nc u DC DC DOC 3C DC n The Plattsmouth Garage Co. WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors . Ready for Business! Corner Sixth and Vine Streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska 0 0 We want you all to feel that we are going to look after the emergency end of vour car's needs. Don't worry if you break down. Our "Service Department" will deliver you Supplies and Tires quickly and economically. Everything we sell JJ you will be absolutely guaranteed. The Plattsmouth Garage Company A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL! WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors W Agent for the Inter-State Automobiles. PRESTOLITE AGENCY DC 3C PEOPLE REALLY INT VALUES ID SERVICE A Few Timely Suggestions for the Adoption of Some Merchatns. From Wednesday'!) Dally. Of what avail really art) line store, fi'niils and lixlure, clever advertising and even good mer chandise if the slure atmosphere is wro iik and in addition I he ell'eet of the advertising slop at I he thior. I.ols of shire have fine fixtures and good merchandise, but if Ihe atmosphere and selliiiK are out of sympathy how can a proper volume of business be done? The increasing; extravagance of selling ions and equip ment appears to he based on the wrong ideas. What the wearer wants today is value and service. He does not. want a lot of values indiscriminately hurled at him at the end of every season and he does not seem o want a lot of soft-toned incandescent' lights hanging around Turkish divans and "co.y corners." Most, of the consumers have so little left' from the liili prices charged during th' regular season for apparel necessities and living costs thai the beautiful decorations and nlore fixtures are really ot upon Ihein. They want service and they want values, 'loo often they pay a still' price ami get neither, savs the liaily Trade Record. Some stores during the closing out sales of the present, season have olTcred tremendous reduc tions, one representative store notably oll'ering clothing that had sold at 2: a suit for 7.!id. The suggestion is made that if some of this apparent big prollt were cut off at the beginning of the season when the people really want. Ihe clothing perhaps such tremendous and unusual reduc tions would not be necessary to move the remaining slock at Ihe end of the season. It seems hard nowadays to move stock even at such reductions, for the wearers are evidently buying from hand In mouth, and when I lie season is so nearly done few appear to he wil ling to invest what money they have in clothes that must soon be ' laid aside, as an investment, ami to save money. It is well, of course, to save money, but in this day of general pleasure hunting and high living cost few are do ing it. They s n to prefer to pay a high price if necessary and pet clothing only when tliey must. Thus the bargain' sales at Ihe season end are apparently not so effective lodayand therefore, it is urged, it would evidently be well for retail stores Id consider Ihe condition and if really necessary change (heir methods to meet it. Ladies' Auxiliary Meets. From Wertnemlay'H Dally. The pleasant home of Mrs. E. A. Wurl, on South Sixth street, was Ihe scene of a most deilghlful occasion yesterday afternoon, at which lime Ihe Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church held their regular meeting. The day being a most ideal one, the .at tendance was very large. The usual business session was held, after which an enjoyable social time was had. Excellent refresh ments were served at the proper lime, and after tarrying a few liniments the ladies dispersed, in debted to Mrs. Wurl for the splen did afternoon. YOUNG BOYS CAUGHT IN ACT OF STEALING PEACHES THE LOYAL HOME- PATRONS GREED Sunday evening three young men entered the peach orchard of J. M. Young and were proceeding to help themselves when Mr. Young, looking out of Ihe house, perceived the miscreants and at once proceeded to hasten forth and seize upon two of Ihe hoys, Ihe third one gelling away. Mr. Young allowed them In go after a lecture, as they were well known to him, 1ml in the future he will he found wailing with a shotgun for all invaders of his orchards, so Ihe bovs who are out looking for peaches had belter avoid Mr. Young's place. ANOTHER PLATTSMOUTH BOY FORGING TO THE FRONT Another I'lallsmouth young man is forging to the front in the line iif railroad work in the per son of K. W. Scolten, who was formerly employed in the lltir linglou storehouse here. Mr. Scolten has just accepted u posi tion with Ihe Santa Fe railroad as assistant car builder at their Ea.Iunta, Colorado, shops and has already entered upon bis