JCwillrL, A til A of we) K'MS"- GELID) r MAJORJ) '-'ARCHIBALD W. BUTT ... s : .... . s - L- Copyright, 1905, by J. B. Lippmcott company. All rights reaerved. PRESIDENT TAFT'S TOUCHING TRIBUTE TO MAJOR ARCHIBALD W. BUTT. Major Archibald W. Butt was on of the haroas of tha Titanic. Ha wai Praaident Taft'i military aid. Aftar Major Butt's death tha praaidant, with teara in hia ayaa and faltaring voioa, mada him tha aubjact of ona of tha moat haartfalt aulogiaa aver pronouncad ovar a gallant man, praising hia manhood, his courage, his loyalty, hia self saorifice. "Everybody knew Archie as Archie,"' aald the preaident "I cannot go into a box at a theater, I cannot turn around in my room, I cannot go anywhere, without expeoting to see his smiling face or to hear hia cheerful voioe in greeting. The life of the preaident la rather isolated, and thoae appointed to liva with him come much closer to him than any one else. The bond ia very close, and it ia difficult to apeak on auch an occasion. "Archie Butt's character was simple, straightforward and Incapable of intrigue. A clear sense of humor light ened h;e life and those about him. Life was not for him a troubled problem. He waa a soldier, and, when ho waa appointed to serve under another, to that other he rendered Implicit loyalty. I never knew a man who had ao muoh self abnegation, so much sslf saerifioe, as Archie Butt. "Occasions like the sinking of the Tltanlo frequently develop unforeseen traita in men. It makea them heroee when you don't expect it But with Archie it waa just aa natural for him to help thoss about him as it waa for him to ask me to permit him to do something for some one for me. "He waa on the deck of the Titanio exactly what he waa everywhere. He leaves a void with those who loved him, but the cireumstancae of his going are all that we would have had, and, while tears fill the eyes and the voice is choked, we are felioitated by the memory of what he was." Before entering upon military life Major Butt diaplayed high literary ability. The best of his stories is "Both Sides of the Shield," eplendidly written romanoe of love and war. CHAPTER IV. Almost a Proposal. lARLY Sunday morning the old coach was got ready, for Miss Ellon sang In the cburch choir, and we had to make an early start in order that she might get there on time. "I reckon yon are not a churchman," said the colonel, "for. If I remember rightly, the Palmers were always blue-back Presbyterians, but most people down here are Episcopa lians, so don't you go unless you feel o Inclined." I acknowledged to being a member of the Presbyterian church, but ex pressed a willingness nay, even an eagerness to go, for I knew that Miss Ellen would not be at home. The drive that morning was a memorable one. Bud sat on the bos and did the driving, with Pickaninny Sam by his side Colonel and Mrs. Turpln. Miss Ellen and 1 occupied the seats on the Inside. I bad seen tbe George Wash lngton coach at Mount Vernou, and 1 could not belp thinking of It as I looked at this heirloom of the Turplns. 1 might have thought that it bad once been used by General Oglethorpe him self, so ancient did It look. The colo nel assured me In a most serious vein that it bad never bad that distinction, though there was a tradltioa in tbe family that it had been occcpied by General Washington on bis famous visit to Fort Augusta after tbe days of tbe Revolution, when be stayed at Meadow Garden, the home of the Wal tons, tbe bead of which family had been one of thoso to sign tbe Declara tion of Independence. The coach was still strong and did not look out of place as it rambled through tbe pine forests, but it would come near to up setting at times when going down hills where the roads were washed Into deep trenches. Every now and then Bud would bring the team to a stand and. telling us that the trace or some other part The Coach Would Come Near to Up setting at Times. of tbo harness had broken, would get dowu aud, taking a bundle of twine from bis pocket, tie the ends together, and soon we would stnrt agnln. I. cared not how many times tho traces might snap or bow long it took us to get to church while opposite to me sat Miss Ellen, her eyes laughing lino mine every time the horses were brought to a stop. "Bud, the harness Is getting pretty old," Bii Id tho colonel with grave dig nity when Bud halted the coach for the fifth time, 1 think, and just within sight of the old church. -"Jics. fnthnrltmust beqnslderably older thau I am," answered Bud cheer fully as he used the last bit of twine he had, "but It will hold together an other sis months, 1 reckon," smiling Into the coach at Miss Ellen and me. "Do you think the coach will hold together that long. Bud?" nervously asked Mrs. Turpln, for her faith In