Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Alwny Ikmi'ht, nnd which has bcci. In use for over 30 years, itas borno the t-i;;nat::re uf nnd ha !een mado under his pcr jC477y. "onal nupervLsion slnco Its lufanty. -utr7X J-UiCJUM Allow MO OBe deeelve you in tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Jut-o-goo',, uro lut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience ay.uin.wt Experiment. What is CASTORIA CoHtoria In a harmless pobstltut-e or Cantor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It la 1'Leasant. It contains neither Opium, .Morphine nor other Jiarcotlo substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays reverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind CTllc. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho rLoma li and 1 towels, giving: healthy and natural lee;. The Children's Panacea- The 51 other's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 5 Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TMl CENTAUfl COMPANY, Tf MUHRAV STflCCT. NCM YOPIK CITY. j. ELMWOOD. J. 4 Leader-Echo. j A baby liny was born to Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Orhlerking yesterday morning. Ii. F. Langhorsl is building a porch and ol herwise improving his residence properly. Oliver llogcurirf lias moved back from Oklahoma with his family and they are now residents of Klmwood. J. M. McOrew relumed Monday from a sojourn in Missouri. We underhand he purchased a small tract of land down there and hired a man Id plant it in strawberries. Editor Merger of the Fa nut m (Neb.) Kclio was visiting his father, (i. L. Merger, for a few days the fore part of I he w eek. While here Mr. Merger was a very pleasant culler at this oHlce. Dr. nnd Mrs. Lislon and Miss Ada Lislon were Lincoln pas sengers Wednesday evening, Miss Ada undergoing an operation at Ihc SI, Mlizalirlli hospital Thurs day morning. , Mrs, F. W. Robb and little babe, who have been visiting with Grandpa nnd (irandnia Tyson, leave today to join Mr. Ilobb at their new home near Hillings,! Mont. They will be accompanied I liy Miss Aussie Robb. Mr. and Mis. William ('ass of Lyons, Neb., mine Tuesday for a visit with the, former's friend, A. E. Lake, of nenr Munlock. The two gentlemen had not met since Mr. Lake taught school at Lyons, some thirty odd years ngo. Mrs. Harry Williams is suffer ing from bruises received by fall ing down cellar, the accident hap pening at her home Thursday evening of last week. She was for a lime in a precarious condition, but present indications point to an enrly recovery. Louis Dunkak drove in Wed nesday with his large louring car from his farm live miles south of town. The two rear tires of Mr. Dunknk's car were badly damaged by the ruts in the roads. Thev ORE TRAVEL HINTS! TKE BIG HORN MOUNTAINS: The hotels and ranches around Sheridan in these beautiful pine clad mountains are attracting a large Summer pat ronage. It will pay you to inquire about them. TKE BLACK HILLS: Hot Springs", South Dakota, is one of the finest health restoring regions in the West. It is deautifully located in the Southern Black Hills. TKERMOPOLIS HOT SPRINGS, WYOMING: I the Owl Creek Mountains, 18 million gallons of hot water, 130 degrees, flow daily. Famous through) out the West for its wonderful cures of rheumatism. EASTERN VACATION TOURS: Attractive special rate tours will be announc ed and leaflets containing details will be mailed to ticket agents. It will be to your advantnge to consult agent, that he may tell you about these rates to various Eastern localities. Consult with us as to special ratos available to these resorts. 1 :lllll!)lllll 1 ! f 1 1 1 1 1 : L. W. WAKELY, i f "--w I were new I ires and being used for the first lime. Similar experiences to Ibis have been reported by aulo drivers. There is no argument in favor of liad roads. The Danger After Grip lies often in a run-down system. Weakness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an nllack of this wretched disease. The greatest need I hen is Electric Hilers, the glorious Ionic, blood purifier and regulator of stomach, liver and kidneys. Thousands have proved thai I hey wonderfully strengthen I he nerves, build up the system and restore to health and good spirits after an attack of grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50, cents. Sold nnd perfect salisfac-i lion U Mil I'll II I iml hi' I.' l li'fwilrn I ' p UWi HIM' 1 (T I. ... I I IW k Co. IlIM IWW JJ,,J,I' LOUISVILLE. I Courier. .M-M MM-I HHI