duties there. The many friends of Mr. Scolten in this city will be pleased to learn of his good fortune. Candidate fdr Assessor. William II. Hryan has farmed for ,;i years in Cass county ami is oll'ering to serve Ihe people in Ihe capacity of county, assessor, and believes he is well tpialilled to till the position to the satisfac tion of Ihi' taxpayers of Cass county. Gooch's Best Flour. The four-time prize-winner at ine siaie lair is lor sale only in this city at the A. W. White store, with the price reduced to $1.50 per sack, (let the best for less money. I buy at home . Because my interests are here; Because the community which is good enough for me lo live in its good enough for me lo buy in; Because I believe in transacting business with my friends; Because I want Jo see the goods ; Because I want lo get what I buy when I pay for it; Because my home merchant "carries" me when 1 "run short;" Because every dollar spent at home stays at home and works for the community in which I live; Because the man 1 buy from stands back of Ihe goods; Because I sell what I produce here at home and here I buy; Because the man I buy from pays his part of the town, county and state tax; Because the man I buy from helps support my schools, my church, my lodge, my home; Because when ill luck, misfor tune iir bereavement comes, the man I buy from is here with bis kindly greeting, his words of cheer and his pockelhook, if lleed lie. Here 1 live and lu-n ' I I!I Y AT HOME, evervbodv's niollo. I buy. ' shnill I b Decorations About Completed. The work of decorating the l'arniele theater is completed, with the exception of Hie bdihy, and will be iu readiness for the presentation of "The Arab" to night. The theater certainly looks good and makes a beautiful appearance. Manager Shlaes has done his utmost (u please the theater-going public and deserves a good patronage for the good at tractions he has .secured for the season. In Probate Court. From Tuesday's Dally. County Judge Beeson's court was tpiite busy this morning, dis posing of several probate matters. In Ihe estate of Alonzo C. Clyiner, administrator was appointed, and in the estate of l. Alton Eulmer the will was admitted lo probate. Both of these estate are from Oreenwood, and A. 1. Falk of Lin coln appeared as Ihe attorney in the cases. This afternoon the will of the late Jacob llenrieh was admit led for probate. Mrs. T. A. Town, 107 t'.th St., YValerlovvn, s, 1)., writes: "Mv four children are subject to hard colds and I always use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound with splendid results. Some time ago I had a severe attack of la grippe and the doctor prescribed Foley's Honey and Tar Compound ami it soon overcame the ja grippe. 1 can always depend upon Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and am sure of good results." For sale by V, O. Fricke & Co. Mrs. l'aul Wehling, ;it0 Smith St., l'eoria, HI., had kidney and bladder trouble, with, terrible backache and pain across the hips. Just imagine her condit ion. She further says: "I was also very nervous, Had headaches and di..y spells, and was fast getting worse when I look Foley Kidney I'ills, and now all my troubles are cured. Foley Kidney Bills have done so much for me I shall al ways recommend them." For sale by F. (1. Fricke & Co. XOTICK. la thr DUtrlrt Court In and for Vmm County, Nrhrnnka. Mu ml KsHpar. 1'lnlntllT, VS. .Initio V. Knapnr, Defendant. To .lame V. KiiHimr. Defendant: ion Hre liereliy notified that on May 21, 1!MJ, plaintiff tiled lier petition In the Clerk iilllra of Hit 1 il court piny Iiik for u decree of divorce upon the Kroiind of cruelty, ilcNcrtlnn and non Miippovt, and anklnK that Rite be (riven the cuxtoily of Helen Kuxpur and John KaNpar, minor children of mild mar rliiKe, ami for mich other and further relief iih ennlty may renulre. You nr required to answer said petition on or before the i!Mli dav of October, A. D. l'.HJ, or default will be entered aKainxt you and a decree Kianted as prnved for In Bald petition. MAI l KASI'AI!, lMuiiitlff. ll VWl.S Ai liOUKUTSON, Attorney. Two Surprises. From Wednesday's Dally. The pleasant country home of Mr. and Mrs. fra Bates was the scene of a pleasant surprise party Wednesday evening. The oc casion was in the nature of a fare well for Miss Josephine Schnetzky, a sister of Mrs. Bales, who will depart for Carson City, Nevada, during this week. On Saturday evening Miss Schnetzky was tendered another most enjoyable surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Burnett. Mr. Jas. V. Churchill, 90 Wall St., Auburn, X. Y., has been bothered with serious' kidney and bladder trouble ever since he left the