II Attention, Railroad Employes. Mr. F. K. Thomas of the Safety Bureau will deliver a free il lustrate! lecture at I I'annelo opera hmise, Plaltsmoulh, at 8 p. m.. Friilav. October II. You will; YOUNG MIN BITTEN BY A VEBY VICIOUS DOG l'lHttxniouth, Nth., net. 1. 1!M2. Board met luiisiuint to adjournment, fresrnt. M. 1- Ki li-di ii h, (.'. II. Jonlan nd (.'. K. Htehiicr, Countv t'ommiKsion er: I. l Miukhii, County Cl-i k. Mitiutt-H of lucvioiiN xexslun ih1 and approved, when the following liu inessi whs transacted In regular form: A petition wan tiled applylnif to the Board of County CommixNloner to Varate all of WawliiriKton street In the vlllaKe of Nehawka, Ivlnif hoiHIi of the Pouth U'O feet of Hloek 1, anil north of Block 1-', rommenclnK at a point at the noutheaKt corner of I;it fi. In khIiI Hlock 1, runnliiK thence went aloiiK the south fide of khIiI South l:!8 feet of said Biock 1, to a point where xald Wash ington street IntersectM Callroad Ave nue thence alonK the north side of eald Kail road Avenue, In a southeast ern direction to the northwest comer of said Hlock i'2, thence PHst to the northeast corner of xald Hlock 12, thence north to the place of beginning. Signed ly John I. Long and kiiymoml C. I'ollard. Complyli.g with Cohbev'o Statutes for 1911, 'Section 01, the Hoard of County Commissioner appointed the three following disinterested house holder of the village of Nehawka to examine the asid street and to report at the next meeting of the Hoar re nor ru o liml lliis lecture interesting ami in!ructie ami I tnisl that ail i'iiiiincs wIki can do so will at- teii! ami bring olheis i.f their families who are uM enough In comprehend (he im Iinrtance of safety lo employes in performance (if their duties. Transportation will lie furnished for employes ami their families at outside points upon application to the head of their department. This lecture is free and we. cor dially invite olher parlies not connected with the railroad to at tend. A large number of accident pictures will be shown. F. It. Mullen, Superintendent. From Saturday's lially. This morning while Ceorge M 1 1 r 1 1 ii i , the young son of Peter .: 1iii.ini if. . I I i i i 1 1 o- milL- .ill eir wives and J ! n . mi- m .North rourlh street, tie was at tacked by a large dog near the Hawksworlh home. The dog tore a large bole in the trousers of the voting man and penetrated the skin, inllicling a slight wound, which was at ouch dressed and will probably not give him any further trouble. The dog should be tied up in the future, as lie is liable to attack someone else with more serious consequences, and a little discretion will prevent others from gelling severely bitten. APPLE BLOSSOMS IN OCTOBER A BARE THING County Commissioners. October 15 It 12, whether or not any Injunction or Inconvenience will be worked by the vacation of said street: A. K. Sturm, H. 1'. Kropp and llenry W'essell. Ifecorder of I eeds Hied his report of fees earned for third (iiiarter 1912, $:i4.r)f.. County Judge filed his report of fees received for third quarter, 1!12, J.'.'J.'I.Ofi. The following clalina were allowed on the Oeneral fund: Lorenz Hros., milse. to County ' farm 48.00 C. I . Uulnton boarding city prisoners and committments. , 6.45 C, II. Taylor, salary anil expense 131.56 Vance Harris, helping County Surveyor on llunscll road.,.. fl.flfl 0. It. Jordan, salary 31.00 Mary K. Poster, salary ami ex pense 154.72 Mrs. I lore Klelschman, ( Hie of blind man, third quarter 11112., 18.00 Fred 1'alterson, olllce work .'16.00 Hans Sievers, salary and laundry 78.00 KuriNinann & Kamge, meat to County farm 35.05 C. D. ljuinton, salary, Jailer fees and hoarding county prisoners 262.50 Hans Johnson, merchandise to IJ..le Craig 16.06 Fred l'atterson. work on lliin- m I road 17.90 C. I''. Harris helping County Surveyor on Hansel road 12.00 31. (1. Ilace, merchandise and H, 11. ticket to Clarence Cody.... 5.03 Harvey Manners, auto hire to Commissioners 12.50 T. C. Morgan, salary and expense 213.70 J'IuHhiiioiiI h Journal, printing and supplies to county... 