The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 28, 1912, Image 6

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Some Very Sensible Ideas In
Regard to State School
Greenwood, Neb., October 2 4.
F.ditnr Plattsinoulh Journal:
ft is well for I lie voters of the
Mate to know w here I heir candid
ates for the legislature st ami with
reference to good roads, the ini
tiative, referendum and recall,
and other progressive measures.
!ut. it is also of very grave im
portance that I hey know where
they stand with reference to our
school system.
We have a slale university I hat
is becoming more ami more illc.
talorial over all id her schools of
our slale, he I hey denominal ional,
private or public, ami it is aide
lo assume the role of dictator by
reason of laws passed and ap
propriations made by our legis
lature under the influence brought
to hear by this same slale uni
vcrsily. At Ihe present lime our
High school courses are arranged
by a "High .school inspector" sent
out by Ihe university, and they
are arranged with Ihe sob.' idea
J hat each pupil w ill attend the
university, giving no thought to
Ihe great majority who never ex
pect to go farther in school work,
or especially school work of a
fitrictly literary nature; and they
have either supplanted or abridg
ed many subjects that should he
thoroughly taught in Ihe public
schools, by same make-shift of
no merit, and repugnant to most
live boys ami girls, and given each
of the so-called subjects the hon
orable position of one more
"credit point" to Ihe stale uni
versity providing the pupil sits
long enough in a High school
seat, pretending lo study said
subject, lo satisfy the dignity of
the slate university. Then, after
the pupil has sat in "an accredit
ed High school" the required
length of time four years he
or she is handed, with much cere
mony, a diploma from said "ac
credited High school."
l!y virtue of said diploma and
the "points" earned by silling
four years in said lliah school lo
gel, said diploma, the possessor,
without further preliminary, is
admitted lo the sanctum sanc
torum of all education Ihe stale,
university. His country cousin,
who dug the meat ou of Ihe real
subject and menially digested
Ihe same at home in Ihe evenings
by Ihe kitchen table, while Ihe
High school pupils ran Ihe streets
developing "class spirit," by
practicing thuggery and lliug
geltery, is compelled lo lake a
rigid examination before enjoy
ing the privileges of Ihe stale
uimerMly; and even then he is
at a disadvantage, as he has not
developed "class spirit," can't use
Maim, play Ihe masher, imr spend
bis money fast enough.
I'.y reason ,,f the iuilueuce of
Ibis slate university over Ihe
legislature we now have four
stale normal schools capable of
excellent assistance in log-rolling
laws and appropriation
through the legislature, and there
will be a greal ell'orl made this
winter to buy out our last private
normal school ami make il the
11 flh slale normal under (lie
red guardianship of our slate
university, thus leaving u- with
no private school of imporlaure
wit h w Ii it li lo compare our state
schools in educational aeuuion
or in necessary running expense
when asking for appropriations,
schools in educational acumen
but I believe in schools that make
education pay, and I hat are not
conducted lo lleece Ihe public, en
deavor to make it appear I hat an
education is a very dilllcull. thing
to acquire, and thai are con
linually crowding the real, prac
tical and mind-developing sub
jects out of our primary and sec
ondary schools, that our children
may be compelled to go away
from home lo get what they
should get in our home schools,
that Ihe so-called higher schools
may slill continue to dominale
our school courses, and lleece
the public by log-rolling ap
propriations through (he legis
lature. F.aeh commuiiily has a suf
ficient number of intelligent
citizens lo formulate a course of
study for its schools without any
dictatorial advice from the slate
university, and the laws of our
state give each community such
authorily, and it should assume
tho duty, leaving Ihe slate uni
versity to arrange its own courses
1o fit the ones that are adapted lo
our respective communities.
There, is no more dangerous
monopoly than a monopoly of
education, because everyone ad
mits the value of it. Hence, al
most anything done under the
guise of higher educal ion is toler
ated, even though in reality it is
a great hinderance to the best
interests of education.
This the writer believes is the
condition in our state today. The
departments of our state uni
versity are being scattered over
the state to give greater political
control. We now have four slate
normal schools under the
guardianship of the university.
We need but two at most. Now,
if our coming legislature com
mits the error of establishing a
II flh slale normal it will have de
stroyed our last independent
school of note, leaving us nothing
with which to make comparisons,
and completely fastening the
educal ional monopoly on the pub
lic, with the slate university as
sole monarch.
