POLITICAL -S Be on i ho alert, democrats. :o: Now or never fur victory. Re member that. :o: Gird on your armor, demo crats and be ready for the great bat He next Tuesday. :o: Vole for Hon. John II. More head for governor and we'll bet our last dollar you will never re gret, doing so. :o: The lime is drawing mar, boys. Remember, next Tuesday is the day. Don't fail in doing your duly. Vou know what, it is. :o: When you east your vole for Julius Pit, next Tuesday rest as surred you have done one of the best acts of your life. "Win with Wilson?" You bet we will, but we may need every democratic vote to do it. Then you ought to know your duty, Mr. Democrat. :o: Do you want to see a democratic United Stales senator elected next Tuesday? Then go to the polls next Tuesday and vote for ex-Gov-ernor A. C. Shallenberger. :o: When you go to the polls next Tuesday, be sure and vote for John J. Gustin for representative. He is a farmer, but is fully able to look well to the interests of his constituents in the legislature. The regular republicans cannot po.-sihly be induced to vole for Aldrich and Paul Clark, after the abuse they have heaped upon President Tafl. It was awful the manner in which these fellows cursed and abused Taft af'er tie was nominaied at Chicago, r.rd republicans are not soon to for got. -:o:- Aldrich. Xorris and Paul Clark have no more claim upon I he Taft Mipporters than has Morehead, Shajlenberger and Maguire. They were not nominated by that party and they have no claim upon the voters of the republican party. Taft supporters should remember this when they go to the polls next Tuesday. :o: Flip Hop Harrington spoke to a small bunch of people at the dis trict court room last night. Won der if he told his audience how many times he has changed his politics in the past few years? A man who changes front every full of the moon actually does not know where he is at. Not many moons ago the writer heard him make a great democratic speech in the state convention at Fre mont. :o: When I he standpatters of either the bull moose or the re publican party begin to pi-ate about such awful things that are liable () occur, ask them about the panics oT 1873 and 18!3. Both under republican administrations. And the third, which occurred under the reign of that now bull moose candidate for president, Theodore Roosvoll, in 1!07. Yes, the democrats are responsible for the. panics in a horn! We canol for t lit; life of us see how any democrat can ever think oT vol ins against Wilson and Mar shall. There never was two abler, cleaner men pul up for president and vice president than Governor Woodrow Wilson oT New Jersey and Governor Tom It. Marshall of Indiana. Throw aside that grouch, if you have one on, and get in line where you belong and let us all march in one solid phalanx to the tune, "We Are Marching on to Victory." Don't you think that would be the most sensible Ihing you could do? OUR DUTY, MR. DEMOCRAT. l'he gn al campaign of lit';' is rapidly drawing lo a close and but a vci-v few more davs now until I he day of all davs elect ion day. il should not lie ueeesary for the Journal to call on the democratic voters of Cas county to be up and doing. Perhaps in many instances it would not, bul as this is the vear in which the grand hi demo cratic party has the opportunity of lis lite io win, we believe it is the duly of every democrat who de sires .success to perch upon Ihe democratic banner to get in line for the gn at cause for which the parly has been striving to main tain freedom from the grasp of Ihe tru.-ts and nionied sharks of I he east. It is the duty of every democrat, not only to go to the polls next Tuesday, hut it is his duty to urge his democratic neighbors also lo be sure and go and vide. Don't think that your vole is not needed this year, be cause il is just as badly needed as ever before, and maybe more so. Don't get loo confident; remember I here is no sure thing for any party in any election, and too much confidence has proven fatal to many candidates whose friends have failed to go out and vole. Our standard-bearers, Woodrow Wilson and Thus. R. Marshall, are as good and true men as God ever placed the breath of life into, and will do just as they promise. The stale democratic ticket, at the head of which is printed the name of Hon. John H. Morehead for governor, is one of the cleanest and ever in the state, and our own count?- candidates who will need your voles. Don't, Ve be seech you, Mr. Democrat, remain away from Ihe polls. You can spare the time to go and vote, and in doing so you may save the election of some friend who you desire to succeed. Prove faith ful to your party and when the smoke of bat He clears away on Ihe morning after the election, and Wilson and Marshall and the entire democratic ticket is elected you can rejoice with us all over the great victory won. Go lo the polls and vote on Tuesday, November 5 ami don'l you for get it. :o: Senator Banning willl be elect ed because he has made good in the legislature. You know it, and you know you ought to vole for him and will. :o: Vole for John A. Maguire? Why, of course you will. You couldn't do otherwise, knowing, as you do, his excellent record in congress. :o: You can't afford to vole against that grand old farmer friend, W. H. Hryan, for county assessor. And we don't believe you will, either. :o: Charles II. Busch, candidate for float representative, is well fitted for the position, and his reputa tion for honesty and integrity is away above par. He is the man for which you should cast your vide. -:o: While we are rejoicing in the prospect of success in the elec lion of Governor Wilson, il may be well to pause lo recall that a democratic president can do little unless the congress is also demo cratic in both branches. :o : The laws should be so rigidly enforced I hat the life of every man, high or low, rich or poor, would be safe anywhere in the land