A f 1 oo ' 0 ! The Honor -of the- PROLOGUE. Up in the "Big Snows," near the dome of the earth, lies the scene of this story of real men and real women, who have all of the virtues of their hardening en vironment and few of the failings pf their more civilized relatives. This is a tale for reading when one is tired of the artificialities of civilization or at any other time when a good story is appre ciated. You will find in it ro mance and adventure and mystery mixed in such skillful manner and in such proportion that no ingre dient inter feres with another. Yet all go to make fine reading for women who like to hear of brave deeds and sacrifice for love's sake and for men with even a drop of the spirit of adventure in their veins. And one thing more the author has livedamong the people whose lives he de scribes, and he knows how to tell a story. CHAPTER V. For Hp. THE malemute leader flung open bis Jaws In a deep baylngtrl. umph, and with a savage "yell Jean cracked his caribou whip oxer hla bock. He saw the man ahead of him lean over the end of bis sledge as be urged his dogs, but the huskies went no faster, and then he caught a glitter of something that flashed for a moment In the sun. "Ahl" said Jean softly as a bullet sang orer his head. "lie fires at Jean de Gravolsl" He dropped his whip. and there was a warm glow of happl ness In his little dark face as he level ed his rifle over the backs of hts male- mutes, "lie fires at Jean de Gravols, and it is Jean who can hamstring a caribou at 300 yards on the run!" For an instant, at the crack of his rifle there was no movement ahead. then something rolled from the sledge and lay doubled up in the snow. A hundred yards beyond it the huskies stopped in a rabble and turned to look at the approaching strangers. Beside it Jean stopped, and when be saw the face that stared up at him, he clutched his thin hands In bis long black hair and cried out In shrill amaze ment and horror: "The saints in heaven. It is the mls sloner from Churchill!" lie turned the man over and fonnd where his bullet had entered under one arm and come out from under the other. There was no spark of life left The mlssloner was already dead. "The mlssloner from ChurchlUT be gasped again. He looked np at the warm sun and kicked the melting snow under bis moccasined feet "It will thaw very soon," he said to himself, looking again at the dead man "and then he will go Into the lake." De beaded his malemutes back to the forest. Then be ran out and cut the traces of the exhausted huskies, and with bis whip scattered them in free dom over the ice. "Go to the wolves I" he shouted In Crea "Illde yourselves from the post, or Jean de Gravols will cut out your tongues and take your skins off alive!" When he came back to the top of the mountain Jean fonnd Iowaka making hot coffee, while Jan was bundled up In furs near the Ore. "It is as I said," she called. "He la alive!" Thus it happened that the return of Jean de Gravols to the post was even more dramatic than he bad schemed It to be, for be brought back with him not only n beautiful wife from Church Ill, but also the half dead Jan Thoreau from the scene of battle on the moun tain. And In the mystery of it all he reveled for twodays, for Jean de Gra vols said not a word about the dead man on the lake beyond the forest, nor did the huskies come back into their UUUHge IU D 1UUL VI lug UJloaiUB ujjsaiuuarj. From the day after the caribou roast the fur gatherers began scattering The Eskimos left the next morning. On the second day Mukee's people from the west set off along the edge of the Barrens. Most of the others left by ones and twos into the wilderness to the south and east Less than a dozen still put off their return to the late spring trapping, and among these were Jean de Gravols and his wife. Jean waited until too third day. Then be went to see Jan. The boy was bolstered up in his cot with Cummins balancing the little Melissa on the edge of the bed when he came in. For a time Jean sat and watched them in silence. Then be made a sign to Cummins, who Joined him at the door. "I am going the Athabasca way to day," be said. "1 wish to talk with the boy before I go. I have a word to say to him which no ears should hear but his own. Will It be rlghtr "Talk to him as long as you like," said Cummins, "but don't worry him about the missionary. You'll not get Copyright. 