Our candidates for the legis
lature should be made lo under
stand that, they will be doing a
much greater buiielit to the cause
of education in our slate by fail
ing lo make appropriations for a
couple of our present stale nor
mals, rather than by establishing
a fifth slate normal. The idea
thai the best in education is at
tained by uniformity and must
minute from one head is fallaci
ous. II eliminates the real spirit
that makes for progress I ho
spirit of independent thought and
friendly competition on equal
I'M ward Lance Jones.
One of the Most Enjoyable Events
of the Season and Long to
Be Remembered.
One of the most enjoyable
events that, has been held here for
some lime was that of the Murray
family, held the home of L. C. W.
Muray, just outside of the city,
on Sunday, October 20. There
were present on this joyful oc
casion Charles A. Murray and
wife, John Murray, wife and chil
dren, Leonard I',, Murray and wife
of Oklahoma, Clarence Murray of
Parsons, Kansas, Mrs. Yost and
children, Mrs. Will Merger ami
children of Nebraska City, Frank
Spangler and family, Mrs. Philip
Spangler and family, Oavid Mur
ray and family, F.dward Murray
and family, Christopher C. Mur
ray ami family, (iuy Murray and
family, Albert Murray and family,
Mr, and Mrs. L. C. W. Murray,
Mrs. Stephen Wiles, mother of
Mrs. L. C. W. Murray, and Miss
Isabel Wiles.
There were twelve grandchild
ren nut present, two sons-in-laws
ami one daughter-in-law not able
lo allend; there were fortv-iiine
prcscnl on the pleasanl occasion.
Of the descendants of Mr. and
Mrs. Murray there are thirty-four
living grandchildren and live
dead. A pleasanl feature of Ihe
day was a photograph of the
father, iimilirr ami thirteen chil
dren logel her, ami one of I lie ell
lire galhering. as well as one
showing four generations of the
I lilt SI,i: Duroe-.Iersey
boar-, 'George A. Kall'enberger.
Hscar li. Larson and wife of
Omaha were in the cily today
looking after bu-iiiess matters at
Ihe court hou-e.
Adam KalVenbei'ger was in Sal
unlay transacting some business
mailers and visiting with bis
friends for Ihe dav.
Miss Julia Svohoila returned to
Omaha this morning, after visit
ing over Sunday with her father
and sisler in this citv.
Mrs. William Frilchinan and
little son of Council Hluffs were
in Ihe cily Sunday visiting at the
Albert Schuldiee home.
Albert Clabaugh departed this
morning on No. 0 for Shenandoah,
Iowa, to look after the interests
of Ihe light company there.
Frank Ilomola departed (bis
morning on No. C for Olenwood.
where he is employed, after
spending Sunday with relatives
Mrs. F. M. l'hebus and two
sons were passengers this morn
ing for Omaha, where they spent
the day looking after business
Lee Allison, one of the sub
stantial farmers from the vicinity
of Murray, was in Ihe cily Satur
day looking after some mailers
of business.
Another Cass County Pioneer
Passes to His Reward Mon
day Morning.
DILI) Seybolt, Luther Reeves,
October 28, 1912, aged 8 i years,
K months and 21 days, , of
Death has again called and
claimed as his own another one
of the pioneer citizens of Cass
county, in the person "of H. L.
Seyboll, of near Murray. Mr.
Seybolt had been suffering for
the past five weeks from the ef
fects of a stroke of paralysis, and
owing lo his advanced age was
unable lo withstand Ihe shock of
the stroke and passed away at his
home near Murray early this
Mr. ScybolL was born in Otis
ville, New York, in the year 1828,
and spent his early manhood in
I hat, state, where be was married
to Miss Harriet Moore, also of
that slate, February 11, 1855. He
and his wife decided to join the
westward tide of immigration and
removed lo the young state of
Nebraska in 18(59, where they set
tled on the farm in Hock Hluffs
precinct, where they have re
sided since that time, and where
Mr. Seybolt passed away. He
leaves surviving him his wife and
two children, John H., living near
Murray, and Mrs. Mary Muiz of
Auburn, Neb., and one sister, Mrs.
