The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 20, 1912, Image 7

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    GR m 0 12 SPLENDID
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Nineteen Young Women and Fourteen Young Men Will Leave the
Plattsmouth High School Next Thursday to Enter Upon Their
Battle With the Hard, Unfeeling World-
The graduating exercises of the
High school and the preliminary
functions leading up to com
mencement day are of more than
ordinary interest this year. The
class is the largest in the history
of the school, and for the first
time in many years the young
men number almost as many as
the young women. The school
hoard, the High school faculty and
Superintendent Abbott are to be
congratulated on bringing to an
auspicous dose one of (he best
years in the history of the
Plattsmouth High school
The three important events
scheduled to transpire before the
class receives diplomats will be
the class sermon at the Method
ist church Sunday night at 8
o'clock, the class play at the
Parmele theater Tuesday night at
8 o'clock and the graduating ex
ercises at the Parmele Thursday
night at 8 o'clock. The class
sermon will be delivered by Rev.
W. L. Austin and the order of
service will be: Prayer by Rev.
A. L. Zink; a response by the
choir, followed by an anthem by
the choir, "Keep My Command
ments," by Parks; scripture
reading by Rev. L. V. Gade; solo,
"I Will Extol Thee," by Miss
Catherine Kennish Dovey; sermon
Golda May Noble.
Florence C. Runiinel.
Dorothy Livingston Brilt.
Lester B. Dalton.
Major A. Arrres.
John Elmer Hallslrom.
Dean B. Cummins.
Ralph R. Larson.
Opal M. Fitzgerald.
Rue If. Frans.
Giry H. Wiles.
Willa Nell Moore.
Mildred Stewart.
Anna Henrich.
Charles M. Gradoville.
Ad.dia B. While.
' ' Big Day fop Plattsmouth.
Last Saturday was one monster
day for the merchants of Platts
mouth, and demonstrated to a
dead moral certainly that the
farmers, and farmers' wives,
daughters and sons were up and
doing in the way of "Seeing
Plattsmouth Succeed." There
were more people in town Satur
day than has been hero for many
months, and they evidently came
to purchase supplies, for every
sort of business reports an im
mense trade in various lines.
Some merchants enjoyed a bet
ter trade than they have had for
a long time, and have cause to
HI is
first. Cracked seams
and ripped button
holes are avoided in
by graduated cut
out interlinings and
barred end button
holes. ClutU, Peabody ft Co., KUktrt
Arrow CuB c, a pair
C. E. Wescott's Sons
by Rev. Austin, subject, "Human
Powers a Divine Endowment,"
Matt. 25-27. The sermon will be
followed by an anthem.
On next Tuesday evening the
class will give two comedies, "The
Proposal Under Dillleulties," by
John Kendrick Hangs, and "The
Freshman," by Edwin Hateman
Morris. The plays have been
coached by Mrs. George E. Dovey
and Mr. Harry S. Austin, and with
the splendid material of which to
make actors, the plays will no
doubt excel anything in the line
ever presented to a Plaltsmoulh
On Thursday night the crown
ing event of the year will occur,
when a class of 33. four
teen young men and nineteen
young women, will receive their
certificates of scholarship at the
graduating exercises. A most in
teresting program will be pre
sented to the public on this oc
casion. The opening address will
be by Rue II. Frans, the valedic
tory by John Elmer llallstroin;
piano numbers will be given by
Misses Mollye Godwin and Dor
othy Britt, and a vocal number by
Miss Barbara Clement. The class
oration will be delivered by Dr. A.
J. Northrup of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Following is the list of names
of the class:
Buenita Porter.
Sophie C. Sierzkowski.
Mary Edna Shopp.
Sarah Mildred Cook.
Mildred Brown Johnson.
Alma C. Holly.
Kalhryn M. Foster,
Mollye Levina Godwin.
Everell. Alfred Ward.
Edwin Vance Todd.
Kalhryn Isabelle Speck.
A. Wayne Props!.
J. Conrad Schlaler.
Emma Elizabeth Campbc
Frank F. Hiher.
Elmer W. Frans.
Barbara Ellen Clement.
feel highly elated. II is a great
pleasure to .note the increase in
business in this city, and it is
also a greater pleasure lo note
that our farmers and merchants
dwell together in harmony on
matters of business. There is
no reason for not doing so, for
the farmers' interests and the
merchants' interests are in a
manner identical. The farmers
are also learning thai goods can
be purchased as cheap in Platts
mouth as any place on earth.
