The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1912, Image 7

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    For Sale!
FOR SALE About 5(1,(100 acres
in Louisiana lands, on main line
of K. C. Southern railroad, almost
level, just milling enough for
drainage. Adapted tn dairying
and all kinds of crops, including
fruits. The price of this laud will
average only $12.00 per acre, ac
cording to location and distance
from town. Terms: One-third
cash, balance one to live years.
Xine men out of ten who go to see
these lands purchase. Special car
from Omaha every Tuesday after
noon at i:35, via Hurlington. Call
or write for particulars.
Investment and Loan Co.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
oo y ojiji -j VI -M 'M -"VI
AilfJiTjuu nao.w l! op o )! oqv
-ua puB ijuluoh .iqi uomrfu.ujs
inq 'o'jt'joddB b a'juo
ou Xoqx "siopiBX 84uiB.ioquimi:j
obi oiidddG u 'lJos aBi ptio.w
no.C n "juoiuozbuib jo t.),inos
oq U31JO si ouioddB s.Xoq oijx
Geo. P. Eastwood, Successor to
John Bauer.
To all old customers, as well
as to all new ones, I ask you to
call and get my prices. I have
the largest and best assorted stock
of Builders' Hardware; also the
most complete line of Cook Stoves
and Ranges and Hard Coal, Soft
Coal and Wood Heaters ever
shown in Plattsmouth. Also a car
of nails and a car of American
field fence.
We buy direct from the factory
and are in a position to make a
better price than you have ever
had. We solicit your trade.
"A square deal and prompt at
tention" is my motto.
Id the IHxtrict Court of Cann County.
Frank Claus, I'laintllt,
William Smith, et al., Defendants.
To William Smith, Mrs. William Smith,
his wife (firHt name unknown)
Thomas O. Palmer, M. Jane Palmer',
and the Unknown Heirs and l)e
vltteeH of William Smith, deceased:
You and each of you will hereby take
notice that on the 2nd day of November,
1912. Frank Claus, plaintiff In the fore
going entitled cause, flled his petition
in the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, BKalnst you. the object, pur
pose and prayer of which Is to obtain
a decree from said Court removing
clouds from and quieting tfcw title of
record to lot five (5) and thrwt (3) feet
oft of and along the west .vine of lot
four (4), In block eighteen (IX), In the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass County Ne
braska, in plaintiff, as against you and
to exclude and enjoin you and each of
you from ever asserting or claiming
any right, title or interest therein ad
verse to plaintiff and for such other
and further relief as may be just and
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 16th day of
December, 1912, or the allegations con
tained in said petition will be taken as
true and a decree rendered as prayed
for therein.
Dated: November 4th, 1912.
KUAN K CLAl'S, Plaintiff.
By JOHN M. LKYDA, His Attorney.
In County Court.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Jacob Henrich, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the
creditors of said deceased that
hearings will be had upon claims
flled against said estate, before
me, County Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, at the County Court
room in Plattsmouth, in said
County, on the lGlh day of No
vember, 1912, and on the ICth day
of May, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. ni.
each day for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
All claims must be tiled in said
court on or before said last hour
of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of
said County Court, at Platls
inouth, Nebraska, this 17th day of
October, 1912.
Counly Judge.
pending in the County Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, will lake
notice that the administrator has
llled his Dual account and petition
for final settlement in said Court.
A hearing will be hail upon said
account and petition at the ofllee
of said Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, on the 11th day of No
vember, 1912, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. At said tinie any
and all persons interested in said
estate may appear and contest
said final account and petition.
Witness my hand and the seal
of said' Court this 21st day of
October, 1912.
Counly Judge.
D. O. DWYER, Attorney.
While Her Hucband Is
At Front Fighting She
Is Nursing Wounded Men.
Queen Elennor of Bulgaria, who has
been at Phillppopolls, !iu!a;arla, for the
last few days, has assumed the dress of
an ordinary nurse and is attending the
sick and wounded arriving from battle
fields. The large waiting room at the rail
road station has been converted Into a re
ception room for the wounded, and from
there the men are unsigned to the various
First Dinner of the Association
for Fall Season at Omaha.
Omaha, Nov. 4. Thirty members of
ihe Lite Underwriters' Association of
Nebraska sal down to a banquet at
:he Paxton hotel, tho feast marking
Ihe first regular fall meeting of tho
C. Z. Gould presided over the reg
ular order of business, after which
jeveinl Interesting speeches were
made. C. N. Anderson, secretary of
Ihe association, read an account of the
aatlcnuJ life convention, held at Mem
phis in October, ho being the only Ne
braska member.
