r i ' J. W. ("PLATFORM") KELLEY .1. W. Kelli'v, (li'iiHM'ial if can didal!' for secn-lary of .stale, is an Ohioan li iiirlli, ln-iiiK burn at Uillsli.)r(nif:li, in 1H'.:. His hy IjimmI ilas were spent al, I he plan; of his Lirlh, until 18CH, when Ik; moved wcsl, sell ling a I, Villisca, Iowa, lie resided at that place lllll.il INK;', when lie reiiiuvcil lo Furnas nnmly, where lie has sinci? lived, ami has been actively en Kagfd in fanning and wheal ami stork business. Mr. Kelley was elecled a inem J)vr of I he l'JO!) session of the Ne braska legislature, ami appoint ed sergeant at anus of the 1911 session. He w as chairman if I he Ctiinniil lee (if pnhlic lands and buildings and a member (if the railroad bcneveolent institutions and normal school comniil lees. Hccaiise of his persistent in Mstence, while a member of Hie legislature, that his party should carry out its platform pledges he was dubbed "IMatform Kelley," a title that he is very proud of. He took an active part in many pro gressive measures passed by that legislature and was author of House Roll .No. 31), a lull provid ing for paying hack lo I he old fioldicrs the pension money Ihat bad been retained from the pen sions of the velerans, who are in mates of I he Soldiers' Home, which order had been passed by a former administration. Mr. Kelley invites the closest inspection of his public record, and on Ibis record be seeks the high position of secretary of slnle. Saved by His Wife. She's a wise woman who knows just what to do when her hus band' life is in danger, but Mrs. Jl. J. I-'linl, Mraintree, Yt is of that kind. "She insisted on my using I)r. King's New discovery," writes Mr. 1'., "for a dreadful cough, when I was so weak my friends all thought I had only a short time to live, and it com pletely cured me." A (piiek cure for coughs and colds, it's the most safe and reliable medicine for many throat ami lung troubles Rrip, bronchitis, croup, whoop ing cough, (piinsy, lonsilitis, hemorrhages. A trial will con vince you. fid its. and $1.00. riuaranlet d by V. (i. Fricke it Co. Sweatop Found. A large size gentleman's sweat er found on the road between my home and Murray. The owner may have same by calling al my home and paying for this adver tisement. Win. Oliver. Riprapping on the East Side. From Friday's Daily. The work of riprapping the river bank below J-'oUom is rapid ly prog re. iim'. Traiuloads of brush, lock and other materials go through here i, lien. A number of I'aciiic Junction men are work ing for the goM-rnnienl at. the work. I. and owners in the vicin i!y of Hi,' S.iim Vinton and ('.. Hhoade. farm r. re now assured that, their farm" are safe as long a- ihe riprappinu !a-ts. (ilen w I Tribune. Heavy Rain. Frm Friday's Daily, This city was visited by one of Ihe heaviest rains of the season last night and early this morning. The rain started about 5 o'clock and increased in force until about 7 o'clock, when the downpour was something terrific, making- it al most impossible for people to venture down town, and those that did soon sought some good warm, dry spot to spend the evening'. Will Go to the Asylum. From Friday's Dully. The insane patient, Verne Kiser, who was ordered to the insane asylum by the insanity board yes terday, will be compelled to re main in the jail for Ihe present, as the stalt; authorities cannot accommodate him at the asylum, either at Norfolk or Hastings, and the patient will have lo remain here until room can be made fur him. Lived Here Twenty-five Years Ago. II. K. Pankonin and wife of (Irani, Neb., arrived Ibis morning on No. 10 and will make a visit at the home of August Itnessler for a short lime. Mr. l'arikonin is a former resident of this county, removing to (irant in 18H(, and notes a great change in the ap pearance of things in (his city. Mr. l'ankonin called at this olllce this afternoon and renewed for Ihe Journal. FOR PLATTSMQUTH PEOPLE Plattsmouth Citizens' Experiences Furnish Topic for Platts mouth Discussion. The following experience occur red in IMaltsinouth. A lMatts mouth citizen relates it. Similar experiences are occur ring daily. I'laltsinoulh people are being relieved. (letting rid of distressing kid ney ills. Try 1 loan's Kidney Pills, the tested Quaker remedy. Plattsmouth people testify, Plallsnioulh people prolil. The evidence is home evidence Ihe proof convincing. Plallsnioulh testimony jg gratefully given. Plaltsinouth sufferers should heed it. J. L. McKinney, Lincoln Ave., Plallsnioulh, Neb., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are the best remedy I ever used fur disordered kid neys. Whenever I have had oc casion to take them they have given Ihe best results. In 1906 I publicly endorsed this prepara tion and I gladly confirm what I said then." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foslcr-Milburn Co., Ihill'alo, New York, sole agents for Ihe I'nited Stales. Heineinber the name Moan's and lake no other. Your Fall suit ought to be in your posses sion now we've been holding it here for sever.il weeks it's time for a "change of ownership." Whenever you're ready we'll show you the largest and finest stock in town. There's variety enough for any man. Special values $15, $20 and $25 Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats FLEET COMMANDER. Rear Admiral Osterhaus And View on Board His Flagship, Connecticut. -lit' mfi .'. 1 25 NAVAL CRAFT HOW IN NEWJT0RK HARBOR Vessels Tonight Will Bs Outlined in Incandescent Lights. New York, Oct. 12. The great fleet of Americnn battleships which Presi dent Tail and Secretary of the Navy Meyer will review next week in this harbor is now practically complete. The moliillzation was accomplished with the arrival of the last of the bat tleshlps, the South Carolina, and nine teen torpedo boats destroyers and a number of submarine craft. There are now 12a naval craft here. They stretch In the Hudson river from Twenty-third street to Spuyten Duyvil. Tonight the ships will be out lined in incandescent lights and Grant's tomb, the Soldiers' and Sail ors' monument and Riverside drive, all overlooking the Hudson, will be similarly Illuminated. Some 5,r.0O bluejackets and marines paraded today along upper Droadway and lower Pifth avenue. From a grandstand in front of the public II brnry there was a review by Rear Ad mlra! Hugo Osterhaus, commanding the Peel, an1 Mayor Gaynor and othef city officials. This evening 600 offi cers of the fleet will be guests at a ball at the Hotel Astor. SEES $225,000,000 SAVING Wisconsin Official Advocates Co-opera-tive Trading. Madison, Wis., Oct. 12. That a sav ing of $225,000,000 could be made to the consumers and producers of the farm produce of this country through co-operative buying and selling Is tin opinion of John Sinclair of the Wis consin legation reference library. Mr. Sinclair was sent by the Wis consin state board of public affairs to Enghnd, Denmark and other European countries In which co-operative mar keting has succeeded, to study tho methods followed there and to deter mine whether thoso would be appllca ble to Wisconsin conditions. The farm produce of this country Is worth about $9,000,000,000, and as suming that half of this represents the cost of marketing under the pres ent system, Mr. Slnclnlr estimate! that at least R per rent of the othei half could be saved by the producers havlne their own co-operative man ngers nnd sales agents. This would mean a net gain to the people of $225, 000,000, The great aim !n co-operation, ac cording to Mr. Sinclair, Is to Increase production and to get the product to the consumer as economically as pos Ible. PETTICOAT MAKERS FAIL Driven to Wall by New Style of Dresi Worn by Women. New York,. Oct. 12. The Jackson Mack Manufacturing company, one ol '.he largest makers of silk petticoats In New York, went Into bankruptcy. Tho failure is tho culmination of a widespread complaint among manu facturers that the close fitting dressef now worn by women have so reduced the demand for petticoats as to make them n glut on the market. The Ha blllties are estimated lit $700,000; as sets. $(100,000. Move for Marriage Reform. Elkhart. lnd Oct. 12. The Elkhart Ministerial association voted to anl tate lor n state law prohibiting any etui from conducting a marriage s.t vice unless the prospective biiila' couple submit n eertlllcato showlns ONanih.ation has proved them In fil physical condition for marriage. McCormlck Denies Contribution. Cbkupo, O; !. 