The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 27, 1912, Image 7

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    This is a Parasole Season and you ought to, be in it, and
have one. We have a big bunch to select from.
Silk! Linen! Cotton!
or most any kind you can ask for. See West Window.
Children's : : 25c to $1.25
Ladies' : : : 85c to $4.00
Ask to see our Ladies' Collar and Cuff Sets Lace and
Embroidery 35 to 75c ) Onl
Lace 65c to $4.00 VOT
Separate Collars 25c to $2.50 ) wul
The Avoca Department
Newa Items Gathered Each Weok by
The fall wheat is getting ripe.
Mrs. (iraliam visited Nehawka
friends Tuesday.
Mrs. Heesou was quite sick the
first of the week.
Hase ball Sunday, June 30.
Avnea vs. Nehawka.
Orlando TelTt was at Omaha
this week on business.
Fred Westlake, sr., lias pur
chased a new Ford touring ear. ,
Mrs. Ora K.. Copes way a Weep
ing Water visitor Wednesday. ...
Jno. Mohr anil wife, of Syracuse
visited with Avoca relatives Tues
day. John Smilh sold his auloinobilp
In Win. Kuhge, who lives near
Mrs. Albert Johnson and Lois
were here from Weeping Water
Hanker Zimmerer was attend
ing lo business matters at.Omaha
About forty of the Unadilla
.boosters look dinner at the Ox
ford Tuesday.
The Avoca kid loam defeated
the Herlin team last Friday by a
score of 12 to 8.
Mrs. Hanger, of Lincoln, is hero
this week to attend the Johnson
Harmon wedding.
Gus Mohr, Charles (irubcr, Dale
Mead and Hen Mohr were at Lin
coln Sunday evening.
Mrs. Charlps Woodson and son
were down from Omaha over Sun
day visiting relatives.
Carroll Quinton and family vis
ited at the Dunbar home last
Thursday and Friday.
J. C. Zimmerer and wife enter
tained relatives from near Ne
braska iCIy the first of the week.
Mrs. Hoy Combs and daughter
of Lincoln were visiting at the
home of Ora K. Copes and wife
this week.
Jno. Opp and wife, who have i
been visiting here for the past containing alcohol in any form
week, returned to their home at can he sold. We wish lo again in
Heaver Crossing Wednesday. form our business men that
Joseph Hells and family of j Triner's American Elixir of Hitter
Valparaso were here Sunday visit-! Wine does not belong in this
ing at the Henjamin Hetts home. ! category. being a medicinal
B.C. Marquardt and family ! preparation. II can be sold with-
wore Lincoln visitors Tuesday, j
making the trip in their Chalmers
Johe Hoults had an excil inar lit-I
tie runaway Sunday evening.
lien he untied his horse it
cidetl not wait for him and took a I
spin alone.
Contractor Smools ami men
have started a new residence for
deorge Maseman in West Avoca.
Will Maseman has purchased the
house now occupied by deorge.
He sure and be on hand next
Tuesday evening for I he fire
works, band concert, races, etc.
Nearly fifty dollars has been rais
ed for the evening. Remember
the date.
The I'nadilla Mounters were
here Tuesday about 50 strong.
Landlord ftehmaier of the Oxford
fed them and did such a good job
a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa
of it that they were unable to do
much boosting. They are not a
very noisy gang, but it is pre
sumed they will be there with the
goods when it comes to celebrat
ing the Fourth of July.
The friends of Mrs. llatlie
Hrooks Quinn were shocked to
learn of her death, which occur
red in Denver after an illness of
only a few days. A husband and
daughter are left l.o 'mourn her
untimely demise. ' The funeral
was held in Omaha, their lormer
home. Mr. and Mrs. Quinn had
gone to Colorado for the benefit, of
the former's health.' Mrs. Quinn
was well known here, having spent
her childhood here, and was a
daughter of the later James
We Lose One.
Avoca lost their first game on
the home grounds this season last
Sunday to the Cedar Creek team.
The game was a good one and
Avoca should have won by a score
of i to 1, but for a little loose
playing in the sixth inning. The
Avoca boys had the Cedar Creek
team clearly outclassed at every
stage of the game. The Cedar
Creek players are nice boys nnd
we are always glad to have them
play here. A large crowd was
present to witness the contest.