The principal speaker of the even
ing was Thomas W. IJlackburn, secre
tary of the American Life convention,
in organization composed of eighty
Mx younger life Insurance companies
of the country. Mr. Blackburn said
;hat the American Life convention has
i total volume of business of over
1.000,000,000 and that It stands ready
to co-operate with all other life insur
ance organizations for beneficial legis
lation. He aroused the enthusiasm of
ill present by a plea for greater con
sideration of the insurance men by the
Henry T. Oxnard Visit Scottsbluff.
Scottsbluff. Neb . Nov. 4 Henry T.
Dxnard. the sugar king of Nebraska,
who has exter.tive land Interests In
the Scottsbluff country, has been In
the valley for several days, arranging
for the Improving of his farms and at
tending to other affairs. The talk.con
cernlng an independent factory at
Bridgeport was coupled with his visit,
but upon inquiry It was found to have
no connection. Mr. Oxnard pays that
the time Is near when another factory
will be built in the North Platte coun
try, but does not indicate that he will
have anything to do with It.
Coal Famine Due to Holding Cars.
Sidney. Neb., Nov. 4. Cliarles V.
Ware, general manager of the Union
Pacific railroad, was in Sidney en
route from Omalyt. making every town
on the system in view of alleviating
the coal conditions. Mr. Ware attrib
utes the scarcity of coal to the inabil
ity to obtain cars, Increased by the
fact that the local coal deiilers use the
cars for a length of time, even to fif
teen days. Mr. Wnre lias been keep
ing things moving tho last fev weeks
and there will he no scarcity of coal
Find Dead Body of Hunter.
York. Neb.. Nov. 4 Ilird Hill, son
of Charles II 111. who lives five nillrs
northwest or this city. -ivnl hunting
along Lincoln creek. A!;eut one hour
after he left home his lifeless body
was found on the bank of the creek.
Coroner Vet 7 was notified und he
found the cause of hi death was from
the accidental disc harge of a shotgun
wlilrh Hill was carrying, tho entira
load striking hlni Just below the left
lung. He leaves a wife and three chil
dren, licr.ldK other relatives.
Storm Coming Eastward.
Washington, Nov. 4. A storm now
central west of the Rocky mountains
Is com'.iir eastward, bringing local
rains and snows for northern and rain
lor southern tlb.trlcts. The storm, ac
cording to the weather bureau's week
ly hulb'tln, will prevail over the great
central valleys tomorrow and tho
eastern elates about Wednesday.
I it . . rt-v ; v
Des Moines Lodge Men Must
Raise $100,000.
Physical Culture Work Will Be Shown
at Convention This Week Grade
Pupils Will Show Various Games
and Folk Dances.
Des Moines, Nov. 4. Ijocal Masons
started out cn a week's campaign to
raise the $100,00 needed to complete
tne payment for the new Masonic
templet at West Tenth and Locust
streets. The money will be raised by
soliciting for stock subscriptions.
H. M. licit will have charge of the
campaign. A large number of Masons
have volunteered to solicit for sub
scriptions during tho week and the
members of the Masonic Building as
sociation are confident that tho entire
amount will be raised this week.
The cost of erecting the new Ma
sonic temple was $250,000. Of this
amount, approximately $150,000 has
been raised by stock subscriptions.
The remainder will be secured during
the campaign, which opened today.
The new building Is practically com
plete and several tenants already
have moved Into the structure;
New Feature for Teachers.
A brand new feature of the Iowa
State Teachers' association, which
convenes here Thursday, will be tho
exemplification of the physical culture
work of tho Des Moines schools. This
work will lie put on at the Friday aft
ernoon session of the association by
members of the grado. schools, the V.
M, C. A., the Y. W. C. A. and the Drake
university girls. The work will be ex
hibited under the direct supervision ol
Miss Margaret A. McKee, physical
training instructor for Des Moines
labile schools. Miss McKee will at
tempt to show by the work of hei
classes just what is being taught the
Dcb Moines school children In the way
of developing their bodies. Associated
with Miss McKee will be the gymna
sium instructors of the three Institu
tions which will be represented beside?
the schools. The pupils will demon
strate to the visiting teachers the
physical culture work. This work In
eludes the simple movements which
help to give erect carriage, better de
veloped chests and more graceful car
riage of the body. Dumb bell and In
dian club drills and general setting up
exercises will be demonstrated by the
grade pupils. Besides this general
work, the pupils will be put through
their games and plays and folk dances.
