11 " ' '"' V. I vVe want to reduce our Hardware Stock $12,000.00 in the next Sixty Days and are MAKING THE PRICES TO DO IT! 1 These Prices are Only for Stock on Hand! 341 kegs of nails, regular price $3.00 per keg, now $2.35 67 80-rod spools galvanized cat tle wire, was $2.70 per spool, now 2.25 74 80-rod spools galvanized hog wire, was $2.80, now 2.35 30 kegs fence staples, were $3.00 per keg, now 2.35 All Carbonundum sharpening stones 25 per cent off. All tin, granite and allumium ware 20 per cent off. Galvanized iron ware 20 per cent off. Ice Cream Freezers 20 per cent off. Coffee Boilers 15 per cent off. Having been fortunate enough to secure the agency for the Blau-Gass, we are going to reduce our immense Hardware Stock and evenually close it out entirely, retaining only the Heating and Plumbing end. In order to accomplish this quickly we are making the prices quoted in this advertisement. This sale will coutinue uniil we find a buyer for our stock and will give you an opportu nity to get goods at less prices than they zvere ever offered in Plattsmouth before. It is impossible to itemize prices on every item, as it would take over a month to go through and ite mize everything separate. We wish to state that outside of heating and plumbing material we are not holding back anything, but will discount every article, as we are positively going out of the hardware end ot our business. With the new line that we have taken it will take all the time we have to give it proper attention, and if there anything you need in the hardware line you would do well to look over our stock. We are going to advertise our stock for sale in the leading papers and very likely will have a buyer for the entire stock in a very short time, so if there is anything you need it would be well to get it at once. Plattsmouth, J nl j Hyl Nebraska These Prices are Only for Stock on Hand! Tin Boilers 20 per cent off. All Cutlery 23 per cent off. Garden and carpenter tools from 15 to 30 per cent discount. Any $10 Washing Machine at $8.00 Any 11 " . . " . 8-75 3 No. 17 U. S. Cream Separa tors, regular price $75, now . -00.00 One year guaranteed wringers, were $3.25, now 2.35 Three year guaranteed wringers, were $3.75, now 2.75 Five year guaranteed wringers, were $5.00, now 3.50 Three year ballbearing wringers, were $1.50, now 3.25 Five year ballbearing wringers, were $5.50, now 4.00 ROOSEVELT FORCES LOSE They Leave Committee Room After the Taft Forces Gain Control ROOSEVELT FAVORS BOLT Urg. es His Followers to Stand for Their Rights Even If They Must Hold An other National Convention (Special to the Journal.) Chicago. Tlw convent ion was called to order at 12 o'clock. The committee, on credentials was not ready to report. A recess was taken until S o'clock. The second roll-call of t lie dele gates of the republican national convention occurred yesterday afternoon, and eame on the motion of Governor Hadley to nurce the roll of the contested delegates. When the vote was taken it showed 504 for the Taft following, and 510 against, which is a gain to the Taft forces over the first test of 40 voles. The re sult apparently causes the Taft leaders to rejoice and the Roose velt cahorts to grit their teeth and fight all the harder. One of the sensations of yes terday was an order from Roose- sevelt Hint, if Hie convention was organized with the i contested delegates in the list that his con tingent should walk out and or ganize a convention of the regular republican party. Neither Gover n or Hadley, Senator Borah or Governor Doneen would consent to follow Roosevelt in his bolt. The whole question covered by the Hadley motion was referred to the committee, on credentials. The Roosevelt members of the credentials committee left the session and did not participate in its deliberations yesterday. Hut this morning when the credentials committee assembled to take up the contests the Roosevelt, men unexpectedly appeared to take part in the proceedings. Only thirty-two of the fifty-two mem bers were present when the doors were opened to the newspaper men. Dangerous Buildings. i Here is the law regarding the removal ol dangerous nuihiings, Ic. There is no denying the fact that the city council has the power to remove such buildings within the lire limits. The law is very plain: 5 '... Sec. 5. (Dangerous Huihlings Nuisances) Any building or oilier structure, which, for want of proper repair, or by reason of age or dilapidated con dition, or for any cause, is especially liable to lire, and which is so situated as to endanger other buildings or properly; and anv combustible or explosive ma terial, or inflammable conditions, placed, kept or existing in or upon any building or premises which is dangerous to the safety of said building or premises, and the same is so situated as to en danger other buildings or prop erly, is hereby deemed and de clared, to be a nuisance; and any owner or occupant of such build ings or premises who shall cause, continue or maintain any such nuisance shall be guilty of a mis demeanor and, on conviction thereof, shall be lined in any sum not exceeding