at any lime. Nothing short of Ibis vill xullirc as Ihe years go by. :o: These be prosperous times and they will grow belter as the ad ministration of President Wilson develops. Once the people made tip I heir minds that Wilson was the right man lo be president of the United Slates, every vestige of the Rooseell-Tafl panic of 1907 disappeared. PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW. The people of Nebraska have a right to know all Ihe facts con cerning the awful tragedy at the Nebraska state prison early last spring, and all the incidents lead ing up thereto. Let it be borne in mind that the constitution re quires that the appointment of a warden of the penitentiary must he ratified by the senate. The warden is the only appointive stale oilicer whose appointment must thus be ratified. Tom Smith of York county was appointed warden by Governor Shallenberg er, and the appointment was ratified by the senate. When Aid rich was elected governor he speedily announced his apopiut mer.ts, but he made no mention of warden. Warden Smith, know ing that he would not be permit ted to long remain at Ihe head of the prison, made a request that his successor be appointed at once. No attention was paid to his request. The senate adopted a resolution calling upon the gov ernor to announce an appoint ment before the senate adjourned. Aldrich ignored this request, for reasons that will become evident when further facts are made known. Immediately after the adjourn ment of the legislature, when it was no longer possible to follow the plain mandates of the con stitution, Aldrich announced the appointment of James Delahunty as warden of the penitentiary. The storm of protest that arose over this appointment will not soon be forgotten. Men and wom en who have devoted their lives to prison reform work, and who knew something of the needs of Ihe stale prison, protested vigorously against Delahunly's appointment. They did not question his honesty nor his good Intent ; they protest ed because Ihey knew he was not the right man for the place, and Ihey based Ibis knowledge upon his record as a deputy warden Hut Aldrich. who seemingly was well aware that Deiahuuly s ap pointment would not he ratified and who had apparently already bartered the appointment, per sisted despite all protests, and Deiahuuly assumed charge. Very soon after Warden Deiahuuly as sumed his duties open friction be tween him ami Chaplain Johnson broke out. Hut Mr. Johnson has devoted manv vcars to the scientific study of prison reform, and his standing as a penologist is admilledly high. Time and again he protested against meth ods in vogue at the prison, but Aldrich, who knows nothing at all of prikon reform, and who has given penology no study what ever, paid no attention to the ad vice of Ibis student of that science. At last conditions be came unbearable for Chaplain Johnson and he resigned. Men and women who cheerfully give their time and means to help Ihe convicts to better things were given scant courtesy. Naturally Ihe stories of hrulal treatment, told by the convicts themselves, received scant attention. Hut it gradually became apparent that all was not moving as smoothly under Ihe Aldrich-Delahunty management as well as under the Shallenherger-Sinilh manage ment. The "dope" tralllc after Smith took hold was wiped out, but is common knowledge now that when Smith left the traffic was resumed with greater volume than ever before. Thus things went from bad to worse until that fateful day of the escape of three desperate men. Pause just long enough lo ask yourselves what kind of prison management was il that permitted Hie smuggling of arms, ammunition and dynamite into three separate cells. What sort of prison supervision is it that permitted three men to slimultaneously blow the locks from their cell doors, rush out and spread death on every band? As a result of Aldrich's evasion of Ihe constitution and it was simply that and the reasons for that evasion will be left to the sober judgment of those whose minds are no biased by political prejudice, eight human lives have been snuffed out. In addition to is terrible loll of human life there is the toll of taxation, for all is has resulted in piling up an expense of thousands of dollars for the taxpayers to pay. What bargain was made prior to Aldrich's inauguration that compelled him to evade the con stitution and withhold the ap pointment of a warden until after Hie legislature had adjourned? W ho is primarily responsible, in the light of thes,. facts, for the sacrifice of eight human lives and the addition of thousands of dol lars of needless expense to Ihe faxpayers of Nebraska? The olers of Nebraska owe it to them selves to locale, if possible, the responsibility for this needless sacrifice ami expense, and having located it lo hold Ihe responsible parly slriclly to account. :o: . John A. Maguire for congress. He has been faithful and true. Keep a good man while you have him. Vote for him Tuesday. , :o: L Howe's Great Moving Pictures at the Parmele Theater Monday Night, November 4. Paris, Ihe city of magical beauty, and Ihe greatest of the world's great capitals, furnishes one of the biggest features which I.yman II. Howe claims has ever been presented by him. Among a host of notable places lo be isiled during Ihe trip at (he Par mele theater on Monday night, November i, is thai priceless art niuseii'i of Ihe whole world Ihe l.ouvre, the majestic Arc do Triiuple, the spacious Peter de la Concorde, Ihe C.hurch of Ihe Madeleine, the Itourse, or Slock Kxchange, thai splendid gem of nrchilei lure, Ihe i ra ml Opera house, the Hotel de Ville or Citj Hall. Ihe I'anll n, the Hotel de ("limy. Ihe F.iffel Tower and Ti'ocadero, the Pelil Palais, Me tropolitan Ilaily and Viaduct at l'assy, Ihe busy boulevards, Hotel des Invaldies, Noire Dame, with its fantastic sculptors on I be parallels silhoutted against' the sky, gorgeous Versailles with its beautiful fountains, and Ihe tomb of Napoleon. A thriling hydroplane race wit h an 800 horse power motor boat at Monte Carlo; (he whaling in duslry; "our friends, the bees;" a ferocious attack on a horse by an enraged lion, during which Ihe etiiine is saver only by Ihe dead sure aim of a hunler at the crucial moment, when the lion is making a terrible leap at his in tended victim, and the burial of Ihe Maine are only a few of the many other features included in Ihe program. Judge Travis Down Town. Judge II. D .Travis was down town this ariernoon for the first time in several weeks. It was a most pleasing sight for the judge's many friends to see him around again, and although still sick, it is to he hoped he will be himself again in a short time and he able to resume his duties. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Farmers' Mutual Tire and Live Stock Insurance Company of Cass county, Nebraska, will be held at Ihe Ileil school house (District No. 88), in Eight Mile Grove pre cinct, on Saturday, November 2, 1012, at 1:30 p. m , for the pur pose of electing officers for the ensuing year and transacting such oilier business that may come be fore Ihe meeting. Jacob Trilsch, President. J. P. Falter, Secretary. J. (i. Criswell, a painter, living at 510 North Mulberry St., Hag erslown, Md., states: "I bad kidney trouble with a severe pain across my back, and could hard ly get up after sitting down. I look Foley Kidney Pills and soon found the pain left my back. I could get up and down with ease, and the bladder action was moro regular and normal." Try them. For snel by F. 0. Fricke & Co. Auction Bridge, 500 and Bridge Pads at tho Journal odlco. IHE i BEAUTY OF PARIS Kl 4 4 UVL DELIVERED AFTER NOVEMBER 1st- This is notice to the people of Plattsmouth, customers of Kunsman & Ramgc: We have come to the conclusion and completely convinced that on account of the high prices of meats, we can make it an object for you and everyone to come for your pro duct. We have fully decided to quit delivering meat to anyone after No vember 2nd. We are satisfied you will bo more pleased to select your meats and save yourself from 3 to 5c per pound on most of the cuts. The high price of stock and meat and the expense of delivering has compelled us to discontinue the de livery business after Nov. 2. Kunsman 4 Ramge Policital Advertisement HERMAN DOS DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska The motto of Herman Diers is: "Less Politics and More Business in Stale Affairs." Mr. Diers is a brother of V. F. Diers of Louisville and one of the successful business men of the stale. He solicits the voles of the people of Cass county. If elected he promises' to give as careful attention to slate af fairs as comes under his super vision as he gives to his own busi ness affairs. He promises to safeguard the interests of tho people in every particular. His record as representative of York county, and as state senator from York ami Filinore counties is a matter of public record and as such is open for inspection. For State Senator. Having served the people of Cass county in the state senate, and believing that I have done my duly to my constituents, I am a candidate again for Jhe same position from Otoe and Cass counties, and solicit the voles of everyone who believes in a "square deal" to all. W. B. Banning. Candidate for Assessor. William R. Bryan has farmed for 23 years in Cass county and is offering to serve the people in Ihe capacity of county assessor, and believes he is well qualilled to fill the position lo the satisfac tion of Ihe taxpayers of Cass county. C A. RICHEY. Candidate for the legislature on the republican ticket. Reared in Cass county, and for many years a resident of Louisville, Neb. Your support is solicited. For Assessor. Ii. A. Tyson, republican can didate for ciMinty assessor. Re sided in Cass county 40 years. County clerk of Cass county 4 years. Your votes solicited. FX. i 1 Is" A1 LdL LI 1 For Representative. Joim J. Gustin is a candidate for representative from Cass county in the legislature. Having been reared on a farm, and hav ing received a very fair educa tion, I feel that if elected I can serve the people honestly and to their satisfaction. I will endeavor to do my best for the people I represent. I therefore solicit the votes of all who believe "in equal and exact, justice to all." John J. Gustin. HENRY H. BARTLINQ. Republican candidate for State Senator, candidate for re-election, Cass and Otoe counties. Resident of Nebraska City. Promises to vote for people's choice for Unit ed Slates Senator. WM. WEBER. Thirty-five years a resident of Cass county. Republican candidate for the ofllce of County Commis sioner, First Commissioner Dis trict. Resident of the City of Plattsmouth. Solicits the support of the voters of the county. JULIUS PITZ. Democratic candidate for tho ofllce of County Commissioner, First Commissioner District. Has been n Cass county farmer and fruit grower for many years. The support of the voters at the No vember election will bo greatly appreciated. For Float Representative. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the ofllce of float representative. If elected I will vole for the people's choice for United Slates senator and prom ise to give my constituents the very best servico within my ability. I stand for tho strictest economy in all matters of ap propriation consistent with good government. Your support is most earneslly solicited. - Chas. II. Busch. "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Noth ing helped me until used Doan's Ointment. The result was last ing." Hon. John R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. COAL and We are now handling a complete line of coal. Call and let us quote you prices for your fall and winter coal. We handle wheat, oats, corn and chop of all kinds. Ind. Telephone 297 Nelson Jean & Co. FEED