Fall Down Shaft May Prove Fatal.
Henry Schlotzhauer, aged forty-flvt
years, sustained a fractured skull
when he accidentally fell, headfore
most, down an elevator shaft at the
Graeffe hotel, alighting on the cemenl
flooring of ihe basement. He was
hurried to the Mercy hospital and II
was reported that he was growlni
gradually weaker, the attending sur
geons having but little hope for hlf
Biennial Report of Board of Control
Is Filed.
Des Moines, Nov. 4. The biennial
report of the state board of control
filed with Governor Carroll, shows thai
Iowa is gaining In the number of In
mates of all its state institutions. Tht
average dally population during the
biennial period preceding June 30 wat
9,002 persons. The average gain wai
422 persons. The largest gain was al
the reformatory at Anamost, which
Increased 159 In population. The In
dustrial school for boys, the Industrial
school for girls and the soldiers' home
each lost In number of Inmates.
Find Dead Body of Henry Raschke.
Des Moines. Nov. 4. The dead bod
of Henry Raschke, a highly respected
citizen of Boone, was found at Kiev
enth and Lyons streets. A bullel
wound over the man's right eai
showed that he had been shot to death,
but the weapon used, found at the
side of the !ody, has led the police to
believe that he committed suicide
Two empty shells were In the cham
hers of the revolver. There were nc
eye-witnesses to tho tragedy.
Iowa City Man Drinks Carbolic Add
Iowa City, Nov. 4. John Scott, aged
sixty, 11 pioneer of Iowa City, commit
ted sulf ide In his room In a hotel at
Solon, a village near Iowa City, by
drinking rarliolic acid. lie was single
and brooded over his 111 health. Ilia
body will be dedicated to sclenco at
tho University of Iowa, If relatives are
not discovered within sixty days.
Two Killed by Coal Fumes.
Council Bluffs, la., Nov. 4. F. Ma
rlon Owens, eighty yenrs old, and bis
wife, seventy-live, were found dead In
their home here. They had been suf
focated by fumes from a coal heating
Three More Give Up Skin.
Gary, Tiul., Nov. 4. Three more men.
her father, her brother and her sweet
heart, gave up fifty more square Indies
of skin for the burned body of Miss
Ethel Smith, for whom Billy Hugh, the
crippled newsboy, gave M8 life by al
lowing n useless limb to be amputated
for Its skin The operation was per
formed at a local hospital.
Startling Presentation ot Com
ing Events.
Churches ot All Denominations and the
Civil Powers of Earth Aro About to
Unite In Common Cause Powerful
Influence Preparing For the Battle
of Armageddon A Reign of Anarchy
Will Be the Result of the Warfare
Until The Mentiah Takes Control.
Brooklyn. N. Y.,
Nov. 3. The
Brooklyn Academy
of Music was
crowded to the lim
it today to hear
Pastor Russell's
discourse on the
"Battle of Arma
geddon." Ilis text
was: "'He gathered
them together unto
a placed called lu
the Hebrew tongue
Armugeddo n."
(Revelation xvl. 1G. The speaker said:
Armageddon In the Hebrew signifies
the "Ulll of Megiddo," or Mount of De
struction. It was fatuous us a battle
field In Old Testa meut times.
The Lord has seen fit to associate the
mime Armageddon, with the great con
troversy between Truth and Error,
right and wrong. God and Mammon,
with which this Age will close, perish,
and the New Age of Messiah's glory
be ushered in. He has purposely used
highly symbolical figures of speech iu
the last book of the Bible, evidently
with a view to hiding certain impor
tant truths until the due time for their
revealment. But even in the duo time,
the Bible assures us. "None of the
wicked shall understand" (Daniel xll.
9. lOi-none who are out of heart har
mony with God-but only the wise of
His people the "wise virgin" class of
the Master's parable.
I have long avoided presentation of
my understanding of our text and Its
context. 1 take It up now by request
and because 1 believe It is duo time to
be understood. I disclaim any special
Inspiration. In some particulars my
views agree with those of other Bible
students, and In other respects they
disagree. Each hearer must use his
own Judgment, do his owu Bible study,
and rescu his own conclusions.
