The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 01, 1912, Image 6

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Emperor of Japan, Who
Died After Brave Fight
Against Deadly Illness.
Prosecution Plays lis Big Cards
and Wins Two Points.
If any oftlie reiukrs oftlte Journal know of a tonal wtid or an item of iidereatin this vicinity and will mail same to this office it mil appearunder this head in
Ve want all item of interest. Editor Jour ia(.
Murray Department
Murray State Bank
Capital $10,000
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDER ER, Cashier
Wc Solicit Your Banking
taTOur Deposits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Interest Paid on
3 C
Mrs. J. F. Mri'inli'l was in Oma
ha Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frilz I. ill, were in
Plallsinoiilh Sal unlay afternoon.
Mrs. James Allison was a busi
ness visitor at, I'lallsuirmlh Mon
day iimrninR.
Miss Jackson of Lincoln was the
Kuest of Miss Amies Kennedy from
Tuesday until Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hnrr and
Miss Klla Virgin with Platts
rnoulti visitors Saturday.
Ilex Young came home from
Weeping Water Saturday night,
returning Sunday evening.
Miss Itaird came home from
Peru Saturday evening, where alio
was taking teacher's Iraininf.
Mrs. Cole and Mrs. darcy of
Mynard attended the Thimble Mee
at Mrs. Drown's Friday afternoon.
The annual Missionary picnic
will be held at the home of J. A.
Walker on Friday afternoon, Aug
ust 5).
Mrs. lirace Mellcnger returned
Jiome from Kansas City Friday.
She reported Mr. Mellenger im
proving. Twenty-three attended the
Thimble I tee at Mrs. Mrown's Fri
day afternoon, and all had I lie
usual k " ill time.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spangler
and children spent Sunday with
Mrs. Snngler'H mother, Mrs.
Perry, nt Mynard.
Mrs. V. A. Kennedy relumed
Troiii Hlair, Neb., Saturday, where
.she spent ten days visiting with
friends and relatives.
Mrs. Meek Mavis and two
daughters, Marie and Leona, de
parted for Lincoln Wednesday to
visit, friends for several days.
The Avocu boosters made a
good showing here Monday even
ing. The band aroused us from
our stupor for a few minutes.
Mrs. II. E. Snyder and children,
Mrs. A. J. Craig, Mrs.
Uaker, Mrs. 11. Maker and fieorge
(Muliam spent inesiiay Willi l.eo
Oldham and family.
Mrs. Lulu Loughridge enter
tained Mrs. W. li. hull, Mrs. M. It.
Allison, Mrs. Mruinmond, Mrs.
Urown, Mrs. 11. C. Todd and Miss
Itaird at dinner Saturday.
Mrs. Karl Ferguson and son,
Cordon, and Mrs. Crystal (Jauss
and son, Sterling, of Shenandoah,
Iowa, arrived Monday for a brief
visit with their aunt, Mrs. J. W.
Edmunds. From here they will go
to Wyoming to visit other rcla
t ives.
Mrs. II. L. Oldham, Misses Pau
line and Fay Oldham gave an aft
ernoon party to a large number of
friends Thursday afternoon. Ad
verlisements cut in two were given
to each guest. These were match
ed and the couples asked to write
an original advertisement, using
the firm's names. A great amount
if interest was shown, but after
careful consideration Mrs. Alva
Long and Mrs.'Mira McDonald
were awarded the prize. Covers
were laid for fifty-three guests.
Surplus $5,000 n
Time Deposits.
Etta M. Nickels was a guest of
Mrs. A. J. Stokes Monday.
Mrs. Frank Ithoden was a Ne
braska City visitor Thursday.
Jack McNalt was transacting
business in Plaltsmoulh Saturday.
Silas Long and family spent
Monday with Mrs. A. J. Stokes and
Win. Sporer and family were
shopping in Plattsmouth Satur
day. Charles Spangler and family
were Plattsmouth visitors Satur
Mrs. Arthur Copenhaver was
calling on friends in Murray Mon
day. A. F. Nickels and family were
looking after business in Platts
mouth Saturday.