WH4 Miss lloham visited wilh her parents at Greenwood last Sun day. Miss llayden visited with her parents at University Place over Sunday. Miss Hannah Ingrini is visiting in Stanton with her sister, Mrs. Henry Inheldel'. G. A. May-Held of Slnnton visited wilh relatives here Mon day, returning to his home Tues day morning. A Courier representative visilcd the Mauley school recently and was greatly impressed wilh the good discipline among the pupils. Their teachers deserve the credit. Mrs. F. A. Secord of Omaha was here the first of the week I for a visit with the editor and her parents, Mr. !. W. Maylleld. She was accompanied by her brother, George A. Mayficld of Slnnton, , Nebraska. I W. F. Krecklow went to Lin- coin Thursday evening to be present nl nn operation to lie per formed on his son, Will. The R. W. CLEMENT, Agent. Generil Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. r i c young man has been suffering for some time from a growth on one side of his face and concluded to hae it operated upon. The Mauley pool hall, formerly owned by W. J. Han and Cha. Oerlarh, has been purchased by Ed Kelly, known as a most genial fellow in Cass county for many years. William Honer, the form er manager, remains at the hall this week, after which Mr. Kelly will manage the business in per son. The Degree of Honor organized a surprise party for Mrs. L. K. Lee at her home Wednesday aft ernoon, the occasion being in the way of a farewell to the Lee fam ilv, who are removing to Central City, .Neb. A delightful social afternoon was enjoyed by all who were present. Almost a Miracle. One of the most startling changes ever seen in any man, ac cording to W. H. Holsclaw, Clar endon, Tex., was effected years ago in his brother. "He had such a dreadful cough," he writes, "that all our family thought he was going into consumption, but he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, and was completely cured by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 218 l'uii'ii)i 111111,7 Ul O UUi family has. used this wonderful! pounds. ror many years our remedy for Coughs and Colds with excellent results." It's quick, T.I 1 safe, reliable and guaranteed. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke & Co. hH HIW H-M-H-K' I-K $ EAGLE. J Beacon. j John Hoot was a Lincoln busi ness, visitor Wednesday, going ou the noon train. Hussell J. Mick was a business visilor in Lincoln Tuesday, go ing via I he aulo route. Dr. L C. Munger and W. I'. Young made a business trip to Elmwood last Friday. A. It. McDonald of Hockey Ford, ('.(dorado, arrived Wednesday morning to make a few days' visit wilh his uncle, A. L. McDonald. Miss Mayme McAllisler, who is employed in Langhorst's slore at Elmwood, made a short visit with home folks Friday evening. Miss Lottie Henner returned Saturday evening from Julian, where she had spent two weeks visiling with her sister, Mrs. Her man Swan son. James A. Talkinglon came in from Surprise Tuesday afternoon to alleml to some business mat ters and look afler some properly he owns here. Mr. and Mjs. F.inil Oherle are the proud parents of a new son which arrived at their home Tues- day morning, the young man weighing eleven and one-half pounds. We are informed that our friend, Pete, feels so good over the event that he goes around saying "dad-dad" all the time. We hope the young man may grow to be as good a fellow as his father. On Sunday, March 30, the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Darge of near Lincoln was the scene of a quiet but very pretty wedding, when their daughter, Miss Nora, was united in marriage with Will Kelelhul of Eagle, Hev. Morey of Cheney performing the ceremony in the presence of a few relatives nnd friends. The happy. young couple returned to Eagle and nre mtw nt home on a farm fur miles southwest of town. It Looks Like a Crime to separate a boy from a box of Hucklen's Arnica Salve. His nininles. boils, scratches, knocks. sprains nnd bruises demand it, nnd ils quick relief for burns, scnhls, or cuts is his right. Keep it hnndy for hoys, nlso girls. I Ileitis everything henlable nnd jdoes it quick. Unequnled for I piles. Only 25 cents nt F, G. Fricke & Co. -a Ja a ! WEEPINQ WATER. ! J Republican. J H-I-M -H-I-M H-M-M Ml George Close was out Monday on the streets. He has been con lined to his room for the pas winter. Hobeif MeCleery has invested in a new cement mixing machine II is a neat looking outfit wilh ( gasoline engine to provide tin power. Mrs. P. S. Karnes went