The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 17, 1912, Image 6

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2 We want ttf reduce our Hardware Stock $12,000.00 in the next Sixty Days and are MAKING THE PRICES TO DO IT!
These Prices are Only for Stock
on Hand!
311 kef's of nails, regular price
$3.00 per keg, now $2.35
C7 80-rod spools galvanized cat
tle wire, was $2.70 per spool,
now 2.25
71 80-rod spools galvanized hog
wire, was $2.80. now 2.33
30 kegs fence staples, were $3.00 .
per keg, now 2.35
All Carbonundum sharpening stones
25 per cent off.
All tin, granite and allumium ware
20 per cent off.
Galvanized iron ware 20 per cent off.
Ice Cream Freezers 20 per cent off.
Coffee Boilers 15 per cent off.
Having been fortunate enough to secure the agency for the Blau-Gass, we
are going to reduce our immense Hardware Stock and evenually close it out entirely, retaining only the
Heating and Plumbing end. In order to accomplish this quickly we are making the prices quoted in this
advertisement. This sale will coutinue uniil we find a buyer for our stock and will give you an opportu
nity to get goods at less prices than they were ever offered in Plattsmouth before.
It is impossible to itemize prices on every item, as it would take over a month to go through and ite
mize everything separate. We wish to state that outside of heating and plumbing material we are not
holding back anything, but will discount every article, as we are positively going out of the hardware end
ot our business. With the new. line that we have taken it will take all the time we have to give it proper
attention, and if there anything you need in the hardware line you would do well to look over our stock.
We are going to advertise our stock for sale in the leading papers and very likely will have a buyer for
the entire stock in a very short time, so if there is anything you need it would be well to get it at once.
Plattsmouth, J U Kl Ilyilllobraslra
These Prices are Only for Stock
on Hand!
Tin Boilers 20 per cent off.
All Cutlery 25 per cent off.
Garden and carpenter tools from 15
to 30 per cent discount.
Any $10 Washing Machine at $8.00
Any 11 " " 8.75
3 No. 17 U. S. Cream Separa
tors, regular price $75, now . .60.00
One year guaranteed wringers,
were $3.25, now 2.35
Three year guaranteed wringers,
were $3.75, now 2.75
Five year guaranteed wringers,
were $5.00, now.. 3.50
Three year ballbearing wringers,
were $4.50, now 3.25
Five year ballbearing wringers,
were $5.50, now 4.00
Morgan Waybright Receives Telegram From His Wife Conveying
the Sad News of Mrs. Dodd's Death at Los Angeles, Calif or
nia Lived in This City Number of Years Ago.
?Irs. (leorgc Dnilil, formerly
Mrs. Kugrne Lewis, nee Miss Dol
lie St-arles, ilii'il al. 1 1 1 f homo in
I, ox Angeles Jimr 1 i, the news of
her dcaMi being wired to Morgan
Weybrighl by his wife, ami the
message wan received yesterday
morning. Mr. Doilil ami family
wcVe neighbors to Mr. ami Mrs.
Weybrighl, anil the lady was quilt)
nick and had been for some lime
before Mr. Weybrighl left for Ne
braska. Mrs. Dodil will be remembered
many Plallsnioulh people, as
she frequently visited old-time
friends here after moving' to Kan
sas City, Kansas. She was a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Searls, old residents of Platts
iiioulh, and was married first to
Mr. Eugene Lewis, a former
Plallsnioulh business man, from
whom she was separated and af
terward married George O. Iodd
of Kansas City, Kansas. Beside
her husband she leaves two sons,
Earl Lewis and Marion Dodd.
b Ledger.
IH'rwood Lyndc, who is em
ployed in a railroad olllce in Oma
ha, came down to spend Sunday
with bis parents.
Clyde Lynde arrived home
Monday,, night, from Ilushville,
Neb., where he has been attending
High school the past year.
Mrs. Ella 8. Larsh and Mrs.
John Larsh departed Tuesday
forenoon for Terre llaulo, Ind to
make an extended visit with rela
tives. Itoboil Trunk returned Sunday
from Council ltlufl's, where lie has
been spending a few weeks with a
large engine establishment.
