The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 10, 1912, Image 2

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ELS hu
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till there is ;.-? profit left in order to get the money. Our loss your gain. Quality values are being piaced on our
tables from day to day, and there are hundreds of wonderful bargains waiting you, that defies out-of-town com
petition. Opportunity is knocking at your pocket-book grasp it while you have a chance to save and shoe up and
I" '"1 GET YOUR hm
i Q)o)
t 11
j "jj" "j3
I 1
NOW! a
Aft ifJ
Oh! You Ladies! You cannot afford to
miss this event!
i Lots Tail and Bl.ick Hifi-Crade Oxfords-were $3.50
and $3.00,
4 Lots Men's Snappy High-Grade Patent and Gun Calf Ox- ton Mr nnfi on nr
fords; were $5, ?4.50 and $4. Now Only OOif J 3 il OJiZU
lid Black Hifih-drade Oxfords were $3.50 01 fiC n , , . r. . . ..........
Now Only 0li!)3 2 Men Patent and Cadet Calf Oxfords; were $4m ffi 5Q
Mostly 4 and 5 sizes.
2 Lots Ladies' Red Cross Patent Strap and Eyelet Pumps j "jr
were $4.00; to clean up. Now Only Oil Id
2 Lots Boy's Shoesbest on
earth. Now Only
1 Lot Men's Lace Shoes honest
values. Now Only
1 Lot Brown Oxfords were $3.50
Now Only
tNo nails to wear out your hosiery.
Now Only.
5 Lots Ladies' Red Cross and Julia Marlow Patent Pumps;
latest style; were $1.00. Now Only
1 Lot Ladies' Red Cross Dull Kid Pumps, ankle strap and two eye tie; were $4.00,
Now Only
2 Lots Ladies' Patent Oxfords; were $3.00,
Now Only
$1,65 and $1,95
Ladies' Patent Pumps; were $3.00,
Now Only
mjf' tei I
S2.95 and S9.7.1
1 Lot Men's Box Calf Bluchers; were 1 Lot Milwaukee Tan Grain Work Shoes;
$50, a 7p worlh $2.50,
Oli f u
Now Only
See our Mechanics and Farmers' Manure Proof Elk Hide Work Shoes.
These prices should pull you into our store like a magnet. Now Only .
Ladies' White Oxfords; were $1.50.
Now Only
Our SHOE VALUES are so APPRECIATED that PURCHASES are made of us after returning from visiting out-of-town stores!
tSTDuring our sale it will pay you more than ever to spend your "shoe dollars" JTLast week we truthfully told you that it was going to rain, so come and see the
here and at home, and assist in community welfare and prosperity. honest values in shoes we have been truthfully telling you of. '
u s
Services at the Methodist Notable For the Receiving of Forty New
Members, Thirty of Them Adults Rey. Zink Addresses the
Odd Fellows at the Christian J. W. Gamble Speaks to
Christian Endeavors at the Presbyterian.
of their dead friends and brothers
had been strewn with (lowers of
memory, and spoke feelingly of
the friendly lies existing between
brethren of the order, and said:
"In thus pulling our trust in this
friendly order wo are not deprived
of any conformity to religion, to
(lie laws of our country or the
luly we owe ourselves. Wo can
illy be Odd Fellows when we act
like honest, men. In our lodge wo
do not attach undue imnorlanoe
to outward appearance, for often
men are not what they seem
to be."
The morning service at
First Methodist church yesterday
was one which will bo memorable
in the history of the church and
one which brought an hour of un
usual pleasure and spiritual up
lift to both pastor and people. As
the, result of a quiet but faithful
effort of the pastor, llev. Austin, a
class of forty, thirty of whom were
adults, was received into the com
munion of the church.
The service was one of (ho most
impressive and devotional ever
held in the church. It was con
ducted by the pastor in a manner
completely exemplifying the
beautiful nnd sacred rites of the
ritual in the sacraments of
baptism, the reception into mem
bership and at last the admin
istration of the Lord's Supper.
The congregation whs large, con
sideling the inclement, weather,
and to this cause may be altribut
ed the absence of many members,
as well as about lift eon others of
the class for membership, who
were detained.
