The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 11, 1912, Image 3

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    Sew Arrivals!
Linen Collars
Vense Collars
Side Jabots
: ' Jabot's
;' Auto Veils
Auto Scarfs
Cotton Fringe Trimming
Cotton Ball Trimming
Swiss Allovers
Venise Allovers
! Venise Laces 1
Armenian Laces
Winsor Ties
Swiss and Venise Bandings
Bv virtue of an onler of al issued
bv A. J. l!ieon hh County Jude of
Cnss f.MMitv, Nehrnska, on tlit Htlt day
o! Ajuil. A. 1). IS 12. upon a judgment
111! f If 11 III'l omit 111 IHNor t
istiili M. Huberts Knairitil Jnmes .
Kaspar for tlip sum of $275.00 and
osts, In an action In sain I'ouri penu-
ins(. wliwefn Joseph M. Kolierts Is
laintltT and James . Kaspar is He-
n.liMit I will, on the 2Ut 1 tiav of
April. A. lv. 11U2. at 10 o'clock a. m. of
aid itu, at l no tront aoor or tnw couri
i ouse of said Count v. in I'luttsniouth
Nebraska, sell at public auction to t lie
iithest bidder-tor ash the following
excritied persdnal properly, to-wit:
Ten sacks or rvo Hour, sts ins. rain.
11 sacks of Sun-Kissed Hour, 9X lbs.
17 sacks of Forest Hose Hour, lis ids.
:fi sacks of Neliawka Hour, SS lbs.
0 sacks of Cold Medal Hour, as ids.
:S ?acks or lleisel s Hour, ins. eacn,
One Choppie gasoline engine.
VK1I IlilPH tlf U'lllill. -
To satisfy said order of sale, the
uinnitnt .lnf thereon brill IT. in the BH
recate. $275.00 antl il.i.Oj costs, anu
accruing costs.
t:. 1. yi '
Sheriff of disss County, Nebraska.
1-9-10 days
Tony Massio Injured. '
Tony Massio, a Greek laborer,
in (ho employ of the Burlington,
working with the bridge gang,
while unloading sand on the "Y"
at Oreapolis ,this morning was
quite seriously injured. Tony
was on a coal dump car of sand
helping to unload and had an iron
liar with which he was doing some
heavy leaver work, when the bar
.slipped and caught the calf of
his left leg, inflicting a painful
contused larcerated wound. He
was brought to Plattsmouth on
No. i and taken to Dr. Living
ston's office, wbere his wounds
was dressed. As a result Tony
will not bea ble to return to work
for some days.
New Barber Shop at Cedar Creek
Mr. S. B. Realties of Cedar
(reek was in the city Tuesday
looking after some business mat
ters, and while here paid the
Journal office a brief call, placing
an ad in these columns for his
new barber shop, just completed
at Cedar Creek. He has just
completed the erection of a new
building, in which his shop is
located, and will lie a very modern
and cosy place,' one the like of
which is seldom found in a town
like Cedar Creek. Mr. Reames is
a barber of considerable ex
perience and there is no reason
why he should not do a good
business. He will conduct i
nolary public work also, and wil
acrry a good line of candies and
Jos. McCaffery, Mgr. Schlitz
Hotel, Omaha, and Vice President
in Nebraska of "Greeters of
America," writes: "I recommend
Vnlnv's TTnnpv and Tar Com-
nnn ..pp, for concha due. They are smooth, selected
and colds. I have used it myself enu,II "T1, fn,e Lfr,om fr,1
iTice s.uu per ousnei, sacKeu
Seed Potatoes.
One car of our pure Red River
Early Ohio seed potatoes is now
with good results, and have re-
commended it to many others,
who have since told me of its
great curative power in diseases
of the throat and lungs." For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
F. Moore Wins Third Prize.
Nehawka, Neb., April 1.
Just at this time I feel it my
duty to say a few words in regard
to the Daily News contest. After
looking carefully over the returns
of the contestants that won at
the News oflice,I find that I was
only defeated from flrstp rize be
cause the contestants that won
and will be higher, so order now
We pay the freight. Alfalfa seed
purity 99 per cent; growth
nearly 100 per cent, $10.45 per
bushel. Ask for samples.