Mrs. Mira McDonald and Mrs.
Grace Mellinger and children
spent Monday with William Gil
more ami family, near Platts
mouth. James Tignor has been on the
sick list for a few days.
Henry ('reamer's little daugh
ter, Alice, has been quite sick for
several days.
Hay Davis and daughter,
Lucille, came in Saturday from
Virginiadale, Colorado, to visit his
I parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis,
and oilier relatives.
L. D. Ilialt was in Omaha Wed
nesday on business connected
with the firm of Ilialt k Tutt.
John Amick, living three miles
northwest, of Murray, is on the
sick list.
O. A. Davis' new home is
gradually assuming shape, and
the carpenters are doing their
best to gel Ora and his estimable
lady nicely housed before Ibe cold,
chilly winds of December.
Misses Edith and Eva Lallue,
who have been visiting relatives
in Neola and Trainor, Iowa, re
turned home Monday evening, ac
coiupanicd by Misses Aggie and
Clara Maesker of Neola, who will
visit with their cousins for a time
Mrs. Grace Mellinger was call-
ed to Durlington, Iowa, Wednes
day, where Mr. Mellinger's molher
is seriously sick. Mr. Mellinger
will meet her there, coining from
Kansas City, where he has been
Inking medical treatment.
Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Walker am
Helen Gilinore, Margie Walker,
Randolph Keenan, Mr. and Mrs
James Holmes and son, llulpht
Pauline and Fay Oldham and Al
bert Young motored to Mynan:
Monday evening, where they en
joyed n moonlight picnic in the
beautiful grove west of town.
Mrs. Dora Moore and her
brother, George Oldham, of
Plattsmouth entertained a number
of their relatives Saturday of last
week. Those present were: Mrs
A. J. Craig of Kansas City, Mrs
Cuzza Baker of Adair, Iowa; Mrs
n. linker of Council Muffs, Mrs
II. E. Snyder and three children of
Fairfield, Iowa, and Mr. nnd Mrs
H. L. Oldham and daughters.
E. It. Oueeu was transacting
business in Plattsmouth Monday.
Wayne Lewis was calling on
friends in I'nion Sunday evening.
James Tinner, who has been
seriously .-irk, is slowly improv
ing. K. H. Queen and wife were
guests of William Nickels and
family Sunday.
C. M. lliatt of
visited his brother,
L. 1). Ilialt
and wife, this week.
.Mrs. Sarah Young and daugh
ter, Isabella, were guests of Mrs.
E. II. Queen Monday.
, Mrs. Iva Mougey of near Union,
who has been quite sick for some
time, is improving.
Mrs. Ed Lutz of Plattsmouth
was visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. I). Ilialt this week.
Mrs. A: L. liaker was in Platts
mouth between trains Wednesday
morning doing some shopping.
Frank Ilhoden and wife attend
ed the social at Union Saturday
evening, given by the Royal
Mrs. John Hobschiedt, Miss
Ethel Sherwood arid John Hob
schiedt, jr., attended services in
Plattsmouth Sunday.
II. II. Nickels made a business
I rip to Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Miss Mae Lewis was a guest of
Miss Hose Creamer a few days this
Mrs. Hubert Filch is slowly im
proving, after a serious illness.
Miss Pearl Dugay is spending
the week wilti relatives in and
near Union.
Mrs. Cunningham and grand
daughler, Fern Cunningham,
came up from Nehawka Sunday
evening and are visiting at the
home of Mrs. J. D. Pitman, her
Grandma McNurlin, who has
beeiij visiting her son, Ottis
and wife, for two weeks, went out
to the home of her son, Frank Mc
Nurlin, Tuesday, where she will
visit for a time.
W. A. Scott, the genial M. P.
agent at this place, in company
with Jimmie Loughridge, en
gineered his auto to Plattsmouth
Saturday evening, where they took
in the sights for a short time.
W. E. McDaniel and little
daughter, Vera, departed for Mis
souri Saturday night for a visit
of two weeks with relatives and
friends. Mac is now employed at
the M.'P. station in Nebraska City
and is on a vacation.