the vehicle was but little. Indeed, she had suggested using the wagon before we started. "How can you nsk such a que'tflon, Mary?" said the colonel, showing an noyance. "Has It not lasted ever since George Washington visited Augusta V It will be here when we are gone and serve your grandchildren well yet. I'll be bound." at which Miss Ellen col ored and Bud laughed heartily. Bud drove to the back of the church, where there was a long row of horse stalls. There were several old coaches standing by, but none as ancient or as grand as ours, and I found myself taking pride in the apparent antiquity of the family I was visiting and re member quite well sneering at the newly painted buggies which were lined along the fence. We not ouly had a pew well tip under tbe chancel, but occupied a place of honor among tho middle aisle aristocracy. 1 bad never heard Miss Ellen sing and did not know now whether she was so prano or alto. I was tempted sorely to look around just once to see her In the organ loft, but so many eyes wen fixed on me that I kept mine fixed re ligiously on the minister. After ser mon the Turplns held quite a recep tion under the pines in the yard, and I was given an opportunity of seeing in what respect they were held in the county. Several of tbe young meu In vited mo to hunt with them and of fered me their guns, shells and dog-. "We know Bud is pretty busy." (hey would say, "so If you give the word we will ride by for you some day this week." Miss Ellen was the center of attraction, and every man ti led to edge himself within tbe circle that ur rounded her In order to receive" one passing remnrk from her at least. She seeited entirely unconscious of the Influence she exerted In her limited sphere, yet apparently took this hom age for granted, or so It appeared to me. "We must have n dance lu the ball while Mr. Palmer is here." I heard her saying to some of the girls who were standing near, nt which they Immedi ately set up such n clatter and chatter as n hundred sparrows might be ex pected to make upon tbe first warm day In spring. The following Friday was settled as the day, and all. boys and girls as well, agreed to come Thursday and belp coolc the supper for the party, and each agreed, too. to bring something. Margaret Robert son snld she would bring all the sugar nv-dt'd for the cake. Bert Simmons pr-jmlsed three quarts of cream for the sillabub, and Jim Barrett said be would make up the rest that might be needed. Ruth Howard would donate flour, and another offered chickens for the salad, and so on down tho list "Be sure to bring them picked, George Adams." said Miss Ellen, laughing, to tbe lad who had donnted the chickens, "for If Sally Stovall Is there you will he of no assistance, as we know from experience. A nil two of you girls must come prepared to spend the night of the ball to help clear away tho remnants the next day." AH volunteered, nnd Miss Ellen had n hard time to choose between them, so high ly was this honor prized. The rector, coming out and bearing what nil the chatter was about, delivered a lecture upon the frivolity of youth and ended by saying: "And If n ) ono has seen about the music I promise to furnish that as my share. I will bring my old violin and be one of the bnnd myself," which an nouncement was greeted with ap plause, for I heard afterward that no one could keep such good time as Mr. Lamb, and the darky band always played better when he led it That afternoon a numlirr of older were TlitsT ni"thVvofK' fn"nVr i,1p'"'f was on the point several tluns of toll lug her whv I had come south, to con fess that there was no kinship possibly with the Kentucky PuluiiM-s. but after several efforts, which really got no fur ther than planning them. I would fore go all determination to play a strictly honorable role, and thou, too, I feared It nihk'H put Colonel Turpln In a false position ns well us myself, or so I chose then to think. That evening Miss Ellen played more beautifully than I hud ever heard her play before, and she sang some old time melodies for ns too Her voice was sweet, and she sang simply and without effort. Before bed time we had gathered u round the piano md sung glees, even the colonel remeiii- teriug enough from his old Princeton days to lend discord occasionally. It was an uneventful but happy day. and It swept me many leagues nearer to the goal to which I had boeu drifting unconsciously since the tlrst minute I had been Miss Ellen unci loot.ed into her honest brown eyes. (To Be Continued.) or-Trad 0 COMFORTING WORDS! people In t lie' county" called, anil "Mis Ellen served tea on tho shady side of the house under the porch. Later Bud and 1 rode horseback. He took me to see the camping ground of General Sherman, which Miss Ellen had point