WiBRYAN NELLIE G.IVST. urray uepartmem. She Lost a SI5.CG0 Ring In June, and Ihs F:ct Has Just Deccme Known. COMING! PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR TIIK .n : i; :. ,v . 1;i,.ur.t;v If any of Vie renders of tlieJoimiatknttw of a ociil editor an item of interest ' n this vicinity and will mail game to thin ol!ix i wiU ur.a, unU,- this Uaidimj i 'Vacant all items of interest. Editor Jvur ial. I Murray State Bank CZD MURRAY, NEBRASKA CZD Capital S10.000 Surplus S5.00D CHAS. C. PARMELE, President F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier Wc Solicit Your Banking Business toTOur DejM)sits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran tee Fund of the State of Nebraska. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. D C D C 0 Mrs. Ajriisl.il Nix is reported on I he sick list this week. James Filch and daughter were Murray visitors Saturday. Lee Allison was a IMaltsinoulli visitor Saturday afternoon. 0. S. Tinner was I rnnsaeling business in Plaits ulh Monday. Jeff Lewis and wife were visit or,' It'diert Fitch and fauriy Sun day. John Ilohschiedl and wife spent Sunday wilh Charles Merrill and wife. II. II. Niekles was looking af ler Inisiness in I'laltsmoulli Sal unlay. F.llierl Oueeii and Miss Pearl Dugay were shopping in Oinahii Monday. Itolierl (iood uiiide a Inisiness trip to Plat Isinoul h Tuesday morning. ' (ienrge Stone and family were guests of Frank llhoden and wife Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas, who is sulTcriug wilh pneiiinonia, is reported some heller this week. Wayne Lewis had Hie misfor tune to fall Monday morning and sprained his tinkle. Claude Hosteller of Omaha spent Sunday wilh his mother, Mrs. John Hosteler. Miss Mary Moore of Cedar Creek spent Sunday willi her parents, V. F. Moore and family. Mrs. E. It. Queen and Mrs. J. '. Lewis were guests of Mrs. It. 11. Frans at Union Salurday. Joe Campbell and family and Mrs. H. II. Filch were guests of Fred Meal and family Sunday. Mrs. John Hosteller, who has been visiting relatives near Plain view, Neh., returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chalfanl are the proud parents of a bouncing girl, which arrived Sunday fori noon Messrs. Ilia! I it Tut I were look ing after biiisness matters in Car roll, Iowa. Thursday of last week. John (i. Mclauiel, who has been visiting for Ihe past few days with his daughter, Mrs. I. T. Hoyer, d parted Monday for his homo In Howning, Mo. Mr. Hoyer drove to Plaltsniouth with him, where ho look Ihe train. The Royal Neighbors are pro paring for a big time at their bazar next Saturday, November 2. The occasion will be hold in the M. W. A. ball in Murray and-an excellent line nf goods will be of fered for sale. Make it a point to attend. Thursday, November "8, is the grand annual Thanksgiving din ner at Kenosha. Services at 1 1 a. in. by Rev. Taylor of Union. At 12:H0 an excellent goose dinner will be served by the ladies of the K. N. K. The ladies will have on display plain ami fancy sewing during the afternoon and evening. uysicr supper ai o:jo p. in. Everyone is cordially invited to be present. Mrs. John Fan-is is on the sick list (his week. Mont Hobb of Lincoln was a Sunday visitor in Murray. Mrs. J. W. Kdmunds is number ed among the sick Ibis week. Mrs. I. M. Davis is suffering from :i severe case of lonsilitis. II. L. Oldham attended the rally in I'lallsnioulli Tuesday evening. Miss Ida Moedeker has returned homo from a six months' visit in Colorado. John McDonald spent a few days visiting with home folks over in Iowa last week. Heineinber Ihe election dinner ami supper at the Preshy terian church Tuesday. Mrs. (ien Boedeker ami Mrs. W. S. Smith wore shopping in Omaha last Salurday. W. M Puis was in attendance at the Cone Johnson speaking in Platlsinoulh Tuesday evening. nirs. i.naries paugior and daughter, Margaret, were Omaha visitors last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Hulherford spent Sunday with Mr. Ruther ford's sister. Mrs. Mary Dull. Mrs. E. A. Mill ion and Mrs. John H I, sisters of A. L. Maker, spent a few days with Ihe Maker family lasl week. Mr. .and Mrs. Frank Oliver have en spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Countryman. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Oliver and Will Oliver, jr., spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hainge. Mrs. Joseph Cook went o Oma ha Wednesday morning to meet her mother, who is coining here to spend the winter. Mrs. C. A. Ilawls of Plaltsniouth was Ihe guest of her brolhor, James Holmes and family, last Salurday evening and Sunday. (irandma Davis, who has been quite sick for some time, is im proving and is able to he up ant: around the bouse some I his week Mrs. A. L. Kennedy left Mon. day morning for a few days' visit with her daughter, Agnes, who is teaching school at Eagle. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Ei Shoemaker, a ten-pound baby gir on Wednesday of this week. The mother and little one are doing nicelv. Mrs. C. E. Lawlon and little son, Ljio, came- in Sunday for few weeks' visit wilh Mrs Law- ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D Young. Mrs. . S. Smith entertained Mr. and Mrs. Clou Rawls, Mr ...1KB. m. nuu airs, dames uoiines, Mr. am Mrs. C. A. Haw Is and Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman at dinner Sun day. i Miss Emma Kaufman, from west of Plattsniouth, came down Friday evening- to attend the party given by Miss Elizabeth Oliver at the home of Mrs. Alvin Hiimge. Miss Kaufman spent the remainder of the week as the uuest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamgo Entertained at Ramge Home. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hamgo, as sisted iy Miss Elizabeth Oliver, entertained a large number of friends at their home, two miles northeast of Murray, Friday even ing, October 2T. The parlors and dining room were prettily decor ated for the occasion. The even ing was spent in playing- games and listening to some line instru mental music furnished by Mr. (iiiorre of Lincoln and .Miss Muriel , llenlon. Refreshments, conisliiig of ice cream and eaki-, .were served during the evening. Those invited wore: Misses Edna Props!, Muelah Sans, l'hemo Richardson, Winnie Hutchison, Eva Poller, SusieMinl ner, Pearl llentoii, Mildred Snyder, Lizzie Wheeler, Robin Richardson, Rose Creamer, Buenila Porter, Vera Props!, Isabelle Young, Mary Moore, Esther Ray, Lena Young, Poarle Kniss, Grace Fight, Muriel llenlon, Willa Moore, Clara Young, Florence Richardson, Ruth Godwin, Ogla Minford, Margreat Moore, Mae Lewis, Mildred John son, Miss Toman, Messrs. Frn Hutchinson, Joe Wheeler, Harry llenlon, Will Oliver, Joe Creamer, Elbert Wiles, Wayne Prpost, Leo Hintnor, Sherman Holdorness, Myron Wiles, Walter Reed, Lee Cole, Ern Hintner, Olonn Wiles, Lee Kniss, Albert Young, Elmer W'etonkanip, Guy Stokes, Frank .Dugey, Bryan Snyder, Ed Kniss, Ed McCulloh, Wayne Lewis, Al bert Godwin, Marry Creamer, Will Richardson, Dvight Props!,, Rex Young, Lloyd Lewis, Adam Meisinger, Yern Mitchell and Mr. Guerre of Lincoln, Mosdames Frank Oliver, Fred Ramge, Arthur Copenhavor, Moyd Porter, Albert Wheeler'and Tom Tilsoii. V r t "V WILL BE IN PLATTSMOUTII j NEXT MONDAY, November 4 You know him, and you know he always has something good to tell you. S. PRATT JONES, Second Number of Lyceum Course at, Christian Church Mon day Evening, November 'i. Library Association. The Library Association held I heir regular molding Wednesday veiling, October 2 .'J, at the library ooms. After the Inisiness ses sion ii. A. Davis read a paper on Prison Reform." The paper was cry interest ing and instructive and displayed a great, amount of thought. After Ihe discussion of the subject fresh oysters and oll'eo were served. The next meet ing will bo held on the 2(th of No vember. The subject w ill be, "Vo litional Education in the Public Schools," and Lloyd Gapen w ill prepare the paper. Material on e subject will be found in I lie library. For Sale. 12 horse power engine and elec tric polo wood saw, at a very low price if taken soon. I. T. Rover, Murray, Neb. A Study club for women will be organized luesday alteruoon at 2 o'clock at the library. The pro gram will ho a miscellaneous one. Those wishing to become mem bers please be on hand Tuesday afternoon. No expense. For Sale. About fifty head of full blood Poland-China spring shoals. Alf. Nickels. Mr. .las. V. Churchill, 00 Wall St., Auburn, N. Y., has been bothered with serious kidney and bladder trouble ever since he left the army, and says: "I decided to try Foley Kidney Pills, as they had cured so many people, and 1 soon found they were just the thing. My kidneys and bladder are again in a healthy condition. I gladly recommend t.hein." For sale by I'. G. l- l ieke