The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 24, 1912, Image 3

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    Folicilal fldverlisement, SJ;'':
- - - government. Your support is
! )in( earnestly solicited.
('.lias. II. Busch.
is the most complete we have ever shown- we have
nothing but the Annis Detroit Furs one of the best on
the market. Sets from
$3.50 to $50.00
ML K UUlyJuiLlI &l mm
Read the Semi-Weekly Journal
3 V,
Wednesday, Oct 30th, 1912
Sale will be held at farm, five miles southwest of Mynard; nine miles north
of Nehawka and a quarter mile north of Eight Mile Grove Church
23 Spring Boars; 1 Yearling Herd Boar; 1 Fall Yearling Boar; 20 Spring
Gilts and 5 Sows with Litters at Side.
Gome Early and Inspect this Herd! Dinner Will Be Served to All!
tlTThis offering includes five Spring Litters and three bred sows by Com. B and C's
Co).; five Spring litters and five young litters by Crimson Model; one Spring litter by
Fancy Model 121975; one Spring litter by Blue Ribbon Model 114431; one Fall yearling
boar by Col. Tippy 98169, and two bred sows by Waldo's Reserve 83341.
All Trains will be met at Plattsmouth, Mynard and Nehawka
Our terms are cash. Parties wanting time must make
me weru- oi me saie.
COL. N. G. KRASCHEL, Auctioneer
0. I. Purdy, Fieldman, Journal Stockman
E. G. Dovey, Clerk
m. -it-minimi
iff I
z if f
g 1'
Terms of Sale!
V. E.
c urs
satisfactory settlement with
PERRY, Owner
i ' J
Lieutenant Governor
of Nebraska
The motto of Hermun Diers is:
"Less Politics and More Business
in State Affairs."
Mr. Diers is a brother ot W. F.
Diers of Louisville and one of
the successful business men of
the state, lie solicits the voles of
the people, of Cass county.
If elected he promises to give
as careful attention to slate af
fairs as conies under his super
vision as he gives to his own busi
ness affairs. He promises to
safeguard the interests of the
people in every particular.
His record as representative of
York county, and as state senator
from York and Filfnore counties
is a matter of public record and
as such is open for inspection.
For State Senator.
Having served the people of
Cass county in the slate senate,
and believing that, I have done
my duly to my constituents, I am
a candidate again for the same
position from Otoe and Cass
counties, and solicit the votes of
everyone who believes in a
"square deal" to all.
W. 15. Banning.
Candidate for Assessor.
William R. Brvan has fanned
for 23 years in Cass county and
is offering to serve the people in
the capacity of county assessor,
and believes he is well qualitled
to till the position to the satisfac
tion of the taxpayers of Cass
Candidate for the legislature on
the republican ticket. Beared in
Cass county, and for many years
a resident of Louisville, .Neb.
Your support is solicited.
For Assessor.
L. A. Tyson, republican can
didate for county assessor. Re
sided in Cass county Hi years.
County clerk of Cass county 4
cars. Your votes solicited.
For Representative.
John J. (iustin is a candidate
for representative from Cass
county in the legislature. Having
been reared on a farm, and hav
ing received a very fair educa
tion, I feel that if elected I can
serve the people honestly and to
their satisfaction. I will endeavor
to do my best for the people I
represent. I therefore solicit the
votes of all who believe "in equal
and exact justice to all."
John J. Oust in.
Republican candidate for Slate
SVnalor, candidate for re-election,
Cass and Otoe counties. Resident
of Nebraska City. Promises to
vote for people's choice for Tail
ed Slates Senator.
Thirty-five years a resident of
Cass county. Republican candidate
for the office of County Commis
sioner, First, Commissioner Dis
trict. Resident of the City of
Plattsmouth. Solicits the support
of the Voters of the countv.
Democratic candidate for the
office of County Commissioner,
First Commissioner District. Has
been n Cass county farmer and
fruit grower for many years. The
support of the voters at the No
vember election will be greatly
For Float Representative.
I hereby announce nivself as a
candidate for the office of float
representative. If elected I will
vole for the people's choice for
United Slates senator and prom
ise to give my constituents the
very best service within my
ability. I stand for the strides!
Dr. Jones
went to Omaha
Henry West lake w as in Lincoln
Fred West lake of Avoca spent
Sunday here.
Mrs. Matt Thinigan was in Lin
coln last Friday.
Harry (iillespie was in Omaha
last Friday anil Saturday.
Mrs..W. o. (iillespie was quite
sick Sunday and Monday.
Miss Mina (ioehry of Omaha
was home over Sunday.
Mrs. (iakemier and daughter
were shopping in Omaha Friday.
Little Miss lone Weddell has
been nearly sick with a bad cold
the past few days.
Fred (iorder and family of
Weeping Water spent Sunday
with relatives here.
Mr. ami Mrs. John Amgwert
and daughter, Marvel, spent Sun
day with relatives near Alvo.
Mrs. W. 0. (iillespie returned
from Omaha Friday evening,
where she was having dental work
Mr. and Mrs. 'Paul Schewe and
Mr. and Mrs. Fmil Kuebn spent
last Thursday and Friday In
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Crink and
sons, Newell and Cedrie.of Water
loo, Neb., visited friends here
over" Sunday.
(iuest of Louis Neilzel and wife
Sunday were; Rev. Cole, Alvin
Neilzel and little Miss Dollie
Jones of Havelock.
Messrs. Lawson and Powell of
Lincoln took in the dance Satur
day evening and visited on Sunday
willi Lacey McDonald.