1911. bu the Bobbs- Merrill Co. ... .... o a word from htm." Jan's eyes spoke with a devotion greater than words as Jean de Gra vols came and sat close beside him. Qe knew that It was Jean who bad brought him alive into the post "Ah, It was wan be-e a-u-tlfnl fight" be said softly. "You are a brave boy. Jan Thoreau!" "You did not see Itr asked Jan. Unconsciously the words came from Im in French Jean caught one of his thin bands and laughed Joyfully. for the sp'rlt of Im was French to the bottom of bin soul. "1 see It No. neither 1 nor lowaka. but there '.t was In the snow, as plain as the eyes tn your face. And did not follow the trail that etaggeret; down the mountain, while lowakn brought you back to life? And when 1 came to the lake did I not see some thing black out upon It like a charred log? And when I came to It was it not the (lend body of the mlssloner from Churchllll Eh. Jan ThoseauY" Jan sat up lu bis bed. with a sharp cry. "The thaw will open up the lake in I few days. Then be will go down In the first slush." And Jean looked about him cautiously again and whispered low "If you see anything about the dead mlssloner that you do not under itand think of Jean do Gravols." e rose to bis feet and bent over Jan's white face. "1 am golug the Athabasca way to day," be finished. "Perhaps, .lan Thor eau, you will hear after a time that It would be best for Jean du Grarols never to return again to this l'osj, Luc Bain. If so you will find hliu be tween Fond du Lac and the Beuver river." lie passed out When Cummins returned be found Jan's cheeks flushed and the boy in a fever. "Devil take that G.ravolst" be growl ed. "De has been a brother to me," said Jan simply. "I love him." On the second day after the French man's departure Jan rose free of the fever which had threatened him for a time, and In the afternoon bo har nessed Cummins' dogs. The last of the trappers had started from the post that morning, their sledges and dogs sink ing heavily in the deepening slush, and Jan Bet off over the smooth toboggan trail made by the company's agent In bis return to Fort Churchill. This trail followed close along the base of the ridge upon which be bad fought the missionary, joining that of Jean de Gravols mtlc9 beyond. Jan climbed the ridge. From where be had made his attack he followed the al most obliterated trail of the French man and his malemutes until be came to the lake, and then be knew that Jean de Gravols bad spoken the truth, for be found the missionary with his face half burled In the slush, stark dead. He no longer bad to guess at the meaning of Jean's words. The bullet bole under the dead man's arms was too large to escape eyes like Jan's. Into the little bidden world which be treas ured In his heart there came another fuce, to remuln always wttb blm-tbe face of the courageous little forest dandy who was hurrying with his bride back Into the country of the Athabasca. v From that night Jan's eyes were no longer filled with the nervous, glitter ing flashes which at times bad given him an appearance almost of madness. In place of their searching suspicions, there was a warmer and more com panionable glow, and Cummins felt the effect of the change. A Cree trapper bad found Jan's vio lin in the snow and bad brought It to Maballo. Before Cummins finished bis supper the boy began to play, and he continued to play until the lights at the post went out and both the man and the child were deep In sleep. Then Jan stopped. There was the lire of a keen wakefulness In his eyes as he carefully unfastened the strings of his Instrument and held It closo to the oil lamp, so that be could peer down hrouirh the narrow aperture In the Bio Snows Altar IF "Tte box. lie looked asnln at Cummins. The man was sleeping with bis face to the wall With the hooked wire which he used for cleaning bis revolver Jan listied gently at the very end of the box. and after three or four efforts the wire -uupbt lu something soft which tie pulled toward him. Through the Imlpe In the "V" bole he dragged forth a small, tightly rolled cylinder of failed red cloth. For a tew moments tie sat watching the deep lirenthlng of Cummins, un rolling the cloth us he watched, until tie had HpreiKl out upon the table be fore hi in h number of closely written pages of paper, lie weighted them at one end wlih his violin and held them down Ht the other with his hands The wrltln; whs In French. Several of the page were lu a heavy mascu line hand, the words running one upon another so closely thnt In places they seemed to he connected, and from them Jan took his lingers, so that they rolled up like a spring. Over the otb ers he U-nt his head, and there came from hliu n low, sobbing breath. On these panes the writing was that of a woman, and from the paper there still rose a faint sweet scent of helio trope. For half an bonr Jan gazed open them, reading tbe words slowly until he cume to tbe last page. A new and strange longing crept Into bis heart He stretched out his arms, with tbe papers and bis violin clutched In bis bands, as if a wonder ful spirit was calling to him. For the first time In his lonely life It came to bim-thls call of the great world beyond the wilderness and sud denly be crushed the woman's letter to his lips, and bis voice burst from him In whispering, thrilling eagerness: "1 will come to you some day w'en r.e leetle Melissa come too." lie rolled the written pages togeth er, wrapped them tn the faded red cloth and concealed them again in the oox of bis violin before he re-entered tbe cabin. Tbe next morning Cummins stood In the door and said: "How warm the sun Is! The snow and Ice are going. Jan It's spring. We'll house the sledges today and begin renliiiR the dogs on fish." Each day thereafter the sun rose earlier, the dnv was longer and the air wns wanner, nnd with the warmth there now cnnie the sweet scents of the budding enrtb and the myriad sounds of the deep, unseen life' of the forest nwnkeuinu from Its long slum iter In Its lied of now. The iost tell hnck Into Its old ways Now and then h visitor came In from nut of the 'orcHi. hut he 'remained for only n day r two taking hnck Into the xnlltndi with til in n few of the lu-rcxs.