IpSli ALCOHOL 3 PER ti nt AVcgefaUflVeparafionforAs. similaiiiK-i:-;ff.:nffPp(i,,fr Promotes Diuonflwrfu! ncssandRest.Conaln$nt'iffcff Opium.Murpluiic norMiacraLJ iOTrARcoTic. iteiptoroUDci'M.-zrmm DtJtla Stcd" sf 'xSrmtt AwitnJ tfVSTJiLli - faAw iJr Stnpr Hkutyrmi tluMT. ADcrfrcl Rimcdv forConsfljn Hon , Sour Stoniach.Dlarrtoea Worrjsonvui5ioiis.rcverish nessandLossorSLixP. FacSbilc Signature of NEW YORK. Guaranteed under tl rooJajl Exct Copy of Wrapper. E Retail Grocers of Nebraska to Launch Insurance Plan Right Away. Executive sessions of I he Ne braska Federal ion of Retail Groveis were ('(included in Omaha Tuesday, after some plans wen? outlined o make a tight against, the. mail order houses. The eoin millee reviewed I In; establishment of Hie new co-opcrat ive insurance organization, which is allied wild the federation. II. was reported that enough money has lieeu sub scribed for (he insurance or ganization In get its charier and that co-operal ive insurance will he put in ell'ecl. .soon. Much of the business of the committee was continued until Hip next meeting, which is scheduled to he held in Omaha July 0. Dur ing their two days' slay in Omaha the executive commit leemen visit ed all the wholesale Kroner and later reported they believed tho retailers' federation will get the co-operation of the wholesalers. Incidentally the committeemen plcdKed to work as individuals in support, of Herman Diers for lieutenant governor. The members of Hie committee who attended the sessions of Tuesday and Wednesday were: President C. E. Heinert of Wymore, Vice President Ocorge W. Downer of Overton, Fred Diers of Madison, J. C. Schwcrer of dreeley Center, Oenrge Harr of Lincoln and C. E. Ilostettler. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Tta Kind You Have Always Bo'igM Bears the Signature of EXECUTiV SESSION RETAIL GROCERS HAVE YOUR TICKETS READ "BURLINGTON" GO SOMEWHERE THIS SUMMER The entire scheme of summer vacation rates to Eastern cities, or the mountains and Pacific Coast, becomes effective about June 1st. With liberal reductions, with the luxury of modern travel, with the attractions of the sea side, the mountains, the Pacific Coast, with everything combining to invito you to break away from the grind and monotony of work, YOU OUGHT TO GO SOMEWHERE. Hoarded money has no value. There is education, besides health, in travel. Your choice includes the Pacific Coast, the Yellowstone Park, ranch life In the Big Horns, near Sheridan, Colorado's mountains and ozone, the Black Hills, and Hot Springs, S. D., Glacier National Park, Lake Michigan and Huron resorts, Muskoka region, Canada, Eastern tours to Portland, Boston, New York, Atlantic City-every Summer locality In America has been included in a system of through rates, convenient through tickets, and the comfort of highest cluss through trains. Sea Your Country. There are no Buch rates fBirlfnrnam (ftp P 111 I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TMf Of TgH OOMP1NT, MtW TORN OITT. M. S. Briggs at Lincoln. From Friday's Dally. The assistant postmasters of Nebraska met at the Lincidn hotel yesterday for their annual con vention. The session was for one day ami was presided over by the president of the association, J. O. Ludlam, of Lincidn. The ad dress of welcome was delivered by Postmaster J. N. Ouard of Mc Cook. Former Senator E...I. Itur kell, addressed the convention in the afternoon. Among other ad dresses delivered was one by M. S. Hriggs, assistant postmaster at. Plaltsnioul h, on Hie subject, "Our Registry System." Mr. Hriggs' experience in the postal service eminently titled him for discuss ing tin's important phase of the postal system, and we have no doubt but his brother postmasters were much benefited my his elucidation of a knotty subject. Declined Interview. From Friday' Dally. Oeorge Itrunhneber, Mrs. Van Akern and her mother, Mrs. Cooper, left for Lincoln on the afternoon train yesterday. Mrs. Van Akern sought to interview her former husband, Henry Van Akern, al the Hurlington station before the train left, but Mr? Van Akern declined to have anything to say to his former wife. Henry informed a bystander that the woman had secured a divorce from him in Oklahoma and that he had just recovered a judgment for $1,7(10 in the district court of this county against the man she expected to marry, and he did not care lo talk to her, as he had nothing: of interest to say to her, anyhow. Undergoes Operation. From Friday' Dally. Miss Ann llialt went to Im tnanuel hospital, Omaha, yester day lo undergo an operation at the hands of Dr. Davis. Her sister, Mrs. Frank Oobelnian, accom panied Miss lliatl and will remain with her through the ordeal. AS mw a a m m a BOTH and comiorta of travel In the World as American rail roads provide. R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent L. W. WAKELEY, General Patsnfer Agent, Omaha, Neb. HEW GEM THEATER TO OPEII MONDAY I1I6RT It Is In Reality a Gem, and One of Great Beauty and Comfort. Krom Saturday's Dall The new theater building, just completed, and to be occupied by H. M. Shlaes with a moving picture show, is certainly a gem, and Mr. Shlaes has appropriately christ ened the new playhouse the "(iein theater." The interior of the building, as well as the entrance, is a marvel of beauty. Tin? walls and ceiling have been decorated by the artistic hand of Frank Oobelnian, and the frescoing on the walls is indeed biautiful. The panneling in the vestibule and the wooden seats in front have been painted by J. II. Ilummerfield, and also exhibit skill and beauty. The interior of the theater is lighted by an in direct lighting system, the fixtures of which are oxidized brass hung with chain fittings. There are two (lower-shaped exit lights, one on either side of the hall in the rear. The vestibule will be bril liantly lighted with cluster lights and these will extend across the arch in front, all installed by Warga & Cecil. On either side of the vestibule will be a large mirror, 22x4 4 inches in size, so that, the ladies can arrange their hats either on entering or leaving the theater. A number of electric fans will keep the room cool during the warm summer evenings. Com fortable opera chairs have been provided for 30n spectators and everything will be as sanitary and up-to-date as possible. The new screen, on which will he thrown the pictures from the "licensed lilms," which will be shown only at the Oem, will be completed by Frank Oobelnian today. The I healer-going public of Plallsmouth will enjoy going to as line a theater as there is in the stale and will have the same facilities for being made comfort able that any of the playhouses have. Monday night Mr. Shlaes expects to open with the tlrst, show in the new theater, and he feels jusl pride in being able lo present to the public Ibis splendid, new, modern theater. Fine Boom Edition. A few days since the Journal received a copy of the boom edi tion of the Clinton (111.) Daily Journal. We have been receiving this excellent paper regularly every day, and without saying a word of praise regarding the special edition, we can say that each issue of the Journal is a 1 mer for Clinton within itself. The special edition, however, is somewhat, of an exception in many respects lo the general run of boom editions, in that it was a home production throughout, and a general view of the business in dustries of the wide-awake little city of Clinton, which reflects great credit, not only to Hen Peltz, the editor and publisher, but to the enterprising business men, who are always alive to their interests, which is very readily denoted by the columns of the Journal every day in the week. Long live Hen Peltz and his ex cellent paper. A Delightful Picnic. From Friday s Dally. A number of little folks gather ed at the home of Heata Holly yesterday afternoon and then proceeded to the pasture on North Maiden Lane for a picnic. Tho afternoon was very pleasantly spent in various school games, racing, singing and the like. After this they enjoyed a luncheon, consisting of sandwiches, pickles, lemonade, cake, cookies, candy and fruit. All went home feel ing that they had had a jolly good lime. The only regret was that they had to leave the woods all too soon. Those present were: Lillian Kalacek, Heata Holly, Mary Hurbank, Anna Hiber, Florence Cecil, Catherine Novotny, Agnes and Helen Slavirek, Helen Liber shal, llosa and Lucille Schounial and Hcalrice Jirousek. Goes to Clarkson Hospital. From Saturday's Dally. Raymond Travis and father, Judge Harvey D. Travis, left Ibis afternoon for Omaha, where Ray mond will enter Clarkson hos pital with the probability of un dergoing an operation next Mon day for appendicitis. The trouble has been bothering Raymond for a couple of weeks and he is tak ing the advico of his physician lo have the. operation while his strength is equal to tho em ergency. The Journal office carries all kinds of typewriter supplies. June Wedding. Miss Lillie Tucker and John Fhresnian were married at the home of the bride Tuesday at 3 p. in. Only immediate members of the family and the pastor's family were present to witness the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. J. F. Hedges. The Tucker and Khresman families are old acquaintances, having resided in the same locality in Indiana. The bride and groom have known each other from childhood. The bride is well and favorably known in Nehawka and is held in the high est esteem by all who know her. The groom is a stranger to all but the Tucker family, but is spoken of as a man above the average, is a Christian man and highly re spected by those that know him. They left Tuesday evening for the east, going by way of Chicago, and from there will go to Fort Wayne, thence to LaFavette and visit the scenes of their childhood. They will return to Nehawka about the first of July and will make their home with the bride's father, Wil liam Tucker. Nehawka News. Newspaper Announcement. There never was such a time in the history of this country for newspaper reading, and it is im portant to read a paper of im partial views one that is free from any ofllce-scc king or olllce hobling