Mrs. Charles Carroll has just
eturned from Plainview, O'Neill
and other points, where she has
jeen visiting for a month. She
has enjoyed a pleasant visit
among friends and relatives, but,
as for the country, she greatly
prefers Cass county.
Messrs. Ilialt and Tutt are hav
ing the time of their lives to get
someone to begin work on the ex
cavation for their new store room.
l'hey want a cellar nearly the en
tire length and breadth of the
mildiug. Laborers in this com
munity are very scarce.
Col. Jenkins, Col, Seybolt and
Hoy Davis were in Plaltsmoulh
Wednesday, where they went on
msiness connected with the
transfer of Mr. Davis' farm, in
Eight Mile Grove. We are in
formed that Col. Jenkins purchas
ed this excellent farm for $100
per acre.
John Hobscheidt is credited
with having the cleanest corn and
the neatest surroundings in this
section of the county. One of the
oldest residents of this com
munity and one w ho Is abundantly
nble to judge, says Mr. Hobscheidt
is one of the neatest farmers he
ever saw. Good for John.
James Loughridge has sold his
business as a blacksmith, to
gether with all machinery apper
taining thereto, to Walter Green
of Weeping Water, who takes
possession on Monday next. Jim
mie says he will engage in no
business for awhile, but rest up.
He thinks he is entitled to a vaca
tion. It Can Be Relied Upon.
The American Drug and Press
Association authorizes its mem
hers to guarantee absolutely
Meritol Hair Tonic. It has no
equal. It is a wonderful remedy.
A trial will convince you. For
sale by Weyrich Si Hadraba.
Olio Carroll, accompanied by
James Itanning and one other
party, whose name we failed to
learn, were returning from Avoca
to Nehawka Tuesday in Mr. Car
roll's auto. Mr. Chalnier Switzer
was coming from the opposite di
rection with a load of lumber. The
auto, it seems, was rounding a
curve in the road and didn't notice
Mr. Switzer's team, when the auto
struck the tongue of the wagon,
driving it through the radiator of
the auto and throwing the horses
back against the heavy load of
lumber with such force as to bad
ly cripple one of the horses and
greatly injure the machine. The
occupants were not seriously
hurt, but it is not necessary to say
that they were somewhat, shaken
up. Somebody was to blame for
this carelessness, but it is not for
us to say who.
Walter Hamilton was doing
Plaltsmoulh Tuesday.
Dick Pitman was a Plallsmouth
visitor Monday.
Mr. anil Mrs. S. O. Pitman were
visiting friends in the vicinity ol
Cedar Creek Monday.
George Jenkins returned from
Hoselie, Nebraska, Saturday,
where he bad been for the past
three months.
Material is being placed on the
ground for a concrete arch culvert
on the road south of town, near
the home of J. A. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pitman, Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. Davis and Mr. and
Mrs. S. O. Pitman were entertain
ed at the home Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Perry Sunday.
Mrs. Minnie Woods, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. W.
E. McDaniel, for the past two
weeks, returned to her home in
Lincoln last Friday.
The farmers of this vicinity
held a meeting last Thursday and
decided to invest iii a new J. I.
Case threshing out lit, which they
are expecting to receive at once.
Those interested are: II. C.
Creamer, Charles Heed, Philip
Kiel, Major Hall, Will Wherbein,
Joe Dull, Lee and George Nickels
and James McCol lough.
Land for Sale I
lou acres good larm land in
Keith county, Nebraska, 7 miles
southeast of Ogalalla, the county
seat. Will , sell outright or ex
change. Frank Vallery.
To Those Interested.
The notes and accounts duo
the late tlrm of Edmunds & Brown
are left at the State Bank of Mur
ray for the convenience of those
who may desire to settle. This is
done because I will not be in
Murray all the time, having busi
ness on my farm.
J. V. Edmunds.
Good Farm for Sale.
Eighty acres in same section in
which Murray is located; good
improvements; 4 acres in native
pasture, with plenty of water;
some alfalfa, and balance under
cultivation. Known as the Mor
row place. For particulars ad
Mrs. A. Morrow, Seward, Neb.