the sum of ..r00.00 and the court shall order said nuisance to he abated. If any such owner or occupant shall fail to comply with said order, he shall be prosecuted for maintaining a nuisance, ami said nuisance shall be abated. plmisiii to IE CELEBRATION Cartercars are adapted especially for farm use Simplicity, reliability and easy control make the Cartercar ideal ' for the country man. The friction transmission gives any number of speeds. There are no gears. It is quiet, without any waste of power. You can follow along behind a flock of sheep or drove of cattle, never crowding them in the least or you can speed around every thing in sight With the self starter anyone can operate the car easily. The Car tercar is a great favorite with the ladies. The chain-in-oil drive is the most economical means of transferring power to the rear axle. It is noise less. The chain runs in a constant oil bath, which prevents wear. Three strong brakes, full floating rear axle, three-quarter ecliptic rear springs, and other excellent features. Touring Cars, Roadsters, Coupes, from $1200 to $2100. Send for complete information. - PHILIP H. TRITSCH PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Mrs. Lela Love, wife of Wiley Love, a farmer living near Covena, Ga., says: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and llnd them to be all you claim for them. They gave me almost instant relief when my kidneys were sluggish and inactive. I can cheerfully recommend them to all sufferers from kidney troubles." For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. Base Ball at Cedar Creek. The, fast Eagle ball team were pilled against the locals on the Cedar Creek diamond Sunday and were taken a pace much too fast for I hem, losing the game by a score of 4 to 9. Conners was on the mound for Cedar Creek and had everything in the line of con trol and smoke. .He was in a hole in but one inning, and he struck out 12 of the Eagle sluggers. P. llirz was the batting star for the locals, securing two two-baggers and two singles out of five limes at bat, and W. Salberg got two hits that drove in three runs, which is not so bad for a hoy. Our three-sacker Willie was there and over in the field, as usual, as was also Jeg Salberg. The locals meet the boys down at Avoca Sunday, June 23d, and Louisville on the 27th. Any team wishing a game can get action by communicating with J. F. Wolff, Manager, Cedar Creek, Neb. A Fan. H-M-S MI-M HHH" -I-H MURDOCK. .?. J (Special Correspondent.) ! W-M MIW H-H-M W v Kan- Mayor Sattler and the City Coun cil to Have Charge of the Event. Plaltsnioiith will celebrate the Fourth in a safe ami sane manner. The city fathers have taken hold of Ihe mailer with a zeal and energy that betokens a grand and glorious nay lor an who care io celeiirale the nation s Inrl Inlay m the manner our revolutionary grandfal hers anticipated Die day would be commemorated. Mayor Sadler has conferred with the council and I hey have agreed to take hold of the mailer and give Plat tsmoul h a celebration thai. everyone can participate in and everybody enjoy. The following is the list of committees: Commit lei on Finance am Hand Councilmen Ilea Patterson Emmons Richey, Call G. Fricke Heriiard Wnrl and John Yornilran Committee on Speakers and Entertainment A. L. Tidd, M Archer and Councilmcn Georgi lovey and John Hallslrom. Committee on Park and Fire works Councilmcn George Lush insky, C. A. Johnson, F. F. Hut lery. William Shea and Adam Kurtz. The plan is to have a line pro gram of speaking, band and vocal music at the park in the forenoon, with band concert on Main street in the afternoon and fireworks at night. The program will be ar ranged by Ihe speakers and enter tainment committee, probably early next week, so that ple.nl y of publicity can be given to the pro gram before the Fourth. Let everybody put their en thusiasm and effort at the dis posal of the committee and Platts mouth will have a celebration we can attend with some degree of satisfaction. Some funds will be required lo defray the expense, and the finance committee, will call upon you to do your share in the contributions. Let everyone who would like to see the town have an appearance of life on the Fourth respond when the com mittee, calls. All of the com mittees are made up of good men, and there is nothing in the way of us having a fine lime on the Fourth. There is not another town in the county making any effort to celebrate this year, hence Plaltsinoulh should proceed lo take advantage of a golden opportunity. Mrs. M. A. McLaughlin, 512 Jay St., LaCross, Wis., writes that she suffered all kinds of pains in her back and hips on account of kid ney trouble and rheumatism. "I got, some of Foley Kidney Pills and after taking Ihem for a few days there was a wonedrful change in my case, for the pain entirely left my back and hips and I am thankful there is such a medicine as Foley Kidney Pills." For sale by F. G. Fricke ti Co. C. F. Harris and wife and little son came up from their home near Union today and went to Omaha lo interview Ihe doctor who treated the little boy some weeks ago. THEY PUT AN END TO IT. Charles Sable, 30 Cook St., Hochester, N. Y., says he recom mends Foley Kidney Pills at every opportunity because they gave him prompt relief from a had caso of kidney trouble that had long bothered him. Such a recom mendation, coming from Mr. Sable, is direct and convincing evidence of the great curative qualities of Foley Kidney Pills. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Paul llarlung, sr., went sas City on Monday. August, Kuehn is sulVcring with rheumatism in his knee. lr. Jones and family were in Omaha last Wednesday. Miss Helen Moomcy ale Sunday liniicr with Miss Eva Sorick. G. H. Williamson spent Sunday with bis family at, Syracuse. Paul Goehry of Omaha visiled home folks here over Sunday, George Moomcy and wife ale Sunday dinner with his parents. Mrs. James ltriltian of Lincoln spent Monday and Tuesday here. Mrs. Mary Williams of Elm wood spent a few days here Ibis week. Mrs. Ferdinand Lau and Miss Anna Newman were in Omaha Saturday. Mr. Ilovey of Lincoln visited with Lacey McDonald a few day? this week. Mrs. Gucllslorff and son, Ed, were guests at the Goehry honii on Sunday. John Amgwerl and family spent Sunday evening with Will Shewe and family. Misses Ella. Sorick and Leala McDonald were shopping in Oma ha Tuesday. "Several of our young folks at lended Ihe dance in Elmwooil Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Malt Thimgan visited relatives in Omaha Satur day and Sunday. Miss Meta Neilzel of Omaha spent last Sunday and Monday with relatives here. Miss Etla Sorick came down from Lincoln Sunday and will spend her vacation at home. Messrs. Einil Harry, Arthur Skinner and Clifford Applenian of Alvo were in town Saturday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Neitzel and daughter, Catherine, of Havelock, visited over Sunday with relatives here. Ford Lawlon returned to Iowa Saturday, after a ten days' visit with relatives here and at Wa bash. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gorder and children of Weeping Water were Sunday guests of Einil Kuehn and wife. Henry Westlake opened a butcher shop here Saturday morn ing1 and we are hoping it will be a success. The Royal Neighbors enjoyed a picnic at South Hend Saturday. Quite a number were present and all report a fine time. Master Hryan McDonald had the misfortune to fall from a porch last Friday morning and knock one of front teeth out. Mrs. Oscar McDonald and daughter, Marguerite, returned Saturday from a week's visit with relatives in Council Hlull's and Plallsmoulh. Andrew McNamara and Mrs. W. O. Gillespie returned Saturday from a two weeks' visit at Fair mont, Neb. They were accom panied home by Ihe former's randehildren, Willard and Jeanette McNamara, who will spend several weeks here. The Ashland base ball team came down last Wednesday and played four innings with our boys, when the rain slopped what promised lo be a very good game. The score stood i to 1 in favor of our boys. Thursday our home team went lo Elmwooil and de feated I hem lo Ihe lune of 4 lo I). Then on Saturday they went lo Alvo and again won by a score of 5 lo 2. Those who accompanied the learn lo Alvo were: Misses Helen Moomcy, Eva Sorick, Leala McDonald and Mrs. John Amg wcrt and daughter, Marvel. A CARD. . This is to cerlify that Foley's Honey and Tar Compound does not contain any opiates, any habit-forming drugs, or any in gredients thai could possibly harm its users.' On the contrary, its great healing ami soothing; qualities make it a real remedy for coughs, colds and irritations. of the throat, chest and lungs. The genuine is in a yellow package. Ask for Foley' Honey and Tar Compound and accept no sub stitute. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Special Teachers' Examination. County Superintendent Miss Mary Foster has announced a special teachers' examination for Friday and Saturday, Juno 21 and 22, to certificates for county schools only. There will be no city teachers' examination at this lime. Returns From Oklahoma. A. S. Will relumed from Hen nessy, Oklahoma, this after noon, where he lias been looking; after his fanning interests for a week. Mr. Will found thai they were needing rain badly when he arrived, but while there there was a fine rain foil, which will assure a good corn crop. Up lo three weeks ago plenty of moisture had been apparent, all spring,' but three weeks of drouth was raising havoc with the wheat. All kinds of crops are looking fine now. Each age of our lives nas Us joys. Old people should be hap py, and I hey will be if Chamber lain's Tablets are taken to strengthen the digestion and keep the bowels regular. ' These tablets are mild and gentle in their action and especially suitable for people of middle age and older. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Fresh candies of all kinds al Hookmeyer & Maurer'a Gauze Hosiery! We are showing a full line of Gauze Hose in Black, White and Tan for Ladies. We believe we can fur nish you with the best 25c hose ever offered to the trade. Call and see them. Zuckweiler & Lutz HHHHHIHMHMMHMHIHIHHIIMIMMIM