Johnson Rros.,
Nebraska City, Neb
On Wednesday, April 3, in the
city of Lincoln, Mr. Harrison Liv
ingston and Miss Rose Tschirren
were married. The bride, we
learn, resided near Plattsmouth
and is a stranger to most all in
first and second prizes in some this vicinity. However, in chang
way were able to induce the peo-ing her name from Tschirren to
pic to extend their subscriptions . Livingston she has accomplished
two years, and also where they j considerable besides securing a
were taking only daily to take,miphty fine young man. The
both daily and Sunday, and there-j bride and groom have laid in
lore they sent in very few more ( household goods and reside on
renewals than I did and no more the old home farm two miles
v!Il II1"IJ"
The readings below are taken at the
BurlinKton depot, where the ther
mometer Is placed under condition
similar to those used by the United
Slates weather bureau:
Temperatures In Plattsmouth.
$ a. m 50 1 p. in. ... G8
10 'a. in (ii 2 p. in. ... 71
Fur Nebraska Local rains,
followed by clearing Thursday
evening, rriilay, probably lair.
tag! mtmo)
;S-0 ------r-T- -r-H
l-LM? I 1
I.l'.ti AIi wnt K.
In the District Court of Cana County,
Millie D. Montgomery, Plaintiff.
James F. Archer. Defendant.
James F. Archer, defendant, will take
notice that on the 9th day of March, A.
1). 1912, Millie 1. Montgomery, plaintiff
herein, n ed her petition in tne ui8'
trict Court of Cass County. Nebraska,
nirnlnst said defendant. . James F,
Archer, the object and prayer of saia
petition are, to quiet the tine, in tne
plaintiff, Millie D. Montgomery, In and
to the following described real estate,
'Commencing at the southest corner
of the northwest quarter of the south
east quarter of Section twenty, Town
ship eleven, range fourteen K. In Cass
County, Nebraska; thence norm ten
rotls; thence west to the west line of
said quarter; thence south ten rods to
the southwest cornor of the said north
west quarter of the southeast quarter;
thence east to the place of beginning,
containing Ave acres; and to declare
null and void and or no rorce and
effect a certain deed of conveyance of
said real estate from Abel Crabtree to
James F. Archer, which deed Is re
corded In the deed records of Cass
County, Nebraska, in book thirty-four
at page 589, and to declare null and
void any and all claims of said James
F. Archer In and to said real estate;
also alleging adverse possession of
said premises for more than ten years
last past, and prays for equitable
You are required to answer said cetl
tlon on or before the 22nd day of April,
a. d. taiz.
' Millie D. Montgomery,
C. A. HawU. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Campaign for New Members.
J, W. Doran, the iield man for
Nebraska for the Loyal Mystic
Legion, has been in the city for a
week and has a class of twenty
five members ready for initiation
tonight. This popular fraternal
insurance order was organized
locally about seventeen years ago,
and has 200 benllciary members
in this city. The order has paid
out about $25,000 in losses in
this community since its estab
lishment here, which speaks
volumes for the insurance side of
the. company, and its social
features are as good, if not bet
ter, than its competitors. Mr.
Doran expects to put in a class of
fifty new members before the
campaign is over.
James V. Kaspar will take notice
that on the 26th day of February, A.
D. 1912, the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, In its Justice
jurisdiction, issued an order of at
tachment for the sum of One Hundred
Six and 92-100 Dollars, In an action
pending before said court wherein the
I'lattsmouth State Bank, a corporation
Is plaintiff, and James V. Kaspar is de
fendant, that property of the defend'
ant, consisting of one Cliople gasoline
engine, seven piles of wood, 10 sacks
of rye flour, 98 lbs. each; 19 sacks Sun
klst flour, 98 lbs. each; 17 sacks Forest
itose Hour. 98 lbs. each: 30 sacks Na
hawka flour, 98 lbs. each; 6 sacks Gold
Medal flour, 98 lbs. each; S sacks Helsel
tlour, 98 lbs. each; has been attached
under said order. Said cause was con
tinned to the 18th day of April, A. D,
iviz, at 9 o'clock a. m.
north and two east of Weeping
Water. Weeping Water Republican.
new subscribers. Thanking you
all for your loyal support, I re
main, yours truly,
R. F. Moore, Nehawka, Neb.
Charles Manning, Middle ( "utice ur appuichtiupj poh
Branch, Neb., gives his report on LIQUOR LICENSE.