Such harmony among farmers and
merchants is what is doing the
greatest to "See Plattsmouth
where ordi
collars go
Prominent German Farmer Drops
Dead in Plattsmouth Sunday
Death came into our midst sud
denly yesterday and ruthlessly
struck down u highly respected
citizen in the person of George
Wagner, a German farmer, of
about 4G years of age, residing
ten miles west of Plattsmouth.
Mr. Wagner had driven in from
home with his wife, daughter and
son to attend SI, John's church.
His wife and daughter had gone
to the church ami entered, when
Mr. Wagner, telling his wife that
he felt too badly to go, returned to
his team and was in the act of
taking the team out and hitching
them in the shed south of the
Geise saloon when he was seized
with heart failure and died.
Mrs. Wagner, after being in
the church for some lime, became
uneasy about her husband, and
fearing something had happened
to him, left the church and went
to Hie team, where she found Mr.
Wagner, who had unhitched his
horses from the spring wagon
and led (hem into the shed, but
had been stricken before hitching
the team lo the post. The horses
were standing near their prostrate
Mrs. Wagner at once notified
Mr. Giese, and Dr. Cummins, who
was passing, was called. No mark
was found on Mr. Wagner's body,
but a slight bruise on one of his
hands, which might have been
placed there by the hoof of one of
the horses, but no other mark was
apparent. The doctor pronounced
the cause of death lo be heart
failure. The lifely form was car
ried into the rear of the Giese
saloon until an undertaker could
be summoned.
George Wagner was born in
Germany September 10, 18(i. He
came to (he United Stales when a
young man and worked some lime
in the east, lie was married lo
Miss Shire, and has been a resi
dent of Cass county for many
years. His wife and seven chil
dren survive to mourn his un
timely death. Mr. Wagner also
leaves one brother, Joseph, and
one sister, Mrs. Wolf, residing at
or near Cedar Creek. He was a
member of the Sons of Herman
and oftthe Modern Woodmen, as
well as a faithful member of SI.
John's Catholic church. He was a
good citizen and highly respected
by all who knew him.
The funeral will occur from St.
John's church Tuesday morning.
Falher Shine will conduct the
service. The pall-bearers will be
selected from the Sons of Herman,
and will be: Frank Blatzer, Mike
Price, Charles Wulrich, N.
Schwind, William Holly and Max
"See Plattsmouth Succeed."
The Plattsmouth association
held a well attended meeting on
Wednesday, at which Slate-Secretary
Fodrea was present. He
explained the Federation credit
rating and collecting system in
detail and it was decided to in
stall the complete system as soon
as possible.
The new president, E. A. Wurl,
was in the chair and he an
nounced that a vigorous campaign
would be made to double the
active membership and to secure
a large associate membership.
Co-operative bargain or market
days were also discussed and
Secretary Fodrea told of the suc
cessful work of other local as
sociations along this line and the
opinion expressed was (hat
Platlsinoulh should lake action
along this line at an early date.
The important matter of devising
ways and means to keep trade at
home was also given extended
consideration. Many other topics
of interest were discussed and
(he meeting was alive from start
to finish.
The Federation members at
Plattsmouth will certainly make
good on Ihe city's slogan, "Sc
Platlsinoulh Surf d." Trade
Automobile for Sale.
Five-passenger Velie Touring
Car, with full equipment and in
good condition. Just repainted
and thoroughly overhauled. Car
can be seen at Ihe Frank Gobel
man paint shop. Has been run
only about 0,000 miles, and will
be sold for $750.00. For further
particulars see H. A. Troop.
Posts and Wood for Sale.
A quantity of good bur oak
posls, and u large supply of good
block wood for sale. For further
particulars see Bower & Kino
men, one mile south nnd one and
one-half miles west, of Cnllom.
First Visit for 44 Years.
S. M. Mansfield, salesman for a
Chicago clothing house, visited
Plattsmouth today, this being the
first visit he has paid the city foi
U years, and he was interested in
the progress the city had made.
He found but one man, John Tutt,
of whom he had a faint recollec
tion. Mr. Mansfield formerly
lived at Bellevue, but was fre
quently in Plattsmouth.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Oliver Passes
Away at Home of Daughter,
Mrs. Fred Ramge.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Oliver died
last night at 8:30 at the ripe old
age of almost 83 years, passing
away at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Fred Hamge, in this city.
Mrs. Oliver had been a resident
of Plaltsmoulh for the past
Ihirty-lwo years and leaves sur
viving two sons and one daughter,
namely: Edward A. Oliver of
Hock Springs, Wyoming; William
A. of Murray, and Mrs. Alice
Hamge of I his city. One son,
Harry, died about twenty-four
years ago.