45.68 Hammond H Stephens, suppHetf to County Superintendent 24.30 Itohert Sherwood & Son, mer chandise to paupers 2.50 M. I. Krlcdrlch, salary, mileage. and expense 29.10 C. W. Haylor & Co., coal to county 71.67 M. HIM, burial of John V. Welch 42.75 J. II. Turns, salary for September 75.00 James Cohertson, salarv and ex pense, third quarter 1912 1S0.00 Karl Sergun threshing at Coun ty farm . .' 21.43 Nebraska Lighting Co., gas to lull, court house and street tamp 19.09 Mrs. Kmiiiii Imvls, en re of Mrs Cunningham 5.00 It. W, Clements, ticket to pauper .62 H. M. Soeniilchsen, merchandise to county 45.05 Win. Ilassler, blacksmith work at farm 18.15 Ktl lOgen berger, Admstr., coal to court bouse 105.68 II. M. Soeiinlilisen, assessing diss count v 1912 610.35 C. 10. Ileehuer. salary 26. 15 llarvev Manners, auto hire to Commissioners. S.00 K. M.inspenkei', salary for Sep tember 45.00 J. Hull & Son, merchandise to poor 19.00 The following claims wire allowed On the Cond funds: John Kllloll, road work lioiid IHitilct No. 15 '.. $ 19.60 John Murtcv, material, Komi lilslrbt No. HI R.40 Ibii Skinner, road work, Komi hlslrht No. 16 3.00 John Murtev, material, Komi I list rid No. 15 20.65 George luiinlngo. road work. Koad lHstrht No. 8 11.00 llenrv (label, road work, Koad I list rid No. 8 6.40 J. A. W'hlteinan. road work, liniul 1 list rift No. 12 80.75 J. A. Whlteinan. road work, Koad ldstrlcl No. K 20.00 Johnson Hoi kwell road work. I:oad 1 Mstrlct No. 8 IS. 00 ' O. N. Sclia for, road work, I'oad IHstrlct No. S . 18.00 Wro. Sheehan, road work, lioad lilstrlct No. 9 370.60 J. 11. I.nlroin. material, Koad hls- I'li t No. 16 4.43 3. A. Whllctnaii. road work, Koad IUstrlct No, .2 36.75 J. C. Nldav, road work, Koad Mstrlct No. 11 41.60 Nebraska A Iowa Steel Tank Co., culvert. Koad District No. 10.. 14.55 J. C. I.omever, road work, Koad IUstrlct No. 5 71.00 Alex Miller, road work Koad Hist rift No. 8 ' 56.00 Lee Arnett. culvert, Koad lils trlct No. 4 21.72 Lee Arnett, culvert. Koad Dis trict No. 3 36.82 Lee Arnett. culvert, Koad DIs- trl. t No. 15 39.17 Lee Arnett. culvert, Koad Dis trict No. 18 19.67 Frank I'laler, road work, Koad District No. 2 38.50 Mike I. ut. road work, Koad District No. 1 329.80 C T. Kichards, road work, Koad District No. 4 58.60 Walter Hvers, road work. Koad District No. 27 4 13.90 Tien lleckiuan, road work, Koad District No. 10 128.25 J. A. llennings, road work Koad District No. 2 ' 63.00 J. W .Keil, road work, Koad Dis trict No. 2 20.80 John Iverson, repairs to road grader, Koad District No. 1..., 3.75 The following claims were allowed on the Krhlge fund: Kred Spahnle, bridge work.,..$ 10.10 C. K. .Ionian, bridge work .... ICO J. C. Nlday. bridge work 12.00 J. Adams & Son, bridge ma terial 19.73 Yates Lumber A Coal Co., bridge material 24 73 C. T. Kichards, bridge work.... 3.00 Walter Kyerx, bridge work.... 45.95 Nebraska Construction Co. bridge material 1.781.14 John Murtey, bridge muterlal.. 170.10 Hoard adjourned to meet Tuesday, October 15, 1912. I). V.. MOIKIAN, County Clerk. Apple blossoms in October is something unusual for Nebraska, but if anyone wants to see I hern they should drop in at the Mor dock variety store, where Mrs. M. A. Dixon has a lai'Ke bunch of them on exhibition. These blooms were taken from a tree at Mrs. liixoii's home on W'intcr steeii Hill and are as line and fragrant as any plucked in June, but we greatly fear the crop of apple on these trees will be nip ped by the front, but, there are few northern slates that can heat this record fur trees blooming. Calabash Gourds. Weyrich & lladraba, the drug gists, have on exhibition in their window some specimens of the Calabash gourd, which were grown by W ill Ofe at, his home on Wintersteeii Hill. These gourds are used ill !!ie manufacture of Calabash pipes ami are extremely hard to raise, especially to se cure perfect specimens of the gourd that must, be had to work into (he pipes. ANNOUNCEMENT. J to you w ish to be a Magazine or Newspaper Illustrator, Com mercial Artist, Designer, Crafts man, Interior Decorator or learn er? If si , see me at once, and start wilh the Saturday class, October IIMh. The demand for artists along these linos js givnler each year. F.llen C. Windham. 