ed out to me the night of my arrival aud from there we took a circuitous route home. He told me many of the difficulties of fanning In the county We passed n number of farmers, nnd from each I learned something nnd stored up in my mind many a quaint anecdote for my letters from these simple country folk. One time when Bad had ridden forward to consult some one about getting extra hands 1 rode up to a stolid looking Individual whom I saw sitting on a rail fence near by whittling a stick, nis beard and hair were unkempt, and his whole attitude was one of supreme Indlffer ence to his surroundings. "Good morning," I said. "Same to you." he answered without looking up to see who hnd addressed him. "How are your crops this year?" I asked. "Poor." was his monosyllabic reply. "Good hist year?" "Nop," with maddening Indifference. "I hone your crops will be better next year." I ventured again. "Doubt It." was all he would answer. The field buck of him did not look en couraging. Despairing finally of get ting any Information from him, I drew rein, preparing to Join Bud. adding however, tiefore leaving: "Well, that's too bad." With sudden animation he stopped whittling for a moment to look up nnd remark: "'Tnln't as bad ns you think, my I friend. I don't own this land." i I rode off, laughing at this quaint conception of the value of land. He had not Intended to be either witty or humorous, but was sincere In trying to disabuse my mind of a false impres slon I might have of tbe extent of his troubles. When Bud rode up he ex plained to mo that the man farmed only on shares and hnd he owned the land he would have been held respon sible for the Interest on the mortgage. Indeed, he said that to own certain of tbe land around that section was re garded ns a calamity. That ride with Bud gave mo much material for n letter, and when I went to my room I wrote until after mid night. I touched only on tho general condition of tho planters and petty farmers and made use of such apt com ments as I had chanced to pick up away from the Pines. I rend and re rend my letter to make sure It could not bo trnced to Oglethorpe or Its Im mediate vicinity. I was satisfied that It would describe ninny of the older counties In the stnte; but, looking back now, It seems to me that I was too general In my deductions and that tho Illustrations, while unique, did not give a proper conception either of the man ners of the people or of the conditions of the country save in the exceptional case. But I had been trained to look for the exception, I fear, which I think Is the main fault of all young pcoplo who have a pen put Into their hands, who are prone to point out tho ridicu lous side of life Instead of seeing tbe manhood and the strength which often underlie conditions, no matter how strnjieejhey may appear aXflrst nut my worn for tnat week was done, and I arose the next morning with the feeling that I could do with my time as I wished without trying to remember Incidents or conversations which might make interesting rending matter lu Boston. I rode to the sta tion and mailed my letter, and on my return I found Miss Ellen engaged, as sho said, lu putting the houso to rights, "For If we leave all until the last day, very little will bo done," she said, and so I spent tho dny lending a hand hero or lifting a piece of furniture there. Miss Ellen mended many an old lace curtain that day. while I would Bit. pipe In mouth, watching her fingers move backward and forward nnd keep Ing. mjLoycs on ber face when her own Many a Plattsmouth Household Will Find Them So. To have (lie pains ami aches of a bail hack removed to be entirely free from aimovingr, clangorous urinary disorders, is enough to make any kidney sufferer .grate ful. The following advice of one who has suffered will prove com forting words to hundreds of Journal readers. Mrs. Hay Smith, 10(10 Hock St., af! smooth, Nob., says: "I know that Jioan s Kidney Pills arc a pioil kidney ini'dicine. have seen I hem used in my own family and they havea Iways given relief. A meinlier of my household had been sulVcring intensely from lameness across the hack and could get no rest at nihl. Set infr I loan's Kidney Pills ndveti ised w e got. a supply and I heir use brought relief. We always gel 1 loan's Kidney Pills at llynoll's Drug Store. I recommend I hem." Tor sale by all dealers. Price uO cents. Fosler-Millmrn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the l.'nili'd States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. 