V Some of the Bargains that can be found AT THE 6TORE OF 1 A. G.BACH & CO. P V on Seasonable Necessities W 16 pounds of granulated sugar for $1.00 IJ 48 pound sack Plainsifteror Diamond Patent flour $1.40 f Forest Rose, Jersey Cream or Premium Tatent. . , $1.50 Vf Fruit Jars, pints, per dozen 50c 12 Fruit Jars, quarts, per dozen 60c 2 Fruit Jars, half-gallon, per dozen 75c if 3 cans of good sweet corn for .'. 25c 8 bars of Diamond "C" Lenox or White Russian X$ Soap for 25c j$ 6 Lars of good white Laundry Soap for 25c 3 ft at Main Street or South Park Stores J Telephone orders receive to Prompt Attention. i-H-H H-MM-H-M -H-H .J. LOUISVILLE. J. Courier. ! HMM-MM-MIH-!"M Talmagc Spcnce was ua Omaha passenger Tuesday, where lie pur chased repairs preparatory lo the threshing season. Fred Kchleifert and wife, An drew Slohinian and Herman Dehn ing drove to Omaha Wednesday in the Sehli'ifei't car. Miss Mahel Tracy of University Place visited with friends here over Sunday, reluming to her home Monday evening. Miss Margaret (ions and little brother, (ieorgc, returned to Plainview after spending a few days wilh W. F. Krecklow and family. Mrs. Louis F.ddie, who has heen here on a visit In her parents, Judge Wood and wife, has relum ed to her home in Milford, Neb. Mrs. A. L. Masters who has been taking treatment at a sani tarium at Lincoln for some time, returned home Monday improved in health. Robert, McCarly, who conducts a thirst-slacking establishment here, has completed his new building on Main street and moved in. He now has one of the finest places of the kind in the slate. Messrs. Sieve .locliini, Fred Wcgner, Ernest Pouch and Tom Partnele have returned from the western part of the stale, where they went to visit Mr. Parmele's ranch, making the trip in an automobile driven by Mr. Parmele. Mike Trilsch, deputy county treasurer, spent Sunday in Louis ville, a guest of friends, Mrs. Tritsch ami children, who are visiting in Light Mile drove pre cinct, also came to town and spent Sunday wilh Mrs. F. II. Nichols, The annual school meeting was held Monday at Hie Louisville High school building. P. C. Sland er was re-elected a member of the board and P. A. .Tacobson elected to 111! vacancy. The other mem bers of the board are Dr. Polk, Kd Twiss, John Kopp and L. J. May field. It was decided to hold nine months of school for the ensuing term. Tell Your Automobile Sup ply Troubles to Us! We are in a position to assist you in all your needs, when it comes to the supply department. We carry a limited number of tires, tubes and all accessories, but are in a position to make prompt delivery on most anything you need for all mer chandise. Our goods are all in the fully guaran teed lines. Tell Us Your Needs and We Will Sure Do the Rest. - Kroehler Bros. - Plattsmouth, ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft EAGLE. -I- ! Beacon. N. V. Hatch of Francitas, Texas, arrived last week and will make his home with his daughter, Mrs. I. C. M linger. (ieorge Oherle, Cliff Wright, Ocorge Oiikcn and Fred Spahnlc went, over lo Creenwood last Sat urday on a fishing expedition, but we have not had any olllical re port as to I heir luck. A. P. Purbaugh and Krnest Trumble departed Wednesday for Steele City, where (hey will pack Hie former's household goods and ship them to Eagle. Mr. Pur-1 baugh has rented a house in tin; roi th part of town. Miss Klla Peterson arrived home last Friday afternoon from Sickles, Mklahoina, where she had spent several weeks visiting with relatives and friends. She was accompanied home by her cousin, lene Seoul Mil, who will make a visit with relatives here. Eagle is to have a new fire house, the work of tearing down the old one having started last week, and it is now settled that a good building will be erected in place of the old one. The founda tion has been put in and is all ready to commence building. A deal was made on Thursday of last, week whereby Dr. I. C. Monger became owner of the Frolilicli drug store, and on Fri day morning he took possession. U. McClarrin, a druggist of much experience, will have charge of the business as manager. An item of more or less im portance escaped us last week and that was the fact that Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Scatlergood arc the proud parents of a new son, which put in his appearance at their home on June 15. We hope the yonng man will excuse us for not noting his arrival last week. FOR SALE. A 1910 5 H.