Elizabeth Ann Allen was born
in Lincolnshire, England, Sep
tember 22, 1 8 2 It , and would have
been 83 years of age her next
birthday. She grew to wonian-
I d in her native city, where she
was married to Edward Oliver,
and with her husband emigrated
lo London, Canada, in 1851), where
her husband died forty-two years
ago. Ten years later Mrs. Oliver
and her children came to the
United Stales, settling in Cass
county. For the past thirty years
she has made her home with her
daughter, Mrs. Fred Hamge, of
this city; a part of the time, how
ever, she resided with her sons.
Three weeks ago she went to (he
country lo visit her son, William
and family, where she remained
until last Friday, when, at her
request, Mr. Oliver brought his
mother lo I'latlsmotilli. She bad
been in her usual health anil was
very active for a woman of her
ige until Saturday, when she
complained of not feeling well.
Her physician was summoned and
the remedies given appeared lo
help her, but last night she grew
worse and death came very
quickly ,
Grandma Oliver was a faithful
member of Ihe Episcopal church,
having joined that church in her
early youth in her native country.
She was remarkable for her
energy, and insisted in assisting
in Ihe household duties wherever
she was. She was possessed of a
cheerful, kindly disposition, win
ning loyal friends wherever she
went. She was n loving parent
and an obliging neighbor, stand
ing very high in the esteem and
love of all who knew her.
Her son, Edward, of Hock
Springs was notified last night by
wire and will be here as soon as
possible. The funeral will occur
Wednesday at about 2 p. in. from
the residence of Fred Hamge on
North Tenth street.
Death of Former Citizen.
Mr. Charles Johnson of Louis
ville is in Ihe city making ar
rangements for Ihe funeral and
interment of C. A. Hagerstrom, a
former citizen of Plattsmouth,
who died at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Oran Coleson, in Ceresco,
Saunders county, Saturday, May
18. Mr. Johnson is unable to give
any particulars of Mr. Hagcr
sl coin's death. The remains will
arrive hece on Ihe f o'clock Bur
lington train this evening and
will be taken lo the undertaking
rooms of Slreight & Streight, to
remain until 11 o'clock tomorrow
morning, when the funeral will
take place from the Swedish
church and interment made in the
family lot in Oak Hill cemetery.
The deceased lived in Plalls
niouth for many years and work
ed in Ihe Burlington shops. He
removed from Platlsinoulh se
veral years ago, but was quite well
known to many of our people, lie
was considered an upright and
honocablc cil izen.
Young Hlghley Will Recover.
James Highley, sr., returned
from Omaha Saturday afternoon,
where he and Mrs. Highley had
been lo see their son at the hos
pital. Young Iligley informed his
father that the gas was not turn
ed on, but that he and the others
were sick from the rotten meal
which had been given them. Mr.
Iligley says bis son will recover,
as he is able lo be up most of the
Fred Miller of Omaha arrived
today and will visit his brother,
Rev. W. L Austin, Pastor of the Church Speaks on "Human
Powers a Divine Endowment" to the Graduating Class of the
Plattsmouth High School.
The Methodist church was
crowded with an interested con
gregation last night to listen to
the baccalaureate discourse de
livered by Hev. W. L. Austin. The
auditorium of the church was
tilled before the hour for the serv
ice to commence, and as soon as
the lecture room was thrown open
every seat was filled quickly and
chairs were brought in to accom
modate many. Space was left in
front of the pulpit for the
graduating class and instructors,
and after Ihe large choir had filed
in and taken their seats the class
of 1912, Plattsmouth High school,
preceded by Superintendent Ab
bott, came in from the church
parlors below and occupied the
space reserved for the class.
During Ihe entrance of the
choir and class Mr. E. H. Wescott
played a voluntary. The con
gregation joined with Ihe choir
in singing Ihe opening hymn.
Prayer was ottered by Hev. A. L.
Zink, pastor of the Christian
church, and a response, was sung
by Ihe choir. At Ihe request of
the pastor the audience remained
standing during I lie song, prayer
and response. The choir then
sang the anthem, "Keep My Com
mandments." The scripture les
son was then read bv Hev. L. W.
Galloways for Alaska.