Harrison Smith, living near
The funeral will be held Wed
nesday afternoon at 1 o'clock
from the late home and will be
conducted by Ilev. Ross Williams
of Ihe Christian church of Mur
ray. E
The wedding which occurred al
the (ierman Lutheran church last
Wednesday was one of the largest
affairs ever held in this com
munity, Ihe happy couple, Miss
Dora (iaebel and William Lau,
represent ing two of Cass counties
oldest and most prominent fam
ilies. The impressive ceremony,
conducted by Rev. T. Hartman,
Occurred promptly at 1 o'clock p.
rn. The bride was handsomely
attired In a beautiful gown of
while satin with Ihe usual long
veil and orange blossoms. She
was attended by her cousins,
Misses Lena Lau and Lydia
Paul scb, who were also gowned
in while. The groom was attend
ed by the brothers of Ihe bride,
Fred and Louis fiaebel.
immediately after Ihe ceremony
the wedding parly and assembled
guests repaired to the home of
Ihe bride's rather, (. J. (iaebel,
where an elegant dinner was
served, the tables being laid
again and again to accommodate
the large number present. As is
usual in this hospitable com
munity, a sumptuous supper was
served, and later on a lunch,
while several charvari parlies
were made welcome and gen
erously treated. Mr. and Mrs,
Lau were the recipients of a large
number of handsome presents.
They v ill go to housekeeping al
once ami will live for Ihe present
with the groom's mother, Mrs. F,.
Lau. The Courier joins I heir host
of friends in extending congratu
lations and best wishes Louis
ville Courier.
W. II. Newell was a business
visitor in the metropolis today,
being a passenger for that city on
.No. 15.
Mrs. A. It. Swarthout was a pas
senger this morning for Omaha,
where she visited during the day
with friends.
Mrs. Peter Mumni and daugh
ter, Miss Hose, were passengers
this morning for Omaha, whero
I hey visited for the dav.
or girl for restaurant work.
Wages $5 per week. Apply Union
restaurant, Union, Nebraska.
W. II. lleil, wife, daughter and
sister, of Fight Mile drove, were
in the city Saturday looking after
business matters, and remained
lo attend "The Prince of Tonight"
at the Parmelo.
Mrs. J. R. Sexton of LaJunla,
Colorado, came in yesterday and
visited for the day will- W. T.
Scollen and family. Mrs. Sexton
is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Scolten
and greatly enjoyed the visit here
with her relat ives.
i. P.
on the market and
liioinwiijovvi wnik.i w IUOIIJII JVKM gUUU COcll WIlU COCfl
and every Base Burner purchased of us.
Polisital Advertisement
t m a a i
W ff-S V !
u m Ha. f . i
Lieutenant Governor
of Nebraska
Tin,' motto of Herman Diers is:
"Less Polities and More Ilusiness
in Stall! Allah's."
Mr. Diers is a brother of W. F.
Diers of Louisville and' one of
the successful business men of
the stale. He solicits the voles of
the people of Cass county.
If elected he promises lo give
as careful attention lo slate af
fairs as comes under his super
vision as he gives to bis own busi
ness alfairs. He promises to
safeguard the interests of the
people in every particular.
His record as representative of
York county, and as state senator
from York ami Filmore counties
is a mailer of public record and
as such is open for inspect inn.
For Stato Senator.
Having served Ihe people of
('ass county in the slate senate,
and believing that I' have done
my duly to my constituents, I am
a candidate again for the same
position from Otoe and Cass
counties, and solicit the voles of
everyone who believes in a
"sipiare deal" lo all.
W. n. Banning.
Candidate for Assossor.
William R. Bryan has farmed
for 23 years in Cass county and
is offering to serve the people in
the capacity of county assessor,
and believes he is well qualified
to till the position lo the satisfac
tion of the taxpayers of Cass
Candidate for the legislature on
the republican ticket. Reared in
Cass county, and for many years
a resident of Louisville, Neb.
Your support is solicited.
For Assessor.
L. A. Tyson, republican can
didate for county assessor. Re
sided in Cass county -46 years.
County clerk of Cass county 4
years. Your votes solicited.
For Representative.
John J. (Justin is a candidate
for representative from Cass
county in the legislature. Having
been reared on a farm, and hav
ing received a very fair educa
tion, I feel that if elected I can
serve tho people honestly and to
thvir satisfaction. I will endeavor
Uf V
- l -
is now prepared to sell the very BEST
II lo)
furnish you plenty of hard
to do my best for the people I
represent. I therefore solicit the
votes of all who believe "in equal
and exact justice to all."
John J. Gustin.
Republican candidate for State
Senator, candidate for re-election,
Cass and Otoe counties. Resident
of Nebraska City. Promises to
vole for people's choice for Unit
ed States Senator.
