The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 02, 1912, Image 5

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    w 'fa
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This romance of Freckles and
the Angel of the Limberlost is
one of the most novel, entertain
ing, wholesome and fascinating
stories that have come from the
pen of an American author in
manv years. The characters in
this sylvan tale are-:
Freckles, a plucky waif who
Guards the Limberlost timber
leases and dreams of angels.
The Swamp Angel, in whom
Freckles' sweetest dream ma
McLean, a member of a lumber
company, who befriends Freckles.
Mrs. Duncan, who gives moth
er love and a home to Freckles.
Duncan, head teamster of Mc
Lean's timber gang.
The Bird Woman, who is col
lecting camera studies of birds
for a book.
Lord and Lady O'More, who
come from It eland in quest of a
lost relative.
The Man of Affairs, brusque
cf manner, but big of heart..
Wessner, a timber thief who
wan4 rascality made easy.
Black Jack, a villain to whom
thought of repentance comes too
late. .
HAVE been thinking." said
Freckles. "I believe If you
will leave one of the guards
on the line say Hall that I
will begin on the swamp at the north
nd and lay It off In section and try
to hunt out the marked trees. I sup
pose they are all marked something
like that flrst maple on (be line was
Wessner mentioned another stood one
not so far from that lie wild It wa
best of all. I'd be havlnjr the swelled
bead If I could And thut. Of course I
don't know n thing nlxiut the trees, but
I could hunt for the marks, .luck wns
so good at It he could tell some of
them by the mark, but all he wanted to
take that we've got on to so fur hiive
Just had a deep i bip cut out rather low
down and where the bushes were thick
over it. I believe I could be finding
some of them "
"(Jood head!" said McUan. "We will
do that. Vou may begin as soon as
you are rested. And about things you
came across In the swamp. Freckles
the most trifling little thing that you
think the Bird Woman would want,
take your wheel and go after her at
any time. I'll leave two men n the
line, so that you will have one on
either side, and you can come and go
as you please. Have you stopped to
think of all we owe her. my boy?"
"Yls; and the nngel we owe her a
lot, too, said Freckles'. "1 owe her mc
life and honor. It's lying awake nights
I'll have to be trying to think how
I'm ever to pay her up."
"Well, begin with the muff." sug
gested McLean. "That should be line."
Freckles t"ld Mcl.enn or Mrs. Dun
can's desire for a hut like the an
gel's. He hesitated a little In the tell
ing and kept sharp watch on Mc
Lean's face. When be saw ilie boss'
eyes were full of sympathy lie loved
him anew. for. ns ever, McLean was
quick to ii:i(!cis:!uh1. Instead of
laughing he sai.l: "I guess you'll Have
to let me In on that too. Vo,i mustn't
be selfish, you know. I'll tell you
what we'll do. Oi It for Christmas.
I'll be home (hen. and we can send n
box. You gel the hat. I'll add a dress
and wrap. You get Duncan u hut
and gloves. I'll send him a big over
coat, and we'll put In a lot of little
stuff for the babies."
"That would he away too serious
for fun." sold Freckles. "That would
be heavenly."
A week later everything at the Lim
berlost was precisely as It had been
before the tragedy, except the case
in Freckles' room now rested on tho
stump of the newly felled tree.
Enough of the vines were left to cover
it prettily, uud every vestige of the
havoc of a few days before was gone.
The new guards were patrolling the
trail. TrecVles was roujjuly "laying off
the swamp in sections and senrchlng
for marked trees. In that time be had
found one deeply chipped and the chip
cunningly replaced and tacked In. It
promised to be quite rare, so be was
ubllant. He also found so many sub
ects for the Bird Woman that her
coming was of almost dally occur
rence, and the hours he spent with
her and the angel were nothing less
than golden.
The Limberlost now was arrayed
like the queen of Sheba In all her
glorv. The first frosts of autumn had
bejeweled her crown In flashing topaz,
ruby and emerald. About her feet
trolled the purple of her garments, and
In her hand was her golden scepter.
Everything was at full tide. It seenv
ed as if nothing could grow lovelier.
and it wns all standing still a few
weeks, waiting coming destruction.
The swamp was palpitant with life.
Every pair of birds that bad flocked to
It In tho spring was now multiplied by
from two to ten. lhe young were
tame from Freckles trlparenthond
and so plump and sleek that they were
quite as beautiful as their elders, even
if In many cases they lacked their
brilliant plumage. There were chubby
little groundhogs scudding along the
trail. There were cunning baby coons
and onossums peeping from hollow
logs and trees. Young rauskrats fol
lowed their parents across the lagoons.