1 (l-n-1 wkd-2lwklv Married in Nebraska City. On Thursday of last week Miss Lillie Sherwood, daughter of Mrs. Matt McQuin of this village, and John T. Shellield of Nebraska City were married in that city, Judge (iolT ollicialiiig. The bride is one of the popular young ladies who grew from childhood in this vicin ity, ami has many friends who arc pleased to congratulate her. The groom is a popular employe of the .Missouri Pacific, at, Nebraska City, and is a young man of good character, honorable and indus trious. They will make their home in Nebraska City. Union Ledger. In District Court. From Saturday's Dally. Aii answer was tiled today in the ollice of the district clerk in the case of Edward Van Kleecke vs. the Chicago, Hock Island & Par ilk Railway company, in which the company slates that by the fact the plaintiff rode in the car with his goods, instead of the caboose provided by the defendant com pany, releases them from claim for damages for injuries received by plaintiff. We have put in a line of Pneumatic Sweepers that we think is the one that you have been looking for. There is nothing about it to ge) out of order. Anyone can use it, and it surely does the work. This sweeper has been sold as high as $16.00, in fact that is the price asked by most dealers. For a short time only we will make a price of and will be glad to give anyone thinking of buying a Pneumatic a free trial. If it does not do the work send it back and it wont cost you cent. Let Us Show You E. G. DOVEY & SON In County Court. From Saturday! Dall. County court was busy this morning hearing probate matters. In the estate of John M unlock, deceased, John V. Murdock, a son, was apopinted administrator of the estate. The estate is quite, a large one, the parlies in the case residing near Nehawka. In the Nicholas Ilalmes estate a heai'iiii.' was had on the probat ing of the will and a continuance taken for thirty davs. J, aua 9 Local News At the Majestic. "Human Hearts, " that ever new melodrama of the Arkansas bill-, is being offered for two nighls al the Maje-lic, and as acted iy King rtiiyyoll and the Independent Slock company, is very pleasing to the audience, especially to those who have seen the play when il has appeared at the I'armele thea ter, The Majestic was crowded last nighl and the prospects are for a larger audience this even ing. IDE NEW METHODIST Breaks Right Arm. (ieorge 1. Mi'isinger was in the city today wearing his right arm in a sling, the result of a fall he received Monday while he was riding on a load of baled straw. Mr. Meisinger fell to the ground, striking his right arm and break ing il. At the present lime the arm is 'getting along in nice shape. In the Dlatrlet Court In mid fur (' County, rlirni.k. Maud Kninr, 1 'la I lit I (T, VH. liiini'M V. KiiHptir. Pi'fi-nilnnt. To Jhiiii's V. KiiFimr, 1 leftMnlimt: You Hio liorcliv notllli'il that on Miiv SI I'll'.', iiliilnttir tlliil Iht iH'tllton In tlii Clerk h olllro of khIiI rotirt nrnv- lnr for h lirret of tllvori'M upon tlie Kiounil of rruoltv, ilt-xi-rtlon nnd mm xiipport, nnd Hsklnn Unit flic tu Rlvon ttio ciiMtiiily of llrlon KHHpur nnd John K iih mi r. minor rlillilreu of Kitid niiir- i in w a nil for hiii'Ii otlmr and further ii-lli'f iih fuultv may rrimlre. You nrti retnilred to annwer xnld pi t It ion on or lipfore Hip 2Mh dnv of (ictohiT, A. I. 1912, or drfiiu.lt will 1m entered HKillnxt ''" '' deerea K i tinted a prayed for in mud petition MAI'D KASl'AH, l"nlntlff. K.WVI.H HOHIiltTSON, Attorney. Buy Fruit Farm in Iowa. J. 1. Falter and John V. ('ra il of this city have just closed e deal for the purchase of an excellent lruit rami of lllly acres