Thirty-five years a resident of
Cass county. Republican candidate
for the ofllce of County Commis
sioner, First Commissioner Dis
trict. Resident, of Ihe City of
Plait smoulh. Solicits Ihe support
of (he voters of the count v.
Democratic candidate for Ihe
office of County Commissioner,
First Commissioner District. Has
been a Cass county farmer and
fruil grower for many years. The
support of the voters at the No
vember election will be greatly
For Float Representative.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of float
representative. If elected I will
vote for the people's choice for
United States senator and prom
ise to give my constituents the
very best service within my
ability. I stand for the strictest
economy in all matters of ap
propriation consistent with good
government. Your support is
most earnestly solicited.
Chas. H. Busch.
Seats on sale now at Riley Hotel
for "The Wolf."
FOR SALK A Monarch Steel
Range, in good condition. Price
reasonable. Inquire al this office.
James lligley and wife were
called to Omaha this aflernoon ly
the illness of Grant Cotner at the
Mrs. L. 15. White was a pas
senger this morning on No. 15 for
Omaha, where she spent the day
with friends.
Karl Reese and Glen Scott of
Omaha came down Saturday on
No. 2 to spend Sunday with rela
tives in Ibis city.
"The Wolf," one of the most
favorite shows on the road, at
the Parmele theater ' one night
only, Wednesday, October 30.
Mrs. J. A. Murray returned Sat
urday on No. 2 from Omaha,
where she has been visiting her
son and daughter for a short
County Alorney Taylor was a
passenger yesterday morning for
Union, where he spent Sunday
with bis omther, Mrs. Barbara
II. L. Ofe and wifeo f Oakdale,
Nebraska, who have been visiting
Mr. Ofe's brother, Henry, in this
cily for a few weeks, departed this
morning on No. 15 for their home'.
Miss Margaret Donelan return
ed to her studies at Brown ell Hall,
in Omaha, this morning on No.
15. after spending Sunday with
her mother, Mrs. John Donelan,
and oilier relatives.
It !
coal at the lowest
A Winner Journal Want Ads.
Mrs. C. A. Ravvls and Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Rawls spent Sunday
in Murray with relatives and
This is your last chance to see
that great play, "The Wolf," at
Parmele theater, Wednesday,
October 30.
C L. Graves, editor of the
Union Ledger, was in the city this
morning looking after some busi
ness matters.
Miss Mildred Cook returned this
morning to Olenwood, after
spending Sunday with her par
ents, W. L. Cook and wife.
Anton If. Koubeck of Omaha
came down Saturday and visited
over Sunday with his mother and
other relatives in this citv.
Russell Harris and wife and
little child came down yesterday
and spent the day with Mrs. Har
ris' parents. F. G. Frieke and wife.
Henry Hirz, sr., and two
daughters departed this morning
for Omaha, where they looked af
ter business mailers for the day.
Miss Minnie Hires of Lincoln,
who has been visiting here with
the family of Will Gerdes, re
turned Ibis morning on No. 15
for her home.
Mrs. Casper Thygeson returned
this morning lo her home at Ne
braska City, after visiting a few
days with her parents, A. W.
White and wife.
Mrs. Henry Sleinhauer and
daughter, Miss Gladys, relumed
last evening from Falls City,
where they have been vis il ing
friends for a few days.
J. G. McDaniel. who has been
here visiting at the L T. Rover
home for several days, departed
this morning for his home in
Scioland county, Missouri.
Miss Clee Applegafe, one of our
popular school teachers, was a
visitor in Union ycslerday, where
she visited for the day with her
mother and other relatives.
George Dodge, wife and daugh
ter, Miss Violet, and W. A. Egen
berger molored to Nebraska City
yesterday in Mr. Dodge's car and
xisited for a few hours with
R. M. Stivers, who visited over
Sunday at Ihe home of Simon
Clark, departed this morning for
Cedar Creek. Mrs. Slivers re
turned this aflernoon on the
Earl May field of Louisville was
in Ihe city today looking after
some business mailers, and took
time to drop in and chat a short
time with Ihe Journal force.
25c, 35c, 50e and 75c arc the
prices for one of the best dramas
ever written "The Wolf." Last
time here, Parmele theater, one
night only, Wednesday, Oct. 30.
Rev. M. W. Lorimer departed
this morning on No. )5 for his
hinie al Woodriver. Neb., nfler
preaching at the Presbyterian
church ycslerday. Rev. Lorimer
will make preparations to move to
Plnllsntoulh at once.