust was completed on Feb 20,
Mr. Hill states that competition In the
trade, both In buying and selling, has
been , complete and effective, for evi
dence cf which he points to higher
prices for the tobacco crop and the In
dependence of jobbers and retailers
Negro Slayer Eludes Police.
St. Iwis, Nov. 18 Although Riir
rounded In a railroad yard by thirty
policemen, Al Whitfield, the negro
who after midnight killed Patrolman
Arthur N. lluddleson and wounded
three policemen, eluded his pursuers,
dodging among empty boxcars, and
when daylight arrived could not be
found. C'hi"f of Police William
Young has offered a reward of $100 for
the capture, dead or alive, of Whit
field, who Is said to bo an ex convlet
Mrs. Lesh Sane Says Sheriff.
Sedalla. Mo, Nov. 18. Mrs. Pansy
Lesh. who confessed Nov. 2 ot Ios An
geles to murdering two women in
Missouri, arrived here In the custody
of Sheriff M. T. Henderson. She Is he
ing held at the county Jail, but Is not
locked in a ell, the sheriff believing
such precautions unnecessary. Sher
iff Henderson scoffs at the Idea that
the woman is Insane.
State Society Pledges to Aid Farmers
in Checking Plague.
Ames, la., Nov. 18. The Iowa Veter
inary afsociatlon has joined the farm
ers of the state in their demand for a
vigorous fight against hog cholera. In
resolutions adopted at its annual meet
ing at the Iowa state college the as
sociation declared that the state must
take up this work more thoroughly for
the protection of both public health
and live stock. It asked that not less
than $."0,000 he appropriated to build '
an adequate state 3crum laboratory,
and provide men to help the state vet
erinarian stamp out the epidemic.
"Hog cholera Is costing Iowa not
less than $15,000,000 this year." de
clared Dr. K. A Iluxton of Vinton, In
an address on the situation.
Diamond Salesman Was Held Up on
Train by Shercliffe.
Pes Moines, Nov. 18. W. G. Pol
lock of New York, who attained world
wide notice a decade ago, when he
was the victim of the Pollock diamond
rohherv on a train near Council IUuffs.
died in a local hospital, his malady re
sulting from the wounds he received
In the holdup.
In spite of his experience at the
hands of Frank Shercliffo, Mr Pollock
remained a diamond salesman to the
day of his death and was called to the
state where he was robbed to conduct
some large sales to Dcs Moines Jew
Court Upholds Indictments on
Gambling Charge.
Des Moines, Nov. 18. George Cos
bon, attorney general, received word
from Montezuma that he had won out
!n a caso In which fifty-seven citizens
iudtctod on gambling charges had
asked for a dismissal of the Indict
ments. Tin court held that the in
dictments were proper, and trat those
Involved must stand trial.
The Indictments resulted from the
raffling of an nutomobil3. Those, who
took part in the rallla contended that
each man was a shareholder, and that
it was not gnmhling to draw lots to
see which of the shareholders got the
motor car. Shares In the automobile
were rb'alm?d by making purchases
of goo'Is at the stom. The store
keepers lolntlv purchased the nutomo
Ville and offered It as a prize.
Mr. Cof-son said that his victory
racana that the practice of gombling In
this way will be ended in the state.
Train Posses Over William Yhurman
at Perry.
Perry, la., Nov. 18. William Thur
man, an engineer employed by the
lrlmer-Gallagher Construction com
puny, fell from his engine cab and was
run over by his train.
Although toe attending physician
pronounced his Injuries fatal, the Mil
waukee sent Ulm on a special train to
Mercy hospital in D'-s Moines. Thur
man was leaning out of the cab win
dow when a sudden lurch of the en
glne, which was running over a tern
Krary track, threw him out. The en
glne a ml two of the dump cars passed
over him.
Petition for Special Election It Being
Ottumwa, la., Nov. 18. Petitions to
the city council requesting the mayor
t3 call a special election to vote on
tno niat'er of changing to the commia
felon form of government &re In clrcn
lotion. A committee Is ongaged In se
curing signatures and the campalgr.
will continue until the names of 1.20C
voters have been secured. A total ol
118 replies was received by Secretary
Wiedonfeller. This number was dlvld
cd as follows: Favorable, 101; unfa
vorable, 9; noncommittal, 8
Sheriff Purchases Two Bloodhounds
Waterloo, la.. Nov. 18 In order tc
supply Iowa with highly trained and
experienced bloodhoundB. Sheriff
Shores has purchased a half interest
In two of the best dogs In the H. G
Strumpfer kennols of Springfield, 111
The animals nre both of the English
type, and hive trailed numerous crlm
Inals. They will be here Dec. 1, and
a trained man will come with them
and be fn the sheriff's employ.
New York Horse Show Opens,
New York, Nov. 18. The horse
show !e open and the Boclal season Is
on. As o horse show this year's ex
hlblt premises to excel In Interest any
previous exhibition hero. The entries
exceed In number last yenr's record
total, while the Increased competition
In tli harness classes Is a feature.