Such nn occasion as this speaks
much for the steady growth of the
church, both numerically and
spiritually, and is gratifying in
deed to the pastor, whoso faith
ful labors in the pulpit and per
sonal work llnd here their rich
1 no uiililrou s day exercises
drew a large congregation in t tic
evening, the auditorium and the
lecture room both being tilled to
their full sealing capacity. The
exercises were of great interest,
nnd to the commit too, composed of
Miss Halsor, Miss Edna Morrison
nnd Miss Violet Freeso, is Cue
much credit for their painstaking
training of tho children in
the I various songs, recitation and dia-i-..
i i
A collection was taken for a
fund which is used to educate de
serving young people who have
not the ready means to procure
I ul il ion and books with. Mrs. R.
H. Hayes made a short talk while
the envelopes were being passed,
tolling how great a benefit tho
fund is. Tho money being loaned
to individuals applying for it
without interest, to be returned to
(lie fund within two years after
the student can earn the money
Mrs. Hayes borrowed from the
fund while taking her college
course and appreciated tho ad
vantage very much. The col
lection plates were then passed by
members of the Sunday school
and the offering" taken.
Secretary Wescott, before the
exercises closed, took the oppor
tunity to invito any who were
present w ho were not members of
any other Sunday school to be
come a member of his school. The
average attendance for tho past
quarter was 227, but ho would
like to see this increased.
At the Presbyterian Church.
i.miuren s nay exercises were
held at tho regular hour of the
Sunday school and consisted of
music, drills, recitations and
songs by the younger members of
the school. A collection was
taken for tho benefit of the Sun
day school extension fund. At the
morning service Rev. r.ade
preached to a good-sized con
gregation, considering the threat
ening weather. The special music
consisted of an anthem by the
choir, the solo part being sung by
Miss Mathilda Vallery. At the
evening service the Y. P. S. C. K.
had charge of the service, and the
meeting was addressed by former
Superintendent of City Schools J.
V. Gamble. Mr. Gamble is an
entertaining speaker, and many of
his friends took advantage of the
Opportunity to hoar him again.
His subject for last evening was,
"Conservation of Health and Pre
vention of Loss by Fire," which
proved very interesting to all
present, and especially to tho fire
boys, who attended in a body.
At the Christian Church.
At the morning service Rev. A.
L. Zink preached a memorial ser
mon for the I. O. O. F., which
order attended the service in a
body, and before the service at the
church a committee of the lodge
wont to the cemetery and decor
ated with flowers the graves of
deceased brothers. The special
music consisted of anthems by the
choir and a solo by Miss Gertrude
Stennor. Rev. Zink delivered an
eloquent address, referring to the
visit of the members to the silent
their city of tho dead, where tho tombs
From Valyrang, Neb.
The Journal is in receipt of a
letter from Mrs. S. K. Carrigan,
of Valyrang, Neb., in which she
encloses $1.50 for another year's
subscription to the Semi-Weekly
Journal. She also states that she
is getting along nicely in her
present home and is in every way
enjoying life and tho best of
Louis Marquardt and Dietrich
Rooster of Avoca returned today
to continue Jury service in the
district court.
Engineer Gerber Makes Report to
State Railway Commission of
Investigations Made.
A special from Lincoln says
that tho narrowing of the Platte
river channel and subsequent con
fining of the river to a small area
of bed, involving considerable ex
pense, but which would be ex
tremely profitable to the people of
tho state, is tho subject of a re
port just made to the state railway
commission by one of its most
proficient engineers, C. H. (Berber.
Mr. Gerbor has made many in
vestigations along the old stream
and ho has spent a great deal of
time forecasting tho outcome of
the work should his advice in the
matter bo followed.