If you could come upon a family of
foxes that hod not yet disbanded and
see the young playing with n wild
duck's carcass that their mother hod
brought and note the pride and sat
isfaction in her eyes as she lay at one
side guarding them It would be a
picture not to be forgotten. Freckles
never tired of studying the devotion
of a fox mother to ber babies.
The angel was wild about the baby
rabbits and squirrels. Earlier In the
season, when the young were still
very small, it had so happened that
at times Freckles could give into her
hands one of these little ones. Then
It was pure Joy to stand back and
watch her heaving breast, flushed
cheek and shining eyes. Hers were
such lovely eyes. Tbey were forever
changing. Now sparkling and dark
ling with wit. now humid with sym
pathy, now burning with the flr of
courage, now taklnK on strength of
color with ambit lou. now flashing In;
dlgnootly t the abuse of uny creature.
She had carried several of the squirrel
and bunnv babies home and had the
conservatory HtfenMi with them Her
care of them was perfect.
Brown butterfly time had come. The
outer edge of the swale was tilled with
milkweed and other plants beloved f
them, and the air was golden with Hie
flashing satin wings of the monarch,
viceroy and argynnis. They outnum
bered those of any other color three
to one.
Among the birds it really seemed os
'f the little yellow fellows were In the
preponderance. At least they were
until the red winged blackbirds nnd
bobolinks that had nested on the up
land tame swaruilng by hundreds for
these last few weeks before migration.
Never was there a finer feast spread
for the birds. The grasses were tilled
with seeds; so. too. were weeds of
every variety. Fall berries were ripe.
Wild grapes nnd black haws were
They scorned to feel the new reign of
peace and fnfciess most of nil. As for
hunting, they didn't even have to hunt
for themselves these days, for the
bounty now being spread before Little
Chicken every day was more than he
could master, nnd he was glad to hove
his parents come down nnd feast with
He was n fine, overgrown fellow, and
his wings, vlth quills of Jetty block,
gleaming with bronze, were so strong
they almost lifted his body. The funny
little hops, springs and sldewtse
bounds he gave set Freckles and the
nngel. hidden out In the swamp watch
ing him. Into smothered chuckles of
Sometimes he fell to coquetting with
hlnself. and that was the funniest
till'!'.' of nil. for he turned bis bead up.
down, from side to side, and drew In
Ills chin with prlnky little Jerks and
(Ills. He would stretch his neck,
throw up his head, turn It to one side
and smirk actually smirk, the most
complacent and self satisfied smirk
that any one ever saw on the face of n
bird It was so comical that Freckles
nnd the nngel told the Bird Woman of
It one day.
When she finished her work on Little
they" "ha j io wanleQ To Try" Tor tbe
picture. At last Little Chicken lifted
his head, opened his beak and gaped
widely. He dozed a minute or two
i more. The nngel salu that was Lis
beauty sleep. Then he lazily gaped
again und stood up. stretching and
yawning. lie ambled leisurely dowu
toward the gateway, aud the angel
said. "Now. we may have a chance,
at last."
"I do hope so," shivered Freckles.
With one accord they rose to their
knees and trained their eyes on the
mouth of the log. The light was full
and strong. Little Chicken prospected
again with no results. He dressed his
plumage, polished his beak, and when
he felt fine and in full toilet he began
to flirt with himself. Freckles' eyes
snapped und his breath sucked be
tween his clenched teeth.
He's golug to do it." whispered the
Little Chicken nodded daintily and
ruffled his feathers. He gave his head
sundry little sldewtse Jerks and rap-
Idly shifted his point of vision. Once
there was the fleeting little ghost of a
"Now! No!" snapped the angel.
Freckles leaned toward the bird.
Tense as a steel trap he waited. Un
consciously the hand of the angel
clasped his. He scarcely knew It was
there. Suddenly Little Chicken sprang
straight up In the air and landed with
a thud. The nngel storted slightly,
but Freckles was Immovable. Then,
as if in approval of his last perform
ance, the overgrown baby wheeled un
til he was more than three-quarters,
almost full side, toward the camera,
straightened on his legs, squared his
Bhoulders, stretched his neck full
height, drew In his chin and smirked
his most pronounced smirk directly in
the face of the lens.