N. C. MelesDernier and wife re
ceived a message Tuesday inform
ing them of the serious illness of
their sister-in-law near Elmwood
and they have been spending part
of the week there.
Mrs. James T. Reynolds went to
Omaha Tuesday evening to visit
her son, Will, who has been in one
of the hospitals for several days
on account, of an operation per
formed upon his ear.
Miss Lulu Careens became very
ill last week, suffering from an at
tack of appendicitis, and Monday
morning it was deemed advisable
to remove her to Omaha, where an
operation was performed that
day. The latest report is that the
patient is gelling along very
D. C. West of Nehawka and his
brother, Joseph West, of Helvi
dere, Neb., changed cars here
Tuesday forenoon, starling to
Ohio to spend a few weeks at their
boyhood home and at other points
in that stale. Miss filadys West
of Nehawka accompanied them on
the trip.
Charles 11. Dysart arrived home
yesterday from his Colorado visit,
Mrs. Dysart remaining there for
the benefit of her health, which is
improving by change of climate.
August V. Ost and his niece,
Miss Edith Ost, departed Monday
evening for Chicago, where they
will spend a few weeks visiting
relatives and friends.
Chas. M. Dempster, well known
in this vicinity, where he resided
several years, now located al
Soda Springs, Idaho, dropped off
here Tuesday to make a short visit
with relatives and as many friends
as he had time to meet, going from
here to Chicago to attend the re
publican convention. Mr. Demp
ster has a great many friends
here who are pleased to know that
in recent years he has become
prominent in public affairs, where
his character and ability have
brought him success, both finan
cially and politically.
except the Herman pilgrim, who
worked out the fine on the streets.
Courier. 4
Miss Florence MacMullin re
turned home from Nevada last
Friday after an absence of almost
three years.
Louisville has a local board of
health, but for the present they
seem to be on a vacation. Hotter
wake up before the hot weather
gels in ils work.
Frank Wheeler was called to
Omaha Thursday morning by a
message announcing the serious
illness of his sister, Mrs. Lille
Mrs. Henry Schoeman was a
passenger to IMattsinouth Tues
day morning, where she went for
a short visit with Mr. Shoeman's
parents, Mr. ami Mrs. George
Attorney William Robertson,
accompanied by Mrs. Robertson,
was up from Plattsmouth Mon
day evening, Mr. Robertson at
tending a meeting of the village
council in the capacity of attorney.
Miss Ethel Ralhbun returned
Monday from a short visit at Nod
away, Iowa. She was but a short
distance from Villisca at the time
of the horrible murders and says
that the excitement was intense.
Fred Ossenkop returned Mon
day morning from Lincoln, where
lie had been for several da'9
visiting at the home of W. G.
Frampton. He informs the Cour
ier that the Framptonis will leave
in a very few days for a tour of
the east, visiting Boston, New
York and other places of interest.
stopping eu route to take in the
republican national convention at
Marshal Seybert was a very
busy olllcial Monday morning
Among the over Sunday collection
were three Hexicans and a
Dutchman charged with being
drunk and disorderly: also Land
lord Drake's spotted cow. called
Speck. The bovine was caught
in the very act of making a meal
from Councilman Blake s cherrv
tree and otherwise making herself
obnixious. The matter was com
promised in time for the boarders
to get cream in their coffeo for
breakfast. The drunks were given
5 and trimmings by Judge
Brbots, which was paid in cash
! Beacon. f
Deputy Postmistress Edilh
Peterson and Miss Pearl Betts
went to Lincoln Tuesday noon to
attend the postmasters' conven
tion. Mrs. Fred Kent arrived home
last Saturday night from Illinois,
where she bad made several
weeks' visit with relatives and
Albert Reed of Bclvidere, Nob.,
arrived here Wednesday after
noon to make a visit with rela
tives and friends in and near
While the Missouri Pacific is
making their improvements here
we would suggest that they place
lights at the east and west ends
of the depot.
We are still howling for a
Commercial club, because we be
lieve it would be a good thing for
the town. Other towns have
them; why can't we?
