THE WAY OF A MAN By Emerson Hough PROLOGUE. A young man and a beautiful young woman, tost and alone in a wilderness for month, half starved and in daily peril of death from wild beasts and stilt more savage Indians this is the central thjeme of the most fasci nating romance that has come - o from Emerson Hough's pen, Read and you will learn how love came to them; how they conducted themselves in this try ing, unconventional situation how the man's chivalry and the woman's purity held them stead fast to the ideals of civilization, and how the strange episode brought tragedies, estrangements and happiness. Copyright, IW, by the Outlet Publliblnj Company best meat Is on top anyhow," and then he gave uie lessons In buffalo values, which later 1 remembered. We bad taken some meat from my bull, since I insisted upon it In spite of better beef from a young cow Au berry bad Killed not fnr above, when suddenly I heard the sound of a bugle, sharp and clenr, and recognized the notes of the "recall." "What's up?" inquired Aoberry as we pulled up our galloping horses near the wagon line. "Indians r was the answer. Tall in!" We could all now see coming down from a little flattened coulee to the left a bead of a line of mounted men, who doubtless bad been the cause of the buffalo stampede which had cross ed In front of us. The column of the tribesmen came on toward us fearless ly. They made a long calvacade, 200 horses or more, with many travaux and dogs trailing on behind. Tbey were all clad in their native finery, seemingly hearty and well fed and each as arrogant as a lung. iDey passed us contemptuously, with not a sidelong glance. In advance of the head men who rode foremost in the column were jstnugnt. rtppea ny a orue purr or amok, and we heard the crack of tbe drtiffoon pistol. Cue of the Sioux, the 'chief who by this time bad mounted his horse, threw his hand against his j chest anil leaned sightly back, then straightened up slightly as be sat As he fell, or before be fell, uruie puanea his body clear from the saddle and with a leap was tu the dead man's place and ridlug swiftly toward us. leading his own horse by the rein. It seemed that it was the Sioux who had kept faith after all. for none of the remaining three could find a weapon. Ornie rode up laughing and unconcern ed. "The beg.ear wouldn't trade with me at all." he said. "By Jove, I be lieve he'd have got me if he'd bad any sort of tools for It" "You broke treaty." ejaculated Bel knap "you broke the council word!" "Did that man make the first break at you?" Auberry blazed at him. How can 1 tell? answered Orme coolly. "It's as well to be a trifle ahead In such matters." He seemed utterly unconcerned. lie could kill a man as lightly as a rabbit and think no more about it Within the instant the entire party of the Sioux was in confusion. We saw them running about, mounting, beard them shouting and walling. "It's fight now!" said Auberry. "Back to the wagons now and get your men ready, lieutenant As soon as the Sioux can get shut of their wo men they'll come on, and come a boil In' too. You blanked fooir he hissed to Orme. "You murdered that man!" "What's that, my good fellow r aaid Orme sharply. "Now, I advise you to keep a civil tongue in your head or I'll teach you some manners." LEGAL ADVERTISING!. The following section of a 4 law regarding the disposi- 4 lion or placing of legal ad- ! vertising in newspapers was passed by the Nebraska legislature of 1901) and we desire the friends of the Journal to make a note of its provisions and govern themselves accordingly: "That from and after the nassaire and anoroval of this 'Even as "we" swung and rode back Auberry pushed alongside Orme, his rifle at ready. "Young man. if you want to teach me any manners begin It nowl You make your break." he cried. Be'knap spurred in between them "Here, you men," be commanded, with swift sternness, "into your places. I'm in command here, and I'll shoot the first man who raises a hand. Mr. Orme. take your pluce at the wagons Auberry. keep with me. We'll have CHAPTER IX. Sioux. BEFORE dawn had broken the clear bugle notes of reveille sounded and set the camp astir. By the time the sun was faintly tinging the edge of the valley we were drawn up for hot coffee and the plain fare of the prairies. A half hour later the wagon masters called "Roll outl Roll out!" The bugles again sounded for the troopers to take sad dle, and we were under way once J more. We had hardly gone five miles be yond the-ruined station bouse when "we saw our advance men fKilLup and - raise their bands. We caught It also the eound of approaching hoofs, and