Next Sunday the Nehawka Slug
gers will be here. Score:
Cedar Creek. . .0 0 10 0 4 0 0 05
Avoca 1 0003000 04
Hase hits Cedar Creek 7;
Avoca, 8. Struck out Hy Con
ners, 9; by firuber, 7. Hatteries
Conners and Wolff; Oruber and
Mead, ttnpire Harmon.
No License.
The lime is near when all those
handling wine will have to apply
again for a government license,
without which no preparations
out I be government license. Trin
er's American F.lixir of Hitler
Wine is a very good remedy in
diseases of Hie stomach nnd flip
intestines, as also in diseases of
de-llhe liver, in anemia and nervous
ness, in attacks of rheumatism
and neuralgia, in weakness, heart
burn, flatulence, in constipation,
vertigo, jaundice. Those working
hard, with muscle rr brain, even
if perfectly healthy, should take a
dose of this remedy at bedtime, as
also ladies routined lo housework.
At drug stores. Jos. Triner, l.'KKl
13.'H S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago. III.
Mrs. C. M. McF.lroy of Min
neapolis, Minn., is in the city,
the guest of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Hollock. Hugh Mc
F.lroy arrived from Minneapolis
this morning.
a os
The Bank of Avoca
Charter No. 494-
1 ii tlifi Stale of Nebraska at the close of busi
ness June Mill, IM:i
i '
Lords and Discounts fm.Di'itl 43
Ovenl raft s, secured and unsecured . 71
HunUIni; douse, furniture and fix
tures 3 o0 00
Current expenses and taxes paid . 1 4.'il it-
Hue from national, statu and pri
vate banks 01 Mi!) IC
Currency 15 'J40 00
(iobl coin 1 :t::5 00
Silver, nickels and cents . M0 Ki- 7 .1M
Total I59 K"H til
Capit al stock paid in I5 0i0 00
Surplus fund 3 WW 00
Undivided profits 3 IM Ii3
Individual deposits, sub
ject toclieck tifl 725 SO
Time, certificate of tle-
IKWit 43 774 55
Cashier' checks out-
stamllnif KM 73-13 327 0l
IieiKisltor's guaranty fund... 4H3 HO
Total fl50 858 01
Static or Nbbkabk A, I
County of Cass. 1 1. Jos. C. Zimmerer.
Cashier of the aliove named bank do hereby
swear that the aliove statement In a correct
and true copy of the report made to the State
lianklnir Hoard. JOH. C. .immekkk.
Attest: Cashier.
John H. Kusch, Director
Henry Wolilers, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to Iwfore me this Si
day of June, Ml 2.
C. E. Trvrr, Notary Public.
My commission expires Novenitwr '!, Ml 7.
Charles Sable, 30 Cook St.,
Rochester, N. Y., says he recorn
mends Foley Kidney Pills at every
opportunity because they gave
him prompt relief from a bad case
of kidney trouble that had long
bothered him. Such a recom
mendation, coming from Mr.
Sable, is direct and convincing
evidence of the great curative
qualities of Foley Kidney Pills
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Begin Cutting Wheat Today.
From Wednesday's Dally.
M. L. Furlong took out a new
binder this morning and this aft
ernoon began cutting his forly-live-acre
field of wheat. Mr. Fur
long is the first man to put a
reaper in his Held this season in
Cass county so far as we have
been informed. Mr. Furlong's
wheat, will be of fair yield, sonic
of the hill land not being heavy
but the berry is exceptionally
Costs No More, but Gives the Best
II. L. Mloimiuisl, F.sduile, Wis.,
says his wife considers Foley's
Honey ami Tar compound the best
cough cure on the market. "She
has tried various kinds, but
Foley's gives Ihe best result, of
all." For sale by F. (. Fricke & Co.
-K-H- !-;-:-H- -M-l-H-
J. U. Lansing was an Omaha
isilor Monday.
Phil Kline returned from Okla
homa this week.
II. P. Long shipped stock to the
South Omaha market Monday.
Myron F. Dill ami Robert Talbot
were county seat visitors this
The directors of the Farmers'
(Irani company held a meeting
F. Slurzenegger is looking after
his land interests up in Calgary,
Miss Francis llaney of Spring
field is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Mrs. H. M. Richardson of De-
Witt, Neb., isied her mid her
here Sundav.
John Tiiinn and Kd Fenton are
having their residences painted
this week.
Dick Cork has moved into the
Mediums properly near the Rock
Island depot.
Thomas Lansing of Ashland
was a business visitor in South
Mend Monday.