12. Cyrus H. MeCor mlck, president of the International Harvester company, In response t( testimony by Charles r. Hilli s, issued a statement denying that the liar vrster trust had contributed ipythlnf to the Roosevelt fund. ISM t..f..arr-r:---Mititr;. ; j X7 m il - v- , - Political Adverlisemenl For Assessor, L. A. Tyson, republican can didate fur county assessor. Re sided in Cass county 16 years. County clerk of Cass county 4 years. Your votes solicited. Candidate for Assessor. William It. Bryan has farmed for 23 years in Cass county and is ofTeriiiK to serve the people in the capacity of county assessor, and believes he is well qualified to till the po.sition to the satisfac tion of the taxpayers of Cass county. C. A. RICKEY. Candidate fW (he legislature on the republican ticket. Reared in Cass county, ami fur many years a resident of Louisville, "'.Wb. Your support is solicited. J. W. Copeland, of Davton. Ohio, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Couph Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and be fore the bottle was all used the boy's cold was pone. Is that not belter than to 'pay a five-dollai doctor's bill? For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. Suspended Publication. Prom Frlday't Dally. The Plattsmouth News-IIerald, after a very checkered career, has aKain -suspended publication. I'laltsinoulh is a city of over i, 0(10 ami is now left with but one publication, the Journal, and it, is lillinw the demands of the cily and country. Ashland Gazette. Recovering From Operation. From Friday's nallv Mrs. J. W. Kdwards, who was operated on Wednesday at Im- mauuel hospital in Omaha for an abcess in her side, is yell ins alonir nicely and Ihe prospects are Ihat in a short time she will be able to return to her home in pood health. Fortunes in Faces. There's often much truth in the sayinpr, "her face is her fortune," but it's never said where pimples, skin eruptions, blotches, or other blemishes disfltruro it. Imnure blood is back of them all, and shows the need of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They promote health and beauty. Try them. 25 cents at F. (i. Fricke & Co. Farm for Sale. 135-acre farm, four miles from town, between 50 and CO acres under plow, 7 acres hay land, bal ance pasture. Running water. Seven-room house and other im provements. Inquire at Ihe ollice of Rawls & Robertson. 10-10-lf-wkly LANDS FOR SALE -Twenty improved farms, well located, in North Dakota, 100 to 1)00 acres in each one. Improvements from medium to line. Prices from $10 to $30 per acre. Describe the size and value of a farm you would like to purchase and we will send you n description at once. Two quarter sections in Oarfleld Coun ty, Nebraska, slightly improved, 100 acres of level land on one nnd about 130 acres on I ho other. Some pood hay land. These quar ters can be bought for $1,000 each; $000 down, balance on pay ments. Cass County farm, $150 per acre. Windham Investment & Loan Co., Plattsmouth, Neb. Here is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long experience, viz., Mrs. P. II. Ilrogan, of Wilson, Pa., who says: "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other. For croup there is nothing that excels it." For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. When you are locking Tor any thing in the line of paper, do not give up finding it in Plattsmouth until after you have called at the Journal office. We are the Cass county paper house. If you want to sell your prop erty a little ad in the Journal will bring a buyer. ol: to iti nrrons. In County Court. STATU OK x KM U ASK A. CltSS t'lMllltV, ss. In th. Mutter of tho Kstnto of Nicholas llnlllii's, I Hti'iisimI. Notice Is Ihmi'Iiv Klvcn tlint tll iicillloiM of sulil li',i.isc, v meet tho I :ii'iitor of Hnlil estate, before me, County .luilif., of c.'is.s County N'o lu'nska, nt the County Court room in I'hit tsniout h. In mihl Countv, on the th ihiy of Novemlier, HMJ, ami on tln tith ilny of M.iv, l!U;l, lit 10 o'clock u. in. em h ihiv, for the purpose of present ing their cl.ilms for examination, ad justment tool allowance. Six months are allowed for tho creilltois of xnhl (leccaseil to present their claims, ami one year for tho Kxecutor to settle said estate, from the Mil ilny of Xoyemher, 1912. Witness my hand and nonl of unhl County Court, nt Plattsmouth No hlilska, this 10th dnv of October! 