to Oma ha last Thursday, and from there accompanied Mrs. H. J. peck to Johnstown, where they will re main on their land. I here is going to lie sonu changing in the academy leaching force this coming school venr Principal J. F. Hall. Victor Craig and Miss Anna Carlson havi all resigned. K. II. Dahlen and, family isit I'd from Saturday until Mondav with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green. Mrs. Dahlen is Mr. Green's sis ter. The guests came in from Oklahoma City, having spent the winter in Florida, and returned to their home in Kansas. Mrs. Inez Hammer returned home Monday from Falls City, where she has been attending her sister, Mrs. Morton. The latter was seriously injured falling down stairs, and has been having a very h.?rd time, but is improv ing slowly. Miss Amy Tucker arrived home yesterday from the University of Kansas to spend the Easter vaca tion with her parents at 228 North Topeka avenue. Miss Mary Hungate of Weeping Water, who is also a student at the university, came home with Miss Tucker. Superintendent I. N'. Clark notified the secretary of the school board last Monday that be had accepted as superintendent of the Pawnee City schools. He re ceives quite a raise in salary and the second year an additional raise. This leaves the position of superintendent here to be filled. UNION. 4 Ledger. Will Revnolds came down from Omaha () snend Sunday with hi " ' parents Abe L. Decker took a shipment of hogs to (he South Omaha mar ket Tuesday afternoon. James Frans returned Saturday from Sf. Joseph, where he went to see his mother, who has been very seriously ill. Frank Smith of Plattsmouth was spending Easter Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Claudius Everett, a few miles northeast of town. 11. L. Hansen, one of the pros perous farmers southwest of town, took a shipment of cattle to the South Omaha market Wed nesday. James Morgan and wife arrived from Winnebago, Neb., and made a visit with Matt MrOuin and wife, departing last Friday to visit their relatives in Denver. Mrs. Myron Lynde arrived home last Friday night from Hushville, Neb., where she had been visiting for some time with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Fariburghouse. John Chlidester arrived home on Tuesday night from his Irip to Montana, where he went with Al Sliles and Ed Everett to help get them settled in their new homes. Hay Frans dug into a bunch of bananas yesterday morning and what he found gave him a very cold chill, a live taanlula being lucked away in the hunch. Hay axed the "big spider" into a glass jar, nnd now he is not a bit afraid of it when the lid is on L. H. Union and Simon Gruber w- ent to Omaha last Saturday and . . , . , joined an excursion party that i on nn- i.uiiii- lOUSl. me made their schedule to take in all it nil) the points of interest along the route, and to spend a few days ooking over the California soil. taking two weeks for their little outing. Miles Chilcott nnd Oregon )ouge loaded their cars Tuesday o shin to Ilovd countv. Mr. Chil cott recently purchased a farm ml loinmtr Hie (own of Ilnlln nnil J rt ' - - " ' v .Mr. Douge owns a farm a few miles from Spencer These two eentlemen and their estimable wives are long-time residents of in is pari oi ine county, and nign y respected citizens whom we re gret to lose. Many Witnesses to Come. The Kurlington hearing on the physical valuation of its property in this stale will begin in the olllces of the state railway com mission tomorrow. Much of the lelail proceding of the hearing will be eliminated, particularly that part over which there is lit- or no dilTerence as to the con clusions arrived at the state's en gineers and by the company's en gineers. According lo E. K. Reed, right-of-way expert with the state railway commission, in the neigh borhood of 800 witnesses nre to be heard on tin' railroad's side pro testing auainst the land valua tions which have been given the Kurlinglon's property in the slate. The hearing, it is expected, will consume several days and an un usually large amount of testi mony will be taken by both the company and the slate. Lincoln Journal. Puts End to Bad Habit. Things never look bright to one with "the blues." Ten to one the trouble is a sluggish liver, filling the system wilh bilious poison, that Pr. King's New Life Pills would expel. Try them. Let tho joy of better feelings end "the Idues." Hrst for stoniaeh, liver and kidneys. 