Mrs. Albert Stange and daugh
ter, Clara, have arrived home
from Wray, Colo., where they had
spent two weeks visiting with C.
Blanchard and family.
Mrs. W. Yoho and son, Dar
win, departed last Friday for
Utica to make a few days' visit
with relatives and friends. W. P.
left Sunday morning to join his
Carl Price and wife came in
from Clatonia Tuesday afternoon
for a few days' visit with Carl's
parents, Charles Price and wife,
and other relatives and friends.
Eagle has a good band and a
good ball team, two of the best
advertising assets a town can
possess. Both should have the
hearty support of everyone in
this community.
S. M. Moss and wife of Wisner,
Neb., arrived on Thursday of last
week to make a visit with the lat-
ter's parents, A. (J. Crabtrec and
family. They also expect to make
a visit, with relatives at Fairbury.
We learn from a reliable source
that the M. P. contemplates mak
ing some extensive improvements
here in the near future. The
plans are made for a pumping
stat ion and w ater lank and a new
passing track. Such improve
ments arc valuable, and are very
Vic Manspeaker and wife, who
recently arrived from New Mex
ico and have been visiting here,
have decided to locate at Elm
wood, Mr. Manspeaker having
purchased an interest in a barber
shop. Mr. Manspeaker was re
cently engaged in the barber
business here, and has many
friends who wish him well in his
new location.
Millinery In Murray.
Mrs. Julia Dwyer of Platts
mouth has decided to open a mil
linery store in Murray, and will
be here three days, Tuesday,
ednesday and Thursday of each
week. The lino will be located at
the home of Mrs. Joseph Cook on
lower Main street. All ladies of
the community are invited to call
and see her.
White Plymouth Rook Eggs.
White Plymouth Ttocx eggs Tor
salo at 13.00 per hundred. Mrs
Geo. A. Kaffenberger, R. F. D. No
2, Plattsmouth.
Mrs. George Thomas boarded
the morning train for Omaha to
day, where she spent the day.
I Leader-Echo. J
Mrs. Hugh Robb and daughter
of Union visited the former's aunt
between trains Tuesday.
Miss Ethel Tyson left Saturday
for Clay Center, Kas., for an ex
tended visit with relatives.
George Penterman and William
Fleichman drove to Palmyra to
attend the Old Settlors' picnic.
Mrs. ,Tes.,iv Woodard, Pearle
Woodard, Cecelia Brekenfield and
Truoy McGrew wire Lincoln pas
sengers Monday.
Mrs. J. F. Hoover left yesterday
noon for Bennett, Neb., to enjoy a
few days' visit at, the home of her
son, Henry Clark.
Atorney DolesDernier left Wed
nesday for Palmer and Fullolon,
Neb., whore be transacted legal
business in divorce proceedings.
John Rough and family of
Avoca and Norman- DolesDernier
of Union were guests Tuesday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs J. U.
According to the vote of the
Park association Thursday even
ing of last week Elmwood will not
celebrate the Fourth. Opportun
ity therefore is offered our citi
zens to celebrate "safe and sane"
or scatter to the neighboring
towns and assist in their demon
strations. Mrs. George Frisbee, who was
operated upon Tuesday of last
week at Shoemaker's hospital in
Lincoln, is doing very nicely and
hopes are entertained for her
early recovery. Mrs. Frisbee sends
word that she feels very grateful
for the many beautiful post cards
received from her Elmwood
Charles Rivett arrived Tuesday
afternoon from Springfield, Ore.,
ocming down from Eagle, where
be left his family for a visit of a
few days before I hey -come to
Elmwood. Mr. Rivett looks young
er that he ever did to the
knowledge of the editor, and we
doubt not that his vocabulary of
stories and jokes is quite as re
plete as in those days agone
when Rivett plastered houses
heareabouts. Charley was never
so busy that he would not get
two suckers on one string if he
Celebrates Her 22d Birthday.
Miss Blanche Murray, daughter
of Mrs. John Murray ot this city,
who is now making her home in
Omaha, was 22 years of age yes
terday, and in honor of the oc
casion her mother prepared an
excellent dinner and invited a
number of relatives and friends
in to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs.