Kindly remember that 1 am not re
sponsible for the figures of speech used
by the Lord. My Interpretations do in
deed constitute n terrible arraignment
of institutions which we have all rever.
enced and which embrace good people,
of good words and good works. God's
saintly eole In these various Institu
tions, being comparatively few. are
Ignored when systems as a whole are
dealt with In prophecy.
The Dragon, Beast, False Prophet.
Our context tells us that three Im
pure spirits itencblngs) will go forth
from the mouths of the Dragon, the
Benst and the False Prophet, and these
three will be In accord, and symbolical
ly the doctrines are represented by
"frogs." These three doctrines are to
have a mighty Influence throughout the
civilized earth. They are to gather
the kings and their armies to the great
Battle of Armageddon.
The ecclesiastical kings and princes,
and their retinues of clergy and faith
ful adherents, will be gathered in solid
phalanx Protestant nud Catholic. The
kings and captains of industry, and as
many as can be Influenced by them,
will be gathered to the same side. Tho
political kings and princes, with all
their henchmen and retainers, will fol
low in line on the same side. The
financial kings and merchant princes,
and nil whom they can Influence by the
most gigantic power ever yet exercis
ed in the world, will Join the same
side, according to this prophecy.
These "doctrines of demons." repre
sented by the "frogs." will lend many
noble people In this great army to as
sume an attitude quite contrary to
their preference. For a time the
wheels of liberty and progress will be
turned backward and medieval re
straints will be considered necessary
for self-preservatlon-for the mainte
nance of the present order of things.
In giving this Interpretation, it Is
necessary for us to Indicate what is
symbolized by the Dragon, the Benst,
and the False Prophet. Bible students
of nearly nil denominations agree with
us that the "Dragon" of Revolution
represents the purely Civil Power
Protestant Interpreters generally agree
that the "Beast like n leopard" (Reve
lation x III. 2i represents the Papacy.
But fewer still, we fear, will be ready
to support our view that Protestantism
Is tho "Image of the Beast" (Revelation
x 111. irii In our context given another
name, "tho False Prophet." We urge
no one o ncccpt our Interpretation,
nor shall we think hard of any who
refuse It. We will neither slander nor
otherwise Injure them now. nor threat
en them with eternal torture. They
have the same right to their views that
I have, and the same right to make
them known to others. And I. for
one. will be very glad to consider any
thing which opponents may set forth
as their Interpretations of our text.
"Unclean Spirit Like Frogs."
The symbolisms of Scripture, right
ly understood, are always forceful.
When the Holy Spirit used n "frog"
to yintwilenlly represent certain
fcASrOkl kTU5St.LLl
. t. i iii's or (em liin-N. e may be
si..e (he true nniilieaiion will fit well.
! A frog has a nni:e Iim.u. a wise look.
It swells Itself up iu an uppareut en
deavor to Inipresx the beholder. Its
great mouth well represents its chief
power, used to croak.
Applying these sjiiiIhiIs. we learn
that an evil spirit. Inilnenee. teaching,
will come from the I'roteMiMH rliun-he
federated, ttoiu tile t'lain- of Koine,
aud from the Civil mitlioi in. -, nil in
full agreement. The xpirii ( ;iu will
be boastful: an ulr of nuierior wisdom
and knowledge will be proudly assumed-
all will i-ionk In harmony. All will
tell of dire results that would follow,
involving the Interests of both the
present and the future life. If their
counsel be not followed However con
tlii tiug the ereeds. the differences will
he Ignored In the general proposition
Hint nothing ancient must be disturb
ed, or looked Into, or repudiated.
The Divine authority of the Church.
hiuI the Divine right of kings, aside
from the Church, will not be allowed
to conflict. Any persons or teachings
In conflict with these boastful and un
script urn 1 claims will be branded as
everything rit at the mouths of these
"frogs" speaking from pulpits and
pint forms and through the religious
Hid secular press The nobler senti
ments of some will be strangled by the
philosophy of the same evil spirit
which spoke through Calaphas. the
high priest, respecting .lesus. As Cala
phas declared it expedient to commit
a crime lu violation of Justice, human
and Divine, to be rid of Jesus and His
teachings, so this "frog" spirit will ap
prove of every violation of principle
necessary to their self-protection.
The croaking of these "frog" spirits or
doctrines will gather the kings and
princes, financial, political, religious
and Industrial Into one great army.