25c at F. 0. Fricke Co. Your for uni formity. Your for great est leavening power. Your for never failing results. Your for purity. Your for economy. Your for every thing that goes to make ud a strictlv high grade, ever dependable bakintr powder. That isCalumet. Trv it once and note the im provement in your bak ing. See how much mora economical over the high priced trust brands, how much better than the cheap and big-can kinds. Calumet is highest in quality moderate in cost. Received Highest Award World' Pure Food Exposition. Lost a Section of Land. J. If. Kesigue, the well known farmer living near Harney, has been robebd of one of the best farms that was ever in Otoe county, and Hie Missouri river is the one that got it. Mose Henry was called to Mr. Hesigue's lo as. sist in saving I he stables and corn cribs, ami he will commence work as soon as possible. Mr. Henry says that twenty-five years ago he was called by Mr. Resigue to move his house, which he did, and that lime there was a full section of land between where he placed the house and the river. Now all that land is gone. The last, time Mr. Resigue was compelled to move he went lo the south line of his land. The old orchard has gone, and the new one is fast following. Mr. Resigue will place his build uis on some oi uie uujaceiu lami, aml h(.n ,()ok fo,. a nPW farm () ings on some of the adjacent land ,.,. Ima.. V,.l.nn cl o Pit,. V..., Why He Was Late. "What made you so late?" "I met Smithson." "Well, that is no reason why you should be an hour late get- II in nr home In snnner " I know, but I asked him how - "-ft . , ... , ... ... ... - lie was leeiing, uuu ne nisisieu on n lellinnr me about his stomach telling me about his stomach ' 11UUUII Did vou tell him to take Cham- berlain's Tablets?" "Sure, that is what he needs.' Sold hv F. G. Fricke & Co. M. P. Pays Judgment. The Missouri Pacific Railway company paid the judgment into court tnis morning in ine case or Y. R. Sperry against the com pany, a suit for damages result ins; to nlaintiff from a fall from defendant's train at Mynard last fall, when the plaintiff was at lenmtintr to aliKht. The case was tried at the present term of court, resulting in a judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of $100. Al though plaintiff sued for much more, the amount will lie accept ed and the matter dropped. "My little son had a very severe, cold. I was recommended to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and before a small bottle was finished he was as well as ever," writes Mrs. H. Silks, 29 Dowling Street, Sydney, Australia. For sale by Sydney, Australia. This remedy is for sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co. Arrested for Plain Drunk. From Mondny's Dally. L. H. Stillwell. who was ejected from the court house last even ing for disturbing the meeting, was today arrested by Chief Rainey and arraigned before Judge Archer as a plain drunk, and by the court was assessed a (lee of $5 and costs. The sen tence was suspended long enough to allow the man to leave town. He departed for the south, riding on an M. P. tie pass. LEUAL NOTICE, la the District i mrnri ( c.m Coaaty, Nrfcraska. Millie D. Montgomery. Plaintiff, va. Jams F. Archer, Defendant. James F. Aroliri, ,W..mant. will take notice that on the 9th day of March. A 1J. 1812. Millie D. Montgomery, plaintiff herein, filed her petition In the Die trlct Court of Cass County Nebraska against said defendant, "James F Archer, the object and prayer of said petition are. to quiet the title, In the Pla ntiff Millie I). Montgomery In anJ to wit- lowln,f -Jestrl bed real estate, 'Commencing at the southest corner of the northwest nu.rtur r ,ul ;"..vrr eM ' ua.r,er of Section twenty, Town" n.V,.. V. '""P" ourieen t;. in Cass County Nebraska; thence north ten rods; thence west to the west line of said uuarter fi .,,.., k - j . Z' the southwest corner of the said north- Mxanci oi me southeast quarter' thence east to the place of beginning null an,i void ind at n "BC,.a.r; eneet a certain deed of conveyance of sa d i-eiil etia f.n ai., !ey. .nce or "in nun vraoirea to James F. Archer. ,v.iv, .. I- corded In th ,i.i .I"' rB- --. j--- -..., uuu 111 ueciare null and Ji!" "adverse po87e'ls,seo8n,at0 Vast KV"" eLorOT t"l ten year. relief. 1 y Ior equitable i,X0i! are "quired to answer said peti tion on or hofnio n, ..! j... .'""" A. ii. 1912. " "ay ot Aprlr Millie r. Montgomery. Plaintiff. C. A. Ranis. Attorney for Plaintiff. 