Among other things, the rail
way commission's expert believes
that a channel from CO to 800 feet
wide could lie made to contain all
tho water that now wanders aim
lessly over some 2,000 to 3,000
feet in river bed width. He be
lieves that the decreased cost aris
ing by reason of the shortened
bridges would alone pay for the
work and that part of the present
bed of the river would bo reclaim
ed to tho amount of several thou
sand acres of land from Fort
Laramie to the mouth of tho
stream. This narrowing and
straightening of tho river, ac
cording to Mr. (ierber, has boon
too long delayed and should be
taken up within the next few
years. Mr. Cicber's plan contemplates
merely tho placing of obstruction
in tho river bed in such places
that when tho river itself forms
sand bars il will have done a
great deal of tho work through its
own force. While engineers have
boon studying power problems on
the Platte in the past few months,
Mr. Archer has been ferreting out
ways of preventing floods and of
making tho river generally more
useful and less expensive to the
people of the state.
The Journal ofTloe cirnn all
kinds of typewriter supplle.
Mr. Pollock Returned Today.
T. II. Pollock returned from
Kansas City this morning via
Omaha, the good roads booster
car having roached'Omaha on the
return trip at, 1 o'clock this morn
ing. Mr. Pollock spoke very high
ly of the reception accorded the
good roads boosters, at every town
they made. The schedule was
found to be a-little slow and
longer time was used in some
towns than was expected when
the party left Omaha. At Atchi
son they were met some distance
out of the city by. members of the
Commercial club and were given
a hearty welcome. The parly was
taken to the Elks' club rooms,
where Mayor Walter and Gov
ernor Stubbs both made extended
At Kansas City, Kansas, and in
Kansas City, Missouri, the re
ception accorded the party was
very warm and everything was
done to welcome tho boosters. The
dailies in the city all devoted
quite an amount of space to tho
visitors ami encouraged uiem in
their good mission. The Kansas
City Post, took a picture of the
parly and their car and placed a
four-column cut, which distinctly
shows the features of each mem
ber of the Omaha parly, with Mr.
Pollock of Palttsmouth well in
tho foreground, designating Mr.
Pollock as tho builder of a $25,000
wagon bridge over the Platte
river, shortening tho route from
Omaha to Kansas City thirty-five
miles. The party was royally re
ceived and treated by the Com
mercial club of Kansas City. On
their return trip the party en
countered muddy roads from
Leavenworth to St. Joseph, hut
after that the road was good.
Stands Operation Well.
Judge Travis returned from
Omaha on No. 24, where he was
present while his son, Raymond,
was operated on for appendicitis
this morning. The young man
stood the operation well and was
doing nicely when tho Judge loft
him about, noon, but bo was not
yet free from the influence, of the
ether. Judge Travis returned to
hold court this afternoon and re
turned to Omaha on the M. P. at 5
A Decided Improvement.
Sam Smith h.ts been making
some changes in the old livery
barn headquarters of so many
years standing on the corner of
Sixth and Vine streets, in makng
preparations for the opening of
the Warga & Cecil garage, which
will be known as the Plattsmouth
Garage company. The new firm
are to take possession this week.
which necessitates rapid work for
i no needed repairs. A new con
crete floor. has been laid in the
front portion of the building.
nearly fifty feet square, which is
to no used as a working and re
pair room, also for the receiving
of machines left in their care. The
interior of this portion of the
building will be treated with a
coat of paint. A new door will be
cut in tho south side for a Vine
street entrance, and when com
pleted the old building will sure
present a decided change for the
Sunday Visitors In Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Domingo
and youngest daughter, from two
miles northeast of Weeping Wa
ter, came up Saturday after
noon from their home to spend
Sunday with their daughter, Mrs.
Ray Smith. The Journal is
pleased to acknowledge a pleasant
call from Mr. Domingo, who, in
company with his old neighbor of
nearly thirty years ago, George
Rhoden, our follow townsman,
paid us a brief visit in the after
noon. Jacob Domingo is one of
tho pioneer and most highly re
spected farmers of Cass county
and tho Journal is pleased to
number him among our firends
and readers.
Lawn Social at Mynard.
A social will bo given on ther
lawn of Robert Propst on Satur
day evening, June 15, for the)
benefit of the Mynard basebalf
club. Ice cream and cake will be
served, and everybody is invited
lo come and enjoy a nice, social
White Plymouth Rock Eggs.
White Plymouth Rocs egps Tor
sale at 53.00 per hundred. Mrs.
Geo. A. Kaffenberper, R. F. I). No.
2, Plattsmouth.