Foley Kidney Pills. He says: "I hi the Matter of the Application
had trouble with my kidneys, so of Henry H. Wiedeman for
bad that I passed blood. Doctor-j Liquor License,
ing did me but little good, so ! This is to certify that Henry II.
tried Foley Kidney Pills. One Wiedeman of the Village of
large bottle entirely cured mo of i Greenwood, Cass County, Ne
niy trouble, and I cheerfully re- braska, filed a petition in the
commend Foley Kidney Pills to' office of Die Village Clerk on April
anyone suffering with kidney! 10th, 1912, as required by the
trouble." For sale by F. G. Fricke' statutes of the State of Nebraska,
A CO. nn,l th1 ordinances of the Village
of Greenwood, to sell malt,
spirituous and vinous liquors for
the coming municipal year, in a
building situated on lot No. 277
in said village.
(SeaD L. H. DAFT,
Village Clerk.
Fremont Bridge Gone Again
Two spans of the Burlington
bridge over the Platte river went
out last night at Fremont. En
gineer I. T. Koonlz, who was pull
ing train No. 88 from Sioux City
to Pacific Juncl ion, had just pass
ed over I he bridge w ith his t rain
when the flood swept the two
pans of the bridge out. Mr
Koonlz says the river raised four
feel at Fremont in a very short
lime. The bridge had been put
in repair from 'the former flood
and had been in use but a few
For Representative.
We arc. requested to announce
the name of Georgo W. Olson as a
i'andidalc for stalo representative,
' subject to the choice of the
democratic voters at the pri
maries on Friday, April 19th.
Harsh physics react, weaken
the bowels, cause chronic con-
Doan's Regulets oper
A healthy man is a king in his
own right; an unhealthy man is . slipalion.
un unhappy slave. Burdock Blood ate easily, tone the stomach, cure
Hitters builds up sound neauii constipation. 25c. Ask your
keeps you well. druggist for them
The One Best
SIZZ is a powdered beveraee, and comes in trie following flavors: Orange,
Lemon, Celery, and Itoot beer.
Have your own Soda Fountain
in your Home.
The making of h glass of SIZZ needs only the addition of clear, cold water,
It's alive, it's sparkling, cooling and delicious.
SIZZ is put up in three size bottles- 2.rc, 50c and $1.00, and costs but about one
cent per drink. SIZZ may be bought in Plattsmouth at the followiug places
Smith &. Mauzy, Weyrich &. Hadroba,
H. M. Soennichsen, E. G. Dovey and Son,
Adolph Giesfc, Dd Donat
Leo. Grotte Mfg. Co.
Accidents will happen, but tho
best-regulated families keep Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil for such
emergencies. It subdues the pain
and heals the hurts.
For Infants and Children.
Tromotcs DittonJCkcrfii'
iwss and Resi.Contalnsncitto
Opiimi.MorphLic norMacraLI
fmf4w S.itf'
RsfJThe Kind You Have
Anetfect Remedy forCtoitsfln
tlon . Sour StotiuclUMarrtoi
FUSuufe Signuun f
Bears the Z, ,
ii . , . . --- -
For Over
Thirty Years
JSJJ Guaranteed under the
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
I wish to announce that I
have just opened a new
barber shop in Cedar Creek,
and hereby solicit the trade
of the community in that
line. Also notary public
work done. S. J. Reames.
1011 RUN 110 RISK
Our Reputation and Money
Back of This Offer.
I have arranged to get a rate
of $30.60 round trip to Dcrmott, way whatever, if you
We pay for al the medicine
used during tho trial, if our rem
edy fails to completely relieve
you. We take all the risk. You
are not obligated to us in any
accept our
Arkansas, on the second day of offer. Could anything be more
May, where we have 15,000 acres fair for you? Is there any reason
of line farm lands for sale. Those why you should hesitate to put
buying land while there will have our claims to a practical test?
Iheir railroad fare returned, tori A most scientillc, common-
further particulars apply to or sense treatment is Rexall Order
write, lies, which are eaten like candy.
