TO IMPROVE OAK Forward or- ackward? HILL CEMETERY i Some Very Important Suggestions From Mr. H. S. Wiggins, an Expert Along This Line. Which Way are You Going? If you are in line with progress, the unification of the telephone service will appeal to you. All lines of progress lead to good and better service. The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company is your servant. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager RUB RULER County Officers File Reports, Quarterly reports have just Tin' l' !( vtn(-r letter was re- . . tt ht; v.. reived irom .Mr. n. iggins u the chairman of the cemetery coinmiltee, Mr. C. A. Johnson, af ter Mr. Johnson ami Mr. Wiggins ami other members of the council hail viewed Oak Hill cemetery. The letter contains so many valuable suggestions that Mr. Johnson has kimtly consented to having the same printed in I he Journal: Lincoln, July 7, 1912. C. A. Johnson, Chairman Cemetery Committee, Plattsmouth, Neb.: I tear Sir I have given a good deal of thought to the conditions confronting your people since I was with you a week ago. The situation and natural advantages of voiir cemetery are far more beautiful than ours; your im provements, as far as they go, are generally good; but the care, or, rather, the want of care, given to the lots and to the grounds gen erally, is not creditable to the community. You are selling full sized ceme tery lots for .n'O. We are selling the same sized lots for an average of about $250, and with no com plaint at all in regard to our price. Why are we able to charge ten times the amount you charge? It is not due to any natural ad i flowers. The daisies in your 1 cemetery will kill every particle of grass unless completely rooted up j without further delay. How I ever beautiful, daisies and dande j lions should not be planted in cemeteries or any other place. Sixth. You should establish and keep up complete records of burials, lot owners and lot inter ments and other books of record and account, memorandum of which I gave you. I am informed that there are a number of lots in your cemetery upon which burials have been made, where the name and address of the owner is un known and canno't now be found. I am told that there is absolute ly no record of the names of those buried in the potters' Held; such conditions are most deplorable, and whatever else may be done, let me urge that adequate records be installed at once. I learn with some surprise that vou nave no ground sei aside to sell for single interments. In conclusion, let me invite your ynrninittee, and as many of vour council as can come, to visit our cemetery at an early day. Our ollicers and trustees will take pleasure in giving every assist ance possible in your laudable ef forts to improve the Plattsmouth cemetery. Respectfully, H. S. Wiggins. Some of the Bargains that can be found 8 tt AT THE STORE OF I A. G.BACH & CO. on Seasonable Necessities 16 pounds of granulated sugar for $1.00 48 pound sack Plainsifter or Diamond Patent flour $1.40 Forest Rose, Jersey Cream or Premium Patent . . $1.50 Fruit Jars, pints, per dozen 50c Fruit Jars, quarts, per dozen 60c Fruit Jars, half -gallon, per dozen 75c 3 cans of good sweet corn for 25c 8 bars of Diamond "C" Lenox or White Russian Soap for ... 25c 6 bars of good white Laundry Soap for 25c at Main Street or South Park Stores Telephone orders receive Prompt Attention. tt tt tt ft ft ft g been tiled by the sheriff, clerk of vantages, for nature has given you Elks in Session at Portland, Ore. Elect Complete Set of Officers. Qive Beefsteak Breakfast. Portland, Ore., July H. Thomas 11. Mills of Superior, Wis., chair man of the boanf of grand trustees, was elected grand exalt ed ruler of the Ileiiovelcnt and Protective Order of Klks by ac clamation at the armory today to succeed John P. Sullivan of New Orleans. While it has been coil ceded that Mills would be chosen unanimously, Hie cheering which greeted the casting of the unanimous ballot by (irand Sec retary Robinson was almost un rireeedented. Rochester, N. Y was selected by acclamation for Uio 1 1) 1 3 convention. Other elections by acclamation were: Dr. Charles 11. Ward of Passadcna. grand esteemed loyal linight, and (irand Treasurer Kd ward Leech of New York, re-elect ed for the sixth successive time The other ollicers elected were (irand esteemed leading knight James L. King, lopeka; gram esteemed lecturing kniuht, Lloy II. Maxwell, Marshalltown, la.; grand secretary, Frederick C. Robinson, Dubuque, la.; grand trustee. John J. Faulkner, Fast St, Louis, 111.; grand inner guard, John Lee Clark, Albuqureque, N. M.; grand tiler, 1'alrick 11. Shields, Clarksburg, W. Va. Tonight the principal feature of the entertainment, program was an illuminaled parade. At mid night several hundred local and visiting newspaper men sat down lo a "beefsteak breakfast," the guests of the Portland Elks. the district, court, county judge, ountv clerk and register of leeds, showing fees earned by each olllce during the quarter ending June 1J12, all of which are satisfactory. The clerk of the i'lrict. court and register of Is each go above the .