Freckles' fingers closed on the bulb
convulsively, and the angel's closed
on his nt the Instant, Then the angel
heaved a great sigh of relief nnd lift
ed her hands to push back the damp.
clustering hair from her face.
Hand In hand they ran for the
north ind of the swnmn. velllne. "We
got It!"
The Bird Woman plunged Into the
swale nt the mouth of Sleepy Snake
rrt'pk nnd came wading out with a
couple of cameras and dripping tri
Moved by an Impulse she never aft
erward regretted, she bent and laid
her Hps on Freckles' forehead. klsBlng
him gently nnd thanking him for his
many kindnesses to her in her loved
work. Freckles started off walking
on air. and ho felt Inclined to keep
watching behind to see if the trail
were not curling up and rolling down
the line after him.
Next day Freckles saw them com
inc. The nncel wns standing, waving
her hot. ne sprnng on his wheel and Stanton, Neb., who passed through
raced. Jolting and pounding, down tho this city several weeks since en
i h l - H
Owin to the late spring we find ourselves greatly overstocked on woven wire
fencing, and are making the following prices on stock on hand for SPOT CASH:
: 780 rods, 6 inch stay, 34 inches high, 9 bar, American fence, weight per 100 rods 1230 lbs, per rd 34 'Ac
Kokomo fence
American fence
y a it
21 u "
Ellwood Lawn fence
10 bar Kokomo fence
y it !
12 foot American dates, 50 inches high, each
14 foot American gates, 50 inches high, each $7 no
l 1001, . Dar lowa gate $7 00
14 foot, 2 bar Iowa gates, each '. 1 ! 1 '. $750
15 J foot 2 bar Iowa gate $7.75
14 foot, 1 bar Iowa gate, each !!!'.!'.!"!'.!!! $100
15 foot 1 bar Iowa gate $125
then, out tlin? Tilgtit TTe wo'iT.S "return!
to It. When they had gone a little dis
tance they both looked back, und the
morning breeze set the bit of blue
waving them a farewell.
She reached him her hand, and, like
two children, they broke Into n run as
they came nrer the gang. They left
the swamp by the west road and fol
lowed the trail until they found the
men. To the angel it seemed complete
In the shadiest spot on the west side
of the line, close to the swamp und
very close to Freckles' room, they were
cutting down bushes and clearing out
space for a tent for tho men's sleeping
quarters, another for a dining ball aud
a board shack for the cook. The team
sters were unloading, the horses were
cropping leaves from the bushes, and
each man was doing his part toward
the construction of tho new Limber
lost quarters.
(To Be Continued.)
Returns From Excelsior Springs.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Sprieck of
Chicken she left them the camera nil
ready for use, telling them they might
bide back in the bushes and watch.
If Llttlo Chicken came out and truly I
smirked and they could squeeze tlx
bulb at Just the proper moment to
snap him she would be more than de
Freckles ond the angel quietly curl
ed down beside a log and with eager
eyes and softest breathing patiently
waited. They were becoming anxious,
for the tight would soon be gone and
corduroy to meet thera. The Bird
Womau stopped the horse, and the an
gel gave blm the bit of print paper.
Freckles leaned the wheel against a
tree nnd took the proof with eager
fingers. He bad never before seen a
study from any of his chickens He
stood staring. When he lifted his
face to them It was transfigured with
"You see!" he eidalmed. and fell to
gazing again. "On. me little chicken!"
he cried. "Oh. me llegnnt little chick
en! I'd Ik giving all me money in the
bank for you!"
Then lie thought of the angel's mnff
and Mrs. Duncan's but and added:
"Or at least all but what I'm needing
bad for something else. Would you
mind my stopping nt the cabin a mln
Ute nnd showing this to Mother Dun
cnnV" he nsked.
Freckles went hurrying on ahead,
and they drove up in time to see Mrs.
Duncan gazing us if awestruck and to
hear her lewlldered "Weel. I be draw
ed on!"
Freckles and the angel helped the
Bird Woman to establish herself for a
long stay at the mouth of Sleepy
Snake creek. Then she sent them
away and waited what luck wo!d
bring to her
"Looks as If some one had been cut
ting a flagpole." sold the angel, run
nine the toe of her shoe around a
small stump, evidently cut that sea
son. "Freckles, what would anybody
cut a tree as small ns that for?'
"I don't know," said Freckles.
