Quality Then T vff 7 Price! yl Look TTV Before I 1 I Buy jL TRYi. Fl RST Isn't it a fair proposition? We do not expect you to buy here if we can not show you as good goods at just as low price, but if we can, wouldn't you just as soon buy here? That's why we ask you to try Plattsmouth first. Just give us a chance to show you. For Pay Day Week we offer some special inducements: High-Grade Quality Clothes 020 to $35 s10 , s15 Men's all Men's wool blue brown and serge suits gray m i x sold in Norfolk or many plain sack cities at suits in the $15 latest styles sg s(j for boy's for Men's all wool 1 a t e st in Knicker- ov ercoats bocker suits belted or with peg- plain all top pants. colors. . , Wescott's Sons ALWAYS THE HOME OF SATISFACTION GHOPIE ENGINE GETS DOWN TO BUSINESS From Wedneodtty's Dally. Yesterday afternoon the Chopio Gasoline Engino company made a "heal" of five Ions of iron igots, which wore used in tho casting of the different parts of the engine. The making of tho castings was a very interesting sight, as the iron came running out into the pots like water and was then poured into tho different moulds which had heen prepared and which consisted of the different parts that goes into the making of the famous Chopio engines. This company, since its re organization, is advancing right along and wherever the engine is used it is giving universal satis faction, as it is the simplest, as well as tho cheapest gasoline en g'ne sold today in any part of the country and is the best engine for the farmer or person having an engino for general use, as it can ho used for running any kind of machinery. Harry Rynott of Bur lington, la., has taken a position in tho factory, and as ho is an ex pert machinist and foundry man, will prove a valuable assistant to Mr. Chopie in his work. To Hold Examination. There will bo teachers' exam ination held Friday and Saturday, November 15 and 1(5, at Ihe super intendent's olllce, and also at Weeping Water, Elmwood and Greenwood. Visits Here Sunday. From Tuosday'8 Dally. l'aiil Toren, formerly of I his eily, spent Sunday here with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. lus Johnson, at (heir home, "River view." Mr. Toren still thinks that Platlsmoulh is "the" town and spoke very highly of it. He is employed as stenographer in the JUirlinglon station at Lincoln, where he is rapidly rising in the estimation of his employers, and we are looking for a speedy and higher promotion. RECTOR 11S0N RECEIVES QUITE A UNIQUE CARD Hector Allen (i. Wilson of St. Luke's parish in this city, receiv ed the following on a postal card, addressed to him by a brother rector at Mexico, Mo.: 'My Dear Namesake of Our Future President: "We take our stand at Oyster Bay, battling for our board (after T. II.) Keep your I on Wilson. "Yours, J. II. II." While Rector Wilson seemed elated over receiving the card, we are not informed as to whether the election of his namesake to the presidency was in accordance to his political views or not. That does nut make any particular dif ference, so long as he pleases his parishioners. Mr. and Mrs. Wil son have already won great favor in the hearts of all our people. JUDGE TRAVIS ATTENDS THE FUNERAL OF CAPT. ENYART From AVedntHday's Daily. District Judge II. I). Travis re turned last evening from Ne braska City, where ho was in at tendance at the funeral of the late Captain Logan Enyart, who had been a warm personal friend of the .judge for the past twenty years. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in that city and was attended by all of his rela tives from all parts of the country, as well as a great number of friends from different parts of this state and Missouri, including Colonel dates of St. Joseph, Mis souri, who canmianded the regi ment in which Captain Enyart served during the civil war. Steady Growth Proves Service Value People only acquire those things which are of more valuable to them than the cost thereof. The steady growth of the Telephone System in Nebraska it irrefutable evidence of its worth to the public, and of the excellence of its service. Every day many new telephones are installed in the State. This is convincing proof of the sincerity of the public's appreciation of the value of the ser vice. The telephone is a vital factor in the pleasure, comfort and prosperity of the people who use it. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager For Sale Cheap. My residence, splendid, well built house, in good condition. Two full lots. Water in house. Mrs. Emily Dickson, Mordock's Store, Sixth street. li-2-2wks-d&w. DC DC Il II U n U88lJrosl8ds clCi Our line of Wool Dress Goods and Silks was never quite as complete as they are this Fall. If you want to buy satisfaction with your money it will pay you big to look our line over. ST. MAID'S GUILD MEETS WITH MRS. J. E. M1NIEL IKE PLATTSMOUTH CASS COUNTY Make I'lultsmouth and Cass county a better place to live in. How? By interesting yourself in the Chopio Gasoline Engine Com pany (Limited). Get in and boost for yourself by buying some stock in this plant. The man who really boosts is tho one financially interested. By so doing you are helping to bring thousands of other dollars to remain here. Dollars invested in foreign lands and slocks go out of the county return. Let's reverse i this. The Chopie Gasoline Engine The ladies of St. Mary's Guild held a very pleasant and profit able meeting at the home of Mrs. j never to J. E. McDaniel yesterday after noon. While preparing for the has proved itself in this county as boost. We know wo can make this community a big manufactur ing center if you help us. We know we have