all Joined In the cry, "Buffalo. Buffa lo!" The thunderous rolling sound ap proached, heavy as that of artillery go ing Into action. We saw dust arise from the mouth of a little draw on the left running down toward the valley, and even as we turned there came roll ing from its mouth, with the noise of a tornado and the might of a mountain torrent, a vast confused, dark mass,, which rapidly spilled out across the valley ahead of us. We were almost at the flanks of the herd before they reached the river bank. We were among them when they paused. The front ranks rolled back upon those be hind, which, crowded from the rear, resisted. The whole front of the mass wrinkled up mightily, dark humps aris ing In some places two or three deep. Then the entire mass sensed the dan ger all at onre. ojxL.wltll.aa. much. una nimity as they bud lacked concert' In their late confusion, they wheeled front and rear and rolled off up the Taller, still enveloped In a cloud of white, biting dust In such a chase speed and courage of one's horse are the main essentials. My horse was able to lay me along side my game within a few hundred yards. I coursed close to a big black bull and, obeying Injunctions old Au berry had often given me. did not touch the trigger until 1 found I was holding well forward and rather low. I could scarcely hear the crack of the rifle, such was the noise of hoofs, but I saw the bull switch his tall and push on as though unhurt, in spite of the trickle of red that sprang on his flank. As I followed on. fumbling for a pistol at my bolster, the bull sudden ly turned, head down and tall sillily erect, bis mnne bristling. My horse sprang aside, and the herd passed on. The old bull, his head lowered, pres ently stopped, deliberately eyeing us, and a moment later be deliberately lay down, presently sinking lower, and at length rolled over dead. I found tbe great weight of the bull difficult to turn, but at length 1 hooked one horn into tb ground, and. laying hold of the lower bind leg. 1 actually turned the carcass on Its back. "That's tbe tint time 1 ever saw a bull die on his back," said Auberry. 'Tie did not die on tils back." I re plied. "I turned him over." "You did -and alone? It's rart'y a single man could do that, nor buve I seen it done In all my life with so big a bulL" 'The Indians don't bother to turn a bull over. Tbey split the bide down the, back, and skin both ways.. The 41 . -1 . 1 . . AMA.,K n.ltt,Mif antrttiln, nf xi . r-diitif. ipAmnn nnflrlnir i a UlI L'tJ VI 1UUI juuus I this " long lance shafts decorated with feath-1 ' , , ....... ... t. i,i.. fh Btaa "lie murdered that Sioux, lteuten Hps BUimuK ninj i" "Auberry." said Belknap, "we must ' go talk to these people and see wnat s up." "They're Sioux." sold Auberry. am ffttn Afrtt maan ficftf -i,i-uu,u. " ;lng back and forth, whooping and right now. holding aloft their weapons. We heard uencnap ana Auoerry iwn yhu , - .... . .u ' mA . .won tronn. , the note of a dull war drum at 'em!" i "Here they come." said Belknap cool ly. "Get down, men." They came on, then swung out ant." reiterated Auberry "Dash it sir, I know he did, but this i no t there!" ; We saw the Sioux separate into two bands, tbe men remaining behind, rid ers. I pushed In with these and saw Orme at my side, and Belknap did not send us back. We four rode on to gether Dresentlv. Two or three bun- ,:ZS:Z, r :,;. around us. their horse line rippling up to halt bis men. We four, with one private to hold our horses, rode for ward a hundred yards rartner. naitea and raised our bands tn sign of peace. They rode out to us four of the head men of the Sioux, each a staiwan man. "Talk to them. Auberry." aaid, Belk nap. Ana as tne lormer was iuo vwj one of us who understood the Sioux tongue he acted as Interpreter. "What are the Sioux doing so rar eastr he asked of their spokesman sternly. "Iluntlng." answered the Sioux. The white soldiers drive away our buffalo. The white men kill too many. Let them go. This Is our country." It seemed to me I could see the black eyes of the Sioux boring straight through every one of us. "Go back to the north and west where you belong." said Auberry. "You have no business here on the wagon trails." "The Sioux hunt where they please," was the grim anewer. "But you see we have our women and children with us the same as you have" and he pointed toward our camp. "Where are you going?" asked our Interpreter. The Sioux waved his arm vaguely. "Ileap hunt," he said. "Where you go?" he asked. Auberry answered that we were go- Ormi's Arm Shot Out 8tright, Tipped by Bluo Puff of 8mok. Perhaps never was metamorphosis