army, and says: "I decided to try Foley Kidney Bills, as they had cured so many people, and I soon found they were just the thing-. My kidneys and bladder are again in a healthy condition. I gladly recommend them." For sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co. MRS. HARMON BESTOR . OPERATED UPON FOR TUMOR Mrs. Barman Beslor, who was operated on at Clarkson hospital in Omaha yesterday morning for tumor, came out of the operation in nice shape and at last reports was resting unite easily. Mrs. Bestor has been suflVring for some time from this trouble and an operation was finally-decided upon. That Mrs. Bestor has stood the operation in such fine shape will be good news to her friends here. Real Estate 21 For Sale. One team. 4 years obi. coach coifs, partly broken. Two 2-year-old coach colts. One 8-year-old ma re. Can be secured at my honx on Chicago Avenue. T. II. Pollock, Plattsmouth, Neb. 9-21-3t(l-2wks-wkly Mrs. Peler llolan, ll.rnl Buck eye Rd., Cleveland, ()., says: "Yes, indeed, I can recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. My little boy had a bad case of whooping cough, some times he was blue in the face. I gave him Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound, and it had a remarkable effect and cured him In a short time." Contains no harmful drugs. For sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co. Bought and Sold ON COMMISSION! Insurance Placed in Best Companies! Farm Loans and Rental Agency Virgil Uiillis J. 0. Criswell, a painter, living at 5 4 0 North Mulberry St., Hag erstown, Md., stales: "f had kidney I rouble with a severe pain across my back, and could hard ly get up after sitting down. I took Foley Kidney Pills and soon found the pain left my back. I could get up and down with ease, and the bladder action was more regular and normal." Try them. For sac! by F. i. Fricke & Co. Dance on October 12. The T. .1. .Mikol society will give another of their splendid social dances at their hall on West Pearl .street on Saturday evening, Octo ber 12. Music will be furnished by the M. W. A. orchestra and a most pleasant lime is assurred to all who attend. You will find the most complete line of stationery in the city of PlaUsmouth at the Journal office. The finest line of box paper, visiting and calling cards. Trie Journal office carries kinds of typewriter supplies. all ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- The holding of successful sales is our line. Our interests are with the seller when it comes to getting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates address or call either of us at our expense by phone. Dates can be made at .he Journal office. WILKINSON & HALL- Auction Bridge, 500 and Bridge Pads at the Journal office. ID o Not Claim to Have the Largest Stock 3 NOR THE LARGEST STORE I but I do claim that you can buy here more goods for less money, and the same goods for less money than anywhere else. Come in and let me prove it to you by showing you the goods. I have bought twice the amount this Fall that I ever have before, and have added a new line of Children's and Ladies' Long Coats, Sweaters, Blankets and Comforts! I am agent for the celebrated Chajina Swoks Underwear and Whit Leather Stockings. about fifty pairs 'of heavy fleece lined shirts and pants that we are selling at CENTS A GARMENT! 1 I have ItSMfettbu Ok W. Air' ilLJv . 20 1 E North Side of Main Street, WA NTRAUS Plattsmouth, Nebraska J FOR LADIES! fr Don't forget! The Journal office Is prepared to do all kinds of fancy Job work. Give us a trial. Typewriter supplies, smvn ns paper, carbon, ribbons, oils and brushes, nt the Journal office. otut. W lHOIITK OK V 11,1,. I In Ikr County Court f ( ( mint)) Nrlirnnkn. I In llif Mutter of tin- Estate of Nicholas 1 1 it I nns. l ccc nxeil. All poisons Interested In skM estate will tiikt notice Unit a petition Iihh hoen lllt'il fur the probate of un Instru ment in wrltinK piirportlmr to he the IllM Will tlf NIclloillN lllllmi'H, lll'CI'HHCCI, hihI for the appointment of the ex ecutor mimed therein. A hearing will tip hnil on ph til petition ninl proofs of i-ii I1 Instrument will be made, on thn Mh ilny of October, 1912 nt 10 o'clock a. m In said County Court, In the court Iioiixh in the City of I'lnttamoutl), Nehi aska. Kal ALLEN J. IJEESON. County Judae. D. O. DWYEn, Attorney. 6 FOR CHILDREN! HAND TRIMMED 1 FOR J V n a Women -and hildireim m the best you can get, and cost you no more than common kind Made in Cotton, Lysle and Wool WE HAVE W Ladies' Union Suits )d-9 ! 1 V in Long and Short Sleeves, High and Low Neck, Ankle and Knee Lengths. Two Piece Garments 25c to $1.00 Union Suits 50c to $2.50 Vs LUII