3-H-wkly-4-wks n ,,, HDEK OF SAI.K. bv A T WooL8.".0"?1" of sa,e l8ii"ed CaSH Coun Nehraou1 Joseph M. Itohert., aalnHt C Kaspar for the sum of 1275 00 and cost, in an action In ald -Court pen d in. where n J.i.i. iu i,i..': ' Plaintiff and JameH V. Kks V ' d SiSfflU- p?otrV;f ;,n? ia "V"1" "r rye Hour, S b. each. 19 mirks nf ,m.l.' .i " 17 sncki nf each --.-. "uro iiuur, aa ids. '10 SllCkn Of Vuliau-lf. tl.... nn each. 00 PdPj, " ""i iiuur, iog. 3 sacks of IIPlKei-a dour, 9S lbs. ench. )ne Chopple gasoline engine Seven piles of wood. To satisfy an l1 nwin.. r.r u. amount due thereon being, in tlii nc-Kn-Kate, $275.00 nn.l $15.65 coauf and ML i.i U Illf CUMS. . . , C. P. QITINTON Mierlff of Casss County, Nebraska 1-9-10 dayg. NOTIOF. JaniPH V k'nunn. u'lll . . nin tunc induce 'at10?? thl 2"U" (!y ,)f February. A. I). 1912. tho Countv r'r...t r ri County, Nebraska, In Its Justice Jurisdiction, Issued an order of at tachment for tha sum nf it..j i Six o"'1 i.92100 """a"". In nn action i.i u, lu,e court wherein the I lattsmoutli State Bank, a corporation, Is plaintiff, and James V. Kaspar is de- renunnt. flint nrni.ui.ti. uA ,i-i ant, consisting of one Chople gasoline "j""i inuH or woou, jo sncks of rye flour 9S lbs. each; 19 sacks Sun klst Hour, 9S lbs. each; 17 sacks Forest Hose (lour, 98 lbs. each; 30 sacks Ne- .,av'k,a.."0,"' n lbs- each: "neks GolcT Medal (lour. 9S lbs. each; 3 sacks Helser Hour. 98 lbs. ench In. .-... .i-i..i. under said order. Said cause wn con. VoTned ,t0th.e,lsth ,lay ot April. A. D. l'LATTSMOPTH STATE BANK. 3-4-3wics. XOTlf'K OK AI'PI.K I'IKIV i.i. 1.1(11 OU I.K KNSi;, NOtlce IS llPI'l.V' D-tl'un rt nil Interested nnd to the public, that the ... 1 "lour, has liled his petition nnd application with the vil la ire I'llM'lf nf Mis .,lll..., County of Cass, nnd State of Nebraska! en uiren ny law, signed bv tho re-"tili-ed number of vesldent freeholders or the said vllluge. settlnir forth that the nonllcnnl lu n m i.i -'- i r.jin ill 111 tj character and standing and a resident or tne Mate of Nebraska, nnd pravlng thnt a llrense mav lie issued to' the said (Jus F. Mohr for the sale of malt, spirituous nnd vinous liquors for the- iiiiiiiii iiiiti year enning mav '!. 1913 at bis plnce of business, situated on the west two-thirds of lot live (5), In block tllll'tPm (1.1 1 In unl.l l-lllnn-., nt 4 Nehrnskn. Arn ii. i',,S: R Mo"r' Api"ipnnt- 1SOTICK OF AITI.IC ATIOX Fon 1. 1111 OH l,l(KSK. In the Matter of the Application of Henry H. Wledemnn for Uiiuor License. This Is to certify that Henrv H.. W ledemnn of the Village of Greenwood. Cass County. Nebraska, filed a petition in the oflice of the Village Clerk on April 10th. 1912. as required by the i-mimi- i ine .-i3ie or ienrasKa and ine nruinanrex nr IMP V 1 ae-ft nf nrAn. wo'l. to sell malt, spirituous ami vinous me oruinances or ine village of Ureen- liquors for the comlnir municipal vear m n iiuiiillnK sltunteil on lot No "77 Kn''LYmne- I-:"- f AFT. ear- In (Seal) Village Clerk. XOTICK OF M'PI.ICATIOX FOB I.K1I OH l,l( KSK Notice is herehv given thnt William Oelschlager has filed his petition as re quired by the statute of the State of Nebraska with the Village Clerk of Ragle. Nebraska, requesting a license to sell innlt. uplrltuous and vinous liquors for the munlclpnl vear. In the building situated on Lot (6) six. Block M9 nineteen. In the Village of Kagle, Cass Countv. Nebraska. WILMAM F. OIXSCHLAOETC. Applicant. The Board of Control. A gentleman living in a slate where a constiltuioual amendment has been adopted and which has placed all public institutions un-der-a board of control and taken them out of politics, says: "I notice that the Nebraska voters have an opportunity to take out of the hands of the politicians and grafters all public institutions ami place them in the hands of a board of control. This law has worked wonders in all of the states thai have adopted it and that I have visited and examined ils workings, ft places good men in eliartre .nut Ihov remain in I charge just so long as they make good and improve the condition of things. The institutions are operated at much less cost I ban under the political control, be sides the inmates or others get heller treatment and all are on their best behavior." You will look a good while be fore you find n belter medicine for coughs and colds Ihan Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. II not only gives relief it cures. Try it when you have a cough or cold, and you are certain to he pleased with the prompt cure which it will effect. For sale by F. n. Fricke & Co. t " ' ' l!.