more complete than tkat which now took place. Shaking off detaining act it shall he the lawful right of any plaintiff or petitioner in any suit, ac tion or proceeding, pending or prosecuted in any of the district courts of this state, in which it is necessary to publish in a newspaper any notice or copy of an order, grow ing out of, or connected with such action or proceed ing either by himself or his attorney of record, to desig nate in what newspaper such notice or copy of order shall be published. And it shall be the right of the widow, widower, or a ma jority of the heirs-at-law of legal age, of the estate of any deceased intestate or LOCAL NEWS over the broken ground apparently as easily as It bad gone on tbe level floor of the valley. "Tell us when to fire. Auberry." I heard Belknap say, for he bad practl cally given over tbe situation to the old plainsman. At last I beard the voice of Auberry. changed from that of an old man Into the, quick, clear ac cents of youth." sounding bard and clear. "Ready now! Each fHlow pick his own man and kill him. D'ye bear, kilt him'" Our troopers were armed with tbe worthless old Spencer carbines, and 1 doubt if these did much execution, but there were some good old Hawkln ri fles and old big bored Yagers and more modern Sharps' rifles and other buffalo guns of one sort or another with us. among the plainsmen and tinmsters, and when tbeso spoke there came breaks In tbe flaunting line that nought to hedge us. The Sioux dropped be hind their horses' bodies, firing as they rode, some with rifles, more with bows and arrows. Most of our work was done as tbey topped the rough ground close on our left, and we saw here a half dozen bodies lying limp, flat and ragged, though presently other riders came and dragged them nwny. At a hundred yards their arrows fell extraordinarily close to the mark, anil tlma ttnA a era In ihov antkoil OUT j U1I11 auu up...... ' I , mnles and horses with these hissing ohnfta flint nntvKw1 whprn fhov tnifk. n i . m ."..fc - - v hands, Andrew Jackson sprang from our line, ran op to the fallen foe and In a frenzy of rage began to belabor and kick his body, winding op by catching him by the hair and actually dragging him some paces toward our firing line. Mandy called out as though he were a young dog at his first fight: "Whoopee! Git to him, boy, git to him! Take him, boy!. Whoopee!" We got Andrew Jackson back Into tbo ranks. Ills mother took him by the hand, as though for the first time she recognized him as a man. "Now. boy, that's somcthln' like." She turned to me. "Somo says It a In the paw." she remarked. "I reckon It's some lu the maw an a leetle In tbe( tralnlnV Cut up badly by our fire, the Sioux scattered and hugged the shelter of tbe river bank, bejtoud which they rode along tho sand or in the shallow water; scrambling up the bank after tbey had got out of firo. I looked about me now at the interior of our barricade. I saw Ellen Meriwether on her knees lifting tbe shoulders of a wounded man who lay back, bis balr dropping from his forehead, now gone bluish gray. She pulled him to the shelter of a wagon. where there bad been drawn four oth ers of tbe wounded. I saw tears fall lng from her eyes saw the same pity on her face which I had noted once be fore when a wounded creature lay la her hands. I had been proud of Mandy McGovern. I was proud of Ellen Meri wether now. Almost as I had turned I felt a sud den jar. as though some one bad taken a board and struck me over the bead with all bis might. Then as I slowly became aware my head was utterly and entirely detached from my body and went sailing off dollberately In front of me. I could see it going dls tlnctly. and yet oddly enough. I could also see a sudden change como on the face of tbe girt wbo was stooping be fore me and wbo at tbe momeut raised her eyes. "It Is strange." thought 1. "but my head, thus detached. Is going to pass directly above her, right there! Then I ceased to take Interest In anything and sank back Into the arms of thai from which we come, calmly taking ' old of the band of mystery. (To He Continued.) 