-irlcs "i life. Williams wns busy preparing Uih ImhiUs tor the cotu'.ng Of (he compile chle' ngent trotn I -on don. nnd Oininlns. who wis helping !he factor, had a good deal of extra time on his bands. tterore the last of the snow was one be and Jan begnn dragging in ogs for an addition which they plan led for tbe little cabin. Basking out ii tbe sun, with a huge bearskin for a ioor, Melisse looked upon the new lome building with wonderfulemon itratlons'of Interest Cummins' face flowed with pleasure as she kicked ind scrambled on the bearskin and ;ave shrill voiced approval of their tfforts. Jan wns the happiest youth In the world. It was certain that the little Melisse, nearly six months old, under itood what they were doing. As the weather grew warmer and tprlng chnnged into summer Jan took Melisse upon short excursions with him Into the forests, and he picked for her great armfuls of flowers and arctic ferns. The grave was nev er without fresh offerings, tnd the cabin, with Its new addition complete, was always filled with the beautiful things that spring up out of the earth. Jan and Melisse were happy, and in tbe Joys of these two there was pleas ure for tbe others of tbe post as there had been happiness in the presenco of the woman. Only upon Cummins had there settled a deep grief. The changes of spring and summer, bring ing with them all that this desolate world held of warmth and beauty, fill ed him with tbe excruciating pain of his great grief, as if the woman bad died but yesterday. At Irut his gaunt frame thinned by sleepless nights and days of mental torture, he said that the company's business was calling him to Churchill, and early in August be left for the bay. He left Mcllsse in care of Jan, and the child seemed to recognlzo the guardinnsblp. When Cummins came back from Fort Churchill In the autumn he brought with him a pack full of things for Mellsso, Including new books nnd papers, for which he had spent a share of his Benson's earnings. As he was freeing these treasures from their wrapping of soft caribou Bkln, with Jon nnd Melisse both looking on, he stopped suddenly nnd glanced from his knees up at the boy. "Tbcy'ro wondering over at Church Ill what became of the missionary who left with the mall, Jan. They suy he was Inst seen at the Etawney." "And not here 7" replied Jan quickly. "Not that they know of," said Cum mlns, ,bI1I keeping his eyes. on. the boy." 'The maii who drove him never got back to Churchill. They're won dering where the driver went too. A company officer has gone up to the Etawney. and It is possible be may come over to Lac Bain. I don't believe he'll find the missionary." "Neither do I," said Jan quite coolly. "He Is probably dead, and the wolves and foxes have eaten hlra before this or uiebby ze feesh!" , Cummins resumed his task of un packing, nnd among the books which he brought forth there were two which be gave to Jan. "The supply ship from London came In while I was at Churchill, and those came with It" he explained. "They're school books. There's going to be a school at Churc'hill next winter, and the winter after thnt It will be at York factory, clown on the Hayes." He set tled back on his heels and looked at Jan. "It's the first school thnt bus ever come nearer than 400 miles of us. That's at Prince Albert" For many succeeding days Jan took long walks alone lu the forest trails and silently thrashed out the two prob lems which Cummins had brought bnck from Churchill for him. Should he warn Jenu de Gravols that a company officer was Investigating tho disappear ance of the mlsslonaryl At first his Impulse was to go at once Into Jenn's haunts beyond Fond du Lac and give him the news, but even If the officer did come to Tost Lac Bain how would he know thnt tho missionary was at tbe bottom of the lake and that Jean de Gravols was accountable for it! So In tbe end Jan decided that It would be folly to stir up the little hunt er's fears, and be thought no more of the company's Investigator who had gone up to the Etawney. (To He Continued.) Local News From Tuesday's Dally. C. F. Harris of near Union was in the city today attending to business mailers. C. Hengen, sr., of Mynnrd was in I lie city yesterday afternoon looking after some business mat ters. Luke Wiles was in tin city to day, driving in from his farm to look after some mailers of busi ness. Lee Mavlleld, editor of the Louisville Courier, was in the city today altendinp to some business matters nl the. court house. Miss Carrie (ircenwahl was a passenger for Omaha yesterday nfleriioun. where she looked after business mall ers for a short lime. C. Hengen, sr., of near Mynard, was in tin- city yesterday looking after some mailers of business. Mr. Hengen is not felling in I lie besl of licitllh. M. Fangcr of Missouri Valley wns in (lie city yesterday for a few hours looking after his busi ness interests in Ibis city, depart ing on No. 23 yesterday after noon. Mark While of Hock Hind's pre cinct was in the cily yeslerdav looking alter some business mat ters and lo meet MrsWhilo, who returned from Omaha last even ing on No. 2. C. E. Wescolt and wife departed I Ii is morning on No. 15 for Los Angeles, California, where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Wescolt recently pur chased a handsome, residence in that city nnd expect to at least spend the winters in that mild climate. From Wednesday's Dally. F. A. Davis of Weeping Water was in the city yesterday looking after some matters of business. Will Mordock, proprietor of the Racket store, came in this after noon on No. 2 i to look after busi ness matters for tio day. Frank fiobelman, tho expert painter, was a passenger this morning for Omaha, where ho at tended to some matters of busi ness, -r Mrs. Oscar Freeberg, who has been here visiting her husband, who is employed in the local shops, departed this morning for her home in Lincoln. Joseph Wolpcrt of Manley was attending lo some business mat ters in this cily today and called at this olllce for tho purpose of renewing his subscription to this paper. S. O. Cole, who is one of tho leading farmers near Mynard, and son, Mierman, were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they looked after business mailers for the day. Counly Attorney Taylor today filed a complaint against W. L Miller and August Eickjost, charging Iheni wild being drunk The complaint, was filed before Justice M. Archer. George Taylor and Iwo sons were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they go to attend the funeral of Mr. Taylor's uncle, Harvey Stevens, who dropped dead on the streets of Omaha yesterday, Michael Martin departed this al feiiiKoii for Omaha, where he will isit relatives. Judge Beeson, wife ami little daughter, Helen, were Omaha visitors this afternoon. D. O. Dwyer and wife were Oma ha visitors today, pomp to that city on No. 23 this afternoon. Mrs. Charles Kraft returned this morning to her homo at Glen wood, after a short visit here with Mrs. A. E. (iass. Judge J. l Woods of Louis ville was in tho city today attend ing to some business matters at the court house. Frank H. Dunbar was a pas senger this morninp for Omaha, where he looked after business mat I ers for a few hours. Mrs. John Donelan was a pas senger this morninp for Nebraska City, where she will visit her sis ter, Mrs. Caspar Thypeson. 8. O. Cole of the vicinity of My nard was altendinp to some busi ness mailers in this city today and was a pleasant caller at this olllce. Hev. Theodore llartman of Louisville was in (lie city today altendinp to some business mat ters and visiting with his friends. Mrs. Jacob Vallery and daugh ter, Miss Mathilde, departed this afternoon for Omaha, where they will visit with relatives for a short time. Bartllng "Identified." This is the manner that a Lin coin correspondent goes about lo identify Senator Henry Dartling. He 6ays: Henry II. Hartling, the man whose voto in tho stato senate do cided the fate of tho county option bill, was re-elected to tho senate by a majority of 91, and has taken his pick of the pood seals in tho senate chamber. Ho was elected on tho republican ticket over Sen ator Banning, democrat, of Cass county. Hartling got in the lime light of the last session of tho legislature by casting tho deciding vote against county option and liy pushing a Sunday base ball bill up to the governor, wherp it was vetoed. Nebraska City News. Geo. P. Eastwood, Successor to John Bauer. To all old customers, as well as to all new ones, I ask you to call and get my pricesi I have the largest nnd best assorted stock of Builders' Hardware; also the most complete line of Cook Stoves and Ranges and Hard Coal, Soft Coal and Wood Heaters ever shown in Plattsmouth. Also a car of nails and a car of American Held fence. We buy direct from tho factory nnd are in a position to make a better price than you have ever had. We solicit your trado. "A square deal and prompt at tention" is my motto. 0. P. EASTWOOD. Twinges of rheumatism, back- acne, sun .onus ami snooting pains all show your kidneys are no working right. Urinary ir regualrit ies, loss of sleep, ner vousness, weak hack and sore kidneys tell the need of a good, re liable kidney medicine. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic, strength ening and restorative. They build up the kidneys and regulate their action. They will give you quick relief and contain no habit-form ing drugs. Safe nnd always sure. Try them. For sale by Fricke & Co. Thanks the Voters. I desire to express my apprecia tion of the kindness and support that the citizens of Cass county gave me in my canvass for the olllce of county assessor at the last election, and I promise to serve them to tho best of my ability and that they will not have occasion to regret tbe choice they have made. W. H. Bryan. Chas. S. Hedge', 14G E. 2nd St., Hastings, Neb., writes: "I have been troubled with severe pains in my back and kidneys, nnd pains were especially severe mornings I have used three boxes of your Foley Kidney Pills and tho pains have entirely left me. I now fee well as ever." For sale by Fricke & Co. Card of Thanks. I desire, through tho columns of this paper, to thank my friends for the liberal support and honor shown me on election day, and assure them that Cass county wil remain on the map after the legis lative session. Yours truly, J. J. (Justin. For Sale. Twenty-ono acres of good land just outside of tho city limits on North Eighth and Ninth streets No city taxes. Will sell cheap for cash. Call on Mrs. J. E, Lesley for particulars. Known All Men by These Pres ents, that we, Jno. A. Chopieska, fcam G. Smith, D. O. Dwyer, II. M. Soennichsen and John T. Lain- ert, so associated ourselves to gether for the purpose of form ing and becoming a corporation in the State of Nebraska, for the transaction of the business here inafter described. 1. The name of the corpora tion shall be the Chopio Gasoline Engine Company (Limited). The principal place of transacting its business shall be in the city of Plallsmouth, County of Cass, and State of Nebraska. The nature of the business lo be transacted by said corpora tion shall be the manufacture and sale of gasoline engines, other engines, and machinery and the erect ion and maintenance of such buildings and structures as may be deemed necessary, and to pur chase real estato for a site there fore, and to procure any and all necessary property, both real and personal, incidental lo or re quired in the manufacture of gasoline engines. 3. The authorized capital stock of said corporation shall be Two Hundred Thousand Dol lars, divided into shares of ten dollars each, to bo subscribed and paid for as required by the Board of Directors. One-half of said stock shall bo preferred, and which preferred stock shall draw seven per cent, to be paid out of the net earnings of the company, per annum. The other half shall bo common stock, on which dividends shall bo paid as the Board of Directors might de termine. Only the owners of the common stock shall bo entitled to participate in tho further profits, election of officers and manage ment of tho Company. All of sail stock shall bo non-assessable. 4. Tho existence of this corporation shall commence on the 5th day of October, 1912, and continue during tho period of twenty-five years. 5. Tho business of said cor poration shall bo conducted by a Board of Directors not to exceed five in number, to be elected by the stockholders of the common slock. Tho first election 6f directors shall take place at Plallsmouth, Nebraska, on tho day of October, 1912, and thereafter such election to take place at such time and bo con ducted in such manner as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of said corporation. fi. The oflleers of said cor poration shall be president, vice president, secretary, treasurer. and a general manager, who shall o chosen by the Board of Direct um, and shall hold their olllce for the period of one year and until their successors shall bo elected and qualified. 7. The highest amount of in lebledness to which said corpora tion shall at any time subject it self shall not be more than two thirds of-its issued and paid up capital stock. 8. The manner of holding the meeting of stockholders for the election of oflleers, and the method of conducting the busi ness of the corporation, shall be as provided in the by-laws adopted by the Board of Directors. In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands this 5th day of October, 1912. Jno. A. Chopieska. Sam Ci. Smith. II. M. Soennichsen. D. 0. Dwyer. John T. Lambert. In presence of Bessie Shea. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cass Counly, ss. On this 2nd day of October, 1912, before me, Bessio Shea, a notary public, in and for said county, personally appeared the above named Jno. A. Chopieska, Sam O. Smith, I). 0. Dwyer, II. M. Soennichsen and John'T. Lam bert, who are personally known to me to be the identical persons whoso names are affixed to the above articles as parlies thereto, and they severally acknowledged their instrument to bo their voluntary act and deed. Witness my hand nnd notarial seal at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 5th day of October, 1912. (Seal) Bessie, Shea, Notary. Public, My commission expires June 3rd, 1913. Stato of Nebraska, Secretary's Office. Received nnd filed for record October 7, 1912, and recorded in Book 20, Miscellaneous Incor.. porations, at page 528. Addison Wait, Secretary of State. By Geo. W. Marsh, Deputy. If you have a house for rent try a Journal Want Ad.