Misses Klla Timm and Luella
sawyer are visiting friends in
Omaha this week.
Have you got the croquet fever?
If not, why not? Courts all run
ning full blast.
Mrs. Long of Plattsmouth is
visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Charles Campbell.
Mrs. M. C. Hrown has returned
from a week's visit with her sis
ter in South Omaha.
Thomas Walling of Platts
inouth spent Sunday with Jerry
Melliigh and family.
Miss Kale Mcllugli returned to
IMiillsnioiilh Momlay after a few
days' visit with friends and rela
tives here.
Curl llofiueisler returned from
Colorado last Saturday. He re
ports crop conditions good. They
have been having an abundance
of rain this season.
(ieorge Yogcl and John Timm
were Omaha passengers recently,
where I hey were investigating an
lachmenl to be placed on mow
ers so as to catch the short grain.
Monday afternoon South Mend
was visited by a band of gypsies.
John Wagner and Frank Janorsky
had their fortunes told and both
are now feeling more cheerful, as
they, claim their future seems
much brighter.
..The .village hoard Jias a crew of
men at' work culling the weeds on
all streets ami alleys. All prop
erty owners are ordered to have
all weeds cut by July 1. This is
something that all lot owners
should attend to and help Hit1 ap
pearance of the village.
The annual school election wus
held at the school house Monday
night. F. A. Neuman was re
elected as moderator for the en
suing year. John Campbell, di
rector, handed in his resignation
and Flnier dreen was elected lo
fill out the unexpired term of Mr.
Campbell. For the first lime the
school, meeting had quite a crowd
of ladies in attendance. At times
the meeting took on the atmos
phere of the Chicago convention,
but the condition would finally
settle down and by 12 o'clock the
slate was cleared. The board was
directed lo confer with the. stale
supeirnlendent in regard to the
tuition collection proposition.
South Rend was the scene of
another thrilling base ball game
last Sunday between Weaver's
Colts and Hill's Ramblers. This
makes the third victory for the
Weaver Colts. The gaum was
U rni
The Plattsmouth Garage Co.
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
Ready for Business!
Corner Sixth and Vine Streets,
We want you all to feel that we are going to look after the emergency end of
your car's needs. Don't worry if you break down. Our "Service Department"
will deliver you Supplies and Tires quickly and economically. Everything we sell
you will be absolutely guaranteed.
n The Plattsmouth Garage Company
IvAgent for the Inter
full of thrills from start to finish.!
Marcus C. Hrown officiated as um
pire, and he is sure there on the
strikes and ball proposition.
"Dad" Weaver covered himself
with glory, striking out ten men
and oiil passing one on balls,
deorge Thimgan did good work
on the receiving end of the dia
mond. Hunker ami Kitrell, for
Hill's Ramblers, did good work,
but they played in hard luck. Take
that man Janorsky, our H. it M.
agent, he is a regular Maker. No
doubt if Connie Mack knew there
was such a player here he would
have hail one of his scouts here
long ago. With a little more
practice Kitrell, the twirler for
Hill's Ramblers, will develop into
a second Marquard. Hut look out
when he tries one of his "spit"
balls, the batter sure needs a
raincoat for protection. Charles
Dill, captain of the Ramblers, did
good steady work on llrst base,
and "Fat" Wnllick, llrsl baseman
for Weaver's Colts, is also there
with the big mitt, and aside from
a couple of high throws, which
he failed lo connect with, he play
ed an errorless game. Some
base runner, too, for a "heafly."
After the smoke of battle had all
cleared away I he score stood li to
11 in favor of Weaver's Colls.
Tom Walling, a base ball en
thusiast from Plattsnioulh, was
among the spectators. Don't
know as to whether he took any
pointers here to try out on the Red
Sox or not.
J (Special Correspondent.)
Lee Dc lord was in Omaha Mon
thly. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zieroll were
in Lincoln Friday.
Murdock will play ball al Ash
laud the Fourth of July.
T. Yandenberg has recently
purchased a new Maxwell touring
Miss llatlie Reiinwanz ol drecil
wood is a guest at the Shewe
Miss Min u doeriry f Omaha
visited over Sunday with home
Several from here attended the
funeral of S. Ilulllsh at Wabash
Mrs. Lillie Shcllon and son,
Raymond, of Lincoln are visiting
relal ives here.
Mrs. W. O. (lillespie and Miss
drayee Lnwton were in Lincoln
Miss Opal llit.e of. Alvo
visited with relatives here from
Friday until Monday.