The spirit of fear. Inspired by the
cnmklngs of these "frogs," will scourge
the passions of otherwise good and
reasonable men to fury, desperation.
In their blind following of these evil
spirits, evil doctrines, they will be
ready to sacrifice life and everything
on the nltar of what they mistakenly
suppose Is Justice, truth and righteous
ness, tinder a Divine arrangement.
For a brief time, us we understand
the Scriptures, these combined forces
of Armageddon will triumph. Free
speech, free malls, and other liberties
which have come to be the very breath
of the masses in our day, will be ruth
lessly shut off under the plea of neces
sity, the glory of God, the commands
of the Church, etc. All will seem to be
serene, until the great social explosion
In our context described as the "great
Earthquake." An "earthquake." in
symbolic language, signifies soclnl
revolution, and the declaration of the
context is that none like unto It ever
before occurred. (Revelation xvl. 18.
10.) Jesus described it as a time of
trouble such ns never was since there
was a nation. Mntthew xilv. 21.
The Lord Will Gather Them.
The false, frog-like teachings will
gather together Into one host the great,
the rich, the wise, the learned and the
kings of the enrth. to battle. At this
Juncture Divine Power will step for
ward, and our text tells1 us that Hi:
shall gather the marshaled hosts to
Armageddon to the Mountain of De
struction. The very thing which they
sought to avert by their union, federa
tion, etc.. will be the very thing they
will hasten. Other Scriptures tell us
that God will be represented by the
Great Messiah, and that He will be un
the side of the masses. Thus we rend
In Daniel xll. 1: "At thnt time shall
Michael the Godlike One Messiah
stand up" assume authority. He will
take possession of His Kingdom In a
manner little looked for by many of
those who erroneously have been
claiming that they were Ills Kingdom,
and authorized by Illm to reign In His
nume and In His stead.
Jesus declared. "His servants ye are
unto whom ye render service." Some
may be rendering service to Satnn and
to error, who claim to be rendering
service to God nnd to righteousness;
and some of these may be serving Ig
norantly. ns did Saul of Tarsus who
"verily thought thnt he did God a serv
ice" in persecuting the Church. The
same principle holds true reversely.
As an earthly king docs not hold him
self responsible for the moral character
of each soldier who tights In his bat
tles, so the Ixird does not vouch for the
morsl character of all who will enlist
nnd tight on ULs side of any question
"Ills servants they are to whom they
render service." whatever the motive
or object prompting them.
The same principles will apply In the
coming Battle of Armageddon. God's
side of that battle will be the people's
side, ond the very nondescript host,
the people, will be pitted at the begin
ning of the battle. Anarchists. Social
ists, and hot-headed radicals of every
school of reason and unreason, will be
In the forefront of that battle. The
majority of the poor and the middle
class prefer peace at almost any price.
A comparatively small number. God's
consecrated people, will at heart be
longing for Messiah's Kingdom. These
will bide the Lord's time nnd wnlt pa
tiently for It: they will be of good
courage, knowing the outcome outlined
In the "more sure word of prophecy."
to which they have done well to take
heed, "as nnto a light shining In a
dark place until the Day dnwu."-H
Peter I. 10
The masses will be restless of their
restraints, but will he conscious of
their own weakness ns compared to the
kings nnd princes, financial, religious
and political, which will then hold
sway. Besides, the masses have no
sympathy with anarchy. They realize
truly that the worst form of govern
meut Is better than none. The masses
will seek relief through the bnllot and
penceful rendtustnient of earth' af
fairs for the elimination of evil, for
the placing or monopolies ana nniltles
aud the supplies of nature In the bands
of the people for the public good. The
crisis will be reached when the hither
to upholders of law shall become vio
lators of Uie law and reslsters of the
will of the majority as expressed by
the ballot. Fear for the future will
lead the well-meaning masses to desper
ation; and anarchy will result when
Socialism falls.
The Cloud's Silver Lining.
Horrible would be this outlook for
the future did we not have the Infalli
ble Word of God assuring us of a
glorious outcome: Divine Wisdom has
withheld until our day the great knowl
edge and skill which is at the same
time breeding millionaires and discon
tents. Had God lifted the veil a thou
sand years sooner, the world would
have lined up for Its Armageddon a
thousand years sooner. But that
would have been too soon for the Di
vine piirHise. liecnuse Messiah's King
dom Is to lie the grent Thousand-Year-Sabbath
of the world's history.
