The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 18, 1912, Image 6

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1 lfuny of the readers of the Journal know of a :iul ertnt or an item of interest in tUis vicinity and will mail same to this oice it wtll appear under this luiadin
'Ve irant all item of inttrtnt. Editor Jour ial
'.'4 ViJ
Murray Bepanmen
i im iii i tm
Murray State Bank
Capital $10,000
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
Wc Solicit Your Banking
fc"Our Deposits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Interest Paid on
3 C
Charles II. Boedeker was in
South Omaha Tuesday.
Lee Nickels made a business
trip to Union Tuesday.
Joe Campbell and Hob Fitch
were delivering corn Tuesday.
Philip Kiel was delivering corn
lo the Murray elevator Friday.
Mrs. Julius Asehe was calling
on Platlsmouth friends Saturday.
James Willard is reported as
having a serious case of smallpox.
II. H. Nickels ami family spent
Sunday with A. F. Nickels and
Raymond Creamer is consider
ably crippled up with rheuma
Robert Nickels and daughter,
Bertha, were Platlsmouth visitors
Mrs. E. R. Queen entertained
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rhoden Sun
day at dinner.
V. R. (iood and wife were
transacting business in Platls
mouth Monday,
John Fitch and wife of Ne
hawka npnt Sunday with E. R.
Queen and family.
Mrs. Cat Suavely and Mrs. Lee
Farris wvih guests of Mrs. Steve
Cnpenhaver Tuesday.
The Kenosha school was closed
Wednesday, owing lo a case of
smallpox in the vicinity.
Wayne Lewis lias purchased a
swell new buggy. Look out for
further announcements.
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Osl, from
near Nchawka, were business
callers in Murray Tuesday.
A. F. Hoedeker, from west of
Murray, was a passenger for
Plattsmoulh on the evening train
Frank Dugay is the proud pos
sessor of a new buggy. This is a
warning to men with nianiagable
Miss lla.el Tuey closed a suc
cessful term of school Friday at
District No. 7. Miss Tuey and
pupils enjoyed a picnic in the
Wiley woods.
Miss Mae and Wayne Lewis
entertain at dinner Sunday Miss
Itessie Kendall, Miss Clare Copcn
haver, Charles Swan and Joe
Five carloads of stock were
shipped from Murray to South
Omaha Monday evening. Those
shipping were: William Troop,
H. (I. 'Todd. John McDonald. Wil
liam Countryman and James
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt have
moved lo the late home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Hrowu, one of the pret
tiest little residence properties in
Murray. This makes it much
more convenient for Mr. Tutt, be
ing located so near the store.
James Willard, from west of
Murray, was here Wednesday to
consult a physician in regard to
a few days' illness, which proved
to be a genuine case of smallpox.
The local physician immediately
notified the county physician of
the condition and that he. needed
immediate attention.
mm m mm
Surplus $5,000 fi
Time Deposits.
Miss Clara Young spent Sun
day with her parents.
'I J. McCulloch was in Plaits
mouth last Wednesday.
Albert Young was a Nebraska
City visitor last Saturday .
Miss Maude Ilusterhollz has
been very sick fop the past few
Henry Heebner spent Sunday
with friends and relatives in Nc
hawka. Glen Davis of Walbach, Neb.,
was a Murray visitor a few days
the past week.
Albert Schafer, from west of
Murray, was a Plattsmoulh visitor
last Saturday.
Charles Rutherford and daugh
ters of Plattsmoulh spent Satur
day at the lull home.
Mrs. Philip Keil and Mrs. O. V.
Virgin will entertain Saturday aft
ernoon for Miss Virgin.
Maurice Lloyd and John Hen
ton attended the band concert at
Plattsmoulh Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rutherford
of Platlsmouth spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dull.
Mrs. S. p. Pitman was visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
I rish Tuesday, making the trip
in the auto.
Cards are out announcing the
marriage of Miss Louise Virgin
to Mr. Robert Hurr, on Wednes
day, April 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Long and
daughter, (ierlrude, spent Sunday
with the family of Charles Long,
east of Murray.
James Pollock of the Plaits
mouin telephone company was in
Murray Tuesday checking in the
new manager and operator.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis of
Topcka, Kansas, arrived in Mur
ray this week and will make their
home on the (ilen Perry place.
Miss Margie Walker attemle
the operetta in Platlsmouth Mon
day evening, being a guest at the
II. N. Dovey home for the lime.
The Strollers' Quartet, are bell
lingers; be sure and hear them
at the Presbyterian church Sat
urday evening, April 27, at 8:15
Mrs. J. W. Merger, who has
been in Lincoln for the past two
weeks, taking treatment for rheu
mutism, returned home on Wed
nesday of last week. She is much
belter, but not entirely relieved.