For Sale.
160 acres improved land be
tween Murray and Nehawka
Write Miss Gertie M. Pittman
Fort Klamath, Oregon.
7-20-1 mo-wkly
Farms for Salel
Mr. Farmer and Investor, get
busy nnd look these farms over
640 acres, 4 miles from Grant,
Neb., on Durlington R. II., $11.00
per acre.
320 acres 4 miles from Brule
on U. P. II. II., at $15.00 per acre
120 acres, 4 miles from Ogal
alia, Neb., $40.00 per acre.
160 acres, close to Madrid, Neb,
$35.00 per acre. '
80 acres 8 miles from Plaits
mouth, 45 acres improved, bal
ance in timber, $55.00 per acre.
See or Write,
Lands. Loans and Insurance,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Are you needing a dressmaker?
'Phone Mildred Balser, Platts.
'Phone 364 While. 7-27-imod.
Stress Is Laid Upon Letters Alleged
to Have Been Written by the Worn
an Over Husband's Signature De
tective Bullard Testifies.
Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 1. After forging
the last link in the chain of evidence
which, it claims, connects Mrs. Daisy
Opie Grace with the shooting of her
husband, the prosecution rested its
case. Mrs. Grace Is expected to go oil
the stand today to tell her own story.
The state played its big cards and
won two points.
Two letters, which it was claimed
Mrs. Grace wrote to herself , over the
signature of her husband's nickname,
"Gene," and mailed a3 she was leaving
for Newman, Ga., to establish an alibi,
were offered in evidence and admitted
by the court after a battle between op
posing counsel lasting more than two
hours. Mrs. Grace's words of greeting
to her husband when they met in the
hospital, which the defense had fought
hard to keep from the Jury, also were
George Bullard, city detective, was
the witness who told of the meeting.
Who spoke first?" asked Solicitor
"Mrs. Grace."
"What did she say?"
She said: 'How did this happen,
Oene? have you been telling
thfse people? They tell me you say
I shot you.' "
'Did nhe kiss her husband?"
'No, she stood straight up beside
the, bed."
on two points. -
Although the prosecution attaches
great weight to the alibi letters and
contends, they show the shooting ol
Grace was premeditated by his wife,
the defense claims that evidence has
not connected Mrs. Grace with them
in any, way. Mrs. Grace did not re
ceive tho two letters, which were In
closed in one envelope, through
the mails. They were postmarked
' Atlanta, 4 p. m." on the day of the
shooting and they reached Newman
ai'ter sh had returned to Atlanta,
They wore forwarded to her, but fell
into Grace's hands.
The handwriting on the envelope
has been Identified as that of Grace
by witnesses. None of them was able
to Identify the handwriting of one ot
the letters, which was scribbled witb
pencil. The other was typewritten
Grace Is suffering from a slight
fever and was too 111 to be brought
Into court. Dr. Willis Jones testified
that he examined Grace and found he
was completely paralyzed from the
waist down and that he was losing
Ford Surprises Darrow by Translating
Messages to Rappaport.
Los Angeles, Aug. 1. Striking al
the main reliance of the defense
that It had been agreed to have the
McNamaras plead guilty before th
bribery charges the prosecution In
the trial of Clarence S. Darrow lntn
duced evidence purporting to refute
any such clarm. The evidence consist
ed of telegrams which tended to show
that Darrow had authorized, on the
day following Bert Franklin's arrest
an expenditure of $1,000 to regain doc
umentary evidence seized by the In
dlanapolls authorities.
Assistant District Attorney Ford
produced a code telegram sent by Lec
M. Rappaport of Indianapolis, attorney
for the International Association ot
Bridge and Structural Iron Workers
addressed to Mr. Darrow and dated
Nov. 29, 1911.
He asked Darrow to Identify It and
the witness, with a smile, said he
probably could if It were translated
for him. Ford Immediately called fot
the blackboard and wrote the crypto
gram and Its translation upon It.
The message translated read: "May
I spend thousand to regain Indianap
olis evidence?"
Suit to Dlssolv BIN Posters' Combine.