11. M. Eck, Ernest Murray, Miss
Hazel Green, L. C. Ferguson and
Miss Blanche Murray, all of Oma
ha, wore present, and Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Murray, Mr. and Mrs. L. II.
Karnes, Mrs. John Murray, Mr.
George Murray and Mr. and Mrs.
It. A. Bales, all of IMattsinouth,
wore present to assist Miss
Blanche in celebrating the oc
casion and enjoy the hospitality
of her excellent mother. The
table was very nicely decorated in
a various assortment of flowers,
and just before partaking of the
excellent meal Mr. Eck was called
upon for a few remarks, and after
congratulating the excellent
young lady of honor, he present
ed her with a handsome diamond
ring, a gift from the relatives
present. In the afternoon the
visitors were invited to the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Murray,
where they enjoyed an excellent
musical entertainment by Mrs.
Alvin Murray and other members
of the gathering. The Omaha
visitors came down on the M. P.
morning train and returned over
the same road in the evening. The
occasion was a very pleasant one
to all, and we venture the asser
tion that Miss Blanche will long
remember her 22d birthday.
To Visit Sisters In California.
Clerk of the District Court
James Robertson and wife and
daughters, Misses Blanche and
Marie, departed today for Cali
fornia, to be gone six or eight
weeks. The party will visit Mr.
Robertson's sister, Mrs. M. Folk,
whom he has not seen for forty
years. Another sister whom he
has not seen for twenty-five years
will come from another California
town and ' meet them at Mrs.
Folk's and join them in a partial
family reunion.
Notice Is hereby Riven that by virtue
of an order of Court made by the Hon
f .Hr.vfy 11- Tv'. sole judge of the
niHtik-t Court In and for Cuhs County,
Mate of Nebraska, In a suit pending
therein, wherein Jeremiah L. Cream
er la plalntllT and Sarah M. Hess, et
al., are defendants, which order was
signed and entered on the 11th day of
June, 1912, confirming the report of
the refereo that a division of the
property could not he made without
great loss In value to the parties In
terested, and In safd order of Court
the undersigned referee was directed
to make sale of the land involved in
said action without unnecessary delay
and In manner and form as if the same
whs sold by the Sheriff upon execu
tion. In pursuance to such order, I, the
undersigned referee, will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
nt the South front door of the Court
House, In the City of Plattsmouth, In
said County, on the 16th dav of Julv,
1912, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, tlie
following described real estate to-wit:
The West half of the Northeast
quarter of Section 13, Township 10,
North, Itange , Kast of the 6th 1'. M
situated In Cass County, Nebraska, con
taining K0 acres more or less. Said
sale shall he held open one hour and
at the time of declaring the bid 20 per
cent of the purchase price must 'be paid
and the balance of such purchase
money shall be paid upon the con
firmation of the sale by the Court, and
the making of the deed.
Dated this l.ith day of June, 1912.
C. S. ALDHICH. Keferee.
I). O. mVVEK, Attorney.
Shetland Ponies for Sale.
I have an excellent team of
Shetland ponies for sale. Well
broke and at a price that is right.
Wm. Gilmour,
R. F. D., Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Meisinger
and son, Oliver, were visitors in
this city Saturday, and while here
made this office a very pleasant
call, Mr.. Meisinger renewing his
subscription to this paper.
We are now handling a complet
ine of coal. Call and let us quote you
prices for your fall and winter coal.
We handle wheat, oats, corn and
chop of all kinds.
Ind. Telephone 297
Nelson Jean & Go.
r ' I 111
Next to Being Prosperous
is Looking Prosperous!
You can depend upon getting the right things
to wear here because we have devoted years of
hard study and thought, to the clothes game and
from the success we've had it is only reasonable
for you to expect to get clothes here that are as
near right as human skill can make them.
They are also right in price as you will readily
agree when you see what splendid suits we are
selling at $7.50, $10, $15 and our Qualify Clothes
$20 to $35. Try us for your 4th of July clothes.
You can't be disappointed.
G. E. UgsgoH's Sons
"Always the Home of Satisfaction."