Three Killed, Three Hurt.
Dwlght, III., Nov. 18. Three passen
gers riding In u transfer omnibus were
killed and three probnbly fatally In
Jured when the vehicle was struck and
demolished by a Chicago and Alton
train. The dead are: James Gregory,
John revere, Miss Nellie Strickland
New Petition at Ottumwa.
Ottumwo, la., Nov. IS. The saloon
petition will bo placed In circulation
this week by the Ottumwa Taxpayers'
Protective association.
Formal Opening of Canal Will
Not Occur Until 1914.
Annual Report of Canal Commission
Makes Intention of, Builders. More
Definite Unusual Obstacles Sur.
mounted by Engineers' Ingenuity.
Washington, Nov. 18. Some time
next summer or fall, no exact date be
ing specified, a vessel will pass from
the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean
across what is now the isthmus of
Panama, which consequently must dis
appear from tlio world's geography,
and by the same human agency the
western hemisphere will be divided In
to two continents. The vessel will
Hot be the Oregon nor any other fa
mous ship, but will bo one of the many
email water craft In dally use by the
canal builders; and probably the only
passengers vlll be Colonel George W.
Goethals, and the staff of American en
gineers, who for tho last eight years
have been carrying on the greatest
engineering work the world has ever
seen. It will he later than that, any
where from six months to a year, per
haps, before the formal opening of the
waterway will take place and a naval
fleet, headed by the famous old Ore
gon, will pans through into the western
ocean, and the canal may be fairly
nald to be open to trade.
Will Finish -One Side First
These fact" are not of official rec
ord as yet; the date of Jan. 1, 1915,
still stands for the opening predicted
by Colonel Goethals. But that the
opening will be anticipated to a great
extent has been promised by the canal
builders In unofficial statements, and
now conies a clear Intimation of their
purpose to advance the opening date,
In the annual report of the canal com
mission, Just published. It Is dis
closed while the completion of the
great locks by Jan. 1 next will not he
possible, owing to contract delays,
within six months thereafter the chan
nel will be finished, while to Insure
the safe passage of tho locks, the con
tractor has been called upon to finish
the gates in one flight first, so that If
the rest of the work Is in condition
passage of ships can be permitted
without waiting for the completion of
the other flights. This statement will
bo understood when it Is known that
the great locks are being built in du
plicate, Rld by side, not only to add
to the capacity of the canal, but to In
sure Its continuance In operation In
case of a serious accident to a ship In
one of the locks.
The report shows a moRt satisfac
tory state of progress of the whole
great work. Naturally the most Inter
estlng feature of the report relates to
the operations In the great Culebra
cut. Here great landslides, many rank
ing with an Alpine avalanche in mag
nitude, have so Increased the amount
of material to be excavated that were
It not found possible steadily to re
duce the cost per yard of dredging and
Btenm shoveling through the growing
expertness of the employees and Im
proved engineering methods, the total
cost of excavation would have been
vastly greater than tho estimates.
One Way to Deal With Slides.
There Is only one way to deal with
these slides, and that is to dig them
out as they occur, though soma help
Is gained by terraclngthe upper banks.
That Is because tho geological forma
tion changes so frequontly and sudden
ly that no other effective treatment
has been found. So unstable Is the
earth that the material In one part of
the. cut begins to move on on Inclina
tion as low as one on seven, owing to
the mass of stratified rock sliding over
a layer of lignite. One slide now in
motion, near the bridge of Culebra,
covers nn area of sixty-three . acres,
from which 2,710.000 yards have al
reouy been removed, leaving 1,300,000
Rt ill to be hnndlcd.
The fticouraging feature of tht
heavy work at that point Is found In
the statement In tho report "that none
of the sllds, which occurred during
the year would have Interfered with
the rnssag. of ships hod the canal
been In operation."
Already the appropriations made by
emigres" for the canal hove run Into
big figures, the total up to June 30 lasf
being $293,5111,408 and hlnce that date
there have been additional approprla
Hons, exclusive of those for fortlflca
tions, oniountlng to $28,980,000, niak
ing the grand total $322,541,468 On
June 30, of nil the appropriations, the
engineers had expended C0 per cent
of the total estimated cost of the canal
Jannus Reaches St. Louis.
St Louis, Nov. 18. Tony Jannus
in his hydroaeroplane, made the thirty
six miles from St. Charles to St. Loula
In two easy jumps. He now has cov
ered 771 miles of the distance from
Omaha to New Orleans and his actual
flying time has been even fourteeir
Jumps 150 Feet Into East River.
New York, Nov. 18. Charlotte V
Westland, n young widow, committed
suicide by plunging 150 feet Into the
East river from the Manhattan bridge
Ex-Senator Terrell of Georgia Dead.
Atlanta, Nov. 18 Former United
States Senator Joseph M. Terrell,
twice governor of Georgia, died at hL
homo hwre.