Miss Marie (iieseker, accom
panied by Miss Ida (iehrts, spent
Saturday and Sunday with the
former's home folks at Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kuehn
and Mrs. Kuebn were in
Flmwdod Tuesday with their sis
ter, Mrs. Mary Williams, who is
very sick.
Arthur Bornemier, (iuy Lake
and Misses (irayce Lawton and
Mathilde Bornemier were among
those from here who attended the
home talent play at Flmwood last
Thursday evening.
Homer Lawton of Wabash and
Misses Lyda Soriek and (irayce
Lawton were in Lincoln Monday
evening, where they attended the
graduation exercises of the hit
ler's sisters, Misses Carrie and
Kslelle Lawton, who, with a few
others in the class, finish their
term of training at the Orthopedic
hospital. The exercises were held
in the capital building.
Mr. and Mrs. John (iustin were
married twenty-live years ago last
Sunday, and about seventy-live
relatives and friends gathered at
their home to help them celebrate.
As usual, when entertained at this
home, everyone had a lovely time.
At the close of the afternoon a
delightful luncheon was served
and the guests departed wishing
I hem many more years of w edded
Celebrate Anniversary.
A memorable event, of the sea
son look place on last Saturday
evening at the (i. Y. Pickwell
home, when they celebrated their
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.
The decorations were beautiful,
the showers of tiny while bows
from the ceiling of the, parlor be
ing one of the attractive features.
An excellent and elaborate two
course luncheon was served to
118 guests. The gifts were
numerous and beautiful, where
not quantity but quality spoke.
The out-of-town guests were:
Messrs. and Mesdamcs Miller of
Kansas City, Rev. Cole of Uni
versity Place, K. Kirkpatrick of
Nehawka. Fred (iorder of Weep
ing Water, Kuehn of Alvo, Ouslin,
Oeorgc Miller, Fred Bailey of
Flmwood, Matthews, Mowery of
fireenwood, P. S. Crink of Water
loo, and Mr. Fred Cox of Omaha.
Many ills come from impure
blood. Can't have pure blood with
faulty digestion, lazy liver and
sluggish bowels. Burdock Blood
Bitters Is recommended for
strengthening stomach, bowels
and liver and purifying the blood.
Adam Meisinger, one of the
prosperous young farmers from
near Cedar Creek, was in the city
today biking after some business
mailers. He found lime to pay
the Journal office a brief call.
The Missouri Pacific railroad is
contemplating, or in tact, has al
ready ordered a number of im
provements to be made at 'their
passenger station in this city iu
recognition of the increasing
amount of business that road is
doing out of Platts'mouth. The
depot is to be painted, both, in.
side and out, the interior of the
building thoroughly renovated
and placed in as good condition
as any on this part of the sytera.
Mr. Norton, the agent, has al
ready given the orders for-the
wiring and installing of electric
lights in the depot, doing away
with the old miserable oil lamps
that have for years been used to
the discomfort of those who were
compelled to wait in the station
for trains.
Since Mr. Norton has been act
ing as agent of the company at
this place the business has been
increased in every department,
the passenger business in creas
ing 30 per cent, while the freight
lines show an increase of 40 per
cent over the total for the same
perioil last year. The road has
greatly improved its train service,
which had aided greatly in the in
crease of business, as has also
the courteous and gentlemanly
manner in which Mr. Norton looks
after the business of tho com
pany, as well as the comfort of
the patrons of the road.
The new trains that the Mis
souri Pacific have installed on
their line are getting to be very
popular with the traveling pub
lic, especially the Kansas City-St.
Louis travel. The trains that
have proven so popular are the
morning passenger, reaching
here at 8:15, and the St. Paul
St. Louis fast express, reaching
here at 11:25 a. in. going south,
and 7:45 p. m. returning north,
and these trains usually get a
large amount of the Plattsmouth
traveling public's business.
The company has placed their
roadbed in' splendid shape from
Kansas City to Omaha and have
appeared as a strong .contender
for business among the other
roads operating through Ne
braska territory. The road should
be given great credit for these im
provements, as only a few years
ago the Missouri Pacific was
looked upon as a sort of joke by
other roads, but now they are be
ginning to realize that infusion
of new blood and energy into the.
organization of the company is
going to place it among the best
in the country in a few years, or
it will if men like President Bush
are kept at the bead of the man.
The Plaltsmoul h traveling pub
lic will be greatly pkased to learn
of the proposed improvements at
tin' depot and will feel very grate
ful towards Agent Norton for his
"(Volts tu secure for this city a
railroad station that can be used
and kept in a clean condition. Be
fore the arrival yf Mr. Norton the
public was compelled to herd in
one waiting room, but he at, once
hud the room for ladies cleaned
up ami thrown open for the usot
of those traveling over the road,
and i;nv that the building is to
be cleaned and painted, it will
make very comfortable quarters
for the travelers, as well as the
oi'ii e force at the depot.
The democratic meeting held at
Avoca Tuesday evening was large
ly attended and great enthusiasm
was evidenced for the whole ticket
from Wilson down to the county
ticket. Judge Oood of Lincoln de
livered a very convincing speech,,
as did a Herman speaker from
Wisconsin, who adderssed the
voters in his native tongue. The
meet it., as a w hole was one of
the most successful of the cam
paign, and as election day draws
near the prospects for democratic
victory grow brighter.
Everybody's friend Dr. Thom
as' Fclectic Oil, tho great house
hold remedy for toothache, ear
ache, sore throat, cuts, bruises,
scalds. Sold at all drug stores.
25c and 50c.
Wisconsin Holland Seed Cab
bage and Horseradish Root at
Soennichsen's store. 10-12-tfd
Many Improvements Will
Made at the Depot in
This City.