320 acres of fine Blue Stem Grass farm, in Hemphill County, Texas. Can all be put in cultivation. Black san dy loam soil, fine water. Canadian, the County Seat, a thriving R. R. Town. Price $20.00 per acre. This is a bargain. Will trade for a good improved 1G0 acre farm, clear of in cumberance. For further information write P. F. LAU, Perry, Okla, To the Public: You are requested to visit our store for inspection of our several lines, before you buy elsewhere. We have first-class Furniture, Car pets, Rugs, Mattings and Linoleums in stock at all times and our price? are right. Your visits to our store are ap preciated. MICHAEL IIILD, FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING Plattsmouth, : : Nebraska A Snap at $125 Per Acre. 15 1 acres, 5 miles west and i mile north of Plattsmouth, Neb. flood 0-room house 28xx30. Barn 30x51. 25 acres alfalfa, 15 acres clover, 15 acres pasture, balance good farm land. Ono-quarter mile to school. For further par ticulars write or 'phono P.. T. Younker, Glenwood, Ia. 8-22-3twkly Renters, Ahoy I I have 160 acres land, 3 miles from Burlington, Colo., and 8 rooni house nearly new; a good, bitr barn, well and mill, with ele vated tank and water pipe into houso and garden. All fenced; 65 acres broke; all level and best soil. The improvements are worth 2,500 and all are now. A good home for any man. Can you af ford to rent when you can buy this for $30 per acre? Write me or come and we will look at the land. Address Otto Mulz, Owner, ilS Funke Block. Lincoln. YOUNG IN DEPART FOR CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY l'rom Tuesday's Dally. Hnhcrl Hidial and Frank lliber, Iwo of our promising young men, departed Monday morning for Omaha, where I hey will enter the Creiglilon university school of pharmacy. Both of Ihese young gentlemen were born and reared in Ibis city and have for several years been employed in two of I lie local drug slores, Mr. ltebal in thai of Wcyrieh & lladraha and Mr. lliber at F. !. l'ricko & Co. and that will greatly assist, them in mastering the art of "pill-mak ing." These young men arc good, reliable gentlemen and have always been found ready and wil ling in their work aud thai lliey w ill make a success of I heir school work goes without saying. CHICKEN THIEF PROBABLY GETS A DOSE OF SHOT From TiiPmlay's Dally. Some party greatly desirious of securing some spring chickens, visited the village of Mynard last night about 1 1 o'clock and enlerei the hen house of ltr. Brown, I he veterinary, and secured a fowl, but while they were making their getaway I he doctor, was arousei from his slumbers, and securing a gun proceeded lo open fire in I he direct ion of the noise, and on further investigation found tho remains of the fowl filled with shot, which would lead lo the sup position lhal Iho, thief also re ceived a justly deserved dosi of shot. It is to be hoped this will prove a lesson lo Iho various prowlers who have been visiting the hen houses in that locality. Homo grown alfalfa seed for sale. A. L. Todd. .8-8-8twkly Real Estate Bought and Sold ON COMMISSION! Insurance Placed in Best Companies! Farm Loans and Rental Agency I - Virgil Llullis si A Distinction With a Difference YOU may not always pet what you pay for. It takes a good judge of values to do that, but if there is one sure rule in business it is you pay for all you get. You may not be able to sec the difference between engines of Similar appearance at different prices, but if you buy from a reputable firm you may be suro the difference in quality is there. I H C Oil and Gasoline Engines cost more than some others because they are more carefully made, and more thoroughly tested. Skillful designing, better material, better workmanship, more careful assembling, and more thorough testing, tell in the long run. Given equal care an I II C engine costs less per year of service than any other engine you can buy. If an III C engine is given all the work it will do, pumping, sawing wood, running the grindstone, feed grinder, hay press, silage cutter, repair shop machines, cream separator, churn; washing machine, etc., etc., it will pay for itself in a very short time in money and labor saved. i I II C engines are made in every style horizontal, vertical, air and water-cooled, stationary, portable and mounted on skids, to operate on gas, gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, dis tillate or alcohol, in sizes from 1 to 50 II. P. Kerosene-gasoline tractors, 12, 15, 20, 25 and 45-11 P. The I II C local dealer will give you cata logues and full information, or write International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) at Council Blufft la. I H C Sanrice bureau f. J The purpojo of this Bureau Is to furnish, free of chra to nil, tna bcit Inlormntlon obtainable on better (arming. If you have any worthy que, lions concerning lolli, cropi. land drainage, Irrl rttlon. frtllliere.elc.,makeyoiirlnqulrkiipeclfio and lend thm to I H . C .Service bureau, Harvester building, Chicago, USA