rated jusf optside of (ilenwood paying ils0 per acre for the farm l'he new owners are delighted with their purchase and may well be, for this is the heart of the great apple bell of Iowa and the crop there this year was quile large. Itev. (iould shipped his house hold effects and moved his family o Mynard, this county, on Wed nesday ot this week. Although he was a resident of our town but one year as pastor of the M. K. church, yet be made many warm friends of whom the writer is pleased to be classed as one. In the hurry in packing and moving Rev. build staled that he was un able to call on many to express his gratitude for acts of kindness shown during his slay here and asked that the Courier express for him that which he had not tho opportunity to express himself in person. His many Louisville friends will wish for him and his family success in their new Held. Louisville Courier. Sick headache is caused by a disordered stomach. Take Cham berlain's Tablets and correct that and the headaches will disappear. For sale by F. fi. Fricke & Co. Death a Surprise to Mr. Harger. Krom Suturday'i Ihilly, l'he sad news was received last evening by C. H. Harger, the bar ber, that his sisler, Mrs. W. M. Wolfe, of Shuberl, Neb., had puss, ed away yesterday afternoon. The news comes as a great shock lo Mr. Harger, as he was not aware that his sister was in a dangerous condition until the telephone mes sage came telling of her death. Young Cass County Farmer Wed Krom Sntunluy's l)lly. Among me marriage license notices in the (ilenwood Opinion this week we notice, that one was issued lo 1. Emerald Hosteller of Murray, Neb., and Miss Klinor Hailor, residing south of (Ilen wood. Mr, Hosteller is a young fanner, residing near Murray, and his friends will be glad to wel come his new bride lo Ihe good state of Nebraska., Sunday School Delegates. 'l'he delegates to the Cas coun ty Sunday school convention at Alvo on October 10 and It will leave this city Thursday afternoon on the Schuyler, going to South Itend, where connection will lie made with the Rock Island, pul ling Ihe delegates in Alvo in time for the evening program. Make it a point to attend the convention J. . Copeland, of Daylon, Ohio, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and be fore Ihe bottle was all used (lie boy's cold was gone. Is that not belter than to pay a live-dollar doctor's bill? For sale by F. (1 Fricke iV; Co. Woman lov es a clear, rosy com plexion. Ityrdock Itlood Hitters is splendid for purifying lh blood, clearing tho skin, restoring sound digestion. All druggists sell it. Price 8 1 .00. Thomson, Dentist, Wescott Blk From Saturdny'H Inlly. J. W. Tomison of near Mynard was in the city today looking after business matters. Joe lturloii of Murray was an Omaha visitor this morning to at tend the Wilson meeting. Carler Albin and son, of near I'nion, were in the city today look ing after business mailers. Charles Feter of near Louis ville drove in this morning to as sist in celebrating (ierniau Day, I'ncle lien Heckman of near Murray was in the cily today at tending to some business mailers. Or. It. F. Itren.lel of Murray drove in today from his home and visiled in the city for a few hours. Adam ForiiolV of Cedar Creek was in inl erviewing the mer chants and visiting his friends to day. W. O. Meisinger, from west of the city was in Ihe cily today looking after some business mat ters. W. F, (iillespie, the Mynard grain man, was in town today looking after some business mat ters. C. J. Meisinger was in Ihe cily today from Fight Mile Grove visiting his father, Jacob Mei singer. Nicholas Ilalmes, Ihe Weeping Water miller, was in the city to day looking after some business matters. John Meisinger and family drove in from Ihe farm loday and looked after some matters of business. Mrs. A.