Filgar Moomey and Max doehry
look in the dance at Weeping Wa
ter last Friday evening.
dramlpa Wolfe is suffering
from blood poison in his hand,
caused from a rusty nail.
' Mrs. Henry dakcinier anil
daughter were passengers In
Omaha on No. l i Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. (lillespie
and Miss Melle Davison were
shopping in Omaha last Friday.
Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur Hesack and
son, Marcus, of Springfield, were
over Sunday guests of relatives
Mrs. Davison and children of
Weeping Water visited her
daughter, Melle, here Tuesday
Miss Mela Neilzel of Omaha
came down Sunday evening to
visit relatives, reluming on No.
18 Tuesday.
While playing ball Saturday
Harry (lillespie had the misfor
tune to break one of the small
bones in his ankle.
deorge Ilile returned home
Tuesday after a week's visit with
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
- State Automobiles.
lilli i "in mm. I
of the
Of M unlock, Neb., Incorporated in the
State of Nebraska at the close of
business June 14th, 1912
Loans and discounts i l()l.4is 45
Overdrafts isti W
Hankln house, furniture and fix
ture 4,000 00
Current expenses and taxes paid..
l.tHB 4S
I asti Items
Due from nat'l, state ami
private batiks II5.V.1S 75
Checks ami Items of ex
change "17 7,"
Currency S.?.'7 00
Hold coin 45 00
Sliver, nickels and cents, ii- ss -
llt,W7 3S
1127,151 2.'
Capital stock paid in $15,000 00
Surplus fund :.V0 00
I'nillvlded profits. . .. '. I,7. 40
individual deisxlts subject
lo check 43,.TMt 12
Time certificates of deposits It.'.i'.l3 HI
Certltled checks ,1.000 00
I'ashler'schecks outstanding 3,4m 75-100,777 71
Depositor' tiiiuiiinty fund 4 07
Total tl:.'7.l5l 25
County of C'nss I
1. II. A. tlulhinann, Cashier of the aNivo
named bank, do hereby swear that the
alsive statement Is a correct and true copy of
the report made to thoSlat llunklmr Hoard.
II. A. Uhtiiman.n. Cashier.
K. Wolf, ill rector.
Henry A. Toot, director.
SubscrllH'd and sworn to before me this S'nd
day of June, nil:.1.
John M. Ciikameh, Notary l'ubllc.
Seal My commission expires June tl, llMi).
relatives at Hennell and with
friends at Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDonald
and daughter, Marguerite, uutoed
to Murray Saturday afternoon, re
turning Sunday evening.
While act ing as score-keeper at
the hall game Saturday William
Weddell was struck by a halted
ball and is carrying a pretty bad
looking eye as the result.
The (ireeley players entertained
a nice little crowd at the air dome
on last Wednesday night. One of
the members is Carroll Colbert,
a former Murdock boy, and he is
one of' a merry bunch who are
excellent entertainers.
Misses Kva and F.I I a Sorlck
entertained al supper on Sunday
evening the following guests:
Misses Helen Moomey, Mc
Donald, Messrs. Lacey McDonald,
Harry (lillespie, Harold Tool and
Max (loehry.
A farewell Dai ly was gien Misc
Nancy Coyne last Friday evening
at Ihe home of her brother, Frank
Coyne and family, where she has
spent the last I wo weeks. Ten of
her young girl friem)s were pres
ent and helped her lo pas a very
delight fnl evening. Miss Coyne
returned to tier home at Sterling,
Neb., on Saturday ami was accom
panied by Master F.dward Coyne.
The fast Mauley ball learn camo
up Saturday nOci'miou to show us
how to play ball. They were ac
companied by a crowd of rooters,
who thought I hey knew more
about Ihe gamp I ban the players.
Hut they found they had bumped
up against Ihe wrong ones this
time, and at the end of the eighth
inning our boys decided I ha I. they
had hail enough dealings with the
worst bunch they ever matched n
game with and so left the dia
mond, which was almost im
mediately covered with Manley
routers, whu wanted lo finish tho
game. The score stood 10 to 5 in
favor of Murdock. even if they
didn't have a "Chicago pitcher."
There Is no real need or anyone
being troubled with constipation.
Chamberlain's Tablets wiil cause
an ngreeable movement of the
bowels without any unpleasant
effect, dive them a trial. For
sale by F. L Fricke & Co.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska