The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 10, 1912, Image 6

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Sand of Mercy Meets.
The Hand t Merry held their
regular niced'ntf at I lit' home of
Miss (icrtruiJe llainsey Saturday
afternoon. iMirinjf the regular
business session the election of
ollirrrs was held, at which time
the followiiiK were elected: Nora
Livingston, president; Mary
Koscncrans, vice president ; Eliza
beth lieeson, secretary nnd or
ganist.; Muriel Slreight, treasurer
and librarian. Following- the
election of ollieers the president,
read some animal stories. At the
next, meeting; I lie lesson will he
about cats, Every member is re
quested to tell a true story about,
a cat. There were seventeen mem
bers present. Everyone spent a
lovely afternoon. delirious re
freshments were served. The
next meeting will he held June 22
at the home of Miss Mary Egen
berger, Fine Ceiling Work.
Kroebler Mrolhers, with their
islalT of up-to-date workmen,
have been doing considerable ceil
ing work about, the city (luring the
past few months, and among the
last two exceptionally line con
tracts just, completed is (ho one on
the new Oeni moving picture
theater, to be opened by Manager
Shlaes tonight. The patrons of
this theater will please lake, notice
of the work on this job, as it is an
exceptionally line piece of steel
ceiling. The other one just com
pleted by Messrs. Kroebler A
Kroehler is that, on I he Ed Ionat
saloon building, which adds a
great deal to (tin appearance of
the room and relied. s great credit
upon the workmanship of those
placing1 il I hp-re.
j Has Finger Amputated.
Anton Svoboda, an employe of
the local Burlington shops, had
Hip misfortune Saturday morning
while nt work unloading iron at
the new scrap pile near the lum
ber olllce, to get two of bis lingers
' Taught and so badly mashed that
one of them bad to hit amputated.
Anton was lifting at one end of n
drawbar yoke when it, was shoved
upon him in such a manner as to
catch his right hand and crush
to lingers, as above related. The
injury was dressed us speedily as
possible and the hand made as
comfortable as il could be under
the painful circumstances. Anton
will take a laj-olT of several days,
no doubt, on account of the ac
cident. A. 0. U. W. Hold Memorial.
At the A. O. V. W. ball yester
day morning at 10 o'clock the
members of the IMaltsinouth
lodges met, to do honor to the
memory of their dead brothers,
llev. Y. !,. Austin delivered the
memorial address, taking for his
subject "In Memory." The, dis
course was u very eloquent, tribute
to the deceased fraternal broth
ers, nnd was listened to with the
greatest interest. After the dis
course of llev. Austin, n com
mittee appointed for the purpose
went to the cemetery and decor
ated with (lowers the graves of
the departed brothers. There
was a good turn-out, considering
the threatening weather.
Danoe a Success.
The dance under the auspices
of the Cosmopolitan club at
Coales' ball Saturday evening was
very largely attended and was a
pronounced success. There was
n large number of young people
present from l'acillc Junction,
(ilenwood and Cedar Creek. The
music was furnished by the pop
ular M. V. A. orchestra.
J. O. Lansing" of South Bend
returned this morning and regis
tered nt the Plnltsmoulh hotel.
Mr. Lansing spent Sunday with
his family, returning to do jury
service for the week.
GOOD Roady-r.lado CLOTHES for Men
never cost so little money as right today, despite
the high cost of living. Do you believe it?
Come in and we will demonstrate the truth of
the assertion.
Such clothes as our Quality Clothes from $20 to $35 could
not be had at all a few years ago outside the high priced custom
tailor. A suit today at $15 possesses more value than a $20
formerly did, and we are selling suits for $7.50 and $10 that you
could not buy in the times of lGc corn as good as these. Any
way you can figure it you can buy better clothing today for the
money than ever before in your life. Come and see.
E. Mescoti's
"Always the Home of Satisfaction."
Byron Reed In Town.
Byron Heed, who has farmed in
Cass county for the past thirty
years, was in town Saturday from
his home a few miles south of
Murray. Mr. Heed is of the im
pression that, wheat, will go as
good as 20 bushels to the acre,
and the farmers who expect only
half of what, they harvested last
year will he agreeably surprised,
says M. Heed. The rains have
brought I lie oats crop out won
derfully, ho that it will be about
as good as last year.
Presented With Pianola.
A number of ladies, members of
the Eastern Star, representing
bulges in Omaha, Lincoln and
Wahoo, were in the city today and
look dinner at, the Masonic Home.
The ladies came down for the
special purpose of presenting the
Home with a pianola. Among
those present from Wahoo were:
Mesdames N. J. Ludi! Y. H. Carl
isle, E. J. Kircbam, C. L. Miel
enz ami E. V. Slarkes.
Crops Look Qood In Canada.
C. E. Wescolt arrived from Cal
gary, Canada, on No. 1 this morn
ing, where he had been looking
afler his real estate interests for
some lime. Mr. Wescolt found
crops of all kinds in that locality
in a flourishing condition arid
everybody feeling tine and con
fident of a good crop. The grow
ing things were not quite as far
alo.ig there as here, but plenty of
moisture to bring them right
Meet Losses Promptly.
Mrs. Ceorge Wagner today re
ceived a check from the clerk of
the Hons of Herman, Mr. A. Oeise,
in payment of I ho $500 policy on
the life of her husband, the gen
tleman who died suddenly a few
Sundays ago. This is a prompt
settlement, of a death claim and
the lady is grateful to the ollieers
ami members of the Sons of Her
man for their promptness in this
Takes Vacation of Three Weeks.
I). A. Leeper, the genial and ac
commodating' Burlington station
second trick dispatcher, left this
morning for Omaha ami his home
at Loup City, where he will begin
to take a three weeks' vacation.
Andy Moore accompanied him to
Omaha to see that, he got on the
right train for his home city. Mr.
Finch will take the trick during
Mr. Keeper's absence.
Dr. Walter Palmer Returns.
Dr. Walter Palmer returned
Friday from Kirkesville, Missouri,
Friday from Kirksville, Missouri,
whee he has just completed a
and graduated with the highest
honors in his class. The doctor is
a Cass county boy and the Jour
nal is glad to see him succeed. He
will find a good location soon and
hang out his shingle.
Will Build In Plattsmouth.
M. Fanger was an over Sunday
visitor in this city, departing fur
Missouri Valley, Iowa, on the aft
ernoon train today. Mr. Fanger
has under contemplation Ihe clos
ing of his Missouri Valley store
and the erection of a fine dwelling
in this city. He has disposed of
his residence property in Omaha
and will make l'lattsinouth his
permanent home.
To Build on Douglas Street.
Another new building is plan
ned for Douglas street. M. Fan
ger has bought, twenty-two feet
between Thirteenth and Four
teenth streets at $1,000 n front,
foot. He owns a thirty-three-foot
lot adjoining and will build a big
building fronting fifty-five feet on
Douglas street,. Omaha Hec.
C. L. Mielenz of Wahoo was in
the city today looking after busi
ness matters.
from Friday's Dally.
A. B. Fornon" of near Cullom
drove in today to do the week
end shopping.
William Nickels and daughter,
Miss Etta, of near Murray, were
county seat visitors today.
Mrs. Jerry McHugh and son
arrived on No. i this morning and
spent Ihe day with l'lattsinouth
Miss Minnie (iulhmuu depart
ed last evening for a three
months' slay with her sister, Mrs.
II. H. Neitzel, at Boise, Idaho.
Mrs. Julius Spreick and two
children of I'ilger, Nidi., arrived
today and will visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Albert, for a
Harry Smith departed Tor lied
Oak, Iowa, on the morning train
today in response to a message
informing him that, bis sister was
very sick.
Miss Myrtle Hennings, who has
been visiting the M. Tritsch home
for a short time, returned to her
home at Cedar Creek yesterday
C. C. Hennings of near Louis
ville arrived on No. I this morn
ing and looked afler business
mailers in the county seat for a
few hours.
I'. J. Vallery and wife departed
for Lincoln on the afternoon train
yesterday, where they expected to
visit their son, Will and family,
for a time.
J. N. Jordan and wife and son,
Robert, left for Omaha on the
morning train today, where they
looked after business matters for
a few hours.
Harry Todd and sons of near
Murray motored lo Plattsmouth
this morning and looked after
some repairs at I lie Oorder im
plement store.
Captain Isaac Wiles returned
from Minalare, Neb., on the
morning train today, where ho
had been to look afler his western
farming interests.
Mrs. Perry Marsh and daughter,
Esther, came up from their home
near Murray this morning and
boarded the early train for Oma
ha, where they spent the day.
Mrs. Jacob Huechlcr and
daughter, Miss Emma, left for
Omaha on the morning train to
day, where they looked after some
items of business for a few hours.
Carter Albion, one of Liberty
precincts sturdy farmers, was in
the city today doing some trading.
Mr. Albiu is just recovering from
a seere sick spell and still feels
very poorly.
Mrs. J. II. Becker left Tor Alvo
this afternoon, where she will
visit her sister, Mrs. II. J. Miller,
for a few days. Her daughter,
Miss Carrie Becker, accompanied
Mrs. Decker lo Omaha.
Louis Marquardt, juror from
Alvo, was excused Ibis morning
until Monday next, and by hot
footing il for the Burlington sta
tion, caught No. I and boarded it
for Omaha, via the Junction nnd
Ihe Bluffs,
C. L. Oravcs and James llainey
of Union arrived on the morning
train today, Mr. llainey to be a
witness in the case of Reynolds
vs. Kohrell, on trial in the district
court today, while Mr. Crave
looked afler matters of business.
Juror John Wood was excused
by Judge Travis this morning for
the balance of the term, and un
der the rule enforced by our
elllcient county clerk, Mr. D. R.
Morgan, received a warrant for
his fees and departed for his home
O. L. Farley returned from
Weeping Water last evening,
where he had been lo attend the
funeral of llev. Oeorge Hindley
and also remained for the com
mencement exercises of the
Weeping Water Academy, which
occurred yesterday.
W. B. Danninir, the L'niou lum
berman and democratic candidate
for .late senator, was in the city
a few hours jesterday afternoon,
driviiu up in the auto to look af
ter some business matters and
spend a few hours visiting with
bis many county seat friends. He
paid the Journal ollice a brief call.
From Saturday's Dally.
Henry Horn and wife ami chil
dren went to Omaha on the morn
intr train today, where Mrs. Born
will visit friends over Sunday.
Mr. and .Mrs. Ferdinand Hen
nings drove in from their home
near Louisville this morning and
transacted business with local
Alex Hhoden drove in from his
home, a few miles west of the city,
last evening and was an over night
guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
(1. W. Hhoden.
Taylor Jarmen and Art Ander
son of Louisville had business in
Plattsmouth for a few hours to
day, returning to their homes via
Omaha this afternoon.
John Kreager, sr., and William
Puis, sr., of Ml. Pleasant, precinct
drove in from their farm this
morning and did their week-end
shopping with local merchants.
J. M. Kaffenberger and wife and
P. A. Meisinger and wife drove in
from their homes this morning
and boarded the early train for the
metropolis, where they spent the
John .M'heel of Murdock was in
the city today attending to some
business mailers at the court
bruise, and took lime to call at
this office ami renew his sub
scription. Little Miss Oenevieve Davis ar
rived this morning on No. i from
her home in Council Bluffs to pay
a visit to her grandfather, James
Elder, residing three miles south
of the city.
Henry Horn of Cedar Creek was
a county seat visitor this' morn
ing, having driven in on a busi
ness errand. He was accom
panied by his father, Henry
Horn, sr.
(ieorge Keil of Pekin, Illinois,
who has been a guest of bis broth
er, Peter, for some days, left for
his home this morning on No. fi.
Peter, who was injured in a run
away two weeks ago, is improving
very slowly and still suffers con
siderable pain.
Jerry McHugh and wife and son
of South Bend arrived, yesterday
and visited the Thomas Walling
home over night. This morning
they departed for Falls City, Neb.,
where they will visit Mr. Mcllugh's
mother over Sunday. Miss Katie
McHugh and Mary Margaret Wal
ling accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Elliott and
children will depart today for
Huiiibolt, Neb., where they will at
tend a family reunion at their old
home in that city tomorrow. The
occasion will be held on Mr. El
liott's birthday, who is 80 years
of age. The family is a very large
one and most all of them will be
in attendance.
From Monday's Dally.
J. M. Magney of Nehawka re
turned from his home this morn
ing, where he spent Sunday with
his family and will resume his
duties on the jury this week.
P. J. Vallery and wife returned
from Havelock on the morning
train today, accompanied by their
little grandson, who will visit with
Plattsmouth relatives for a time.
J. W. fiamble of Omaha came
down on No. 2 last evening and
spoko at the Y. P. S. C. E. meeting
at the Presbyterian church, re
turning on No. 11 via the Junc
tion. Mrs. J. A. Long and children
went down to Avoca last Friday,
where they will spend a few days
visiting with friends and relatives.
John says be does not enjoy these
batching days one bit.
Judge H. D. Travis and son,
Earl, were passengers to Omaha
this morning to be present at the
hospital where Raymond Travis
will undergo an operation for ap
pendicitis. Dr. Davis will perform
the operation.
Philip Hild, from near Mynard,
was a Plait sinoulh visitor last
. N. J. Ludi, editor of Ihe Wahoo
Democrat, was in the city today,
the guest of friends at the Ma
sonic Home.
C. E. Metrgcr, from near My
nard, was in Ihe city a few hours
Saturday afternoon, visiting with
his numerous county seal friends.
Fred Ochlenhausen was a pas
senger lo Omaha on Ihe morning
train today, where lie looked after
business matters for a few hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Venner of near
Mynard drove in this morning and
boarded the morning train for
the metropolis, where they spent
I tie day.
Mrs. Elias Sage and Mrs. Bur
nett of Maywood, Neb., who have
been truest s of James Sage and
wife for a few days, departed for
their home this morning.
Dr. J. W. Cotncr of Lebannon,
Kansas, who lias been a guest of
his parents and brothers for a
few days, departed for Sweet Wa
ter, Texas, on I lie morning train
today, with a view of locating if
the city looks good to him.
L. II. lleil of Mynard was a
I'laltsinoulh visitor Saturday aft
ernoon, having come to the coun
ty seat to do some trading at the
stores and also to visit friends for
a short time. Mr. lleil dropped in
at, the Journal olllce and renewed
his subscript ion for another year.
Hon. William Puis and wife
came in from their home in Mount
Pleasant precinct this morning
and boarded the early train for
Omaha, where they spent the day
at St. Joseph's hospital wilh Mrs.
Puis' sister, Mrs. Fred Dirks, of
western Nebraska.
Mont. Shrader and brother,
(Ieorge H. Shrader, two enterpris
ing young farmers from near Ne
hawka, were in the city Saturday
afternoon, spending a few hours
with county seat friends. They
paid the Journal olllce a brief call,
renewing their subscription to the
Dr. T. J. Todd and wife were in
the city over Sunday, returning to
their home tin's morning, having
come down to witness the chil
dren's day program at the
Methodist church, in which their
stepson, Master Henry Edwin,
sang a fine anvil solo, playing his
own accompaniment on a horse
shoe. Mr. and Mrs. William Sporer
and children and John Becdle,
from near Murray, were in the city
a few hours Saturday afternoon
visiting with county seat friends.
Mr. Sporer is one of Cass coun
ty's most prosperous and enter
prising farmers, and one thai is
making his chosen profession a
success in every particular.
C. E. Social and Musical.
Thursday evening, June 0, the
pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Wiles was the scene of the
llrsl, of a series of monthly social
evenings planned by the social
committee of the Christian En
deavor society of the Liberty U.
V: church. Some sixty guests
were present to enjoy the follow
inir program:
Prayer Rev. B. C. Bailey
Sons Chorus
Outline of C. F,. Aims and Work
Rev. n. C. Dailey
Vocal Solo. . . . Miss Mabel Adams
Piano Solo Miss Elsa Oapen
Vocal Duel
...Mr. and Mrs. (. Livingston
Piano Solo Miss Richardson
Vocal Solo.... Miss Mildred Coon
Song Chorus
During the evening delicious
refreshments were served in the
dining room. The punch bowl
was presided over by Misses
(lapen, Livingston and Adams.
Moisture Helps Crops.
From Saturday's Dally.
E. M. (iodwin and son, Albert,
drove in from the farm, ten miles
on I, today to do the week-end
shopping. Mr. Oodwin reports
about the same amount of rain
fall last night as here. The
moisture is bringing out the oats
and in some instances will help
the wheat, which will soon be
ready for harvesting. The corn is
looking pretty fair, but will be
spotted, owing to the great
amount of replanting which had
to be done this season.
Charles Ulrlch Has Eye Hurt.
Charles Ulrich, a carpenter in
the coach shop, while about his
customary work Saturday morn
ing and while taking down a
diagram or pattern, received a cut
in his right eye, which caused him
some uneasiness and he im
mediately went to ihe office of (he
company surgeon for treatment.
Shetland Ponies for Sale.
I have an excellent team of
Shetland ponies for sale. Well
broke and at a price that is right.
Win. Ciilmour,
R. F. D.. Platlsmouth.
Farm Position Wanted.
Wanted, by a boy It) years obi,
a good position on a farm. Apply
lo this office.
A 1910 5 H.-P. Twin INDIAN
Motorcycle al a bargain. Will
sell dirt cheap if taken al once.
For further information call or
write H. E. Sleinhauer,
Plnttsmoulh, Neb.
Care Journal Ofllce.
Steamer Passes Through Hail of
Ashes Oli Alaskan Shore.
Passengers Nearly Stifled by Fumes
From Volcano and Boat Hurries Fif
ty Miles Out to Ssa for Fresh Air.
Earthquakes Disturb Water.
Seward, Alaska, June 10. Passen
gers oh the mail steamer Dora, which
arrived from the west, after passing
through a hail of ashes from Katnial
volcano, believe that several small
fishing villages on the shores of Shel
ikof strait were destroyed by the erup
tion. The revenue cutter service at
Unalabka has been asked to send as
sistance. The Dora steamed Into the harbor
early, the white covering of ashes giv
ing it the appearance of a phantom
The people on the steamer as it
passed through the falling ashes were
nearly suffocated by poisonous gases.
In Sight of Eruption.
The Dora was in sight of Katmal
when the eruption began and those
on tho vessel witnessed a brilliant
spectacle. It was 1 o'clock in the aft
ernoon and the mountain was In plain
view. Frequently earthquakes disturbed
the water of the strait, when suddenly
a terrific explosion occurred In the
mountain and a great mass of rocks
was thrown into the air. .The first ex
plosion was followed by others in
quirk succession, each seemingly
more terrific than the one preceding.
Soon a steady stream of rocks and
ashes poured from the peak and
spread far over the surrounding coun
try, obscuring the sun and shutting
the troubled mountain from sight.
At 4 o'clock when the Dora was sev
enty miles from the volcano, total
darkness came and ashes began to fall
In thick clouds upon the deck, cover
ing it uith a white layer three Inches
Passengers Become HI.
The stifling atmosphere made the
passengers violently ill. Throughout
the night the Dora steamed through
the dust-laden air, and was rocked by
the earthquakes that lashed the water
while the mountain thundered menac
ingly in the distance.
At S o'clock Friday morning the
Dora having steamed fifty miles out
of the course, clear air was reached
and the passengers were able to
breathe freely again. Looking back,
they could see the column of smoke
and ashes still pouring out of the vol
cano. The Don was engulfed In darkness
again Saturday as It neared Seldovia
and felt Its way carefully to Seward.
The volcanic disturbance Is the most
violent ever recorded In Alaska. It 19
estimated that an area of 300 square
miles, much of It fertile territory, has
been covered to a depth of several
Inches by the volcanic ash.
Volcanoes Still In Action.
Seattle, Wash., June 10. Three
slight earthquake shocks were record
fed on the seismograph at the Unlver
slty of Washington, indicating that the
volcanic disturbance in southwestern
Alaska, which has agitated the Instru
rnents In observatories throughout tne
United States in the last few days,
still lb In progress, but is slowly sub
siding. The volcanic disturbance has com
pletely paralyzed wireless communica
tion In the north, and it Is impossi
ble to get definite information con
cerning conditions on Kodiak, Rasp
berry and Afokniak Islands, the three
most important islands In southwest
ern Alaska.
QLLhe four volcanoes reported Id
eruption, Katmal, long believed ex
tinct, la considered most dangerous,
overlooking, as it does, Shellkof strait,
the strip of water that separates the
islands from the Alaska peninsula.
Lincoln Capitalists Back Koenig's Co
lumbus Project.
Lincoln, June 10. The Common
wealth Power company filed articles
of incorporation with the secretary oi
state with a capital stock of $7,tuo,0t)0
fully paid uj. It took a fee of $3,
751,25 to get its articles filed.
The articles of Incorporation show
that the corporation expects to do a
general business in acquiring and de
veloping water power for heating am)
lighting purposes and water for irri
Ration. Headquarters of the company
will bo In Lincoln, but the power will
be secured from the Ijoup river above
Columbus. Th's is the power site
which Is In controversy betore the
supreme court and Is known as the
Koenlg company.
Kosher Meat Riots In Chicago.
f Chicago, June 10. Police responded
to fifty riot rails in the Ghetto to
quell disturbances due to the kosher
meat boycott Nobody was Berlouslj
Injured, and but few arrests wen
made. A number of mass meeting
were hld to protest against the high
price of meat and fowl. "Wrecking
crews," composed of doiens of Jewish
women, made a tour of the koehei
meat shops in the district and pouret
kerosene on chickens exposed fo