influences. The import ant thing to a great newspaper like the Lincidn Stale Journal is to get trial reader's, as it has no trouble holding them by its qual ity. The cheapest way to gel new readers is to make a special price, which we now do only i for the daily and Sunday paper until Jan uary t, 1913 much less than the regular price. At that lime the paper will stop coming unless you order it continued and pay in ad vance for it. You really cannot a (To rd lo be without this capital city paper when you can secure it at such a price. Semi -S2 to the Lincidn State Journal today and I he paper will come to you regu larly the remainder. of this year. It will be a lively year, too. (1-8-1 Id. O. C. Hudson Accepts Position. Virgil Mollis, who has been the very elllcient janitor of the Cen tral school building during the past eleven years, was not an ap plicant for the position this year. At a recent meeting of the board O. C. Hudson was elected to the position. Mr. Hudson has filled the responsible position of keeper of the sub-store for the Hurling loii in the local shops for several ears. lie is a capable and ener getic man and the school board has been forlhnale in securing his services. The position of janitor at. the Central building is a very important one, and requires a man of sound judgment, and good ex ecutive ability, both of which characteristics Mr. Hudson pos sesses to a well marked degree, lie assumes his new duties at the beginning of the school year, July 1. In Judge Archer's Court. From Friday's Dally. Ill Judge Archer's court recent ly J. Lawrence Stull recovered a judgment against James Mrasek for $119 and costs of suit for hay which the defendant purchased of plaintiff. To satisfy the judg ment an execution was issued at request of plaintiff and a team of horses belonging to Mrs. Anna Goos were levied upon. t In con sequence Mrs. Coos at once had a replevin issued and with the writ repossessed the team. The hear ing on the replevin will be had before Judge Archer tomorrow. The title of the replevin suit is Anna Goos vs. J. R. Denson and J. Lawrence Stull. It is reported that Mrasek is now willing to pay the judgment, so that the only controversy in the replevin suit will be a matter of costs and damages. Get In Old Channel. The following from the Glen wood Tribune would indicate that tho "Old Missouri" may eventual ly get back into the old channel and spoil our splendid ball park: Despite the present discourag ing aspect of the situation at Fol soin, the railroad company is finding signs of a complete victory in the cutting away of the big bar across from Folsom that has been causing trouble on the Iowa side by changing the channel. The river has commenced cutting away the bar far above the point and is rapidly eating away the shifting sand to make a clean channel straight down the Ne braska shore. Old river men pre dict that the riprapping works al Folsom will be on a dry sandbar in a few more months. Mrs. W. II. Seybert of Cultom arrived on No. 4 this morning and spent the day with Plattsmouth friends. SO ST The Season ,or Cyclones and de 1 1 structive wind storms Is at hand! . ' t that you can carry $1,000 insurance for $1.50 per year. It is not wise for you to take the risk when others will take it for you at such a low rate. Fire Insurance at lowest rates on stocks and dwellings. Special rates for long term policies. Coa.es- Block J. p. FALTER, Lffl5s. Close Call for Baby. The following from the St. Jos eph Daily News-Press will be read with considerable interest by those who know Guy Kirkpatrick, a former Cass county boy: Mr. and .Mrs. Guy Kirkpatrick's 1 -year-old son was sleeping in its buggy out of doors at their home, 1021 Sylvanie street, this fore noon, when the mother stepped in to the house for a moment. Just then a gust of wind drove the per ambulator down the walk and it ran ofT the seven-foot retaining wall,, dropping on the cement sidewalk. Mrs. Kirkpatrick hur ried to the street and was over joyed to find that the baby had not been thrown from the buggy, still upright, and about the only in jury it sustained was a slight bruise in the face. A Slumber Party. From Saturday's Dally A number of young people were very pleasantly entertained by Miss Ruth Chapman at a slumber parly last evening. The occasion was in honor of Miss Pearl Evans of Loveland, Colorado, who is visiting her many friends in this city, she having formerly resided here. This delightful event was also in the nature of a farewell for Miss Mildred Johnson, who will go to Davenport, Iowa, very soon to spend the .summer months with relatives and friends. The hours were most enjoyably whiled away in games and amusements, which the hostess had planned for the entertainment of her guests, interspersed with con versation and music. Dainty re freshments were served. Paul Staddleman Is Second. In a contest, for May and June I in selling Saturday Evening Posts, with between thirty and forty oiiiers, rain Maiiiiieman, on June first stood second in the list of contestants. Paul is in receipt of a letter from the house under date of June I, 1912, which places him second. The prize is a pony, cart J and harness for llrst place audi St 00 in cash for second place. Paul sells nearly DID copies per week. The contestants are scat tered throughout the United States and Canada. Remember, if you buy your Post from Paul you will be assisting him to either first or second place in the con test. Rainfall Light for May. W. L. Furlong, the Rock HlutTs weather record-keeper, reports but one and an eighth inches of rainfall for the month of May, the lightest he has ever known. Thus far in June, Mr. Furlong reports but an inch of rain in his locality, three-fourths of an inch a week ago and one-fourth of an inch last night. The record for June, as kent hv the HiirlinLrlon men here, has been, June 1, 1.33 inches' and last night .21 of an inch. Grand Colony Excursion For Ladies and Gentlemen Will be Given Through the Auspices of the American Townsite Co., of San Antonio, from Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoman and Nebraska to Texas. A town lot and five acre tracts will be sold for fruit and truck farms, summer and winter homes, for three hundred dollars; ten dollars down and ten dollars per month, no interest or taxes until paid for. Special cars will be in service, a banquet will be given at Hotel La Salle, a free oyster and clam bake will be served in grove near Beach. Fishing and sailing will be at your pleasure at Seadrift and Port O'Connor. This trip will be the event of your life. Everybody come and bring; your friends. Trains will leave Omaha and other points in Nebraska, June 18th, Kansas City, June 19th, at 9 a. m. Oklahoma City and Mus kogee, June 19th, and intermediate points. Route and tickets on the Frisco to Port 0'Conner. Under all cir cumstances connect with the rrisca Remember this, its gold to you. For further information address, DOCTOR Q I. HUTCHAS0N, Savoy Hotel, (Mention my name at our office.) Kansas City, Mo. Are you protected? I will write cy clone insurance for 75 cents per hundred for a term of five years. That means NOTICE. In County Court. STATE OF NKBKASKA, County of Cans, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of William h. Dull, Deceased. To All Persona Interested: You are herehy notified that there has been filed In this court an In strument, purporting to be the last will and testament of the said William K. Dull, deceased, together with the peti tion of Mary K. Dull, widow of said deceased, alleging therein that the said William E. Dull has departed this life leaving said will, and praying that said Instrument be allowed and pro bated as the last will and testament of said deceased and that letters testa mentary be issued. That a hearing will be had on said petition and will before this court at the court house In the City of Platts mouth, In said County, on the 6th day of June, 1912, at 9 o'clock a. m. All objections thereto. If any, must be filed on or before said day and hour of hearing-. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said County, this 15th day of May, 1912. (Seal) ALLEN J. BEESON 5-16-3wks. County Judge. XOTK K OF ADMINISTRATION. All persons Interested In the estate of William M. Wiley, deceased, are hereby notified that a petition lias been filed in the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska alleging- that said de ceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon said estate. A hearing will be had upon said petition on the 15th day of June, A. D., 1912, at the County Court office at I'luttsmouth, Nebraska, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, and at sai(fc time the Court may grant administra tion of said estate to Mary L. Wiley, the widow, and proceed to the settle ment of the estate. Dated this 20th dav of May, 1912. ALLEN J. UEESON, County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cass County, ss. In County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas J. Fountain, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Administratrix of said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Platts mouth, iii said County, on the 2GHv day of June, 1912, and on the 2Gth day of December, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose 'of presenting their claiins for examination, adjust ment and allowance. . Six months arr allowed for the creditors of said deceased to pre sent their claims, and one year for the Administratrix to settle said estate, from the 23rd day of June, 1912. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at Platts mouth, Nebraska, this 2ith day of May, 1912. (Seal) ALLEN J. HEESON, County Judge. I). O. DWYER, Attorney for Estate. 5-27-4wks Injured at the Shops. From Saturday's Dally. John Hrady, night watchman at the Hurlinglon shops, received a slight injury last evening, just after entering upon his duties fop the night. A ladder fell and struck him in the back of the head, inflicting a slight scalp, wound that caused the blood to flow quite freely. While the in jury was not a serious one it will necessitate his laying oft" for a few nights.