T. L. Amick, Mynard, Neb. They are very pronounced, gentle
i Sec the exhibit at J. L. rtussell's and pleasant in action, and par-
Hiley Hotel Bar. -
licularly agreeable in every way,
They do not cause diarrhoea,
nausea, flatulence, griping, or
other inconvenience, Rexall Or
derlies are particularly good for
children, aged and delicate per
J. W. Edmunds, from Murray, sons.
was in i ne city today. We ursce you to try Rexa Or
J. W. Holmes of Murray was in derlies at our risk. Three sizes,
the city today, coming up in his 10c, 25c and 50c. Remember,
auto. you can get Rexall Remedies in
Adam Hild, one of the pioneer this community only at our store
C. Bengali of near Murray, one
of the prominent farmers and
stock raisers of that locality, was
a Plattsmouth visitor today.
8 Miles South of Plattsmouth
(the Old Martin Farm)
has installed a Saw Mill on his place,
and is prepared to furnish hard lum
ber of all kinds, posts and chunk
SA11 orders promptly filled, and
also solicited.
farmers of Cass county, from west
of Mynard, was in the city today,
Otto Puis, from west of Mur
ray, was in the city today, com
ing up in his auto to spend a few
hours with county scat friends.
William Puis, from near Mur
-The Rexall Store.
& Co., Union Block.
F. O. Fricke
Herman Grccdor,
Graduate Vetincary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Answered Promptly
Phone 378 White, Plattsmouth
Do You want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray State Bank.
Rates Reasonable
Ferry Road Open.
I. N. Hunter- says the ferry
road is open now so that one with
a learn can go to the ferry easily
was in the city a few hours At the points where the bank had
yesterday evening, coming down
from Omaha, where he and his
son, Otto, had been with some
stock, ell returned home on the
midnight M. P. train.
"Suffered day and night the
torment of itching piles. Noth
ing helped me until I used Doan's
Ointment. It cured me perman
ently." Hon. John R. fiarrett,
Mayor, Girard, Ala.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engelke
meier and daughter, from near
Nehawka, were in the city a few-
hours today visiting with county
seat friends and looking after
some business matters. Mr. and
Mrs. Engelkemeier took Hie train
this (Thursday evening, over
the M. P. for Kansas City, where
they will spend a few days visit
ing with friends.
incroached on I ho road the ferry
men put in a few shots of dyna
mite in the bank across the road
and widened the track so that
teams can pass along that way
without danger
A. C. narrow, the Burlington
civil engineer, of Lincoln, was
visitor in the city this morning
Strange Methods.
It is incredible that every new
method of treatment, even if op
posed toa II experiences of the
medical science, Ilnds its follow
ers who ridicule every other mode
of treatment. Some of these
fads are cold-water teratment.
lectricity, massage, diet, special
exercises, suggestion, Cchristian
science, etc. Some of these treat
ments are good for certain dis
eases, either alone or combined
with some other treatment, but
some are nonsensical or even
dangerous. Fortunately the ma
jority of people trusts in old
remedies which for years have al
ways given satisfaction, like
Trinor's American Elixir of Bitter
Wine in diseases of tho digestive
organs. It is not necessary to
try anything else in indisposition,
loss of appetite, constipation,
headache, nervousness and neu
ralgia, weakness, yellow com
plexion, jaundice and other dis
eases of the stomach, the liver
and the bowels. Atd rug stores.
Jos. Triner, 1333-1339 So. Ash
land Ave., Chicago, 111.
The Dcst Flour in the
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers
Parish Meeting Elects Officers.
At a meeting of the members
of St. Luke's parish last Mon
day evening the following officers
were re-elected: W. J. White,
senior ward; George Dodge, junior
warden; Carl Fricke, George
Falter and J. H. Thrasher, vestry.
men. Carl Fricke was elected
treasurer and George Falter
Ladies' Spring
1 (ol (ni (nlll H In) ir
I iy) iyj lyi iyj u u i L
Mrs. Dr. A. P. Barnes looked
after some items of business in
the metropolis this afternoon, go
ing on I he fast mail.
Hens 10c
Cream 293
This week only.
on every Ladies'
uft in She
IFangors Bop't. SSoro
f V. ZUCKER, Mgr. Home of Guaranteed Values.
1 1 H 1 1 I I t II II 1 1 I II H H H 1 III 1 1 III H Hill II H'HH It