Dr. J. F. Hrendel went to Oma
ha Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs
Dae Lloyd, who went to consult
a specialist in regard to illness
of many months standing. Mrs
Lloyd's condition is some belle
ai tins nine, mil she gams
strength very slowly.
Hie Strollers' Male Quartet
A. itorilon Meele, tenor and
violinist; Ray Carpenter, lenor
w . (. Willis, naritone and
pianist; E. C. Parmenter, basso
niul impersonator. In presenting
I he Strollers' Quartet we do so
knowing that no quartet can sur
pass them. They present an cx
tensive and varied repertoire.
been sin
hi corn this week.
Mo. Earl Jenkin
was in
Plattsmoulh Tuesday .
William Rice was a Plalts
moiilli vi.-ifor last Thursday.
Julius I'jlls and William
mour were in Murray last Sunday.
James l.oughridge and Charles
Moedeker were in Omaha Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Countryman
were in Omaha Tuesday of this
Dr. fiilmorc and W. S. Scott
were Omaha visitors Wednesday
fieorgc Oldham of Plattsmoulh
was a Murray visitor Wednesday
of this week.
L. H. Itrown, the mayor of
Kenosha, was in Murray Wednes
day afternoon.
J. R. Yallery was looking after
some business matters in Murray
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis and
Miss May Loughridge were in
Omaha Tuesday.
Robert Young was an Omaha
visitor Wednesday evening, going
up to hear Roosevelt.
D. C. Rhoden was looking after
some business matters in the
county seat Tuesday morning.
All the farmers of this com
munity are shelling and deliver
ing their corn this week, taking
advantage of the high price of
70 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tutt were
latlsniouth Wednesday evening,
Mrs. Tutt going up to attend the
meeting of the Eastern Star, while
1 was visiting with county seal
Henry Long fell a few days ago
and injured his limb to some ex
tent. No serious injury will re
sult from the fall, as no bones
were broken, but it will be a trifle
painful for a few days.
W. E. Dull, who has been so iW
for the past few weeks, remains-
about the same condition as
asi wcck: one day lie seems- m
. a
rifle better and the next a litfcH?
Mr. Heisel, the importer of flnw
horses, has been in Murray the
past few days with a very fine
ercheron horse that he will sell
o the slock company now biing
organized here. It is without a
oubt one of the llnesl horse in
lass county.
The Farmers' Threshing Ma-
hine company of this bmcality
are preparing to load out their
old out lit to be replaced w ith a
new Russell outfit that will arrive
in Murray within the next few
days. They are preparing for the
big wheat crop this fall.
E. M. Hurger arrived in Murray
this week from Long Pine, Neb.,
where he has been visitinsc with
his daughter sinca he survived
from the operation he experienced
a few months ago for cancer of
the face. He was operated upon
at Hot Springs last November. He
has also had quite a serious time
with earbuncklos.
Uncle Hen Bcckman, road over
seer from this district, has just
ceived a new Little Oiant road
grader, and has been doing some
xcellent road work for the past
few days. His chief engineer over
the new machine is on the job for
true our old friend. Louie
Rheinarkle. Uncle Hen is always
on the alert for the good roads
proposition, and his assistants
are with him.
I'. J. Aniick, the rustling real
estate man, is preparing for his
next excursion to Arkansas, which
will be made on May 2d. He has
a large number promised to make
this trip with him, most of whom
are prospective buyers, and will
no doubt invest in that locality.
Mr. Am irk says he has some good
land in that locality and will
prove a good investment for those
with a little idle capital.
Grain Cleaning.
I have just purchased a new
cleaning machine and am pre
pared to clean all kinds of grain
and grass seeds; also seed corn.
Alf. Nickels, Route 1, Murray.
Seed Corn for Sale.
I have again tested my seed
corn and find that it is of the very
finest quality, and tests a very
high per cent, and have about 150
bushels for sale at $1.50 per
bushel. Ben Beckman.
Dirk Pitman ha
The United Presbytery.
The. United Presbytery of the
Omaha synod was in a Iwo-davs'
session in Murray Tuesday and
'e)nes(la of this week. The
meeting proved to be a most suc-
cesslul. interesting and very en.