1912. tScall AI.UCN J. HKKSON. County Judge. O. DVVVKIt, Attorney. ..." V"-- . . . ; ;i:k.'N.w.. I .A- F. G. FHICKE & CO. EZ3 COLORS RED, MICHAEL HILD Furniture and Undertaking Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum South Sixth Street Plattsmouth, - Nebraska Phnnpc t rnneS r When you have a had cold you want the hest medicine obtain, able so as to cure it with as little delay as possible. Here is a druggist's opinion: "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for fifteen years," says Enos Lollar of Saratoga, Ind., "and consider it Ihe best on the market." For sale by F. ( J. Fricke & Co. Landseekers, Listen I We are now able to deliver, for around $25.00 per acre (should be worth $50.00), choice, level wheat, corn, potato and alfalfa land, in a country where crops have been very satisfactory for some fifteen years, and where wheat yields up to SO, corn 50 to 50, potatoes 200 bushels per acre. We have only a limited number of these fine nun-resident tracts to offer at the "snap" figure, so if you are in terested ask us at once about tht'in. They will sell for .$50.00 per acre very soon. Reynolds Land Company, Madrid. Neb. 10-3-2twkly XOTIC'K. Id I be DUtrlct Court In and for Cam County, rbrimkn. Maud Kaspar, Plaintiff, James V. Kaspar, Defendant. iu unoies v, iHspHr, Derenoani: You are hereby notified that on May 21. 1912, plaintiff tiled her petition in the Clerk s oflloe of said court pray- ground of cruelty, desertion and non- xuppori, ana issuing mat ane De given the custody of Helen Kaspar and John Kaspar. minor children of Raid mar riage, and for such other and further relief as equity may require. You are required to answer said oetltlfin tin nt ticifnr. i.a -ittK n ... ... ... . t, ,imj .iiii uay vi ltctnh.r A 1k 1U1-) f ...in v. ... ., ... , -, v.. Ul inuu Will UfJ entered against you and a decren K'uiiim ns jirayeu lor in nam petition. II urn l - . nr. . r. , , M.ii i' ix.-i-rt , r iainiin. r.AVVI.S & lIUBKItTSON. Attorneys. October Rate Specialties Low One Way Rates to Pacific These are in effect only until October 10th-$:?0 to California. Oregon, Washington, and $25 to Utah and portions of Montana and Idaho. Re serve your births early. Tourist Rates South: The usual winter tourist and homeseekers' rates to southern localities have been announced. The South is growing in its attractions for northern people. Ask for some of the attractive literature, descriptive of southern resorts, hotels and tours. Through Tourist Sleepers to California via Santa Fe Route: Commencing November 5th, from Omaha every Tuesday night, at 11:35 p. m., personally conducted through tourist sleepers will be run to Los An geles via Denver, then Santa Fe direct line GRAND CANYON ROUTE, These sleepers may be taken from Omaha oarly Tuesday night, from Lin coln at midnight, or leaving Denver Wednesday evening at .7:45 p. ni. Winter Tourist Rates to California are daily In effect. Free literatue, "California Excursions," "Pacific Coast Tours." "Southern Tours" leallot. Have your ticket read "Bur lington," You will then have the broadest choice of diverse routes to and from the coast. W. L. WAKELY, r,.ili,U:rJr7.: 3) ma 12 ' ' 'Kr- Increase the vctue and improve the cpfczrcncs etyexx Barns, Roofs, Fences end Outbuildings with ImwiN-WlLUAUS Commonwealth Earn Red An cacy working, hard drying pairjt of clean, bright color and handsome gloss. It covers well, moderate in price, and ex ceedingly economical. Will far more than return every dollar pa;d in increased selling or renting value of your property. In gallons, five gallon pack ages, and barrels. Always Fall Measure. PEARL AND GREY 1 Store 137 Residence 247 and FEEtO) We are now handling a complete line of coal. Call and let us quote you prices for your fall and winter coal. We handle wheat, oats, corn and chop of all kinds. Ind. Telephone 297 Nelson Jean & Go. ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- The holding of snrrasfifnl s-ifpa ?a our line. Our interests are with the seller when it comes to getting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates address or call either of us at our expense Dy phone. Dates can be made at f.he Journal office. WILKINSON & HALL Coast: R. W. CLEMENT, Agent. General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. II