-P. Twin INDIAN Motorcycle at a bargain. Will sell dirt cheap if taken at once. For further information call or write H. E. Sleinhauer, Plattsmouth, Neb. Care Journal Office. Nebraska . H-H-I- fry-X-?' 'M-I-M-I 4 H1 MURDOCH. v Special Correspondent.) 4 i Kmile Harry of AIvo was in , town Sunday evening. I Jack Shank and wife of Lincoln visited home folks here Sunday. Charles Kisenhut and daughter, Vera, were in Lincoln last Thurs day. John Amgwerl and family spent Sunday with his parents near Wabash. Moving pictures at the air dome on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sat urday evenings this week. Miss Ktta Sorick returned to Lincoln Sunday evening, after a two weeks' vacation here. Mail McDonald returned Sunday' from Holt county, where he had spent the past few months. Mrs. Crawford Is having tier bouse neatly repainted, with John Amgwerl, behind the brush. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kuehn were Sunday guests of Rudolph Kuehn and family, south of Alvo. Our base ball hoys went to Louisville Saturday afternoon and were defeated by a score of 10 to C. Miss Martha flochry left last Thursday for a three weeks' visit in Denver and other Colorado points. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and little daughter of near Alvo spent Sunday wilh Meorge Moomey and wife. Miss Rose Worth returned Sat urday evening from a week's visit at the Hcsaek home near Spring field. Henry Westlake moved his family here from Mauley one day last week and they are again citizens of Mnrdock. Misses Opal and Wanda Besack returned to (heir home near Springfield on No. 18 Monday, af ter a short visit with relatives here. Messrs. Harry Millespie, Lacy McDonald, Misses Leata McDon ald, Helen Moomey and F.va Sorick composed a parly who enjoyed last Thursday afternoon fishing in Pawnee creek. They got well, they got, back. Insect Bite oCtss Leg. A Boston man lost his leg from Hie bile of an insect two years be fore. To avert such calamities from stings and biles of insects use Bucklcn's Arnica Salve promptly to kill the poison and prevent inflammation, swelling and pain. Heals burns, boils, ulcers, idles, eczema, cuts, bruises. Only 25 cents at F. 0. Fricke & Co. I ELMWOOD. -I- Leader-Echo. M-HH-H-H-H- At present writing Joe Mullen is able to be up and around the house and out in the yard again. William Hulllsh has been hired by the school board to continue his duties for another year as janitor. Miss Bessie DelesDernicr re turned Tuesday from a few days' visit with friends at Plattsmouth ami Omaha. Mrs. J. F. Hoover was quite ill the fore part of the week, but is now rapidly improving under the doctor's care. t Sterling Merger of Farnam, Neb., came in last week for a visit with ihs grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. (1. L. Merger. Charley Hart is having the hotel neatly repainted. Dennis Sharpies has been busy the past week plying the brush. ollie Ward, Cuy Shreve, Frank Siege and Attorney DelesDernier r.uloed to Louisville Friday,' where the latter transacted legal busi ness. The Misses draco and Myrtle Dickinson of Lincoln visited Elm wood relatives and friends Satur day anil Sunday, being guests at the (lillell home. Mrs. Eni! Mornenieier and son, Norman, ami Mrs. C. D. Kunz, jr., and daughter, Norma, went to Milford Saturday for a visit over Sunday with relatives. Short wheat will necessitate the use of headers in n good many fields over this locality, drain is ripening fast, and a good many have started the harvest. .1. T. Liston returned Monday fro ma visit lo his brother at Lane, Kansas. Mr. Liston says his brother is improving in health rapidly and has discarded the cane lie found necessary to use while here. Little Elizabeth Royer of Lin- coin enjoyed a visit of u couple of days last week at (ho homo of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Merger. She is one of I lie children under the care of Miss Anna Merger at the Royer home in the capital city. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cass County, ss. In County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of William M. Wiley, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said County, on the 27th day of July, 1912, and on the 27th day of January, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for exam ination, adjustment and allow ance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to pre sent their claims, and one year for the Administrator to settle said estate, from the 25th day of July, 1912. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this first day of July, 1912. (Seal) ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. D. 0. DWYER, Attorney. NOTICE OF HEARING. Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Movernor and the Advisory Hoard of Pardons for a pardon of the sentence of Charles Allen Whit ing, who was, on the 2d day of April, 1912, sentenced by the dis trict court within and for Cass County, lo serve a term of one to seven years in the state peniten tiary for the crime of bigamy. Said application will be heard before the Advisory Hoard of Pardons on the 8th day of July, 11)12, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated this 1 ilh day of June, 1912. Signed : Charles Allen Whiting. MiiKK ok iii:ki:iii.i:'s sai.i:. Notice Is hereby Klven that by virtue of an order of Court made by the Hon. llurvey I). Travis, sole jiNltfe of the llHtrU-t Court In and for Cass County, State of Nebraska, In a suit pendiiiK therein, wherelnn Jeremiah L. Cream er is plaintiff and Sarah M. Hess, et al., are defendants, which order was sinned and entered on the 11th day of June, 1K12, contlrmlnR the report of tlx- referee that a division of the property could not be made without Kreat loss in value to t he parties in terested, and In said order of Court the undersigned referee was directed to make sale of the land Involved In said action without unnecessary delay and In manner and form as If the same was sold by the Sheriff upon execu tion. In pursuance to such order. I, the underslKned referee, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the South front door or the Court House, In the City of I'lattsmouth, In said County, on the 16th day of July, 1912, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, tlie following described real estate to-wlt: The West half of the Northeast quarter of Section 13, Township 10, North, Ilanjte . Kast of the tith 1'. M., situated in Cass County, Nebraska, con taining K0 acres more or less. Said sale shall be held open one hour and ut the time of declaring the bid 20 per cent of the purchase price must 'be paid and the balance of such purchase money shall be paid upon the con tinuation or t lie sale dy the Court, and the making of the deed. Dated this 15th rtiiv of .Tunc. 1012. C. S. Al.DKK'H, Keferee. It. O. DVVVKK, Attorney. 6-17-w-4wks. NOIKi: TO CltKIHTOIIS. STATIC OK NKMKASKA, Cass county, ss. In County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas J. fountain, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administratrix of said estate, be fore me. County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in riattsmouth. In said County, on the lllitli day of June, 1912 and on the 2tith day of December, 1912', at 10 o'clock a. in., each day, for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditor of said deceased to iiresent their claims, and one year for the Administratrix to settle said estate, from the 23rd day of June, 1912. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court at I'lattsmouth, Ne braska, this 24fh day of May, 1912. (Seal) ALL1CN J. UKKSON. County Judge. D. O. Dwyer, Attorney for Estate. 6-27-4wks. NOTK'K TO t'HF.DITOHS. STATU OK NKBUASKA, Cass County, ss. In County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of William E. Dull, Deceased. Notice is hereby Riven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Executrix, Mary K. Dull, of said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County Nebraska, at the County Court room ' In I'lattsmouth, In said County, on the Bth day of July, 1912, and on the 10th day of January, 1913. at 9 o'clock a. m., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. , Six me-nths ore allowed for the creditors of sold deceased to present their claims, and one year for the Executrix to settle said, estate from the th day of July, 1912. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court at I'lattsmouth, Ne braska, this 6 tl'i dny of June, 1912. (Seal) ALLEN J. UKKSON. County Judge. 6-13-4wks. Mall Carriers Will Fly. This is an age of great dis cover ies. Progress rides on the air. Soon we may see Uncle Sam's mail carriers living in all direc tions, transporting mail. People take a wonderful interest in a discovery that benefits them. That's why Dr. King's New Dis covery for Coughs, Colds and oilier throat and lung diseases is the most popular medicine in America. 