Ihusiaslic one. Of the twelve
churches in this Presbvlerv.
which includes all the North
Platte territory and Cass and Otoe
counties south of the river, eight
of the following ministers were
present: Revernds H. H. Tyler of
Hrownlee, R. E. Lackey of Kwing,
J. S. Tusey of Pool, J. H. Crillin
of Dunbar, J. A. Kennedy, D.D., of
North Hend, William Pollock of
South Omaha, A. C. Douglass,
First church, Omaha, and Hugh
H. Speer, Central church, Omaha.
Rev. J. H. White of Fort Morgan,
Colorado, was in conference with
the Presbytery in the interests of
the mission fund. His discussion,
under a talk on "The Churches'
Double Call, Retrospective and
Prospective," included the million-dollar
mission fund and 25,
000 new members lo the church.
Rev, Lackey of Ewing discus
sed the "Million Dollar Budget."
The subjects for discussion Wed
nesday evening were: "Our
Church Call," by Rev. W. A. Pot
lock of South Omaha, and "Men
in Religion Movement," by Dr. J.
A. Kennedy of Nortel Hend.
One of the principal subjects
taken up by Hie Presbytery Wed
nesday morning was the building
of a. new church in South Omaha,
which was passed by a uiuiiuni.ou.s
mjU (.if those present.
The Ladies' Missionary society
of the Murray church served din,
iwv lo the ministers and a number
of, Liu? members of the church
A portion of the ministers re
turned, home Wednesday atttfP
uo(i)v not remaining foe lh Wed
nesday evening session. The
Hitft,Ln,tt was a very prwiita.bfe- and.
iinUi'L'sling one, and much good
work was accomplished.
Celebrates E-lrthday.
Mr. Otto Puis celieUrated her
2'ithi birthday annivecstcy at lieu
home, six miles west (if Murray,
w Sunday, April It. The oc
casion was a most ciiji,i.yabl.e at-
fair for the large number present.
There were over seveuly-live rela
tives and friends at the Puis home
on this occasion to assist Mr. ami
Mrs. Puis in celebifjilion the happy
event. The day was s-peiad m
numerous gainer, music atml a
genuine good tune. Tlwy wer
treated lo a feast of good things
to eat al the usual hours, and
when we say it was a feast we
know it, for we know that Mrs.
Puis knows how lo prepare a
meal thai cannot be surpassed in
any home in Cass county, and th
vast number present know Ihis as
well as, c do. Mis Mary West,
sister f Mrs. Puis, from Platts
moulh, was present to assist Mrs.
Puis in the serving. Mrs. Pub
was the recipient of a large num
ber of very handsome and useful
presents, which will remain very
dear lo her in years to come in re
membrance of the happy twenty
fourth birthday. We joint with
the merry crowd in wishing her
many more such happy occasions.
A New Gas Light
Just last week we spoke of
Murray soon becoming a genuine
manufacturing town, and from
Hie developments of tho past week
we know it. S. (). Pitman is now
in line with a new invention that
if it proves as successful as he
thinks for, will make Murray a
genuine manufacturing lown. It
is a new acetylene gas plant, and
it sure produces the very tlnest
light known to the arlillcial plan
of illumination. He will produce
a plant with a tlfty-light capacity
for the same money that other
companies are placing one wun
half the capacity. Sam now has
one lank creeled for the tryoul
and it is working lo perfection
It is Mr. Pitman's intention to
make the machines in their pres
ent shop until the business in
creases to the necessity of
erecting a new building, which
will be done in due time. The
new light is a success beyond all
doubt and will sure meet with
great demand when properly in
troduced on the market.
Slops itching instantly. Cures
piles, eczema, salt rheum, tetter,
itch, hives herpes, scabies
Doan's Ointment. M any drug
4 f W
The Strollers' Quartet
Bank Meeting.
The Murray State Hajik held its
annual meeting Monday after
noon, at which tinic'the regular
election of officers was held. All
the old officers as follows were
re-elected: Charles C. Parmele,
president; Fred L. Nutzman, vice
president, and W. ft. Ifcoedeker,
cashier. The Murray State Bank
is one of the strong banking
houses of this part of the state,
and while it may not be as large
as some of them, it is a. strong
as the best of them. The annual
report made by Cashier Roedeker
was one upon which be is to be
congratulated, and: wa satisfac
tory in every partfeuliar. The
earnings and business have been
in keeping with the balance of
the banks of the county, which is
duf lo (he- able1 at te rot iota given by
Mr. Hoedeker.
We are offering a large assort
ment of summer dVess goods,
reguTar 25c vaFues, at! 17 cents.
l!)-cent values at ffl' cents.
An extraordinary fttrgc assort
ment tfif new patterns in ging
hams, percales and pirints.
n'raft & Tutt,
Murray, Neb.
Auto for Sale.
' Regal' 30 h. p fOur-passenger
car. Pike new. . Prestolite tank,
w ind' shield', clVieit, speedmometer,
tire chains and1 extra inner tube.