Avoca today witnessed a ship
ment oT cattle that is out of Ihe
ordinary, when Slraub Urol hers,
Ihe noted breeders of pure-bred
Galloway eallle, consigned a lot
of cows lo Die government station
at Kodiak, Alaska. This shipment
was billed through to SI. Paul,
thence to Seattle, from there they
go on Ihe Pacific ocean to their
final destination, where they are
expected lo arrive some lime in
June. The superintendent of the
government station has looked
over the different herds in this
country before making the pur
chase. The essential points in
making this selection was con
stitution, scale, quality and milk,
in liMKi ihe government shipped
some cattle to Iheir station in
Alaska, and after six years' ex
periment have come to Ihe con
clusion lhat so far the Galloway
cattle are proving their ad
aptability to Hie climate and con
ditions, as they are great rustlers
in winter for feed and there are
no belter beef producers known in
any breed. The United Slates
government is developing the Gal
loways into a dual purpose animal
for the settlers of Alaska.
Negolalions are in progress be
tween representatives of Ihe
United Stales Department of
Agriculture and a number of lead
ing Galloway breeders for addi
tions lo the Galloway herd in the
Philippine islands. That, doubt
less is a surprise lo cattle men
generally, except perhaps breed
ers of Galloways. The mere mailer
of temperature seems, of little
consequence to this sturdy nnl
mal. His principal concern seems
to be the making of beef, and ho
is not even so very particular as
lo raw material.
The last thirty days this firm
has shipped lo three points in
Nebraska, one in Minnesota, one
in Colorado and a carload into
Kansas, and with this shipment
Special Homeseekers'
WAY 21, 1912
JUNE 12, 1912
JUNE 18, 1912
I will personally conduct the above special excursion to assist homeseekers
to locate and file upon
in the vicinity of towns named. Hero you can filo on free homestead lands
that are valuublo for mixed farming, dairying, poultry raining and stock rais
ing; the mont certain and afe method of farming. These lands are well cov
ered with the most nutritious grasses known and large quantities of coal,
building atone, posts and poles are nearby on government land and free to set
tlers. RATES: Very low homeseekers' rates on theso dates. Send right away
for our New, Free Government Lands Folder with large map, illustrations
Gade, pastor of the Presbyterian
church, followed by announce
ments, and an offering was taken.
A beautiful solo was then sung by
Miss Catherine Kennlsh Dovey en
tilled "I Will Exlol Thee," by
Hev. W. L. Austin, pastor of
the Methodist, church, .then de
livered a masterly discourse on
Ihe subject, "Human Powers a
Divine Endowment." The speaker
elaborated the idea that the
human intellect was not of more
importance than the body and
spirit of man, and that the three
natures, mental, physical and
spiritual, should be cultivated and
developed at. the same time, and
unless this was done a well round,
ed character and a man or woman
of full stature could not be the
result of training and education.
Hev. Austin argued that the body
was as sacred as the soul and
should be treated so, that every
allribule of man's being is sacred.
The large congregation listened
with Ihe closest attention
throughout the address, which
was particularly instructive and
interesting. The discourse was
followed by a splendid anthem by
the choir, the solo and duet parts
being taken by Mr. Don York and
Miss Zelma Tuey.
lo Alaska it makes one think there
is an increasing popularity of
Galloways. Headers of I lie Jour
nal will doubtless remember Ihe
champions of Ihe breed that are
raised here, and some also may
have a faint recollection that the
grand champion over all breeds
for the best beef animal at the
Nebraska stale fair was bred, fed
and exhibited by Slraub Brothers
of Avoca, Nebraska.
Oldest Odd Fellow In State.
A special from Greenwood, un
der date of May 18, says: Green
wood lodge No. .8, I. O. O. F., at
ils meeting Tuesday evening, ex
tended loving and fraternal greet
ings lo one of j(s members who
has aloinst reached Ihe century
mark. II. F. Swanback, the oldest
Odd Fellow in Nebraska, was pre
sented with an Odd Fellows' vet
eran jewel, as he has been a mem
ber of the order in this country
over Ihirly-eight .years. Mr.
Swanback is the falher of the
Greenwood lodge, the oldest mem
ber in the slate, and there are
probably few older 'members of
Ihe order living, as he is now' in
his ninety-ninth year. The pre
sentation was made by C. E., Cal
fee, noble grand, and was. re
sponded to by the venerable
brother, who gave I hem remin
iscences, advice and instructions
pertaining lo the order, thanking
them for Iheir loving token and
expressing in his heartiest man
ner his appreciation of their warm
words ami good wishes. The ex
ercises were concluded with a
Farmed Three Days.
Clyde Kaufmann, a Journal
carrier, went lo the country for
three days in succession last week
and assisted Elmer Taylor in
planting corn. Clyde got in each
evening in time If) deliver his
papers, although he had three
very busy days.
ana descriptive articles about these lands.
1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Immigration Agent.
Charles, for a few day?.