4 the widow, widower, or a J majority of the legatees or 4 devises of lawful age, of the estate of deceased testalen; to designate the newspaper in which the notices pertaining to the settlement of the estates of such deceased persons shall he published. And It shall be the duty of the Judges of the district court, county Judges or any other officer charged with the duty of or dering, directing or super- . . ' , - ,h ' Thev came near breaking our rear In a big war party coming down the , " . . riatte. the white men from Laramie. The Indian looked grave at this. "We are going on up to meet our sol- dlers." said Auberry sternly. "Tbe Sioux have killed some of our men be low here. We shall meet our soldiers and come and wipe the Sioux off the land if they come into the valley where our great road runs west." "That la good." said the Sioux. "As for us. we harm no white man. we hunt where we please. . White men go!" Auberry now turned to us. -"I don t think tbey mean trouble, lieutenant" he said, "and 1 think the best thing we can do is to let them alone and go Belknap nodded, and Auberry turn ed again to the four Sioux, who stood tall and motionless, looking at us with the ame fix ed. glittering eyes. "We batr spoken." said Auberry. "That is all we have to say." Both parties turned and went back to their companions. Belknap, Au berry and I had nearly reached our waiting troopers when we missed Orme, and turned back to see where he was. He wus standing close to the four chiefs, who bad by this time reached tbelr horses. Orme was lead ing by the bridle his own horse, which was slightly lame from a strain receiv ed In the bunt We saw Orme making some sort of gestures, pointing to his horse and tbe others. "Wonder if be wants to trade horses!" mused Auberry, chuckling. Then in the same breath he called: "Lookout! Look!" Ee all saw It Orme'anD.sJifli.out this way. for our men fell Into con fusion, tbe horses and mules plunging and trying to break away. I was crowding a ball down my rifle with Us hickory rod when I felt a shove at my arm and beard a voice at my ear. "Git out of tbe way, man! now can I see to shoot If you bob your head acrost my sights all the time?" There stood old Mandy McGovern, her long brown rifle half raised. She was as cool as any man tn tbe line and as deadly. "Git In here, git In here, son!" I heard her cry. And to my wonder now I saw the long, lean figure of Andrew Jackson McGovern come for while from his mouth came some sort t eerie screech of. incipient courage, which seemed to give wondrous com fort to bis fierce dam. At about this moment one of the Sioux, mortally wounded by our fire, turned his horse and ran straight toward us hard as be could, lie knew that be must die, and this was bis way. Ah, those red men knew how to die! He got within forty yards, reeling and swaying, but still trying to fit an arrow to the string, and as none of us would fire on him now, seeing that he was dy ing, for a moment It looked as though he would ride directly Into us and per haps do some barm. Then 1 beard the boom of the boy's carbine, and al most at the Instant, whether by acci dent or not 1 could not tell. I saw the red man drop out of the forks of his saddle and roll on the ground with his arms spread "lit. .. . VOICES 4-1 Intending the publication of any of such notices, or .- ? conies of orders, to strictly comply with such deslgna- j tlons, when made In ao cordance with the pro- visions of this act." We want the friends of J the Journal throughout Cass J ! county to understand that 4 J when they have district 4 j court notices or county 4 - court notices to publish they 4 are empowered with tho 4 j right to designate the paper 4" in which Hitch notices shall 4 I be published. 4 From Tuesday's Dally. John H. Ilusche of Avoca was a IMattstnouth visitor today. Ir. (Jilmore of Murray came to Platlsmouth this morning in time to catch the early train to Omaha. Keokler of Mauley was a IMattsmouth ivsilor today, hav ing business in the county court. August Doering and his mother, Mrs. Agusl Doering, sr., of Oma ha were IMatlsmouth visitors to day. lieu lteckman drove in from hi farm, near Murray today, and transacted business in I he county seat. Juror J. Lansing came in from (livenwood on the morning train today and resumed his seat in the panel. Charles (letlack of Manley ar rived this morning and looked af ter business matters in the dis trict court. Hay Frans of Union arrived on the early train today and will re sume his duties as a juror in the district court. Miss Lizzie Hcrgntan was a pas senger to Omaha on the morning train today, where she visited with friends for the day. John Wolff and W. J. Schneid er motored in from Cedar Creek this afternoon and Mr. Wulff re sumed his duties on the jury. J. J. Lohnes and son, Will, from Louisville, were in the city a few hours today, visiting with thi'ir many county seal friends, Mrs. J. 11. Vallery and daughter. May, visited the metropolis this morning, where they looked after business matters for a time. Dielrich Koesler of Avoca re turned to IMattsmouth this morn ing to resume his labors as a juror at the present lerm of court. James Holmes and Hand Min ford molored up from Murray this afternoon to look after business, matters at the court house for a time. Troy Davis and W. W. Coalman motored over from Weeping Wa ter in Troy's new luring car this morning. The run was made in &! minutes. A. M. Holmes and daughter, Mrs. C. A. Hawls, departed this 4 J 1-4 lr I JJ--I I I 11 I--I!