Original' cost $f, 450.00. Price,
19'OflVOi'K. 1 liave taken the agency
for the Berg "6,
and have no
use for this one and wish to dia
pi !' ilt all twmee.
J. W. Holmes, Murray.
Dance In Murray.
The- Murray Dancing club will
giNe a mother fance in Jenkins'
harr in Murray on Saturday even
ing, April1 27. The music will be
furnished! by the Jacobs' or
chestra of Omaha. Y'ou know the
gotnf time that is in store for youi
so make up your mind to attendf
right now.
Forest Rose Flour. The nati
time you need a sack of flour try
a sack. You will find it the best
on the market.
Leave orders at Murray State Bank
Address either PUttstnouthi
or Murwy;.
Is wanted in Murray by
and the highest market price will
be paid at all timas.
Your stock will be accedted at
any time you wish to make the
delivery, and we will guarantee
to pay you the very best market
All We Ask is a Trial to
De Fair With You
Telephone No. 14 or IS
Murray, Nebraska
. 1
. x
. i
- i
4 (Special Correspondence.) 4"
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Dioks of
Cob-ridge spent Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Puis.
Mr: and Mrs. Fred Engelkemeir
left Thursday evening for Kansas
City to spend a few days,, and.
from there to Olpa,. Kansas,, to
visit with relatives for a few
The German Woman's club hold
their monthly meeting with. Mrs..
Adam Hild Wednesday,, being
largely attended..
George Hild and, L.. IK. Puls
made a business trip, In Neliawka
Mr. and Mrs. E. Oak of Fair
bury spent las-ti week; visiting
relatives in this-community..
Mrs. Alfred Jitnseni and Mi's..
W. H. Puis-made a trip'tn. Murray
Saturday evening;.
W. Y.. Philpop is spending: tbis
week in the western; parti ofi the
Quite a. numben of friends- and:
relatives spent Sundny at the
home of Mfv.and! Mrs,. Otto Puis,
to help celebrate file- latter'
birthday anniversary:.
W. II: .Puis-made abusihesfcrip.
to Weeping Water Tuesday..
Joe Shrader ltft WiediiesdUy
for the' wostnrjii pai?tl off tile st:ator
to look after business maMkmsv -
NOTICE Off SttllEl.
Notice is hereby gifcem UlaA by
virtueof.ajQhatUil! moRtgagav dtuhttd
June 15th,. 1.911,. andi duJ.v fUM iu
the oflice of the county attack of
Cass- County,.- Nflbnasto. on the
30th-day of JHuin 1911,, auadi ex
ecuted by Harry MJitrtjiiiif t Ren soouro-Uho paiViiirtnti ,t the
sum of $(00.po. ajid. upwffl which
thnno is. now diui- Lhc s-aun of
The said! Harry Mlaititiii;-, having
abandoned; tih inwetfcajeedl prop
erty hnntiiliaftn- (ltaciriJ'J and
tihereby. making (tofrimM), and said
mort'gagjM- dkonHjin Oiiimlf insecure-
ij the- payment of said
sum;- llVau no s-:tf wr- otber pro
ceedings at law haivifinB been in
stilufetli fcj. retfiMw said debt or
any parti thtfLwf, titWffvfore, I will
sell the property therein described
One Avery PTngine, 16 horse
power: ootte- Avery threshing
8pairatof- Nov 3156, with wind,
stacker and self-feeder complete,,
and one Avery water tank,
at public auction at the house off
Nick Friedrich, one mile south of"
Murray, in Cass County, Nebrasj-jk.
on the- ttfh day of May. 191,3,1;
? oVlork p. m. of said day.
latcd April 18th, 1912.
RKN DILL, Mori gjtw.
Goes to Arrowhead, fc. Ok
Frank Lepert, whti hrt been
living in this sectiwj; fur Mime
time, loaded his gm4s here last
Saturday evening an4 departed for
Arrowhead, S. I where he will
make his future IWme. Mr. Le
pert called at fw JMirnal office
Saturday evomijux and had the
paper sent U his new home for ft
year. He ha farm in thi
locality and wilt follow that lW
of work.
To Those Interested,,
The notes and accounts ,ue
the late tirm of Edmund A Brown
arc left at the State llsnk of Mur
ray for (he convenience of those
who may desire to nettle. This is
done because T will not he in
Murray all tho time, having busi
ness on my farm.
J. V. Edmunds.
Red Polled Calves.
I have five high grade pedigreed
fled Poll bull calves for sale. Also
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs at
75c per setting.
Alf. Nickels, Houte 1, Murray.
Miss Mary Foster left for "the
interior of the county this morn
ing, where she will visit schools
for a .few days.