$500 mark, viz.: Clerk of the court, (?! 15.80, and register of deeds, 515.lo. In the clerk of the court s olllce 20(1 was charged as sa arv for Deputy Miss Jessie Robertson for the quarter. The county judge s ollice is next in point of amount collected, the re port showing for the quarter $.'101 paid in. The county clerk col lected in fees during the three His !j2()l.7r, and the sheriff, 22.4l. German St. Paul's Church. A stereoplicon lecture will bo delivered ill our church on Friday evening, July lit. The lecture will last about one and one-half hours: 120 s ereoplicon slides have been prepared from original photographs from the home mis sion fields in our country, and from the foreign Held in India, tb picting country, people and work, from the seminaries, Sunday schools, orphanages and homes for aged, etc. A splendid oppor tunity to get all the facts in ft nut slien. ine lecture win ne uemcr- ed bv two students of the Eden Theological seminary of St.. Louis Missouri. A free-will olTenug will be taken al this time for the de nomination work. Card of Thanks. W'e desire to express our most cincere thanks to our many friends and neighbors who so kindly helped us during the ill ness and death of our beloved wife and mother. Also for the beautiful lloral tributes. (ieo. N. Schafer and Family. Mr. ami Mrs. (ieo. Schafer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Pankonin. Depart for Estes Park. From Tuesday' Dally. Mr. O. P. Newliranch, wife and daughter, Miss (irace, left for Omaha this morning, where they will be joined by Mrs. Harvey Newbranch and three children of Omaha, and from thence the party will leave on the Overland Limited for Estes Park, Colorado, where they have an eight-room summer cottage awaiting their arrival. The cottage is located in the moun tains ami is an ideal place to spend the heated term. Mr. New branch and party will remain there until about September I. me ot tne most lovely locauons i have ever seen: it is not due to the fact that our people are more abundantly aide to nay. tor you have an older and wealthier com munitv: it is due simply to the fact that we guarantee good can for all time to come, and we are giving it. Furthermore, we are able, and it . . our suuecessors m omce are go nig to be able to rultlll our promises. We already have per manent funds amounting to over !?5(i,(KI0, invested and bringing in from Hi to 5 Mi per cent interest No part of this fund can be used, but the interest will forever care for the lots upon which we have guaranteed perpetual care. Our neonle understand that when I hey buy a lot in the ceme tcrv it is not the value of the land for which they are paying the value of the ground is nothing they are paying for first-class service, now and for all time to come, ami iney pay it ireeiy ami willuiRlv. for they believe they are going to get it. ion understanding that our ceim'ery is and always has been self-supporting. The cemetery is owned by the people the same as yours. There are no slockhold ers to draw out protlts, and every dollar paid for lots and for service goes right back into the property. The trustees give their time freely and without compensation They are elected by the people of the city of Lincoln for six-year terms, and are usually re-elected without opposition as long as they will consent to serve, thus secur ing continuity or service, which is greatly to be desired. I am well aware that you are not now in a position to fix a high price on the lots or to guarantee perpetual care, simply and solely because you are not ante to give the service. It will require some sacrifice on the part of your good I pb to make your cemetery self-supporting, but it can be done and should be done In the llrst place, ifnt can be Crops Fairly Good. From Tuesday's Dally. Judge W. II. Newell returned last night from a trip to Hamilton county, where he went, on busi ness. Judge Newell was a very close observer of the crop condi tions on the route, and says the wheat is turning out fairly well and corn in about the same condi tion as in Cass county. They need rain pretty badly and a day or two more like yesterday would have done serious injury to tin growing corn, i he judge thinks, with no serious disturbances, Ne braska will fare about as well as most of the states on the