the best engino in the United States. John A. Chopiseka, President. Ed Rynott, Vice President. II. M. Soennichsen, Treasurer. Sam G. Smith, Secretary and Sales Manager. With the addition of A. Geise, constitute the Board of Directors. Christinas shop, which the ladies will have during the early part of December, tho ladies of this or ganization will meet every Tues day afternoon instead of every a wonderful gasoline engine, so help us to send this engine all over the world. Let's make our land not $100", but $500 per acre land. This plant js the founda- other Tuesday, as is customary, i tion that will get other industrial 0 A beautiful line of Serge, 1 yard Two other lines of Serge, 44- wide in Black, Brown, Navy and Red inches wide, all colors at per yard at 50c Yard 75 and 85c In our 54-inch wide lines of Serge Whip cords, all wool and all no one shows a better line than we the fashionable shades, 44-in wide have. All colors at per yard at $1.00 per yard; 54-in wide at SI, SI.25, 1,40, SI.75 and $2 SI.75 and $2.00 Yard Taffata Silk, 1 yard wide; the Duchess Satin, one yard wide; kind you can depend on at something better than common at 75c, 85c and Sl.00 Yard $1,50 and $2,00 Changeable Taffatas, one yard Charmeuse Satin 42-in wide; wide at per yard the kind they ask $3.00 and $3.50 i i in the cities our price $1.00 and $1,50 gg.50 Yard The usual business session was held, after which the ladies spent some very busy moments plan ning and stitching on articles to be sold at this Christmas shop. At a convenient time the hostess served some excellent refresh ments, and at the hour of 5 the ladies departed for their homes, pronouncing the afternoon a most delightful one. Mrs. D. O. Dwycr and daughter, Miss Lillian, as sisted Mrs. McDaniel in enter taining the ladies, and Miss Vir ginia McDaniel assisted in serving. 0 "The Men of Their Choice." President Hush of the Missouri Pacific ordered that the men in the employ of his company should bo given a half holiday on Novem ber 5 so that they might have plenty of time to voto. They were released from their duties in order, jfs an official order ran, "to enable them to exercise the privilege of American citizenship nnd vote for the man of their choice." Concerning the order the St. Louis Times said: "There was a time when the railroads were supposed to exert an improp er influence upon their employes in the matter of elections. Per haps it is safe to believe that a minimum of such influence ever existed. Nevertheless, it may serve (ho ends of justice to give; full publicity to tho step which was taken in St. Louis Tuesday by tho president of a great railroad." plants here We are incorporated for $200,1 000. Most of this stock will be sold out of Cass county, but we want you all to take a small quantity of our stock. It is issued in common and preferred. We think it as safe an investment as a government bond. Come in and share the profits with us. Our preferred stock guarantees you seven per cent. Common slock shares in the further profits of the company. All stock is non-assessable and limited in liability to the money you invest. All stock is issued in share at $10.00 each, and if you cannot take but one share, take it now; we want your . T. H. POLLOCK ENTER TAINS FOR THE NEWELLS From Wednesday's Dally. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Pollock entertained a number of their friends at a most enjoyable seven-course dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Newell of Chi cago. The guests were treated to some wild duck, which was served in a most delightful manner, and the guests were loud in their praise of Mr. Pollock, who had se cured the fowls while out hunting Saturday. After the dinner the guests amused themselves play ing "Pit," at which game Mrs. N. C. Abbott and Dr. E. W. Cook suc ceeded in carrying off the prizes, which consisted of beautiful chrysanthemums. The dining room of the Pollock homo was decorated very tastefully, and with the open fire in the, fireplace, made a charming scene. Misses Hall'ie Parinele and Ellen Pollock assist ed in entertaining. The guests of this delightful occasion were: Messrs. and Mesdames J. M. Rob erts, E. W. Cook, R. F. Patterson, N. C. Abbott - and Mr. and Mrs. Newell of Chicago. 0 We have somespecial priced Rugs for you this week. f o ilalUlJ (fulfil "Tells the Whole Story." To say that Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is best for children and grown persons and contains no opiates tells only part of the tale. The whole story is that it is the best medicine for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and other affections of tho throat, chest and lungs. Stops la grippe, coughs nnd has a healing and soothing effect. Remember the name, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, ami accept no substitutes. For sale by Fricke & Co. You have to be Murdock's Store is the place to get galvanized ware, tubs, buckets ami boilers, granite and tinware, china and glassware, men's underwear and hose, ladies' handkerchiefs, books, post cards and toys. Prices right. ll-li-3td-2lwkly a live one now days whether it's athletics, politics or business. This is a live clothing store. Always alive to the new est ideas for the benefit of our custombers. It's a store that's neither high priced nor "cheap." It's the kind ot a store that nine out of every ten prefer when they have anything to buy. It's quality that's high here; and prices low.' Just now we're showing special values in suits and overcoats at $15, $18, $20, $22.50 and $25. We're ready to show you any day. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats DC