Chicago, Aug. 1. Suit under the
Sherman anti-trust law to dissolve the
Poster Advertising association, form
erly the Bill Posters' association ot
the United States and Canada, will b
filed by the government In a few
days, It is expected. The association
which is alleged to control bill posting
In more than 3,000 cities and towns.
has been under Investigation by the
department of Justice for soveral
Will of Millionaire Chaffee Missing.
Fargo, N. D., Aug. 1. The widow of
the late H. F. Chaffee, millionaire ol
Amenla, N. D., who lost his life In the
sinking ot the Titanic, filed a petition
asking for the distribution of his prop
erty according to her recollection ol
the provisions of the will, which, she
claims, his been lost. The estate in
eludes 40,000 acres of North Dakota
Cloudburst 8ends Flood Toward Town
Rock Springs, Wyo., Aug. 1. A mes
sage just received from Point ot
Rocks says that a cloudburst occurred
there and that a forty-foot wall ot
water U headed toward this city. Peo
pie living In the low parts of the city
pi I
Wages of Iowa Factory Hands
on Increase.
Des Moines, Aug. 1. Wage earners
in slightly more than 50 per cent of
Iowa factories and workshops earned
$32,972,803.28, or more than a million
dollars more in the year ending July
than they did in the previous year,
according to a report just completed
by the state tabor commissioner. .
Commercial organizations that are
boosting Iowa claim that there are
nearly 5,000 factories In the state, but
the labor commissioner sent blanks to
3,000 of these. Of this number, 1,519
made reports as . requested. The fac
tory inspectors visited 2,918 Institu
tions. They were unable to make all
of the Inspections needed.
It is probable that on account of
this Mr. Van Duyn will recommend
that his force be Increased. At pres
ent Iowa pays but 2.4 cents per capita
for protecting Its factory workmen,
while It pays something like 50 cents
per capita for protection of 1U min
ers. There are but two other states
that appropriate such a small amount
for use In this matter. Some states
set aside as high as 30 cents per cap
ita. From the tables compiled It Is
learned that the average wage of
adult males Is $876 a year, adult fe
males, $320, and children, $161.
Steam Roller Not Brought Into Play
by Jones' Enemies.
Cedar Rapids, la., Aug. 1. The pro
posed move of the state Prohibition
convention to oust C. Durant Jones ot
Perry as candidate for governor failed
to materialize at the closing session.
Attempts to remove K. W. Brown ot
Ames and O. D. Elliott of Marshall-
town as members of the national com
mittee also failed.
Malcolm Smith of Cedar Rapids was
Indorsed for United States senator.
An attempt to Indorse Attorney Gen
eral ' Cosson, a Republican, was de
feated, and J. A. Harvey of Perry was
named for that office. J. w. Leedy
of Oskaloosa was nominated for state
superintendent of schools and William
Orr of Clarlr.da and H. F. Jones of
Woodbine for Judges of the supreme
Missouri Convention Votes Against
Affiliation With Other Parties.
Kansas City. Aug. 1. Congressional
and, county candidates will be nomi
nated by the progressive party in Mis
souri this year. This was ordered by
the state nreeresslve convention here
after a stormy discussion. A full tick
et also will be nominated in the city
of St Louis.
It was evident that the majority ot
the delegates were determined that
the progressive party In Missouri
should not afTlllate with any other
party In any way.
Some of the delegates contended
that the question of nominating the
congressional ticket be left to the sev
eral districts. A resolution to that ef
fect was lost by a vote of 308 to 70.
The progressive nominees for the
state, congressional and county offices
must pledge themselves to support the
national ticket. .
The convention completed Its busi
ness and adjourned. An hour later
the state committee went Into session
to organize, elect a chairman and sec
retary and outline the state campaign.
The bodv Is composed of thirty-two
Raise In Coal Rates Suspended.
Washington, Aug. 1. Proposed In
crease of 12 cents a ton on the
freight rate for sort coal from Illinois
mines to destinations on the Burling
ton railroad In Iowa and beyond waa
uipended by the Interstate commerce
commission from Aug.S to fb. 3.