crop question. IT'S ft MISTAKE Will Sharp of Omaha was in the cilv, the guest of his mother, Mrs. Harriett Sharp, for a few hours today. Don't torgetl The Journal office Is prepared to do all kinds of fancy job work. Give us a trial. Special Kates for Summer Tours GO SOMEWHERE TO THE EAST. Excursion rntes to New Y'ork and Boston, via all routes go ing one way, returning another. A most attractive tour of the East may be made at these ratea. TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Low excursion rates every day; ssill lower rate to tours on special dates; the greatest railroad journey in the world and at very low rates. YELLOWSTONE PARK. Special rates for any kind of tour desired; go in via Cody, the Scenic entrance, come out via Gardiner; personally conducted camping tours; the Wylio camp tours. Ask agent for Park literature. MOUNTAIN TOURS. Ask agent for handbook of Colorado resorts. Rook up Hot Springs, S. 1)., ank ank for Black Hills booklet. Y'ou might like the Big Horn Mountains at the Sheridan and Ranchester resorts; ask for leaf let. (Jet in touch with ub. Ask for rates and publications for any kind of vacation tour. R, W, CLEMENT, Agent. W. L. WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb, legally done, the administration of the affairs of the cemetery hould be placed in the hands of Iruustees, who will be more per manent and who will serve with out compensation other than suchj as comes from the realization of a public service well done. Second. The cemetery funds should be segregated and kept available for cemetery purposes only. Third. Funds should be pro filed to put in a good pumping station with large tank so locat ed that water can be carried by gravity pressure to any part of the grounds through pipes laid in the walk-ways, about eight inches below the surface, with hydrants at frequent intervals This water system is important and is not expensive. Fourth, You should provide a residence for your superintendent or sexton on the grounds. His entire time should be given to the cemetery ami he should not be re quired to dig or fill graves. You should not lose the services of Mr. Kurtz, who has learned by years of experience that which it would require years for another to acquire. Fifth. Your superintendent alone should have authority to plant or remove trees, shrubs and NOTICE TO CREDITORS. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cass County, ss. In County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of William M. Wiley, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said County, on the 27th day of July, 1912, and on the 27th day of January, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. in. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to pre sent their claims, and one year for the Administrator to settle said estate, from the 25th day of July, 1912. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this llrst day of July, 1912. ALLEN J. HEESON, County Judge, D. O.'DWYER, Attorney. NOTICK OK HI.FKIIKKS SAI.K. Notice Is hereby given tliat by virtue or an order ot Court made by the lion Harvey 1). Travis, sole Judge of the District Court In and for Chkh County, State of Nebraska, In a suit pending therein, wherelng Jeremiah L. Cream er Is plaintiff and Sarah M. Hess, et al.. are defendants, which order was signed and entered on the Hth day of .lime, 1912, confirming the report of the referee that a division of tho property could not he made without great loss In value to the parties In terested, and In said order of Court the undersigned referee whs directed to make sale of the land Involved In sulci action without unnecessary delay and In manner and form as if the sume was sold by the Sheriff upon execu tlon. In pursuance to such order, I, the undersigned referee, will sell at public n net on to the h ir nest li ilder for cash nt the South front door or the t ourt House, In the City of I'lattsmouth, In suld County, on the ltith day of July, ID 12. at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, the following described real estate to-wit The West half of the Northeast ouurter of Section 13. Township 10 North, Itange , Kast of the lit It 1'. M a tiintpd In Cuss fotintv. Nebraska, con ttilning K0 acres more or less. Said siile shall be held open one hour and at the time of declaring the bid, 20 per cent of the purchase price must 'he paid anil the balance of such purchase, monev shall be paid upon the con firmation of the sale bv the Court, and the making of the deed. Dated this 15th dnv of June, 1912. C. S. AI.DKICH, Keferee. Ii (). liWVKI!. Attorney. , !