- F. Seybert, and children of near Culloni were in the city today taking in Ihe German Day celebration. James Tigner of Murray was a visitor in the city today looking after matters of business with Ihe merchants. William A. Wheeler and Percy Wheeler departed this morning on No. 15 for Omaha to attend Ihe Wilson meeting. Joe Tubbs of Mynard was among Ihe large crowd of farm ers in Ihe cily today looking after business mailers. A. F. Nickels of Murray depart ed this morning for Omaha, where he will attend the Wood row Wil son meeting today. H. M. (Mine of I'nion came in today and was a passenger for Omaha, where he visited with his wife at Ihe hospital. County Commissioner Jordan returned lo his home al Alvo Ibis morning, after being here all week w il h ( he county board. John Props!, residing west of Ihe cily, was n passenger Ibis morning for Omaha, where he w as called on business matters. I. . M. Godwin and son, Albert, drove in Ibis morning from Ihe farm, near Murray, and looked after' business matters in the cily. Dr. G. II. Gilmore and son, Walker, were Omaha passengers this morning, where they will al lend the Wilson demonstration at. the auditorium. John Rohrdanz and Alvin Jung of Louisville were visitors in this city today and called at this ollice, Mr. Rohrdanz renewing bis sub script ion to t his paper. J. F. Tubbs of the vicinity of Mynard was al lending to some business matters in I his city to day and called itt this ollice and renewed his subscription. James Holmes, accompanied by bis wife and Mrs. W. S. Smilh and A. M. .Holmes, motored to Ibis cily yesterday aflernoon and visil ed with I heir friends for a short t hue. Adam KaU'enberger and son, August, of Cedar Creek, were visitors in this cily today and were pleasant callers at this ollice, renewing their subscription to this paper. C. N. Perry and litlle son, Owen, of Malcolm, Neb., arriv ed in I his cily yesterday for a visit over Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Peter Perry, near Mynard. Mr. Perry and little son called at, this office and renewed llieir subscription. Real Estate Bought and Sold ON COMMISSION! Insurance Placed in Best -Companies! Farm Loans and Rental Agency - Virgil Filullis ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- The day of harsh physics is gone. People want mild, easy laxatives. Doan's Regulets have satisfied thousands, drug stores. :.'! at all Here is a Woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long experience, viz., Mrs. P. II. Urogan, of Wilson, Pa who says: "I know from experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other. For croup there is nothing that excels it." For sale by F. 0. Fricke Co. The holding of successful sales is our line. Our interests are with the seller when it comes to getting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates address or call either of us at our expense by phone. Dates can be made at .he Journal office. WILKINSON & HALL. Frank Gobelman, painting and paper hanging. 4-9. Great Sale of c Crow Agency Lands! 350,000 acres of the finest Crow Indian Reservation lands near Hardin, Mont., will be sold at auction October 21, 1912, at a minimum price of $1.50 per acre; no residence is required and a title is furnished at once. There lands are located in Southern Montana, near Billings, and will advance steadily in valus, because of the changing conditions in raising cattle. You Will Never Have a Chance Like This Again ROUND TRIP TICKETS will be on sale October 15th to Billings, Har din and other destinations, stopovers allowed: on these tickets you can see the free Kinkaid homesteads in Western Nebraska, stop at Upton, Moorcroft and Gillette to see the Mondell 1520 acre free homesteads; stop at Hardin and see the Crow Indian lands. Or you can buy homeseekers' tickets to all points in the Big Horn Basin at the same fares, ami see the heavy crops in that locality. October is a good month in which to visit that region and note the exhibit of 1912 dry farming and irrigated land products everywhere in the Northwest. D. CLEM DEAVER, l004Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Immigration Agent. 0Mntnn mm