'It cured me of a dread ful cough." writes Mrs. J. F. Davis, Stickney Corner, Me., "af ter doctor's treatment and all other remedies had afiled." Tor coughs, colds or any bronchial alTection it's unequaled. Price fine and $1.00. Trial bottle free at. F. fi. Fricke & Co. Carl Sergum was a passenger to Council Bluffs on the after noon train today. Men'i Suits qj afewleftat pliUU Men's Blue Serge 0 I fl flfl gray or brown suits v I UiUU Men's Suits C I K flfl including Mohairs, extra fine, for V O'UU Ifyou will "Try Plattsmouth First" on these suit bargains, you wiil surely buy them. They are absolutely dependable. You save money and time by buying here. Boy's Knickerbocker Suits, extra good, $2.35; Men's Dress Shirts 50c to $3; Elegant New Neckwear 25 and 50c; Straw Hats 50c to $10. G. E. Uoscoii's Sons . Always the Home of Satisfaction FOR PLATTS Plattsmouth Citizens' Experiences Furnish Topic for Platts mouth Discussion. The following experience oc curred in Plattsmouth. A Plat ts inoulh citizen relates it. Similar experiences areo ccur ring daily. Plattsmouth people are being relieved. Celling rid of distressing kid ney ills. Try Doan's Kidney Pills, the tested Quaker remedy. Platlsiiioulh people testify, Plattsniouth people profit. The evidence is home evidence the proof convincing. Plaltsuioulh testimony is gratefully given. Plaltsmoiilh sufferers should heed it. J. L. McKinney, Lincoln avenue, Plattsmouth, Neb.; says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are the best remedy I ever used for disordered kidneys. Whenever I have had occasion to take them, they have given the best results. In 1906 I publicly endorsed this preparation and I gladly confirm what I said then." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Ilemenmer the name Doan's and take no other. The Choice of a Husband is too important a matter for a woman to he handicapped by weakness, bad blood or foul breath. Avoid these kill-hopes by taking Dr. King's Life Pills. New strength, tine complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits things that win men-follow their use. Kasy, safe, sure, 25c at F. G. Fricke & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Upjohn of La Platte were in the city today for a short lime between trains. MOUTH I Hot Weather Materials i! We have placed on sale a lot of Batista, which usually sold at ; ; 12 J.', 15 and 18c, to close at 10c per yard. See them in window. ; ; OSIIf HnQpV urn wO Wb these we offer as long as they Zuckweiler & Lutz i Warning Signs to Go Up. The city has had live sign boards painted and lettered, each one 2x0 feet, warning automobile owners and others that a fine of from -$5 to $50 will be imposed on those found exceeding the speed limit of 8 miles per hour in the city limits. These boards were painted and lettered by Frank (iohelman, and will be placed at the live principal entrances to the city, with the hope that, the auto ists may see the warning and re frain from speeding within the city. A Welcome Visit. A prominent business man visited, several days ago, the large establishment where the well known Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is being manufactur ed. He paid great, attention to all details and upon leaving said: "1 wish, Mr. Triner, that every one of our' citizens pays a visit to your plant and you will need no other advertisement. I never saw such cleanliness and politeness." The manufacturer believes in the utmost cleanliness in I he prepara lion of medicines and in using the best material and help. This ex plains why Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine grows in' popularity from year lo year. It has a decidedly beneficial effect in diseases of Hie digestive organs, ft improves the appetite, promotes digestion, allays pain, relieves constipation, distress after meals, nervousness and headache. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333 1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill- Enjoys Two Weeks' Vacation. Mrs. Funk and Miss Crace Perry visited friends in the me tropolis yesterday. Miss Perry is enjoying a two weeks' vacation from her duties at the Independ ent Telephone company's ofilce. She has been with the company eight years and is an expert oper ator and has earned her vacation by faithful service. Trie Journal office cames all kinds of typewriter supplies. We have procured a line in White, t TanandBIack an exceptional value T last at per pair 50c. MMMMMMMMMM MMItm