it Co. NGTtCi TO CREDITORS in County Court. STATE Oi NEMRASKA. Cass Co. ml), ss. I,i Hi" ' y.i. iter oi ihe Estate of Jacob llenrich, Deceased. Notice is hereby ;:ieii In Ihe creditors of said deceased that hearings will be hud upon claims tiled against said estate, before nie, Count;.' Judge of Ca?s County, Nebraska, a!, the County Court room in Piatt smoul h. in ' said County, mi lhi ldlli day of No vember, I :)!:', and on Ihe KHh day of May, i'llo. at '. o'clock a. in. each day for examination, adjust ment and allowance. All claims must be liled.in said court on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at Platts niouth, Nebraska, this 17th day of October,- I'll 2. , ALLEN J. HEESON, County Judge. I and Bring Your Family ;L The following schedule will give the arrival and departure of the train in Cass county: j William Jennings Bryan will ! speak in Plaltsniouth next Mon ; day morning at 11 o'clock, aecord- ing to arrangements made by the ! Nebraska Progressive League, j Colonel Bryan will have a special I I rain, leaving Lincoln at 8 a. m. Monday, arrive Greenwood 8:40, speak 10 minutes; Ashland, 9:05, speak 30 minutes; South Bend, i):4."), speak 10 minutes; Louis ville 10:05, speak 15 minutes; Cedar Creek, 10:30, speak 5 min utes; Plaltsniouth, 11 o'clock, speak 45 minutes; leave 11:45 for Nebraska City, from where the i train will travel over the Burling ton line to Lincoln, where a night meeting will be held. Here From Weeping Water. Nicholas Halines, the genial miller from Weeping Water, was in Ihe city today looking after some business mailers. While hero he paid Ihe Journal otliee a brief call. II.' tells us that every- Ihii' in I ho soul h Cass metropolis i- getting along nicely. Me made I lie I rin in his auto, and it looked for a while as though he might he able to return in a sleigh. vww w! MURDOCH. The entertainment given by the hildren last Saturday evening was fairly well attended, $i0 be ing the door receipts. The work of Ihe larger children was excel- enl, and considering that it was Ihe tlrst attempt of several of Ihe small ones, they did well. The bright costumes against the green background made a very pretty appearance. Some of the little green elves fought a hard battle with the will-o-the-wisp, lost their caps and lore their clothes, but won Ihe victory. Place Cards, Score and Tally Cards of every description at the Journal office. WANTED AT ONCE Woman or girl for restaurant work Wages $5 per week. Apply Union restaurant, Union, Nebraska. 10-28-3td-ltwkyq A large lino of invitation sta tionery is always carried at the Journal ofllce. Forest Rose Flour guaranteed to be as good as any flour on the market. Sold by all leading deal ers. Try it. A healthy man is a king in his own right; an unhealthy man an unhappy slave. For impure blood and sluggish liver, use Burdock Blood Bitters. On the market 35 years. ?t.00 a bottle. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS W. SIIRYOCK,, DECEASED, now pending in the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, will take not ice thai I lie administrator has tiled his final account and petition for llnal settlement in said Court. hearing will be had upon said account and petition at the ofllce of said Court, at Plaltsniouth, Ne braska, on Ihe 11th day of No vember, ID 12, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. At said time any and all persons interested in said estate may appear and contest said llnal account and petition. Witness my hand and the seal of sahl Court this 21st day of October, 1912. (Seal) ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. D. O. DWYER, Attorney. WALTER GREEN HORSESHOEING General Blacksmilhing and Wagon Work Mrs. W". O. Gillespie was in Omaha Wednesday. Miss Georgia Moon of Ashland is visiting relatives here. Alvin Neitzel of llavelock spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Etta Sorick of Lincoln spent Sunday with home folks.' John Gustin and wife autoed to Waterloo and Omaha last Fri day. Mrs. Martha Tliimgan and chil dren are visiting relatives in Eliu wood. Mrs. Jacob Goehry spent a few days last week with relatives in Omaha. Misses Opal and Wanda Bosack spent Salurday with home folks at Springfield. Misses Grace and Marguerite (iustin spent Sunday with the Rush sisters. Mrs. C. Mooney and Mrs. W. C. Monroe and children went to Omaha Tuesday August Kuehn spent Friday