"Well, but I want to know!" sold
the angel. Nobody came away Id
here and cut it Just for fun. They've
taken it away. Let's go back and see
If we can see It anywhere around
She retraced ber steps and begaD
searching eagerly. Freckles did the
"There It Is." he exclaimed at last.
"leaning Just as naturally against the
trunk of that big maple."
"Yes. and leaning there has killed a
patch of bark." said the angel. "See
how dried up it looks."
Freckles stared at her.
"Angel." he shouted. "I bet you It's
a marked tree!"
"Course it Is!" cried the angel. "It
is one of .lack's mnrked trees."
The cleor. ringing echo of strongly
swung axes came crushing through the
,"'Tls the gang." shouted Freckles.
'They're clearing a place to make the
camp. Let's go help!"
"Get out your hatchet," commanded
the angel. "I predict this Is the most
valuable tree In the swamp. You
found It. I'm going to play that you're
my knight. Now. you nail my colors
on it"
She untied a blue bow In her hair
and doubled It against the tree. The
angel had called him ber knight! How
he loved her! She must not see his
faco or surely her quick eyes would
read what be was fighting to hide. He
route for Excelsior Springs, Mis
souri, returned from that place
last evening and were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. John McNurlin
over night. Mr. and Mrs. Spriock
are high in their praise of the
medicinal propensities of the wa
ter at Excelsior Springs and feel
greatly benefited by their several
weeks' stay there. Mr. and Mrs.
Sprieck will go from here today
to Cnllom to visit their daughter,
rs. Henry Keil, thence to Louis
ville to visit another daughter,
Mrs. H. M. Seyhert. They wilhalso
visit their son, Otto Sprieck, near
Louisville, and Monday morning
will start for their home at Stan
ton, wtnie m rialtsmoutii our
old friend gave us a pleasant call
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough!
Bears the
Signature of
(Special Correspondent.)
Small grain never gave a more
promising prospect for a bumper
crop than at the present time.
"April showers bring May
flowers." If this adage is true
we will have an abundance of
Mrs. Irons, niece of Lewis
Crahtree, has gone to Platts
moulh, where she has accepted a
position as waitress in the Riley
lintel dining room.
Frank Calkin of Rrookflekl,
Missouri, visited at tho home of
II. L. Propst for a few days this
week. Mr. Calkin is a half
brother of Mrs. Propst.
Mrs. McSweeny, Omaha, visited
her daughter, who teaches school
in District No. 3. This is Mrs. Mc-
Sweeny's first visit to this part . f
the state, aud she recommends it
very highly.
Uncle Jap, our congenial mail
man, has moved 'his entire pos
session from Mynard to Platts
mouth, and by the appearance of
things will engage in raising
male rhickens of the yellow
Corn has reached such a high
price farmers cannot stand to
hold it any longer and con
sequently they are rutting loose
and the elevators are crowded to
their full capacity, with fifteen
cars on track awaiting shipment.
Albert W'etencamp's boys are
sporting a brand new buggy of
the Anchor Manufactuirng com
pany, and it is an assured fact
I hey have anchored themselves
in something that will do them
good, as well as having an up-to-date
Everybody intends to go to the
show next Saturday, even if they
have to pawn some article or other
in order to get the price. It has
been rumored I hat some parties
are going to camp during the en
lire slay in order to take in the
en! ire works.
Herman Grecdor,
Graduate Vetincary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska Stafa
Calls Answered Promptly
Phone 378 White, Flattsmouth
Mike Hys visited with his fam
ily over Sunday. Mike is well
known in Cass county, having;
worked at the trade of black
smithing in Cass county for about
twenty years. Ho is at the present
time working in the shop of R.
L. Propst. ,,. . , , ,, iijv
1 ' "7-;
O. P. Newbranch returned from
Omaha on the morning train to
day, where he looked after busi
ness matters for a time and also
visited relatives.
D. O. Dwyer was an Omaha,
passenger on the fast mail this,
afternoon, where he was called on
professional business.
Do You want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
. Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Nob.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray State Bank.
Rates Reasonable
did not dare lay his lips on that rlblon
$900 for this elegant 30-horsc power car. A
$1,200 for the same, only larger and 35 horse power. Q
$1,500 for the 45-horsc power, still larger. O
The above models arc made in two-passenger, four-passenger and
five-passenger cars just to suit size of family. N
tTPhone or write us if interested. Cars in stock here for immediate delivery. V
Onion Overland Company,
2 Agents Eastern Cass County, Union, Nebraska
1 a