-17-w-4wks. Made by Many Plattsmouth Residents. Many people in a misguided ef fort to get rid, of kidney backache rely on plasters, liniments and other make-shifts. The right treatment is kidney treatment and a remarkably recommended kid ney medicine is Doan's Kidney Pills. Plattsmouth is no excep t ion. The proof is at your very door. The following is an experience typical of the work of Doan's Kidney Pills in Plattsmouth. Henjamin ltrooks, Main street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "As the result or a bad cold, 1 had a se vere attack of kidney complaint. At times the pain extended from my back and hips into my should ers. I could not get about and was laid up for two weeks. My head ached for hours at a time. I bad dizzy spells, during which in y sight became blurred. Doan's Kidney Pills checked these troubles and after using two boxes, I regained my health. I got. Doan's Kidney Pills at Ry nott's Drug Store and can recom mend them." For sale by all dealers. Price no cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Hufl'alo. New Y'ork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. penants, is to supply the demand of automobile tourists who desire a souvenir slogan of Plattsmouth.. The penants are wholly a Platts mouth made article, save and ex cept the felt, which would have been of Plattsmouth make had there been a factory here. The penants can be purchased at Wes cott's Sons store, and it will not ne long neiore tney win De see floating from the mast-head of automobiles bitting the "Trail to Sunset Route" west and east. There was only one thing over looked in making, the modest designers forgot to have their names inscribed in small script on the blue of the field. ' The Choice of a Husband is too important a matter for a. woman to be handicapped by weakness, bad blood or foul breath. Avoid these kill-hopes by laking Dr. King's Life Pills. New strength, fine complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits things, that win men-follow their use. Easy, safe, Fricke & Co. sure, 25c at F. G. Beautiful in Design. An artistically designed pen nant, hearing the city slogan, has been purchased by C. 0. Wescott and (lien Raw Is, both gentlemen being of artistic tastes and teni permeiil. The pennant must be seen to be appreciated. The col ors are a combination oi slate and city, the state crimson and the city blue and white. On a crimson disk, in white, are the words "See and Succeed," while "Platts mouth," in larger white letters ex tends through the field of blue. The purpose of the gentlemen in designing and having made the Married at Parsonage. Rev. W. L. Austin pronounced! the words that unites for life Mr. William J. Carstens and Mrs. Julia Dealing, at the Methodist parsonage yesterday afternoon, and the happy couple departed on the M. P. for Omaha, from whence they expected to go to Canada to make their future home. The groom has been a resident of Plattsmouth for ten months or more and has made many warm friends in the community in this short time. He is a brother of Mrs. Mike Lulz of this city. The bride is also well known here, having resided in this city a great many years, and has hosts of friends who will wish her well in her new home. The Journal joins with their many friends in wish ing Mr. and Mrs. Carstens hap piness and success in their new home. County Commissioner C. Jordan departed for his home Alvo I his morning, via Omaha. R. at T5he Pollock-Duff s 8 MDG mitick to cm-:nmui. STATU OK NKHUASKA, Cass County, ss. In County Court. In the Matter of the Kstate of William K. Dull. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet ilm Kvi.i-iit rlx. Marv K. Dull, of said estate, before me. County Judge of Cuss County Nebraska, at the County Court room ' In Plattsmouth, In said fomitv. on the th day of July, 1912. mid on the loth dav of January. 19l:i. at 9 o'clock u. nt.. each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims tor examination, adjustment and allow nncp. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceosed to present their claims, and one year for the Kxecutrlx to settle said, estate from ih, Stli dnv of July. 11112. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court at rlattsmouth, No- braska. this 6th day of June, 1912. (S,.i.D AI.LlCN J. HHESON. County Judge. 6-13-4wk. tt s s 8 makes possible a delightful Auto ride to Omaha only 19 miles distant from Plattsmouth. X$ A drive over Omaha s 2a miles of beautiful paved boule- J vards and park system will furnish a pleasant surprise and $2 recreation. fcf Fort Crook'9 fine macadam drives and regular afternoon $ and evening band concerts are very enjoyable and are free to the public. rZ Take a little jaunt over the new Auto and Wagon Bridge. Ynn veil I hbe it ' A JU V 111 IIIIV Vt POLLOCK & DUFF V.' tt .w. tt