with bis daughter, Mrs. Williams, at Elniwood, who has been quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maves and son, liandail, or isennetl, Aon., were Saturday guests of John ingwert and family. Ida and Lewis Hornbeck were called to Omaha Tuesday to see their brother, Tom, who has been in a hospital for the past month. Me died Tuesday at 5:30 p. m. Mrs. Alice Toole and daughter, Mary Isabelle, and Mrs. II. V. Mc Donald and children returned Sunday evening from Springfield, Nob., where they spent t few days with A. J. Bosack and family. Horseshoeing is Our Specialty Ail Vork Guaranteed . ' ' 'V If-- I . " ;-.! f. ' ':--!v. mi. BECKER IS IN DEATH HOUSEATSING SING Convicted Murderer Taken to New York State Prison. Accidents will happen, but, the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil for such emergencies. Two sizes, i.To and r0c, nt all stores. Murray, Nebraska Mrs. Peter Ilolan, 11501 Buck eye Rd., Cleveland, O., says: "Yes, indeed, I can recommend Foley's Money and Tar Compound. My little boy had a bad case of whooping cough, some times he was blue in the face. I gave him l-'oley's Honey and Tar Com pound, nnd it had a remarkable efTecl. and cured him In a short time." Contains no harmful drugs. For sale by F. 0. Fricke Co. Ossining, N. Y., Oct. 31. Former Police Lieutenant Charles Becker la In the death house at Sing Slug under Benteuee to die in the electric chair during the week ending Dec. 9, the convicted murderer of the gambler, Herman Rosenthal. He was brought here from New York Immediately after sentenco was pronounced upon him by justice Golf In the court room where he was found guilty. Becker's execution will be stayed, however, by the filing in the Interim of a notice of appeal from the verdict. In this lies Pecker's only hope of es cape from death. His last words be fore the sates of the prison were shut behind him were: "I come here an innocent man. I never had a chance. I was railroaded. But the fight has only begun. I expect a reversal nf the verdict and a new trial." Becker, mnnacled to a deputy sher iff, arrived at the prison after a twenty-minute walk through the streets of the village surrounded by several hun dred persons curious to see him. With stolid countenance and head erect Becker withstood the ordeal without losing his composure. A window of the warden's office fiamed a woman's tear-stained face &a Becker marched up the prison walk. It was that of the convicted man's wife, who had accompanied him from New York and had driven ahead of him from the railroad station. Becker waved h!s hand sadly and the woman threw a kiss An hour later, after the formality of. taking the prisoner's pedigree had been disposed of, Becker was In his death cell in solitary conflnemen, clad in prison garb and entered as prisoner No. 62,439. Ten other condemned murderers occupy cells in the death house with him. Two Warshipr Sent to San Domingo. Washington, Oct. 31. Increasing disorders In San Domingo and desper ate street fighting in the outskirts of Puerto Plata jeopardizing American lives and property caused the navy de- partment to order the Immediate dis patch of two warships, the cruiser Bal timore and the tender Yankton, to Do minican waters. Thoy should arrive In Dominican waters by the middle of next week, reinforcing the Prairie, with Its 700 marines. The Baltimore will carry an additional force of 150 marines. Warship Stewards Implicated In Fraud Washington, Oct. 31. A system ofj praft In the commissary department of the navy which may reach every ship in the Atlantic fleet has been re vealed by a secret investigation. Rear Admiral Osfrhaus reported to the navy department that the lnvestlga tton has resulted In the confession ot O. T. Davis, chief commissary steward of the battleship Louisiana. Dreadnought New York Launched. New York, Oct. 31 The super dreadnought New York, greatest of the world's sen fighters, was launched nt the New York navy yard, Brooklyn, In the presence of 40,000 persons, In cluding President Taft and the secre tary of the navy. Miss Elsie Calder. daughter of Representative William F. Calder of Brooklyn, christened tho ship. Alexander Smith Dies In Accident. Chicago, Oft. 31. Alexander Smith of Barrlngton, 111., known throughout the middle west as an exhibitor of blooded dogs, was killed when his bug gy collided with a farmer's wagon 1. 1 i ui-ur ma .'iuiii.