God iu kindness veiled our eyes until
the time when the gathering to Ar
mageddon would Immediately precede
Messiah's taking to Himself His great
power, and lieglnnlng His reign. Reve
lation xl. 17. IS.
"Send Them Strong Delusions."
St. Paul wrote prophetically of our
time, that It would be one of serious
trial and testing to many professing to
be Christians. The reason for this he
states-they received not the Truth In
the love of It (II Thessalonlans 11. 10.
Il-l They preferred their own errone
ous theories, the Apostle explains, nnd
therefore God will give them over to a
"strong delusion," and let them believe
the lie which they preferred, nnd let
them suffer for missing the Truth
which they did not love. Thus they
will be in the condemned host, "light
ing against God." because of their lack
of love for the Truth.
It Is sad to say that we all ns Chris
tians have been laboring uinjer a thor
ough delusion respecting God's Plan
We have claimed that Christ set up
His Church In Kingdom power, and
that the Church has been reigning on
the enrth as Ills representative. , On
the strength of this delusion, Jews nnd
heretics have been persecuted to death
as opponents to Christ's Kingdom. All
the while we thoughtlessly repented
the Lord's prayer: "Thy Kingdom
come; Thy will tie done on earth, ns tn
Heaven." We knew thnt the Redeemer
said that He would come again to
make us Ills Bride and Joint-heirs: but
we Ignored the Scriptures. We were
druuk, ns the Scriptures symbolically
say. "all nations were drunk" with the
false doctrine. It Is this false doctrine
thnt will constitute the "frog" spirit
which soon will begin to croak nnd to
prepare for Armageddon
The Bible presentation Is that the
world Is a section of the universe in
rebellion against Divine authority, un
der the captaincy of Satan nnd his as
sociated fallen angels. By Divine grace
Jesus has already "tasted death for
every man." nnd the merit of thnt sac
rifice must, eventually, grant Adam and
his posterity a full, fair opportunity
for the attainment of everlasting life.
All who thus see the Divine program
and ore walking In the light may know
something at least respecting the "times
and seasons." These brethren "are
not In darkness, that that day nnd
thnt linttle of Armageddon should
overtnke" them "os a thief" tin
a wares.
Armageddon Not Yet but Soon.
For forty years the Armageddon
forces have been mustering for both
sides of the conflict Strikes, lockouts
and riots, grent and small, have been
merely Incidental skirmishes as the
belligerent parties crossed each other's
paths. Court aud Army scandals In
Europe. , Insurance, Trust and Court
scandals In Amerlcn. have shaken pub
lic confidence. Dynamite plots, chnrg
ed by turns on employees and on em
ployers, have further shaken confi
dence and tended to make each dis
trustful of the other. Bitter nnd angry
feelings on both sides are more and
more manifest. The lines of battle are
dally becoming more distinctly mnrked. .
Nevertheless Armageddon cannot yet
be fought. Other matters Intervene,
according to prophecy.
Gentile times have still two yenrs to
run The "linage of the Beast" of our
context must yet receive fife power.
The Image must be transformed from
a mere mechanism to a living force
Protestant Federation realizes that Its
organization will still be futile unless
It receive vitalizatlon unless Its clergy
directly or Indirectly shall be 'recog
nized as possessed of apostolic ordina
tion nnd authority to teach. This the
prophecy Indicates will come from the
two horned beast, which, we believe,
symbolically represents the Church of
England. Higli-hauded activities of
Protestantism nnd Catholicism, operat
ing In conjunction for the suppression
of human liberties, await this vivifying
of the Image This may come soon,
but Armageddon cannot precede It. but
must follow-perhaps a year after It.
according to our view of the Prophecy
Still another thing Intervenes: Al
though the Jews are gradually flowing
Into Palestine, gradually obtaining cou
trol of the hind of Canaan, and al
though report say thnt already nine
teen millionaires are there, neverthe
less prophecy requires an evidently
Inrgcr number of wenlthy Hebrews to
be there before the Armageddon crisis
be reached. Indeed we understand
thnt "Jacob's trouble" In the Holy
Land will come at tho very close of
Armageddon. Then Messiah's King
dom will begin to be manifested
Thenceforth Israel In the lnnd of prom
lse will gradually rise from the ashes
of the past to the grandeur of proph
ecy. Through It Divinely appointed
princes Messiah's Kingdom, all-powerful
but Invisible, will beslli to roll
awnv the curse and to lift uu mankind