--i-1 morn infr for New York, where they will spend some nine visiting mr. Johnson-Harmon. uoimes oiu nome. Marriage licensge was issued Mrs. .Henry Starkjohn was in Monday for Asa J. Johnson and the city Saturday visiting at the Miss A. Pearl Harmon, both of home of htr parents and called at near Avoca, this county. The groom is the son of Albert A. Johnson, one of the pioneer and prosperous farmers of Weeping Water precinct, and the bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr, this ofllce and renewed their sub scription lo this paper for an other year. Miss Margaret fioos of Plain- view, w no nas neen a gue9i oi relatives in this city for several and Mrs. True Harmon of near jays, departed for Louisville yes- Avoca. Ilolh the groom ami his bride are native Cass county young people and enjoy the re spect and esteem of a large circle of voting friends. J. 0. Lansing, juror from South Hend precinct, depaVted for his home today. And Many Are the Voices Plattsmouth People. of Thirty thousand voices What a grand chorus! And that s I he number of American men and women who are publicly praising Donn's Kidney Pills for relief from backache, kidney and blad der ills. They say it to friends. They tell it in the home papers. Platlsmouth people are in this chorus. Here's a Plattsmouth case. Mrs. Adam Kurtz, one mile west of Platlsmouth, Neb., says: "I have found Doan's Kidney Pills good for any trouble with the kid neys and back. I was suffering intensely at the lime I got them and I could not stoop or stand erect. There was n dull, nagging pain through my back that robbed me of energy. My sight becatm affected and dark spots appeared before me. I got Doan's Kidney Pills from Hynult's Drug Store and in a short lime they relieved all mv troubles. Since then have recommended this remedy to a number of friends." For sale by all dealers. Price r0 cents. ' Foster-Milburn Co., Duffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember I ho name Doan's and take no other. T 70U mav always Y safely COUnt Oil One im- r.illilt, the cream and produc - from Klmwood. was in lb pUIlUUl UUVcUllciKC 1U cjy n f,.w buying clothes here. No mat ter what your idea about style may be, you'll get cor rect fas h ion in our clothes. You'll find a large variety to choose from. John Fight and wife boarded the early train for (he metropolis this morning, where they looked after business matters for tho day. Suits from $10 to $30 f!Vl: UVU 4lA))) 'fie Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats lerday afternoon lo visit relatives for a time. Miss Jennie Ilatan departed for Newman Grove, Neb., on tht afternoon train today, where sht will visit relatives for a time. She was accompanied lo Omaha by Miss Cecil Lee. John Hennings of near Louis ville arrived from his home this morning and visited Plattsmouth friends for I he day, as well as looking after some important business matters. Jurors S. L Compton, K. H. Tay lor ami James Sperry of Weeping Water and W. J. Maguey of Ne hawka arrived last evening ready to respond lo the roll call in the district court today. Mrs. Matt Sulser was a pas senger to Omaha on the morning train today, where she spent the day with her mother, Mrs. Hol schuh, at Clarkson hospital, where she is taking treatment for her eyes. J. L. Smith came down from the hospital last evening, where his daughter-in-law was operated on Saturday, and reported Mrs. Smith as feeling as well as could be ex pected. Today her husband and two little children went to visit her at the hospital. Frank Gillitl, jr., son of Frank e e hours today for I he transaction of some business matters. The Journal acknow ledges a brief call from him. Mr. and Mrs. John M. KatTen berger and little son, Verner, ot the vicinity of Cedar Creek were visitors in the city today. Mr. Kaffenberger and Verner were pleasant callers at this ofllce and liad their subscription to this paper pushed ahead for a year. Will Meisinger, one of the prosperous farmers from near Cedar Creek, drove bis fine black span of drivers to the city today from his farm. Ho spent the day in the county seat looking after business matters and visiting w ith friends and relatives. He was ac companied by his lady friend. Miss I.oui9a Hennings.